Page 1: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot

VOL 12-No 34


PRINTING CO. l,'u\>Hah ....PHOU LENOX 1112







By Mal! t2 00 per year. Smgle CopIes 5 Cent.o

Farr Is Kayoed by Cupid

_J _

Tommy Farr, heavyweIght champion of the BrItish isles who hasn't]fared so well agamst American heavyweights, has lost another deci~sion, thIs time to Cupid, and is shown here with hIs intended WIfe,!E.leen WelUel, as they boarded a plane for Cailfornla to Invest1gat. th.1

DOsslblhties of a movie career. II

Comedy Play at theJefferson Methodist

Church April 22, 23

Pot.Luck Luncheonat Defer April 21

School Board SeeksJunior High Site in

Grosse Pointe Park



Paselk Has LovelyDisplay of Flowerll

The Fe1Jx FranCOIS Beauty Salon hasan em lab1'~ reputatlon as a beautysalon of exceptIonal ment which hasbeen developed and malntamed throughout ItS eight years of fine serVice mGrosse Pomte

It has been the pohcy of thIS fineestabhshment to extend the finest serv-tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIthfashion centers and new trends, andyet mamtam pnces commensurately lowconsldermg the exceptionally highquality of ltS workmanship and matenals used It pays to have the best

The Huron County Club of DetrOithas cOffi1)leted plans for the annualdanc ng party to be held In the Crystalhallroom of the \1a~on c Temple at'Saturda) \fa) 14 M ke 1 alk "" 11pre~C'nt Harry Blair and hl~ CountryClub orchestra

Huron Country ClubDance May 14th

New Driver's License On Thursday April 21 Ihere w,ll beL N I Effer.t a pot ,uck luncbeon In the Defer schoolaw OW n ; I lunchroom at 1 p m All members are

-- I mVlted to attendThe new Dnver s LIcense law IS now I A salad a hot dish or a dessert are

m C'ffeet and any ap.ohcant resIdmg 111 th t ' d t b fe 1 ems you are aSl':.e 0 rmg or 1the Farms .....ho must renew the1r 1 h I h fdnver s ltcetlse can secure mformatlon Y300U pre

ter, you may ave unc eon or

cen sand a very mstructlve booklet prOVided R t t b b Th deserva lOns mus e tn y n1'S ayby the Secretary of State at the Grosse April 14 For reservations caB Mrs

KPomte RFarmdsPollce Department at 60 Fmch Murray 3683 or Mrs Mackenerby oa Zle Tuxedo 2 3955Fvery drn er on tbe road can profit W 11b 1 k fe e 00 lUg or a study of thts mterestmg book _

New apphcants must pass a more severe test than preVIously, therefore IttS adVIsable to secure tlm mformatIonand be prepared for the exammatlon

In any case for detatls VisIt your localpohce statIOn

Your license Will be renewed atstation between 8 a m and 6 pSundays and hohdays not mcluded

The W1lham C Orr Co,of 3132 Ohalmers avenue announcedearly thiS week that they are the exelUSive dlstnbutors of the SImplex Arthur L Paselk promment flonst ofGarden Sprayer, a modern Implement Grosse Pomte was fortunate 10 securof the garden whIch many Grosse mg a substantlal number of EasterPomte gardeners Wll1find Just the thmg plants of exceptlonal variety and qualfor f'xtermmatmg germs from those lty Ulllq,ue table decoratlOns and cor.deltcate shrubs and bushes sages are also a feature of thts estab

Dealers wtll also be pleased to know ltshmentthat Mr Orr plans on co operatmg Th1s mstltutlon IS located In theWIth local dealers who destre to handle I Punch and Judy Theatre bUlldmg andthiS fine product through advertlSlng I has developed an enViable reputatlonand by turnmg over tnqu nes to repre t 1U the four years It has been servmgsentatlves 10 that particular d1stnct I thIS area

Garden Sprayer NowAvailable for Homes

\Ir and \In \\ Dean Rob n~(\n ofken, ood road landed \fonday after aSOjourn In Engla td,

After conSIdering every avaIlable property SUItable for school

purposes, the Grosse Pomte Board of EducatIOn at a speCIal meetmg 1

Monday offICIally deSIgnated five and one half acres between Ker- 1

cheval and St Paul ImmedIately south of the Defer School as a sIte

for a JUnior h'gh school btllldmg iA commIttee was appomted to negotIate WIth the owners for

the purchase of the property whIch IS part ",f the Frye subdIVISIOn.

The acqUls1tIon can be made \\ Ithout necessitatmg a bond IssueThe site extends from the rear lot school classes from the Defer and

hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot line Trombly elementary schools Approxl-of Balfour Erectton of a bU1ldmg there mately 200 pupils are now aSSigned t()WIll result In the termmatlOn of Somer the Trombly school for academiCset at St Paul rather than at Kercheval classes and to the Defer school for Iwhere the street now ends laboratory classes spendmg one half

The plan of the Board 1S to propose day 10 each bmldmgthe bUildmg of a 600 800 pupIl un t on WIth a jU11l0rhigh school bUildmg onthe slte A stru.cture of thts SIze WIll the newly deSIgnated SIte to prOVIde for I

care for the seventh eIghth and nmth west end pup Is the hIgh school bUild .. Igrade pupIls hvmg m the west end of ng will be reheved sufflc1entl) to takathe dIstnct The new bUildmg Will make care of Jumor htgh school pupl1s hvmgposs1ble the removal of JUllior h gh In the central and eastern parts of the

dlstr ct for several) ears at least Whilethe new bUlldmg WIll probably be de-SIgned for an enrollment of 600 800,constructIOn to permit the addItion ofWll1gs which can ultimately house 1200 Ichlldren 1f necessary Will be cons1deredby the Board

InvesttgatlOn has shoVvn that over Ihalf of the present JUUlor hIgh schoolpupIls 11',e ""est of CadIeux road Thetotal Jun or hlgh '1("hool enrollment 15

now 1 017 an ll1crease of 64 over I:

year agoDesignahBP of the Kercheval St. I

Paul site ~s made followmg confer-Iences w th representatives of parentorgamzattons A committee from the IParent Teacher Counctl attended the IMarch meettng of the Board of Edu ..cation urgmg tmmedlate steps to"Nard Ithe prOVlSlon of adequate JUOlor htgh Ischool faCthties and suggestmg theStae1ens Farm on Mack as a deSirable

The Slgma Zeta Class of the Jeff SIte ThiS committee had conSIderedthe erson Avenue Merhodlst Ohurch at the Frye subdiVISion but beheved ItSI

m East Jefferson and Marlborough WIll purchase mIght be dIffIcult because Itpresent a three act comedy on Fnday 1Sll1volved In lIttgation InqUIry by theand Saturday, Apnl 22 and 23 at 8 Board revealed that the lltlgatlon would

not prevent acqUlrmg the Site, whtdllp mThe play 1Sentitled New FIres" and was finally chosen In preference to the

was V;f1tten by Oharles QUinby Bur Mack avenue location beca1.l ~ the lat ...dette Henry C VIgor IS dIrecting the ter IS not centrally located m relationplay A cordtal InV1tatIon is extended to centers o-f JUll10r high school popu Grosse Pomte fnends to attend latlon

The cast of craracters IS as follo", s 1 Board of Fducatlon stud es show thatIucnda A. 1dre."" a '" do, Corrla here are: at pre"ent t",o center'S of

Samplc1 Suzanne Toler a !P) tster J n (\ h gl ~c1001 or la on One of ~Opal \feR 1") Sid Spern a farm hand the e " n (ro""e Po te Park Tl eAlex Patton. Jerry hiS son Robert other 1es .,,<Ithn "'al\... og distance of IIElrod Stephen Santry an author Wtl the hlgh school bUildmg Adequate fa ...

~J51"5!.ffi1.,lQmf5'!lF'!'5!m@jii:'m.r.:ni!ffi1W[Ji!lliiIr[!lt!I@"'~l!!!"@ii!IiMiilJ~r!Jm.liilli!;!.iiilliill~i}ngrmU1~ ham Samptch, Btll) , h1S son Owen clbtles for both of these large groups~ ~ MIddleton PhyllIs hiS daughter Mar ,\111 be proHded when the new bUIld-~ ELI ""Jone Edwards Anne hiS WIfe Opal mg IS erected and only pupl1s ltv1ng 1n: as 'er ; ;es ~Kober Ohve hIS dauglhter Ph11ena the extreme east end of the dIstnct~ "" II I:J Dav1s' Eve hIS d.aughter m law May w1ll be beyond walktng dtstance of &

~ ~ Ma'lon DIrk hl'l 'Ion Tuhan Gos"om I Jun or 111gh school Transportationfa; ~ Dr Lynn Gray, I: country physlctan costs for pupils h\'111g 111 the central I~ How fair the lily, thought the Savior where He trod, ~ ! Othel Gossom. Mary Marshall a neigh and '" e'ltern parts of the dlstnct Will~ Breathing in beauty of creation here of God. ~ I bor, Jean Anderson, Mrs Marshall be entirely eltm1l1ated thereby affect-I~ CI d ' d h I h h. @~ "ary s mother Mary Patton. Angle mg a matenal savtng for parents and- ustere roun tea tar, ere were we slOg his praise '"~ Sperry Sld s ~lfe Belle Hart school distrIct~ Lilies waft their incense, on holy Easter days; The enhre aetlOn of the play takes The jUl1lor h1gh schOOl problem hasl~ Whispering of ages, when some whom Christ loved sped place m the comblOahon d10mg room been acute In the dlstnct ever S111ce~ -hvmg room of the old Santry Home the enrollment In grades 7 through 12c Calling that He had risen, risen from the dead. stead located 10 t'he southern part of passed the 1450 mark three years ago,~ Missout! The time IS the present thus overreachmg the capacity of the

i high scl1oo1 bU1ldmg The annex sys"Consider lilies, how they neither toil or spinl Grosse Pointe Florists tem w" resorled to In order to prov,doHow crisp white cups enfold tranquility within; for the o"erf1ow of students Class-

OJ Th Established 14 Years rooms were opened In Ihe old Cad,eu:<

I'"ey whISper thoughts of kindness near the sick bedside, elementary bmldlng and later In tholThey whisper in the white, clasped fingers of the bride. The Grosse Pomte FlorIsts at 96 Defer and Trombly elementary sohool.They whisper the triumph of joyful feet that fled Kerby road has been e,tabhsbed a' a for 7B 7A and 8B pupils It" ex.1

Grosse POinte mstItutIOn for over 14 pected that the SA class \\111also haveWhen up from the tomb Christ had risen from the dead. years Adolph Schagl its awner has to be placed m the annexes next fall I

made the study of plantmg and grow Accord ng to Mr Charles A Parcells.:m!1i!!1I!:!r~~"fil.lli!Iiim!L~@J'iI@JWd!J~lflw.m!IT!!r~l!!JWil.r~i:!IiiL~ mg flawers hIS Me s work W1th the preSIdent of the Board of EducatIon,Mayfair Garden Price Mrs Thomas E. Chancellor WIll be result that many beautiful plants are the annex s} stem entails undeslrabl'

R back m her' home on Shrewsbury dnve grown m their la1"ge greenhouse every handicaps and overcrorwdmg for both,eductions Makes Hit tomorrow from Dallas, Tex, where she year JUl1lor h1gh school and elementary pu ..1

ha! been vlSltmg Many of these beautliul plants are PII<! ErectIOn of the proposed bmldmgi----- on sale for Easter at a very reasonable In Grosse Pomte Park", 11restore ade~

F. Francois Completes pnce and every plant throogh excellent Quate and normal $'Chool condlt1ons fot

Eight Years of Service care and attentIOn IS a real beauty both groups

, School House Wrecked by Tornado v

Talent Test Extendedfor One More Week

So many took advantage of the talenttest on pla,no and accordlOn last weekthat the Paul De Carlo StudIOS havedeCIded to extend the test for onemore week Thts 1S a splendtd. way tofind out If you or your chlld IS musI-cally mchned at no cost to you andyou are under no obhgatlon

They have a cpurse for youthful begtnners, also speCIal courses for advanced students and adults You canlearn to play tn a very short tlme thISmodern way Take advantage of theiroffer, make your 3IP'pomtment now.

Pointe RepublicansMet Last Friday

Among the guests were the HonAlfred Garska and hiS wife NorbertDenk superV1S0r of Grosse Pomte andMr and Mrs Adolph L. Damman

For the occaston Mrs Schuster ,lielected an orch1d, lace dmner downwhIle on her s1houlder she wore a corsage of orch1ds and golden tea roses

Both Mr and Mrs Schuster havebeen reSidents m Grosse Pomte Parkfor the past 15 years Mr Schusterwas born m the Pomte while MrsSchuster was born tn Centerhne M'chwhere they were marned Up to thetime of hiS retirement 10 years ago atthe age of 63 Mr Schuster was actlvely engaged WIth the Dodge MotorCorp TheIr five hvmg chtldren werepresent to help them ce1t1brate theIranmversary

'The chIldren are Mrs J B RenaudMn L Hagen, Mrs VIrg1ma NelsonMrs A Stler and Mr Al Schuster

Mr and Mrs Schuster also had 13grandchtldren to help them celebrate

A tornado WhIChswept destruction from Arkansas to Illmois wrecked this school at Columbus, Kan.LuckIly none of the pupl1s were 1Dtheir rooms when the tWIster bIt ThIS pIcture shows a member of theAmerican Legion with hIS httle son as they recovered hIS thmgs from a desk In the wrecked school room.

Schusters Celebrate "Ji!JilJ1i!ffillO!Eii_Jiil"'ii!11lffi!ffilJ,",JffiljjlfC'!JWii1rJ

Golden Wedding April 9 ; Nursery Making IBy MARY JANE STOETZEL ~ Canvaspso! Gtropssek~Solemn hIgh mass was sung at St [ OlD e ar ~

Am<brose Church Saturday, Apnl 9 at @ ~

8 o'clock by the Rev Francts Van Ant ~ The Grenlng Nursery, in the ~werp, pastor, III honor of Mr and Mrs ~ Interest of a community moOre ~Joseph Schuster, who were celebratmg ~ heautIful, are making a canvass lIDtheir golden weddmg anmversary ~ of the Grosse POinte Park area ~

Mrs John B Renaud one of Mr and I@) to ascertain the number of Indl ~Mrs Schuster s four daughters, enter ivlduals who de'Slre to plant trees ~tamed at a breakfast tn her home on and shrubs to beautIfy their ~Maryland f01" members of the famIly ~ property ~and a few fnends after the church r Last week a letter from Waldo ~serVices In the afternoon from 1 until ~ J Berns, clerk of Grosse POinte ~4 0 dock, Mr and Mrs Schuster re IPark, was published asking the 'lcelved gue~ts m their home on Lake CitizenS to co operate During Ipomte thiS canvass by representatIves of

thiS highly endorsed organizationA dmner and recC1'tton was gwen at It Will be pOSSible t,o secure the ial

the Hagen s Club Cafe Sunday evenmg ~ plants and trees you desire at a ~In hon01" of the Jubllarlans SIxty guests ~ wholesale price ~sat around a U" shaped table sur ]! @rounded by embankments of glft bou .@Wfiiim! rJWI!lfi:StQmn.~l111~Iim!!J!IDlilJ[J!~.m:r&i!!jl)lf~~

quets, whtle several bowls of baby or Mr and Mrs Charles T Bush enterchids and golden tea roses were used tamed III theIr home on Three MIleto decorate the dtnner table A large dnve oyer the week end 10 honor ofbe decked, tradlhonal weddlOg cake their guests Mr and Mrs V Lee Edwas placed directly III front of Mr and wards of Toledo\irs Schuster who sat at the center .. * *of the table

Muslc was fur111shed by Mr I:d",ardKrass Sr who played the vlOlm whilehts son, Edward Krass, J 1", played theaccompantment

A short !tme ago the Mayfatr oneThirty members of the \Vomen's Re of M chlgan s finest mght clubs de

p'ubhcan Club of Grosse Pomte met c1ded to reduce pnces on all dnnksat the home of Mrs Lloyd G Hooker Smce that time many Grosse Pomter.son Umverslty Place on Fnday AprIl have spent many enJoyable evemngs at8 at 2 p m Mrs Edwm Kneghoff thiS popular resort and find the newprestded New Deal poltcles and plans scale very economtcalfor future club actlv1tIes were d1scussed The hIghest type floor presentations

ThiS meetIng was the first of a senes are secured "I'r eekly and a popular...1 of neIghborhood meetmgs A Repubh dance band prOVIdes dehghtful musIc

can meetmg Will be held at any home I for dancmg and you wl1l be pleased towhere 15 or more women are gathered know that Ralph SmIth has returned as

On Apnl 19 at 2 pm, Mrs Edwlll Master of Ceremol11es With LentKnegrhoff w111address the Repubhcan almost over ~hy not put the Ma} faIrWomen of Plymouth and Redford at on your list for an evenmg of completethe home of Judge Homer Ferguson relaxatIOn and .enjoymenton Fairway Dnve

at Uptown TheatreMany of th~ people on the EastsIde

wtll b~ dehghted to learn than anothergreat program has been planned for theGood Fnday serVices at the UptownTheatre Mack avenue at Chalmersfrom 12 to 3 p m Some of the bestand finest Bible preachers m the country ha\ e been secured. In the followmgorder the g:peakers Will be heard

Rev Chas E Fuller, the famousradto mmister from Los Angeles, WIllbe present from 12 to 1 p m He("omes for the sake and benefit of thegreat many who Will not be able to goand hear him at the Olymp.ia tn theafternoon Dr Ralph E Stewart, ofthe ExtenSion Staff of the MoodyBIble Institute of ChiCago, Will havethe hour from 1 to 2 p m Dr Stewart ts a great preacher and IS wellknown all over the country In BtbleConference '\VOrk The last hour from2 to 3 p m wtfl be occupIed by Mtohtgan s best and most loved radtopreacher, Dr H H Savage

Bestdes these fine speakers manyspeCial smgers wtll be hea1"d in a greatheart mspmng song serVtce

These meetmgs are held In harmonyand co-operatlon wIth the same aim andpurpose as e~p-ressed in the great themeof the Olympta meetIngs-AmertcaMust Come Back to God d She 1S tobe Saved from Chaos

The entire program Will be under thedtrectton of Rev George E. Muran,pastor of tJhe Knox PresbytertanChurch

On Monday, Apnl 13 AcaCIa ChapterOrder of Demolay, Will mstall thetroffIcers pubhcly at 8 pm, after whichthere WIll be a short entertamment anddance

AcaCia Chap1:~ Ord<!r of Demotay isthe only chapter on the east SIde ofDetrOlt and they meet at 21.34Cadtllacboulevard

The Detro1t Demolay Atlhlettc assectatIon IS giVing their annual sprmgfrohc Fnday, April 22, at the BookCadIllac hotel MUSICby Bobby Graywson and hIS Ofe-hestra In the Grandball room and Milt BernIe and hISorchestra In the Crystal ball room Inthe Itahan Gardens there wlil be a mllhonalre s party from 9 to 2Informal

John SmIth, son 01 Past Master An-drew J SmIth 1365 Harvard road, Wl'llbe mstalled as Master CounCilor by theMetropohtan Preceptory; Demolay LegIon of Honor

Demolay to InstallOfficers April 18

'God's Fmlshed Work" by the RevGeorge A Martm pastor of St Paul'sChurch, DetrOIt, rocently from NewYork C,ty

A feature of the service Will be thesmgmg of some of the Church s mostfamthar and best hked hymns by theassembled au.dtence

ThtS WIll be a netghborly serV1ce fornelglhbors and the CitIzens of GrossePomte are cordially mVlted to ,.p.ttendregardless of creed or church afftltahon

We want you to come, rest SIt tn

qUletness, meditate, pray, seek and findforgIveness In thiS solemn hour andbeauttful fellowshtp W1th Chmt In HISbitter suffenngs and VlctOrtoUS deathThe serVIce Will be stmple but srpmt-ually U1'hftmg

Death Kiss for a Shark

Brought back to the United states reeently from the F1J' "lands byRev. A. J LaPlante, for ten year$; a mISSionary there, this photographshows one of the strange customs of the island. FIJI Islanders trapsharks In long woven nets. Wadmg Into the trap, the natives pick uptbe sbarks by their talls and k"s them on the upturned bellies. AfterthIS mysterlo'!.s ~ 1l!!' sharks ~ ~ SISllS of life.

Read the breezy paragraphs of MaryJane Stoetzel for Interesting ,"enta 1ft

the SOCIalhfe of Grosse POinte

"The Wondrous Cross' by IreneeBerge WIll be sung by the seOlor chouof Grace Evangehcal and Reformedchurch Lakepomte at Kercheval at 8p m Easter Sunday The cantata w111be under the dIrection of LUCilleHorton

Come hear the beautiful choruses10 os and recitatIves Among the solo-ists are Mrs V J Bartell Mrs PaulaZtl1gltt, Vmcent Leach WIlbur Bezeau,Stanley Hall and Earl Des Roslers

The ohOIr IS newly robed and sur-l'hced and w1ll smg from a hly-bankedchancel There wtll be no oharge butan offermg w111be received We m~Vlte the people of our commumty

All p-lans have been completed forthe fourth Spnng Promenade of theManllac Gutld of St Mary s HospItal,which Will be held on Saturday evemngApnl 30 at 8 0 clock Proceeds tobenefit the Pedlatnc department of thehospital

\f USIC"I'r 111be furn shed b) PhIl Skillman and hiS orchestra Dancmg andentertamment "I'r ill be under the directIOn of I<..lmer UlrIch and h1s slsterKay

There wIll be cards and dancmS'pnzes for each table and many doorprIzes

Grace Church Choirto Sing Cantata

Marillac GuildMeeting April 19 Good F 'd S'"__ rl ay e.-VIces

The management has agam placedthe Punch and Judy Theatre, Kerohe~val avenue and McKmley road, at thedIsposal of the commumty for a three-hour serVl<:e Good Fnday, April 15from 12 to 3 p m Mrs Albert EVossler, 246 Mernweather, Will playsacred pIpe organ numbers commencmg at 12 o'clock sharp Mrs Vosslerw,lI play

'Largo from Xer;Kes II by Eandel.'Ode to St CecIle' by Gounod.'Andante In G," by BatIste"Largo-from New World Sym

phony/, by Dvorkf Reve Angehque" by Rubenstem• RIegle" by Massanet

Three Short AddressesliThe Cross and the Tomb' by the

Rev H T Weber, pastor of St Matthew s Ohurch and president of Inter-SynodIcal Lutheran Pastors' associationof DetrOit

There They Cruc1fied Him," by theRev M Luther Canup, D D, pastor ofGrosse pomte Lutheran Church

Three Hour Good FridayCommunity Service At

Punch & Judy Theatre

__ ~Lffi!f'Ji'lJ

~ Pier Permits Being I~ Issued by Village of ~Iii Grosse Pointe Farms ~m; __ @l~ ~g,.j Dunng the past week the resl- ~~ dents of Grosse POinte Farms f!i~ have received apphcatlons for ~

IP ... Perm... @,j

ThiS method of issuing pemuta ~was employed for the conYeRI" @ence of the I'Mldents as well as tofac.hta.. .n the handhn. a' th.1

Ioff.... ill

AU perSOIlS reanling in the Vd- ~lag. are urged to 611ovt the ap- iphca.bons .s soon as pOSSible, lIDmubq or dehverlng same to the ~Vdlag. Office, 60 Kerby road ~


I~ ,s&% ,,'iN. ...>'<L~~~Ji", w!&.s hj.,~ \l t!"tJL"su:<J0t;y sm~~ ...'""'-


I -


Page 2: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot




and enJo,





• * •


'rIlursday, Apri114 1938

Bohemian. BEER


t~'ld.nce-1305 '&",ckl....haTC" 1-1717


Lenox 5885

Cooper Bros.

FRED D. PALMERComplete Painting and

D"eoratlng Sel'Vi ..825 aeacDnaAeld MU. 691ll

EASTER SPECIALSCrQqulgn91, P'O.,h.Ul' Wave $2114Ma('hmeles. P~rmanenh $400 to $10 ntPlain Sh4mpoo and Ftt:l!'fel wave $~)cOtl Shampoo ~nd Fmlerwan 75.

Viola l?"rmanent W Shop'53(,9 Ma\k Ave at Beeconsneld

Up.ta... NI. 7535

VlsitOls Do Not Worry ThemUnexpected VISItors never upset:

the housewlfe of BraZIl In manyBrazIhan homes two great hookShang from the walls In each cornerof all rooms From lhe.e ham-meet!!" ran 'be .,.

Mr and M" James A Purdy ofMerrIweather rpad announce the en-gagament of the~r daughter. HddaMarlc to WIlham Maxwel1 Cunmug ..ham 1 son of Mrs L McCoy Cunnmg ..ham of Chnton. Kentu<;ky No datehas been set for the weddIng


Consult Us Now

Mr and \irs Emory :m Hatch arereturnm, tomorrow to their home onRIvard :Blvd, after haVing spent sometune 1n :rJ.avana and Mlami Beach

• • •Mr and Mrs EdWin Scott Barbour

of Lake Shon road, returned the middie of last week from Ormond BeachFla and a few days Vl.!l1t in New York

* * *

•• •Ehzabeth LoCkwood parcelts' en-

gagement to Charles Snelling AflllS,son of Mr and Mrs Myron Arms, ofYoungstown 0, wa$ made known ata luncheon held Thursday noon 1D thehome of Mr and Mrs Charles A Parcelts of RIVard Blvd As yet no plansha'Ve been made for the weddmg

Ehxabeth arrIved home the mlddlepart of last week from ConnecticutCollege for Women m New London tospenq the sprtng hohdays With her par~cnto She lolt ye,terday to ,pend theEaster wuk end With her fiance andhiS parents In Youngstown 0

• * *Ruth Herma~n celebrat.d her 19th

birthday anniversary Sunday nIght 1>yIentertammg 18 hungry people at alipaghettl dmner In her home .$ome of Ithe spaghetti eaters were Jane O'ConnQr and :Bud Payne, Clara Terms, JackMcDermott Vern Dooley. Bob Caj,hanDoll Schroeder John WIeczorek BettyHogan, Roger Haye, Bill DooleySetty Ann Lang, Carl Ce-Ieman andSuzanne :Koebel and a few Inore

* * *

bndal couple, whl1e Mrs Frank T In MIami Beach, where he has sp,entBurgess, of Royal Oa}(, will entertcun J the seilr$onat a brIdge tea and hneu shower 10 I · * *her home tn honor of Mas MUlr Dr Mrs John L French of Lake Shoreand Mrs MU1r Will entertam the mem- road, returned last week from Iiavana,bers of the brIdal party and the out of~ C~ba where she has been for the Wt!t gue~ts on the 22nd of thts month ter $easOnat a. rehearsal dmner to be held at theD A C

Will AidYour Business


15121Kercheval AvenueLE.1162


* * •

Baroness von Ketteler IS arnvmgearly In June from her home 18 Italyto VISIt her n~phew and mecel Augustus

Mrs Glenn M Coulter, of Merri~ C Ledyard and Mary Ledyard In theIrweath-cr rOq,d, entertaIned at a tea. for home on RIdge roadthe alumnae of ChI Omega Saturda.y Madehne Kneghoff of Grollse Pomteaftnnoon. from .3 unhl S 0 clock has been eleeted to membershIp 11;1

* '" * SeDlor SOCiety women'$ honorary orMr and Mrs Lawrence. W Lee and gantza,hQU at the Umverslty of MICh

thelf son and daughter-In law, Mr and! Igan Elechons are made on the baSISMrs Stuart W Reed left thetr homes of scholarshtp, leadershlp and service01\ Mernweather road Saturday morn Manan Ba~ter, of Grosse P01ntelug to .pend the wee~~end 11\ payton Park, has been tawed for MortarboardVl$ltrng the l.-ee'.s son ..In and daugh- natlOnal honQr :!OClety for S<lnlor worn ..ter, Lleut and Mr. Clark N Piper en, at the UnlversJty of Miduganwho are .taymg at Wright FJ~ld Schola~slHp, leadershIp. and serVIce are

III • * also the baSJIl for- electlon to thIS or ..Tim Bradley, son of Mr and Mrs gamzahon

F X Bradley, Wilt be ba~k In town '" '" '"soon en""ll'h for the Delta PSIs .oronty Mr M J Murphy and h" dalllfhlerdance to be held Saturday nIght at the Blanche, returned to theIr home onIntercollegIate Club H~ hi returnIng Bishop road last week after a stay 1Ufrom Notre Dame UnIVerSity to spend Flondathe Easter hohdays WIth hIS parents '" * *

* * * Mr and Mu Truman H NewberryMrs E J Eccleston., en route to of Lake Shore road are makmg it. sta}

hoer home 111Tot'9nto fr-om a w~nter on In Hot Spr111gSjVa ~ en l'oute.- t.o Dethe We.s..t CoaS4I1J.'Pped off for a short trolt, from their WInter home 10 BelVISIt WIth her son and daughter In law lealr F1a They are plannmg on bemgMr and Mn E Lloyd Ecclestone, of In the CIty III time for EasterBuckmgham road * *' *

*' * • Mrs Roy D Chapm of Lake ShorePUh!!!:s are bemg held fast and furl road who has been at Mlaml Beach

ously for Mary Jean MUir, daughter of durIng the wInter months 15 leavmgDr and Mra Robert Murray MUlr, of thIS week for Savanna.h Ga to VISItBedford road, who IS to marry Georg~ her mO'ther. Mrs Flonde TIedemanRandolfe Sparrow, of 5t Cathennes Mrs Chapm wdl return to the C1tyOnrt 1 on the twenty~th1rd of thJS month some tIme after Easter

E•• t.,. Sunday Mr and Mrs Alan * * •P Beebe 1N111be hosts at .. cocktad John B Ford of Tourame road hasparty In theIr home on Mernweather made known hts mtenttons of reLurmngroad from 5 untll 7 In honor of the I to the CIty May 1 frOM hIS wrnter home

Dr and Mrs Mont Wlckba", havereturned to their home on Lfno~ rQ.dIn Grayh&ven Thursday morning frQ111MIamI Bea'Ch Mrs WIckham has beenm the South for a month, while DrWIckham and BIlly were theft: for 10days

Franc-e-s- Jean Kanter, qaughter ofMr and Mrs Franll Well. /::anler, ofGrayton road1 spoke her marriage vowsto Howard N G~rardm. Jon of Mr ;,ndMrs peter A GIrardIn, of I-!arvardroad, Fnday ev~nlr1g at 3 30 In thehome of Mr .nd Mrs Howard H Lawrle, uncle and aunt of MISS KanterMr~ Kanter entertame<1 at a rehearsal,dmner 1n her home Thursday evenmg

* * *Mrs ] e1'"ome H Remlck of RIdge

road entertamed at a tea from 4 0 clockon on FrIday afternoonl for the womenwho are working for the mamtenancefund of the DetrOIt Symphony Orchestn

* * *Mr R J Byrnes, of Mu,r1and ave

nue, 1s staYing at the French LICkHotel, French L'ck, Ind , for a 10 dayslay

• '" • rMary Fltt, daull'hter of the Rev and

Mn Frank Fltt, of McKinley Placo10£1the e.rly part of l.. t week to re..ume her .tudle. at Vassar College

• • *Mn WIlham J COantley,of Chicago

returnod home by motor Tuesday after""tlng In Ihe C,ty as the guest of her,0~' and daughter Mr and MrsJerome W Howard, of Moran road

* * *Mr Witter J Pe.bOdy of Unlver"ty

Place, and h" daUll'hter Jane returnedthe mld<lle of th.. week from E:eyWest, Fla, Mn Peabody, who arnvedborne early l&at week has b~en staytn~With Mr and Mrs WIlham R Po.t, ofLU'I:coln road '

* ••



By MARY JANE STOETZELMr and Mrs Hem) L Nev.-man, of

McKmley PIau are back In the CItyafter thetr stay In Fort Lauderdale andNate-he, MISS, where they vJS1ted thelaponlCas and azaleas' exhibItIon, whIChthe Natchez Garden Club presented

* * *Mrs R. Boyer MIlle!' returned Frl

day from Ormond Beaoh, Fla, whereshe has been for qUIte a whIle 1(rsBoyer bves on Provencal road

* • *Mr and Mr. F La,,*Oon Hubbard

and theIr da~hter, Helen, of Washlng ..ton road, returned Monday from theEast wh-ere they been for threeweeks VISitIng Mrs Hubbard's brotber~1fl~law and sIster. Mr and Mrs AlbertKeep, of SheffIeld, Mas! They wentto New HampshIre for some skungWIth Mr and Mrs Keep dunng thelrstay

* * •Mr. Charles WrIght It now back In

~her home on Beverly road after herlstay ift. Sea Island, Ga, where .he

spent the greater part of the WInterEn route home, Mrs WrIght stopp.edoff 'n Evall.ton, Ill, and Battle Creek

•••Martha, Stanley and Ru.t Mulrhead,

chl1d.en of Mr and Mn Stanley NM ulrhead, of Ken'W'OOd road, returnedhome Saturday from the Old Home-stead, in Hot S1,mngs. Va Mr MUJr-head left Ihe Clly l.. t Thunday to JOInhIS WIfe and return WIth her to the CItythe week end of Aprtl 16

* * •Mr and Mrs H Robert Stoepel, of

Lakeland avenue arrIved In New Yorklast Thursday, and In DetrOit Sundayfrom thelr West IndIes crUIse With Mrand Mn L James Bulkley, of Edgemont Park

• * *Mn Ch.rle. R Murphy relurned 1•• t

Thunday to her home on Balfour roadafter accOmpanYlOg her daughter, Se-lenah to the Ogontz School In Ogontz.Pa , and L1l1ato the'BaldWln School11\ ;Bryn M..wr, Fa) &iter thelf .pnnava(atlon

* ••Mrs James S Holden 15 back on

WAshmgton road after her e-'S:clt111gsOJourn In the South sInce the first partof the year M.r Holden, who wentSouth Wllh hIS Wlfe, returned to theC,ty thel,"t of the month,

The fourth annual mlhtary ballgwen by the Non CommISSIoned Officer$ of the 32nd DIVISIon, and regl~m.ents attached WIll be held In the!tahan Gardens of the :Book Cadillac:hotel, 53turday evenmg, Apnl 34~ at9 300 clock

ThiS lS one of the m.ast eolorft;l af~fall'S of Its kInd dunng the year, at noother tune during the year except dur-Ing camp trammg periods. are all ofthe non commissIoned officers of thestate gathered together All arms ofthe serVIce are represented infantrycavalry, arhltery air corps, and medical

MUSiC WIll be furnIshed by DannyDemetry and hiS ChIcagoans, and WIllhe broadcut by a local -radiO statIonThe ent~rtiunment for the evenlng WInclimax WIth the grand maroh, whIch ISthe crux of any mIlitary ball

Tlckets \\ 111 not be sold to the general public CiVIlians may attend onlyas Jnvlted guests of Non CommmsonedOffIcers of the ~at1onal Guard

The affaIr WIll be formaL

Military Ball atThe Book-Cadillac

Saturday, April 23

Carmelite AuxiliaryAnnual Dinner May 4

On S"unday, Aprll 17, a dance spon ..sored by the Belglan-Amencan BUSl~ness Mens' ASSOCIatIon will be gIven atthe Belgian Hall, Hurlbut near GratiotMUllc WIllbe pl.yed by the well knownand popular band The BuccaneersDanCing wdl start at 8 p m Somefeature attract10ns have been arrangedand It. good tIme IS assured for all Theproceeds of thiS dan<;, Will be used todefray expenses for a baseball team In

the federation Many Grosse P01l1teboys play With thIS team and deserveyour full co operation

B. A. B. M. A. Sponsors* Easter Frolic'"


FILMSTake a Snapahot

for Ea.terDeveloping 24.loour


CIGARSFresh Cigar. kept frealt

Pipe. _ Tohacco.Medico Filter Cooled

Cigarette Holder.

Public LetterB-O-X

BEERAll Popular Brand.

WINESPort • Sherry - SautemeTokay. Muscatel. Ete.Imported and dome.tic

fast DeliveryReach for Leach

Sudden Sel'Vice


Box Chocolates(Ea.ler Wrapped)

Novelty Chicken.Imitetion Gra ••Jelly Bean.Jelly Egg.

Filled Baskets(A .. orted Sizes)

Chocolate RabbitsChocolate Egg.Easter BasketsEaster Bunnies

Leach DrugLakepointe at Charlev<>lx

TU_ 2-3333

Humboldt CurrentThe Galapagos 15lands, 600 rnlle.

of! the of Equador, Ite square.Iy across the Equator, but the blazeof the vertlcal sun 1$ tempered bythe cold Humboldt current, WhIChwasne,;: thelf sho"'ec;

Famous Sunday Night Rad 0 PreachelLos Angeles


Rev. Ralph E. StewartExtenslo't\ Staff Member Moody

Bible InttituLe, Ch cago

2to3PM,Dr. H. H. Savage

Michigan's Best KnoWll RadIOPreacher

A hobby and t.lent .how w111be heldat Grace Evangehcal ohurch, Lake~p01nte and Kercheval avenues, Wednesday Apfll ZQ at 7 p m

Children of the church and conun1.1nIty are urged to enter an exhJblt, done posse~ses a particular talent WE; trl~

vlte you to share It With us on thatmght

EntrIes must be made not later thanSunday, Aprll 17th, WIth Mrs WBuckenhlzer who IS general ohamnanfor the affair Call her at Tuxedo2 0673 RIbbon awards wIll be givenfor the two best 111 each department

Whether you havt an exhIbIt or notwe hope you WIll be sufflclently Inter~ested to Jom us that evemng, thus glV

mg encouragement to those who dopartiCIpate

Grace ChurchHobby and Talent

Show April 20th

Good Friday ServicesUPTOWN tHEATRE

Mack and Chalmer.I 12 to 3 P- M.Hf'ar the Foll()W1ng Noted Spaoker,

12 to 1 P. M.

Rev. Charles E. Fuller

Apnl 8, 1938Ed1tor Grosse P01nte ReVIewI would lIke to u~e your paper to

Inform the parents who have chddrenIII the publtc schools of Grosse Pomtethat we should have speCIal teachers forart, mUSIc and gym When I learnedthat the classroom teacher had to teachthose subjects along WIth her regularwork, I could hardly beheve It, a c:1a!s~room teacher domg the work of a spe~clally tramed teacher along w).th herown work 10 a large school system hkeGrosse Pomte

We think Jt 15 far more Importantto have a spectal teacher for thosesubjects In the lov.rer grades than 1n theh,gh 'chool H,gh ,chool pup,ls can Iget Ih15work out"de of 'chool There The Di'caleed Carmehte Auxl1laryarc many places hke the Ne,ghborhood w111hold the" lint annual dInner andClub The htUe chIldren Ihe very one, ,tyle show at the Book CadIllac Hotelwho need to start the tratntng early on Wednesday e"enmg, May 41 at ., 30are neglected because the Board of p m In the Gnnd Ballroom ThIS"EducatIon cannot afford ,t to benefit .he bUIlding fund for the

When school Systems much smaHer SJsterscan afford It, why not Gro"e Pointe? Mn Edward CRoneY h.. appointedWe parents must get busy the followmg c:omm~ttee to assist her

A MOTHER RICHARD SCHOOL Tbore w111be ,tyle. for bOlh men andwomen1 also speCIal enttrtrunmentthroughout the evening

Mrs Leo J Carngan ehalrmanMra Frank Feely, co ehaIrm.n

Mrs Lloyd E Eagan pubhcltyMn Edmund Duane membershIPMrs. Wm J Foley, JnvttatloruMrs Arthur J platten1 arrangementsMrs Mellu. N'chob, ticket.Mrs Frank Thompson, reservatIQnsMr. CYfll Grobbel eoterlarnmentMtI Jo.eph A MOYnlhan,receptionMrs Edward McIntosh, style showMrs George Kramer decorahonsMrs Karl Htnklemen programsMrs Harvey BrGwn, ushers








by Machine

MARKET15225 Kercheval Ave.

at Beaeon.field

We DeIiver

Special TalentTest Fret'

BC"aubful 12 Ball

l.. .. De",~ .... .....nj... ~Pans' famous brIdge, the Pet *

Pont, has been destroyed by fire 01water 11 tImes up to ltS rebulldmg *entlrely of stone, early m the Elght.eenth century



AI Our 4950 Ter",. 01Low PrIce $ No E",lraof Only Ce,.,st

Inoluding 10 prtV. F R E E.te I...ons In yo IhomeC).ISu::a' • popular or SWing .flyls

Alro SpeCIal Offer on

Piano Lessons

BRIDGEl.a't much fua if half the time is .p.atin frown.Ing at card. In dIm IIght, and pe.ting acro.s the

table at a dummy hand only half vlslble. BrIdge to beIOnJoy.d mu.t be played WIth good lighting-and that ,.exactly what thl' 300-watt lamp provIdes. Used WIth thel1eWr.lleetot-type 1I00r ~ch h.s a rell.ctor bowlunder the, thi. 300-watt bulb wIll provld •• Imostfin' hOllr of excellent ll!umiaatlon at • co.t of only onec.nt And it i•• oft, pleuant lIghting-ea.y on the eyes,

At your next brldge of huddling ,ncr.mped dIscomfort next to an lOadequate, old-fashlonedImdge this new type of lighting WIth lts s.nseof freedom .nd relaxation. Lean In your ch.1t andenjoy your.elf: Revel In the .oft, pl •••• nt dluminatlon ofa 300 relleetor-bowilloor You c.a afford It-lts cost is only .bnut a penny .n hour!






EGGS • .. d... 26c



SWIFT'S PREMIUM, wh.... or .henk balf

HAMS • l:~~.BUTT END, 31e Ib


CHICKENS • ~bl.a:~ Ib



o. Mulier'sLE.7786


PAUL De CARLO ~~;:'\~11dl~MUrray 5733



Graue Pointe District781 Notre Dame NIAGARA 7060

The only window deanIJ:'ll company 11'\ Graue POinte



NEW PERMANENTS $7 50By Ca~ble Experts •

a.nd Up

Wave. by FELIX $1000 and up


N1. 37;3 Punch & Judy Thealre Bld~~ Grosse .r'cinte Kepresentabve Ugllwt ::nsters, ~

1ItI. Hall" & Scalp Spe\.lah...... ~_1l!r_Ili!l!!JIIlJ1i!l'l.f!!fiilrt!!!tiIiimf_ll!ro1Jl!iJt!!!I!!Ii!Ji!!liil_~o1Jl!!llli.r

Files Could Swamp WorldIf one palr .f fi,es and thelf de-

cendants could all breed unharmedfor a season, the earth would befor "'ven feet deep In fl.les, so Itis ~...,.:l

,=====-=--------_ ........---::.-:-:-:::-=-=-=--






Page 3: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot

Thursday, Aprll14, 1938 THE GROSSE !'ClI'N'TE REVIEW


EGGSdoz. 21el




15005 Kerehenl at WaYburD3 Barbers to Sene You

Xervac Hair Treatments

Electric Motor Rel'aIr

DUNCAN &: McNICOL14927 CharleVOIXat Wayburn

Nights, Sun &:Tu. 2.1150 Hohdoy,

TR 2.81l/l8

17030Kercheval Ave.COD'S & Chg. Aceta. IPhone NIagara 5900

Fresh White Hennery

ttetam Clauu on AntIquesCaltforma owners of antlques

sell them WIthout knowledge of thereal worth 1etam a claun undthe law for three years.

Glorious Age or Chillese PoetryThe Tang dynasty, E,ghth an

NInth centunes AD, was the mosglonous age of ('h nese poetry


New Bicycles at Low PrIcesUsed RebUIlt BIcycles Pamted' lIke n

Lawrlmowers SharpenedCrosse POinte Motor & Bike Sho

A C Verhrugghe 1423 LakepoiNI 9478

Fireplace Mirrors Leaded GlaBERNDT

Glass & Mirror Co. IDoors and Vanity :IofirrolS

Glass Table Tops14527 E Jefferson LEnox 31


Hams Ib 29qWhole •• Shonk Half I


Lamb lb. 44cCHOICE LEG 0'


Bacon 110 35

Fresh Meats, Poultry & Sea Foo~FRESH 3PRING i

Ducklings ~ 27q



Klenzer do. 59cFELS NAPTHA I

Soap 10 17... 41cl

Soap Flakes


Peaches 2 N:.:!, 45cI---------------1FSREAD'SLT Piau. or 2 15 I

lod.zed box., CENERGY IDog Food 4 callS 29cl


Tel. PLaza 0222

15010 Mack at '" ayburn





Funeral DirectorOffIce and Chapel

958 E. Gr'd Blvd.

PIu, Bot Chge

"to 25c

Left }< "'v~ La-rgerW,th most people, the left foot ill

1ar'" +han tJ-..... t

E.S. Watko

Mexico's Greatest PaInterCabrera, a Zapotec Indlsn born in

1695, IS regarded as MeXICO'S great.est pamter of cr "....a1 trmes




10 Phone. and 5 Truck. to Servt. Yon

5 for 21c

5Ih•• 19c

Cleaned or Made to Order



Ladles' Haircutting and New StylePermanents Available Here

Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX 9230

999 Beaconafield cor E Jeffet'lo"D

Mail 1 Box Top and 10c to WWJ for your

1938 Baseball Book





Fresh Fruits and VegetablesTENDER STRINGLESS GREEN




Beans 2 117,



Carrots or Beets~ bUlL <)C

ORANGESdoa ~3~




Window Shades


Cheese 2

Cookies 2

Beans ~


Soda Water 4

MODERN BEAUTYTreatment adds charm to that lovely

new Permanent for Easter

Maxwell House Blue Ribbon92 Score

COFFEE BUTTERIb.24e lb. 31e

Oliver Goldsmith's GraveOhver GoldsmIth's grave IS In the

churchyard of Temple church, Fleetstreet

Tu Flies •• Miles an HoutA ""'d Turkey was clocked in

flIght at ab,.out 5t; "'rules an hour, overa d~ce of t a mIle.


13035 E. Jefferson Ave.between Lenox and Dickerson

Natural Foods and Whole Grains(Loeb's DiabetIc Foods)

100% whole wheat baked goods

One of Deac1heot WeapoJlllOne of the deadlIest weapons ever

Invented was a speclal Navy mod ..el of the Thomp~on submachllle gun,wh'ch lIred ten shots a second,-COWer's WeeklY.

Wireless :rust on LuealllaThe Lucallla has the dIstmctlon of

lntroduclng wlre'ess to the oceanMarconI experlmented Wlth hls neWltlventlon aboard thi. Cunarder mJune, 1901. The exper,ments weresuccessful Perm~n,t apparatuswas ImmedIately mstalled and wassoon duplIcated m all s!ups of thehne The Lucama also carrIed thefirst Hsubmarlne SIgnal apparattLs"\0 detect the approach of other.hlps.

The seventh annual CounCIl MeetIngof the NatIonal SOCIety, Daughters ofColomal Wars, wIll be held Saturdaymornmg, Apn1 16, at 11 30 o"c:1ock, In

the Pan-Amerlcan Room of HotelMayflower, Washutgt;on, D C w1thluncheon at one o'c1oc~ In the absence.of Mrs Henry B Joy, state presldentthe ranklng Daughter wf11be Mrs FredP Bakel, of MIdland fixst VIce r>resi.dent Urs Charles Horton Metcalf,Detrott, state genealogtst for the. So-crety, WIll act as aJternate for the statepres1dent

Others In the M1clugan delegationw,ll be Mrs Llo;d DeW,tt Sm,~n ofGrand MaraIS boulevard, M delegateMIS LouIS J FlInt, Urs Walter Pom-eroy, Mrs Albert L Hart and MrsEdward J Savage, all of Detrol't, asalternate'S

Mrs Metcalf, M.. Savage, and oth-ers, out state, WIll also attend the an-nual meetmg of the Daughters of theBarons of Rl1nnemede, Monday morn.'ug Api'll 18, at Hotol Wtllard, andthe D A R Cont1.nental Congress, atConstItUtion Hall

D.F.&P.A.General Court

Mrs Charles Horton Metcalf, statepresldent of MIchIgan Soclety, Daugh~ten of Founders and PatrIOts ofAmenca, left Tuesday, Aprd 12, forWashIngton, DC, to attend the na-bonal board meetIng and GeneralCourt of the SOClety, Wednesday andThursday, at the Hotel WashmgtonOthers attendIng the banquet Wednes-day evemng', and the Court .sessIonsThursday, Mrs Albert L HartMrs Charles H Mooney oi Detr01tMrs Fred P Baker and Mrs HerbertDow, of MIdland, Mrs George WMoran and MiSS Marlan Wilcoxl ofMarMall

Colonial War Daughtersto Meet on Saturday

Fort Pontchartraln Ch-apter, Daugh-ters of the AmerIcan Revolubon, mIlbe represented at the 47th ContInentalCongress of the Nabonal SOCIety, Apnl17 23, m WashIngton, by Mrs Edwe:trdJ, past state regIstrar, whoWill attend as alternate to the regentMrs WIlham F Catlin, by Mrs JH Hammerl as delegate, and by MlssFran<:es VV S Jerome, chalrman of thenewly organIzed eveUlng group In theohapter, and by Mrs John Marshallof AlexandrIa, a non.resldent memberas alternates MISS Melva HammedWIll act as ohapter page

Fort PontchartrainContinental Congress

The Carleton Beauty Shop announcetheIr opentng at the corner of Kerche-val and Wayburn, over the A & Pstore They are operatmg under themanagement of EdIth Carroll, who hashad conSIderable eXRerience as a beautyshop operator In the Jefferson avenuebusmess area. for some fifteen years

They are makmg se"eral attractIVeoffers for their opentng

Carleton Beauty ShopOpens on Kercheval

Easbnill.ter Presby.terian Church

The Eastmmster church young peo-ple w111hold thetr annual SunrIse serv-Ice at 6 30 a m next: Sunday, followedby the Easter breakfa't At 9 45 theSunday 'chool, dlre.ted by Mr H HMcNe1l1, superintendent, WIll presentEaster exercises

At 11 a m Dr Carl E K'rcher w,llspeak on I RlSlng W lth HIm II

At 6 30 p m the young people'sgroups wtll meet, and at 7 30 the chOIrdIrected by W Bertram Beer WIll present a speclal program of Easter mUS1C

There wl11 be a short sermon by DrKircher, USing the subJeot "Easter-Its Origtn"

Mt. Olive Lutheran

Maa,. ill "l1ntouehable" CIa,.ThIrty per cent of the Hindu peo-

ple are of the Huntouchable" class.

Mascle. for Smile, FrOWlSOnly 13 muscle. are reqwred to

form a sml1e; a frown brmgs 50faCIal muscles mto play.

liThe LIttle Whlte Church Aroundthe Corner Radnor &\ el1ue (Lmcolnroad) at Mack avenue F ESternpastor

SerV1ces for Holy Week an-d theEaster FestIval at Mt Ohve are as fol.lows

Maundy T'hu'l"5d;a.y,holy eotnmumonserVlces at 8 o'clock in the evenmg

Good Fnday se1"V1-ee$at 8 0 clock in

the evenmgEader servtce.s for tlhe Sunday school

al930amEaster serVtces at 10 45 a mSpecIal ohOIr mUSIC Will enhance the

festIval servtcesA cormat welcome awa,t, you at Mt

ObV'e church

The mUsIc department of Southeastern HIgh school presents an All-Wag-nerIan festIval program celebratmg the125th annIversary of the bIrth of RIch-ard Wa.gner, on April 29 at 8 15 p mIn the school audltOf1\Un

The hand, und-er dIrection of Erne!son Ballmer, WIlt play I The TannhauserMarch", f SelectIons fr-om Lohengnn/and 4'RlenZl March"

Combmed Boys' Glee Club, dlrectorFreda Athearn lIThe Flymg"

Coml)lned Glrts' Glee Club, dlrector,Freda. Athearn 'Spmmng Chorus,Elsa's Dream/' "The Song of the

Rhme Nymphg"Comblned G1r1s' and Boys' Glee

Clubs wlth Orohestra, dlrector, MarySparlmg R,qley

The new Hammond Organ 'w111befeatured by George Hackman head ofthe Enghsh cfepartment, playmg thelove ...poem., 'Traume '

----------_.-THIRD INSERTION

Legal NoticeHarry A. Furt~n, S Mapleton Road,

Croase Pob\te Farma, Mlchia'aD164 376

STATE OF MiCHIGAN County ofWayne ss-At & seSSIon of the ProbateCourt for sa1d County of Wayne heldat the Probate Court Room In theClty of DetrOIt, on the twenty.fir~t dayof March In the year one thousandmne hundred and thirty eight: PresentJoseph A Mnrphy, Judge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate OI MAR-CELLUS FRASER otl'er""c knownas MICHAEL FRAZIER, Deceased

I Harry A FUJ0:on, admIU1strator of satdestate, haVIng rendered to thIS Court1us first an'<1 final admInIstratIon account and filed therewith hIS petitionprayIng th~t he be al1O"fied extra. com~pensa.tlon for extraordmary .ervlcestendered 111thE' adm nistration -of t;aldestate and that the reSIdue of sawestate be aSSIgned to -the persons -n.t'tled thereto

It 1!i1 ordered, That the twenty-eIghth day of Aprll, next at ten 0 clockn the foreroon at saId Court Room

be appotnted for E'xanl1tHng and alIow-ng Sllld a.ecount and hearmg saId pett-tlon

~nd 1t 1$ ft..rther Ordered, That a.copy of thIs order be publIshed three"ucceSSIve '\\ eeks preVIOUSto sald timE'of heaTIng, In the Grosse POinte KCVIew, a ne~ spaDer printed and CIrcu-lating In sond County of V\t a) ne

JOSEPH A MURPHYJudge of Probate

Catholic Inter-ParishEaster Party April 19

propnate for the occasIon WlUcha.tacterize the hour of worshtp Fol...lOW.lflg the serVICe an early breakfastw,lI be served by the ladtes of thechurch for the c6nvem~nce of thosewho w1l1attend and all others who Wishto come.

The matn serVIce will begtn at 10 45a m The OhOlf wt11 render aeveralspecial selecbons In song and the morn-mg sermon Will deal With the specIalbles'S1Ugs and benefits the ResurrectIonof ChrIst has securec;l for the behevers

Sunday school WIll open at the usualhourof930a m

Those who have no church afflhabonare cordtally InVIted to attend

V~t~Ep:.~RKehoe_he, Wurn Garman

Knox Presbyterian

Expert SharpenIng and Repairll1gon Lawn and. Power Mowen

TUXEDO 2.3272

Groue Pointe Lawnmower Shop

DIckerson and Mack avenl1es GeorgeE Murau, minister

Two mterestmg set"V1ces have beenplanned £01" the great many who arecontemplatmg attending church onEaster Sunday

The first serVice W111be held from6 to 7 a m SpecIal songs and an ap

Just Arrived NEW 1938

I3IC"'(:L~~~:~. d::bie'f:k~~s'$23050ehatn tires, coaster brakeChromium plated "me, for

Properties are exempt from Iwe if 1935 and prior years'taxes are on the 10.year plan

Wayne County Treasurer


Make ;ure that you have not overlooked someIpeclal assessment leVIed m your city or townshlp andnow payable to the County Treasurer



The Cuunty Tre"sttrer is ~ompelled by law to offerfor sale next month-begmnmg May 3-all propel tieson which 1935 and I'flO' years' taxes :tre unpaid Th"Involves COUNTY taxes levied OIl properties m theCltV of Detroit and the ta"es of TOWNSHIP;:',VILLAGLS, and CITIES other than DetrOlt

There is still t,me to w,thhold your property f,omsale by pa}mg the 1933 1914 and 193\ ta'Ces m lull,and at least three mstallments of the 1932 and pnoryears'ta>.es Interest charges at the Tax S'le ,,,II bemuch gleater tran they lIte now.

Save Your

Windmill PointeCleaners-- Tailors

ServiDl' Grosse Pointe Residenb SInce 1921$Expert Relining and Altering on Ladies' &. Men'. Garments


Restore' ufe to Fah>le,

:'it~;'::L~ n()X 3 U4.()AU Garments Insured AgaInst Fire and Theft

14931 Jefferson Ave. 1.irJtJi




15417 Mack at Beaconsfield TU 2.2242North Stele of Mack '

Fermerly at 7628 E Lafayette

The thousands of youug P""l'le whogave up dan<:lng d~rmg Lent wlll dancenext Tuesday nIgrht at the ann1,lal Inter.ParISh Ea,ter party to be held at theGrande Ballroom

BIll FrederIcks of the newly organ.Ized St. BrIgtd's Young People'. Cluband Madelyn Meanor of St Marys ofRedford are co ..ohalrmen They wlllbe aSSIsted by "Bob" Fuller of StThereSa!; Mary ShIelds of St LeosMary Hausch of Assump-hon, WdhamBurgess of St GabrIels, R1ta Esper ofSt Alphons11J of Dearborn, MarlonOtto of Ge,u; Slurley Mapes of SI! Benedlcts. MIchael Grummett of St

~ Cecehut and Florence Gerblg of St

IGregory,A Benrus in1tIated wnst watch (men's

"FIT FOR A QUEEN" ~ or laches') wdl be gtven away as a door1<; Beautiful Fresh Flowers ~ prIZe

Co Plant ~ Ben Young ond h,s Travehng Texas

rsages - 8 h ; orchestra wtll be featured~ Direct from our own Green ousa ~ -------

• Lenox 0901.0902 14522 E. Jefferson Ave. ~ Southeastern Highli!I 1!!Iii!ffi!J>J!!lli!l~-'O!f!!!iW;;II!!J!!Iii!1il1".JilIii!J~ Music Festival April 29

For loeal eventl of interelt CODlultReview.


I Cow Manure!Black Dirt - Fill Dirt~ Prices Reasonable


!lWn=_rli!!lti!".Il'Ji!IIi!lt!!Ji!.'l'[email protected]

!",'l!1Iii!1ii!Ji1!JiilliilJi>IiilJilIii!Ii!Ii'!lIiilJlljil!Ji!II'• .JiiIiilIiil,l1IilJ'l~lAnnouncing Opening of the

~ Carleton Beauty Shop~ 14938 Kercheval at Wayburn

LENOX 7960

OPENING SPECIAL I$6.00 Helene Curtis Empress Oil Permanent $4.00 ~$6.00 Machineless Wave $4.50 !Shampoo and Fingerwave 50c iiiJ.,

o._Ii!Iilre.IQl_JOlJilJiilJi'Jiilro.'ilf!£iilfIi'Jj!l,,,l!iIi!!Iti!IiiJ'i!!Jil.ilJiljilliilJi!li!r1!!lii!fi!lIilJilf!!!iii!f"-------------------- ------~JilIiilffili'lJil""Iiililffi!J.I&Ii'Jilr,;rn;ffi!riljilrilliilJilji!liliiiIJilJilJillii!r1!!lii!lii!iilJ.JilJ

('" t~ue cop,)RAYMOND HAFEU,

IDe,puty l:,r:Qbate Reg!",t ...1\

r*rtittt:tlt#'! r:reel~"'~. '''.*$~_fWf'&~~'''~.I!'~ ~,j;"ltJj1f1MI,,,J,xd""«~tM3!W<*,,,.o>J

I _

Page 4: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot

Fltzroy 13523773 E. Jeffer50D

N lagara 4921


Thursday. :AprlI 14. 1933

15114 Kercheval










Repl'aduc:bons ,of fine EUl'ftture madeto order-Any style a\" perIod

Repairs and Refinishing a Speclalt,.

Feather's of Indlgo BnntlllltFeathers of the In(llgo g'ilnting

look brown under a mIcroscope,but when the blrd files m the 1Ightthey If'lnk blue

ReI> NJagan 36244038 Alter Rd

42 Lakeview, Grosse Pointe Farms


Grosse PointeLandscape Service

Gardens Planted and MaintainedFertilizers of all kinds

Complete House Clf"aning ServiceScreens, Awnings and Storm Sash Service

Painting and Decorating

Estimates Free on all Work



Don't Be Misled-- There Is Only One

David Rawnsley

St...,I, for permanencyPicket, for beautyWire, Sor economy

Materials or erection

Clothes Line Posts, Steel or Wood, Permanent or removable

MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.10403 Harper Establiehed 1909 Plaza 2850

Launder .. d

Drapes CleanedIndividual, Exclusive Work

RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERS14727 Kercheva1 at A.hland

Lenox 8275


Superior Beauty Service"opular Pennanente at Popular Pnee.Featuring Fa~ous Machll'leJeas Wave.Newest F.ehlons Flneet Method.CombInIng' Quahty Wdh Low Pricee


overflow audlences amphfiers have beenInstalled In chOIr room"s and gymnaslUmaud1torlum A co1"d1alInVItation 15 ex-tended to the people of th1S commumtyto attend thIS great Easter serVIce, at

The Easter Parade

Send Your Garments in for Cleaning by

to Be Sure You Will Look Your Best in

Men's Suits, Topcoats and Ladies' Dressescleaned the Imperial way are masterpiecesof perfection.


Christian ScienceChurch

Faith Lutheran ChurchChurch

East Jefferson and Ph~hp avenues:Rev R D Lmhart, pastor

A total of 1 675 persons were presenta.t the Palm Sunday confirmation servlCC'$,whtle a. number were turned awayfor lack of seatlll&, room Many stoodIn the mam audItorIUm, whIle an over ..flow aud1ence In the basement heardthe serVIces thrOU@lhamplIfiers

Confirmed after a two years' courseof mstructl0n was a class of 67 boysand g1'1'1s,while 39 adults were recelVedby the same rItes after a series of lectures and. diSCUSSIonson the chIef doctrtnes and practices of the churchThose not preVIOusly ba.ptlzed also receIved thIS holy nte BeSIdes those confirmed. 46 members were receIVed bytransfer vote and re 1Ustatement, mak109 • !cial of 152

Good Fnday servIces at 12 15 W1llfeature two short sermons by the RevW E Sund of Dearborn and the RevErnest Warnke of Van Dyke a formeraSSI,~tant of Fa1th Church E\emngsefV1ce at 7 30 wIth holy communIon

Easter services at 7 a m WIth holycommun10n Mam serVIce at 10 45 a mby the pastor on fThe GloriOUS LIfeBeautIful decorabonl WIll aoorn thesanctuary A grand program of muSICIn honor of the Risen SaV10r WIll berendered by the organ strmged Instru-ments and a ehO\lr of 90 VOices, con Ieludmg WIth tihe great HallelUjahOhorus" To take can of the usual \

IIDodrlne of Atonement" W'111 be thesubjed of the Lesson Sermon In allChrIstIan SCIence churches thrOUSlhoutthe world on Sunday Aprl1 17

The Golden Text. (John 10 30). IS

'I and my Father are one"Among the BIble c1tatlons 15 thiS pas

sage (EpiheSIatls 2 13 18) ':But now In

Chrult J eSllS ye who sometimes werefar off are made mgh b-y the blood ofOhnst For through him we both haveaccess by one Spmt unto the Father

Correlative passages to be read fromthe Chnst1an SCIence textbook uSCIence and Health WIth Key to the SCriPtures J by Mary Baker Eddy, mcludethe follOWing (p 18) Atonement 15

the exempltficahon of man s unity WIthGod whereby man reflects dIvme TruthLife, and Love'

WIll attend from John Paul Jones So.clety ar~ Elizabeth Kerr, FrankhnKnock, Mary Eleanor Bennett andDorothy Jean Beckw,th

Mrs Robert L Kerr, of YorkshIreRoad, state CAR d1rector, w1l1 headher state delegatlOn Other state Offlcers who W111 attend WIll be Mrs Edward J Savage, secretary, and Mrs JHarvey Maxwell t'1"easurer

Out state members of the delegatIonWIll be Mary Julla TrupIano of Mar-shall, jUll1Dr preSIdent of Pere Mar-quMte Soclety, who WIll also be a statepa~e and Eleanor Rusford also ofMarshall, Who WIll be delegate fromPere Marquette SOCiety

VIrlgm1a and Manlynn WIll leaveThursday evenmg Apnl 14, w1th MrsSavage, for a. week s sightseemg beforeentermg upon theIr dutIes at the na-tional CAR convention, as thIS 1StheIr first V'1S1tto the nabonal capItal

i'!llll!llll!J!!lJ!JJ!J!!J!J!!J!!lJ!lIll!l!J!!lIll!llll!l!l!!l!!J!!lIll!llll!J!!lJ!lIll!OO!!l!!J!!lIll!llll!llll!llll!J!lJ!!lIll!J!lJ!!lIll!llll!llll~ '!J!!lJ!I!J!!l!J!!J!J!!l!l!!l!!1!!l!l!~!l!l!lli~~l~mililiililii1iliiTiIiiTiliililiiIiTiil'iliililiiTiIiiJiTiiliIiililiiIiTiiTiIiiTiTiiTiliiTiIii1iIiiTiTiir'1iiTiTiiJ"'1iiTi1iiIiJiiJiIiiTi liTiTijJjJjifiiHiliIiiTi'ii'liJiiTiiiiJiTiiIiIiir.r!!1!1I SMARTLY DRESSED FOR = ~


IMPERIAL:Cleaners and DyersI

MACK AT NOTTINGHAM II TV. 2-3000 Im Il!l!l!illll.!.!!lIllII!J!J!!lJ!l!l!!lIll!llll!llilIllll!J!!l!ll!l!l!II.II!l1ll!llllIJE!!lIll!llll!llll!llll!lllliW!!l!l!'J!l!!lIll!llll!llll!llll!llll!l!!ll!llll!lE.1IIl1!OO!!l!!J!!lIll!lllllllillJu1i'1ifi'filfiliililiililiiTiliiJi'iiTi!ii1i'iiliIiiJifJni1i1ii1j7;i!i'ijJiTiililjiii!iiJi[iilillflJliiJi'ii'iTi1 • liliJiifiTiffiifii!ilii'iiliiliIiriTtl 1I1il'iliili1iiTiIiiJiIiiTiIiiliTiililill,liI

_L M WElL.

Grolle Pointe POltActivities


Michigan DistrictC. A. R. Delegation 0

Manlyn Eh .. botJh Savage, da1llfht.~of Mr and M", Edward J Savage, road, WIll attend as for MIchIgan, the nahonal con*ventton of Chl1dren of the AmerIcanRevoluhon Apnl 22 25, In Memol'1alContmental Hall, Washmgton, D CVIrgInia Probert daughter of Mr andMrs S~dney C Prohert of Kensl'ngtonroad WIll attend. as jUUlOr preSident ofJohn Paul Jones Soclet) CARMarIlyn W111 aho act as dcdegate f0rCadillac SOClely, C. A R. Others who

general secretary of the Detroat asso~Cla'bon

Dr Wang 13 well known ~n MIchI-gan He was a student at U o-f M in1907~08, durmg whIch time he madefrequent pubhc addresses both at AnnArbor and In DetrOit Dr Wang latergraduated from Yale In 1910 bemgelected to Ph, Beta K~pj\a In 1911 DrWang returned to Chlna and then wentto Tobio as general se(:retary of theOhmese Y MeA in the Japanesecap1tal He had been there only a fewmonths when the Man-chu rebellionbroke out whIch resulted In the over-throv.r of the monarchy an-d the estab ..hshment of the Repubhc by Dr SunVat Sen He became Prime MInisterof the new Repubhe regIme, serVIng mthat capacIty for two years

He then returned to Y M c: AserVIce In 1913, to serve as GeneralSecretary of all Y MeA work Ul

Ghma Two years later he was calledback to governmental serV1ce as Mtn~uter of Commerce and Finance, 11iwhlch capacIty he brOUS'ht .bout thefinancIal rehabIhtatton of hIS nativecountry Again he returned to Y MC A serV1ce, only agaIn to be recalledby the government In 1919 to aet uhead of the Chinese Delegahon to theVersadles Peace Conference Be-causeof the controversy that developed overthe Shantung PrOVInce, whloh Japanhad !e1:zed irom the GentIans, he t>er-suaded hIS country to refuse to re signthe Versailles Treaty, to which Ohmanevtr has affIxed her slgnat6re

Because Dr Wang has only been mthe Unlted States on h1S present dIplomattc post smce last £all lIttle IS generally known concernmg rum Fewt>robably realize that he IS one of themdustnal leaders of Chma and that hISgovernmental service IS a contrIbutIOnhe 15 makmg to hiS natIve land WIthoutchara-e

Dr Wang 15 among the Chmese m-duS'tnahsts who have been hIt partlcularly hard by the Japanese InvasionHe owned large cotton mllls In Shang~hal WhICh have been taken over by theJapanese AmOrlg hIS othu mdrustrlaloperatIons are large ooal mmes U1North Chma whleh so far have escapedthe hands of the JapaneseI The mass meetmg at Masome TempleWill come as a cbmax t6 the Inter-nahon~l 'yu sports tournament, to beheld In DetrOIt Apnl 27 to 30 In whu:h1 500 to 2000 athletes irom all over theUn1ted States and Canada W111 compete for trophIes In tlgtht sports


International Relations

A capacity audIence of 5000 youngmen and women IS expected to hear theaddress to be delIvered by Dr C TWang, Chmese Ambassador to UmtedStates at Maso11lc Temple on Sundayafternoon, May 1 The meetmg W11lbe open to the general publu: and therew1l1 be no admiSSIon charge, but because of the heavy demand expectedfor ttckets by those eager to hear thiSoutstandmg world leader, early reser-vations are urged as It IS hardly hkelythat all deslflng to hear thiS addressWill be able to get mto Mason1c Templefor the mass meetmg

Already large groups are makmg seatreservatIOns 10 blocks many of thembemg from IndIVidual churches or re-hglOUS groups There WIll also be delegaiJons of Masons, DetrOit CluneseUnlVers1ty ~of MIchIgan Alumm, hl~hschool students and other grouPs

The program WIlt get underway at3 30 pm, although the doors WIll bethrown open at 3 p m Howard ACoffm, preSIdent of the Detroot 'yWIll preSIde over the meetmg In ad ..dltlon to Dr 'Wang, talks WIll be madeby Branch Rlckey manager of the $tLOUIS Cardmals and Dr A G Studer

Dr. Wang to Speakin Detroit May 1



$2.00 up

2117 Woodward Avenue



of Toronto, OntariO, Canada.

Friday Afternoon, April 15,1938

A Free Lecture onChristian Science

By Galvin W. Allan. C S B.

World's finest laWn mowerChncher ruhher tires that can'tloosen or come off Ball hearingsUt rear roller Guaranteed for bfeagalDst bearing trouble

Member of the Board of LectureshIp of The Mother ChurchThe F1rst Church of ChnstSClenbst, m Boston, Massachu

setts •Palms State Theatre

Third Church of Christ,

Scientist, Detroit, Michigan


Producing Oreen TeaGreen tea IS produced through

withermg the lea/es by steamingthem In perforated pans as soon asgathered and then roastmg themfor five mmutes, thus retammg thegrE"en color

_, • n __ ". • • n __ ••• , • __ •._


Col H. W. T. Eglm, U. SA, oem.mander of Fort Totten and the SIX..ty-second :"oast artIllery at NewYork, who, aooording to federalagents, was to be the mtended VIC~tun of a spy plot and was to bekldnaped to a New York hotel wherehe was to brmg certain secret doc~uments dealIng wIth the defense ofNew York city. The plot was neverattempted, although three spIes werearrested and held by federal au.thQrltles.

City of Grosse Pointe


Grosse Pointe Florist

Wm. C. Orr Lawnmower CO.ExclUSive DetrOIt DistrIbutors • Wholes.ale and RetaIl

3132 Chalmers near Mack Tuxedo 2.1459

See these products advertised In "American Home" and other magaztnesOur Products are also Dtsplayed and Sold by


100 Guaranteed Rebuilt MowersNew Lawn Mowers at SaVings of $300 to $10-00

Trade In Your Old MowerNew RoUers, SOc, 60c Ruhber bres installed. $100 pl'

Expert Lawn. Mower Sharpemng and Repairs

BaJUsh the hard work fromyour lawn and garden With

"QARDEX" Sod Flow

GARDEN TOOLSAsk for Free Catalogue

17151 Kercheval Ave. at Neff

....Duty""Duty,'" laId HI 110, the sage of

Chmatown, "at first the hardesttaskmaster, becomes at last the fin~aat frle.n.d H

1 Gomphrena. ~-For edges and borders-Sweet

alyssum, dwarf nasturtmms 10..beha. dwarf mangold (tagetessIgnata pumuIa) t ageratum, VIr-glma stocks and forget me nots

Long stems for cuttmf{-Asters,eal1lOpslS, mourmng brIde orscablOsa and cosmos

Short stems for cuttmg-Mari-golds, snapdragons, calendulas,sweet peas annual chrysanthe ..mums. bachelor buttons sweetsultans. ten weeks' stocks andgypsophlla

For color maSses - PetunIa,~mma. marIgolds calendulas,phlolC Drummondi, verbena.stock, aster, salvis and nOPPles

For lI~ht or poor sOII-Nastur-tlums. ClarkIa, godetla, poppy,portulaca and zmmas

For fragrance - MIgnonette,helIotrope, nasturtlUms, alyssum,ten weeks' stocks and sweet peas

For shadY places - PansIes,toremas or wIshbone plant go ..detla~ forget-me not, nemophIla,musk plant and other varIeties ofthe handsome monkey flower(mlmulus)

For hot situahons--Sunflowers,helIotrope portulaca, Ice plant,

Ipetuma,s, balsam and annual gaIl-lardIa

To groW' after frost - Sweetalyssum, bachelor's buttons pe-tumas, marl~olds, calendulas,candytuft, stocks and phloxDrummondl

Vmes-MornIng glOrIes moon..fiowers" Japanese hop, clImbmgnasturtium, cardmal clImbers,Icobaea, cypress Vine, balloonvme, scarlet runner and hya-cmth beans

Color harmonies-For yellowand deep blues white cosmos,annual sunflower, centaureas,blue lar~spurs, Swan rIverdalSlesJ Iobella tenuOlr and thedwarf forms, burnt orangeshades in the zinmas and theCallforma poppies

Lavender, vIolet and oranjite-f;Ageratum, AfrIcan mar1S!oIds,!asters IlIac, larkspurst hello--trope and dwarf marlgol"s.

\ List of Annuals( for Many Purposes11..- -1

MANY eminent people 1n thepolitical and economic sphereshave for years been endeavor

lng to place before a waiting and'lnXIOUSworld constructive ideas for"-stablIshing friendly internationalrelations on a secure and practicaloasis But so far none of the material methods which have been ex-perimented WIth have succeeded inoreaking down the fear of aggres~lon or the thoughts of bitterness inhe human heart That these fundamental errors need to be overcomes certain it the world is to experi-ence the lasting peace and prOslleritywhich humanity has so long desired

That there is a sure way of solvingthis most important of all worldproblems IS unquestIOnable, sincehere is no unso1va.ble di:tD.culty The

Apostle John in profound yet simplelanguage which a child can understand. clea.rly shows us this 'WayTenderly he pleads (1 John 4 7 8).Beloved. let us love one another

for love is of God and everyonethat loveth is born ot God, and know-eth God He that loveth not knowethnot God, for God is love'

Some may say that love is all verywell in its very intimate place be-tween friends and relatives, but ofwhat effectual use is it between na-tionll? Further it is sometimes ar ..gued that ideals ambitions, a.ndcharacteristics vary so widely 1n each

at one o'clock country that it is impossible for evenThe pubhc Ie corchally InVited lhe closest neighbor to understand

to attend another nation s dIffering needs and) Much of Lahd Surface Desert alms .nd how to de.l with them On Aprl1 t1. at 8 p m we of tI1e

Almost one.thlrd of the world s ThIS lecture Will be radlocast over But are we not conclUSively told L th th t h fStatIon WXYZ-1240 KIlocycles that love. understood in its relation ~on Wi e JOin sponaors Ip 0

land svr:face is desert, of no pros. th A'- P t (V ~ W) I d. to Love God ean overcome all bar- e "'!:>er os rare pease.p_e_c_h_v_e_'_'s_e_to_m_a_n ._- -_o __ ._'_-_._._-_-_'_-_"" ners and form that lasting link to announce that a veterans (stag)1ilI.J5!~~l1IDi!illi!fr:\lJEU"~Jim19Jm.tE1m.ffi!.ffi!Itill1!!fI0l!L'F~.Jr!1~rWrill'fWiI..ffi1.lEI.ffiU......I'1il.JWcij necessary for world peace? It 1s the rally Will be held at 5t Ambrose school

@J unselfish desires and united aims of hall Maryland near Jefferson Through@:! men which break down the tempor~

DR J G HARVEY -I :try obstacles of language and ma the efforts of Fath~r Ross we were11 • if ~ terial tradition In the first century fortunate In secunng Rev Father Gab

W of the Christian era Paul discerned rIel &f La.nslng who traveled for five~ his fact for he wrote I Whether d~ there be prophecies: they shall fail years extensIvely through RUSSHi-an~ ~ hether there be tongues they l!lhall 15 now very much mterested In en-

TV 2 26~ ease, whether there be knowledge. hghtenmg the Amencan vetera.ns on• .30 i[ t shall vanish away' But "charity Comm.un1sttc Ideals that th~ RUSSianm! [love] never fal1eth' (I Corinthia.ns people are f04"ced to It'l/! under!!' 13 8) ••• A A h b kIr. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer S mencan veterans are t e ,e-

Modern facilities for vaccinating, clipping, plucking and ~ and Founder of Christian Scienee bone of thll!l rtahon, we feel thIS rallyIE! writes on page 340 of 'SCIence .nd should be attended well, and & full

I hO$pitalization of small animals ~ Health with Ke" to th Sc Ipt~ J e r ures house 15 eXlpectecl. The Alger Post

~,.!i' One infinite God good unifies men~~~~Ifil.JWWiil.Jm.fii!filJm~JiIDjij~Ji!!JwruJfJ~Jl".mIfilJr:: "'il~~WJJl!!; and nations constitutes the brother~ Quartet w1l1 smg several numbers A~....Iii!ffiL'mfl"..ffiUi!hrJffilf!lJ&~r!lfiii...PilJE1,~~[;).,"~~.@ImW&~~~rn hood of man. ends wars, fUlfils the drum and bugle corps of some renown

-[g Scripture ILove thy neighbor as thy~ IS also antIcipated Several outstand. ..~ self. annihilates pagan and Christia.n 11'lg' veteran dlgnIta.rIM Wlll a.lso be


Large Assortment of Beautiful ~ idcl.try -whatever Ie wrong In 10- presentIS! clal. civil, criminal politica.l, a.nd A letter 11 now in p1"Ogre51 Inform.'inr(! religious codes, equalizes the sexes, a.ll members of our Post of th. pro-

E PI ~annuls the curse on man and lea.ves

t t~nothing that can sin, lutter, be pun.. posed Cihange of name-the secondas er an S i lshed or destroyed" meeting In May A vote of two Murds

Smce the knowledge th.t God 4i- m'Jonty of those pre,ent at th" meet-vine Love, is indeed the Fath~r of flall. foreshadOW8 the gloriously lib.. In( can carry the vote to the a lrma-

!'a erating effects mentioned in this 1llu.. bveGrown in Our Own Greenhouse i:i minating passage tt Is not impr.c. Our r_lor Friday ,ught perty tI1at~ ttcable. but divinely potent and na.. we have been. successfully haVIng 'WIll

at Reasonable Prl'ces_1!! ~ tural This broader re.li2ation of~ true brotherhood wherein each one be d~Spensed w1th on. aecount of Goodseeks his own progress in the good Friday, but WIll be re$umed FrIday a -

._-~------~---- ~ Of another, because all ..ra brethren, week untll our irten-ds w!ho gIven _~ will in due course solve every nIL" u!, so muoh eo ~rat'6n d.eem. it ~her ..

i tional and international prObleD;Lre ..ating to frontlers, colonies. and WiSO

economic supplies Commander Korte in the next 30 daysWhen in a human tamlly there are WIll be transferred by his company to

96 Kerby Rd. Grosse Pointe Farms Idiscontent. lack of aflection. and s Toledo Comrad. B111 say. hl' ~S'htsgeneral disregard for the progress w1l1 ~lways be with No 303, In fad wt11and welfare of each JXl.ember. it isPhone NI 2S13 rsJ easy to see that the whole structure travel In every t'W'O weeks to eonduet

" • ~ of that f.mllya success and well-be. h" msetlng_@I ing is liable to totter Selfishness and Comrad-e Bud ungeman. tlhe hers~

[email protected]~JIDm.liID~!.ra!rl!!.J@Mt!l1[l,flil.m.1!£lc Joylessness have undesirable effectson health and happiness But it one sthoe number card k1Ug eItcked and dIdand all have a common basis for true spht the five buoks ('VII'1thmy WIfe)

• affection and selfless service the fa.m. Comrade Clem Whately takes great- ••••• - •• il ill dilltdly w prosper an w s ea ly in- pleasure 11'1 I- game of he\p your neigh.

creae:e in health, freedom, And traJ:1.. bor

cW2,in7'1Iie'/J,,1e -/" Attach~.r To Orcltnar;y Garden H08. qU¥~~s it should be 'With the great I Cornrad<e Bill Scally a 01'11tun. taIlor""_J 'Hi. .Jj 7\... ....EHechfJe... EconorfUcol ... Rapul I I f 11 h bv'DruM 'O./'e 'PlYlIJer un versa am y-t e rotherhood -1$ a great user of tlhe umbrellaMIl IRrAllAnt of nations Each one should 'Work Com.rade Swanltz (0£ Stalin fame) i~

!'.AJUi for the general good. realizing that 't..-rl\l*~ all the children at God have their makmg' himself (:Qnsp1CUOUSby hlS ab ..

tXTRA EXT'NS~ONS FOR SPRAV'NQ TREES rIghtful place 1n the divine plan, $enee accordIng to (Trotskl) Comradewherein there is fUllest liberty, pro~ Leo Harruion = rl!

INSECTICIDES In .tick form. no mlxlng .. ready for Instant use d t i Ii____________ gress an rue prosper ty tor all Comrade (Smokey Nielun wasSinee God is good good is inexhaul-tible a.nd permanent and is given in a.P'Pomted poppy ch,urman It>! 1938equal measure to all by the loving Aln t seen any cIgars around S1nUFather But in order that bouJ1dleu Comrade BIll Eggleston rot hImselfgood may be fully utilized for the hooked ~benefit of every nation. man mu~t b$ •clea.rly understood as not materialand imperfect, embodying Jnortalpassions and hatreds, but as whollyspiritual and perfect. the refiecttonof God and the embodiment of allright ideas

When love, re:tlecUng the divine,governs the hearts at men and ispractised in daily Ufe every humandi:fflculty will be dissolved The fullunderstanding of the ever-p;ri!$enceof divine Love is destined to dispelall sense of -dlacord Whether at anfndiv14ual or a collective nMure.banish fear and dIstrust and put anend to political intrIgue and the de-sire for alliances and As humanity wakens to recognIze

one Father with HIS universal fam-Ily held in the gospel of Love (tbul

J p 577), good will a~d la~tin~ peaceI will be established On e&rth.-j'he

••••••••••••• 1'11••••••••••••• 1 Christi"!'. Bel",,!" .llon~~ ~J


Page 5: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot




One hundred a!'d three years o'iftLIZZIe Bransfield of CadiZ, Ohio, IShappy as long as she has a lIttletobacco and some pretty thIngs tofuss over. She has thrIved on sim._1", hVIng ard hard work at the

"'n county mfirmary for 85....nther died at the age

...~1ten ; When I~ny longer,"

be ready"

Fuehrer Adolf HItler IS seen In adramatIc closeup as he addresse:1the people of Anstna by radIO fol~lowmg hIS successful Ill' aSIOn Hiltspoke flam the tOl' n of Lmz whe',Jhe spent the first day followmg 1"11alriVal on Austnan SOlI for tJ'. Jfirst t.lme In 0\ er two decades.


Mel Mel baby giant pan d a'lrou~ht to tl'e Brookfield zoo near:Jhlcago from her home In TIbet re~entIy makes her first publlc bow,n tl-e arms of George SpeIdel, at-~ndant at the gardens Thousandsf viSItors ftock ....d to see the furl Vleature which IS the second gla"1tanda e "er to be brought back alIve) a zoo The other one Su Lm IS50 quartered at the Brookfield zoo.

Juhus F Sto!'2:, Jr, who helpedrehabIlItate the CIty of Key WesttFla , IS now attendI"1g classes as afreshman at the Harvard law schoolat Cambr dge, M'1sS stone, thIrty-

.J fh e years old, IS a graduate of OhIOstate UD1VHSlty and holder of aPh D degree in chemIstry fromHan ard He I '\ es In CambrIdgewIth hIS Wife and baby daughterend is studymg law to gIVe hIm abetter background for governmentyork.


Here's a Forced Entry , w •, 4, , 1""~4'~1 i::~.,:=::. ,""



j ,'y ~

Official House Wrecking

"Biggest Smile" Contest Winners

,TheIr smIles were the bVIgest by acl-Hal m"

Boys Athletic league siB ggest 8m 1

ners, JllUmy 0 BrIen, four yeardisplay their WInnIng smIlr

" tlU'ougbont the Clt~

This unusual ace'dent occurred near Blame L' Alleud, Brussels, Bel~glUm, recently as the result of a fat11~y SWItch The locomotive crashed1Oto the side of a Signalman ~ }louse In \\ filCh he lives WIth hIS wife andtwo chlldren. Luckllj, no one was lllJured.

A strange s"cne for tt'e formerlY :;'1V C""'i 1 of Ausina is pt'esentedbv posters carrymg the p:ronle of Chancellor Aeolf MItlel as the l\azlorgan.iza1.wn t<11. es ('vcr tllP. go e '1.1 ent. '\ O' "hat thoughts passthrough the mmds of thIS eldellJ trw

"Del' Fuehrer" of Austria

An army tank charging one of a row of condemned cnttages ntarBovmgton camp, Dorset, England pro\lded an excIting show for the

I"local inha1:'ltants Hundreds of , -3 "nl "11 the soldIers statiOned atthe camp had a chance to see the ian1.s In operation.

Happenings of the Nations ToldIShow Must Go On-War or No War


.Y> :vq>..,"~. ", ddir )The newly completed Oxford boat race t.rew (Jut for the :first hme, in action on the Thames, where thev

'Prepared for the annual race The crew's ave:tage weIght is 184 pounds, wluch makes them the heaviestto row m the race s.lDceIts inauguratIon 109 years ago.

l-Ct.stoms men 0:- Cermal)- ...nti Austria <;ho\\n tealll g do \n b"TllC"(1('S th,;..{-n H I'd tht: ll"luts of thefrrespeetn,e nations f<'1 ....l'mr; HI Iel s succe,sful I\azl coup ?-SpaTJ.I h 10 '\1 st p"'bOU""l'5" } meJ recenth 0 Ithe Alcamz fropt do a 10"1-.step unClei trelr captors e) es 3-Leshe }1'o.le Eel 51?, 3Gl hiul Bl"HlSh setretary of war who is Sl;et" England Ii rearmam!nt program.

Scenes and Persons in the Current News

Ship's Distress Boon to Coast Dwellers

Oxford Crew in Action on the Thames

R~sIdents of st Ives in Cornwall, England, are reaping a harvest of eoal from the hundreds of tonsth.t were spIlled from the hold of fre S S Alba afler she had broken In two rec..,tly The Alba was drivenhIgh ashore at St. Ives by heavy waves and IS slowly IIOllftdmg to pleOe" at high lid ... ,

,Mem.bers of the Murray's club chorus and orchestra, a leading night spot in London, England, who h'l"

r ... lv.d aIr raid urecaution training'. are shown vrepared to go on with.1he show, wearmg ~hell gas ma3k ..

erne?nun With tlte Hoe



Not so mnocent as one mIghtthmk IS this candidate for' pubhe enemy" of the highway diS-honors

By Inconsiderately edging hIScar across the sa fety hnes 0 fcross~walks at street earners, theCross Walk Creeper forces pedestnans Into danger zones Man)serlOUS aCCIdents result

Good dnvers are constderateof others-they obey the law b\.rtopplng back of the cross-walk

Spring lawn rebU11dm~ W111beeaSlE>f rf you provIde a dressmgof pl.nt food Apply ,t with aspreader or by hand on areasWhICh are to be reseeded 4:pounds for 100 SCluare feet 18 usu"ally suffiCIent, although a small quantity may be advIsablewhera th" grass Is fSlrly wellest.blJshad

Wet down plant food Immed,-ately, and sow seed the next day,rolling It Into the 5011to assure a~mooth surface Do not snw orroll lawns when ground IS softenough to show deep heel prmts

Plan your garden for the ~reat~est YIeld Allot only as muchspace as needed for each vege~table and know what you WIll re-plant after It IS harvested MakeprOVISIons for poles for your polebeans. stakes for tomatoes,chIcken WIre for cucumbers Itsaves space to grow such vege-tables In the aIr.

Layout the garden In plots. sothat vou can convenIently workevery sectlon Without trampbngIt wtll appear better 'f you trlmeach plot Wlth flowers, such asageratum, sweet alyssum or mln"tature marlgolds or ZlIlIlIas,


pusuc EN£MI.£S

Thursday, April 14, 1938

!~::Witk tke HOe!l.~ s.'i'~

The Groue POinte ReTtew I. the onl,.Ildve,.tl$lng medIum haVlng complete~verage 1ft GroSSe POinte Township

\'\--\€C~OSSVJAL I'S



Page 6: : as'er ; ; · tce pOSSible keep In close touoh WIth fashion centers and new trends, and ... hne of Nottmgham to the rear lot

2Sclb ••


• head 19Qc['

Ib 4c1b 8qc

head lS~I



17037 Kercheval Ave. ~Phone.. NI 6SBO~6SOtkf



The committees In oharge of d)tl

student mOVIeca1led A Day at Schooltwh1ch IS to be ready for showmg some ..tIme next month have been chosen

Pat SelJe 12A and George Bosch,12B are In charge of the scnpt wrlttngThe camera work will be done by BobLIttle 12A and the technical featuresWill be placed under the d rectlOn ofGale Bra nard 12A and John ChandlerllA Mr Harold Husband and :MtWl1ltam Mann are the faculty adVIserfor the enttre project

More students Will be added to tstaff as the film progresses

The film wl1l encompass the schcday of the typIcal Grosse Pomte stuent It Will begm at 8 30 m the mormg WIth the arnval of the studentschool Classroom and study hscene,$, noon recreatIOn and ca~etershots, and passlOg 10 the halls Will10cluded m the film

" £ ,1' " "'I'f~

Thursday, April 14 19a!l~

Clemens and Royal Oak )The cast WIlt mclude Florence Jaclf ..

man, 11A Carl Weideman, 9A Blt~LudW1g, lOA MarlOn Kueschenmelster!9A Dick Hunter, 9A WIlma Coughh~,119 and Barbara Ferry lOB






6 £lavon



;,~lb. pl"lnts, lb 30c Ib 2 9 croll

... eh 39c.kg_ lSc

2 l~f 10cif'2 N:,~~4Scf!

~n 23ctl1\

No2li 10cean • "[14 J!::,~:,?9cI

FREE DELIVERY16117 Mack Avenue

NIagal"a 0167




Tomatoes.s~ow WHITE

Cauliflower.SOLID GREEN, NEW







Veal Roastj) RUMP or


Veal Roast







29c171f2clb. 2Sc

Ib 2Sc


lal"ge• bunch

• each

•buneh 10c


The Pomte Players w1l1 present amodern comedy character sketch 'TheHappy Journey under the dlrectton ofDorothy Miller January 38, for theApfll 21 assembly The play WIll alsobe gIVen for the J0111tmeetmg of theMothers' and Men s Clubs on Apnl 25and for exchange assembhes w1th Mt

Paul (Jack) Rosenberg '33, now amathemahcs 1Ostructor at the DetrOItInshtute of Technology, wl111eave earlythIS summer for Germany where hew1l1 work In a ceramICS factory fot ayear He WIll lIve With a Germanfamlly to learn conversatlOnal Germannecessary for a pOSItIon he hopes toobtam wth the United States PatentOffice

Jack s greatest diffIculty 10 makmgarrangements was to obtam a passportallowmg hIm to hve m Germany Because of the Internal stnfe now eXlstmgthere It was necessary for hIm to getspeCIal permlsslOn from the GermanConsulate tn DetrOIt

ular man as Dr Phelps He IS In greatdemand states Mr Peterson

The audltortum seats only 600 people


15221Kercheval Avena.Murrav 934tl


"-Listen to These Stones:

WJR 3 45 P M, Man to Fri.



tms Mack Avemte15222 E. Jefferson Ave

U4 RJval"d Blvd.





Hams whole orshank half











High School Notes

Roll Butter ~o~=~:~ Club

Angel Food Dehe.ou.13.enEaster Cake

Twinkle ~~~l~~

Bread BIR' Ben, fl"esh'a.'y,

Pineapple ~i:::J:ClUb,

Coffee Country CluhVaeuum..... led

Table Beets t.::~~~~Beverages Latoma Club or

Roeky River

Kroger Leads the IParade of Values for

Tickets for the WIlham Lyon Phelps'lecture, to be given May 12 under theauspices of the High School TeachersClub WIll go on sale Apnl 20 announces Mr Vmcent Peterson, Incharge of ticket sales

Every faculty member W1n have bekets for sale to both. students andadults They Wilt be 50 cents each andseats WIll be unreserved TIckets mayalso be obtamed from members of theMothers' Club

An easy ttcket sale IS expected dueto the fact that Dr Pl1elps IS so ver)well known T 11S IS a rare opportumty for everyone to hear such a pop

News Digest

Grolle Pointe LutheranChurch

'Stones to Be Rolled Away II WIll bethe subject of the sermon at the GrossePOinte Lutheran Ohuroh worsJuptng mthe auditonum of the RIchard schoolKercheval and McKmley roa-d Sunday mornmg April 17, at 11 o'clockpreached by the Rev M Luther CanupD D, pastor 1DcelebratIon of the festIval of Easter

At tills SE'rVICethe Holy CommunIonwill be adm10Istered and there WIll bereceptIon of n~w members The hymnsmUS1Cand chancel decorattons WIll beIn keepmg WIth the occaSion MiSSDorothy Tweedle, DetrOIt, wll1 S10gMy Redeemer and My Lord, by Dud

ley BuckEa.ter Story DramatIZed

SpeCIal sessIon of Sunday school at9 45 a In, when the story of tre ResarrectIon of out" Lord wIll be toM 10drama, readtng and song by all classesm the school The Begmners, taughtby MISS Dorothy Carr and the PrImary taught by Mrs E Nelsonl WIll glvean Easter readlI1g and S1Dg a songThe class of juntor boys and gIrlStaught by MISS MelVIna Dunn, WIll gtvea reCItatIOn, "Easter Flowers," and alsoa readmg "The Mournmg Manes" Theclass of jUUlOr boys, taught by MrHenry SteInbart, and class of Intermediate boys, taught by Mr E ViFrank w1ll gIve a reCitatIOn 'Easterand the Apostles." The class of Juntor

Field Marshal Herman W.lhelmGoering', under whose direction theplans for the Na.llleation of Aust"awere successfully eompIeted. Ad..dressing an audience In Berbn fol-lowmg the .oup, he declared thatGermany Is determined further toincrease her army and keep itstrong as a guarantor of the peaceof the world.

Chicago had one of ItS old timeelectIOns ",th kllhng kldnapmgand VIOlence Just lIke those \olden days------


The hfe of a pupl1 at one ofDetrOlt's beauty schools wasn'tentirely a bed of roses, Judgmgfrom newspaper reports

Numbers players gave JudgeSkillman a busy time of It lastweek but that IS all changed thISweek With a new telephone number

Bandits are meetmg With agreat deal of trouble when theyattempt to hold up some drugstores

Jackie Coogan found It necessary to sue hiS mother and stepfather m order to get what hefelt nghtly belonged to hlm-onlyfour ml1lIon dollars

I understand the DetrOlt prop-erty owners Will soon be treatedto a fat increase in taxes

Life edItor was arrested forpubhshmg obscene lIterature thiSweek

DetrOlt Will open Its baseballseason on Apnl 25th

Modern wrestlIng IS more hkea Sideshow attractlOn at the C!r-

cus No wonder the pubhc enJoysIt

ammatIOn Included demonstratmg the IgIrlS, taught by Mrs Leonard Sohnel-use of the arm shng and ankle support der, wIll gIve an Easter readmg and

-M S song The Young People, taught by-- IMrs R S Johnson, WIlt dramatIze theTROOP 85 16th ohapter of Mark A small Easter

Troop 8S IS hard at work makIng gift WIll be presented to each memberposters for the Lochmoor Sunday of the school The Lenten Easter ofSohool s Easter serV!(;e ferIng WIll be gathered at the Sunday

ThiS week three girls were Invested School seSSIOn and church hour Theat the Investment ceremony They are purbhc ts cordIally mVlted to both theseShirley Hamsell, LIly Knox, an-d Demse speCIal serVIces-------DePorre

Troop 85 enJoyed -the rally whtch washeld at MaIre school, SInce It was theIrfirst distnct meetmg With other troopsof thiS dIstrIct

The troop IS learnIng a tap dancecalled 'Dance Mlhtalre' Demse DePorre, a member of t'he troop, 15 theInstructor The &1:'111 has In It the GIrlScout salute

Stars and StrIpes Forever" IS themUSiCthe gtrls use With the dance

-M L


16227 Mack Aveat 3 Mile DrIve

TU 2 1420


Neighborhood ClubActivities

Make Your EasterSelection From OurLarge AssortmentBeautiful BloomsReasonably Priced

City-wide Delivery Service

Select PlantsUnique Table Decorations


"'lmch & Judy Theatre Bldg.

-;;4.,..a $ •

Unusual Line of Gifts and LinensPrioed Exceptionally Low

Arthur L. PaselkFLORIST

Easter Flowers

Now That Lent Is About OverJoin the Happy Carefree Throngat Grosse Pointe's Favorite Spot .••

Mack at the Seven Mile RoadFINE FOODS


on All Liquors - Wines - Beerof any Nite Club in Michigan

yet maintaining highest standardsin quality and entertainment



Melliah Lutheran



Southeast corner of Kercheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loeber,pastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue Telephone Lenox 2121

On Easter Sunday serVIces w1ll takeplace at 11 15 In the mormng and at7 45 0 clock In the evenmg The Sunday school wl11be 10 seSSIon from 10 to11 a m

The Good Fnday servIce WIll be heldat 1 30 o'clock In the afternoon, dIS-mISSIng at such a ttme that people canreturn to the1r places of busmess by3 p m

ApproprIate mUSl<:WIll be rendered TROOpl 166In the serVIces on Good Fnday and on At the meetmg of GIrl Scout troopEaster Sunday 166 last Monday afternoon a first aId

Those reSIdents In our commumty IexammatIon was taken Most of thewho have no church home here are gIrlS pas-sed thiS examInatIon The ex

dren WIll be baptIzed A cross wilt be most cordially InVIted t-o the serVIcesdecorated SpeCIal smgtn8' on the cornmg speCial days

Easter worshtp and holy communIonat 11 a m The confirmatIon class willreCe1ve first commUnIon A large number of new members WIll be recetvedThe ohancel wl1l be banked With potted --hhes The chOIr wIll be newly robed I Don t forget the bIg mter club danceand surpl~ced coming off on Apnl 23, Saturday mght

A cantata "The Wondrous Cross" from 9-? And don t forget you reWlll be gIVen llJt 8 p m gomg to swmg to t~e SWing Masters

You are inVIted to come to our wor orchestra Really It s gomg to be a

h W h open com great dance as you can "'ell see by thes Ip serVIces eave ~mumon served to the congregahon tn clubs sponsormg It RotananSI A 0the pews A repentant heart and a C Sl Rangers, Cadettes Grosse Pomteholy deSIre to commune W1th Christ 1S Stars, Gardeners and Delta Chl sall that IS reqUired of anyone for the Don t mlSS that date-Apnl 23 at thepnvl1ege to partiCipate Nelgihborhood Club

A thnlllng final game was seen atL1,ltheran Church the NeIghhorhood Club fast Saturday

• ,mght The St Paul team and the AThanks The ReVIeW:0 C were compehng for a beautIful

trQ1)hy and medals for each mdl\ IdualThe Sunday School and congregahon player Fmal score "as A 0 C 23

of the Grosse Pomte Lutheran Church, St Paul 20worshtpIng 10 the auditorIUm of the In the first round of the DetrOitRlOhard school, Ker-cheval and McKm-, News Pmg Pong tournament the J uU!orley road WIsh to e:lQPress their deep GIrls-Dorothy Plpper took two bestappreCIatIOn to the Grosse Pomte Re~ games out of three from MarjOrIeview for the splendId pubhclty glVen Altor and Delta Hollenbeck conqueredtheIr services from week to week and Irene PfeIfer The girls WIll playoffespecIally theIr Lenten, Good Frtday Thursday at 7 p mand Easter services The ohurch IS

of'h h fit of h pub The Rangers deleated the Samts byconSCIOUS lJ e ene s sue ~1 f 1 d d b th R a. score of 25 to 23 m a final game lastIClty, so ree y ren ere y e e.• t k th rt n!ty of Thursday mght At the end ofe theVIew, anu a es IS OPPO uacknowledgmg ItS mdebtedness to the last quarter the score was tied 22 to 22management of thIS p.ubhcatron We and the game had to go overtIme Bill

h d th t th S !dely Harms made one 'Of hiS frequent basaye eVI ence a e paper 1 \\

o th t f Grosse kets, sconng two pomts and Georgereau among e Cl Izens 0 1P d t d Savory fimshed the game With a fou

Olnte an appr&la eM LUTHER CANUP Pastor shot scormg one pomt The trophy

_______ went to the Rangers 't

In the first round of the DetrOItNews Pmg Pong tournament the followmg are shll m the Men s SmglesCharles Marzolf, Lester Clmton Robert McIntyre Fred Allor Robert AllorLoUts Manck PhIl Relmund DonaldPiche Leonard Beaufait Roger Koltzand James Locke Those who have notas yet played are Philhp Rleger, FredMaede1 Ian Smith DWight Dl110wayRobert Smith James Lumsden, NickShock Don Louwersl BIll Harms, Robert LaBonty George Shock


Work Wanted,

Grace Evangelical




PersonalRFV MARTHA POELKE, 2978 St

Jean Readmgs and Ht'" 1

Circle Tuesday at 8 .,pomtment Mur"'~

HATS made to order and remodeledNragara 8205

Review LinersFor Sale



PHYSIOTHERAPIST, hospItal employ ed, WIll gIve profess10nal serV1ces

to woman patient In exchange for comfort-able loom, good tran9pOftatIonlioX' A, Gras-se POlnte Prmtmg Co15121Kercheval


.FOR SALE-Furniture, consIsts ofradto, 50 tb SIde leer 3 Iron beds, dming room s-utte, table and cha1rs 1135Lakepomte

"Custom C'hnkers"-All 811:"JllBo2\l"d and Outboard Trollel' .-Row

hoat., Outboard Speedboatl

OUTB04RD BOAT SALES4708 HU'el"lull Road

Work Gual"anteed on all make.

Geymllll Refrigeration ServiceIII Mol"olS R.d NI 9805

Wasluftl' Machine. R,-Ired

A I LAUNDRESS-lO years expell-e"lce wants family w.t hmg~ ano

,ronmgs to do 111 own home. each sep~aratehr wash~d 'butt,ns replaced n.rctClf.>s shIrt tfOner ruffled Cl1ftami dOll"at rnsorab'e pnce; dehvet')': serVIce:NIagara 7183 • 1jEXPERIENCED laundress W1sheslaundry at my home, cleanIng by

day N!agara 6223--------------COLORED COUPLE neat, e"PerIenced, W1Sihwork m private famIly

Itouseman, yardman, maId plam cooking, wIll conSider anythmg Trlmt)2.5980

SituatiOlls Wated


18541 MACK at WarrenM~n'.SolesItnelH~l., $1 25

fine..t leather -Full Solea. and Heeb, only $190SliDes Dyed to mateh your Dus.

On Ladle.' and Men's Garmentsr""ert Workman.hlp-Economy Pri",ell:

WINDMILL POINTE TAILORS1m! E Jeffer.on, City Limits, LE 304(1

At 9 30 a m there WIll be a beautifuletnldren's worshJ.p hour Several chl1

Local Democratsto Meet April 15

The next meetmg of the 14th Con~gresslOnal DistrIct Democrattc Organizabon Will be held AprIl 15, at Gratiotand Hudbut 4venues Margaret Aber-n-ethy actmg chaIrman, Will presIdeShenff Thomas C WIlcox WIll be thegUest speaker

The Easter frohc WIll be held AprIl16 at K of C hall, PhtliP and Mackavenues Mr Goo Hammerly IS 10(harge

Lochmoor ProtestantSunday School

A specIal Easter servIce will be heldby the Lochmoor Protestant SundayIchoot Sunday, Apnl 19, at 9 30 a min the audltor1Um of the Stephen TMason school, located on Vermer roadlIear Maek

There W111be a special guest solOist

CUSTOM tatlored sample SUIts, sue'"36 to 42, latest patterns, $2b 00 tr

$4,00 values Ea,tet SpeCIal $1450 to$29 50 ,"Vtndmll1 POInte Tailors, 14931E J eftcrson at CIty LImIts

FOR SALE-Baby bu!l!llY,good cend!t10n p-f1oee$4 00- NIagara 6089

~ABY BED anti bath tub, occasionaltable. seW1ng macll1ne, man s top

eoat boy's brown sport coat Tuxedo_ 2 3183,~ENGLISH SETTER, male, seven

months old, toy Fox Terner, three3hs Sell or trode 374 MeKrnley NI'94S3

The fol1owmg letter was sent to Con-gressman LoUts C Rabaut

Apnl 9, 1938CQngressman LouIS C RabautDear Mr Rabaut

The Repu1Yhcan women of GrossePomte thank you for yol1t" vote agamstthe Reorgamzation BIll You were theonly Demoeratlc Congressman 1n MIch-igan to vote agatnst It

We recogmze this as an act of brav-ery, for we realIze )"Our courage toItand up aglthlst the 1remendO'Us pres.ure of admmistratIon forces


Pres of Women's Repub1tcanClub of Grosse Pomte

Page Six

Louis Rabaut L~udedfor Speech in Congress


Top Related