domestic violence in the workplace - how to create a safe environment

S Domestic Violence in the Workplace How Your Business Can Create A Safe & Supportive Environment

Upload: debrah-mathis

Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. S Domestic Violence in the Workplace How Your Business Can Create A Safe & Supportive Environment
  2. 2. What is Domestic Violence in the Workplace? S Public Perception S Productivity S Health Care Costs S Workplace Safety S Legal Liability
  3. 3. The Business Case for a Workplace Response to Domestic Violence
  4. 4. No Business is Immune from Human Problems S Domestic violence costs $8.3 billion in expenses annually: a combination of higher medical costs ($5.8 billion) and lost productivity ($2.5 billion).1 S Higher absenteeism children of single, divorced or separated mothers, exposed to or witnessed family violence48- 58 percenthad had conduct or academic problems at school.2 S SMBs could be damaged beyond repair 1. Forbes 2. Source: Zill, N. (2014). Analysis of public use microdata file from 2011-12 National Survey of Childrens Health, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  5. 5. For Managers and HR: DVA Sensitivity Training S Performance Planning and Evaluation S Core HR Policies S Applying Absences and Leave Policies S Recruiting and Hiring S How to Talk to An Employee Who Is A Perpetrator of Abuse S Special Concerns of Immigrant Employees S Guidelines for Supervising Victims of DV
  6. 6. When DV Creates A Hostile Work Environment Source: Institute of Family Studies
  7. 7. Why Should Businesses Work to End Domestic Violence in the Workplace and Community? S Social Responsibility & Community Relations S Legal Issues S Before Reaching Out, Look Within S The Role Men Can Play
  8. 8. Companies Who Have Taken Action YOU
  9. 9. E2S Can Help You S Policy and Program Recommendations S Leading the Way: Boost Your Employer Brand and Reputation S Create an supportive culture that differentiate you and your company from your local competitors S Personal and Workplace Safety Plans S Make the Most of EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
  10. 10. Thank You and Questions? E2S Solutions is available to help walk you through your own policies to see where you are strong, and where you can make changes, conduct workplace assessments and pro-actively uncover unconscious biases and perspectives specific to your workplace. Contact us at 888.461.3341 The material used in this presentation was adapted from the publication entitled, The Workplace Responds to Domestic Violence: A Resource Guide for Employers, Unions and Advocates, produced by the Family Violence Prevention Fund. Edited by Donna Norton, Esq., Stephen T. Moskey, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Bernstein.