digital events blueprint oct 6, 2009

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  • 8/8/2019 Digital Events Blueprint Oct 6, 2009


    IBM Demand ProgramsDigital Events Blueprint

    Blueprint teamKathleen Dowling, NA DP Digital Marketing: digital eventsRitu Asthana, CHQ, Marketing, Program Director, WW Customer EventsKnar Manoli, NA DP, U.S. STG

  • 8/8/2019 Digital Events Blueprint Oct 6, 2009


    Table of contents


    Section 1: Program Definition ..............................................................................4Section 2: Planning Process ................................................................................7Section 3: Execution Process .............................................................................10Section 4: Performance Management.................................................................13Section 5: Best/Next Practices...........................................................................16Section 6: Resources.........................................................................................18

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    This blueprint is designed to aid in the planning and execution of a virtual event as a means todeliver your programs solutions and key messages to customers/prospects. It was created toprovide you with an overview of digital events and how to optimize them to understand prospectactivity and increase interaction for improved sales.

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    Section 1: Program Definition

    Digital Events: A digital event is a gathering of people in a computer-generated environment,either at a specific date and time or on-demand, in order to acquire knowledge, share information,interact with each other and engage in activities of common interest.

    There are two types of digital events: webcasts and virtual conferences/business shows whichare described below.

    Webcasts are seminars or presentations made available via the Internet (streaming) whichcustomers may access either at a specified date and time or at any time, with or without theability for Q&A two way interaction. During the session, speakers may or may not be presentinglive during the session.

    Webcasts fulfill many marketing requirements and have the following attributes: Preferred source of information for business professionals because after the live event,

    they are available on demand, 24/7. Content can include thought leadership, awareness, lead acquisition and loyalty.

    Improve a marketing database at low cost because important information is easilygathered via the registration forms.

    Offer insights about what is top of mind (audience questions and survey). Provide the starting point from which a sales rep begins to dialogue with a prospect or

    customer. May be used for education sessions, product demos, as virtual conference/business

    show content and to promote upcoming events.

    There are two types of webcast:1. IBM Proprietary: Sponsored and hosted by IBM. Audience generation done by IBM.2. Co-sponsored: IBM engages a media company to promote and co-marketed the webcast.

    The media company works with IBM on audience generation, usually an industry specificpublication that has a subscriber base which matches the target audience.

    Virtual conferences/business shows (also known as virtual events) are similar to face-to-face(FTF) shows in that they can include: an exhibition hall, a conference center, a lounge and aresource center. You can optionally select these various elements to build the environment foryour event. The attendee enters a new digital dimension to experience a 2-D or 3-Denvironment and can choose between multiple activities offered, for example, solution or productpresentations, main tent or breakout sessions, live Q&A with clients and/or prospects with acontent focused on multiple topics tied to an overall theme.

    Virtual events are most often developed to engage an audience on solutions and provide contentrich information from multiple sources that include IBM, Business Partners and industry experts.The major advantage to implementing virtual conferences/business shows is the ability toproduce metrics and detailed reports about what people do at your virtual conference: sessionsattended, booth visits, chats and downloads. This information allows you to engage withprospects based on their interests and to decide future marketing and sales efforts. Furtherbenefits include reduced travel and materials available as download, which promotes a greenmessage from IBM.

    There are three types of virtual conferences/business shows:1. IBM Proprietary: Sponsored and hosted by IBM. Audience generation done by IBM.

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    2. Co-marketed: IBM engages a media company to promote and co-market with IBM. Themedia company works with IBM on audience generation, usually an industry specificpublication(s) that has a subscriber base that matches the target audience.

    3. Third Party: Event producer/media company (i.e.: Ziff Davis, Tech Target) owns, hosts,promotes and executes that event with multiple sponsors participating.

    Purpose: In todays marketplace, the ability to provide information virtually to our audience iskey to IBM and how and what we sell. Digital events can be used for thought leadership,opportunity generation, or opportunity nurturing. They can be solo events but are best used tocomplement traditional marketing techniques. The type of tactics for your target audience andthe messages you deliver are defined during the planning process

    Digital events have a longer shelf life and can be used in a variety of ways: short webcasts topromote a large FTF event, highlighting key events, etc. During the FTF event, recording a keyspeaker and promote as an encore presentation.

    Target Audience: Defined by each of Demand Program teams and their intended/targetaudience (C-level, IT manager, etc.)

    Position in the marketing funnel: Digital events support several stages of the sales cycle from

    awareness, consideration and preference, to lead generation and conversion, with some impacton loyalty. The table below provides some guidance how to they might be used during thevarious phases of the cycle:

    Type ofevent

    Awareness Consideration andPreference

    Lead Generation Conversion Loyalty

    Webcast * Can support othermkting. initiativesas thoughtleadership* Good method todrive awareness ofproduct/industrysolutions and

    offerings for targetaudiences who canbe driven to directand online mktingchannels* Good for singlesubject focus asduration is 1 hr.

    * Raw leads mustbe captured butneed to be qualified(OTM/Nurturingtactics)* Can support othermkting. initiativesas thought

    leadership tactic* Can supportvirtual bus. showsas a pre-eventmarketing tactic(with link to show)

    * Deepeningdiscussion withpotential customersby driving specificcontent relevant toaudience (includesQ&A)* Good for nurturing

    smaller groups,using targetedcontend to driveconsideration andpreference* Forum for rollingout specificproduct/solutioncont to targetaudience

    * Can supportother mktinginitiatives as aThoughtLeadership tactic

    * Good tactic fordelivering veryfocused contentrelevant tospecific targetaudiences* Effect tactic formaintaining

    regular contactwith existingcustomers (keyacc'ts, usergroups, BPs,press and media

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    Type ofevent

    Awareness Consideration andPreference


    Conversion Loyalty


    ess Show

    * Content rich info.from multiplesources (IBM, BPs,

    industry experts)* Can be co-branded with BPs,analysts, mediacompanies, etc.* Economicalalternative to reachmore clients duringtimes of budgetcuts

    * Tracked attendeeactivities: eventregistrations, exhibit

    booth visits,downloads, chatsessions, etc.* Can help identifywhere they are insales cycle based onactivity and identifynurturing points.

    May not be aseffective as FTFevents for later

    stage leadconversion* Consider FTFevents first ifconversion isyour primaryobjective

    * Good tool forreaching out topartner

    communities* Use as a portal tokey customers* Createcommunities thatlive on after theevent

    Integrate with 360 plans: Digital events (webcasts and virtual conferences/business shows) arepart of Demand Programs marketing mix; they are currently used to promote industry solutions

    (as promotional tactics for large FTF events) and to extend the reach of large FTF events (alongthe lines of Smarter Cities Comes to You" via a virtual conference). Budget plays a key role onhow much can be done to meet the opportunity identified (OI) and validated lead revenue (VLR)goals for the individual programs.

    High level objectives: Today, IBM audiences are quite comfortable engaging via interactiveenvironments. As the costs of live events rise and attendance declines, digital events are usedmore to host a variety of activities from sales conferences to trade shows and product launches.A big plus is they can be accessed instantly from anywhere. Digital events provide the following:

    Showcase IBM and our solutions in a manner that demonstrates technology leadership Extend the reach of an event and address the change in audience behaviors (state of the

    economy and travel restrictions)

    Build prospect lists for and promote future events (virtual and FTF) Augment and market F2F events to people unable to attend those events (no shows

    and declines) Gather extensive attendee feedback and data to improve the next event.

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    Section 2: Planning Process

    Goals: Clearly determining goals and objectives for your event lets you more easily identify thestrategy and resources required to achieve them. Defining the goals is a critical step fordeveloping a strategy that unites brand, audience, and information. To that end, building a virtualevent around an important and timely issue, release, topic or theme that is uniquely relevant toyour industry provides compelling context for customers and partners

    Each digital event has a unique goal as define by the particular Demand Programs team. Hereare several things to consider:

    Build prospect lists for and promote future FTF events. Extend the reach of FTF events by reusing program content, creative assets, and

    messaging from national level FTF events. Market to those unable to attend FTF events (no shows and declines) Pilot new FTF event concepts by launching them virtually first in a business show format. Promote specific solutions to a target audience.

    Planning Inputs: Based on the strategy, the Demand Program core team determines the tactictype, offers and call to action goal and ensures it is part of the overall 360 plan. A closeconnection with your sales team will help you develop the plan.

    As you map out your digital event and the objectives, think about: What are we marketing, who is our primary audience and is a digital event the right

    marketing method for them? What key problems or issues are faced by this audience? What keeps our target audience from buying? What is our claim or proof that compels them to consider the offering? What customer success stories are available for this offering? What Smarter plant themes does this event link to?

    Integration points: As part of the drive to activity, digital events can and should integrate intovarious other digital marketing disciples (vertical programs) that are in the 360 plan. Considerthese options:

    Pre-event: Use the following techniques to target promotional content with a registrationlink to your specific audience, expand the reach, and drive registrations:

    o Industry eMagazine articles or banner adso emails to IBM contact list and subscriber listso IBM eNews and magazines articleso IBM PartnerWorld web contento Social media : engage with bloggers and post content with relevant groups on

    Twitter and Facebook to promote your digital evento Create a web presence on Events Calendar page

    During the digital event: Promote conversations with attendees that highlight what theyare doing/learning in real time:

    o Social media: Tweets during your digital event to promote a keynotepresentation at a specific time or encourage discussions among attendees

    Post-event: Extend the life of your digital event by promoting the on demand available:o Industry eMagazine article or banner adso A Thank you for attending email with links to replay and downloads (white

    papers, reports related to topic, etc.)
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    o Sorry we missed you email with links to replay and access to an pagefor more information on topic

    o Social media posting to promote replay of your digital event on Twitter andFacebook

    o Web presence on Events Calendar page with replay linko eNurturing steams for both attendees and non attendees with links to additional

    information to keep the contact engaged on the topic. This can be done throughezVRM

    Tactic and data strategy: Each program framework determines its specific target audiencebased on their industry and the offerings and solutions covered during the digital event. Forexample, LOB Public Sector digital event on transparency in government mandates would targetFederal and State managers who must understand what the mandate means for them and howIBM solutions help to address this mandate.

    Resources and roles:

    Demand Programs team owns and manages the event including strategy, planning,execution and vendor management.

    Event agency: George P. Johnson may be engaged for advice and counsel. When theyprovide project management, there is a fee when it is not under SOW for that DP team.

    Virtual Event vendors: ON24 and Unisfair are the IBM approved vendors for virtualconferences.

    Note: Contact the Digital Marketing team for help in evaluating which agency is rightfor your virtual conference.

    Budget: What is the estimated budget and funding strategy? Webcasts: Range from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on speakers, sponsorship and

    promotional tactics Virtual events: Range from $30,000 to $175,000 depending on speakers, sponsorship

    and promotional tactics Funding is provided by each Demand Programs team if included in the plan. If an event

    is added, other possible funding sources may come from the brands, another programframework teams, sales, or corporate/WW funding.

    Success criteria: Defined by each Program Framework. Registrations Attendees to live event On demand viewers E/O and E/R Based on lead follow-up plan by LGRs or sales reps: VLR and Wins

    ROI: Determining the return on investment depends on the Program Framework and objective ofthe virtual event. Consider coordination with Sales for both pre and post event surround tactics toincrease ROI. Another key to figuring your return is analyzing all the all data provided by thedigital event vendor from registration and attendees to time spent at the event, booth visits, chats,and downloads (all the behavioral data). These detailed reports provide with a better qualifiedlead and tells you what attendees did and where their interests lie. The sales force can targettheir prospect discussions accordingly.

    Typical Schedule: Webcast: 6 to 8 weeks with demand generation in 3-4 weeks before the event Virtual conference/business show: 16-18 weeks planning cycle with demand generation

    fully developed and in market 6 weeks before event
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    Planning tips: Organize the team

    o Engage one of the approved technology service providers for IBM-led virtualconferences/business shows

    o Audience generation for virtual conferences/business shows: Neo@Ogilvyo Event management expert: GP Johnsono

    Enhance teaming with Sales to provide a more coordinated follow up and to helpto improve ROI.

    Allow ample planning timeo Webcast 6 to 8 weekso Virtual conference/business show 6 to 18 weeks

    16 weeks pre-event to develop virtual environment 14-16 weeks to develop agenda and content 12-14 weeks pre-event to develop audience generation plan 8-12 weeks pre-event to launch event marketing and promotion

    Schedule virtual events carefullyo Avoid major industry events, major holidays, and major IBM eventso Consider budget cycles of your event sponsorso

    If your audience is worldwide, schedule or repeat sessions to improveattendance around the globe For a virtual conference/business show, follow the same process as FTF event

    o Create brief in ESTo Schedule and balance compelling content - no more than 5 sessions per day

    with scheduled breakso Develop audience generation plano Promote the event to maximize attendance

    External and internal communications Utilize Business Partners If series, promote entire series

    o Use social networks in marketing and promotion plans and integrate throughoutvirtual event (pre, during and post event)

    o Create marketing materials to first educate, then recruit sponsors During a virtual conference/business show, retain attendees interest by:

    o Keeping sessions to 30-40 minutes and allowing time in between presentationsto send attendees to the exhibit hall

    o At the end of conference sessions, push a link on the screen to send attendeesdirectly to session sponsors (or speakers) booth in the exhibit hall

    o Assign someone to monitor or moderate Q&A at sessions. If your audience is indifferent time zones, schedule or repeat sessions to improve attendance

    Consider pre-recording presentations to reduce risks (and stress) for presenters duringthe live event:

    o Speakers record their sessions in advance then they played the recordings aslive at the scheduled time.

    o Always engage with attendees with real-time Q&A, even for a pre-recordedspeaker

    o Motivate attendees to stay online for the entire event by offering incentives to beawarded at the end of the event (a prize drawing, a competition, or a businesstool for download, etc.)
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    Section 3: Execution Process

    Detailed timelines for webcasts and virtual conferences/business shows can be found in DPOnline library.

    Webcast: 6 to 8 weeks to plan and execute. Ensure you have speakers and subjectmatter experts signed up to participate prior to the kick off call.

    Virtual conference/business show: 16 -18 weeks to plan and execute due the variety ofcontent, formats, speakers and building the online infrastructure

    Refer to the Demand Programs NA Campaign Planning Process and Checklists for specificexecutions steps for webcasts and virtual events.

    Key steps: Submit an Event Marketing Brief (EMB) in the Event Solution Tool (EST) for approval.

    This occurs before kicking off the event. (You can create the EMB months in advanceand work on it in draft mode until you have all the details of the event. Then, submit itonce you have all required information.) GPJ teammates must be named in the EMB to

    allow for post event updates. (Note: Webcasts do not require an EMB.) This occurs EMB can be worked on as draft, and then submitted once all required

    information is known. EMB may be created months in advance with some informationand then updated when all details are known before kicking off the event. GPJteammates must be named in the EMB to allow for post event updates. (Note:Webcasts do not require a EMB)

    SOR and SOW completed by agency with team review including Procurement. Engage with virtual event producer to determine virtual environment options, IBM

    participation levels, event date and whether the event includes business partner or otherassociation involvement. Note: If IBM is the sole sponsor, you may have the ability toselect the event date. If you have BP involvement, determine if fee based program.

    Engage Expense Management to process POs (agency, web vendor, media) andcommunicate details to all parties

    Schedule tactic kickoff call to include the following groups and topics:o DP, Digital Marketing focal, MI, Agencyo Review event plan/contracto Confirm funding sources/charge codeso Establish event objectives (VL, VLR, W & WR), registration/tracking process,

    lead plan and requirements with Sponsor and IMC Team Submit audience sizing to Harte Hanks as appropriate Request tactic definition/deployments in BAT W code for webcasts, M code for virtual

    conferences/business shows (considered an event ) BAT resource requests as needed Create scripts as needed Understand the response plan, call to action and lead management designations. Training for Call Centers, LDRs and Data Maintenance Centre as appropriate Monitor campaign and make adjustments as needed

    Ways to promote your event: Ensure sponsor does promotions to the target audiences:

    o email blasts to subscribers,o Post content on their websiteo Include content in eNewsletters

    Engage sales force by providing with the email copy that they send to their accounts
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    Consider posting to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter under appropriate categories withlinks to registration page. Ask about specific links for each to track responses.

    Ensure the event is listed on If your event that does not require an entry into EST (i.e. a partner event, podcast,

    webcast etc.), you can you can still place this event on the calendar. Simply fill inthe Manual Event Submission form and submit the form to Arlene


    Webcasts should carry a W code, with a subcategory of Web-based. The entire session may berecorded and made available for replay. Refer to BAT Tactic Coding.doc

    Tactic Communication Vehicle (defines HOW a tactic is delivered

    1. Web-based

    W Message is delivered via web-based media. Includes: web sites for brand,customer set, country; landing page, internet banner, e-catalog, liveassistance, web content syndication, contextual advertising (link), searchengine advertising, viral marketing, social media marketing, and webcasts.

    2. OTMFollow up

    T Message is delivered via telephone-based outreach. Includes: pre-eventregistration/confirmation, post event follow-up to registrants, requested call,reason for call

    Tactic Interaction Subcategory

    1. Web-based

    Webcasts A seminar or presentation made available via the Internet for customers toaccess either at a specified date and time or at any time, with or withoutthe ability for Q&A two way interaction. Speaker may or not be presentinglive during the session.

    2. Tele Follow-upon W-CodeResponse

    Outbound telephone activity driven by a client's response to a tacticcategorized as Web-based (W). Such calls are always categorized asResponse-Triggered Proactive.

    Tele CallRequestedon W-CodeResponse

    Outbound telephone activity fulfilling a "call me" request captured in aclient's response to a tactic categorized as Web-based (W). Such calls arealways categorized as Reactive.
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    Virtual conferences/business showsactivities should be entered into Event Solution Tool andcarry an M code. Refer to BAT Tactic Coding.doc.

    Tactic Communication Vehicle (defines HOW a tactic is delivered

    1. Event M Message delivered during a gathering of individuals who meet at a pre-arranged time and engage in two-way communication. Onsite events

    host the gathering at a designated physical location. Online or virtualevents host the gathering through a computer-generated environment.Includes: seminar, conference, virtual conferences/business shows.

    2. OTMFollow up

    T Message delivered via telephone-based outreach. Includes: pre-eventregistration/confirmation, post event follow-up to registrants,requested call, reason of call

    Tactic Interaction Subcategory

    1. Event VirtualConference /BusinessShow

    An event that is scheduled at a specific time, with live audio and/or videodistributed via the Internet or on digital networks which includes theability for the live presenter to interact in real-time with attendees viavoice or text chat. The attendee enters a new digital dimension toexperience a 2-D or 3-D environment and can choose between multipleactivities offered, e.g. solution or product presentations, main tent or

    break out sessions, live Q&A with clients and/or prospects with a contentfocused on multiple topics tied to an overall theme. If a replay is madeavailable, no new tactic should be created.

    2. Tele Follow-up onM-CodeResponse

    Outbound telephone activity driven by a client's response to a tacticcategorized as Event (M). Such calls are always categorized asResponse-Triggered Proactive

    Tele CallRequestedon M-CodeResponse

    Outbound telephone activity fulfilling a "call me" request captured in aclient's response to a tactic categorized as Event (M). Such calls arealways categorized asReactive.
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    Section 4: Performance Management

    Metrics: Digital event vendors provide registration and attendance reports for all virtual events.For virtual conferences/business shows, you are also given behavioral data. Some vendorssupply reports as requested and defined during the kick off call. ON24 provides access to

    specific reports that a team can pull itself. Click the following link to see a webcast reportexample:


    Demand Programs teams get weekly pipeline reports from the Analytics team and in some casesfrom Opportunity Management Services (OMES). The OMES pull by MPID and details by tacticID.

    Here is a sample of summary report:

    Standard reports include: Total audience for demand gen tactics such as email Completed registrations Live attendees On demand views Total time spend at the event Opportunities identified (OI) Validated Lead (VL)/Validated Lead Revenue (VLR) Wins/Win Revenue

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    A sample pipeline weekly report for Leveraging Information webcasts/virtual events, provided bythe Analytics team, appears in the following figure:

    Data capture: IBM data capture is done through a registration form. The event vendor providesa spreadsheet and the information is entered into Siebel.

    Virtual conferences/business shows provide robust reports that enable you to target yournurturing steam and improve future digital events. These "behavioral" metrics demonstrate the

    participation level of attendees at a virtual environment event, such as:

    Click throughs (to various elements/areas of the event) Downloads of content/documents Chat with representatives (via text, polling or voice) Directories accessed Searches conducted Sessions attended Questions asked Booths visited Time spent at the event

    Benchmarks: Virtual events are measured in much the same way as a live event because mostof the same metrics apply: registrations, attendees, validated leads, and wins

    For demand gen, depending on media type: Email and third party sponsorship: 1-2% registration rates to event Media buy: pay for X registrations and they deliver in full. 30% attend live event 1% of registrants return as on demand viewers over the course of 6 months

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    You can also gauge an attendees satisfaction with event experiences through polls and surveys,including:

    Content Speakers Format Timeframe

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    Section 5: Best/Next Practices

    Detailed best practices documents for webcasts and virtual conferences/business shows can befound in DP Online library.

    Webcast example:

    BI for the Front LineDec 4, 2008Contact: Joan Demco, DP Leveraging InformationLink: 1,000 registrants (800 above the guarantee of 200)Attendees: 480

    VL=9, VLR=$1.6M, Win=1 and Win Revenue=$280K in same quarter as webcastPartners: TDWI (The Data Warehousing Institute)Key elements:

    Co-sponsored by TDWI, a well know source in the data warehousing and businessintelligence so target audience visits site often to see what is being offered.

    Additional registrations were driven by TDWI email blasts specific to this webcast. Participation by subject matter analyst provided by TDWI was known and an excellent

    presenter. Educational content: need/solution rather than sales pitch Extensive promotion to IBM Sales Lead development recommends duplicating this effort due to the quality results

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    Virtual Conference/Business Show example:

    Dynamic Infrastructure Virtual EventMarch 3-4, 2009Contact:Knar Manoli, Demand Programs STGLink: 957 attendeesEvent technical partner: ON24Attendees: Strong representation of decision makers, evaluators, and influencersKey elements:

    Leveraged web technologies to reach new audience Strong messages as follow on discussion to Dynamic Infrastructure launch As of March, 2009, most registrants and attendees to an IBM virtual event Projected $32M VLR against a projected target of target: $25M Continue to drive to replay to reach non-attendees, implement sales call to action, drive

    further demand through organic search, web modules, STG magazine, newsletter,renews and nurture steams based on areas of interest

    Next Practice: Proof-of-concept tactic or emerging media; not yet proven Video clips as part of the virtual conferences/business show:

    o As virtual environments become even more engaging and interactive, they willduplicate even more realistically the physical environments they are replacing.With advances in 3-D and Flash technologies, the virtual show visual experiencehas been improved dramatically. This makes a virtual show a viable option foreven the most strategic events. See ON24 Web Event Center for an example ofthis option.

    Refining digital event capabilities to broadcast to mobile devices. IBM NA Virtual Show would be a central location where clients could access virtual

    conferences/business shows and related content produced by IBM NA.

    Note: For a detailed view of virtual events, refer to the 2009 NA VE Analysis document.
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    Section 6: Resources

    Key resources for digital event:

    NA Demand Programs Digital Events focal:Kathleen Dowling, [email protected]

    Event agency of record:GP Johnson

    Webcasts with live Q&A (one approved vendor for this type of digital event)On24:Aron Davidson, [email protected], 203-832-2928Ross Minckler, [email protected], 415-369-3815

    Virtual Event vendors of record:On24:Andrew Fritts, [email protected], 415-369-8033Aron Davidson, [email protected], 203-832-2928Unisfair:

    Stu Schmidt, [email protected], 650-330-2166Gary Gilchrist, [email protected], 978 633-3247

    Link to detailed Demand Programs NA Campaign Planning Process and Checklists Link to detailed best practices for digital events Education Roadmap:

    o Interactive Marketing Roadmap

    o Demand Programs Talent and Learning

    Policies and Procedures:o design standards legal policies http://w3- Privacyhttp://w3-

    Virtual Events white paper by 6Connex:

    IBM Market Insight reportWebcasts: Smarter Lead Generation