district technology training plan

Michele Bodine – District Technology Training Plan Michele Bodine District Technology Training Plan for Anne Arundel County Public Schools EDTC 640 Fall 2014 1

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District Technology Training Plan


Michele Bodine District Technology Training Plan

Michele BodineDistrict Technology Training Plan for Anne Arundel County Public SchoolsEDTC 640 Fall 2014

The District Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) is located in central Maryland and the board of education is located in Annapolis, Maryland. Currently, there are approximately 78,500 students in 125 schools public and magnet schools throughout the county. The population of AACPS consists of American Indian (.3%), Hispanic/Latino (10.8%), HI/Pacific Islander (.3%), Asian (3.6%), African American (20.3%), White (59.1%) and Two or More Races (5.6%) (AACPS, 2014). The students who attend schools in AACPS are in grades Pre-K-12 and range in age from 3 21 (The Functional Life Skills (FLS) students stay till they are 21). Along with students, there are approximately 5,700 teachers to guide students through their education endeavors in AACPS. Every school has internet access and most have Wifi in the classroom. There is 1 computer for every 2.7 students (AACPS, 2014). Additionally, teachers and students have access to a variety of Smart Response Clickers. With the increase in technology use throughout the county, the instructional technology department as well as the schools themselves are purchasing more quantities of different types of technology so teachers have the opportunity to use it more frequently. The Problems Although schools throughout the county are becoming more technologically advanced, teachers in many schools still do not use the technology that is available to them. Either they do not have the time to create effective lessons or they do not feel comfortable with using the technology. Along with the technology throughout the school, the new textbooks being used in classes throughout the county have online components that teachers havent had available to them in prior years. Because of this increase in availability of technology, AACPS board of education has provided teachers with opportunities to meet with instructors for the office of Instructional Technology by being available at schools. The only problem is, teachers need to take time from their planning periods in order to attending the technology training sessions. From the survey, 80% of teachers do not feel that they are provided with enough training and when the training is provided, it is during inopportune times. With the increased amount of work caused by standardized testing, IEP meetings and Student Learning Objectives (SLOs), the training sessions are not as important as the other required tasks.The Needs Survey Document Page: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X8VSZS2 All teachers that completed the survey strongly agree or agree that technology enhancing learning. Additionally, 89% (8/9) teachers use technology within their lessons.

80% of teachers feel that they are not provided with adequate time to prepare lesson with technology use.

89% (8/9) of teachers would like to learn more about Smart Boards along with the use of the Smart Response clickers. Using survey data as well as information obtained from discussions at Materials of Instruction (MOI) meetings, it is apparent that there is a need for more professional developments for each subject that is taught throughout the county. Therefore, the following are needs to focus upon for professional developments in the field of health: Performance Matter: new assessment tool used for school and county wide assessment creation and analysis TAMMS: new on-line materials evaluating system that allows educators to approve materials for their school as well as the county. There is a data base that educators can examine to determine if the materials have already be reviewed. Pearson Health Textbook Online resources: Teachers have a large amount of resources available to them that are come along with the new health textbook. Smart Notebook Lessons for health education: pre-made lessons that health educators can use within their lessons. Pearson Health Textbook Assessment Generator: provides the user with the tools to create assessments using a test bank from the textbook site. Edmodo and Blackboard: use this software to create an on-line component to the health education classes. Pearson Health Textbook - Roster Manager: use this feature to allow students to complete assignments from the textbook and submit them this portion of the website. Smart Notebook Lesson for health education using Smart Response Clickers: pre-made lessons that use Smart Response Clickers to help evaluate students knowledge. Digital Citizenship Lessons: Websites that provide valid digital citizenship lessons that are engaging and meet the national and state health education standards. Guest Speakers: professional that will present information to the health classes about various topics discussed during health educationThe Audience- The target audience for the program is all high school health teachers. There are currently 27 teachers dispersed among 12 high school and 2 alternative school. Of those 27, 4 are male. Some teachers are certified health educators who only teach in the classroom while other teachers are certified physical educators who teach 1 or 2 health classes. With the exception of 2 teachers, all have taught for a minimum of 7 years in AACPS and hold an Advanced Professional Certificate (APC). All of the teachers have access to a computer, projector and Smart Board in the classrooms and use these tools on a regular basis. Additionally, none of the teachers have utilized the e-learning classroom resources that are available for all AACPS teachers, but have shown interest if they knew how to use the software.Although there are a lot of experienced health educators in the county, new textbooks were purchased for this school year and the book has an online component that is free for all teachers to use. The new system has a plethora of resources available including lesson plans, drills, motivators, videos, concept reviews, re-teaching activities etc. Additionally, AACPS is using a new software program for analyzing assessment data and this workshop will provide the training for the high school health educators. Therefore, all health teachers need to participate in this workshop in order to ensure that they are familiar with all of the new resources available to them.The Goals/Objectives - Goals At the completion of the 5 day workshop, teachers will understand how to effectively use the online software that correlates with the new Pearson Health Textbook. At the completion of the 5 day workshop, teachers will know how to upload their classroom roster to the textbook software. At the completion of the 5 day workshop, teachers will know how to effectively construct assessments to be utilized within their health classes. At the completion of the 5 day workshop, teachers will know how to create and maintain an effective e-learning environment for their health classes using Blackboard and Edmodo. At the completion of the 5 day workshop, teachers will obtain a minimum of 10 Smart Board Lessons that can be utilized in their health classes. Objectives After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will be able to successfully log-on to the textbook website in order to obtain After completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will understand how to retrieve online resources in order to implement each resource into the health lesson plans. After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, the teachers will create a lesson plan utilizing the on-line resources provided the health textbook website. After completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will understand how to create assessments by using the resources provided by the textbook website. After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will use the online assessment tool to create two assignments that will be used in health education classes. After completion of the roster manager session, teachers will have an updated rosters saved to online site. After completion of the roster manager session, teachers will have created the first assignment their health students will be required to complete using the Pearson textbooks online site. After completion of the performance matters session, teacher will understand how to create assessments that can be shared within the school and/or the county. After completion of the performance matters session, teachers will create an assessment that will be shared with all other health educators in the county. After the completion of the Edmodo and Blackboard sessions, teachers will understand how to create an e-learning environment for the health education classes. After the completion of the TAMMS session, teacher will know how to effectively evaluation health education resources on a school and county level. After the completion of the TAMMS session, teachers will have effectively evaluated county health education resources. After completion of the Smart Notebook Session, teacher will understand how to effectively implement the use of Smart Notebooks within their lessons. After the completion of the Smart Notebook Session, teachers will create a Smart Notebook lesson that will be uploaded to Blackboard for all health educators to use. Content Workshop CourseDate Location InstructorTarget Audience

Pearson Online Health Textbook Online Lesson Plan and Worksheets Part 1: Participants will analyze the online components of the Pearson Health Textbook. This portion will include the online resources for Chapters 1-10.

Day #1 C231 and Large Learning AreaAndrea NeugieHealth Educators

Pearson Online Health Textbook Online Lesson Plan and Worksheets Part 2: Participants will analyze the online components of the Pearson Health Textbook. This portion will include the online resources for Chapters 11-20. Day #2C231 and LLAAndrea NeugieHealth Educators

Pearson Online Health Textbook Online Assessment Tool: Participants will analyze the online assessment generator and then create an assessment that can be used within the health curriculum. Day #2C231Andrea NeugieHealth Educators

Pearson Online Health Textbook Roster: Participants will learn how to upload their class roster to the on-line textbook site. This will allow the participants to provide assignments to the Day #3C231Tim SwannHealth Educators

Performance Matter: Participants will learn how to create assessments to be used for their classes. Day #3C231Kellie KatzenbergerHealth Educators

Blackboard and Edmodo: Participants will learn how to successfully utilize the on-line sites to create an e-learning component for their classes. Day #4C231Pat MaloneHealth Educators

TAMMS: Participants will learn how to evaluate materials for classes on a school and county level. Day #4C231 and Large Learning AreaMaureen GrizioHealth Educators

Smart Notebook Lessons: Participants will examine 10 different Smart Notebook lessons that can be used in the health education curriculum. They will identify components that make a Smart Notebook Lesson effective. Participants will also create a Smart Notebook lesson using the required components and a Smart Notebook lesson that incorporates the use of Smart Response Clickers. All lessons will be available on Blackboard.Day #5C231 and Large Learning AreaMaureen Grizio and Michele BodineHealth Educators

When the dates have been determined, the date section will change from Day #? to the actual date.Instructional Strategies - When designing a workshop, one must consider the participants. Not all have similar learning styles and not all learn at the same place. Therefore, it is important to include different types of instructional strategies throughout the duration of the workshop in order to ensure that the participants are engaged. Although it can be challenging at times, maintaining the interest of the participants will provide the facilitator the ability to keep each topic engaging and informative for all who are attending the workshop.During the 5 day workshop, a variety of instructional strategies will be used to engage the learners. Each day will begin in the computer lab with a lecture that will be accompanied by visuals either through a power point or Smart Board presentation. This will prepare the participants for what is to come for the day and revisit what was discussed during the previous day. Questions can be asked during this time regarding information that was presented. Throughout the remainder of each day, the facilitators and participants will participating in guided practice, whole group discussion, small group discussion, individual work and collaborative group work. Additionally, the environment will rotate from the computer lab (C231) to the Large Learning Area (LLA) depending upon the needs of the workshop during that specific time frame.Sample five day workshop Day #1: The workshop will take place in room C231 (one of Northeast High Schools computer labs). The facilitator will be Andrea Neugie.Objectives: After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will be able to successfully log-on to the textbook website in order to obtain After completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will understand how to retrieve online resources in order to implement each resource into the health lesson plans. After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, the teachers will create a lesson plan utilizing the on-line resources provided the health textbook website.Schedule for the Day:7:30 8:00 Sign-in for participants8:30 9:00 Introduction from the Health Coordinator Maureen Grizio and the workshop facilitator Michele Bodine. 9:00 9:15 After introductions, the representative for the new Pearson Health Textbook will be introduced - Andrea Neugie. She will be the facilitator for this portion of the workshop. Using the Smart board and Projector as an aide, she will provide a brief over view of the new textbook. Then, the on-line portion of the textbook will be examined.9:15 10:15 Participants will be provided the web address for the on-line site. The facilitator will guide the participants through the student portion of the website. Participants will receive their sign-on and password in order to use the on-line portion of the new Pearson Textbook Participants will be provided the web address for the on-line site and will be asked to log-on. Any teacher that is new to the county might have issues logging in because their information may not be added into the system. Formative Assessment: Successful log-in to the Pearson Health Textbook Site With the facilitator as guidance, the participants will browse the site. The participants use this time to ask questions about the site. 10:15 11:00 Facilitator leads the participants in an examination of the National, State and Technological Standards that correlate with the textbook and the health education curriculum.11:00 12:00 Lunch Break12:00 1:10 The participants will examine resources available in Chapters 11-20. Facilitator will guide participants through the chapters and help participants through the time frame. The participants will record 1:10 2:00 Teachers construct a lesson (Chapters 1-10) using the online resources available. This lesson will be shared in small groups at the beginning of workshop day #2. The facilitator will monitor the participants and help them whenever it is needed.Day #2The workshop will take place in room C231 and in the Large Learning Area (LLA) located right outside of the room C231. The facilitator will be Andrea Neugie.Objectives: After completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will understand how to create assessments by using the resources provided by the textbook website. After the completion of the Pearson Health Textbook session, teachers will use the online assessment tool to create one assignment that will be used in health education classes.Schedule for the Day:8:00 8:05 Sign-in8:05 8:35 Share lessons from Workshop Day #1 in groups. Group members provide feedback.8:35 8:50 Make adjustments using feedback provided. Then save lesson to Blackboard High Health Education workshop lessons Formative Assessment: Completed lesson plan from Chapters 1 10.8:50 10:20 Examine resources available in Chapters 11-20. Facilitator will guide participants through the chapters and help participants through the time frame. The participants 10:20 11:00 Create a lesson plan using resources from Chapters 11-20.11:00 12:00 Lunch12:00 12:15 Finalize lesson plans12:15 12:45 Share lessons with groups. Group members provide feedback.12:45 1:00 Make changes to lesson plan (if needed) using feedback provided during group share. Then save lesson to Blackboard High Health Education workshop lessons Formative Assessment: Completed lesson plan from Chapters 11 20.1:00 2:00 Assessment generator software examined. Assessment generator allows the user to choose a combination of selected response, matching, fill in the blank, BCRs and ECRs.Day #3The workshop will take place in room C231 and in the Large Learning Area (LLA) located right outside of the room C231. The facilitators will be Tim Swann and Kellie Katzenberger.Objective: After completion of the roster manager session, teachers will have an updated rosters saved to online site. After completion of the roster manager session, teachers will have created the first assignment their health students will be required to complete using the Pearson textbooks online site. After completion of the performance matters session, teacher will understand how to create assessments that can be shared within the school and/or the county. After completion of the performance matters session, teachers will create an assessment that will be shared with all other health educators in the county. Schedule for the Day:8:00 8:05 Sign-in8:05 9:05 Create an assessment for an assigned topic using assessment development software from Pearson Textbook9:05 9:15 Save assessment to Blackboard Formative assessment assessment on assigned health topic9:15 11:00 The instructor (Tim Swann) shows participants the table for managing health classes on the Pearson Health Textbook site. Rosters are uploaded from school data base if available Teachers can choose to organize their students by class or alphabetical order for the entire group of students. Participants create a username and password for each class. Participants create first task for their health classes to complete using the on-line feature. Formative Assessment successfully creating a task for health classes.11:00 12:00 Lunch12:00 2:00 The instructor (Kellie Katzenberger) introduces and presents the new assessment program: Performance Matters. Log-on to performance matters Review and examine pre-made assessments end of course final Creating an assessment share for school or county Develop an assessment using health education curriculum Formative Assessment: Assessment saved on Performance Matters DatabaseDay #4The workshop will take place in room C231 and in the Large Learning Area (LLA) located right outside of the room C231. The facilitators will be Patrick Malone and Maureen Grizio.Objective: After the completion of the Edmodo and Blackboard sessions, teachers will understand how to create an e-learning environment for the health education classes. After the completion of the TAMMS session, teacher will know how to effectively evaluation health education resources on a school and county level. After the completion of the TAMMS session, teachers will have effectively evaluated county health education resources. Schedule for the Day:8:00 8:05 -Sign-in8:05 11:00 The facilitator (Pat Malone) will guide the participants through a successful development of a Blackboard e-learning environment for their health classes. The facilitator (Pat Malone) will guide the participants through a successful development of an Edmodo e-learning environment for their health classes.11:00 12:00 Lunch12:00 12:40 Participants create e-learning environments using Blackboard and Edomodo Formative Assessment class roster and e-learning community set-up on Blackboard and Edmodo12:40 1:10 The facilitator (Maureen Grizio) introduces the new on-line evaluation system to the participants. Materials can be evaluated on a school or county level. 1:10 2:00 In groups of three, teachers evaluate health education materials using the TAMMS. Formative Assessment Evaluation of 3 health education materialsDay #5The workshop will take place in room C231 and in the Large Learning Area (LLA) located right outside of the room C231. The facilitators will be Maureen Grizio and Michele Bodine.Objective: After completion of the Smart Notebook Session, teacher will understand how to effectively implement the use of Smart Notebooks within their lessons. After the completion of the Smart Notebook Session, teachers will create a Smart Notebook lesson that will be uploaded to Blackboard for all health educators to use.Schedule for the Day:8:00 8:05 Sign-up8:05 8:50 Instructors provide participants with a brief refresher on how to effectively use the SmartNotebook Maureen Grizio novice usershow to set-up a basic notebook Michele Bodine experienced users basic notebook with the inclusion Smart Response Clickers8:50 9:20 Using Blackboard, students examine different types of Smart Board lessons. 9:20 10:20 In groups, participants develop a Smart Board lesson that will be shared with the entire group. 10:20 11:00 Each group presents their Smart Notebook to the rest of the groups. Participants not presenting provide feedback to the group presenting.11:00 12:00 Lunch12:00 12:20 Continuation of Smart Notebook presentations. Save Smart Notebook to Blackboard. Formative Assessment the Smart Board lesson will be added to Blackboard to be share with all health educators.1:30 2:00 Closing remarks and evaluations completed.

Materials The following materials will be needed for this workshop: Projector and Smart Board Computer for facilitator Computers for participants Internet Access Collaborative Group Work stations including: Large table with chairs Computer Projector Smart Board Large Post-It paper Markers Pen/Pencil Health Textbooks High School Health Education Curriculum Handouts for: Registration for Pearson Health Textbook Directions for uploading classes to roster manager on Pearson Health Textbook website Directions for creating passwords for each class on roster manager Directions for registering with Performance Matters Directions for successfully creating an assessment and saving it to Performance Matters Blackboard Class Registration Directions Edmodo Class Registration Directions TAMMS Evaluation Sheets Evaluation Sheet for Smart Notebook Lessons Instructions for Smart Notebook Lesson use Smart Response Clickers

Example: Sample Handout for Smart Notebook Lesson Evaluation: There will be three sets of evaluation questions handout. Smart Notebook Evaluation1. Does each slide for the lesson have a font that can be read easily? Why or Why not?2. Does each slide for the lesson have a background that does not clash with the color or style of the font? Why or Why not?3. Is there an appropriate amount of information on each slide? Explain why.4. Does each slide for the lesson include only images, sounds and movement that are necessary to enhance the information being presented? Why or why not?5. Additional Comments about the Smart Notebook Lesson.

Field Test - Every marking period, middle school and high school health educators meet for MOI (Materials of Instruction) to discuss new materials that will be utilized in the class. On average, there are 10-12 teachers in attendance along with the health education coordinator from the board of education and the director of the Anne Arundel County Board of Health. Often times we finish early, so the left over time is an opportune time to introduce the workshop. Since the high school teachers will be participating in the actual workshop, I will have the middle school health teachers participate in the field test. The field test will take place at the Chesapeake Resource center which is the location of the MOI meeting. The resource center not only has the technology capabilities to facilitate a mock workshop but houses all of the textbooks that are used in all classes in the county. The mock workshop will last 1 hour. During that time, I will present an outline of the workshop. The teachers involved in the field test will be provided an outline for the 5 day workshop and a brief overview for each section will be explained.Revision - After completing my field test, I will have the participants provide feedback through a survey. It will ask questions about the workshop including likes and dislikes about the workshop. I will also ask them to provide recommendations that can enhance the workshop. Additionally, the health coordinator observe the workshop and provide feedback to me after the field test is completed. Using the survey data and the feedback from the health coordinator, I will make adjustments to the workshop in order to make the workshop more engaging and effective. Evaluations - At the end of each part of the workshop, the participants will be asked to complete a task. Each task will utilize the information and strategies learned during that portion of the workshop. The task include the following: Successful Log-in to the Pearson Health Textbook Site Health education Standards, Technology Standards and Common Core Standards: Participants will use the on-line health curriculum and the textbook website to align the standards with the topics The participants will choose from Chapters 1-10 and create a lesson using the on-line resources. The Lessons will be saved to Blackboard The participants will choose from Chapters 11-20 and create a lesson using the on-line resources. The lessons will be saved to Blackboard. The participants will successfully upload their class roster to Pearson Health Textbook site and assign students their first online assignment. The participants will successfully create e-learning class using Blackboard and Edmodo. In groups of 3, participants will evaluate materials that will be used for health education classes for the upcoming semester. In groups, the participants will create a Smart Board about a selected health topic. The lesson will be shared with all the groups. The lesson will be saved to Blackboard In groups, the participants will create a Smart Board lesson that involves the use of Smart Response Clickers. The lesson will be shared with all of the groups. The lessons will be saved to BlackboardAt the end of each workshop day, the participants will be required to complete an evaluation form. This will allow the facilitators to confirm that the participants have obtained the desired information. Additionally, there will be a place for the participants to add comments. The comments will reviewed at the end of each day and will be addressed during the next workshop.Summative Evaluation - By participating in the 5 day workshop, the teachers will earn 3 continuing education credits that can be used to renew their teaching certificate. In order to earn these credits, the teachers must attend every day of the workshop and complete all of the formative assessments that are assigned throughout the workshop. Additionally, the teachers will be required to complete a culminating task to summarize their experience and what they have learned during the workshop. For the culminating task, the teachers will create a presentation using Power Point, Google Docs Prezi etc. that will be shared with the Coordinator for Health, Physical Education and Dance Christiana Grue. Along Christina, Maureen Grizio and Michele Bodine will attend the presentation. Each participant will present their culminating task showing what they learned through the workshop and how they plan to use what they learned in their classes. Additionally, they will share what they have learned with their colleagues. At the conclusion of the presentation the audience (Christiana, Maureen and Michele) will ask questions if they feel it is necessary. If the presentation meets the criteria and presents the information in an effective manner, the teacher will receive the 3 continuing education credits. The 3 best presentations will be asked to share at the next health education MOI meeting.Budget The workshop will take place at Northeast High School in room C231 (one of the upstairs computer labs) during the professional development days that are included in the school calendar every school year. The room is equipped with all the resources needed for the teachers participating in the workshop. Every teacher that attends will receive a stipend for each day which will be $125. Because the workshops take place on the professional development days, no substitutes will be needed for the teachers. The first two days of the workshop will focus on the next health textbook. A representative for the new textbook will be the guest speaker for the first day of the workshop. Her name is Andrea Neugie and she will guide the high school health teachers through all of the on-line resources available with the textbook. Thankfully, there will be no charge for her services because professional development days were included in the price of the textbook. The remaining three days of the workshop will focus on the software programs that health teachers can use to develop assessments and lesson plans for health classes. Tim Swann (the media specialist at Northeast High School) will teach the participants about the roster manager resource for the Pearson Health Textbook. Kelly Katzenberger and Patrick Malon will be the representative from the Instructional Technology division of the Board of Education. Kelly will focus on the new assessment tools called Performance Matter and the resource evaluation tool called TAMMS. Patrick will focus on on-line classroom tools like Blackboard and Edmodo. The county has the resources for on-line learning environments and it is important for the high school health educators to utilize the resources. Pre-made Smart Notebook lessons will also be examined so the teachers leave the meeting with a few lessons that they are comfortable using. Maureen Grizio and Michele Bodine will lead that session. There will be no cost for their services because their job focuses on professional development for AACPS employees. Follow-up This workshop will be completed by the end of the first semester which ends on January 26, 2015. After the last workshop has finished, the facilitators will examine the evaluations completed by each participant. Using the data from the evaluations, the facilitators will make adjustments to future workshops using the feedback. Additionally, if any of the participants feel that they need more instructions on any of the topics discussed, arrangements will be made to provide further help for the participants. Along with using the evaluation information, a survey will be sent to all participants at three different times during the second semester to see if they are using the knowledge that they obtained during the workshop. The first survey will be asked to be completed by the end of February, the second survey will be asked to be completed by middle of April and the third survey will be asked to be completed by the end of the school year (usually the second week in June). Each survey will ask the participants the same questions. The survey data will be analyzed to determine if the use of the different resources they obtained at the workshop increased, decreased or stayed the same. Hopefully, the survey data will show that the participants are gradually increasing in the use of technology as they gain experience using it. If not, the reasons for choosing to not use technology will be further discussed with the participants to further understand why this occurred. After the discussion, the facilitators will determine what can be done in the future to help teachers utilize technological resources that are available to them more frequently.

References:AACPS. (2014) Anne Arundel County Public School. Retrieved on October 8, 2014 from http://www.aacps.org/aacps/boe/ADMIN/PINFO/fastfacts.pdf22