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Page 1: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works
Page 2: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Done by :

Mohanad Masoud Zaid

Ammar Alshareef

Mohammad Akram

Supervised by Dr. Ahlam Sharif

And Arch. Faten Al-zboon

Page 3: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


About the Architect ……………………………………………………………..1

The Architect style ……………………………………………………………..3

The Architect quotes ..………………………………………………………….7

Awards timeline ………....……………………………………………………….9

The architect projects ..………………………………………………………..10

Row house ( Azuma house ) ..……………………………………………….13

Resources …………………………...……………………………………………….32

Page 4: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Tadao Ando is a Japanese self-taught architect .

He worked as a truck driver and boxer before he changed course, and taught himself architecture and eventually became one of the Great Fathers of contemporary architecture.

“ My hand is the extension of the thinking process – the creative

process.” Tadao Ando


عمل في البدایة كسائق , تاداو اندو معماري یابانيبح ثم قام بتعلم العمارة بنفسھ لیص, شاحنة و مالكم

. بالنھایة أحد أعظم المعماریین المعاصریین

Page 5: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

He was inspired by Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Louis Kahn .

Le Corbusier Mies van der Rohe Frank Lloyd Wright Louis Kahn


Page 6: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

His style :

Ando's architectural style is said to create a “ haiku“ effect, emphasizing nothingness and empty space to represent the beauty of simplicity.

Water Temple, Awaji, Japan, 1991The Oval house at Benesse Art Museum Naoshima, Japan, 2004


مؤكدا على العدم والمساحة الفارغة , ) ھایكو ( أسلوب عمارة اندو تقوم بخلق تاثیر ال . لتمثیل جمال البساطة

Page 7: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

His style :The religious term Zen, focuses on the concept of simplicity and concentrates on inner feeling rather than outward appearance .

The Oval House ,Naoshima, JapanMeditation Space UNESCO, Paris4

یركز على فكرة و مفھوم البساطة , ) زین ( المصطلح الدیني و یركز على الشعور الداخلي بدال من المظھر الخارجي

Page 8: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

In order to practice the idea of simplicity, Ando's architecture is mostly constructed with concrete, providing a sense of cleanliness and weightlessness .

expand Pulitzer Arts Foundation 5

, بنیت عمارة أندو في الغالب من الخرسانة , و من أجل ممارسة و إظھار فكرة البساطة . لتوفر و تشعر بإحساس بالنظافة و الخفة

Page 9: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

His style :

Church of light , Ibaraki, Osaka Prefecture. Japan



Page 10: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Quotes :

Besides speaking of the spirit of architecture, Ando also emphasizes the association between nature and architecture. He intends for people to easily experience the spirit and beauty of nature through architecture.

He believes architecture is responsible for performing the attitude of the site and makes it visible.


و أراد . أندو أیضا اكد على االرتباط بین العمارة و الطبیعة , إلى جانب التحدث عن روح العمارة للناس تجربة و رؤیة جمال الطبیعة من خالل العمارة

. و یؤمن بأن العمارة مسؤولة عن إظھار أداء الموقع و جمالھ و جعلھ مرئیا

Page 11: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Tadao Ando's body of work is known for the creative use of natural light and for structures that follow natural forms of the landscape..

Langen Foundation, GermanyChurch of water , Japan


عمل تاداو أندو معروف باستخدامھ لإلضاءة الطبیعیة و للبناء تبعا لشكل الطبیعة و األرض. المحیطة بھ

Page 12: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Awards Timeline

Was given this award for his unique invention of concrete which enhance the architecture

Page 13: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

1- Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House)

2- Tezukayama House-Manabe House


Page 14: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

3- Onishi House 4- Koshino House


Page 15: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

5- Rokko Housing One 6- 4 by 4 House


Page 16: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976:

Site area: 57 sq metersBuilding area: 34 sq meters

It is one of the earliest works of the architect.

Is a personal residence in Sumiyoshi , Osaka, Japan .


. بیت أزوما ھو احد المشاریع األولى للمعماري , اوساكا , ھو سكن خاص یقع في سومییوشي


Page 17: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


: سبب اختيار المشروع

من خالل بساطة تصميمه و استخدامه , ألنه يعكس أفكار المعماري و أسلوبه الفريد وأيضا من خالل استخداه لإلضاءة الطبيعية و , للخرسانة كمادة أساسية لكامل المبنى

. استخدامه لعناصر الطبيعة لتعزيز البيئة الداخلية للمبنى

As Tadao Ando says, 'In its simple spatial composition, in its expression of enclosure, and the way light gives character to daily life's spaces, this house encapsulates my image of Architecture.'


Page 18: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Azuma House replaces one of the traditional houses in the area built in wood.


Site plan , and context :

بیت أزوما تم استبدالھ بأحد البیوتالقدیمة المصنوعة من الخشب

. بالمنطقة

Page 19: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Wind direction :


Page 20: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Sun path diagram :


Page 21: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Zoning :




Page 22: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Wet spaces

Dry spaces

Wet /Dry :


Page 23: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Solid / Void :

Solid spaces

Void spaces


Page 24: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

The House is divided into three equal sections: two floors and a patio.

1- On the ground floor are located the :

living room


the central outside courtyard

staircase that leads to the upper floor.


2- first floor :

two bedrooms walkway.

The central uncovered area is the only source of natural light throughout the house.



Functions :

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Vertical circulation ( stairs )

Horizontal circulation

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يفصل بين غرفة , الفناء و الذي يعمل كمركز رئيسي للحياة اليومية في المنزل . المعيشة التي تقع في الطابق األرضي عن المطبخ و غرفة الطعام و الحمام

ة و بالطابق األعلى غرفة األطفال بطرف و بالطرف الثاني تقع غرفة النوم الرئيسي. يصل بينھم جسر

غرفة نوم األطفال

غرفة النوم الرئيسية

غرفة المعيشة

المطبخ و غرفة الطعام

الحمام الفناء



Page 27: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Page 28: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Interior shots :

Page 29: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Page 30: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

Main elevationSide elevation


Elevations :

Page 31: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works

. With spaces flanking an interior courtyard, there is an attempt to return the 'contact with light, air, rain, and other natural elements' to the Japanese life-style.

"In addition to providing light and serving as the focal point of family life, this small court is a spatial entity that attempts to compensate for the reduced physical space.“ Tadao Ando


ھناك محاولة إلعادة االتصال بین الضوء و الھواء , مع المساحات التي تحیط بالفناء الداخلي . و المطر و العناصر الطبیعیة األخرى و بین نمط الحیاة الیابانیة

Page 32: Done by › academics › asharif › uploads › ... · Row House in Sumiyoshi (Azuma House) 1976: Site area: 57 sq meters Building area: 34 sq meters It is one of the earliest works


Lighting :

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The building shows a blind or solid facade to the street. The presence of a door suggests the use of this box.


Zoom in :

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( ventilation ) : التھویة

ألواح الخرسانة لدیھا سعة عالیة لالحتفاظ بالحرارة المتجمعة

و خالل اللیل تقوم , خالل النھار إخراج ھذه الحرارة تدریجیا مع

. انخفاض درجة الحرارة باللیل أكثر دقة باللیل یتحرك الھواء

البارد بالمنزل و الھواء الساخن ( یتحرر من الكتلة الحراریة

thermal mass ) و یصعد لالعلى لیبقي المساحة دافئة و لیتجدد الكتلة الحراریةقدرتھا على امتصاص المزید

. من الطاقة في الیوم التالي


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Resources :








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I would like my architecture to inspire people to

use their own resources , to move

into the future .Tadao Ando