digital systems 1 digital systems research presentation mohammad sharifkhani ©

RESEARCH PRESENTATION Digital Systems 1 Digital Systems Research Presentation Mohammad Sharifkhani ©

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Digital Systems Research Presentation Mohammad Sharifkhani ©



Digital Systems


Lecture 2: Research Methodology I

Literature survey

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



Introduction Resources Resource management Research orientation Referencing sources guidelins

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.

You need it at the beginning of your thesis, papers, etc.

what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



Introduction Resources Resource management Research orientation Referencing sources guidelins

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



BooksReference books

○ Highly valued general books○ Usually with diverse topics

Text books○ Undergrad/grad courses○ Have examples, exercise, CD, etc.

Professional books○ More of a gathering○ Can be authored by multiple co-authors

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



Always start with a book (if there is no course)

Find the right bookLevel of knowledgePopularity, etc.

More recent books

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



Scholarly literatureReview paperM.Sc and Ph.D. ThesisJournal paper

○ IEEE Transactions○ IEEE Journals

Brief paper (letters)Conference paperTutorials (presentations)

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



The chronology of publication

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



The chronology of publication

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Other technical documentsStandardsTechnical reportsApplication notesDatasheets

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PatentsMore of a legal documentNot much experimental dataBrief ideasSpecific constructionMore information on figures

Why/How to write a patent?

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



InternetA tool to access the research resourcesOn-line data bases: IEEE, ACM, etc.

○ Sponsored by a legal institutionSearch Engines: Google, Yahoo, etc.

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©

How Google works BEFORE you search:

“Crawls” pages on the public webCopies text & images, builds database

WHEN you search:Automatically ranks pages in your resultsWord occurrence and location on page Popularity - a link to a page is a vote for it~ 200 factors in all!

Searching Google Think “full text” = be specific

war of 1812 economic causes vs. history

Use academic & professional termsdomestic architecture vs. houses

genome societygets International Mammalian Genome Society

also try combinations with association, research center, institute, directory, database

Keyword Meters!

Specify exact phrases “tom bates” “what you're looking for is already inside you”

Exclude or require a word proliferation -nuclear bush legacy +environment

Limit your search to … Web page title

intitle:hybrid allintitle:hybrid mileage

Website or “global warming”site:edu “global warming”

File typefiletype:ppt site:edu “global warming”

Definitionsdefine:pixeldefine:“due diligence”

On the results page Search box (use to modify)


“Related pages”

“Translate this page”: sometimes useful for “additional” information

Sample search



IEEE Website:

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©



Introduction Resources Resource management Research orientation Referencing sources guidelines

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature survey To analyze critically a segment of a

published body of knowledge throughSummaryClassification Comparison of prior research studies Reviews of literature, and theoretical articles.

Various types: self-contained unit -- an end in itself – Preface to and rationale for engaging in primary

research. Thesis, Research Proposal, etc.

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature survey methodology

Top-downStart from a wider scope then go to the roots

HistoricalThe timeline of the developmentSurrounding facts:

○ Society needs○ Technology development○ Etc.

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature survey methodology

You do not want to repeat the lit. survey every day!

Document your work: Take notesSummarize if you canTabulate the resultsFigures, etc.Use your own keywords/conventions…

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature survey Introduction:

Define or identify the general topic, issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing the literature.

Point out overall trends in what has been published about the topic; or conflicts in theory, methodology, evidence, and conclusions; or gaps in research and scholarship; or a single problem or new perspective of immediate interest.

point of view ○ Criteria: for analysis and comparison ○ Sequence: the organization of the review○ Scope: state why certain literature is or is not included

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature Survey

What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my literature review helps to define?

What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research (e.g. on the effectiveness of a new procedure)? qualitative research (e.g., studies )?

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature Survey What is the scope of my literature review?

What types of publications am I using (e.g., journals, books, government documents, popular media)? What discipline am I working in (e.g., nursing psychology, sociology, medicine)?

How good was my information seeking? Has my search been wide enough to ensure I've found all the relevant material? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material? Is the number of sources I've used appropriate for the length of my paper?

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature Survey Have I critically analysed the literature I

use? Do I follow through a set of concepts and questions, comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them? Instead of just listing and summarizing items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses?

Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective?

Will the reader find my literature review relevant, appropriate, and useful

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Literature Survey You need to conclude in your review Summarize major contributions of maintaining the

focus established in the introduction. Evaluate the current "state of the art”

Point out major methodological flaws or gaps in research, inconsistencies in theory and findings, and areas or issues pertinent to future study.

Conclude by providing some insight into the relationship between the central topic of the literature review and a larger area of study such as a discipline, a scientific endeavor, or a profession.

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Research Orientation

Be organized around and related directly to the thesis or research question you are developing

Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known

Identify areas of controversy in the literature

Formulate questions that need further research

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Referencing Sources

What happened to me when I did not provide enough Reference info!

LaTex will help!

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Referencing Sources Use references to credit the ideas, measurements,

computations, or writings of others.

Examples: Ideas

In the meeting, Richard Feynman [1986] proposed that the cold temperatures affected the resiliency of the booster rocket's O-rings.

MeasurementsIn 1862, Foucalt measured the speed of light to be 2.98 10E8 meters/second [Halliday and Resnick, 1974].

ComputationsThe Energy and Environmental Policy Center at Harvard University calculated that the average person was three times more likely to die from lightning than from asbestos in school buildings [Cary, 1995].

WritingsThe Department of Energy [1988] released a preliminary report that assessed the health hazards at sixteen nuclear weapon plants.

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Referencing Sources Use references to credit the wording of



Glenn T. Seaborg, former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, described NERVA's reactor as "a flyable, compact reactor, not much bigger than an office desk, that will produce the power of Hoover Dam, from a cold start, in a manner of minutes" [Borowski and others, 1989].

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Referencing Sources

Use references to back up assertions in your writing


Compared with the large objects of operational debris, the microparticulate matter might appear to be a negligible threat. However, these particles obtain high orbital speeds that increase their threat to space activity [DeMeis, 1987].

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©


Referencing Sources

Use references to credit the illustrative concepts, art, or photography of others

You do not have to reference common knowledge

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Thank you!Digital Systems Research Presentation

Digital Systems Research PresentationMohammad Sharifkhani ©