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DOCUMENT INFORMATION FILE NAME : Ch_VII_4 VOLUME : VOL-1 CHAPTER : Chapter VII. Traffic in Persons TITLE : 7.4 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age, concluded at Geneva on 11 October 1933, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 12 November 1947 Lake Success, 12 November 1947

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CHAPTER : Chapter VII. Traffic in Persons

TITLE : 7.4 International Convention for the Suppression of

the Traffic in Women of Full Age, concluded at Geneva

on 11 October 1933, as amended by the Protocol

signed at Lake Success, New York, on 12 November 1947

Lake Success, 12 November 1947

C.5DO. M. 276. 1933. IV. Erratum





(Document C.590. M.276. 1933. IV.)

Page J. ArtiCle 10, 4cme paragraphc, Z ~ me ligne :

Au lieu de : "A rti cle 10"

Lire: "A rt ic le 9"





(Document C.590. M.276. 1933. IV.)

Page J I Art icl e 10; Pa ra er raph -I , 2nd line :

lns t cad of: "A rt icle 10 "

Read : "Art ic le 9"

SCrie de Publications de 18 Societe des NatiOns/ IV. QUESTIONS SOCIALES

1933. IV. 5. Erratum



['king anxious to :-.4..'Cllft' mO fl' tOlnpJetely the -.ILpprc""iun ( II the I raffie in women and children:

Ilanng takclI nOl{' of tht' n,:colllllwndatiolls contained in the [{cpon 11"1 the Council of the Le;IRuc of XatiQlls by til{' Traffic in \\'I)men and Childr<'n Committee on the work of its twelfth ""''';,.,!O!l :

" aving dl'('j(kd to cfJ!1lpldl' lJv a IH'W ronn:ntion the .\ gn:(·l1wllt of :'Iray 18th, H)0-l-, ;1nd till' ConwIItinn,.; of :' .ph, ICJIO, ;111d ~eptl'1ll1)t'r 30th, H)ll, relating to the suppression of the tranie in w()m~'n and children,

Haw appointed for this pllrpo~\' as their Plenipotentiaries:

\\'ho, ll.lving: communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as (ulkms:

. Irllcll! I.

\\'ho('\"t'r. in flnkl" 10 h'Tdtifv tilt" pa ...... iOlh of .. n()lh~r pcr:;OIl, ha5l procured, enticed or [I'd a\my, \'V"II with [WI' ("lln"'('lIl,;t \\"uman Ill' girl oj fl111 ",~" for imlllOr,d pllrp()~s to be carried out in another count IT, "h,LlI Ix- puni ... ht·d, nol\\'ith"taIHlinq that Iht' \',uio\.!., act!; COlbtituting II\(' offence may ha\',- b\.·,'ll {'('Illtnilt~cl in dilIL'!,'nt (·o\l1llril' ....

. \ltl'l1ljll\.'d ot!t:lll"l.' .... and, within IIw lq;-allimit:-, acts preparatory \0 til(' offellces in que:;lion, ... hall al"o Ill' pUlIi,hahk'.

For tht, purpu""",, uf thL' prt'''L'1l1 ,\rtiel,'. the. term ., country" includes the colonies-and protec­tr)r,!I~:; of thl: l1igh Conlracting !'art\ L:unCL'I'Ill'u. ,L., well a., territories under hi,; sU7.erainty and t\'nlllJriL'~ for \\hid l ;\ lI1andate h,t.. b~~11 \.'Illl"U.,tCU II) him .

.. l l'ticl., .!,

The lIigh Contr,L,'lin,l( '· ... ,rti\.·" \\h()~L' law,., arc at pr(',;cnt inadequatL' to deal with Ihe ofl"t'IlCCS

"Iwlilil'd in 11ll' pr~n'dillM ,\ rtidL' agn',' 10 tak ... ' tin- 1I\.'('t', ..... u-y ,.,tcl>:. to ensure that Ihe,;(' ofk'IlCe5 ... hall \w puni ... llI'd in accurd,LHee with tlll'l!' grant)'.

, I rliclt! J.

[Iw Illgh Cunl ract ill~ Pan il.'''; IIlldl.'rtak\.' to e011l1lllltdral\' tv (';1fh other ill rt;'.~arcl to any ll<.'r~()n (of I'il lwr ... ~." \\Iu) ha, nfllllnilll'd or ,tll~'lIlIH ... (1 to ('()Illmit an~' (If Ihe olicnn''i referred to 111 Ihl' pH'~t'1l1 rlllln'nlion or In Ihl" rOl1H'lltion,.; of 19w and JI}l! on Ih ... Suppn':'.<:i(lIl (If Ihe Tr:ttlic in \\'oltt{'n and thildlvn, till' \·,Iriou,.; con~tilUl.'l1t aet.. of whidl \\"('n.'. or \I'('r(' 10 ha\'t~ ])C\.'Il,

;LC"nunpli ... ltl'd In dillvr\'nl cflulllril''', thl' following InfortLlatiOIl (or !olmibr in{n!'1natioil which il Illay bl.' pn",.,ibk 10 ... upply tlw 1<1\\'''' and n'glLialiuu", of til\.' ~'ollnlry concern~d);

(lI) l~ ('('flrd" .)f t't!nl'i{'li')II~, tOg"l'lh\"r \\Ilh ,LilY tt..;dul and <\\· .. ilable information \\jlh rcg;ml Iu 111(' oill'fl(it'r, ~mh a'o hi" I'i\'il ~tal\l"', I\i-"criplioll, ling('r-prinb, phOlo~raph and polin· recold. hi:-, ull'tIJod .. f)f (! IX'ratiun. cle.

(l!) " arlindaI'., uf anv llicasun;,., IIf rdu,:d uf admi,.,,,,ioll \lr of ~'xpul""ion whkh 1ll3\, l13.\'c bel'1l applied II) hlln. • '

.[ he",· dOl"llllll·nt..; an,1 inf(lrtlM l iol1 ~llall be sent direet allli \1'ilhoI11 de!3\' to Ihe 3uthorili~'.~ (If till' cOUlllri,''o ('(j1l('tT1Wd in l':lCh particular ca~e by Ih~ ;tulhorilie ... n.Lmcd in ,\rlicl~ I ~~f the .\gn'~m .• ·llt nmt"lttdnl ill /':Irj~ On '\ I .t}' tl'lh, 19"-1. and. if IX) ... ,.;ibk. in all ca~t'.~ \Ihen Ihe ol lencl', COIl\'I("lton. refu ... al of "dlll i""jon or l.'xpul ... ion ha:- b('el1 duly e"tabli"hcd.

S.d,X. '.9H t- H>O. "'In l",p, """WI{.

,- --

2 --'


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Desircllx d'<!:-slIra d'ulll.' manit-rc plus complete ]a r':prl's:-;ion ~k ]a If,\itt' cic-" fo'tlllllCS ct des enfant,,:

.\yant pri~ connai":'<1l1ct' Ut.::; n!('l)lllm:md,ltionii cOlltt.'nut'~ dans k r,IPI)Ort :lll! de b Soci(,t': oc:; :'\atiol1~ P,\f [e Comit,,: df' In trail<' dcs femmes 1.:1 {k" l'nLtnts ,.;ur Ie" tr;).vuux de sa douzicmc sc:"sion:

Ayaiu decid~ de compktl'l'. par lItlt.' conn'lllioll lloUVl'lk'. 1'.\n,lll/.{I'I1H'JlI till IS mai '904 ct lcs COllvl'l)tillJ1" du -I mal ! t)IO et <ill JP St'ptl-'mbn' Jfj.!l, rtlatifs a ]a rl'prl""~iull tit.' la traite des femmes ('I des enf;lIlts,

Ont d0signc ;\ eet l'fkt p'mr leurs pIL·nipotcntiairl''>.

Lesque!;;, apr':';; a voir communiqu':' kur.-; plein", pUH\'oir..; n'{'IJllIlUS f'il bOlliit' 1'1 ,Ill!' forllle, sont conn'n uS des di spositions ~lIi\"antcs:

.1 rhelr prclII ia,

Doit et re puni quiconljllc, pour sati,;fairc Ic" p.b"ions d'<\utrui, <\ embauche, cntralllt' QU detournc, me me avcc son ('OllSt'ntclllent, Ullc femme Ull !illc majl'tIIl' l'n \,\1(' l.h: b dt"'bauchc dan" un autre p:lys, alors memc qill' ks din:rs actes qui "ont 1('-. {'I('nwnb con"titutib de l'infr.lct ion amaient etc accomplis dans des pays diff':·fents.

La tentative cst cgalcmcnt puni"sabI0. II Cll 6t de meme, dans k:. limit..:,; 10g~d6, dl'" ack", prcparatoires.

Au scns du present article, I'exprcssioll I, pays 4 compn::nd Ie:. coh.mics ct protl'ctorah lIl' L.l Haute Partie contractantc intcreSSl..~, ainsi que It:s tcrritoirt's sous sa sUl.crainet(· "I Cl'lIX pour lesquels un mandat lui a etc con fie.

Arlicle 2.

Lcs Hautc:,; Parties contractantes dOllt la Ict;islation !1\' '>l'ra 1M.." de,., :1 prl·<;(·Jlt, ,.,utlisalltt: pour rep r imcr ](:" infractions prevul';; par I'articlt:' pn-cedent s'cng;lgeIH :1 pn'ndn' Ie" 1llI'''lirC-i n('cessaircs pour que ccs infrat.:tion-i sf,il'nt punil'j ~lIi\'ant leur gril\'itl'

,lfliric J.

Les Hautes Pan ic:. cuotractan tcs s't'llg,lgt'nt a St.' communiqut'r au sujt't de tonI individu de l'un Oil I'autrt' St"\'(' qui <tura l'olluni,; (.ILl h'ntc dv Cl)mrnt.'ltre I'une tit·,;, infr.t<.:til)!!'" dst'i.'''' par la prescnt!' Corln'rlttOn, Oll par Ivs Conn'rHi(llls de IqIO ct 1921. rL"lativl'" ;'1 1,( nO'pr"SSIOll dt' 1.1 traitl' de!> fenllllCs el clt·s enfant,;, ,oj lcs d{'Illl'nts cnn"litutif.; de )'infra('tjo[J <Jilt {·tt· on dc\,.II\·nt {·tr£' realL;L:s dan>; dl'~ pay ... d iFferents, Ics inf'Jnnations :.Uivcllltb ('Ill de,; jnforrnatiqn" allalogtll,s quc lwrrnNh'1lt riP fournir It:,; Itli" pt n'.glt'lll'·Uh intericur,,):

aJ Lc"jll~elllent!> de condamnation an:cjtlJllte,; autre" informatiuns utile,., qui p"urraicilt Ctre (lhteIlIlC,., ~ur Il' ddinqll~trIt, par (';..:empl .... "ur ;'(\11 (·tat civil, son "igll.tlemellt, ~C'i l'ruprcinh':; tii,r;ltak'.,. sa phol"glaphil', SOil dl)s"iCf dc pulice, "a mani~n' d'op,:rer, elf'

b) I. 'indicatr')n de,., m .... ,.,urt·" ric rd'lIileuwllt IItI d'cxpubiQIl d'mt it ,Iurail (·tt: ]'Objl·t.

Cc:. drJcumClll'i Vi inf.,rrnation., ,>cront llllYOY":'" direCICIJ1l'lIt l't "an" (!\obi au\: <tutorit(·s dl'''' pav,., intl·r .... ",.,,'·s dans ch.lquc ca" panit.:rrli<:r Ie-, autontl~'" d':'~i~n':'6 (")llform~"m"lIt il I·arlil·!t: pn~rnll'r iiI' r.\rral1;{CIllCrlt ('oncill it Paris Ie IS mai 191J+ ret envoi ;lura lielL, autant qu'd l·~t prJs,.,ibl,', dan'i tou,> Il'.'; f'a'i dl' (.;ullsla!atio[J de l'infra('tion, de ('unrLimnatiIJJl, de rdulI\cIl1I.'at Ill! Ii '('xplIlsHIil.



;-.' il ~'d~'\'" 1'lItfl' It':-. ll anlv'" Parlil'''; ('(1Il1l';II'!;\tI!6 lin dih,;n.'nd 'luckunqut' rvl"tif;\ 1'inll'r­]1\"I'lalio11 (ttl ;'1 l';lppli(';ttlllll (I\' Lt I'r"'~I'nll' C,'.nn·nlinn on ~k" COlln· .1110 1<)11'."'. J(j.:n, ('\ ~i l't' di!lI'1'I..'IHI n',\ pll ('In' r,';(lll1 II.' r;l!,~(ln ~ati"L\I";\l.lIl· P,lL' \'OW dlpllll1~'II!(\lH', II ",'1',\ r.'·.:':~1 {"(Ild'.'rtlll"­mC'nl all', di",pp_"iiion", \'11 \'i~IJt'ur l'nlrl' k .. p.\rlll'~ C01Kt'rnnll! k 1q.:kIlWllt (il-,.; dllll'n;nd .. 11\1('1"­

nali,'ll<lUX .\\1 LI"'"il til' Il'1k~ di"'Po1"iti'l!l-. n'{''l.istC'I.lil'llt pa,.; l'nlrl' Jp" Vnll""; ,\11 difl~'·rt·l~d.l·lk.., Ie ~'.'llInt'l-

1nolll tL IllW pn,r'\\llrl' O1rhllr;1I,' OU jmli"i,tirl' .. \ ddaul t!'llil acc.m\ "Ill" JI' chnlx d \111 allln'trtbunal, dh-,.; "'lOlll,Wt\r"nt II' clihL't"I"ml. ;'11:t It'tjlll·\t· de rum' (\'d h'Oi,:L l;t Cnllr pl"rrn:l1w!.lk d,' jll ... tin· i!l\(.'r­!l.1l i"n,lIt'. ~! elk .. ";(llll WUlt'"", partil'" au I'rut()/.'nk' fill I () d('ccmbre 11j!(). n·!allf al! ~tallil d('latlll£! ("(,ur, PI. ~l ..:lIe" lI'y ,.,mt pa,., tmlle" partie,.;, :'\ 1I11 tribunal d'nrhil.rag-c ,'Ulblilll(' ~·I(~fOrml·1lt~llt :1 b ("oll\'l'nlil)lJ de La I layl' du 18 oclobn' I(j(}i pour Ie r~g-lclllen t panHqtu· des flll1thl" tntNll;JU()llaux .

. lrlid~ 5.

l.a pr\'~l'ntl' 1'"nn·l1li"l1. donI 11'" Il'\;\"" fra(u;:ai" l'l am:-bi,. i,'ronl 1"g:dl'ml'lll fni. p"rtIT:l Iii datl' de n' juur ,'1 "',\",1. j\l~qll'all pn'lllin :I\Td H)j-+, ,I'I\""r"':\ la "i.t..:n:llnrl',klqI11 'krnilrl',h-ia =',)Ci('l(' (\(-" ~:l1i(ln ... un dl" IIJut EI:\I non 1l1i:r11hr\' qlli ,,\.,,\ f:lil 1"I"]'1"I·· ... t·1111"1 tL 1;1 ( "nf,·!.'Il(T qlli <L

l'labllr(' J:I pn~:-'L'n\l' CIIII"l'nlioll, II\( :lllIJUt't It· C"n ...... il til, la .... 'Wh·I' rlt· ... :\aI1l'11" aura t"OHI1!lllllli']1u··

('{Ipie de]a pn""l'lltl' Conn'nli(·I1.J. cel utel .

• ·1 r/irl,' I).

L,\ prl·· ... l·lltc COln'ell don ,,('ra fat ifi,'c I .l·~ ill' t fllI1Wlll ,: II. r.\ t it1(";ll ir,ll ..... ·rr 1111 11'1 n -III b .j II "'I '<' '\'-

tilir(· !-::'-'!1,"rallk la ~()ci,:,t':, d~'~ ::\ati(1n .... , qlli c'n lIodfi('!";..( It- l]:-t''-,1 :1 11.11-< ) ..... \klllhl"" II<- la ..... ,,,·i,··II·, ain .... j Ijll'all", Etat.~ 11011 Ilwmbr,'s \"l~l-" ;\ J';lnicho prl'I'l"Ih-nl

.1,./lrll' i .

. \ dall'i' fill l"f a\"ril IQJ4, I,ml ~kmhr,· Ill' la ~I)ri,".(" (It- ... ': Ili'Hl"; l"t "111: EI;\I 111111 ))10"1111)1,' d~,',:'t I"artick :1 pOllrra adht'rer:"1 ]a pfl:~I·IIIt· Cnnn.'Il,illl1.

1.",,; ill"tnltlll·nt-. !l'a'PI -1<>11 .... t·l"<!llt tl.lIb!l1i" all ";'L·rl"!'·tain· ...:' n'"r:d ,I,· 1;\ ..... '" i"I,' d,· :-;;tti"n ... . qlli l·n ll',lifirr;"L k tlL"pl;t ,'1 \,,11 ... It,~ ),Irmhn's 1110 Lt ""('i,~,,", ail""! '11\',111' 1',Llh 1l1'1l m"lIlhn" ,.j ..... ...

alldit article.

!.a pr(· ... ~'nlr (·Olln'nlil,n l'ntrl"!":! ell \"i~1I1'l!r ..,oi,al1te iotlr ... apr,:· ... qlw k .... 1·'r'··I;111"I ~,n'·1.11 ,it­h ='m·i,;ll' dl·"; \"";(tiOIl" aura 1"':'('\1 deu;\: ratificl.ti()n~ ou adh,··~iO\b.

Elle ... era l·mq . .:i"trl·l· par ie St.:n(·tain· g,"'n(Tal Iv jour dl· ~{jn t'nlll'"\" I'll "i"':lwlIr 1.":-' ratiHratinn" Uti adh{-"ions lllttril·lln·" prt'ndront 1'\1("\ ;'\ )""l'ilali"l\ d'llll tldai t\t­

·-(,ixantc jUllr,.;, ;'1 p.1.rtir til! jour Ill' 1~·\Ir ],··('('[1lillll par [" :",>I·cn··;;tin' g,·n,·-ral .

. Idiclt' 9

La pr;· ... l'lltt COIl\·(·ntion pourra eire d;'!1/)[\C\"e par tuw lloii!icalion adn'''';'l' all :-;t·, r,··lair,· ~('Jl,'T:d d,' la SI,ci(t,·· dt,; :-;atjotls. CI'I1<' d;'nnnciatillll prvntlr'\ did 1111 an :1)m"''' ".1 r,"{'('pli'lll d ~l·I!l .. nj(·1lt tL ]'[./!"ard I\C' b HatH,' l':tr~it' ('''ntLl('\<lnU· qui [';tIIL\ ll()ti1it"·" .

. Ididr: TO.

'1"u/" I !r,lItt' I'anil" C(,ntractanl(' potll ra d"'cLtnr ;111 m'Hlwntllt· la "ignal Ill", ,[, 1.\ r;ltilil"ati'!Il 011 tit" I';ldh"·,ill/l. 1[1I"'n :IITl'pl:m( ]a pr'·· ... t·lllt· ("1,11\"'·l1ti')I\. 1·11t- n';\ ... ~llnH' 'lll("\l!W I,hlig.tli"n 1"1<)111 l't'n~I'l1\bl<- 1111 till' p,lnil' lit- st'" I'lJ!nniv,.;, protl't'trmll". t,·rril1111"t·, r\'ouln'-nwr, \,·ITit,'m· ... pl.\( ,', "',U ... ';;I ~1I/1'r:tjrJ("I .. · nil tf'11 itlJif("~, prill!" k"Q1l('j,; un mallrLII lui ;( {·t"· (·{Jnhi~.

"j"1'l!\I· ! !;lul\' Partil' ("O]ltr;l('tallll' pOllrr;t uIU'ri('un'nll'llt d,"d,;n'r all =',·("rt··\;lil t.!'··!It·r;t! il.· 1:t SI,rir"-[,'· dr· ... ~,dj()n ... fllIl' lot pn··"t·nle Conn'ntlflll s"lppliqllt· :'t t"·!l..;(·mbl,· fill ;'lllllI" P;Il"IU" dl· ... I('rrill!in'" qui :lIJrollt fait I"o])j,·\ IJlUIH' d';"/d ]"<lt],)1l :\11'" ('rm,·,., dl' I",din,··;! pl .. ·'· .. ·t!'·nt Ltdill' d,"'dar:lli(1!) pn·ndra I'lf"1 ~rli"anlt· jOlll'" ;1])1('" ":I n:et·ptifi!l

r',\lII' Iialltc- ['anit· ("lJlltractalltt' ]>1.111 fa, :1 to\lt J1ltHlwnt, retirer ('n \0111 I,ll ,'n 1',lrti,' LL Ikl"!;lralioll \.j ..... " ;'t l"alinl"<t 1. I).tll" t:l' ("a", ("I'ttt.' d"-rl"ratjUIl <It' a'lrait atlra dId IllI ;111 ;lpr,"" ,,;, n""'l,!i'lll p:\r II' ~"n"'I;jin' gt"-n('I:t1 (iI' ].1 :-OU, i,"h" tIP" ;\:lliqn".

I.,. S(""fl"win' g,"n{'ral c"rnn11lnir)1ll'ra ;'1 tllll .... k., .\It-mbrl's <It· LI ~lll"i,·t,: r\1'S ~;lti')I!,-" .. in ... 1 '1');111' Eta!... 1I'JIl n\!"JJIlJn'~ VI,,(-;,;I 1';lrtidl.' :1, li-:-. dl"1Io/lciatiu/ls pr('vul'S ;'t I'artier.- )I) .. t 1.-" c!,"'('I;I­I;l\i"lh n'I:IIl'" 'II \', rtll rill pr\'''lll1 :u·tick,.

),Ldgn" b 11,·dar'll;on faitl' I'll \"'rll l dt· I';dint-a ]lrpmil"fdll pr(:-;enl ;Hti('I;', ]';difl\'a .ld,' I·;,rtir'l.' pn·flli(·r ro·"t,· ;lpplka[)I.·.


II rticle .1-

If there :-h<1\11d arisl' hetWCl'1l the lli l-(h Contracting Parties a dispute uf a ny kind relating to the intl'lpn'Llli"l1 tIl' ,lpplic;Lticlll of thl' pr;'~('nt CO!l\'('lltion or (Jf the Conventions of H)Jll and Iq2r , and if ~lllh di"pllh' C",Ulllq\ he i"fanol'ily "ctt]('(\ by diplomacy. it !-hall be settled in atconlancr~ \Iith ,un' dpplkablc a:~n'('ments in [(!ITI' b('(\\(~\'n the Parti,':"> providing: fur the "cttlt!n1cnt of int('rnail,,]w1 displlk"

III r:L"l' 1111'l"e is III) "1I('h •• ;:rl't'lIWIH in io n :e lX:lwl'cn till' Partie", tilt.: di..,pUh: :-hall be rcferr<:ti to ,llbill;ltitltl or jlldkial ~t·1tJ'lIH'lIt. In tIll' ab~CIl('p of :Igrt'l'lnCnt on the dwicc of another tribunal. 11li' di-,Pllte "hall, ,It the ['('(jill'''! of ,tny one of the Part ies, be referred to th~ Permanent COIlr! flf Inlnnati<,nal .In:,tice. if all till' I'art ies tn the di~p\ltl' are Panic" to the Prnt()~ol of Ikn'1I11wr I(!{h, Jf,ZO, niating HI till' ~tatll!~'(jf Ihat Court, ,11H\' if anyo f the Part ies to the dhpute i~ lIot a I'arl\' tn tlw Proto,oJ r,f Ikci.·llIiX'r 1(lth, HpO. lO an arhitral t r ibunal cun')tituted in ;\(',onl,l1l\"(' \\'itb th(' 1\ ;lgu ... · ('ullwnlif!1l of Octnill' r IKtll, 19(J7, for the Pacific Settlement of Il llt'fjl;Lti"n;LI I)i"pule,;,

, I rfide 5.

lilt' Pl!':-"(,JlJ ('fl11\'1'Jltio1L, of \\·hidl the- Ellg"li"h and French texts art! both authoritativC'. sh~Li l lJO';(l' thi ... lby\ datl'. :ll1d :-h;dl llnlil ,\pl il 1:>1. H)j".I.>t, 111)('11 for ~ignatun: (In h.· half fJf any :-'1t'!l1ber "f Ill!' [xagm' (!f :\dtif)II:-. ur /If dn) IIIHl-11li.·11lb(·r Stat<.: which was rcpn'sellll'd at the Confc1't'llce \\hkh ril'v\\' up thi.~ ("oll\'{'lllioll or I" which till' (',!undl nf the Leaguc of ~ati4)!lS shall have ,'mnllHlnit';ltl'r! ;t CliP)' of till' ((JIlv('ntion fo r thi :- pu1'post'.

Art icle 6.

[']1(' prt:-..t'llt C0JlYl-'l1\iWI :-hall be ratirlt'd. The in~trUlnt.'I1!S of ratification shall be tnnsmitted to thl' "u'l['tar\'- ( ~l'I1lT;d 1)( IIii' [ "agllc (Jf :\ations, whf) ~h:J.1I IHltify thcir I't.!ccipt to all :\Icrn\)('rs of th\' 1,(,OIg\l(' ;lilt! tl) tIll' llnl1-11H'llItX'r State,> n·fL·rr('d to in tht.! prec('dill~ ,\niclr.

, I dlel.; 7.

,\.;, (ftlm ,\plil ht. Iq.H. till' jlIT:-4'nt ('ot1\'l·nti()n may bl' acceded to on IX'half of any ~ Icmbcr of tIlt' L'·;\.~ll'· fir :\alinlh (d' ;111V 11Im-lill Illlwr Statl' 1l1i.'!l1iom:d in ,\rtidc j,

11ll" in-,!1"lIIIWllh of ;l''("l'~-,inll .. h,dl ix' tr<iIl;"!1littcd to thl' Secro.:tary-Cl·lwral of tIll' League flf :\,I!i"/l;". lIlt·) "lr;dl Ju) !ih' t!\l'ir n""'ipt to all 111<' :\1r-1llb,'r~ 'If til(' L('a~ueand to) tlwnnn-membc r ~Ial<"" ll)t'nli!!lJ('rl in flr;lt .\ni'-'](',

. J rtlelo' 8,

II\!· PI', "'1l1 COlln'ntiln1 :-.h,111 ("!Ill\' into fure(' ~ix ty dars afte r the ~l'crdary-(;c:neral of the r xa;':11t' of :\.11 i, '11" ha'i n'ct'i \'cd ! \\"0 1",1 t i IkJ. t iOll" or ;lccl',.:.~i()lb.

It ~ILdl hI" I'Igi:-..I"I'('d h\' tIll' :-;['.1< t,lf\'-(;ellt'l"al "11 th,' t\av of ils l'nlr\' into forel'. <';'llhSl'q1It'11I 1;lIj!i(',!1i"lI~ or ;lc('v .. ~i(lIl" ':-ir:dl uk,· ,h ... ·ct a t 'th,' l'nci ()f ;ixI\, Ja\'s after their

rU':: l'ip! b\' tht· ~'·nd;l1'\·-(;('I\(·I';11. • -

nit' \11.':-...'111 (IJll\','lltillll of thl' 1.1":1I~IIt' "f :\;.Iiull", onl\' ill l'\·/;;tiol1 to Ih.· Ilig-lJ

, Id icl,' 9

tTl,l\' hI. d4'1l()1l11Cl'd In' Ilolilic;]tiun adclre~secl to the Secrelarv·C('nera! ~11I'lr d('lltllll'iaij')!l :-h,tll take dket one year ,lftcr it:. n:'.";~ipt, but Cl)l1trdctil1f{' P;lrtv who ha.; notified it.

. / rficli' 10.

,\l1\' IliKh ("ontraetJl1!! Pdrl~' may,.ll 11ll' tim\.: of ~i!.;"natllr,·,Lttilit:atiol1 4)1' acce<:"-ion.dl'd.uc Ih<1l, III .u·f·('plilll.: tlw )11"1· ... (·l\t Clllln'Il!iOI1. h(' doC's not ;I~S\lllll' an\' nblig,ttiol1 ill J".· ... p""l'1 uf .:.dl I!!' ,~Il\' .',f Ili~ ("l]',ni,''''. pr"l\Tt"I;IIt·". '1\'I'r""';I" h'rritolk". krritnrl,'" l1!l(it'r hi" "'!Zl'raill i~'. 'JI' t{Tn/OI It" fOI \\ hirh ;t 11U1ULIli In" hn'!\ ,·Iltru:-..kd tn him.

, ,\ r.1\· II igli i 'oul rile t inl-! P,trt\· 111;1 \' "uh-'''q llenll\' til'\' b 1\' I" t Jr,' :-':~'('Il'll ry-I ;\'11<'1':11 ~'f t hl' I.,·a:;w' !If ~al1f1n:-.. lh;!l Ilh' pn· ... l'nl \ 'OIl\'('lllit'll i" 10 .Ipplv tn all Ill' ,lll\, rtf tit.' lI'rriwri .... s which han' b"vn l11ad,' tilt' :-'111)j""\ 'If ;1 rj(eiaratioll Hillin t Ilt, pl\'\"('dilH; pa1;I1.:1':l]'h, JIlt' ".lid tkebl"'lliull ~hnll lake t.'lft'n ~i'\'\' ILI\'" arkl' it-. n"'I'ip!

.\Tl\' tJifih ('(lntra(,ting I'.ul\' 111;1\' ;t! anI' !nomcnt \\"iihdraw. in \l'huk' or in part, any d('('bratinll 111;1t1L- undn till' :-l't'ond ]Ml'aJ.{rdph of Ihi~ .\rt klL', SUdl withdrawal will t;]k~ L'fiL'et 01lL' v~'ar :lfI4'r it:- rl'l'l'ipt by Ill\' ~\'('I'l't,ll"\'-i;I,'I1L'r,tl uf thl' LC'a~nl"" of :\.lti')l1S,

IhL' ~\'(:rl't;tl"\"(;"n,'r:tl :-..Ir;dl ('01111l111l1it'alt' to all tlrl' ~k11lhl'r.,; Qf Ilrl' L~,:tgm .. :11lU to Ihe 11011-1lli.'tnb,'I' Statl'" l;wntio11\'r\ in ,\1' tkl,' ;. tIlt' {k!lIlll\'I,lti!m~ 1'l'fl'l"r('d 10 ill .\l tick 10. ami lit,' dcc1ar.;!liol.1S r("('vin'd ulldl'r tb,· pn·..,i'lli .\ rticll'.

~~!t\\lt1t~L!11tiing allV dl"l"laratiol1 Illd(lv tllHkr tIll' til'''! p,tragr,lph lIf Ihl.' pr~'.~\·I1t ,\ ni.-['-. the Ihml p,uagraph uf . \l'lkk I n'llI,tilh ilpplkahl\'.

'-, .\1

C. T.

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I,Upll: u:nliil\; u!I1for:ne.

POll,- lv Se('n't:lin~ g0r:0rai

C(J/iSci!!a iuruii(/ilC:

lilt .<';~CI',;!,uwl.

l\llilo]f ]{i"''':I.L-JIZEllSSI{"

Ccniftcd trnc copy

For the SL'crclalT-Ccllcral.

f 'u""I"thn U', Ii,,; _'ctr,'lan'" (,,' Ih~ 1_1'<1"",' _,I _\ "/'e"" :;llb;,-d lo "l'.j:j'-"~L"n by J-!;, )LlJ .. :o,'y tn .. : h::Lng uf SW~,kIl wit!> the a?,"-v\''': uf l"l~ Rik_.,Ll~.

CERTIFICATION CERTIFICAT I hereby certify that the attached document is a true copy of the English and French texts of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children done at Geneva on 30 September 1921, the original of which is deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Chief, Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs

Je certifie que le texte ci-joint est une copie conforme des textes anglais et français de la Convention internationale pour la répression de la traite des femmes et des enfants fait à Genève le 30 septembre 1921, dont l'original est déposé auprès du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies.

Chef de la Section des Traités, Bureau des Affaires juridiques

Palitha T. B. Kohona

United Nations New York, July 2005

Organisation des Nations Unies New York, juillet 2005

Certified true copy VII.4 Copie certifiée conforme VII.4 October 2004