documentproject on job satisfaction

Research Project Individual Assignment Chapter 01 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study HRM is a term used to refer the philosophy, policies, procedures and practices related to the management of people begin an organization. Today every organization has to face highly competition. Therefore organizations try to do right thing at the right time. In that situation HRM plays major roll to achieve organizational goals. Satisfaction is the one of major concept in Human Resource Management. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work groups, pay, work responsibilities, variety BM/N/03/17 1

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Project report on job satisfactipn


Research ProjectIndividual AssignmentChapter 01Introduction1.1Background of the Study

HRM is a term used to refer the philosophy, policies, procedures and practices related to the management of people begin an organization. Today every organization has to face highly competition. Therefore organizations try to do right thing at the right time. In that situation HRM plays major roll to achieve organizational goals. Satisfaction is the one of major concept in Human Resource Management. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance; methods include job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work groups, pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers.Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job; an affective reaction to ones job; and an attitude towards ones job. Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.The following documentation is a research report completed based on analyzing the impact of physical, psychological and environmental factors on the job satisfaction of non- managerial members who are working at Politex garments. Furthermore, with an intensive study of those factors with use of questionnaires, data will be gathered which will be analyzed for the impact of each factor. Finally, in assisting and improving the three factor impact on job satisfaction positively, recommendations are further suggested.1.2Problem Identification & FormulationPolitex Garment Ltds reports show that 7% absenteeism value per month. This value is higher than the company standard value. Expected absenteeism rate of the company is 1.5% per month. Therefore that situation is not good for the company. Therefore researcher can formulate following problem statement;

How do physical, psychological & environmental factors impact on job satisfaction of non- managerial employees?

1.3Objective of the StudyTo empirically study the significance and impacts of physical, psychological & environmental factors on job satisfaction of non managerial employees in Politex Garments Ltd.

1.4Significance of the StudySri Lanka is a labor oriented developing country. There are many industries, which are enriching our economy. Among those industries, apparel industry is most important to us. Because it has generated many jobs towards the Sri Lanka work force, especially women, who are in rural areas. Apparel industry is one of the giant in the Sri Lankan economy in attracting foreign currency in to the economy beside tea plantations which rank the first. It has also helped the Balance of Payment to maintain a positive figure by enhancing income generated by exports.

The significance of the research is that selected organization (Polytex garments Ltd) has not undertaken any research in area of the job satisfaction of non managerial employees until this. Polytex Garment Ltd spends considerable amount of money and time for their employees benefits and services. It is most important for the organization to understand those factors which may improve its employee satisfaction where in carrying out an empirical study about physical, psychological and environmental factors affecting job satisfaction level of non- managerial employees of Politex garments will make it easy for the management to understand those factors which they must be focused more on in increasing the job satisfaction level of its employees in which the organization performance can be enhanced and achieve organization goals.

By this research I identify and further study what are the individual factors falling under the main three (physical, psychological & environmental) affecting the job satisfaction of non managerial employees of the company and how successful are those provided benefits and services are.

1.5 Organization of the Study The following report consist of four chapters; Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data Presentation & Analysis and Conclusion & Recommendations.

Under Introduction, it has given a detailed introduction to the scope of the business and has identified the problem which will be treated under the research. Also, it has studies and understood the significance of the study to Politex Garments by explaining its importance.

Under Literature Review, it addresses the theoretical background behind the study and describes what are the factors affected the job satisfaction, outcomes of satisfaction and previous researches related to the job satisfaction. Under Methodology, Data Presentation & Analysis, it describes the methodology used in analyzing job satisfaction, research results presentation and analysis. Through this chapter anyone can get vast knowledge about how psychological factors, physical factors and environmental factors influence to the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Data analysis part will be divided in to two sections. First part will deploy to analyze and present general and demographic information. Second part will deploy to analyze employee response with respect to each factor. It is clarifies each factors relative importance and position among all factors.Under Conclusion and Recommendations, it will initiate final research findings and suggest recommendations for future enhancement of the organization.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

Independent VariablesDependent Variable

Figure 1.1:Conceptual Framework of the Research

Psychological FactorsHealth and safetyWorking responsibilitiesJob SecurityPromotionPhysical FactorsPaymentsCo-workersWelfare services Use of skill & abilitiesEnvironmental FactorsGood working environmentManagement style & culture Job Satisfaction / Job Dissatisfaction

Source: Survey Data, 2012

Chapter 02Literature Review2.1Introduction This chapters main objective is to address the different kind of definitions, theories and perspectives, which was viewed by numerous authors and management scientists, with respect to satisfaction. Also through this literature survey, researcher described what are the factors affected to the job satisfaction, outcomes of satisfaction and previous researches related to the job satisfaction. Therefore through a literature survey, researches will be in a position to study and describe the general position of the subject concerned.

2.2Job SatisfactionA Hawthorne study was the one of biggest study of job satisfaction. This study (1924 -1933) was conducted by the Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School to find out the effect of various conditions of workers productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase productivity. It is called the Hawthorne Effects. This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction. Scientific management also had a significant impact on the study of job satisfaction. Principles of Scientific Management book (Taylor, 1911) was argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly wages. Therefore industries greatly increased productivity because workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction. It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylors work. Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories.

2.3Dimensions of Job SatisfactionAccording to the Luthan 2002, there are three generally accepted dimensions of job satisfaction.

1. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation.2. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations. For example, if organizational participants feel that they are working much harder than others in the same organization, but are receiving fewer rewards, they will probably have a negative attitude towards the work.3. Job satisfaction represent several attitudes, they are:a. Payb. Promotion opportunitiesc. Working conditionsd. Co-worker relationshipe. Supervisionf. The work nature

2.4Need Hierarchy Theory for Job SatisfactionOne of the most widely mentioned theories of motivation is the hierarchy of needs theory put forth by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy, ascending from the lowest to the highest, and he concluded that when one set of needs is satisfied, this kind of need ceases to be a motivator.As per his theory these needs are:Physiological needs:These are important needs for sustaining the human life. Food, water, warmth, shelter, sleep, medicine and education are the basic physiological needs which fall in the primary list of need satisfaction. Maslow was of an opinion that until these needs were satisfied to a degree to maintain life, no other motivating factors can work.Security or Safety needs:These are the needs to be free of physical danger and of the fear of losing a job, property, food or shelter. It also includes protection against any emotional harm.Social needs:Since people are social beings, they need to belong and be accepted by others. People try to satisfy their need for affection, acceptance and friendship.Esteem needs:According to Maslow, once people begin to satisfy their need to belong, they tend to want to be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need produces such satisfaction as power, prestige status and self-confidence. It includes both internal esteem factors like self-respect, autonomy and achievements and external esteem factors such as states, recognition and attention.Need for self-actualization:Maslow regards this as the highest need in his hierarchy. It is the drive to become what one is capable of becoming; it includes growth, achieving ones potential and self-fulfillment. It is to maximize ones potential and to accomplish something.As each of these needs is substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. From the standpoint of motivation, the theory would say that although no need is ever fully gratified, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates. So if someone wants to motivate other one, need to understand what level of the hierarchy that person is on and focus on satisfying those needs or needs above that level. Maslows need theory has received wide recognition, particularly among practicing managers. This can be attributed to the theorys intuitive logic and ease of understanding.

2.5Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

There are 6 main factors influencing on Job Satisfaction clustered as physical, psychological and environmental factors as below:

2.5.2Psychological Factors and Job Satisfaction

Health and Safety:Managing safe and healthy work environments is one of the most important environmental challenges facing organizations. Good health and safety brings more benefits that are healthy workers are more productive and can produce at a higher quality. According to Maslows Hierarchy, physiological needs are the first stage in job satisfaction where as long are the work place is healthy and safe, it will create a pleasant and secure impression in employees mind towards work.Job Nature:The main source of satisfaction is, of course, job itself. Researches, dedicated to job characteristics and carried out in correlation with working place projecting, testify that the very content of work and autonomy by its implementation represent two most important motivation factors correlated with labor. As research indicated, other main components of job satisfaction are interesting and difficult job without time for tedium and job giving a man one certain status. Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job satisfaction to erode for even the most dedicated employee. Falling short of deadlines results in conflict between employees and supervisors and raises the stress level of the workplace. (Hill, 2008).Job Security:Job security is the assurance that a particular employee will have their job in long term due to the low probability of losing it potentially. Positive job security nature also adds more value to the image and the reputation of an organization as job offered has the guaranteed security and reliable. Also, job security has a great influence in increasing job satisfaction of its employees where once the employee is confident about not losing the job, it will create no mental stress where the employee has its own freedom to fully concentrate on the work they perform. An employee with a high level of job security will often performs and concentrates better than an employee who is in constant fear of losing a job. Although this fear can increase motivation in certain situations, a lack of job security can be a source of distraction and result in excess stress and low morale that hinders an employee's overall performance. (Thornton, ND).Job promotion:Companies provide promotion to their employees considering experience, service and some companies reward promotions through measuring employees talents and capabilities. Using data from the 1989 and 1990 waves of the NLSY, Pergamit and Veum (1989) find a positive correlation between promotions and job satisfaction (Kosteas, ND). Companys give their priority to current employees to apply vacancy is arises. In that situation employees can achieve their individual goals obtaining promotion. Through such a situation, increases employees satisfaction and they more contribute to the productivity.

2.5.1Physical Factors and Job Satisfaction

Payment:Money rewards are multi complex and multisided job satisfaction factor. Money not only gives people an opportunity to satisfy their primary needs, but also fosters satisfaction of higher levels needs. Those who make more money are little more satisfied than those who make considerably less. Moreover, relatively well paid samples of individuals are only trivially more satisfied than relatively poorly paid samples (Judge et. Al, 2010). Employees more often perceive their salarys level as a reflection of that how management estimates their contribution to the companys activity. If employees have an opportunity to choose themselves to some extend independently indulgences from the whole package rendered by the company then they receive greater satisfaction from indulgences receivables and the job in the whole.Working groups:Direct affect on job satisfaction makes the very nature of work groups. Working group serves for a single worker is a source of support, comfort, advice and enjoyment from the very job. A good working group fosters a gaining of a greater joy and pleasure from job. On another hand, when the opposite situation is observed, when it is hard to get along with the people, the given factor imposes negative impact on job satisfactionWelfare Services:Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

Use of skills and abilities:Everyone has skills and abilities. Some are unique aptitudes and talents, which may include musical abilities (singing, playing an instrument, composing music), artistic skills (drawing, painting, sculpting), athletic skills (running, jumping, throwing), or any other ability that comes easily and naturally. Some skills and abilities are used in daily work life. The company should identify which skills and abilities are available in the employee and should give opportunities for improve them.

2.5.3Environmental Factors and Job SatisfactionWorking conditions:One more factor imposing moderate impact on job satisfaction is working conditions. If conditions are good (e.g. offices are neat and cozy, clean and engaging), staff could easier manage their job. If bad working conditions were available (e.g. it is hot or noisy in the office), it would be more difficult for employees to implement their work. Otherwise, working conditions affect job satisfaction similar to working groups influence. If all were favorably around, there would not be problems with job satisfaction.Management style & culture:Organizational culture: is the organizations pattern of beliefs, expectations, and values as in company and industry practices. A major organizational factor to which new employees must be socialized is the culture of the group they are joining.The potential benefits of improved job design are unlikely to be realized, if attention is focused on the content of jobs alone. Equal, if not more important, is the process by which redesign is carried out. This has led to recognition of the importance of management style and, increasingly, of organization culture. Central to improving the quality of working life is a participative, open style of management involving employees in decisions that affect them, including the design or choice of the technology itself. Personnel policies, including those related to pay and benefits, should attempt to develop a relationship of trust among all members and sections of the organization, and a confident partnership approach to trade unions.

Chapter 03Method of the Study3.1 IntroductionThis chapter mainly analyze the methodology of the study where it further describe the population of the study, sample selected, sampling techniques used in selecting the sample, data collection methods used and strategies in which the collected data is being analyzed.

3.2PopulationAll non- managerial employees at Politex Garments at the production level has a counting of 1200 heads.

3.3SampleIn obtaining samples of people for the evaluation, total non- managerial employees must me classified in to strata such as Machine Operators, Cutters, QC Checkers, Printing Operators and Helpers. For this, the stratified sampling method was used. Once the total of 1200 non- managerial employees were divided in to strata, random sampling method was used in selecting a portion of employees from each strata for further analyzing. Following shows the randomly selected sample per strata.

Employee Allocation to Samples

1. Machine Operators:(25/500) x 100=5%2. Cutters:(8/200) x 100=4%3. QC Checkers:(6/200) x 100=3%4. Printing Operators:(6/100) x 100=6%5. Helpers:(5/200) x 100=2.5%

Table 3.1:Sample Employee AllocationDesignationTotal EmployeesNo. of Sample% from the Total

Machine Operators500255%


QC checkers200063%

Printing Operators100066%



Source: Survey Data, 2012

In evaluating, each employee will be questioned through questionnaires for their current job satisfaction level, those factors which have influenced their job satisfaction currently, those factors which could positively/ negatively affect the current satisfaction level potentially and etc.

3.4Data Collection

As a measure of data collection, I have made use of a structured questionnaire which includes closed questions in retrieving data and current status of factors affecting job satisfaction at Politex Garments

The questionnaire consists of two sections where section (A) consists of 6 questions which collect data upon demographics factors of employees such as age, gender, salary distribution & etc. Under section (B), it accommodates 10 questions which further collect data upon factors which has a direct relevance to physical, psychological and environmental factors which affects job satisfaction of the employees.

Questionnaires were distributed personally among 50 employees selected from the total of 1200 where they were given a duration of 1 day to fill in the questionnaires. None from the 50 questionnaires were eliminated for disqualified answers where all 50 questionnaires were used in the research. In collecting them back, they were asked to hand them over to their department supervisor from where I collected the questionnaires for analyzing.Table 3.2:Sample Questionnaire Question, Section (B)12345

1) Are you satisfied over health and safety measures of the organization? (Quality of the equipments, awareness for preventing accidents, level of health and sanitary facilities)

Source: Survey Data, 2012

3.5Data Analysis

Data are being analyzed in identifying the relationship and impact rate of physical, psychological and environmental factors on job satisfaction of non- managerial employees at Politex garments. Therefore, the analysis is more Object Oriented.

Under section (A), all demographic factors are analyzed with use of percentages in analyzing the general distribution of gender, age, civil status, education, service and salary. Under the section (B), the data are being analyzed under three factors: physical, psychological and environmental. Each factor analysis was made easy by further clustering each factor in to sub factors where each sub factor was allocated with a question.

Physical factors:Health & Safety, working responsibilities, job security, promotionsPsychological factors:Payments, Co- workers, Welfare Services, Use of skills & abilitiesEnvironmental factors: Working environment, Management style & culture

Since the research is qualitative, general qualitative data analyzing techniques are difficult to be applied in data analysis. But to serve the purpose, qualitative data analysis has been done.

Chapter 04Data Analysis & Data Presentation

4.1IntroductionThis chapter covers the data presentation and analysis of the study. This study covers a sample of 50 employees selected at randomly out of employees of the Politex Garments Limited in Yakkala. All employees selected randomly and all of them represented the department of the factory which is sewing, cutting and printing. As well as all of employees were non managerial level. Data analysis part will be divided in to two sections. First part will deploy to analyze and present general and demographic information. Second part will deploy to analyze employee response with respect to each factor. It is clarifies each factors relative importance and position among all factors.

Section (A)4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Demographic variables4.2.1 Gender distribution

Table 4.1: Gender Distribution Data GridSexNo of Employees%




Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.1:Gender Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

The sample consists with 50 of non managerial level employees. Out of the sample 14 of them were male, and they represented 28% of the sample. Rests of 36 employees were female and they represented 72% of the total sample. According that, female population is the dominated fraction of the sample.

4.2.2 Age Distribution

Table 4.2: Age Distribution Data GridAge (Years)No Of Employees%




Above 4012%


Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.2: Age Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

At the beginning of the study, all employees are categorized age wise. Thereby total sample divided in to four categories. First category is 16-20 age range. 02 of employees were belonging to that category and represent 4% of total sample. Second category is 21-30 age range. There were 38 employees in that category and they represented 76% of total sample. Third category is 31-40 age range. 9 of employees were there and represented 18% of total sample. Even though there is a one employee in above 40 age range and it represent 2%. According that 21-30 range is the largest of the sample.

4.2.3 Civil status

Table 4.3: Civil Status Data GridCivil StatusNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.3: Civil Status Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

There were 20 married employees, 29 unmarried employees and 01 divorced employee. Married employees represent 40% of the total sample. Unmarried employees represented 58% and divorced employee represent as 02% of total sample.

4.2.4 Education Level

Table 4.4: Education Data GridEducational levelNo of Employees%

Up to year 8204%

Up to year 10816%

O/L Passed2754%

A/L passed1326%


Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.4: Education Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012 At the beginning of the study, educational level is also categorized in to four categories. Firstly, employees who are educated up to year 8 (2 employees) which represented 4% of the total sample. Secondly, employees who are educated up to year 10 (08 of employees) represented 16% of the total sample. Thirdly, 27 of employees had passed ordinary level and represented 57% of the total sample. Advanced level passed employees were 26% of the total sample and 13 of employees belong to that category. Even though I inserted a category for high education, none were included.


Table 4.5: Service Distribution Data GridPeriod of ServiceNo of Employees%

Below 01 year816%

Year 01-031326%

Year 04-071836%

Above 07 years1122%


Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.5: Service Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component represents the number of years of employee service with the company. 08 of employees have worked less than one year and they represented 16% of the sample. The employees, who are employing greater than one year and less than three years, were 13 of the sample and represented 26% of the total sample. 18 of employees, who worked greater than four years and less than seven years, were represented 36% of the sample. 11 of employees belong to higher service category. That is the category beyond seven years. They represented 22% of the total sample.

4.2.6 Salary distributionTable 4.6: Salary Distribution Data GridSalaryNo of Employees%




More than 95001326%


Source: Survey Data, 2012Figure 4.6: Salary Distribution Chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 10 employees belong to Rs.6500-7500 range which is 20% of the sample. 14 employees earned beyond Rs.7500 - 8500 range which represented 28% of the total sample.13 employees belong to Rs.8501-9500 range were they represented 26% of the sample. Also 13 of employees have earned more than Rs.9500 which represented the 26% of the total sample.

Part II4.3 Psychological Factors4.3.1 Employee Attitudes towards Health & Safety

Table 4.7:Health & safety data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.7:Health & safety chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to the collected data, 48 employees had high attitudes towards health and safety and they represented 96% of the total sample. There are two employees who had moderate attitudes and represented 4% of the total sample. No employees seem to have low attitude on health & safety of the organization.

4.3.2 Employee Attitudes towards the Working Responsibility

Table 4.8:Working responsibility data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.8:Work Responsibility chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

Work responsibility denotes employee attitude towards work performed. According to summarized data, 42 employees had high level attitudes with work responsibility and they represent 84% of the total sample. There are 3 employees were moderate level and 5 employees were low level attitudes towards the working responsibility. They were represent 6% and 10% accordingly of the total sample.

4.3.3 Employee Attitudes towards the Job Security

Table 4.9:Job security data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.9:Job security chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 31 employees had high attitudes with the job security and they represented 62% of the total sample. 7 employees were moderate l and it represents 14% of the total sample. Out of the sample, 12 employees had low attitude with job security and they represented 24% of the total sample.

4.3.4 Employee Attitudes toward the Promotion

Table 4.10:Promotion data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.10:Promotion chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 30 employees had high attitudes towards promotions and they represented 60% of the total sample. There are 6 moderate employee attitudes about promotion sand where they represent 12% of the sample. 14 employees had low attitudes about promotions and representing 28% of the total sample.

4.4 Physical Factors4.4.1 Employee Attitudes towards the Payments

Table 4.11: Payments data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.11:Payments chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component indicates employee attitude towards the payments scheme. According to collected data, 35 employees had high attitudes and they represent 70% of the total sample. Out of the sample, 4 employees were moderate and representing 8% of the sample. 11 employees had low attitudes and they represent 22% of the total sample.

4.4.2 Employee Attitudes toward the Co-workers

Table 4.12: Co- workers data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.12: Co- workers chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 47 employees had high attitudes towards their co-workers and they represented 94% of the total sample. There is one moderate employee and who represents 2% of the total sample. In the third category, two employees had low attitudes were they represent 4% of the total sample.

4.4.3 Employee Attitudes towards the Welfare Service

Table 4.13:Welfare Services data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.13:Welfare chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component indicate that employee attitudes towards the welfare service provided by the company. According to the collected data 3 employees were high attitudes and they represent 72% of the total sample. Out of the sample 6 employees were moderate attitudes and they represent 12% of the sample. 8 employees were low attitudes and they represent 16% of the total sample.

4.4.4 Employee Attitudes towards Using Employee Skills and Abilities

Table 4.14: Using employee skills & abilities data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.14: Using employee skills & abilities chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 33 employees had high attitudes towards using employee skills and abilities where they represent 66% of the total sample. 6 employees were moderate and represent 12% of the total sample. Out of the sample, 11 employees had low attitudes and they represent 22% of the total sample.

4.5 Environmental Factors4.5.1 Employee Attitudes towards the good working environment

Table 4.15: Working environment data gridLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.16:Working environment chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

This component represents those employee attitudes towards good working environment. In that situation, 42 employees had high attitudes and represent 84% of the total sample. Out of the sample, 4 employees were moderate and other 4 employees had low attitudes where each represents 4% of the total sample.

4.5.2 Employee Attitudes towards the Organizational Style and Culture

Table 4.17: Organization style and cultureLevelNo of Employees%





Source: Survey Data, 2012

Figure 4.17:Organization style & culture chart

Source: Survey Data, 2012

According to collected data, 42 employees had high level attitudes and represent 84% of the total sample. 2 employees moderate and they represent 4%. Out of the sample, 6 employees had low attitudes about the organizational style and culture and they represent 12% of the sample.

Chapter 05Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction

At the outset of this research study, it was taken more effort to clarify research matter. Those were, identify what are the factors affecting to non managerial level employees of Politex Garments Limited in Yakkala. With a view to clarify those above matters, well-structured questionnaires were distributed among operational level employees of Politex Garments Limited. Collected data expressed following kind findings and conclusions. And finally present recommendations regarding this study.

5.2 Conclusion

Above is a research done based upon analyzing the impact of physical, psychological and environmental factors on job satisfactions of non- managerial employees of Politex Garments (Pvt) Ltd. A sample of 50 employees was randomly selected from five stratas which were selected through stratified sampling technique. Questionnaires were distributed among these employees in gathering data with based on physical, psychological and environmental factors affecting their job satisfaction. Questionnaire consisted of two sections where section A consisted of gathering data on demographic factors and section B involved gathering data on three independent factors.

Once data was selected, pie charts and data grids were made use of in presenting the collected data. After the data presentation, qualitative data analysis methods were used in analyzing and drawing conclusions upon collected data even though the collected data are of qualitative nature.

As the findings record, above analysis of physical factors correlation coefficient is 0.0192. This value is positive but it is not strong. Therefore it is a weak positive relationship between physical factors and job satisfaction. According to that, situation hypothesis can be accepted. In psychological factor analysis, correlation coefficient marked a 0.015. This value is positive but it is not yet strong. Therefore it can be said that there is a weak positive relationship between psychological factors and job satisfaction. Finally the environmental factor analysis correlation coefficient marked 0.0172 where there is also a weak positive relationship between environmental factors and job satisfaction. According to that situation hypothesis can be accepted and alternatives can be rejected.

With use of data analysis, it is understandable that employees personal matters affect their job satisfaction and that employees are expecting the management to make remedial actions on factors such as psychological, physical and environmental in order to maintain those them in favorable manner.

5.3 Recommendations

The findings of this study indicate that psychological, physical, and environmental factors are affected to the job satisfaction of non managerial level employees of Politex Garments Limited in Yakkala. But those factors are not strongly affected to their job satisfaction. Because, according to the each factors value of correlation coefficient is weak. Finally Researcher can say, sometimes those factors are affected to the job satisfaction of non managerial level employees. But some other factors may be affected to their job satisfaction. Management should pay their attention on providing satisfying salary for employee contribution. Also they should be concerned about providing additional benefits (especially financial benefits) to its non managerial employees. Management should pay attention on providing employee welfare services, health and safety, job security, working responsibilities and good working environment for worker level employees. Management should give more opportunities for promotion and develop their skills and abilities of non managerial level employees. Employees are interested in having friendly environment. Therefore management must get more acquainted with this employees and make employees see them as a leader, not as a boss. Since employees are interested in having good cooperation with colleagues, management should make sure to have a working environment where good cooperation and mutual respect exist. Therefore management should maintain proper grievance handling procedure in the company to support to solve their problems.

6.4Limitations of the Study

Distance:Politex Garments is located in outside the Colombo district with a distance of 65+ Km from my location. Therefore at times of morning 8-10 , I hours in travelling back and forth from Colombo to Gampaha due to the school traffic. By the time I reach the factory for study purposes, I was extremely exhausted where it was difficult to concentrate on work. Also, at times of doubts, I had no way of physically attending the process at the factory since it too far from where I operate.

Data Collection:There were difficulties in data collection where several employees included in the sample had difficulties in answering the questionnaire due to lack of English proficiency. Also, certain employees were unable to return the questionnaires on time which took me even longer to finalize data collected.

Time:As I am a student who involves in other academic activities, I had to face the time limitation where at times, I ran out of time in meeting projects tasks due to other pre- set priorities.

Data Analysis:As my data collected hold a qualitative nature, it caused difficulties in data analyzing where I had to do thorough researches and try out different data analysis software such as SPSS in generating analysis conclusions.


2) Amstrong M. (2006) Human Resource Management Practices, 10th edition, Kogan Page Limited.3) Cleveland State University 2006, Job Satisfaction and Promotions, [PDF], Available at: [Accessed: 8 August 2012]4) eHow 2012, What is Job Security?,[Online], Available at: [Accessed: 1 August 2012]5) Griffin R.W. (2004), Management, Houghton Mifflin Company, U.S.A. 6) Hill, B. 2012, What Are the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction?,[Online] Available At: [Accessed: 10 August 2012]7) Hackman J. R. (1977), Perspectives on Organizational Behavior ,New York McGraw Hill Book Company.8) Luthans F. (1995), Organizational Behavior, 9th edition, New Delhi, Prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd.9) Robbins S.P. (2005), Organizational Behavior, 11th edition, New Delhi Prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd.10) Sharon, A. et. al 2003, Compensation and Working Conditions, [Online], Available At:, [Accessed: 10 August 2012]11) Sheikh A.M (2007)., Human Resource development and Management, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Limited.

AppendicesAppendix 1:Questionnaire

Questionnaire to Find Out job Satisfaction Level Employees in Gujarat Mitra Pvt.Ltd.

Dear Sir / Madam, With reference to the requirements of the degree program of Department of human resourse development, Master of Labour Welfare, I wish to collect data from you on the topic of Job Satisfaction Of Gujarat Mitra Pvt. Ltd. So I would like to keep privacy of the information and data that you provided to me. I assure this information is used only for the academic purposes.

This questioner consists of two (2) sections. Please attend all questions included here. Please tick () in relevant cage in Section (A) and (B)

Division: .....................................................................................................................

Section (A)

1. Gender:Male Female

2. Age: More than 16 less than 20Between 21-30Between 31-40More than 41

3. Civil Statues:MarriedUnmarriedWidow

4. Educational QualificationsUp to year 08Up to year 10G.C.E (O/L) G.C.E (A/L) Technical Qualification

5. Number of years served in the company Bellow 1 yearBetween 1-3 Between 4 -7More than 7 years

6. Salary ScaleRs.6500 - Rs. 7500Rs.7501 - Rs. 8500Rs.8501 - Rs.9500Above Rs.9501

Section (B)

Please rate the following criteria from the range of 1 5 where 1 signifies the lowest rating and 5 denotes the highest rating.


12) Are you satisfied over health and safety measures of the organization? (Quality of the equipments, awareness for preventing accidents, level of health and sanitary facilities)

13) Are the work load and responsibilities allocated fair and equally distributed?(freedom given by the company to plan your job, Job responsibilities, Salary and responsibilities)

14) What is your attitude towards the current job security?(Social factors, Other jobs, Job security)

15) Are you satisfied over the existing promotion strategies? (Performance evaluation, Opportunities for promotions)

16) Do you think the payments made are at satisfactory level?(Salary, Basic needs, Knowledge, skills & abilities)

17) What is your attitude towards co- workers?(relationships with co-workers, other department members and supervisors)

18) What is your attitude towards using employee skills and abilities?(Encouragements for innovations, Opportunities for creative ideas, Quality of training programs)

19) Are you satisfied over the working environment?( Influences for mental & physical health, Location of work, Illumination level)

20) Do you agree to accept organization style and culture?(Management systems, Organizational Factors include nature and size, formal structure)

Thank You for Your Cooperation

Progress Report

Name:Bhakthi JagodaarachchiStudent ID:BM/N/03/17

DateProgressSupervisor Signature

