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Digital Economy, Markets and Organizations: A Brazilian Perspective São Paulo, 11/25/2015 [email protected] @mcoutinho

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Digital Economy, Markets and Organizations:

A Brazilian Perspective

São Paulo, 11/25/2015 [email protected]


Demography Nature limits

You / Your Career / Your Company

Globalization of legal and compliance systems

Digital Information

Digital Social Networks

Internet of Things

Source: Envelhecimento populacional e desafios para o Sistema de Saúde Brasileiro, 2013

Brazil will age faster than Japan

1995... Digital Information

You / Your Career / Your Company

Average Time watching TV Mon-Fri: 4hs 31min Average Time listening Radio Mon-Fri: 3hs 42min Average Time on the Web Mon-Fri: 4hs 59min Average Time watching TV Sat-Sun: 4hs 14min Average Time listening Radio Sat-Sun : 2hs 33min Average Time on the Web Sat-Sun: 4hs 24min

TV and Web are the major media in Brazil

Source: Pesquisa Brasileira de Mídia 2015 - Secom

Fonte: TIC Domicílios 2014, CGI (campo Out 2014-Mar2015)

Internet access via mobile is growing in Brazil (76% of total internet users)

34% of mobile owners acess the web while watching TV (July 2015)

1995... Digital Information

2005... Digital Social Networks

You / Your Career / Your Company

1995... Digital Information

2005... Digital Social Networks

2020... Internet of Things

You / Your Career / Your Company

Source: Deloitte

New consumer relationships and expectations

Source: Data Never Sleeps 2.0 – Domosphere (Google, NY Times, Apple, Cisco, The Guardian)

Source: Google, The Connected Consumer Survey, 2015

“In an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention”.

Herbert Simon, 1971

Attention is the new oil

The ability to connect with society is the new frontier of competitive advantage and profitability

Redefine Organization Design and the meaning of work

Argentina: 91

Chile: 38

Colombia: 64

México: 69

Peru: 90

Venezuela: 103

Message to HR: Generation Y will age

Published: December 14, 1986 the baby boom generation, people who don't like being told what to do, who don't trust The Company, who want more than the satisfactions of money and title and who, deep down, though they haven't said so recently, want to contribute something to society. These children of the 60's, bearing their Ph.D.'s, J.D.'s and M.D.'s, are hot properties, Mr. Raelin says. Companies want to hire them, but once hired, they are hell on managers and, if managers don't handle them right, they leave.

To the baby boom parents (themselves emerging from the II World War and the Great Depression), familial life was equated with material possession; their children were to have everything. Never would they know the deprivation and hardship experienced by their parents. The result was a declining work ethic

Management Review, UCLA, 1988

Cognitive, non-routine

Manual, non-routine

Cognitive, routine

Manual, routine

HR is based 20th century bureacracy (control), not leadeship

You can lead, but you cannot control (even in the Army)

Rethink Competitive Advantage Cycles

As noted by Geoffrey Hosking in “Trust: A History”: “…trust is mediated through symbolic systems and their corresponding institutions, and those systems and institutions change over time”. After religion, money and the nation-state, may be a new symbolic system is emerging, where trust is based on technology, social networks and economic exchanges (my hypothesis). The growth of the sharing economy suggests that it will make more difference in societies like Brazil, where the state has failed in improving trust. This is just a hypothesis that needs the test of time, but if it is correct will show a growth path for many startups

Source: McGrath, 2013

Final Question: Can Shareholder Value Doctrine deliver in this new game?

Shareholder Value is not destiny. Is just a phase of economic history

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world

Digital Economy, Markets and Organizations:

A Brazilian Perspective

São Paulo, 11/25/2015 [email protected]
