do dl lamity - 11/north tonawanda ny evening...

Page 4 Tonawanda NEWS Saturday, June 6, 1 fcenmort Town of Tonawanda Do DL lamity GRACE GODDARD, Editor PHONE VI 9000 Junior Board's Membership Tea Will Mark Opening of Snack Bar Bethlehem OES Will Conduct Rites Advance Night and a Floral Ceremony will be conducted when Bethlehem Chapter 634, Order of the Eastern Star, meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Masonic Temple, 173 Delaware Rd. Mrs. Kermit J. La Turner, asso- ciate matron will preside and oth- er officers will advance one sta- tion. The associate matrons of the Erie Districts will be honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Moore, will be the matron and the patron for the floral ceremony. Tribute will be paid a member who has given outstanding service. Mrs. Ronald Cameron and Mrs. Jane M. Thomson will be host esses. Ceramic Guild To Meet Tuesday Tonawanda North Tonawanda +JQ Jne ^jramiiu RUTH BOHLEN, EDITOR LU 1000 Cub Pack 580_ Concludes Theme 'Musical Hoedowri Marjorie Berger, Paul R. Benz Exchange Vows Miss Marjorie Fern Ber- ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berger, 270 Payne Ave., and Paul Ray- mond Benz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benz, Fred- ericka St., were married Cub Scout Pack 580, sponsored by the Grove St. Christianjrecently in Ascension Church, based its May Pack pro-!Church. gram on the theme "Musical Hoe-| The Rev. David A. Gernatt per- r ?K ™ A • i » J formed the ceremony May 2 be- Cub-made musical instruments; fore an a l t a r d e c o r a t e d w i t h w h i t e nrJf.nL W fc y "H fl ° WerS - WhRe ribbonS marke d the FlUwnrth «Sm i t h o n h ™ ^ r fam " y P eWS The bride P^ed a Ellsworth S m i t h , cubmaster, white b t t t h ^ presented the Webelos Badge, the! virgin Mary highest award a cub scout canj T ^ e bridewore , f M j . earn, to Bryan Herschell He also c h a e l A n g e l o , d e S ig ne d with hr* ris? gT ays; ^ r ssr and •? ca r d it i u- t J XT i ,. ri a white bible covered with a a Neckerchief and Neckerchief | white orchid slide for Uie patrol he is joining J Miss Joan Sumj A new Bobcat, Tim Joldos was hnnnr _„u tUa I V / Wi » inducted into the Pack. w an H r l n JfiS? EU 7 ? el " The following awards were pre- S S i f * ^ t ^ ^ ' b des - sented by the Cubmaster, W " l f SS^^iS'SS 1 VfSSHS Badges to Ike Alliger, Darrell filL ? ey wore double u . eyelet taf - Burkholder, Clifford Groves, and' S g , TIT **? *"?? Barry Tower; and one year p i n s * % ™ e i r ^ P/ctur Q h als for service as a den Chief to L f f ^J™" 1 t b ° Uquels m ? tcbed Paul and Robert Gibson. SL?SL2 I , cu "iTu rbUnds 1 Scoutcapades participa-! I^LTTH C f ? mpkte * their J*I tion Badges were given to: ! S J ^ S f t S f l Camed a Bob Markovitz Fred Nuss-HE* 7* S - "* «< . baum, Paul Kyler, James Daub-' ™°™f £f ey t *' 3S / he ^ .ney. Bob Wells, Jack Knight, Tom man ha a ; d Rober u Mae « ten a n d The final spring meeting of the wiU have something con- ^ Mayer. Mike Zimmer, B o b r ^ m ^ ^ ^ L # . f Kenmore Ceramic Guild will be " 'V . f' . . . , __. _ , . Schwinger Barrv Tower GaryL l * gei wore a blue taf ' at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the home *«*• to show for its ef- VA/pfl- T U n m n q ^ H n n k ' m c HammoW. GaryKottke Norbert '*\ dress ' black ve ! VCt C * P e ' Mrs. William Collins. 2691 Parker f o r t s Since its organization! " • CLJO I I I U I I l U O V J . I IVJUKII 15 Wagonblott, Paul Kempf David jj ack accessories and pink hat. Blvd. A picnic supper will be! 4-i, ma „««».<, «„« «,v,^« u • ! - - ' :,-^-^ : : .-••-* •• !nar«.n rtanir «/>!»».««»»».'' ** ; L- J Mrs - Benz chose a two piece Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Benz . . John Jay Studio Preparing for KMH Junior Board Tea . . Mrs. F. J. Radzwill, Mrs. F. J. Mack and Mrs. D. A. Pieszak The Junior Board of . . . Kenmore Mercy Hospital MlSS DomCl MCte MOUqer will hnv*» somptriirtcr rnn- 53 Blvd ^ A ^ pi K ni ^ su PP er . wU1 be ; three years ago when it is served. Co-hostesses with Mrs. , . . . , ? , . , Collins are Miss Vita Buell. M r s . ! host at the thlrd annual Albert Landgraf and Mrs. Donald Membership Tea from 2 to Smathers. U p m tomorrow in the Slides and movies of the Guild's v ••* i> r* M t ^ hospital s Guild Rooms recent exhibit in Memorial Hall and of a similar exhibit sponsored The "something Concrete" also by the Columbus, O., Ceramic j includes stainless steel, formica, Guild will be shown by Mrs. Leo electrical appliances and moun- New 3 * officers will be elected , ^ n s of china and glassware ready from a slate of candidates being | and anxious to hold mountains of prepared by Mrs. William Collins, ice cream, strawberries, cherries, Miss Buell and Mrs. Peters. chocolate and nuts. th^finifnf a al T S r 0 c W c iU .^T^ They are the necessities for thei nrir"^ ° f \ US ' SaVmgS ?? nd Junior Boards Snack and Soda »« u.y.%?? f art ° * Kcn 'I Bar, scheduled for formal opening more High School senior. | Monday a t t h e hospUal ^ ba ^, . i i ' nas been tne Prime objective of! International Institute the Junior Board. Its operation Schedules Concert Of Chamber Music will be one of the board's major projects. Guests at the membership tea The International Institute will! will be given an opportunity to present a Chamber Music Concert inspect the snack and soda bar. at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the In- Presiding at silver urns at the stitute. Delaware Ave., Buffalo. tea will be Mrs. Frank J. Radz- The program will include "Guit-' will. She will wear an aqua jersey ar Quintet in E," by Luigi Boc- dress with a pleated skirt and carini, and "Piano Quintet, Opus jewelled accents. Her accessories 44," by Robert Schumann. .and hat will be white. Participating will be O s w a 1 d \ Also pouring will be these past Rantucci, first violin; Julius J. Ko-jmembers of the executive board: vach, second violin; Fred A. Res-JMrs. Harry J. Kelly, Mrs. Carl W. sel, viola; William Fahlbusch, eel-;Elliott, Mrs. John J. Grupp, Mrs. fe; John DeRose, guitar; and Miss iWard A - Steiner, Mrs. Francis L. Eva Rautenberg, piano. ! Mack, Mrs. Kenneth Burmeir, Hostesses for the social h o u r!^ rs - Weston R. Hoddick, Mrs. Jo- ] will be Mrs. Otto Andres, Mrs. | se P n M - Uchneat and Mrs. Joseph Albert Bishop, Mrs. Boleslaw JjSchisler. Dabrowska, Mrs. Harvey L i s k, Mrs - Edgar L. Hoffman, chair- Mrs. Peter P. Luedig and MrsJ man °* the tea « wm * iaVQr a black Otto Popper. ! Ogren, Dan Kachermeyer, M i k e " J * w a ° pie f e blue 11 Garrett, David Bencic, Walter ^V"' e accessones a "d white ! Barraclough, Ronald Smith. I k e ; g ° v r' ,, , , ., I Alliger, C 1 i f f o rd Groves. Bob U , A b ^ akfa ^ in "* bride's home 1 Martinelli. Bryan Herschell, Lee^v, n °T S. a ^ ece P llon in liDuerr, Roger Gardner. St e v e be h / rg< : u 1 ™- The table w a s c e n ' I Glass. Naysim Simon, John Keig- l ? Ied Wlth . decorated Cinderella l! ley, Darrell Burkholder. Robert i sl, PP^. pmk and white b e l l s ; I; Mayer. Norman Hammond. Ells- f nd a tier ^ weddin § cake. Out of II worth Smith, and Mrs. Gladys ," g - ues * s a t t e n d e d f r o m Penn-, I Smith. jsylvania, Kenmore, Lewiston and, Pack 580 portrayed the "Spirit! Mr and M-e n ^ , u |o. 76" in the Memorial Day K t A S ^ E J g f t l V E si* i .-, „ . are at nome in 27 Park Ave I last pack meeting until Septem- \ Ti(:<: Rpl i int , ao „„ ' ~Z I; ber. A homemade scouter race is J ^ ! S u T^ P3r " I in the list of future events for the [\ a l°I l l h n l . he !' mar " I sutnmsr On Seot 10 Park ^n I g he bridesmaids also en- sumn.-.r. un Sept 10, Pack 580 tertamed at a party in VFW hall will be host unit at the Roundta- I ble to start the cubbing season. Refreshments were s e r v e d KIT D..UI1- I ;L.„„. II by the May Den Mothers who V ' rUDIIC Library s were Mesdames George Nuss- Lists New Books I baum, Norman Hammond, Jacki _ Daubney, George Garrett, George L . The North Tonawanda Public Library has acquired the follow- ing new books: Auto Repair Manual, C h i l t o n Company; Lake Champlain, Fred Copeland; Creative Handwork Ideas, M. J. Ellis; Management In The Home, L. M. Gilbreth; Rain and Feast of the Stars, Reiko Hatsumi; The Bible Was My Treasure Map, Paul Ilton; Hand Decoration of Fabrics, F. J. Kaf- ka: Here Of All Places. Osbert Lancaster; The Caesars- Might Bencic, and Frank Alliger. 'Needle Point' Toes and Heals On Way Out A more ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED: Mr and Mrs Arthur L Mitchell of Stony Point Rd., Grand Island, announce the engagement of their daughter Sherrie Ann. to Robert J Wendling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph If. Wcndling of Creek- side Drive, Tonawanda. Wedding plans will be announced at a future date. womens;5 ndMad " e ^ h ; arL i ssner;Cana -Luncheon to Precede WSCS Annual Parley ORCHARD FARM NURSERY Th» finest ornamental, shade and fruit trees In Western NT. "Growing Here." Japanese Yews. evergreens. rL. shrubs, straw- berry, raspberry plants, rhubarb roots. Potted roses, perennial aMi annual flowers. Seed pota- toes, kahtadine. Landscaping, grading ornamental stone work. Visit our Nursery on Rt 429 be- tween Sanborn and Pekln. Mrs. Thomas Gerard Hopkins t ares Maurice Studio) wm p , ease me women wno nave j w, a u«.u M ue. ^uumy, r. n. IMC- and white silk print dress accent- Pink baskets of garden flowers decorated St. John pro ! est , ed that needle-point toes J J J ° " j ® ef ° re I o J 0rg 1 et : l - F At- Grnrt* Mpi-hnHki- ed by white accessories and hat..the rWist Church thU mnrm™ fnr +h» «LAM**~ ^fi curl their tootsies - a n d t o the!^rcosson; New Official Austrian AT *jrOCe /V\et !Her vice chairman. Mrs. Francis ,?? ^P tlst h hU thlS m0rmn « for the we dding of imen who h a v e l o o k e d o n t h ,Ski System: Confessions and Self- NEW YORK (UPD "humane" shape to shoes is on the way. da: a Political and Social His This is a fashion step which tory> E d g a r M elnnis. will please the women who havei Chautau q u a County, F. H. Mc KJraanizalionS Her vice chairman. Mrs. Francis ,. L. Mack, will have a blue sheer | Mlss D °nna Mae Mauger and Thomas Gerard Hopkins, lethal weapons The Rev. Lawrence J. Stanley/" dress and white accessories. Mrs. James R. Pilkey Jr.. hon-SJ. performed the ceremony for T , , >-. , orary chairman, favors a white th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ' ODy S VJOraenerS linen sheath dress trimmed with ham J. Mauger, 8 Neumann Pky., I , , beige embroidery and beige satin d for the son of Mr. and Mrs. rlCK Superstition belt. Mrs. Walter C. Fenwick, also Thomas Hopkins, 1919 Colvin; a vice chairman of the tea, will IBlvd - \As Title forShow wear a black pique dress and a A pink peau-de-soie gown was white hat. j worn by the bride. Belgium lace,! Toby's Gardeners have titled j tlonal Shoe Institute, A more Mrs. James E. Campbell, re-accented by crystal beads and [their 13th annual flower show I humane toe. . .a flattened, tapered •rding secretary, has selected a Dear Is. framed the nnrtraii n«»rk. "Superstition." joval." Portraits. S. K. Padover; Ben- Gurion, Robert St. John; Soviet The Women's Society of Chris tian Service of Grace Methodist CIRCLE PICNIC Deborah Circle of the First Toes on everything but evening Uunon - Robert st - Joh n: Soviet j"-" T n\ , ™Z\ UCU0Id11 L!Itie OI u , e r i r s shoes will be rounder for• falI Navy ' U G Sa " nd e r s : Magnetic Chur , ch , Wl11 ***** ann " al ^ eet " Methodist Church will have a pic- Heels on daytime shoes are to! JfP e Recording. H. G. M. Spratt; N following a dessert luncheon ^ ^ ^ at fi Monday ^ be firmer, which will take away !?y Camera J a y L Off.__ O zj i e| at T 7 3 ^ m - ^ a >; u i t n e h o m e of M f s L r o Baue ,. m some of the dread of treading on; Sweet: Island i n T h e City - D a n In char Sc of the luncheon are •Wakefield: Suburbia: Its People Mr s- Fi *k Fay, Mrs. Earl Cris-JWard Rd. a grating. "The oval look is the new look," and Their Politics, R. C. Wood a spokesman for the Na , 8 Si. John's LP BROGAN TO GRADUATE PRESCRIPTIONS •That's Our Profession*' Re liable Senrlc* At Low Prtect Compeniatlon Welfare * V.A Prescription! Accepted Call JA 3124 ior Free Pickup ft Delivery In Town or Country COOK'S Pharmacy Open Sundays St MAIN ST., fonawanda 'Superstition When the group meets at 7.30 |cording secretary, has selected a pearls, framed the portrait neck |turquoise blue raw silk dress. The:line. A scalloped panel of mateh- | board treasurer, Mrs. Howard P.jing lace extended from the center Bell, will be seen in a turquoise \of ber fitted bodice to the hemline Shantung dress with a matching;of the gown which had a chapel | three-quarter length coat. Mrs. j train at the back. Thomas A. McKeen, correspond-1 she carried cabbage roses, lilies ing secretary, is wearing a navy 0 f the valley and ivy blue Shantung suit dress with a Crystal blue silk organza frocks,. white hat and floral printed shoes, j were favored by her attendants, be divided into discussion groups. The decorations chairman for!All were styled with scoop neck- The following leaders will develop this event. Mrs. Daniel A. Pies- line, short sleeves on the shirred the theme "Flower Show High- zak, has chosen a rose and green j bodices and bouffant ballerina I lights " silk print dress, matching flow-j s kirts. ered hat and black patent leather j Deeper blue satin piping and shoes In heels, the trend is toward the "slacked" for daytime—thin Elects Officers Erwin Mocller has been elect- sey and Miss Helen Hixon. Mrs. vide table service. Benjamin Mowitz will lead de- votions to open the program. Officers of the group are to be installed at the 11 a.m. church David Brogan s o n of M r a n d June 14. Mrs Jonn Bro?an - 36 East Tbe report.session will feature Thompson St. will receive his p.m. Thursday in the greenhouse! ~*~*—»v,x# * V i udjumc—mm T*~*««*• w^*^*» »i«o w^u vitvi-j s muuipouu of McKinley Vocational School. slivcrs UI of leatner or w o ^ P^l^ President of St. John's Luther- g H j l ; * , ? • , ^ 3 f n 71Z bachelor o f a , 1 s d ° s,ce lrom the ! an Parent League to serve for ~°" le , ien " in " orneU L . and lhc School of Education, University of the coming year. Buffalo District leadership train- Buffalo at commencement exer- Completing the slate of newly | m § da ^ in kenmore Methodist plans will be made for the show!? mo ? h,y o n e o n t h e othe r- But Aug. 22 and 23 in Amherst Cen- for , dres u sy ^occasions, the skinny tral High School. Mrs. William C. Johnson is chairman of the session which will spike which catches in gratings, V»«*»W5H*H#; mc aime ui ncwiy| - escalators and door mats will go!elected officers are: Roy Seiwell,i nurch right into fall 1959 and spring vice president; Mrs. Carl Stenzel i960. '[secretary; Darl England, treas |urer and Mrs. Jesse Blackmon TO GIVE RECITAL j historian. Students from the class of Irene' rhe election, June 1. was fol cises tomorrow on the Buffalo campus. He majored in physical education. BLAIR RECEIVES DEGREE Noel D. Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrow H. Blair. 97 Elm- wood Park, will be one of the Ton- (JNfON AUXILIARY Officers and trustees of the HARVEY'S R DRUGSTORE 16 WEBSTER ST. LU 3788 I OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 7 10 AoN TO 9 P.M. THE FOLLOWING DRUG STORES OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Sheldon's Pharmacy, 273 Div. St., LU 6901 Fischer's Pharmacy, 301 Payne Ave., JA 3331 Helwig's Drug Store, 304 Oliver St., LU 1143 Miller's Pharmacy, 460 Oliver St., JA 2323 Sfachowski Pharmacy, 615 Oliver St., LU 1870 Thurlow Smith's 1052 Oliver St. J A 4054 Allen-Mack Pharmacy, Payne Plaza, JA 6055 'bows provided added color ac- cents on the gowns and on the matching tulle picture hats. Mrs. Donald Mauger was the honor attendant. The Misses Kath- leen Will, Mary Lou Fleissner, Mildred Burgio and Peggy Hewitt were bridesmaids. Miss Diane \ Marie Mauger was flower girl. ;The bride's attendants carried (double wedding ring arrange- | ments of pink sweetheart roses. Leo Hopkins was best man for his brother. Charles Hering, Brad- ley Urban, Joseph Meyers, Doug- las Loring, Richard Turk and! Donald Mauger were the ushers. IS. Maricle will be presented in a low , ed ty an educational program awandans graduating tomorrow in Union Hook and Ladder Auxiliary !«:« :A_I » * i _ . ann CA/>IQ1 Knur I * * ., _ . ... RM , . _ . . , Mrs Fred H Poser arrange-! 0 : mdUL,e w m De presented in a r^Tl J , u mfnts- SrT LSTF. S . E Z ^ S T * * ' - ^ horticulture- and Mrs A Rnlland Kleinhans Music Hall. Am on gj 1 those performing will be these! North Tonawanda students: Paul Wheeler, table settings. Mrs. Ed ward Freer Smith, nationally ac- credited flower show judge, will summarize the discussions from a judge's viewpoint. Miss Evelyn A. MacDonald, president, has appointed Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Gordon Sam- uels flower show chairman and co-chairman. Mrs. Merritt Abbott and Mrs. Joseph M. Guerra, hospitality co- chairmen, will be in charge of the social hour. University of Buffalo commence- will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the ment exercises on the University home of Mrs. Paul Belstadt. 246 campus. Mr. Blair will receive a Young St. Other members will at- , bachelor of arts degree in chem- tend at 8 p.m. Mesdames J o h n ine Rowell, Mary Lynn and Nan-! Mrs. Harvey Eaton, 158 William istry. He is employed at the Jones, chairman. James Keller, HOSPITAL PATIENT u« i*v»rcn, .uaij uj MM auu nau- iius. naivcji iiicuuu, xao vvunctui mil v. ne is euipiuyeu <u nil; JUUCS, nicuiiudii, Odines rveiier, cy Zimmerman, and Linda Laud-1St., is a patient in DeGraff Me- Hooker Electrochemical Research John Kenney and William Mast er. - t jmorial Hospital. !Laboratory on Grand Island. .will be hostesses. |Thoma S McDonald was ring bear- Ajf Reserve A u x i |j a r y The mother of the bride select- \m f+ i j e ed a pink silk organza gown O LOnCIUde beaSOH trimmed with Chantilly lace. Her hat and accessories matched her costume. The bridegroom's moth- er wore a beige embroidered silk organza dress with matching flowered hat. Pink flowers and candles dec- orated the bride's table in the Hotel Lafayette where the recep- tion took place. After a southern tour, the couple will make their home at 81 Glencove Rd. BRITANNIA CLUB The Britannia Club will meet Monday in the home of Mrs. Les- lie Crawford, Clark St;, Town of Tonawanda. Mrs. Robert Craw- ford and Mrs. Norman Holmes will be co - hostesses. A luncheon today in the Niagara Falls Air Base Officers Club will terminate activities until fall for the Buffalo Air Reserve Auxiliary. Wives of air reservists are in- vited to attend. Reservations are under the direction of Mrs. John Haller. The group recently presented an automatic portable phonograph to the pediatric ward of Roswell Park Institute. Mrs. R i c h a r d Dimmick, chairman, made the presentation. Mrs. Robert Stafford, Mrs. Homer Klegg and Mrs. Clarence Ott, representing the auxiliary, were conducted on a tour of the institute. CHILDREN TO SING: Johanna Wagner, at the pianp re- in the church. The children from left are Nancy Nolf hearses a group from the First Presbyterian Junior Choir Jacquelyn Loeswick, Ann Fornes, James Hopkins and Linda who will be heard in the choir concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow Stamler. The public is invited. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Do DL lamity - 11/North Tonawanda NY Evening News… · Collins are Miss Vita Buell. Mrs.!host at the thlrd annual Albert Landgraf and

Page 4 Tonawanda NEWS Saturday, June 6, 1

fcenmort Town of Tonawanda

Do DL lamity GRACE GODDARD, Editor


Junior Board's Membership Tea Will Mark Opening of Snack Bar

Bethlehem OES Will Conduct

Rites Advance Night and a Floral

Ceremony will be conducted when Bethlehem Chapter 634, Order of the Eastern Star, meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Masonic Temple, 173 Delaware Rd.

Mrs. Kermit J. La Turner, asso­ciate matron will preside and oth­er officers will advance one sta­tion. The associate matrons of the Erie Districts will be honored guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Moore, will be the matron and the patron for the floral ceremony. Tribute will be paid a member who has given outstanding service.

Mrs. Ronald Cameron and Mrs. Jane M. Thomson will be host esses.

Ceramic Guild To Meet Tuesday

Tonawanda North Tonawanda


LU 1000

Cub Pack 580_ Concludes Theme 'Musical Hoedowri

Marjorie Berger, Paul R. Benz Exchange Vows

Miss Marjorie Fern Ber­ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berger, 270 Payne Ave., and Paul Ray­mond Benz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benz, Fred-ericka St., were married

Cub Scout Pack 580, sponsored by the Grove St. Christianjrecently in A s c e n s i o n Church, based its May Pack pro-!Church. gram on the theme "Musical Hoe-| The Rev. David A. Gernatt per-

r ?K ™ A • i » J formed the ceremony May 2 be-Cub-made musical instruments; f o r e a n a l t a r d e c o r a t e d w i t h w h i t e

nrJf .nL W fcy " H f l°W e r S- W h R e r i b b o n S m a r k e d the FlUwnrth «Sm i t h o n h ™ ^ r f a m " y PeWS T h e b r i d e P^ed a Ellsworth S m i t h , cubmaster, w h i t e b t t t h ^

presented the Webelos Badge, the! virgin Mary highest award a cub scout canj T ^ e b r i d e w o r e , f M j . earn, to Bryan Herschell He a l s o c h a e l A n g e l o , deSigned with

hr* ris? gT ays; r ssrand •? card it i u- t J XT i , . r i a white bible covered with a a Neckerchief and Neckerchief | w h i t e o r c h i d

slide for Uie patrol he is joining J M i s s J o a n S u m j

A new Bobcat, Tim Joldos was hnnnr _„u tUa I V / Wi » inducted into the Pack. w anH r l n J f i S ? E U 7 ? e l"

The following awards were pre- S S i f * ^ t ^ ^ ' b™des-sented by the Cubmaster, W " l f S S ^ ^ i S ' S S 1 VfSSHS Badges to Ike Alliger, Darrell filL ? e y w o r e d o u b l e

u . e y e l e t „ t a f -Burkholder, Clifford Groves, and' S g , TIT Z« * * ? *"?? Barry Tower; and one year p i n s * % ™ e i r ^ P/cturQ h a l s

for service as a den Chief to L f f ^ J ™ " 1 t

b ° U q u e l s m ? t c b e d

Paul and Robert Gibson. S L ? S L 2 I , c u " iTu r b U n d s 1 S c o u t c a p a d e s p a r t i c i p a - ! I ^ L T T H C

f?mpkte* t h e i r J* I

tion Badges were given to: ! S J ^ S f t S f l C a m e d a

Bob Markovitz Fred N u s s - H E * 7 * S - " * «< . baum, Paul Kyler, James Daub-' ™ ° ™ f £fey

t *'3S / h e ^ .ney. Bob Wells, Jack Knight, Tom m a n

h aa ; d R o b e r

uM a e « t e n a n d

The final spring meeting of the w i U h a v e s o m e t h i n g con- ^ Mayer. M i k e Zimmer, B o b r ^ m ^ ^ ^ L # . f

Kenmore Ceramic Guild will be " ' V . f' . . . , _ _ . _ , . Schwinger Barrv Tower GaryL l * g e i w o r e a b l u e t a f ' at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the home * « * • t o show fo r i t s ef- V A / p f l - T U n m n q ^ H n n k ' m c HammoW. GaryKottke Norbert ' * \ d r e s s ' b l a c k v e!V C t C * P e ' Mrs. William Collins. 2691 Parker f o r t s Since i t s o rgan i za t i on ! " • C L J O I I I U I I l U O V J . I I V J U K I I 15 Wagonblott, Paul Kempf David j j a c k accessories and pink h a t . Blvd. A picnic supper will be! 4-i ,m a „««».<, «„« «,v,^« u • ! — - - • ' :,-^-^:: . - • • -* •• !nar«.n rtanir «/>!»».««»»».'' ** ; L- J M r s - B e n z chose a two piece

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Benz . . John Jay Studio

Preparing for KMH Junior Board Tea . . Mrs. F. J. Radzwill, Mrs. F. J. Mack and Mrs. D. A. Pieszak

The Junior Board of . . . Kenmore Mercy Hospital M l S S D o m C l M C t e M O U q e r will hnv*» somptriirtcr rnn- 5 3

B l v d ^ A ^ p i K n i ^ s u P P e r . w U 1 b e ; t h r e e y e a r s ago w h e n i t is served. Co-hostesses with Mrs. , . . . , ? , . , Collins are Miss Vita Buell. M r s . ! h o s t a t t h e t h l r d a n n u a l

Albert Landgraf and Mrs. Donald M e m b e r s h i p T e a f r o m 2 to Smathers. U p m t o m o r r o w in t h e

Slides and movies of the Guild's v ••* i> r* M t ^ hosp i t a l s Guild Rooms recent exhibit in Memorial Hall

and of a similar exhibit sponsored The "something Concrete" also by the Columbus, O., Ceramic j includes stainless steel, formica, Guild will be shown by Mrs. Leo electrical appliances and moun-

New3* officers will be e l e c t e d , ^ n s of china and glassware ready from a slate of candidates being | a n d anxious to hold mountains of prepared by Mrs. William Collins, ice cream, strawberries, cherries, Miss Buell and Mrs. Peters. chocolate and nuts.

t h ^ f i n i f n f aalTSr0cWciU . ^ T ^ They are the necessities for thei

n r i r " ^ ° f \ U S ' S a V m g S ? ? n d Junior Boards Snack and Soda » « u.y.%?? f a r t ° * K c n ' I Bar, scheduled for formal opening more High School senior. | M o n d a y a t t h e h o s p U a l ^ b a ^ ,

• . i i • ' n a s b e e n t n e Prime objective of! International Institute the Junior Board. Its operation

Schedules Concert Of Chamber Music

will be one of the board's major projects.

Guests at the membership tea The International Institute will! will be given an opportunity to

present a Chamber Music Concert inspect the snack and soda bar. at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the In- Presiding at silver urns at the stitute. Delaware Ave., Buffalo. tea will be Mrs. Frank J. Radz-

The program will include "Guit-' will. She will wear an aqua jersey ar Quintet in E," by Luigi Boc- dress with a pleated skirt and carini, and "Piano Quintet, Opus jewelled accents. Her accessories 44," by Robert Schumann. .and hat will be white.

Participating will be O s w a 1 d \ Also pouring will be these past Rantucci, first violin; Julius J. Ko-jmembers of the executive board: vach, second violin; Fred A. Res-JMrs. Harry J. Kelly, Mrs. Carl W. sel, viola; William Fahlbusch, eel-;Elliott, Mrs. John J. Grupp, Mrs. fe; John DeRose, guitar; and M i s s i W a r d A- Steiner, Mrs. Francis L. Eva Rautenberg, piano. ! Mack, Mrs. Kenneth Burmeir,

Hostesses for the social h o u r !^ r s - Weston R. Hoddick, Mrs. Jo- ] will be Mrs. Otto Andres, Mrs. | s e P n M - Uchneat and Mrs. Joseph Albert Bishop, Mrs. Boleslaw JjSchisler. Dabrowska, Mrs. Harvey L i s k, M r s - Edgar L. Hoffman, chair-Mrs. Peter P. Luedig and M r s J m a n ° * t h e t ea« wm* iaVQr a black Otto Popper.

! Ogren, Dan Kachermeyer, M i k e " J * w a ° piefe b l u e

11 Garrett, David Bencic, Walter ^V"' e a c c e s s o n e s a"d white ! Barraclough, Ronald Smith. I k e ; g ° v r ' , , , , . ,

I Alliger, C 1 i f f o rd Groves. Bob U ,A b ^ a k f a ^ i n "* bride's home 1 Martinelli. Bryan Herschell, Lee^v, n °T S. a ^ e c e P l l o n i n

liDuerr, Roger Gardner. St e v e b e h/rg<:u1™- T h e t a b l e w a s c e n '

I Glass. Naysim Simon, John Keig- l ? I e d W l t h . decorated Cinderella l! ley, Darrell Burkholder. Robert i s l , P P ^ . pmk and white b e l l s ; I; Mayer. Norman Hammond. Ells- fnd a t i e r ^ w e d d i n § cake. Out of II worth Smith, and Mrs. Gladys , " g-ues*s a t t e n d e d f r o m Penn-, I Smith. jsylvania, Kenmore, Lewiston and,

Pack 580 portrayed the "Spirit! Mr and M-e n ^ , u | o . 76" in the Memorial Day K t A S ^ E J g f t l V E

s i * i .-, „ . a r e at nome in 27 Park Ave I last pack meeting until Septem- \Ti(:<: R p l i i n t , a o „„ '~Z I; ber. A homemade scouter race is J ^ ! S u T ^ P 3 r " I in the list of future events for the [\al°I l l h n l . he! ' m a r " I sutnmsr On Seot 10 Park ^n I g • h e bridesmaids also en-

sumn.-.r. un Sept 10, Pack 580 tertamed at a party in VFW hall will be host unit at the Roundta-

I ble to start the cubbing season. Refreshments were s e r v e d KIT D..UI1- I ;L.„„.

II by the May Den Mothers who V ' rUDIIC Library s were Mesdames George Nuss- Lists New Books I baum, Norman Hammond, Jacki _ „

Daubney, George Garrett, George L . T h e N o r t h Tonawanda Public Library has acquired the follow­ing new books:

Auto Repair Manual, C h i l t o n Company; Lake Champlain, Fred Copeland; Creative Handwork Ideas, M. J. Ellis; Management In The Home, L. M. Gilbreth; Rain and Feast of the Stars, Reiko Hatsumi; The Bible Was My Treasure Map, Paul Ilton; Hand Decoration of Fabrics, F. J. Kaf­ka: Here Of All Places. Osbert Lancaster; The Caesars- Might

Bencic, and Frank Alliger.

'Needle Point' Toes and Heals On Way Out

A more

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED: Mr and Mrs Arthur L Mitchell of Stony Point Rd., Grand Island, announce the engagement of their daughter Sherrie Ann. to Robert J Wendling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph If. Wcndling of Creek-side Drive, Tonawanda. Wedding plans will be announced at a future date.

womens;5ndMad"e^h;arLi s sner ;Cana-Luncheon to Precede

WSCS Annual Parley

ORCHARD FARM NURSERY Th» finest ornamental, shade

and fruit trees In Western NT . "Growing Here." Japanese Yews. evergreens. rL. shrubs, straw­berry, raspberry plants, rhubarb roots. Potted roses, perennial aMi annual flowers. Seed pota­toes, kahtadine. Landscaping, grading ornamental stone work. Visit our Nursery on Rt 429 be-tween Sanborn and Pekln.

M r s . T h o m a s G e r a r d H o p k i n s

t a r e s Maurice Studio) w m p , e a s e m e w o m e n w n o n a v e j w,au«.uMue. ^uumy, r . n. IMC-

and white silk print dress accent- P i n k b a s k e t s of g a r d e n f lowers deco ra t ed S t . J o h n p r o ! e s t , e d t h a t needle-point toes J J J ° " j ® e f° r e Io J 0 r g

1e t : l- F At- Grnrt* M p i - h n H k i -

ed by white accessories and hat . . the r W i s t Church t h U m n r m ™ fnr +h» «LAM**~ ^ f i c u r l t h e i r t o o t s i e s - a n d t o the!^rcosson; New Official Austrian AT * j r O C e /V\et !Her vice chairman. Mrs. Francis , ? ? ^ P t l s t h h U „ t h l S m 0 r m n « f o r t h e w e d d i n g of i m e n w h o h a v e l o o k e d o n t h ,Ski System: Confessions and Self-

NEW YORK (UPD "humane" shape to shoes is on the way. d a : a Political and Social His

This is a fashion step which t o r y > E d g a r Melnnis. will please the women who havei C h a u t a u q u a County, F. H. Mc KJraanizalionS

Her vice chairman. Mrs. Francis , . L. Mack, will have a blue sheer | M l s s D ° n n a Mae M a u g e r a n d T h o m a s G e r a r d Hopk ins , lethal weapons

The Rev. Lawrence J. Stanley/" dress and white accessories. Mrs. James R. Pilkey Jr.. hon-SJ. performed the ceremony for T , , >-. ,

orary chairman, favors a white t he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ' ODy S VJOraenerS linen sheath dress trimmed with ham J. Mauger, 8 Neumann Pky., I , , beige embroidery and beige satin a«d for the son of Mr. and Mrs. rlCK Superstition belt. Mrs. Walter C. Fenwick, also Thomas Hopkins, 1919 Colvin; a vice chairman of the tea, will I B l v d- \As Title forShow wear a black pique dress and a A pink peau-de-soie gown was white hat. j worn by the bride. Belgium lace,! Toby's Gardeners have titled j t l o n a l Shoe Institute, A more

Mrs. James E. Campbell, re-accented by crystal beads and [their 13th annual flower show I humane toe. . .a flattened, tapered •rding secretary, has selected a Dear Is. framed the nnrtraii n«»rk. "Superstition." joval."

Portraits. S. K. Padover; Ben-Gurion, Robert St. John; Soviet

The Women's Society of Chris tian Service of Grace Methodist


Deborah Circle of the F i r s t Toes on everything but evening U u n o n - R o b e r t s t- J o h n : Soviet j " - " T n\ , ™Z\ U C U 0 I d 1 1 L ! I t i e OI u , e r i r s

shoes will be rounder for• falI N a v y ' U G S a " n d e r s : Magnetic C h u r , c h , Wl11 ***** a n n " a l ^ e e t " Methodist Church will have a pic-Heels on daytime shoes are to! J fP e Recording. H. G. M. Spratt; N following a dessert luncheon ^ ^ ^ a t fi M o n d a y ^

be firmer, which will take away !?y Camera J a y L Off.__ O zj i e | a tT

7 3 ^ m - ^ a > ; u i t n e h o m e o f M f s L r o B a u e , . m

some of the dread of treading o n ; S w e e t : I s l a n d i n T h e C i t y - D a n I n c h a r Sc of the luncheon are •Wakefield: Suburbia: Its People M r s - Fi*k Fay, Mrs. Earl Cris-JWard Rd. a grating.

"The oval look is the new look," and Their Politics, R. C. Wood a spokesman for the Na ,


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St MAIN ST., fonawanda

'Superstition When the group meets at 7.30

|cording secretary, has selected a pearls, framed the portrait neck |turquoise blue raw silk dress. The:line. A scalloped panel of mateh-| board treasurer, Mrs. Howard P.jing lace extended from the center Bell, will be seen in a turquoise \of ber fitted bodice to the hemline Shantung dress with a matching;of the gown which had a chapel

| three-quarter length coat. Mrs. j train at the back. Thomas A. McKeen, correspond-1 she carried cabbage roses, lilies ing secretary, is wearing a navy 0f the valley and ivy blue Shantung suit dress with a Crystal blue silk organza frocks,. white hat and floral printed shoes, j were favored by her attendants, be divided into discussion groups.

The decorations chairman for!All were styled with scoop neck- The following leaders will develop this event. Mrs. Daniel A. Pies- line, short sleeves on the shirred the theme "Flower Show High-zak, has chosen a rose and green j bodices and bouffant ballerina I lights " silk print dress, matching flow-jskirts. ered hat and black patent leather j Deeper blue satin piping and shoes

In heels, the trend is toward the "slacked" for daytime—thin

Elects Officers Erwin Mocller has been elect-

sey and Miss Helen Hixon. Mrs. vide table service. Benjamin Mowitz will lead de-votions to open the program.

Officers of the group are to be installed at the 11 a.m. church D a v i d B r o g a n s o n o f M r a n d June 14. M r s J o n n B r o ? a n -3 6 E a s t

Tbe report.session will feature Thompson St. will receive his p.m. Thursday in the greenhouse! ~*~*—»v,x# *Vi udjumc—mm T*~*««*• — w * *» »i«o w^u vitvi-j s muuipouu of McKinley Vocational School. s l i v c r s

U Io f l e a t n e r o r w o ^ P^l^ President of St. John's Luther- g H j l ; * , ? • , ^ 3 fn71Z b a c h e l o r o f a , 1 s d ° s , c e l r o m t h e

!an Parent League to serve for ~ ° " l e , i e n " i n " o r n e UL . a n d l h c School of Education, University of

the coming year. Buffalo District leadership train- Buffalo at commencement exer-Completing the slate of newly | m § d a ^ i n kenmore Methodist

plans will be made for the show!? m o ? h , y o n e o n t h e o t h er- But Aug. 22 and 23 in Amherst Cen- f o r , d r e s

us y ^occasions, the skinny

tral High School.

Mrs. William C. Johnson is chairman of the session which will

spike which catches in gratings, V»«*»W5H*H#; mc aime ui ncwiy| -escalators and door mats will go!elected officers are: Roy Seiwell,i n u r c h

right into fall 1959 and spring vice president; Mrs. Carl Stenzel i960. '[secretary; Darl England, treas

|urer and Mrs. Jesse Blackmon TO GIVE RECITAL j historian.

Students from the class of Irene' r h e election, June 1. was fol

cises tomorrow on the Buffalo campus. He majored in physical education.

BLAIR RECEIVES DEGREE Noel D. Blair, son of Mr. and

Mrs. Darrow H. Blair. 97 Elm-wood Park, will be one of the Ton-


Officers and trustees of the


16 WEBSTER ST. LU 3788




OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Sheldon's Pharmacy, 273 Div. St., LU 6901 Fischer's Pharmacy, 301 Payne Ave., JA 3331 Helwig's Drug Store, 304 Oliver St., LU 1143 Miller's Pharmacy, 460 Oliver St., JA 2323 Sfachowski Pharmacy, 615 Oliver St., LU 1870 Thurlow Smith's 1052 Oliver St. J A 4054 Allen-Mack Pharmacy, Payne Plaza, JA 6055

'bows provided added color ac­cents on the gowns and on the matching tulle picture hats.

Mrs. Donald Mauger was the honor attendant. The Misses Kath­leen Will, Mary Lou Fleissner, Mildred Burgio and Peggy Hewitt were bridesmaids. Miss Diane

\ Marie Mauger was flower girl. ;The bride's attendants carried (double wedding ring arrange-| ments of pink sweetheart roses.

Leo Hopkins was best man for his brother. Charles Hering, Brad­ley Urban, Joseph Meyers, Doug­las Loring, Richard Turk and! Donald Mauger were the ushers.

IS. Maricle will be presented in a l o w , e d ty a n educational program awandans graduating tomorrow in Union Hook and Ladder Auxiliary ! « : « : A _ I » * i _ • . a n n C A / > I Q 1 K n u r I * • * . , • _ . . . . • RM , . _ . . ,

Mrs Fred H Poser arrange-!0: m d U L , e w m D e presented in a r^Tl J , u mfnts- S r T L S T F . S . E Z ^ S T ™ * * ' - ^ horticulture- and Mrs A Rnlland K l e i n h a n s M u s i c Hall. Am on gj 1 those performing will be these!

North Tonawanda students: Paul Wheeler, table settings. Mrs. Ed ward Freer Smith, nationally ac­credited flower show judge, will summarize the discussions from a judge's viewpoint.

Miss Evelyn A. MacDonald, president, has appointed Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Gordon Sam­uels flower show chairman and co-chairman.

Mrs. Merritt Abbott and Mrs. Joseph M. Guerra, hospitality co-chairmen, will be in charge of the social hour.

University of Buffalo commence- will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the ment exercises on the University home of Mrs. Paul Belstadt. 246 campus. Mr. Blair will receive a Young St. Other members will at-

, bachelor of arts degree in chem- tend at 8 p.m. Mesdames J o h n ine Rowell, Mary Lynn and Nan-! Mrs. Harvey Eaton, 158 William istry. He is employed at the Jones, chairman. James Keller,


u« i*v»rcn, .uaij ujMM auu nau- iius. naivcji iiicuuu, xao vvunctui mil v. ne is euipiuyeu <u nil; JUUCS, nicuiiudii, Odines rveiier, cy Zimmerman, and Linda Laud-1St., is a patient in DeGraff Me- Hooker Electrochemical Research John Kenney and William Mast er. - t jmorial Hospital. !Laboratory on Grand Island. .will be hostesses.

|ThomaS McDonald was ring bear- A j f R e s e r v e A u x i | j a r y

The mother of the bride select- \m f+ i j e ed a pink silk organza gown • O L O n C I U d e b e a S O H trimmed with Chantilly lace. Her hat and accessories matched her costume. The bridegroom's moth­er wore a beige embroidered silk organza dress with matching flowered hat.

Pink flowers and candles dec­orated the bride's table in the Hotel Lafayette where the recep­tion took place. After a southern tour, the couple will make their home at 81 Glencove Rd.

BRITANNIA CLUB The Britannia Club will meet

Monday in the home of Mrs. Les­lie Crawford, Clark St;, Town of Tonawanda. Mrs. Robert Craw­ford and Mrs. Norman Holmes will be co - hostesses.

A luncheon today in the Niagara Falls Air Base Officers Club will terminate activities until fall for the Buffalo Air Reserve Auxiliary.

Wives of air reservists are in­vited to attend. Reservations are under the direction of Mrs. John Haller.

The group recently presented an automatic portable phonograph to the pediatric ward of Roswell Park Institute. Mrs. R i c h a r d Dimmick, chairman, made the presentation.

Mrs. Robert Stafford, Mrs. Homer Klegg and Mrs. Clarence Ott, representing the auxiliary, were conducted on a tour of the institute.

CHILDREN TO SING: Johanna Wagner, at the pianp re- in the church. The children from left are Nancy Nolf hearses a group from the First Presbyterian Junior Choir Jacquelyn Loeswick, Ann Fornes, James Hopkins and Linda who will be heard in the choir concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow Stamler. The public is invited.

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