certified evaluation plan training for teachers august 2015 ©2015 harlan independent school...

CERTIFIED EVALUATION PLAN TRAINING FOR TEACHERS August 2015 ©2015 Harlan Independent School District

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Certified evaluation Plan

Certified evaluation PlanTRAINING for TEACHERSAugust 2015

2015 Harlan Independent School DistrictProfessional Growth & EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM (PGES)KENTUCKYS VISION: Every student is taught by an effective teacher; every school is led by an effective principal; every district is led by an effective superintendent

KENTUCKYS GOAL: All students graduate high school ready for college and career

UPDATED PLAN 2015Minor changes to teacher evaluationMajor changes to principal, counselor, and district level administrator trainingThe complete plan may be accessed on the district website on the Forms and Links page (accessed at top of home page)

GROUND RULESYour immediate supervisor is your primary evaluator.Nontenured teachers and all administrators are on a one year cycle for summative evaluationTenured teachers are normally on a three year cycleSummative evaluation is documented in your personnel file and you are entitled to receive a copy and to be able to respond to it in writingEvaluation occurs in an open manner so that you are aware you are being evaluated

Performance STANDARDSKentucky Modified Danielson Framework for TeachingSpecialist Frameworks (adapted from above)Kentucky Principal Performance StandardsLocally developed standards for district-level administratorsMULTIPLE MEASURES: TEACHERSReflection and Professional Growth PlanningObservation (Evaluator and Peer)Student Voice SurveyStudent Growth GoalsProducts of Practice (locally specified)

Overall PERFORMANCE CATEGORYRatings to be used are Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary.The expectation is that all teachers will be Accomplished.KBE voted last week not to use this data in state accountability this year but to make it public.

TEACHER EVALUATION CYCLESSUMMATIVENon-tenured every yearTenured third year of the cycle

FORMATIVETenured teachers in Years 1 and 2 of their evaluation cycleOBSERVATIONS: SUMMATIVE YEARNON-TENUREDTENURED3 OBSERVATIONS BY EVALUATOR: 2 FULL and 1 MINI (Final is FULL and unannounced)2 OBSERVATIONS BY PEER OBSERVER: 1 FULL and 1 MINI2 OBSERVATIONS BY EVALUATOR: BOTH FULL (Final is unannounced)2 OBSERVATIONS BY PEER OBSERVER: 1 FULL and 1 MINIFORMATIVE YEAR (TENURED 1 & 2)Mini-observation by evaluator (unannounced)If in developing range, may lead to a full observation (announced)If in ineffective range, will be followed by full observation (announced)A full observation in ineffective range will result in revised growth plan which may include additional evaluator and peer observationsObservation TIMELINESUMMATIVE YEARFirst Nine WeeksFull by Peer ObserverFull by EvaluatorSecond Nine WeeksMini by Peer ObserverMini by Evaluator (nontenured only)Second semester by April 15Full by Evaluator (unannounced)FORMATIVE YEARBetween September 1 and March 15Mini by Evaluator (unannounced)ObSERVATIONSObservers must have been trained; evaluators have to pass Teachscape proficiency examObservers collect evidence on Domains 2 and 3 of the Teacher FrameworkObservation results are accessible through CIITSPeer observations are for formative feedback and are accessible by the teacher onlyPEER OBSERVERSAny teacher may be trained as a Peer Observer but only tenured may serve perform the observations required for summative evaluationPeer Observers are selected by mutual consent of the evaluatee and the principal from the schools pool of trained tenured Peer Observers. (Superintendent can decide if cant agree)Maximum caseload for a Peer Observer is three teachersOBSERVATION CONFERENCINGPrior to announced observations, teacher submits lesson plan (or work plan if other professional) and any other pertinent information to evaluator at least two days in advance; may request formal preconference face to face or by phoneEvery observation will be followed by a post-observation conference within five working days PRODUCTS OF PRACTICE (SUMMATIVE YEAR)UNIT PACKET (teachers only)A unit taught during the summative year written up using the current district templateCopies of all lesson plans, learning activities, formative and summative assessments used in teaching the unitCurriculum map for the course situating the unit in the courseBrief reflection on the effectiveness of the unitTEACHER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (incorporated into post-observation conferences) (Plan, Page 21) (teachers only)COMMUNICATION SAMPLES (3 varied samples of communications with families during the year) (both teachers and other professionals)Other as mutually agreed upon

EVIDENCE COLLECTED EVERY YEAR FROM EVERY TEACHERSELF-REFLECTIONSPROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLANSTUDENT VOICE SURVEY*STUDENT GROWTH GOAL*Other professionals who do not teach students on regular basis do not participate in the SVSSELF-REFLECTIONTwo: initial and end of yearInitial due September 30 in CIITSEnd of Year for summative year submitted between March 15 and April 15End of Year for formative year submitted between April 1 and Closing Day

PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN (PGP)2014-15: An initial PGP submitted in CIITS by September 30Spring 2015: Summative year teachers: new PGP developed using the Kentucky Professional Growth Plan Model during the Summative Evaluation Conference and finalized in the fall by September 30Spring 2015: Formative year: PGP updated as needed during the Formative Review and finalized in the fall by September 30PGPs are aligned with the Framework for Teaching and with school/district comprehensive improvement plans and are built using data that reflect the needs and strengths of students, teachers, and the school and district

STUDENT VOICE SURVEYGrades 3-12Elementary: take survey by homeroom; if no homeroom, principal will assign a class period; classes may be combined if necessary to have minimum participationMS/HS: principal will designate class period; if no class, an adjacent period will be used; classes may be combined if necessary to have minimum participation

STUDENT VOICE SURVEYConfidential on-line survey Minimum responses: ten (may be adjusted in case of special ed and intervention teachers)Student must have been enrolled in the teachers class for at least 20 days for response to be included in resultsResults are not assigned a score but do provide corroborating evidence of performance for summative evaluations and formative feedback STUDENT GROWTHSTATE CONTRIBUTION:Grades 4-8: math and language arts teachersStudent Growth Percentiles: median SGP for the teachers class (matched based on state course codes)Three years of dataLOCAL CONTRIBUTION:All teachers based on teacher-developed Student Growth Goal (SGG)Three years of data

SGG DEVELOPMENT 1Select the class/subject for whom the goal will be writtenAssess students to determine instructional needs using appropriate instruments approved by the principalMay use pre/post, repeated measures, or combinationFormulate SGG using the Student Growth Goal TemplateInclude an instructional plan to include data checkpoints across the interval so students may be monitored and adjustments made in instruction for those not on track to meet the goal

SGG DEVELOPMENT 2The instructional interval will normally be the academic year through SGG due date, but other intervals may be negotiated by principal and evaluateeSGG is reviewed by a peer observer using the Comparability and Rigor checklistSGG is transferred into CIITS; approved by principal by September 30Student Growth Report due by April 15 for summative year and three days prior to Annual Formative Conference for others

Other PrOFESSIONALSOther professionals who work with a group of students on a regular basis follow the Teacher ProtocolOther professionals who do not work with a group of students on a regular basis follow the Other Professional Protocol. The goal must be aligned with the job expectations for the other professional and a rubric for determining goal attainment must be included with the goal.

RATING STUDENT GROWTHsTATE CONTRIBUTIONUses teachers Median Student Growth Percentile for each grade and subject area taughtTeacher must have at least ten eligible students with a growth percentile in each given grade and subjectStudents must have been in teachers class at least 100 instructional daysData is matched using course codes in Infinite Campus

MSGP Ratings (STATE CONTRIBUTION)Growth RatingMedian SGP% of PopulationLowLess than 3018.1%ExpectedBetween 30 and 6566.6%HighAbove 6515.3%RATING STUDENT GROWTHLOCAL SGGAssessment data will be translated into individual student scores using this table



62% were Expected or High equals Expected Rating38% were Low32HOW DID THE TEACHER DO?The percent of students achieving each rating will be calculated. Based on those percentages, the teacher will be assigned a Student Growth Rating as follows:LOW: Combined percentages of Expected and High scores falls below 55%EXPECTED: Combined percentages of Expected and High scores falls between 55% and 69%HIGH: Combined percentages of Expected and High scores is at or above 70%DETERMING OVERALL PERFORMANCE CATEGORYProfessional Practice Rating + Overall Student Growth Rating = Overall Performance CategoryDetermined by professional judgment informed by evidence that demonstrates the teachers performance against the Framework Domains, district-developed tools, and decision rules that establish a common understanding of performance threshholds to which all educators are heldProfessional PractiCE RatingUsing professional judgment to analyze the evidence collected, the evaluator will assign the teacher a rating on each of the four domains of the Framework for Teaching.Ratings to be used are Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary.The expectation is that all teachers will be Accomplished.DECISION RULES FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RATING

Cases not addressed above shall be determined by the professional judgment of the evaluatorOVERALL STUDENT GROWTH RATINGThree years of data when availableState and local contributions will be averaged separatelyValues used in averaging:LOW = 1EXPECTED = 2HIGH = 3State contribution has weight of 20% and local contribution of 80%. If no state contribution, local counts 100%.Assigning OVERALL STUDENT GROWTH RATINGAverage ScoreRating1.00-1.49LOW1.50-2.49EXPECTED2.50-3.00HIGHEXAMPLE: MR. BRIGGS

FORMULA: .20(SC) + .80(LC) = FINAL RATING .20(1.5) + .80(2.3) = 2.14Overall Growth Rating: 2.14 = EXPECTEDDECISION RULES FOR OVERALL PERFORMANCE CATEGORY

SUMMATIVE EVALUATION CONFERENCEHeld no later than April 30 of the summative yearReview of evidence and ratingsEntered into CIITS with a written copy provided to teacherTeacher has opportunity to make a written responseA new Professional Growth Plan is developed during this conference based on the Kentucky Professional Growth Plan Model (see earlier slide)ANNUAL FORMATIVE REVIEWHeld between April 1 and Closing Day for teachers in Years 1 and 2 of their evaluation cycleMay take form of direct conferencing or other appropriate means of communicationSupervisor will provide appropriate feedback as to PGP, Student Voice Survey results, and Student Growth GoalsPGP will be updated as needed during this review

APPEALSAPPEALS PANELTwo members elected by and from certified employeesTwo alternates also elected by and from certified employeesBoard appoints one certified employee and one alternate certified employeeTerms run from July 1 to June 30Members may be reelected or reappointedChairperson is the certified employee appointed by the BoardAPPEALSAny certified employee who believes he or she was not fairly evaluated on the summative evaluation may appeal to the panel within five working days of receipt of the summative evaluationEvaluation Appeal Form The employee appealing has the burden of proofHearing by panelDecision delivered to Superintendent within fifteen working days of the date the appeal was filedSuperintendent shall take appropriate action as permitted by lawAPPEAL OF PLAN IMPLEMENTATIONAny certified employee who believes that the district is not properly implementing the Certified Evaluation Plan as approved by KDE may appeal to the Kentucky Board of EducationProcess in KRS 156.557, Section 9. Available in Superintendents office or on-line at the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission websiteWHERE TO FIND THE FORMSHISD HOME PAGE: Click on DEPARTMENTS at top of pageDEPARTMENTS PAGE: Click on Supervisor of InstructionSUPERVISOR PAGE: Scroll down Documents on right until you find the form you need

REMINDERS: BY SEPTEMBER 30Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Plan in CIITSStudent Growth Goal in CIITSComplete documents in WORD and copy and paste needed information into CIITSPEER OBSERVER UPDATEPurpose of Peer Observation is to observe, collect, share evidence, and provide feedback for formative purposes onlyPeer Observers collect and share evidence from observation but do not assign scoresWhen observing, script lesson using descriptive languageFor post-observation conference develop report aligning evidence with the Framework for TeachingDuring the conference, ask questions to get teacher to think rather than making evaluative statements

ValueRange by 4.0 scaleRange by percentage scale

Novice10-1.70-44%Comment by Davis, Todd - Division of Program Standards: How are these numbers calculated/determined?









-n LOW






Domains 2 AND 3 are rated INEFFECTIVEProfessional Practice Rating shall be INEFFECTIVE

Domains 2 OR 3 are rated INEFFECTIVEProfessional Practice Rating shall be DEVELOPING or INEFFECTIVE

Domains 1 OR 4 are rated INEFFECTIVEProfessional Practice Rating shall NOT be EXEMPLARY

Two Domains are rated DEVELOPING and two Domains are rated ACCOMPLISHEDProfessional Practice shall be ACCOMPLISHED

Two Domains are rated DEVELOPING and two Domains are rated EXEMPLARYProfessional Practice shall be ACCOMPLISHED

Two Domains are rated ACCOMPLISHED and two Domains are rated EXEMPLARYProfessional Practice shall be EXEMPLARY

















