doe data modeling - best practices

SAP How-to Guide SAP Mobility [SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1] Applicable Releases: SAP NetWeaver 7.1 SP SP13+ Version 1.0 June 2012 DOE Data Modeling - Best Practices A Branded Service provided by SAP Customer Solution Adoption

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SAP How-to Guide

SAP Mobility

[SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1]

Applicable Releases:

SAP NetWeaver 7.1 SP SP13+

Version 1.0

June 2012

DOE Data Modeling - Best Practices

A Branded Service provided by SAP Customer Solution Adoption

Page 2: DOE Data Modeling - Best Practices

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Document History

Document Version Description

1.00 First official release of this guide

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Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Text Words or characters quoted

from the screen. These

include field names, screen

titles, pushbuttons labels,

menu names, menu paths,

and menu options.

Cross-references to other


Example text Emphasized words or

phrases in body text, graphic

titles, and table titles

Example text File and directory names and

their paths, messages,

names of variables and

parameters, source text, and

names of installation,

upgrade and database tools.

Example text User entry texts. These are

words or characters that you

enter in the system exactly

as they appear in the




Variable user entry. Angle

brackets indicate that you

replace these words and

characters with appropriate

entries to make entries in the


EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for

example, F2 or ENTER.


Icon Description


Note or Important


Recommendation or Tip

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Table of Contents

1. Overview/Use Case ...............................................................................................................1

2. Best Practices ....................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Do and Don’t ..................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 General Rules .................................................................................................................... 2

2.3 Best Practices ................................................................................................................... 3

2.3.1 Design Time in SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 ...................................................... 3

2.3.2 Runtime in Production System .......................................................................... 7

3. Sample Scenario/Solution – Data Model ............................................................................ 9

4. Sample Scenario/Solution – Distribution Model ............................................................... 11

5. Related Links ....................................................................................................................... 15

6. Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 18

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1. Overview/Use Case


Mobile clients usually do not require the entire data from a back-end system. Distribution rules are

used to filter the required data; this data is replicated by the Consolidated Data Store (CDS), a

component of the Data Orchestration Engine (DOE).

In this document, we will focus on best practices for data modeling, including performance aspects

related to distribution models.

The creation of a data model from scratch and the creation of a custom application are out of scope.

Use Case

There are two ways in which a customer can enhance the data model, both of which require

implementation in the DOE workbench.

Note that enhancements using code free extension do not require a data model and thus are

omitted in this document.

Scenario 1: Enhancing Distribution Model

The customer evaluates the shipped model and realizes that the shipped model’s distribution rule

does not suit his requirement.

In this case, he creates his own distribution rule within a new Distribution Model Software

Component Version (DMSWCV).

Scenario 2: Enhancing Data Model

The customer wants to enhance the default shipped Data Model by adding new Data Objects, new

nodes to the existing Data Object and new fields to the existing Data Object node.

These types of changes cannot be achieved by using code free extensions, and a physical data

model change is required.

Then, after the enhancement, the customer has to enhance the backend adapter as well.

The generation of data object and backend adapter creates a new version of the objects.

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2. Best Practices

2.1 Do and Don’t Don’t: Avoid having too many distribution models per SWCV. This can cause performance


Don’t: Avoid having many levels of child nodes in a data object because it can cause a lot of

performance issues.

Do: Limit to two levels (i.e. a header and its children) for better performance.

Don’t: Avoid self dependent and cyclic dependencies for performance reason.

Don’t: Avoid parallel dependencies linking to the same two objects because they can lead to

problems in data distribution and performance issues due to multiple dependency checks

which has to be carried out.

Don’t: Do not use RAW 16 data type in a data object, because it is converted in LONG-text

field on client.

Do: Use CHAR 32 instead.

Do: Work with proper index in backend to avoid backend adapter performance issues in


Don’t: Do not put data objects, backend adapters, and distribution models in one transport

request while transporting from one system to another.

Do: Transport data objects and backend adapters in one request, and distribution models in

another request. Request of the data objects and backend adapters should be transported


Don’t: Do not delete distribution model or object after changing them, unless those are not

used any longer. This may cause inconsistency and lead to generation or rule activation


Don’t: Do not start upgrade or transport of objects if DOE_MASS_ACTGEN queue in client

000 is still running. This may cause generation errors.

2.2 General Rules Determine which object instances are really necessary for each device, and distribute less

data as possible.

Avoid replication and synchronization of empty fields.

Leading object attribute can be either from header node or childe node, but the following

object attribute should be the header node attribute.

Associations can never be created between different types of objects (i.e. Receiver

Generation Objects, Standard Objects, Subscription Generation Objects).

There are ways to design a distribution rule.

。 Criteria field based rule - the value of a specific data object field(s) are evaluated

against static values or dynamic values.

。 Bulk rule - Data flows down irrespective of the content of the data object.

Bulk rule is simpler to implement but can lead to more data output than intelligent rule.

With Dependency Rule, Dependency and Rule are evaluated together, object will only be sent

if both conditions are satisfied. Standard rule on dependent object is Or-condition, and

Instances will be sent if they are either captured by the dependency OR by the rule.

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At any point of time, a device cannot have two DMSWCVs that distribute any data object in

common, which leads to conflicting DMSWCV.

2.3 Best Practices

2.3.1 Design Time in SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1

Segregation of Data Objects and Distribution Models

SAP recommends having Data Objects and Distribution Models in separate Software Component

versions (SWCV). The advantages of such approach is as follows:

Well organized, and easy to maintain the objects

When there is a data model that had been shipped by SAP, or ISV’s doesn’t meet the

customer requirements, the customer can create a new SWCV.

This will allow the customer to have complete flexibility over the distribution pattern and is

insulated from any model upgrades from SAP.

To have Data Objects and Distribution model in separate SWCV’s, a parent-child relationship has to

be defined between the 2 SWCV’s, and the Data Objects have to be inherited. Once this is done,

Distribution models can be easily created in the second SWCV.

Multiple DM SWCVs can be set up in parallel, having use-access to the same data Object SWCV.

Although the same Data Objects can be reused within different scenarios, for which different

Distribution Logic can be provided, too many parallel DM SWCV’s can cause performance problems.

If similar scenarios can be treated in within the same Distribution Model (e.g. by establishing

multiple rules in the same DM) this solution should be preferred.


To copy existing distribution model(s) to a new DMSWCV, implement the following note, then run the report SDOE_COPY_DISTRIBUTION from SE38.

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Note 1701609 – Copy functionality of Distribution model to another

Data Object

A Data Object represents a business object of the identified mobile application in the backend. The

design time may have multiple data objects based on the backend business objects.

If the backend application logic requires any association between two objects, then we can create

association between data objects. Association between data object ensures referential integrity

between related data objects in the consolidated data store (CDS).

Associations can be complete or partial. With complete associations, all the backend keys of the

associated data object are mapped to the corresponding fields in the modeling data object. This is a

1:1 association where in 1 instance of the modeling data object is associated with one instance of

the associated data object.

To define multiple associations for the same attributes of a data object, you can use a static filter.

(more information about static filters occurs later in this section.) Associations without a static

filter result in better performance however, because the static filter adds more WHERE clauses to

the queries.

Partial association means 1:N or M:N relation of the data object to the backend keys, which may

results in lower performance during distribution. Therefore, use this type of association only if it

cannot be defined using another association scheme.


Mandatory Notes: 1721526 – Syntax error in Partial association Function Module (SPS07 – SPS14) 1691730 – No data in shadow node table when using Partial Association (SPS11 – SPS14) If inconsistencies have already been created, note 1669468 (SPS06 – SPS14) is provided as a correction.

Also to avoid performance problems:

Create your own Shadow-table (with the key-connections), which contains all potential

references, and use complete associations.

Or split the data objects (create more, each with one level of children, resulting in more and

smaller AT-tables)

Or a small table in front of the data object (to more selective specify the results) which

results in smaller AT-tables but bigger xml-size.

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Backend Adapter

A data object can have multiple backend adapters, but selectivity of data by backend adapter

influences the data volume, which may lead to a long response time.

There are options to improve performance if the data load from the backend to the DOE is very


Use Bulk Select this option if subscriptions are to be provided without validation checks for

each record of data.

Use Mass Data Select this option if the data volume to be transferred from the back end is

high; it allows multiple instances of items to be retrieved in a single call to the back end. Key

idea here is reading data based on a block/package size. To use this, GetList Bapi Wrapper

needs to be extended by importing parameter MASS_REP. Also BACKEND_PACAGE_SIZE

configuration parameter must be maintained.

For more information, please refer to:

Developing and using "Get List" BAPI-Wrappers with 'Mass Data' in DOE

FAQ for NetWeaver Mobile 7.10 - Modeling, Deployment, Testing -

Distribution Model

A Distribution Model contains distribution rules and distribution dependencies.

Dynamic distribution: information from backend can be used (like territories)

Static distribution: possible but not recommended

Distribution Rule

A Distribution Rule defines criteria for distribution of object instances, and can be selective or bulk.

This affects the amount of data of an object which leads to performance of the distribution rule.

With Bulk, all instances of the root object or nothing, can be dynamic by using subscription

generation (SubGen) or device search criteria.

With Intelligent, criteria can be set manually, dynamically via subscription generation object, or

date/time based.

Although bulk is simpler to implement, it can lead to more data output than intelligent.

If instance determination based on dynamic logic via subscription is used, there are some

performance related areas which you can take into consideration.

Operator ‚=‚ is more performant than‚ >‚ or "<‚.

If you cannot avoid the ‚OR‛, do not use two ‚OR‛ criteria in one rule. This will reduce

performance during runtime. If necessary, it is better to split two ‚OR‛ into two rules.

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The resulting database statements should be supported by a database index.

Further performance depends on:

Number of criteria in the rule (for instance the number of used fields).

Type of the fields, used in rules: NUM-field are faster processed than CHAR-fields.

The higher the number of rules per object is, the less performant the replication/realignment


Mount of data: Rules on the root can be processed faster than on child.

Keep the number of subscriptions on a rule per device as low as possible.

Distribution dependencies

Dependency defines relationships between object instances by matching to attributes.

From runtime performance perspective it is recommended to avoid self-referential / cyclic

dependencies where-ever possible.

Completeness Groups

Completeness Groups can be used to enforce that within a hierarchy of dependencies download of

objects to devices takes place only if the root object and all its dependents are found on the server

and fully processed.

However, maintain Completeness Groups only if referential integrity is absolutely required for

performance reasons.


Static filter versus intelligent dependencies

Static filter pertains to the Link Node content, and runtime static-filter-change scenarios are not supported. In case of condition change, intelligent dependency will be fully supported by realignment.

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Released for Shipment option

This option is in SWCV level and can be found in the tab Shipment Attributes of the SWCV. This

option is enabled only for SWCV which has a package attached to it.

For SWCV’s that are assigned to local objects, this option will not be enabled.

This option is used to finalize a data model. Basically, when a version of the data model becomes

productive, this option is checked. By doing this, a lot of restrictions come into place. The developer

will be able to do only compatible changes to the data model. Compatible changes include, adding

new Data Object, adding new node to an existing data object and adding new field to an existing

node in a Data Object. Incompatible changes include deletion of a Data Object, deletion of a node in

a data object or deletion of a field in a Data Object. The reason why incompatible changes are not

allowed after a data model becomes productive is that there will be data loss in the productive

system. That’s why it is very important to choose this option once a version of the data model

becomes productive.

2.3.2 Runtime in Production System

Rule Activation

The rule deactivation/activation will trigger the MMW_RR* queues, the data from the CDS will be

distributed to devices by calculation based on the rule. On deactivation, the AT table entries would

be removed and on activation it will be inserted again. This will correct AT tables in case the client

is not getting the expected data or getting unwanted data, but apply SP15 or note 1691026 before

doing rule deactivation/activation.

Initial Load

If there is Longtext- field in a data object, use COMPARE_MEMO parameter for Longtext-fields per

SWCV and data object in Data Orchestration Admin and Monitoring Portal. However, this may

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degrade performance, thus avoid using this setting if the backend logic can determine if the memo

is last changed or note before a load.


Realignment is re-distribution to the subscribed devices, done by the DOE if distribution relevant

data have been changed in backend

By change of leading object receivers

Insert or delete of an instance

Change of distribution meta data

This can cause larger system usage depending how many data and receivers are affected.

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3. Sample Scenario/Solution – Data Model

Creating Dependency between Fields of Two Data Objects


Dependency cannot be created between fields.


Dependency between the Data Objects which are not in the same SWCV is not allowed. Create a

SWCV that have both Data Objects and have dependency between them.

Migration from SAP Mobile Infrastructure 2.5 to SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.10


Association from Two-way to Standard Data Object created because of Migration from MI 2.5 to

NW Mobile 7.10 and the custom application which was working with MI2.5 did not work after



Avoid association between two-way data object to Standard data object or vice versa.

SMQ2 Error ‚Operation not supported for incompatible data object"


The objects are not getting regenerated even after triggering the regeneration of backend adapters

and data object. It is happening for a critical data object to push users customizing/master data.


The distribution model was not regenerated when the data model was changed. Regenerate the

distribution model corresponding to this data object then execute the entry in the queue.

Regeneration of the DM should take care of generating the correct code in the method having the


Performance Issue While Running SDOE_LOAD to Load Backend Data to DOE


There is a data object called ZPLANT which leads to TIME_OUT when loading backend data to DOE

even though the system is adjusted with the note (1155550) providing guideline for performance

tuning. This Data object has child nodes, MATERIAL_LIST, which refer to ZMATERIAL data object,

which has 1:1 map of the header node of ZMATERIAL.

Currently the load has 237114 material lists for a given plant which refer to unique 237114 material

in the header. The idea is the other plants refer to a different number of material list.


With this data modeling, the problem arises from where the association is defined just to distribute

MATERIALS based on the plant, but the node MATERIAL_LIST has no plant relevant distribution.

Instead of having a dependency, a child node is recommended for better performance in case

where a dependency is created between two Data Objects just for distribution purpose.

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In the example above, remove the dependency and, instead, create a child node in ZMATERIAL

called PLANT_LIST which refer to all the plants the material is used. Then define a rule on this node

to distribute the materials to all the users who work for a given plant.

Excluding Binary Memo Content in Its Confirmation Message


An upload data object, which contains attachment defined as a binary memo, is uploaded from a

device, DOE returns its confirmation message including the attachment content. A customer has a

concern that this attachment can be very large and cause heavy network traffic.


Attachment in the confirmation message can be avoided by creating a custom service. Implement

a method to clear the attachments in the MMW_FLOW_CLNT_OUTBND_WITH_CONF flow

definition method.

To create a custom service, refer to:

Using Custom Services in DOE (Data Orchestration Engine)


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4. Sample Scenario/Solution – Distribution Model

Generation Error of Distribution Model—Distribution Model Inconsistent


Distribution Model transported from a development system cannot be generated in QA system

throwing the error ‚Distribution model inconsistent‛.


Whenever the design time objects are transported from DEV to QA system, generations of those

are triggered automatically in DOE_MASS_ACTGEN queue on client 000. Check the queue for

client 000 in SMQ2.

Duplicate DM within SWCV after Transport


A distribution model was modified in the development system then this model was transported to

the quality system. The model has been incorrectly replicated into the quality system, instead of

replacing the previous version by the new, two versions coexist.


Initially in the development system, there has been a DM version 1 which has been transported to

the quality system and so quality system has version 1. DM version 1 was deleted and version 2 was

created in the development system. Above scenario happens when only version 2 is transported

without version 1 to the quality system. These both, the created and deleted, DMs have the same

DM name and have been created in the same DM SWCV. So, from table, SMMW_DM_HDR, we can

see that DM id is different but, versions are same and DM name is same.

Now, what is happening is that the quality system has a version 1 with the same name and same

version as the one created in Dev system with the same name and same version, but with different

DM id, because of which there is an inconsistency reported.

To fix this issue is that, you should transport the request where the Delete request of DM1 is locked

to your quality system.

Distribution Rule with Date Pattern


Date pattern defined in the distribution rule does not update the date properly.


Do not manually modify the dates by deactivation and reactivating the rule. Scheduled Sliding

Window—Date jobs which run at midnight to evaluate the rule and will recalculate the data to be

sent to the device. If it doesn’t work, check scheduled jobs.

Keeping Data for ‘n’ Days Where ‘n’ Is Configured in Z Table


A requirement is to keep the data for 'n' days in DOE for a specific data object. This 'n' is configured

in Z table for each object. ‘n’ can be 3 days in Z table, and 2 days changing the Z table. How to write

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a dynamic distribution rule considering this Z table? The rule should not be changed even the value

in the z table changes.


By using date pattern rule, above functionality can be achieved. This can be done from the rule

wizard itself, by going into the "None" mode for the Logic selection in the rule wizard. Then you will

be able to go to the next step where you can select the date pattern type rule.

Then you will go to next step where you can specify constant value or custom offset or custom date

pattern. Choose custom offset and give a class name which implements IF_MMW_DATE_OFFSET

interface in which it has a method GET_OFFSET_VALUE which you need to implement to get the


This OFFSET_VALUE you can maintain in a table of your choice and you can write the logic in this

method to get that number.

Rule for One of Data Objects Referring to the Same SubGen Does Not Work


A few data objects referring the same SubGen data object. A rule for one data object works, but a

similar rule for the other data object doesn’t work. Deactivation of this non-working rule doesn’t

trigger anything.


Before importing a new version of rule, deactivate an old version of this rule in target client of the

target system. Otherwise the instances ruled by the old version stay. You can check in


Multilevel Node Association


Data Object A has a distribution model by device user. Data Object B has a node association with

Data Object A, which works. Data Object C has a node association with Data Object B which

doesn’t work.


Make sure that there is dependency between Data Object A (leading) and B (following), as well as B

(leading) and C (following). Important to know leading data object node can be either a header or a

child node, but following data object node must be a header node.

Normal Rule versus Dependency Rule


There are two Data Objects A and B, and each Data Object has a rule based on a User ID. Data

instance of B is distributed even if dependent object A instance is not distributed to the device.


Create a dependency between Data Object A (leading) and Data Object B (following) and create an

association based on a User ID.

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Some Data Objects are not Getting into Outbound Queue


Some data objects are not flowing to outbound queue of device, even there are dependencies

defined from these data objects to leading data objects, and data is available in CDS.


If a dependency rule in a distribution model is not active in runtime, dependency is not getting

calculated. If you want the data in AT tables for all the following data objects, do not have

dependency rules at all, or keep only the dependency rules and activate them.

If we have only dependency the dependency related records for the following data object will go to

the device, but if we have dependency and on dependency rule also the data which satisfies the

dependency also will not go if the dependency rule is in deactivation mode.

Newly Created Attribute Is Not Sent To a Device


A data object (category receiver-generation) has been added a new child node. ("code groups").

However, the code groups are not sent to the devices.


This is because you have made the USER as Single Value Attribute, but it should be Multi Value


Refer to: Using Receiver Generation Data Objects in SAP NetWeaver Mobile


Assigning Multi Value Attribute to Bapi


To generate mass devices, we have created a RMM Customizing Group with some single value

attributes and a multi value attribute, USER. A data object association which should be filled

automatically by bapi. However, multi value attribute could not be assigned with our bapi.


To assign a multi value attribute using receiver generation, then there has to be an association as

well from the RMM to the receiver generation data object just like single value attributes. The only

difference is that for multi value attributes, you should create a child node to your receiver

generation Data object and then map is to the multi value RMM attribute. Without having

associations to the custom groups and receiver generation Data Object, the attributes will never be


Since above scenario has child node to hold multi value attributes, implementation of a GetDetail

BAPI wrapper to fetch the data from the backend is necessary. Ideally, in the backend, you should

have 2 tables, one each for the root node and child node. The root node can contain values for

single value attributes. The child node contains values for multi value attributes such as the users

(multi value attributes) of the device or DMSWCV's that you want to assign to the device. Also you

will have to maintain a foreign key relationship between the 2 backend tables just like any other

normal table.

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Data Is Not Sent To a Device Immediately


When a new organization is assigned to a user by adding entry in a data object, the dependent data

like customer are correctly added to the outbound queue and can be synchronized. However, the

data added to the entry is actually missing from the outbound queue. In the middleware tables

(CDS, shadow tables and RR-tables) everything is fine. If one triggers recovery on this data object,

all entries, including the newly added one, is correctly put into the outbound queue.


The DO_SYNC_EXTRACT parameter was not set for this data object. From the Data Orchestration

Engine Admin and Monitoring Portal, go to Configuration DOE Configuration DO_SYNC_EXTRACT and specify this data object name with text value, X. You can also check it in


The Realignment of Data to Devices Does Dot Work Correctly


Correct cascading is defined in data model and all data is present in CDS, but missing in

realignment table for device.


Issue came up by the time when the configuration DO_NOT_CHECK_PARENT was set for the data

objects. This configuration can be set only for those data objects for which cardinality is 1:1, and

header to header from parent to child data object while the data objects in the scenario have M:1

relation. Because of this misconfiguration, DOE will not be able to calculate if the dependent DO

instance which should be removed not. While removing the following DO instance from the device,

DOE first checks whether it has some relation with some other instance of parent DO. The same

check was not done as the configuration DO_NOT_CHECK_PARENT was switched on.

Performance Issue with Large RR*AT


With large RR*AT more than 20,000,000 entries, nothing works anymore, and database access is

too bad.


Build dummy small header object, and perform test before running with full data and the max

numbers of devices.

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5. Related Links


Managing DOE models on a production server of NetWeaver Modile 7.10


FAQ for NetWeaver Mobile 7.10 - Modeling, Deployment, Testing -

Configuration Parameters in DOE (for optimal performance)-


Understanding the Transports of DOE Objects -

Data Objects

Data Object Introduction -

Extending the Mobile Application Data Model -

BAPI Wrappers as Data Objects -

Receiver Generation- Automatic Device Creation in NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 -

Data Object Introduction -

Extending the Mobile Application Data Model -

Multi Language Support using Extract Rule -

How to use Conflict Detection Mechanism in DOE -

Using Receiver Generation Data Objects in SAP NetWeaver Mobile -

Creating Data Model using Bapiwrapper Wizard in DOE -

How to Guide CDS Deletion and Retrieval -

Distribution Modeling

Distribution Rules: Steps for Creation/Types of Rules -

Node Associations - In Data Objects and Dependency -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 1 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 2 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 3 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 4 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 5 -

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Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 6 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 7 -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine - 8 (Node Level Filter Rules) -

Performance aspect of Distribution Rule modeling in Data Orchestration Engine -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine: Conditional Dependency -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine: Dependency with Dependency Rule -

Distribution Modeling in Data Orchestration Engine: Dependency and Dependency with Static Filter


Usage of Contains Pattern(CP) Operator in Distribution Rule -

Date Pattern Rules in SAP Netweaver Mobile -

Dynamic Data Distribution in SAP Net Weaver Mobile 7.10(DOE) using Subscription Generation -

Extending Distribution Models in SAP Netweaver Mobile -

How To: Field Services 2.0 Mobile Application – Change of Data Distributed to Clients -

Backend Adapter

BAPI Wrapper Options for Confirmation and Rejection -

SAP NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 - Transfer of files using attachments -

Developing and using "Get List" BAPI-Wrappers with 'Mass Data' in DOE -

Association Pull feature of SAP NetWeaver Mobile-

DOE's Attachment Capability - with a Sample Application -

Guide to use Instance Push -


Using ‚Adjust Adapter and Dataobject‛ to Alter the Data Object Structure and Adapter Mapping -

Semantic Compression in NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 -

Using Default Values in Backend Adapter -

Create applications using Binary Memo and Text Memo in NetWeaver Mobile 7.1 -

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6. Appendix This section is only applicable for the application using DOE with Gateway 1.1 to NW Mobile (e.g.

SAP CRM Sales.)

With Enhanced Distribution Model

When a customer enhanced their distribution model by creating a new DMSWCV, assign this new

DMSWCV in Runtime Projection & Header within the ESDMA Modeler. In this case, the customer

need not download the bundle again nor need not deploy it again.

With Enhanced Data Model

When a customer enhanced their data model, for example adding a new data object, node, or field,

generation of data object and backend adapter creates a new version of the objects. After the

generation new version of data object shall be included in the ESDMA and also generate the ESDMA.

The generation of ESDMA creates a new version of ESDMA which is almost equivalent to a new

application. Download the new bundle for the newly changed ESDMA and deploy it again to use the

latest version.


Nodes within the data object are restricted to two levels for the application using DOE and

Gateway to NW Mobile.

Configure backend search RFC’s for ESDMAs that have backend search BAPIs configured.

Otherwise, the activation/generation of the ESDMA will fail.

If you assign a custom DMSWCV to ESDMA instead of standard distribution model, the

amount of data of an object may affect the performance of the distribution rule.

To pass a device attribute for distribution rule from SUP, create a data object in DOE with

device attributes. Then add a custom service in Flow Definition,

MMW_FLOW_INBOUND_CLIENT_BV for the data object. This custom service allows filling

the device attribute value based on the value sent by a device. Refer to ‚Using Custom

Service in DOE (Data Orchestration Engine)‛ --

Assigning ESDMA version to devices via a device profile is not supported. Attempting to do

so may cause ‚DUMP_IMCOMPATIBLE_OBJECTS‛ error at distribution model generation.

To assigning gateway related channel to the device or to assign ESDMA version in one of the

device attribute, ESDMA name and version must be provided in a receiver generation object.

Add a column to the receiver generation object node to assign ESDMA name and version

(CHAR57) concatenated by pipe (|). Change the value of the newly added column if ESDMA

needs to be changed for the device.

Child data will be sent even after removing a child node in a data object in an ESDMA runtime

projection per design, because ESDMA has two projections with a default which contains all

nodes and runtime projection with some of the nedes deleted. Currently application uses

runtime projection. In this case, at least SYNCKEY and PSYNCKEY should be part of the

message. These are key fields in DOE perspective. After some time, if the projection is

changed to Default projection then for the child items which are filtered previously using

runtime projection, it should be able to process the data in case of update or delete. If this

message would have not sent previously then application can't update the record with child

item details.

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[Specific to SAP CRM Sales enhancement] Without CUSTOMIZATION object, SAP CRM

Sales application status will not turn to "Initialized". To MAS_CUSTOMIZATION with only

‚Node Level Filter Rules‛ to work, create a bulk rule on the header node of


ESDMA Configurations

Runtime Projections and Headers

Runtime projections and headers are subset of design time projections and are client dependent.

Runtime projections can be defined for each client (mandt) of the system.

Overriding the assigned DMSWCV option is particularly useful when the customer decides to add a

new distribution pattern to the already shipped model. The scenario is that the customer first

evaluates the data model and distribution pattern shipped by SAP/vendor.

During evaluation, customer realizes that the default distribution pattern shipped does not suit

their needs. In this case, the customer creates their own distribution pattern by creating their own

SWCV and using the Data Objects shipped by SAP/vendor.

Since the Data Model itself is not changed, a new ESDMA does not need to be created to point to

this newly created DMSWCV. Instead, the old ESDMA can be changed to point to this newly created

DMSWCV using the Assign DMSWCVs option.

Device pre prepared functionality

When subscription happens from the device, it can be configured such that the logical device on the

DOE gets created automatically or an existing logical device be used. The latter explained scenario

is known as the device pre prepared functionality. This functionality works based on the

configuration as follows,

Parameter Key: DOE_CONNECTOR

Parameter name: CREATE_DEVICE

Validity area: ESDMA Trans id

Text value: ‘X’ – the device will be created automatically. If the value is not set, DOE will try to

search for an existing logical device for that user. If it finds a device, that device will be used else a

new logical device will be created.

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Device pre prepared scenario is useful in cases where in the customer would like to use receiver

generation Data Object to create the logical devices beforehand. Main advantage of this

functionality is that the initial data for each device (user) is prepared and kept ready. That is, the

rule evaluation in done and the data is available in the pending extracts. During subscription,

extract is triggered and the data is sent immediately to the device. This functionality can be used in

cases where the initial data volumes are huge and the time spent on rule evaluation can be saved.

Release ESDMA option

This option is used to freeze the version of the ESDMA. By freezing the ESDMA, no further changes

can be done to the ESDMA in terms of adding/removing Data Objects, DMSWCV’s and backend

search function modules. Again, similar to finalizing the data model, ESDMA should be finalized

when a version of the ESDMA becomes productive. If the ESDMA is not finalized after becoming

productive, intentional/accidental changes to ESDMA will cause runtime errors. Hence, it is always

a good practice to set this option as soon as a version becomes productive.

Related Links

FAQ on Mobile Gateway and DOE -


Sybase Unwired Platform Version 2.1 -

Runtime Configuration in ESDMA Tool -

ESDMA Runtime Header -

ESDMA Design -

Backend Search Functionality -

MGW Configuration Parameters -


How to use Prepared Device for Gateway to NW Mobile -

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