dominican republic


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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The president of Dominican Republic. His name is DanilloMedina.

On most holidays in Dominican republic the people like to dress up and dance around with each other. On one day they do that is Feb-27 its Dominican independents day..

In Dominican Republic the people are catholic or Christian.

There is a Dominican festival here in Boston and in network. People that come from D.R usually come to Boston or to New York.

A Dominican singer is Anthony Santos he is a Bachata singer.. He is from Dominican Republic.

Dominican Republic is famous for their oceans.

Dominican Republic is most of an island called espalluola.

The capitol of Dominican Republic is Santiago.

A place in Dominican Republic that is very famous is a river in Boca chika.

The biggest hospital in BaniDominican Republic is in El 30…

Christopher coulombs discovered D.R. in 1492. And was the first place where the Europeans settled in the world.

Dominican Republic shares a border with Haiti.

Dominican Republic is part of the Caribbean.

The colors of the flag stands for..

Blue:riberty and the expansive sky.Red: symbolizes the blood shed in the fight independence.White: the cross is symbolic of the sacrifice, dedication and dignity of the people of the Dominican Republic.

The government in Dominican Republic are democracy.

People in Dominican republic call their money pesos.

The Dominican people speak Spanish and the climate is hot.

In Dominican Republic the school have a whole week off because the have a Easter week they just basically just party all week.

The web sites I got all my information from are called…