dominating features of islamic civilization


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Page 1: Dominating features of islamic civilization
Page 2: Dominating features of islamic civilization

Civilization comes from the latten word

civil which means “universal”.

‘An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences…’

Page 3: Dominating features of islamic civilization

Islamic civilization is based upon the basic principles of Islam derived from Quran and Sunnah

Islamic civilization has proved to be unique and superior from the rest

Based on unity standing against all types of discriminations

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Moderation and globalization

Combination of ancient world with modern




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Belief in one ALLAH

No one is equal to or superior than him

He owns the supreme sovereignty.

He is the only Beneficial and He is the only who can Punish

Most prominent character of islamic civilization

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Disbelief in deification of ruler

Equality among humans

Elimination of idolatry

Correct perception about

The creator

The universe


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Man learns rulers are nothing but servants for masses

They should be took to account if ruling improperly

Man gains his dignity

The freedom of not bowing to anyone but ALLAH satisfies him and gives his deserved status

He works for nothing but to please ALLAH

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Men are equal like teeth of a comb

All are the ALLAH’s creation having precedence over other creatures

Superiority has no standards but piety

Superiority must not be boosted about or piety is lost

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O people! Verily, your Lord is one and your father is one. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non-Arab

over an Arab; or for the white (people) over the black or for the black over the white

except in piety”

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There is only one ALLAH who is not visible but always in our hearts

All idols and statues bowed before must be eliminated

Idol manifestations are not permissible in Islam for they are look alike of ALLAH’s creatures

Worshipping a non living piece of stone is man’s own disrespect

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ALLAH is the only creator of universe

Universe has been created for man to live on and explore it

Day of resurrection is due

All creatures will be brought back to life

Men will be took into account for all his deeds, good or bad

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It has a universal dimension

For all geographical regions, containing all races till the end of the world

Pluralist religion coexisting with other religions allowing full religious anatomy

Excepts good characters from other civilization as long as they are not counter to Islam

All actions done in the society by men for the serving of humanity are GOD blessed actions

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“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed,

Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”

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Dawned upon men in old age i.e. in 6th century A.D

Encouraged them to research and explore

Inculcated a zeal to make a modern world

To obtain better knowledge, techniques and living standards

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We can see balance maintained in Islamic civilization in following fields:

Material and spiritual aspects

Islamic and life sciences

World and hereafter

Idealism and realism

Rights and duties

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Spiritual and material aspects alone cannot bring satisfaction and happiness in man's life

Pure spiritualism gives Underdevelopment

undermining of will

thinking and the energies of work

killing of the humanity of humans

loss of the benefits of the universe.

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Pure materialism gives Tyranny




brutal control of lives, property and honor.

Islam promotes materialism along with spiritualism for the smooth running of life

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Balance between the two gives:



the fruit of efforts and work within a framework of faith and morality based on:

justice security



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Islam has based its civilization upon methods of: Science






Quran permits every scientific knowledge and information until it is counter to Islam

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This balanced approach is different from those civilizations, whose religions dominated the intellectual power, and where science was prohibited, and thinking was restricted.

It also differs from those where scientific observations surpass humans common sense and they start disgracing their own self (for example. Due to certain homologous similarities considering man to have been evolved from monkey)

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Islam did not ask a Muslim to be a monk in a monastery, ignoring religious duties and supplications, ignoring the rights of ALLAH

Nor to become a worshiper in an isolated place, praying all night and fasting during the daytime, and trying no luck in life and forgetting the rights of people

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ALLAH says in (Al-Jum’ah: 9, 10):

“O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten

earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you if ye but knew! And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah,

and celebrate the Praises of Allah often that ye may prosper”

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Idealism and realism cannot be separated

Islam is an ideal and realistic religion at the same time.

It always seeks perfection and ideals for its followers by putting pious examples before them

But it urges them to do everything they could do depending upon their mental and physical capabilities and does not place much burden on people

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Imaginary idealism has no existence in the Islamic civilization, but it exists only in the world of dreams and is completely far from the reality of man and his instincts, attitudes, shortcomings and deficiencies

Such realism that means satisfaction regardless of its manner or shape, or means that the Islamic civilization subdues its principles to cope with life by any means is banned in Islamic civilization

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Rights of one are the duties of other

Protection of rights and duties is important for the smooth running of society

Islamic civilization puts stress on every man to fulfill his duties and to strive for hos rights if not given

Not fighting for one’s right is also prohibited

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Islam tends to strike a balance between rights and duties of individuals and groups in order to make a balance between individualism and social interest.

man must live within the circle of society, share benefits and interests, and establish relationships.

The civilization of Islam is characterized by balance and moderation

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ALLAH has promised to preserve Holy Quran

This civilization is based upon the sacred holy book so the civilization promises to last as long as the world does

It is a civilization with unique characteristics, that never withers away since it is not a national or a racial civilization nor does it run counter to human nature.

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In all cases, Islam should not be identified with Muslims, these may become weak or less influential but Islam remains firm. The Islamic civilization is therefore permanently buoyant and has self-renewing cycles and unrelenting dynamics.

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This civilization gives prominence to moral values in all fields of activity In ruling

In science

In legislation

In war

In peace

In economy

In family

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These characteristics draw their sustainability from the principles of the Islamic religion, since they are founded on them and are intrinsically bound up to them.

They are like a precious diamond that remains unaltered whatever are the historical circumstances or the upheavals shaking Islamic societies up and down

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