donovan martin | scientific approach to change your life

Donovan Martin | Scienti fic Approach To Change Y our Life

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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But how is it done? How can you change your mindset?

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there”. And he hit the nail right on the head. Your beliefs are powerful things, and they can steer you into the direction of your choice.

So, when you’ve decided it’s time for a change, and you are ready to achieve a goal, now what?

Now it’s time to figure out what you really want, why you want it, what you are willing to do for it, and then stay positive.

Page 3: Donovan Martin | Scientific Approach To Change Your Life

Figure out what it is that you wantNow this point might appear to be fairly obvious, but it’s not as clear-cut as it. For example, you might have someone who says: “Okay, what I want is a promotion. I want to be the big boss”. Now let’s say we asked that person: “Why do you want a promotion?”, and the person answered:

If you’re going to pick a goal, it’s important to really get right down to it, because superficial ‘stuff’ doesn’t make us happy. Not really. Deep down inside, there are things that we really want, and these are the things that we should be striving for. Dig deep here- skip over the fluff and figure out what will really make you happy.

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Ask Yourself : Why do I want this?

Once you’ve figured out what you truly want, the next step is to figure out why this is important to you.

It has to be something that you are passionate about; something that touches an emotional chord for you…

To figure out if your motivations are true to your beliefs and values, ask yourself the following questions:

Why is this important to me?How will this make me happy?How will my life be different if I become this?How will this affect the people in my life?

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Decide if you are willing to do what it takes to become what you want

When you have a specific goal in mind, something that you are passionate about, you need to know what you are willing to do to achieve that goal.

Are you willing to work hard? Take risks? Get out of your comfort zone?

Make sacrifices for this goal?

If it is something that you truly want, you’ll do what it takes to get there. But if you are not willing to put yourself out there and take a chance, then your goal is probably not the right goal for you.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done”

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Keep positivity close byThe truth is, there will be challenges and tough days.

We can’t avoid that. And it’s times like these when your mind can start to really get negative, and eventually give up.

The tools you choose are up to you: It can be quotes that are uplifting, that you have posted around you.It can be some kind of talisman that you can carry as a personal reminder of your end goal.It can be a support system that you can share your journey with.It can be a journal that holds your successes, your excitement, and your strategies.

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No goal is too big if you are serious about achieving it