do you weld safely?

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  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    A Guide to Welding Respiratory Protection

    Do You

    Weld Saely?

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    Dont let your health go up

    in smoke !!!

    Increasing knowledge about the health hazards

    associated with breathing welding umes and gases

    above certain concentrations, and the serious illnesses

    that can result emphasizes the need to educate, train, and

    provide welders with appropriate protection.

    Sae welding practice requires recognition o the hazards,

    evaluation o the risks and implementation o control

    measures to protect workers.

    In general:

    Welders do not wear respiratory protection when they


    They are unaware o the many hazardous materials

    they can breathe while working.

    Health eects rom long term exposure can be deadly.

    Short term eects can be concerning and disrupting.

    Our society is becoming ever more

    health conscious, as science becomes

    better able to explain cause-and-eect

    o diseases and ailments

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    What is welding ume ???

    Welding umes are very ne, solid particles o metal

    oxides that orm during the welding process. The specic

    substances and amount a welder inhales depend on the

    welding method, conditions under which the welding

    takes place, and the types o metals being welded. Many

    types o metals may be ound in welding umes, including

    arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper,

    iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, vanadium, and


    Gases commonly associated with welding are carbon

    dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, fuorine

    compounds, and phosgene. These gases may be present

    as the result o:

    Combustion o fux shielding.

    Ultraviolet radiation interaction with shielding gases,

    oxygen, carbon dioxide, and solvents.

    Burning metal coatings.

    Factors eecting respiratory exposures

    in weldingThe base material being welded or the ller material

    that is used

    Coatings and paints on the metal being welded, or

    coatings covering the electrode

    Shielding gases; and chemical reactions which result

    rom the action o ultraviolet light rom the arc and


    Reaction with other contaminants in the air,

    or example vapours rom nearby cleaners and


    Work position

    Ventilation (area/local)


    Welding ume particles can be

    eciently ltered due to their unique


  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    Health eects linked to

    welding contaminants

    Short term eects

    Eye and skin irritation

    Nausea and other gastrointestinal eects

    Headache and muscle ache


    Metal ume ever


    Pulmonary oedema (fuid in the lungs)

    Long term eects

    Increased risk o cancer in lung, larynx and urinary


    Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia

    Emphysema, siderosis

    Ulcers, kidney damage

    Heart and skin disease

    Damage to the central nervous system (Parkinsons

    Disease etc.)

    Welders run a 40% greater risk than other proessional groups o being aectedby lung cancer*

    * US Department o Health & Human Services (NIOSH) Pub. No. 88-

    110p iii.

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    The occupational exposure standard or general carbon

    steel welding over an 8-hour period is 5mg/m3 inspired air.

    However, even i you are within this occupational exposure

    limit, you inhale up to 11 grams o carbon steel every


    The welding ume canister to the right

    contains 11 grams o welding ume

    particle. Year ater year this is the

    quantity o ume inhaled by an

    unprotected welder*.

    The health eects o welding

    exposures are many and

    varied, because the umes cancontain so many dierent harmul


    Long term welders need to protect their health

    over many years o exposure. Short term eects

    can be readily reduced or avoided and the long

    term eect risks can be minimised.

    Good engineering controls and work practices are

    imperative. For example, its important, when easible,

    to use local and source-exhaust ventilation to remove

    harmul umes and gases. Where possible, less hazardous

    materials should be substituted. Material Saety Data

    Sheets (MSDS) should be reviewed to identiy any hazards

    that might be associated with the welding job.

    In many cases, engineering controls alone cant reduce

    exposure levels adequately. For maximum protection

    simply provide the welder with a Speedglas powered

    air respirator system.

    How much is your saety, or the saety

    o your welders worth???

    * Under normal working conditions the respiratory rate is about 20 litres o air/minute. Over a working year (100%), a welder breathes in about

    2300 m3 o air. Under working conditions with 5 mg/m3 o welding particles in the air, a welder breathes in 11 grams o particles/year.

    How many grams o ume particulate

    do you ingest every year?

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    The Adfo powered air respirator systems smart, compact

    design is made to suit welders and their specic working


    Thanks to special electronics the airfow is always a

    constant nominal rate o 170 litres/minute, regardless o

    the batterys charge or the particle loading o the lter.

    For hot, humid jobs welders can increase the airfow by

    almost 25% by simply pushing the ON button a second

    time. By using the Adfo respirator, welders get both

    increased protection and comort all day long.

    The Adfo system conorms to Australian Standard AS/

    NZS1716 and has a nominal protection actor o at least

    50. Which means that the air you breath through the Adfo

    system is 50 times cleaner than the air that you would

    otherwise breathe.

    For example: A manuacturer o galvinised ences

    measures 30 mg/m3 o zinc oxide in the workplace air.

    The statutory Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) is

    only 5 mg/m3. The airborne zinc oxide exposure to the

    welder, thereore, must be reduced by at least a actor o

    6 (30 mg/m3 divided by 6 = mg/m3). A respirator with a

    minimum protection actor o 10 or better is required.

    Respiratory Protection: Cooler, cleaner

    and more comortable welding

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    Integrated Protection,

    Increased Productivity

    Studies show that welders can increase eciency by up

    to 50% when using Speedglas auto-darkening welding

    shields as opposed to conventional fip-ront welding

    shields. Not only can welders literally move aster when

    they can always see, but they move more eciently,

    placing electrodes more precisely. Most bad weld starts

    can be eliminated. Fewer bad welds mean less grinding

    and higher overall quality levels. Furthermore, this

    conservative estimate does not take into account the loss

    in productivity caused by eye injuries and time o work.

    In general it is the responsibility

    o the employer to identiy any

    hazards that are to be ound in

    the working environment and to

    provide the workers with adequate


    However, even with all the available

    inormation on the hazards o

    welding, eye trauma is still the

    leading cause o blindness worldwide. Welding and

    grinding were responsible or 29% o all eye injuries*.

    Illnesses due to welding umes can be instant or insidious,

    taking weeks, months and sometimes years to become

    apparent. In recent years, welding with limited ventilation

    has been linked to toxic damage to the brain.

    Because you only have

    one pair o eyes. Because

    you only have one pair o

    lungs. Because there is

    only one Speedglas

    The multiple benets o personal

    respiratory protection

    The Adfo powered air puriying respirator provides a

    nominal minimum protection actor o 50.

    Improved worker comort: a cool, rereshing

    atmosphere within the shield.

    Integrated ace and eye protection

    Increased productivity

    * Imberger, A. Altman., Watson, W., Altmann, A., Unintentional adult eyeinjuries in Victoria., Monash University Accident Research Centre

    Report #137 1998

  • 8/9/2019 Do You Weld Safely?


    Our ocus is welders

    Our integrated production enables us to achieve

    outstanding quality control in

    all processes. As a result, 3M

    Speedglas is the worlds leading

    brand o protective equipment or

    welders. And just as hundreds

    o thousands o users rely on

    Speedglas products every day or

    their best welding perormance, we

    rely on welder comments or utureproduct designs, developments and


    3M 2007 All rights reserved. Speedglas and Adlo are trademarks o 3M.

    Australian Welding Supplies Pty. Ltd

    Unit 5, 6 8 McLachlan Avenue Artarmon NSW 2064 Australia

    Tel: (02) 9439 0111 Fax: (02) 9439 0100

    E-mail: [email protected]