doing brilliantly in english language: getting the grade

Doing brilliantly in English Language: Getting the grade

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Doing brilliantly in English Language: Getting the grade. Before doing well – Problems to tackle ♦Misreading the question and giving the wrong kind of answer. ♦Not looking at the number of marks available. ♦Picking out the wrong information. ♦Using subject language inaccurately or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Doing brilliantly in English Language:

    Getting the grade

  • Before doing wellProblems to tackle

    Misreading the question and giving the wrong kind of answer. Not looking at the number of marks available.Picking out the wrong information.Using subject language inaccurately or incorrectly.Repeating the question rather than answering it.Poor paragraphing, spelling and punctuation. Not preparing or revising properly.

  • Two keys to success

    PALL PEEPurpose PointAudience EvidenceLanguage ExpandLayout

    Write these on the exam paper to help you plan and get the highest grades.

  • Keys to success

    PALLPurpose What is the text trying to do? Audience Who is it aimed at? Language What kind of words have been used? Layout-How is the text set out?

  • Learn the check list of PALL

    Picking out the features will start you on the right lines.But you will get an A grade if you explain why they are used and if you think that they work or that they are effective.

  • Language

    This is where the most marks are because it is a challenge. Explain whether the writing is:

    Complex, technical or simple.Formal or informal (such as using slang and abbreviations).Literal or poetic / figurative.Factual/objective, or opinion based or emotive.Read the text thinking about the choice of words.AIM to pick out language details when you are reading through the text highlight words and phrases that stand out.

  • Make a PointGive an ExampleExpand on what you have written and the point you have made

  • The PEE ChainP = Point E = Example E = ExplainYou should use the PEE Chain to help you structure your responses to texts. Try to picture the chain in your head as you answer.

    POINTLinkPhrase 1EXAMPLE(Quote)Link Phrase 2EXPLAINFor exampleI know this because he saysThis is apparent in the lineThis is shown byThis quotation showsThis example highlightsThe writer says this to suggestI chose this quotation becauseAn example: Wordsworth uses a simile at the beginning of his poem to show that he feels lonely. I can see this when he says, I wandered lonely as a cloud. This quotation suggests that Wordsworth is strolling along in the countryside alone, like a cloud floating in the huge blue sky.

  • How to use PEE and PALL

    There are two women in a picture and there is some green text. Also you can see the name Oxfam so this shows also the name of the charity.

    The advert is persuasive and positive as it uses images of two women helping themselves to get out of poverty. The rhetorical question at the top is addressed to the reader to draw them into the advert and the color green has been chosen because it is a positive color that connects with the idea of a fresh start. Overall it is effective.

  • The Big Picture

    Always read your text carefully highlight as you read. Try to grasp the texts big picture.

    Understand exactly:what it is about who it was written for why it was written how it was written

    Think PALL

  • To achieve a good grade you must:

    Write Clearly

  • To achieve a good grade you must:

    Write clearly =

    Punctuate correctly = use commas, use semi-colons, apostrophes and full stops. You must use paragraphs to organize your ideas.You must entertain and interest the reader, so keep checking you are focusing on the question and thinking about the reader.

  • Key words

    Always highlight the question pick out the key words what is the question asking you to do? Get used to highlighting the text look for key words that stand out.What is the question asking you to do? Check have you answered the question.

  • Key words

    How effective is the advert for Oxfam? Comment on the language and presentational features used.

    How clear is the leaflet and what audience do you think it is aimed at? 135246

  • Is the advertisement Effective or not?You are to Comment on (Discuss)The LanguageThe Presentational features (How was it presented?)Is the leaflet Clear or not?Who is the Audience?

  • Essay questions

    Write PALL on your paper to help you plan Why are you writing to entertain? Inform or explain?Watch out for the audience who will be the reader? Children? Students? teachers? Make sure that your language is right for the audience.

  • Essay questionsUse the way of planning that you find easiest. It might be a list of bullet points or some kind of diagram. Put all your ideas down quickly, then cross out what you dont like and organize the rest into the best order.Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? are questions that can help to get ideas.Respect the reader. Include all the information they need. Make it make sense.

  • Example essay writing questions

    1. Explain how an incident from your life affected you in an important way.2. Teenage life can be fun but can be difficult, too; write an article for a school magazine in which you explain what it is like to be a teenager.3. Many people have hobbies. Write about one of your hobbies discussing what it involves and means to you.4. Write an article for a teenage magazine in which you explain one of the following: Friendship is ...; Bullying is ...; Success is ...; Growing up is ....

  • PALL

    Write on article for a teenage magazine in which you explain some of the pressures on young people today.You could include details of: exam pressure, peer pressure, Self image and family life.PALL

  • Write an article for a teenage magazine in which you explain some of the pressures on young people today. Being a teen is top! ISN'T IT?You cant open a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing about terrible teens. Apparently they dont respect their family, their environment, their teachers, their uniform, or anyone or anything. The only thing they respect are celebrities, and of course teens are only focused on their selfish selves.

    Exams and families do create stress but the greatest pressure is surviving all the negative press about teens.

    According to the shock stories in the press, we all wear hoodies and baseball caps, never move without a gang surrounding us and we are never happier than when intimidating older people or hanging around on street corners.

    Is this the reality of teens today?

  • How to succeed in longer writing tasks

    1.Plan before you write. Jot down key ideas do a quick mind map/ brainstorm/ list or some notes this will help you organize your ideas.

    2. Add in detail keep trying to show off use the best words.

    3. Check paragraphs and spellings know which words you are sometimes careless with. Look closely at these when you read through your writing.

    4. Dont get too nervous in the exam make sure that your writing is easy to read. Remember that you wont lose marks for crossing out mistakes.

  • Last minute checklist for timed writinggrabbing all of the marks you can

    With 7 minutes to goRound off your ideas write your last paragraph.

    Proof read your work quickly check paragraphs mark new paragraphs in with // you will get the marks for them.

    Check commas and full stops.

    Skim through and check youve used capital letters for names and titles.

  • The Lemon Orchard QuestionFind some examples of imagery and explain the effect of it.
