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  • Directory

    St. Joseph Parish Business Center 4824 Highland 630.964.0216 • 630.964.0867 fax

    Religious Educa on: 630.964.0216 x1106 Youth Ministry: 630.964.0216 x1210 St. Joseph School: 630.969.4306

    Weekend Masses: Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:00 am

    Weekday Masses: 7:00 am (Monday-Friday) Weekday Holy Days: Call for schedule

    Sacrament of Reconcilia on: (Confession) Saturday: 3:00—4:00 pm

    Registra on: We are happy to welcome new members to our community. Please contact Deacon Frank Kozar at 630.964.0216 x1107.

    Pastor: Rev. Al Heidecke • [email protected]

    Weekend Assistant: Fr. James Radek

    Deacons: Frank Kozar, Greg Ouska, Robert (Pat) Sullivan & Carl Schumacher

    Parish Service Coordinator: Frank Kozar • [email protected]

    Music Director/Liturgist: Robert Valle • [email protected]

    Liturgy Assistant: Julie Visher • [email protected]

    Director of Religious Education: Jacqueline Lackaff • [email protected]

    Religious Education Assistant: Mark Lackaff • [email protected]

    Youth Apostolate Director: Marta Spiezio • [email protected]

    Youth Apostolate Program Assistant: Toni Rapach • [email protected]

    Business Manager: Beth Harbauer • [email protected]

    Parish Administrative Assistant: Gail Granby • [email protected]

    School Principal: Rita Stasi • [email protected]

    Assistant Principal: Mary Ann Feeney • [email protected]

    School Secretary: Julie Wojciechowski • [email protected]

    Spiezio & Affiliates Counseling Service: Joanna Avignone • [email protected]

    God’s Call to Us (The St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement)

    St. Joseph Parish is a community chosen and called by God to be sent and directed by the Holy Spirit.

    It exists to provide the People of God the pastoral care and spiritual nourishment they need to proclaim the good

    news of Christ in their lives and to the world. Our Response to God’s Call

    (The St. Joseph Parish Vision Statement)

    St. Joseph Parish is a community of God’s People empowered by the Holy Spirit to promote God’s reign in the world.

    Nourished by Word and Sacrament, we will grow together in faith, hope, and in a passionate love of God and neighbor.

    In our families, we will teach and learn the love of Jesus Christ. In our various occupa ons we will make decisions

    and set priori es in accordance with the values of the Gospel. And in the world around us we will stand always for

    jus ce, compassion and peace.

    Sacraments Bap sms: We celebrate the Sacrament of Bap sm every Sunday. Parents are required to a end a Bap smal forma on mee ng. Bap sms are scheduled at this mee ng. Please call the Parish Center for reserva ons and further informa on.

    Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance to provide ample me for prepara on of this sacrament. Please call the Parish Center for more informa on.

    Sick or Homebound: If you or a member of your family is hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, please no fy the Parish Center.

    Parish Boundaries: North: Tollway; South: 59th St. East: Prospect Avenue and extensions north and south; West: Belmont Avenue

    St. Joseph Catholic Church • 4801 Main Street, Downers Grove

    To Register Your Child at St. Joseph School Email [email protected] and you will receive instruc ons how to register a new student or returning student online. Registra ons accepted any me throughout the school year. For school tours, please call the school office.

    Bulle n Cover: ©J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Excerpts from the Lec onary for Mass © 2008, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970, CCD. All rights reserved. Illustra on: DESIGHSOUL/Adobe Stock. Christmas star art: Tony Ward for J.S. Paluch Co., Inc., 2019.

  • from the Pastor

    THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD With the arrival of the Magi, three kingly astrologers from the east (Persia), the celebra on of our Savior’s birth goes out to the whole world. This is one of several early signs that God’s saving plan is indeed for the whole world. “Light” is a constant theme throughout this Christmas Season as it would also be throughout our Lord’s public ministry. Isaiah announced, in the reading from Midnight Mass: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone” (Isaiah 9:1-2). Later, Jesus would say of himself, “I am the light of the world.”

    Today, at the Epiphany of the Lord, the Wise men, having followed the light of the heavenly star leading to Bethlehem, now enter most directly into the light of the Christ Child. Their reac on is an enduring example for us; they kneel before the Divine Infant to worship and adore him.

    In Christmas With The Holy Fathers, the meaning of Epiphany is explained:

    Epiphany comes from the Greek word “Epiphania”, which means “to make known or reveal.” The celebra on of Epiphany originated in the Eastern Church in the year 361 A.D., as the day to remember the birth of Christ. (Only the churches in Armenia s ll mark the Na vity as January 6, rather than December 25.) Since the Middle Ages, Epiphany has marked three events in the early life of Jesus: the visit of the three magi to the Infant Jesus, Christ’s bap sm in the Jordan River (this is the primary event of the Epiphany in Orthodox Churches), and Christ’s first miracle at the wedding in Cana. All three of the events are central to the meaning of Epiphany.

    Pope St. John Paul II, on January 6 (the tradi onal date for the feast of the Epiphany) in 1999, wrote the following, an excerpt from his homily for the Epiphany:

    Today the whole liturgy speaks of the light of Christ, of that light which was kindled on the Holy Night...In his spiritual quest, the human being already enjoys a guiding light: it is a reason, through which he can find the way, although gropingly (see Acts 17:27), toward his Creator. But since it is easy to lose the way, God himself has come to his aid with the light of Revela on, which a ained its fullness in the incarna on of the Word, the eternal Word of Truth.

    Epiphany celebrates the appearance in the world of this divine Light in which God has reached out to the faint light of human reason. Today’s solemnity suggests the close rela onship between faith and reason, the two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contempla on of truth. Sincerely in Christ,

    Fr. Albert


    Help Wanted!

    St. Joseph Church has an immediate opening for a Full- me Facili es Maintenance Person

    Job Descrip on: Maintains and performs maintenance and repair du es on all parish buildings and grounds, including church and school facili es, in order to ensure that all buildings, equipment and facili es are maintained in a healthy, safe and sanitary manner. Must have basic knowledge of electric, plumbing, HVAC systems and grounds maintenance. Strong interpersonal and organiza onal skills and the ability to work collabora vely. Evening and/or weekend hours are occasionally required.

    Full- me hours: 7:30 am—4:00 pm Monday-Friday

    Send resume to the a en on of Beth Harbauer, Business Manager at: [email protected].

    Patronize Our Bulle n Adver sers

    The bulle n is provided to St. Joseph Church free of charge thanks to the businesses that adver se. Please consider those who adver se in the bulle n first when shopping for goods and services.

    G ra tude and generosity are divinely interwoven in the souls of Catholics. Called to receive Gods gi s gratefully, we share them, lovingly, in service to one another. Please consider making a gi to the St. Joseph Parish COVID-19 Relief Fund. Through our grateful and faith-filled response, we unite, giving back, as together, we serve God’s people and witness the ordinary becoming extraordinary.

    To donate, visit

    Know that your gi makes a cri cal difference, impac ng the lives of all in our St. Joseph Parish and School community. Thank You and God Bless You!


    Scan the QR Code for opening hours, detailed expenditures, COVID Relief

    and how to help plus more!



    The Joliet Diocese Voca on Office web pages are a confiden al way to learn more about priesthood and religious life voca ons.

    Gra tude O Thou who has given us so much, mercifully grant us one thing more—a grateful heart.

    — George Herbert

    A en on Amazon Shoppers! You can help us by naming us as your charity of choice.

    1. Go to 2. Select St Vincent De Paul Society St Joseph Confrence Downers Grove

    A percentage of your purchase is automa cally donated to our conference with every order you place.

    Thank you for your support.

    St. Joe’s St. Vincent de Paul Society and Amazon Smile

    The Epiphany of the Lord, Solemnity

    Copartners in the Promise. The readings and this solemnity are filled with compe ng images and persons. Darkness and light. Chris ans of Jewish heritage and Gen les. Chosen people and coheirs, copartners. Herod and the Magi. Epiphany teaches us this: all are members of the same body, all are coheirs of God’s goodness, all are copartners in the promise of Christ Jesus.

    ♦ Like the Magi, how will I give homage to Christ today? ♦ Whom do I look down upon that I must see as a

    copartner with me? ♦ What treasure will I give away, will I offer to another?

  • Your Giving Ma ers and is Greatly Appreciated! Over 85% of our opera ng budget comes from your dona ons. We need your support.

    For many of you, your weekly dona ons traveled with you as you a ended Sunday Mass. We encourage you to either mail in your weekly dona on, drop it through the mail slot at the Parish Center front door, or be er yet, visit to sign-up for recurring giving through direct debit or online. I realize we live in difficult mes, however, I ask you to con nue your generous support of St. Joseph Parish.

    Please prayerfully consider making a dona on today to support your Church. Always remember—You are the Church. You are the Body of Christ.

    With profound gra tude,

    Fr. Al

    Give and gi s will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with

    which you measure will in return be measured out to you. - Luke 6:38

    The 9:00 am Sunday Mass is LIVE-STREAMED. Go to and click on Livestream.

    Register for Sunday Mass at

    You do NOT need to register to a end daily Mass.

    Scheduled Saturday 8:00 am Mass inten ons will be fulfilled at the 7:00 am Friday Mass.


    SUNDAY, January 3 9:00 & 11:00 am People of the Parish Lance Nogle Darlene Chesky MONDAY, January 4 7:00 AM Steve Schupbach TUESDAY, January 5 7:00 AM Lee & Paul Rapach WEDNESDAY, January 6 7:00 AM Charlie Ravanera

    THURSDAY, January 7 7:00 AM Barbara Cummane FRIDAY, January 8 7:00 AM Patrick Pascual Abigail O’Connor SATURDAY, January 9 5:00 PM Hugh Ryan SUNDAY, January 10 9:00 & 11:00 am Marie Kapes People of the Parish Martha Hammerschmidt (L) Beatriz Cabral


    The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021

    All kings shall pay him homage, all na ons shall serve him.

    - Psalm 72:11


    I (We) hereby authorize St. Joseph Parish and the financial ins tu on named below to ini ate entries to my checking/savings account. The authority will remain in effect un l I no fy St. Joseph Parish at 4824 Highland, Downers Grove, IL 60515 in wri ng to cancel the entries. I understand I can stop payment of any entry by no fying my financial ins tu on three (3) business days before my account is charged.

    I have a ached a voided check to this form.

    Financial Ins tu on Name:


    Financial Ins tu on Rou ng #:


    Account #:

    ____________________________________________________________ ______Checking OR _____ Savings

    Day of the month for Charge: ____1st OR ____ 15th Sunday collec on $______________monthly Signature: ___________________________________________________ Print name: _________________________________________________ Cell Number: Home Phone Number: _____________________________ ___________________________ Email address: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________

    May God Bless You for your Generosity and Stewardship!


    Pilgrim Virgin

    Our beau ful Pilgrim Virgin will be homeless in 2021. If you would like to give Mary a place in your home for two weeks, please call Pat Lorch at 630-968-0765 and we can arrange a visit that would work for you. God Bless You!

    Spiritual Act of Communion

    My Jesus I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

    Be still and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10

    The person who prac ces medita on in the Chris an tradi on – praying in silence and s llness - seeks to be present and open to God who is always present and open to his beloved. Prac cing medita on enables us - with the grace of God - to be present and open to each moment, to others in daily life, and to God’s presence in all of life.

    Many people prac ce various forms of medita ve prayer such as Lec o Divina (Sacred Reading), Centering Prayer, the Jesus Prayer, Chris an Medita on, or the Prayer of Recollec on of Saint Teresa of Avila. Whatever prac ce engaged during the prayer period, it is important to remember that any form of medita on or contempla on in the Chris an tradi on complements our other forms of prayer. It does not replace them.

    This ongoing weekly gathering group is intended for adults to pray communally with other adults in silent medita on, and to receive mutual encouragement and support in their own contempla ve prac ce. We meet Wednesday a ernoons from 1:00 un l 2:00 pm. During the current period, as we live with the pandemic, we will not meet in person, but via ZOOM, a free app for online groups.

    Each session begins with a welcome followed by a me of forma on (an appropriate reading) to help prepare and guide us to a twenty-minute period of medita on. A er the medita on period, a brief me in discussion helps to integrate and reflect on the experience. You may wish to par cipate each week, or when you are able. Contact Bob Valle at [email protected] for more informa on and be placed on an email reminder list. You will receive a Mee ng ID number and a passcode to enter the online group.

    St. Joseph Church

    Contemplative Prayer Group Meditation in the Christian Tradition

    We will resume January 6 via Zoom • Wednesdays, 1:00—2:00 pm

    Eucharis c Adora on

    Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm St. Joseph Church

    Come spend me with Our Lord. Whether for a few

    minutes or a Holy Hour, your me of s llness offered is a cherished

    gi in this busy noisy world of ours.

    Sacrament of Reconcilia on

    St. Joseph Church

    Saturdays ~ 3:00-4:00 pm

    The LORD never tires of forgiving, it is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.

    Pope Francis



    Students enjoyed a week of holiday spirit prior to depar ng for Christmas break including Crazy Christmas Hat Day and Christmas Sweater Day.

  • Lt. Julia M. Anderson P.O. 1 Emily C. Behrel

    1 Lt Ian Correll Cpt Thomas Correll

    Sailor Steven Derdzinski Ma Dickey

    Lynnea K. Jensen Aus n Kus, US Navy

    Sheila Perazal Kus, Air Force Jack McGuire, US Navy

    Maeve McGuire, US Navy S Sgt Ian A. Nogle Lt. Bruce Penny

    Pvt Brandon Skenandore Vincent Wrobleski

    To include/remove a name, contact Julie Visher at 630.964.0216 ext. 1202 or [email protected].

    St. Joseph Parish Community would like to recognize and remember in prayer, ALL ACTIVE DUTY military personnel serving our country here and throughout the world.

    Sick List Francine Byrnes, Lorraine and Lou Duller, Alma and Amanda Grenier, Donna Likens, Marie Aniya Newman, and Keith Venard


    Gospel of Mark 1:7-11 Sunday, January 10, 2021

    This is what John the Bap st proclaimed: “One migh er than I is coming a er me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals. I have bap zed you with water; he will bap ze you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was bap zed in the Jordan by John. On coming up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

    Todays’ Readings First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The Lord shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every na on on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The Gen les are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, looking for the newborn king of the Jews (Ma hew 2:1-12).

    Readings for the Week Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11

    Saints and Special Observance Sunday: The Epiphany of the Lord;

    Na onal Migra on Week Monday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Tuesday: St. John Neumann Wednesday: St. André Besse e Thursday: St. Raymond of Penyafort; Julian Calendar Christmas

    Hot Line to Heaven! Don’t forget...if you need extra prayers said for your special inten on, St. Joseph’s Prayer “Hot Line” can help. Call Bernade e Borgard at 630.969.3467 or e-mail her at bernma with your prayer inten on, or if you’d like to join the Prayer Hot Line!

    Promise Fulfilled Isaiah reminds the people of God that the land shall be restored to their possession, they shall rejoice to see their people return from the bondage of exile, and they shall be a light to the na ons. In other words, through the people of Israel, the Savior shall come to all people who seek God with a sincere heart. This brings joy and the radiance of God’s glory to all the world and to all people everywhere. Through the fidelity of the people of God, and through God’s fidelity to them, all people shall become God’s children and rejoice in the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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    Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

    For further information, please call the Parish Office.

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