

    Tlir (jn I v COlJMl TO i:\l.Mor.M. THIS WEEK.EMPK,')'! WI I.I.I aM ItfO ((.INT IlKI'.IJl FtT


    B_B_8_-*lg__ LABOU4 IIERE AXD TIIK

    NEW M1BI8TBT- MH. OhUiSTONI¦'..rnr cable to im Tt!inr5F:.7

    mpvriOflt: Ufl. Ba Thf IY.--4M A**********Lontan, Aug. SSC. Tne Qnea, araa lo leave Oaborna

    Weflneafl-l aflerBOoa for Balmorat; bul now lt I* eiprtXtx) thal ber departure wRI be poaiponed to BexlMooflay. The(Dourl uin remaln In Srotland nntll lheniitini'' "f Nfv.-nii.'i and then la lo return to Wlnflaartor n nonth.

    TBE GEBMAB EMPRF-'-.The Oennnn Empcew. who*.*ouehemi,1 ls daily

    ...j.,T..i. ls r-sBUng .-.t lhe marble palace, Pot_d_m,aml I. attended by a .-r:i 11 .--uUnf Novt-i!il..-r. p-rsciiiilli eo___-ted hv the oMIglngMimn K.ii'i.l nnd aMU be away t«'< montha, ao lhatit Ik qulle ..-rt: ln tl :it I .irlliiin. :it I- Hut Ifl B '. 1- flI. tiruaiy.

    RTl v l N IV OMMAXO '. .¦'¦'.¦ QCEENIt Is a l'.n* tlme Mnea tl"- !¦"*** oi lhe Baaral

    ..rvlc hav.- BC-B -" BtBrtJ-d a- l tbe reaalta "f hl'more i.iit obaervattotja Profe-ior HaU aalfl tafla.Umi tta evenlBg of Aagaat i.- xxn*. f.r IMa laiiimi-.nt.| the i.«*i for obaervatlonn durlng the pre enlopposition "f Mnrs. t*'"" rondltlon betafl i»m:.llcularl) fn\i.iuiili-. l ii a ahflrl llaie, xxhen neaith" meridlBQ, ii." Image ol Mara waa very gaed, amdurlng an axaailBatlon of his rarface Ihroafh the gntiilelenrope tbere appeured ni ti>" north p«i." a xxidc.x.Mti- apot, -imilur ln i ii.-iru, Iar m lhe "ii" bereloi,r.- Men under lulnute examtuatloQ al tbe .-.,iith pole.

    ACcorfllng lo Profeaaor llall'a obaervaiiona, lhe xxiiit.-p t ni tbe Qorth pole of Mara la blntor aafl not *«weii fleflaed a- tta ,>ik- al Ita aoata pole, xet tlieoulliin- of tha fonii'i- _i*>t and It* xv 1.1 U- rolor w, r.di-ini'tly m-i-ii.

    i.n the evenlng of Aagaal n» lhe whlta Bp althe noriti pole wa- agaln fllatiaetly bbbb hy i'i..f.- ,,iliull, and il Iheli .,;,;. i-.-.l to b' bloud. und xxlilliimt BO ili-l,_,-t a- oli tta 1 Hh, -Ull "Iiilte noilr. able.At preaenl the Bew while -;>oi i- partly hiddeij pwlnito the poattton ol T.i" planet. Coatlnned .lo-e oblerraUonH ,,f ti,;- whlte »po| al 11._ north palex»iii Im- made, ln t!,c aaaie mwiner im.l f.n the aam.j"ii-|t .-¦_ xvMiti have governed Ita eBaaalBaUona oiiho \xtut.- -^oi at t'.'- aoutfa pole, Ita theory being lhalir the ni-xxiy dlaeovered wblte apol i- anow, Influencedand niodltl .1 a- lhe otliei ,,i »outfa ap.' appran, \'nt!.aiii.n >-i flata retotlng to iii" bagth iMurtlau iia.x anfl other Importanl Biattera of^iteret a trvnomci. can be made,

    -- m¦. ..uni-'' at pruitirally niathemutlcal - .1 good deal ulnce lt- ob-ervatloii* hadl.-i-n i_-.un iii .iiiix*. ||. _aM further thal thi- _poll- now aniHller and »harper ln ontlltie and h:,- laken thtappearanct lhal he bm lu 1S77 oi ;. dcpreaalot) ln thiii made

    tour xxith Mme, Mojeaka, MI** «;:.i- agaln inpportedMr. Barrett anfl xx.i- ooce more I.;iii.i.nir.Lt, whloh occured wlrtle t!.-.i t'< atteafl. Beveial xvill offer haaflaoroeprltea t b" eompetofl far. mi-4 I»"lla K..x xniii.i-,--.-iit b i u.i _»M mateh-boi io tiw player tn.-ikin.the uii'-t run-, and Mlaa Anna o'Ke.-I" xxill presenl ..palr ol Uorham lUver braabea to tke fortunata plarcrmaklng lhe moal MU. Tta gama will be .Uirr.-d at8 30 p. Bl. (_9_

    CABIXTI OTTICBBB BETtJBB TO WABBiVGTOX.ffa-Maflloa, ABg. --.- lecietary Ckarlea Foater,

    having returned to Waahlngl m trom hl- vtail to hla .luri- M Ita Traaaary DepartflMBtt"d.,\.

    Attornej General Mlller li;.- relnrpefl t-. Washlngtooiron hi* born* '" lafllaoa anfl rtflamfld »^ flallant tii.- lieparlmenl ol Ju-tl.e.

    KOTES OT THE STAQE."Tha r.ivnt-.- Reere-ary" win i"-»in a mtok't engage-

    aumt ut the Btanflatd Thealra aa Monfla. ex alng, Aagua.9, Pollowlag -'- ti"- iiani,- ot th.- in th- eaat!I.I..,,. -r,;,x-!-. XXI!:li.,l, I-'ii! I...n'l-. XV. .1. < ,,ll-tllllti"c.F.vclyn Evana, Thonaa DavM, Thonau WtJbtt u IdenUfy blm.

    ,1f/7. BEW8 STaY AT CKDARVlllE.

    ni- [XJ-RED HWli IMPHOVIIS " START I >BM W-TORK '!¦' l*AV.

    OedanrHle, OMo, Ang. 22. Whllelow i:-"eMer ol the ehurch, u-.l to _I1 «lt!. hl- lini- (amlly.After thfl -'-I'v."- «.-ic over md Mr. BeM un* movlngtowiuM tba door Ui- memben "' lhe -uiign-gatloiieroaaded areund Mm, aml he ahooh eoch one .* hl-old aeqaalatancfli by tba haad pbmaanl memorle«arere revlved. bunday aflernoon Mr. R-M '!.iu ibe aorlety of b* a '.-

    .1//.'. QLADBTOXE'8 VlBtT TO 08BOEXE.

    COROIAT.I.Y BECEIVEB |iv TI1F Ql. E_ Wii Ttlli.i lll.ll Ml MBRRB OF TIIE ROV \i. \Mil.Y.

    1 don, Atih-. 22. A-i iiui'i-'i-ity who la tboronghl)f..n ;. ,ir wllh everylhlng thal go*'* v ¦¦ "irt ,in"Mated ln relatlon ... lhe many repflrM ln rirr_lotl__regardlng Mr. f_ad_1 ne'a *UU Ihe Qfl tfla .»*_ue..-1-t_.¦ ofllre, lhal there wn nothlng l» h_w thal,,. i.i,, ,| '..,! :¦ ma* ti llioro.i :l 1\ I-T-. >¦ n gml.i,, ibe Queen and lhe other membera of lha royalfamlly preaeni il __borne llow-. ,l'1 U.e evenlng oltbe (ho- uf Mi rl Mr. Olad ' two houia

    .-..-,¦., ihe ti-rrace with lh. l'rlWai s. HM Intervtew arlth Her Mfljeet. wa - p rlaflyroedlal, a-.-i tbe Queen ln no «:i.- nhoared tbe dl-llketr blm arhloh l- ronunoiil. attrlbnted to her. WhenOir. Utadatoiie reji ie >men ln lhe dra -rn tn h- waa In hlgh aptrlU, and waia tbe Hfe 4 .'mver atl m._BEIJETEt IT rnr RHSTI T OF l COXRPIBU I.Mr. Byle, pt n< Ipal ol U ¦. Kyle Inafltnb

    I.. 1, "f tJ,- troi.ble in hl. -rhool oa Boaftemoon i_->. told » Trlbuna repor.-r u-t evei.lna iilh« boy 44 im »«- - ii ¦¦ i '" 'I -'' I di ! vofed tb. '- p ., I.

    j. | m lh. parli- i. Rjdflli >t Mr Md Mn H -i'i,Hiiit. aiti*. I- I' -.'--i a»d Mla. ree -M, .:,,! Mi btl D I' :.'.' M '¦Mr* S. s Ptatt, Ml -"I Mr. Willlam W, [.yon, w--t-.,

    a M b .rn.- II. 1 BnrtUi, Ryan aij. m. ii. ri -.. i

    KTBhB lililAWs tvii.l' IX I .'. i'.l \.'l v.

    K4r.- I'.-i-e... iu,,, 44.ut, yaehUng i_> aooa .. i," landedr, ... .¦ of Ch -ui. "'.I. i. m__.(.r I- forii.ui. ii:- paitn¦ r-blp wltb ber whlrhi>- peii »t ih- eu_ -f ti-i. etrnm bm, 'md.-i tb. awaafl.,:. ,,f Renry r.. Abbey, e8pl*ad .>:> ten* it, whlte ti..-i..- .- li, v Mt. Bell.W_ "tl-n, ui,.' la l.ou-9o*. ThU play vi*- :¦"' » aaeee«a. _-. Btdeed, few i..iiii'iii bave bean r..r ibe u_t aeaaon. Klne_ n>* >> Mii>...-rt im- been playlna ji "Tiir Ugata >.r Uom." *' Umad..'i.i.i lii'-ii. and i-ft lt, 4- h. *aya, ou -.-.. h-avi.. to

    ,,, .. her.. ii-- doea noi loak nu- alrb n-an and In:.,. rppeara rxacUy lha Buw a. whoa he wa. ltt\ *****bar_

    .1 B4.j_g0i0 to uotrxt rmtxox.fhRadrlphla Anc '_-.- 11 ts anaowaced thal bha

    i'eimsvi4..i,i;4 Balliiaid iu .1 f-»' __)> wfll hegln lhe,..,i,i;ni.-i.«'i ,r Tii--iOl Hflntfl-fl

    stiirt-d away aaHy this aaanili-g nn ¦ bnntlng trii>.Ha aia^ aeawapaaled hy llaal.aaul PB_ker, nnd nam«nt g-_lU flfltad u gaMe. Mra. Ha-riBOB aaanlni«,st of tlie dav l.ei-xovw the e..tt_i»re aml lha HarrHmirmnp nn the liihe -hore. AtM.nt Thur'Iny the I*re_-aeui will vi n M.loue. where be wiii .-j_.



    HE xvn.t, N'.r xu.nv xv. xvinr.M'V TO BT.XOHIM :n x.. Bl i xv.i.i. nxmi: x _r «.

    ..; :- wi. BTAY HERE H1M81 _JT.Doa m. Dicklaaon, >.f Mi.i.u-.n. wko la Chatnaaa

    nt ti,.- . .mi-....- immiaee ol the Demoeratlc lattonalommltte Cbalrman f tl..- commtttee to have .-imrg.-

    ,,[ n.- Chlcago boreau and ii" tateat man whom Wlll-i_:n c. Whltnej ba« irltU to gil »'->t ol tka way, waa-,,i-.-lv troubled x, [erday. iu- feH badly beeauae I."reallxed tbal i.i- ronfldeni had been mlaplaced aad-hut hi- dlfrnlty a* Chairman of ih- t'ampalfla '"!nmlttee bad been nrlhleaaly easalled. I'bUI he reodir in -Tl," Trtbune* yeaterday mornlng Mr. Dtrkla--,., «id nol .. tl ¦' M- election a- Dhalrman ..fn.. t.mlttee to ehaae th.- Sorthweatera ralnbown__- Intendefl i- ..: "i lew York uud to nplai .- wbere be w.n'_ n,.t

    t.- ui.,- i;. acorptefl ii." place "f Chalrawn ..f IbaCampaign Comml tee. IVaa l.e i»-t th" only l> ". ral-i .,:,x piominenre who woald lake tba pi.'-' Xn

    .. -i uf Diuiii i:. lllll xxoii.i take i' and iiroverCleve¬land and WIMaa < Whitney di..i .-:ii"'r aaMayor Ul'.liiun B. Oraee or Charkfl fl. FBlrcbtld. tl.eini.-r- iu iii- "antl -¦ ii'i".''' "' .x-'n"ii' '.> be WctO.

    ii,,1 -.xi"i ti,.- management vf tka rampatgn. Mr.ii., i-i-.n sliowed mon after bt election u. tim beudof rt,- Campaign OommKtae thal bta eyea were awaytrom il..- ki xxii.c- Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Whitneyaanl ti make tke Igfct, anfl tbal he waa lookingtoward tbe :>. ri.n. t.-in Btatea *> tbe place \x iie.oDemocratie majorlftaa aroalfl be aecared. Mr. Whlt-n,-v -i.xx iiiiit Mr. Btohln-on woald be ln Wa way a

    greal d.-iil und BO th.- BCfceflM »f puttlog hlm luClllcagu Wllh IWB -l.ix-xx'l p-lili. l.ui I> WatfB himaaa determlaad apoa.

    Mr. incuiu-"!! fleclflefl yeaterflay thal ha xn-iid nol_nim.Nute Mr. Whitney aafl go Wa t, bnl be wouM

    rlghl bere In New-Yortl wlth !-¦. l>'".alli:..,u nnl Commlttee ln aplto "f anythlng that Mr.kVhltiiej mi, i.i ai Mi ¦'. vcl ind auto him >\,. -ii. bnl then- i- a targe number .'f ju*t mlnded U.-tu"

    Montana xx', kn..w >>f Ita ho-tlln. «.f Mri.-..-:,i..i ... ita We»t, ln i--!» waa «upplanted

    (rlendnnc ot Mr. Ilarrtaoii and 1,1- Adinlnh.,|_ frll lld !'.. l"-U -ll.'XXtl ll. ll

    ,; oa) ¦. and tta refore l am r.,ni! thei,,!'. aud .i nurotar .,f new propoalUo** recelved .."J

    .i t., lhe propei commtttee, n.-f.-i*. the in.'.-tIng udJou ned everal Intreatlng adflrea ea arere ,i -. "ix..i xx ith imi-1. apphwine.

    The regalar meeUng of the < haoocay M. i«-i>-xxI'.iui, of th" Sevenl.1k Ward "f BrooklyB xxj. h_d|.i-t ttbjibt Bl K.xx.i-t. aud Me.-kei.lve. PranhK.-iian WM ,n the .J-flr Blld AtXgXX* S.nilenniin hBpli'i,. p-.,-,i Afi. r the u-iuii nmUne ..r bu-ine--- hadloe., iran-ttrted, nlno new i..- were i>'a .-1 un lhe,.,ll inaklug a total "f TT. (Xharloa Morton made tmi-xt-elleiil adii----. A x,,r- .-I iti,n*- xxn* tenderedxt,. Morton n "i the meetlng B-Janraefl.

    \ OBOWIXU TOIUtVIL-H MMinZATIOM.ii,,,. ,f ti,.- tanner n-|ui'.Ji.*ri flrprtntloaa f

    upper Bt* Vork, 'i"- Jaaiea ... BWaa lab olVorkillla, wiu moq flauBl a Baad . bbbbanner ln lha f*" of lhe Vorkxllle Demoarary. Aboul..-|,r. iu!ht '.-'.. the elub wlll place Ha rutora acroaa kbflK_i-if wti'ii.ii. McKinley atafl utt wlfl_ apraarlaaaappiauee wben it araa aienlleoefl.

    Th- clab mll .-..ntiui- ti'- aamea af avei !.', ii--n,i.-r-aafl iin.y aaw a_ra weta atw t-1 taat fllght Th>- rlub i-

    ¦I prlnrlpally ,,f youot ¦"." "r r,.,.-i.-.¦ i.irth. aafltheir .-!,';,....M-,ii tafl eaafldeaa*. ta lhe election "f lheRnpubllran rinfllflaira i- BBhaaaflfflL Tka ofltceai aiei- - ..1 l.n.n.rT. preeid^nt; t\t*U IMflell, Bral rtce-prralfleni iootpk llarrta lecond rlce-grealdenl l*i.i r-1-ni-i ..-¦ -ni- l-.ui.iii Draahln, lieaaawr, _n*» Ki'-hardi.;i.r. tareeaBl iImm. Taa elabiaaaia »r.> aaaa avery

    .u.i ail ara im,r..l t., \i-ir. ri, m.

    goroiBBK DBMOCBATB POBM A ( 1.1TB.TSaBoatketfl Demorrati Ib u.i- .ity hava BrganUefl

    iii.-ti,-.-iv"- int., n eaaaalgn iflab to wori h>r < ;.-vland aad .*i"x.n-'.n. Th.-ir leadein saaer! thal ttarear« B04M0 Botrthern Dem3crata In the dtj xxi.rer

    re they rame t.» the Sorth, hava beaa -> fltagBdeflxvitii ihelr party here aa ruled bx TWmtnanv that theihave -i.-iidra-tiy ivfu-.-d .,. v,.ie or "ven to regtater.A few of khem -Mdd.niv rea_l_lng tfcal th.-ir partyrannol afford to leBve the amalleai -t .ue aataraedthi- our hli apoa the acheme ,.f trylng to aotioa Intothe foM ->m" i.f the 50,000 r-.'-.inl- Accorfllngl)¦hoal i".' f ibe bbwi born below Maaon .x Dlxoa'_

    ni'-r nt, the Beform Clab bul alghl lo or__BBlaB.Colonel *.-.inue! ir. I'a il. piaalflfd, aafl lhe oflkeran- inlmanaly atoctofl tor lhe new orgaalaation warw:c ,i mei i'. rimmbpraa, preiKaal. Qaptaki¦flwarfl Owaa, Mcretory; and TfcOBMu a. Vaaafttr.n-iir.-i-. '11. *r.' WBB BlBO B Bal "f -.ventT -flVflrtro-praatfleata. Ab Exeentlva Co___aHtae of taraatyxxn etaaaa. lak-eoaimltteea ipeah with Baaurance."

    i i,. it.-v- tlmt the twelve -I-. loral aTotea ..f .i (., th- Bepnbllcnn rolumn, and lf Ihey

    ,.ltl V- i. derlalv. vote lhal Ihls arlll ,.of the rountry lo Ylrglnla II _.) -'.¦ wlll

    ,..,.,. .., ,. a nea ern ot dcvelopntenl thnt «ill mnkel.-r na nch iu ti na Republican a- Pennaylvauto.

    -- ? .-



    The flmtrh- rannaNtae of tlm XVlth \.-iit.lvDUtrlcl Republican Organli-llon mel MM MalH atBo. 42" Hecond-na/e. w, ll-nU-l acted aa chalrman mni _*rank n. Dab «a- aecretary. Bamtaa -f

    dldatM lor u.e poaBlooa "f i"'l rlerka. ballotMd raparanaon f.*r lhe hMrti t'r- ehsction

    di 1, -.- eomprWng tha Aa_em».ly DMrtct. w *e ro.Iderrd and referred to the ohalnuM ror dnal .¦ t n.

    The ni'.-. lini*'rtuiit UdBg wa lhe « UvpublicanMahfli

    OF rn.tlitES Al.I.ES PFRKrX*.UiB-Uai. Auk. 2J Ppertall. Qharlaa Allen Pcrklne.

    "x t'nit.ii Btatea Conaul at Barreltaaa, Spuin, and ex-Mlnl-t.-r to l'.'rtupil, flfOppafl fleafl today ttt the homeof hl* itater, Mra. Walter Adama. Mr. TYrklna waathe only Ain.Tl.iin who ever innrrled Into tta Boyalfiinilly ol BffBla. II" was tx.rn lu i onnectlcut _lxt|yeara Bfo. lle ... rdueatofl at Aabara, X. Y.. anflBl l.trl*. 1'..-Id.-nt OlBBt BBfOlBt-d hlm as Conaufto Iiar.-.-lona, wheia he rrmalnrd durlng the revola.tlon. Then he xxas appolnted t'nlt.-d State. MlnUtaBto 1'orti.Knl. His dlplomutlc Bervtoa aaflafl wlth hlare-dgnaUon from his po-t ut I.tabnn. Beturnlng tatta I'nited Stules ht- beCBBM u member af the (>peaBaarfl Inxlufl r.. -.ttend the funeral fromhi- lut re.ldi.nie, llfl XV.-.t .'.I'h-t .m naaflBfl. taa

    I Irl.i- ( ompnu. * Kxlrnrt af Beef.

    rwiirly rrea Bam f-t «nd sriatine.

    MARRILD...xr.nM'.Pv-wiM,r.Ts-«»n Meaflap, An_.i«t 2_d, 1892.

    ln S'.-iv-York Clty, Alfcd .UffUatU* Cordner *on of\ »-.-i ii Oardner. aad ICtthanae Tatyr willeu., daugh.

    \. at \\ Henry wii.k.NoUflea af n_.n.ai_es must r* indoreed witb

    full name an.l ad.lreas.

    1HEI).BALDWIX-in Braafarfl, Oaaa. Aaaaafl 20, John tr.l-'iii,'.-'r,,'i -.-rvtoea ai hi* latn .*>«__. n " "' ,;*

    __m i. rterv aa ttm ii»r>m Ruimad. 48 wlnut^rroul the _H«nd Central Depot. aaw U-i*.t at cntriaca.Ofllee ib Eaat lid-al.

    MOl'XT BOI_

    Offlre. SWr Othave.. _Bfla_, X. Y.

    Gpccnil X0tltf9Paaiaflflra Noii.-e.

    m, ,u,u i«- read d_Uy by jH hiniiawfl, .« Bhaaaaa niay

    ,.'';' -\ ."i1..".'.':.-.. -"""tn *.i ael ta ********,-,.:. i r rdlipateh i.) in; *^"'luw^________i3/.r\:.''.,.''i:;.i'a:/a:;;^n^i;^:r!.1U'Vo%gr_i^fa%th^w!2li rofllpfl k***m» w.U doatJmamm*^ *Bnm* ImmkTU Ittm* mM ba*'^__DxI_SDAY*'a|'| ». ». ttt l'.'.n.i.-. per B. » .**t,t ..-. xia Oucea-toaru 't'| - »u«l ba dir-.tea:''¦.,.!.. -..i' »x .-. a. for I'.Hl-lum dlre- B for iruxjllo, per i. a.a i'xv xt t ),. i'i foi .'"-ra Rlca, v-i Llmon. mw. llUianU, '¦¦¦¦¦! N-- ''.":-. ar B:B0 p. m. lorK| i'|,.iie.M!i|ii"'"n. |>er ateauier from Xnrrh Bydney.

    Xt _'- f.r Chlna and J;i|«n per *. *. (i.x.llr ( Iriii.l-,, '!.. here dally up t/> Aupu«t -31,,. . jo n m Malla fof the Snclety talandl |ier ship,- --,, ifrom San Frei laco), rloaa bara

    ,,. . \\ .¦¦¦¦¦ a froa *"" t'-.m-i-" ,-:,,* -t. K-t«lill*h.*l 1812.

    Polltl nl Xpi II i-n-r.. ,- i.nlf... pi- »»l ,-a.tilu-n-nt. in i¥i-it vari.'.v .!¦.;.- (nt»ra. kt.: taWaBBprl .-. Political i'i'.,-r :,nd i-'ai'tipui'-i.t Co., (,i x,.-,>_;.,a, v._,

    lUligione Xotic.s.liLAU n_>iN.»*> t" -it ai.i. aapeelally for atakaaa

    after trutli m.i IBfl atixio.,.. and ..II «ho de»lro 10l.> ii^li.fnl to -in.. at l,.,n.r almad. d'* w^,,t -alxa'.n-n pialnly ael f«,rth lu :. I".*l" h"nh of eara-MIIV -eli.-t.-d te«la, ,ntlt!ed "The (rlor'.ou* el of tbaBleaaed «.ol" "in i.e _ia t- all fora-»rdtn||latter or i..*ui.-aid «i_n addr«-_ t_ "WELL \v Ism-.R,"4S i-at.-rni.4ter l..w lA>iirton. I.nciand. (Himaelf a..-eker fnr v.-ir*. *".-klii_ llcht and tl'-dl"_ none. and thera-fora d._»lro.ta to do what he can for otneia in tte mm** '¦"The ennance of fkr wortta 9pm* llght."-!-. cala, m\

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