discovery education pilot email

Discovery Education Pilot Email – September 2010 Hello Everyone, All SHMS students have been uploaded to WSSD Discovery Education master account. If you’d like to create online assignments and assessments, you can get started by creating classes for your students under your Discovery Education account. Once user accounts are created, you will be able to assign content and assignments to each student or classroom.

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Page 1: Discovery education pilot email

Discovery Education Pilot Email – September 2010 Hello Everyone, All SHMS students have been uploaded to WSSD Discovery Education master account. If you’d like to create online assignments and assessments, you can get started by creating classes for your students under your Discovery Education account. Once user accounts are created, you will be able to assign content and assignments to each student or classroom.

Page 2: Discovery education pilot email

When students first log in they will be brought to the Student Center and will see the message below. It is probably best to have all students choose the “I’m under 13 years of age” button. Students will be prompted to enter a parent’s email address. From there, an email will be sent to the parent notifying them of their child’s access to DE resources. To learn more see the attached file – DE Student Access. I have also attached a PDF of the letter if you wish to send it to parents in an alternate format.

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The naming format is the same for all students: Ex. Username: ladams_SHMS Passwords: 99999 (Students will not be able to change their passwords) PLEASE CHANGE ALL STUDENT PASSWORDS Once your classes have been created, you can update passwords by:

1. Click on the class name. 2. Click on each student’s name. 3. Click on “Edit Username/Password”.

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4. Reset to New Password.

The easiest way to do this is to take a few minutes of class time to bring up each student’s profile box and have them come to your computer to make changes and submit.

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To create or add classes:

To create assignments with Assignment Builder:

To organize materials with My Content:

To assign content to students or classes:

For a refresher on DE Science for Elementary and Middle Schools