digital footprint management

Digital Footprint Management Lisa Nebeker EdTech 543

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Managing Your Digital Footprint


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Digital Footprint Management

Lisa NebekerEdTech 543

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Audit Your Online Identity

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Audit Your Online Identity

Search your name on several different search engines

(, Google, Yahoo), to determine what information is out on the web and how it represents

you. By completing an online audit, you will be able to

determine what, if any, action you need to take with regard to your

online identity. (De, 2014)

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Alert Yourself to New Activity

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Alert Yourself to New Activity

Google alerts

▪ Google alerts allow you to track Google searches in which you were mentioned. Make the alerts specific to names, artifacts, and publications that belong to you. (De, 2014)



▪ This tool goes deeper, tracking any mention of your name in social media. (De, 2014)


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Complete All Profiles

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Complete All Profiles

With a digital life, it is likely you have registered with and/or participate in several professional sites or services. With many of these sites, you have a profile. In the profile use information that reflects the image that you want to portray. You may also link to sites, publications, or blogs that align with your ideas. (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2013)

Possible sites with profiles:









•Google Scholar

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Create New Positive Assets

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Create New Positive Assets

▪ If you do not have an account on each of the big four social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+), get one. It is not enough to just sign up for these sites, but you should also use them from time to time, if not frequently.(McGinnis, 2012)

▪ Here are additional sites that help to build a digital footprint.– Quora, Slideshare, Vimeo,

Youtube, and Voicethread.

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Create An About Me Page

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Create an About Me Page

Go to and create a page that includes your picture and a short bio. You can link the page to your social media accounts and include a link in the signature line of your email. (Taub, 2012)

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Acquire Domain Names

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Acquire Domain Names

• Owning your own domain names can help to guide searches for your name and the results that are found. There are a variety of websites you can use (,, Alternative (Taub, 2012)





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Get a Twitter Account and Make it Legitimate

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Get a Twitter Account and Make It Legitimate.Establish a Twitter account, using a

title that includes your name. (Taub, 2012)

Keep the Twitter bio short. Hit the high points and nail the image that

you would like to show online. (Taub, 2012)

Follow people, organizations, and publications that are relevant to your

craft. This includes those you meet in person.(Cordell, 2010)

Be an active participant. Join the conversation with hashtags, retweets,

and replies.(Cordell, 2010)

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Post Teacher Materials Online

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Post Teaching Materials Online

Posting your materials online builds a community with fellow educators and offers validity to your teaching credentials.

Whether you are sharing research or great lessons and teaching ideas, posting materials is a great way to boost your searchability.

(Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2013)

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Review the Work of Others

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Review the Work of Others

As you work in your online communities and review

articles, textbooks, blogs, and wikis.

Provide feedback to educators, researchers, and publishers.

Organize resources on a website like Diigo, Delicious,

or Evernote.

(Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2013)

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Protect Your Online Image

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Protect Your Online Image

It is important to keep your personal and private profiles separate in the online environment .

Take care to adjust security settings.

Most of all, remember that the internet never forgets. Do not post anything, professional or private that could tarnish your image.

(Careers, 2014)

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▪ De, K. (n.d.). Managing Your Digital Footprint - Online Reputation Resources And Tips For Professional Success. Krishna De's BizGrowthNews. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from

▪ Lowenthal, P., & Dunlap, J. (2012, June 6). Intentional Web Presence: 10 SEO Strategies Every Academic Needs to Know | Intentional Web Presence: 10 SEO Strategies Every Academic Needs to Know | Retrieved September 27, 2014, from

▪ Sean, M. (2012, August 23). Online Reputation Management: A How-to Guide by @seanMcGinnis. Spin Sucks. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from

▪ Taub, A. (2012, June 7). 5 Key Things Needed To Improve Your Digital Identity.Forbes. Retrieved September 28, 2014, from

▪ Ryan, Cordell. (2010 Aug 11)."Post Navigation." ProfHacker How to Start Tweeting and Why You Might Want To Comments. Retrieved. 28 Sept. 2014. from

▪ Digital footprint. (n.d.). - Careers. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from