h js s f ?risri j ^^*a^*rf8

TIIK WORLD OF LONDON. CHBOHICL-D AND CRUICISED BY MR EDMl'ND YATE?. Tlir (jn I v COlJMl TO i:\l.Mor.M. THIS WEEK .EMPK,')'! WI I.I.I aM ItfO ((.INT IlKI'.IJl FtT .THE lil'KK OP DEYOKSIIIRE AM) 111 B_B_8_-*lg__ LABOU4 IIERE AXD TIIK NEW M1BI8TBT- MH. OhUiSTONI¦'.. rnr cable to im Tt!inr5F:.7 mpvriOflt: Ufl. Ba Thf IY.--4M A********** Lontan, Aug. SSC. Tne Qnea, araa lo leave Oaborna Weflneafl-l aflerBOoa for Balmorat; bul now lt I* ei prtXtx) thal ber departure wRI be poaiponed to Bexl Mooflay. The(Dourl uin remaln In Srotland nntll lhe niitini'' "f Nfv.-nii.'i and then la lo return to Wlnflaar tor n nonth. TBE GEBMAB EMPRF-'-. The Oennnn Empcew. who*.*ouehemi,1 ls daily ...j.,T..i. ls r-sBUng .-.t lhe marble palace, Pot_d_m, aml I. attended by a .-r:i 11 .-<l Bngttah nurae from Uatdon. The Bmpreaa has been enterbilulng, her anitiier, the Dnrhflaa ol Aiiguatenburg, Prlneeaa Aflelatda nf Hoheatohe, arho eame over from Dreaden f,,i ii few duy-. Tin. BISMAKJI KS i'iii -INT. TIIE KAITEB A_WF_XT. Fron h fri"i;U Iii Rerlln I bear tbal a Inneheon w.is pv-n l.v ti-' ofieera ..l Ihe Flral Dragoon Onarda. virt4.Hn-. onrn, "ti thelr "-gloryflay." Aogual 18, tlmt belng the annlvei_ary ol Mara la TOur. it aaa ¦ brOllnnl funrtlon; lhe labla «..- loafled with a magnlflcflnl _er-1ce ol rtlver whlcli Um (j-mn pro- .ent.-'l lo th- ui»-- "f thfl -ii'.u'lit nn h.r Hppolllt- iiii-nt :.- honorary rblflf, and tne only thtng a-aullng ( romptete the general eBWI "t the laatlvlty araa Ihfl ,,r.- -:i'" "i the ttnperor. lll- MaJeatj had ***** uroml-Al u> "attend, but al tha hwt BHunenl Wfl* -n,,,:., f,,,in Potadara wylng thal bfl loand li Ina. p< ibl** to keep i.i- word. Bamor al onea graw buay u. lo ii,.- caus« "f llls MaJ-aty. non-appearance. ..,-.. altrlbutfd it ta Ihfl dellcflte -tato of the Em ,,r. .'- ii.-.iiiii. bul ihotfl wera probably mueh ii-.u-t lha ii'.ui. who ronnerted lhe abaenc. of iba Bmp-i-ot Irom tl--- raglmental banquH ^lit' ti"' i'l'.-ci-"' nl tha iwo brother- nismarcfc, I'onnta llerberl and Willlam. w)., i..tii arrv-d ih-ir Bmc ai one-yaai rolunteen ln th.- lii-t Dragoon ttuarda, and were lachy enough t" lake parl ln Ihv Matorlc eharge al Man la TOur. Con- se-iueiuiy. they -l*«i noi bealtate lo areepl lhe ia -,. ,4 invliaUon ol lhe ccl-_el attend lha annual i.-,. ... ihe gallaiil !. -inifiit; bul on bearlng ol thla, tn.- Bmperor drew back. THE LATE i-l Ki'. 09 MAKCIIRST1 R. Tha ln--- Dnhe "f Mancheater, who <i''-<l on Tbura- day, while -till "u lhe aunnj alde of lorty, wholly (afled t<> fulfil the promlae ba ahowed while eervlng ln tlie Royal Iri*_ Fuall rra. Hla tarea. Ifl lhe llou-.* n| c.mni',na waa not brllhant, and fron the mom*nt I..- w.-nt ln for Ihlnga theatrleal hla doom wa* aoaled. nf late yeara be <.__._ lo be known only ue the Duehe. ol VaiK'h t*_'.er. hnsland. Wllhln tlie 81*1 Ibree montha he aaa heen greaBy bothered aboul aettb-i-nla; bul here be waa for once lortunate, aa Ha. ineoaae he *arai *a_rnred In a..i-, made t. di*p nd only mi hi- lift-. Hla flon, the nlnth Duke of Man* cbesi.r, who ta fourteen yeara ol ag., re* -nblni verj alrongly hla mother, tha once beauttful Senorlta Con- _u_lo Yanafa. thi: I'i'Ki. or devoxshiri '- MAnniAGE. Th* neanef the marrugeof tne Dol.I Ih-voiiahlr*. uith lhe Dowagf. _*ucln-a ol Bancbi Icr, which, In hygone thna aronld hav. flaillcred Iho pnlaiaa o| b'..-i,t.\. baa been rec-lvtd idth peil. IndiBei Th.- tnearttable _*_-._ - " ura well aa lhe un f.:-(sseen, mid lhe _"'t lhal both eontracttag pan.-i his. ah-trly and a certain .'\t-ut demodea, rol* lh. event of lt- eharm. A unlon of naart-, oi.I wbleh bai i.n beattng ln Ita owner'a bramal nearly -l\t\ ¦,,,,,-s, while ti.- other waa phadgi- lo Ita Bral !"'*. wlnner rall t""v '.'¦"'- ¦'-,'- ******* ].n»l.le~?d is.aii.ntl.*. Cnqueallonably, nl . llm*. the Uuebeaa ._»- on,. uf the leading grandc* dnme de p le mon at tl.* F.urll-ti Court, bul a lady -a.fi*> 1- n.a m My B granda dame bnl ¦ ei;""' ""''''. .'"", ,!,:'' "r '' V1,r-' rtandlug, nalnrnUy 1". «wn«* of her Inil over Ihofle among whom ber UA i- ¦ ' Then nr. paav otbera who Bpprc.late X tu.i. hlghe i valu. lhe peearteoc., Idj-flMy «nd cloar good --:; b) whb-li lhe Dnehe-fl "1 Devonahlre- rajgerly-aoughl eonn«el 44'HS pr.iii. ptt^I- I,\n r -Iir-.I-. W" THE CABIXET. Taa, yea, "f eonrse, aU the tah-nti and all lh. gmeeaalflo; bul whwe ls U.e "Countj Ony." wbere b .r Henry. where la the g-iUal cynlo of whom tbe gmphk r.irliunieiitiirv reporter. Lll ua m mn i. Where, ln polut ol lact, Is Labby '" Whal haa be eome of the aahlnel mlntaterahlp or, Ifl s:iy the l-aat, ol tt,.- prlan- eouncBlonhlp ovet whleh, ln anB.lpa Uon the briiiiani beairoa of "The Sunday Bun" ghnted montha ago, when -TaJ r_y." who ta dea --u.-i bj tl_- .dmlrlng »r«l M.U" boo> as "a Fleet-«t. awnah buchler .'who prcferi lo all foran Bngllsn conatllueno and nurst- bla effnaive patrtoU.-B on Rntftah ehop. .,luted hln, aa lhe Righl Uon. II Labouebere, ln ...tto und eovar-d Mm wllh aoiulng Irlsh buiier, m vl.l.h r-rliui Mt-dlewlcVa doaaH I- mlld und weuk. A Uaa_-_ eorrrapood-nl ta quot-d by tb.* papera as aatborB] Ihe reporl lhal the al .f ...- |enlal cynfc from any mlnlaterial l_l ,() -,,,.. per-onal objeellon ol tl'.- Q_e**ii. Wi-ll. well, I, I, i-.-ibl- that li.-r Majerty. who t- a mother a- w«l a- a ao«-r_lgn, maj haara tell tm.t occaaloiiiilly. i. "Truth," cynletam aomewhal weaken.- genlalltl and .-iitli'.iv awamped hiyalty. notuUj ln lhe ( hrlsi ana cartoott- r.-!.r.-i,tii._ tbe bflccaral «_indal, or ¦hoarlng tl.e HHr Api-renl braloartng clvUlly on Hebraw Onandara, trom whom lt waa Inaluiiatad he ,«..-lv._i benefl* Bul than. H miwi be rem-mber.,, that Ubouchef- haa ¦ partner wbo, on occasloas, could i." .i.,l"sl w.ili them- barml-aa pleasantH-a. Ih. vote. miphi hc tha v.,i.'- ol Henry, bal lh. hand- would ba pt"V"(i lo he lh« banda ot Hora. «, aud n Mi.-Ki ba :i h'v.h idght lo «ee "LabbJ N" " low BBindlng aghaa. al the Mcense of JorUna \onlea. MR ..l...'i. 1..M."- I'lMMMa When -ir Henry I*o_-o_hy ealled on *>tr. Olad ptona »t SMmrt Hender- houae. CBrtton (lardena, ,;,Hii,t him flrM* the Qneen'. comnmiid lhat h- siiiniW i':in an Admlnlatratlon, he con vevH a DCMce Btlpuhdlng thal Ut. Ubou oli.ro wi,. ti .1 t. be Bdmltted lo th- new tlov .rmaani. Ulud ¦-. therefore. f-«nd hlmaell n n -.ri-u- acrape; m he deemed lt to bo Indlapenanble u, v, ;-,,.- s- uii, tbe Badlaahi i. oBer a place ln tbe CaWut. t. l__*o:i..ieri'. ani be knew rery well thal II would i" ii .."«.-< tu.."--* .".'- beghmmi "r "". .,v. reglme lo Bnd blaaaeB oompeBed to exctode a gadti-al teader In coi_»a_-nce wttt ¦ eommand Irom il,. Q* ." heai thal Ub wchere nwa laqriored to get M,- i.i..,; tone ool "i .'i1- *i***tnMy by wrlllng ¦ hBlflr ... wy I he woukl aol Bocepl aay oHea whatearer, preferre. remaln aa IndepetMlenl member. -,. rartonalj foollrt propoaal waa, ol couraa, do* .. v ,.. (ormer member for Norlhampton, who, j.l ibabllity, v.'-ii!.i imve retaaed lo l*_n *. Oov .., , ,.,:,.,.-.,i of lhe wrech ol O-Mdatooa- former A-. tratlon, wllh ¦ few addltlonfl from lhe unaM ,,[ ti..- Prlme mnk-ter*. peraoual retalnerfl and , .- a (..I,],- i.ini't n- AaquBh. M ahoald be urderal ki MuM all the CnMnel aBPolntmemj bave bern aiiang .1 bg hTr. Orladfltone Mmaelf, w '¦< al cob wltat'.on wltb anybody ewepl sir Algerooo We* and An-oM -Morley; and lha preBmlnary arrangemeula whob bad been made al -ir Wlll am Vorn « Ihw inrt' erraCc tonfara.- were dlaregarded by tbe Prlme M!l ...r. «hu aoabbed Ihoae.ol hb coBeaguea who r.ti'.ir*. to pol f.t. thelr own rlewa, deeJarlog ttml I,.. w*a***\ ao i.ivi.e oa -u< u amttera. mu. Asuirrii'-- iri'nixniivi COXDEMNF.D. Mr. A-.i-.it -'aflPV iB-flaanl i- .-tr aglgflndn iv rsniy eot-dea ii-i and wrtalBli li noi Juatlfled bv bU Parlla- iieiitinv r-i-iitiititm. IBa BndlcaB objorl t.. blm porllJ berauaa he M * dUMngiilahed OxfeN man, to whlcli fa i Mr. O'ndaloae. parltaMlg lor Mm la itt:u...t->_. ».-.. _.i _.. .ii-t ..'. iu- grleadahlp wMh bw Heniy Jamea, *_-!«i amployed blm __r_-_rly a- ow ,,t Ua "flearth"; und aa dhar nanaa "f raaanlmafll la thal AaqalUa .-ii \4_ys r"fii*-"<l t *** hiinsHlf up wB* l.ii'tl'a! lotrlgnefl nnd ._ .uid h.-ivi- nt. taaBnga wiih tt..- B_aBgn_ma i.e l.rfl- Ibe gaagway. Mr. a»B*Um, aaoraoarai. ta por-onalry aapoflwlar. Ut- haa t--> ¦avflh Um alr <>f -up.-rii.i' l>. r- Ml*.. CiAl.'-TONF.'- VACATIOB PI4AX8. (.lad-toiii-. whfl haa ulnmad tt> Haaa_rd-_, wfll ihhIc- lhat iil.it- hla lii-iidgartt-rs uiiMl ha t.uii**- tO ti.n 11. nt Ihe .-nd "f October, hw tha aatuma Cabtnet. Mr. tHad ?ume ls t.. ga 11. lhe s.xuti <>i Fraflflfl b»a__Jd the >-uU nf Novt-i!il..-r. p-rsciiiilli eo___-ted hv the oMIglng Mimn K.ii'i.l nnd aMU be away t«'< montha, ao lhat it Ik qulle ..-rt: ln tl :it I .irlliiin. :it I- Hut Ifl B '. 1- fl I. tiruaiy. RTl v l N IV OMMAXO '. .¦'¦'.¦ QCEEN It Is a l'.n* tlme Mnea tl"- <>!¦"*** oi lhe Baaral ..rvlc hav.- BC-B -" BtBrtJ-d a- l<\ tha n.-«s <if th'* nrder ln (diiii'H i-mvldltiK for tli- i-t-nUoii Bf Chf talii l-.illerti.ii Ifl (-..iiini.-ind cf lh- Vk-flftfl .md Alhert, Bfln Mni: pi-oiii..t.*d ta th.* ranl af nat adanraL As far as I nm a-are. sti.h a IliltiK kflfl ***** ..¦ <'.>".' 1->for- and. in all pr_t*at*lllty. aa*m ***** be (h-ne apaln. The Queen, ns ls w.U B*****, B*\****** di-llkes part _C arlta old aervants, espt-daUy ln tbe cas. ot Ua roynl yachta, nnd Pnllerton hn. not only be*B oa ti,.- Vtctorta nnd aiim-m n- raptaln mr all bul elght yeara bal xxn- lenrlng ln her commander Ib 1875 xxii.ii tbe eiiill_Jofl uuii ihe MKtletoe took pb. .¦. x P1XE ick 01 wtl WXM ss To Bl "Ol.n. Kessra. Mnrrteta'a rrtebratefl _.,<¦_ .,f pare Soutb- flawn iheep, whlrh i- one .,f the flaeal in Uie world, and \xiii,), flnrlng ibe laal two x.-.-n- baa won .. large nnnit.er of prltea al lhe prlnelpal ihowa, la to be -..Id otr at Wadhoral PBrk on Thnraflay, Thta pedlgree Bock wa- g'ix tofrtber ln ]--'«, qutte regardleaa <.f e.xp.-ti-p. t,y jiiik lii.-llic the v.-ry t_--t ewei tlmt uimc IntO inark.-t. KU.MI M. YATES. AXOTBEB WB1TE 8P0T OX MAR.\ PftOFESSOR IIXI-I, BTUD1H. XV XI'IT x ;: x M .' 01 TBE N> I*. II! i'XU.I \'i DOfBt-E .NXI*. IVaabl Hgtoo, Aie. m (Sperlal...ol erratlOBi ol Man rontlnofl t, be made every rlear nlghl by lhe aalronomei at tta .n,iv;i1 Obaervatory In thla rlty, lh. Influatry "f Ptafeaaor Aaapb llnll In tMi dlreetlon being lenloual) emnbted by the other ofli. i.il- al thli laMtitutloii. wiii. rrference t> tbe reaalta "f hl' more i.iit obaervattotja Profe-ior HaU aalfl tafla. Umi tta evenlBg of Aagaat i.- xxn*. f.r IMa laiiimi-. nt.| the i.«*i for obaervatlonn durlng the pre enl opposition "f Mnrs. t*'" uir.io-pl.cii" rondltlon betafl i»m:. llcularl) fn\i.iuiili-. l ii a ahflrl llaie, xxhen neai th" meridlBQ, ii." Image ol Mara waa very gaed, am durlng an axaailBatlon of his rarface Ihroafh the gntii lelenrope tbere appeured ni ti>" north p«i." a xxidc. x.Mti- apot, -imilur ln i ii.-iru, Iar m lhe "ii" berelo i,r.- Men under lulnute examtuatloQ al tbe .-.,iith pole. ACcorfllng lo Profeaaor llall'a obaervaiiona, lhe xxiiit. -p t ni tbe Qorth pole of Mara la blntor aafl not weii fleflaed a- tta ,>ik- al Ita aoata pole, xet tlie oulliin- of tha fonii'i- _i*>t and It* xv 1.1 U- rolor w, r. di-ini'tly m-i-ii. i.n the evenlng of Aagaal lhe whlta Bp al the noriti pole wa- agaln fllatiaetly bbbb hy i'i..f.- ,,i liull, and il Iheli .,;,;. i-.-.l to b' bloud. und xxlilli imt BO ili-l,_,-t a- oli tta 1 Hh, -Ull "Iiilte noilr. able. At preaenl the Bew while -;>oi i- partly hiddeij pwlni to the poattton ol T.i" planet. Coatlnned .lo-e ob lerraUonH ,,f ti,;- whlte »po| al 11._ north pale x»iii Im- made, ln t!,c aaaie mwiner im.l f.n the aam. j"ii-|t .-¦_ xvMiti have governed Ita eBaaalBaUona oi iho \xtut.- -^oi at t'.'- aoutfa pole, Ita theory being lhal ir the ni-xxiy dlaeovered wblte apol i- anow, Influenced and niodltl .1 a- lhe otliei ,,i »outfa ap.' appran I. bo, \'nt!.aiii.n >-i flata retotlng to iii" bagth <>i Murtlau iia.x anfl other Importanl Biattera of^itere t a trvnomci. can be made, <ni tha evenlng ..f the 18th, Profeaaor Hall «;i. partli niiifix nilnute lu bii examinaUon* relative i" ti..- i____r_ of Hcldaparelll thal the aurface "f -M.«r- xxn- ii-,--.ii aud Reroamd xxith floable Iin>-- m ¦. ..uni-'' at pruitirally niathemutlcal <u laiii-e* and d.i.-. ii,.ii-. imt whlle if." atraospherlc rondlUoni wei. partlcularl] favornble, and _lngle Uaea won rerj xx.i. .-e.-n rn. double ii!n-- ...iiiii be ntade out. lu n aequence, therel. ..f ,-u.h favorable opportunlUea for seelng tl." double llne_, the i»'ll"f on tbe pari ol u lioiiomers, ,it Ihe Navul ob-ervutory lhat none bul Hlngie line- croMing the f.o.- "i Mara axUta, growi ali-onger. iu i-.-i.ul.iii ii. ib.- pnbltahed reporta thal he had -uld thal il,.- xx A, t.- -ji.i ai the nouOi pole >>f the plasei ln! ii,-, <liininl-ii",i ln -I/..-, I'i..;.- ..,i- Mall modeaily re murked thal he bud been mlsimderstood ..n thi- point, aa li.- had (miuently -md ii.it tha. poi bad fle trea*ed ln -r>- .1 good deal ulnce lt- ob-ervatloii* had l.-i-n i_-.un iii .iiiix*. ||. _aM further thal thi- _pol l- now aniHller and »harper ln ontlltie and h:,- laken tht appearanct lhal he bm lu 1S77 oi ;. dcpreaalot) ln th<- rentre ol il"- apot. II .-.- UIXXA BALE~& UABBIAGE. X1I-- M.nna ..a!.-, xx1.,, I.i- l.-.-n ireO-hnowm f .ome x'ir- a- the leadlng woman of x\f liooth and lurrett company, l- i, !..- narried i" Areblbolfl CubIi in.ui Hax-- nn 'l !ini--.!:iv evenlng, Septeniber B, al All --nl-' I'nltarlan Church. Mtaa (lale doea nol Iniend i,, leave tbe Htage, tlHiugh -.'..- wll] a, t for onlj three in. nl.i- thta -<-.,.-on. tilte xxlll be_.ll nt t!i" .-Iar r «aire on 'December BO, her engagenienl being tor tixi- WCekn, i.i.d xxill play II"- Ino-t "f UM l*U'1- ln M '.I-1, .he i- already famlllar. MI - Unle *a* pr .mlntxiri a* an nmulcir a- n -- l;i lirooMyn aeveral yitir* ago. Her hi I profewloual engagcmenl i.x ..i teven yeara «»:.. xxnn imnlel liandman, but n la-t.xi for ..ai.x :i r.-w \x.-.-ii-. .*!,. xx.i- lhen engaaed b] i.a-.x iv ,->¦ liarretl ns undeiaUidi for Mtaa Marie arigl.t, who au (-'"ii iii-- leadlng woman. Onlj .i io ; ne uttcr i. i Mi-- VValnwrlgbl and h-r hu.sdtM.nd l..... Jamc |ef( Mr. Iturretlk' compauf d Mlaa ..-I" hi <"" t r,\ ber pi».". She oootlnuial lo ih i uir,:, Mr. Borretl till he and Bflwln BooUi began Itelr portnentMg and lhen Bhe becajne the loudlng women ol t i,- company. Wben the two tntgedlam aepanted for a -.¦ »ou and Mr. i:.,'>iii made tour xxith Mme, Mojeaka, MI** «;:.i- agaln inpported Mr. Barrett anfl xx.i- ooce more I.;i<!1iik woman of lhe reunltofl bwAAi liarrett comlduallon th" a«tt tenaon, xvhich xxn- bronghl i«. .m eafl bx tlie deatb "f >ii. i.nir.Lt, whloh occured wlrtle t!.<- ompanv xxa- plai Ing at th" iin,.-id\xtiy Then tre, Hlnre ti. MI i. .n- pbiyed an a -i.,r. cblclly In .* ake-peurtan --ii.-nt '.( Tbeudore Bronley, \xi.o la t-. dlrect h.-r coming L-ui. Both Mr liooth and Mr. Itiuret. ii.'li greal Interexl ln MU4 Uule' atage rai and !... i..ii.|.-'l as an ;.' ij.. "l much |ir,.ml .-. UT. (TTTTXtj so; o:: ;iii: KTAOB tET Koberl i.. Cuttlng, Jr.. anfl hli wife, fonnerl. ki ,,-, the lage n Ml_. Mlnnle BeUgman, had a long ronferenee yesterday xviid A. C. Uunter, ti"- autbor -t th.- new i>i.,.\ .xiv Oflieial Wife." In vxiii.ii Mra. iiiiliii; i- to -i.n Ihla -"ii-<,u anfler the manaavmant ,,f |*. W. mi,_>t, ,i I'-'i-i to iii" partl. ui.tr- ol Um p'ny, Afler ii waa ox.-i. Mr, anfl Mi*. Cutting fl iMxxii. expertlng to be gone foi ^«-x.-.;.i flaya. II im* been reported lhal Mr. (*uttlng xxill iro on Ita atage, and :ii-" lhal Mr-. Cutting i- anilona tor bln to flo i». Mr. Cntlliig i'fii-.-l x.--i"ixi:ix lo any anythlng al ull on IMa Mibje. t. e.x'.-i't lhal bo arrwngemenl of the kind bad yet been made, i.n.l Mr. Kaaaer alau fleclarwl Mi.it Mr. ( iiiiinir xx,-.- under i." aorl "f engagement lo ael under hl* munagement. Mr, Cntllng i- one ..f lha beal known amatear aetora ofl the clty, nvl wpuM i*- xx, n mnlpped for a profcaaloiml career if he ahould ,-ln.ii. to enter nn one. rhe fa. ma> i"- ngwln r<- j.eated lhal her marrlage *.-. .11 make no »or1 ofdlffeiance xxiiii Mr-. Cuttlug'a profe_Mloual engagementa. .((.r..;;s axd bepobtbbb ro »'/,.ir ball, a j,.iiv Um" i- BBtinpatefl al ike i'->i>> Gtrounfla ob I'iiiI ix, A:i_n-1 2», xxhen tli<- BBBBal baaekall icauie between tta reporten :u.<i aatara all b.- played. Tbe membera of the Aetora' Athlette A--.eiiut.in nre worklng harfl BBake tta flaaw ¦ liv.-iv ane. Tlj-ir team xxin he BaMa np "f a__B-knowB ramefllBiui, dre -"d ln fa... Iful (-.^ttiiiKT.-. BBfl Ui" (.au." wlll |,i-,l,al,!y rlxal lhal of »xx.. y. ars nu'o. Al th" prettv aetr.- ln town are Intereatefl In ihe gama .md ara ,.\ji-it>-.i t'< atteafl. Beveial xvill offer haaflaoroe prltea t<> b" eompetofl far. mi-4 I»"lla K..x xnii i.i-,--.-iit b i u.i _»M mateh-boi io tiw player tn.-ikin. the uii'-t run-, and Mlaa Anna o'Ke.-I" xxill presenl .. palr ol Uorham lUver braabea to tke fortunata plarcr maklng lhe moal MU. Tta gama will be .Uirr.-d at 8 30 p. Bl. (_9_ CABIXTI OTTICBBB BETtJBB TO WABBiVGTOX. ffa-Maflloa, ABg. --.- lecietary Ckarlea Foater, having returned to Waahlngl m trom hl- vtail to <>hi... re-umed hla .luri- M Ita Traaaary DepartflMBt t"d.,\. Attornej General Mlller li;.- relnrpefl t-. Washlngtoo iron hi* born* '" lafllaoa anfl rtflamfld »^ flalla nt tii.- lieparlmenl ol Ju-tl.e. KOTES OT THE STAQE. "Tha r.ivnt-.- Reere-ary" win i"-»in a mtok't engage- aumt ut the Btanflatd Thealra aa Monfla. ex alng, Aagua .9, Pollowlag -'- ti"- iiani,- ot th.- i.i.ie in th- eaat! I.I..,,. -r,;,x-!-. XXI!:li.,l, I-'ii! I...n'l-. XV. .1. < ,,ll-tllllti"c. F.vclyn Evana, Thonaa DavM, Thonau WtJbtt u<a mi-,, .im,.- nrafton. '.¦' v Tajrtar. Al!'" aVUBrelBfl. aafl HeUla Whltlng. pa xv.if Hopper haa extaaged an Inx.latloe throuah .,,,. agenta al tha laaaaa u.'<i lateraatlaaal BleaBMhlp Ooaa- ,,',.,-" .., Capula WalBJaa anfl athei afltrera .,f u.r citr ,,f I'.iri*. t.. »!."<.*- a B-ifaiiaauca "t "Waata" al lha Broadway Thaatte. Xha tovtiatlaa ii»- bara aceeptad br ,.,,i,... an.l (he dala ef lhal* vlall wUU be arrangad *.(__... iha .. ,,ai ,,{ iha --_.il,-Mp la-manow, Mr. loppei x.-s paaaengrr ea Ihe trlp fnaa Europe KeeaUy, la which toa Cltv of Parli broka all prevlaoa reearfla, and h. t*_.- thli arca lon lo *'">» bta appHaiattoa t.. tr..- galleat esmamaflei and bi* brother ofltaeia Iar Ihe Baay -.,jii- *i"« axtaafl-fl U, hlm ".. ll" xnxu-.- .-I,,, xx tut- sijiijiiroir' ha- b--i. bawgal i.x Nr. PearMO, xxin. waa alreafly Ita B-inapr, -nd th.- oiuy u a ,.. rewrittea by aagaataa Thaaaaa. ! prolMataaal Baatoa* al "i"-v "1" a-ni ba glvea _. ti.e BBaaflaid »flB«ra X-aiaflay. * aaw '¦'" -**** ,*i'"J ". KlJ" ** i1'*""'"*1 ror th- nr-r tla " thi- ",v Jt "'" CaNmbaa Tt,.'_t.e taal Blght. _m_ ...v-rr. -rr/'J'.v.".- DitiFFBlBAXCB. _Va-_n,_.oi.. A... _.*-». Krederl.k H. WlaeB, the .Mflal ageol afl tha Ki.-venti. Cenaaa, ba- natalned ab.-HW bl.'xx ln lhe 1.affltoaktoelBBB. Th.-you.,_ Iu;(M. w(U(,-j,,-1.w,n.y.',,"X,i,,.-.'lHpe and xx.,', ,,,,.,. |- .rthur lr.-d,-.l.h W-MB, Ifl one ,,f tl,e Mflhta Hm) ,.| promi-in. BKaabeea of Ika J.u.ior etaaa al -,., ,',!lxer.,ry. lll- falh-r biough. hln, xxltl, hl... fn.n, hl- home in Sprlnnti.-M. UL, to W.^htofl.oa . ,,,,.,¦ m-re HM a weea ago. for the heneflt afl Mfl 'eal.l.. W..UU had U,n Unpalred b, u*A .tufly. 11a dUappeared wRhont ootlce from 133 <. -N- ** laal Thuraday mornlng, Immefliately afti-r break- fa.t. The pollee have been ;'r' '' for blm, but no Irace ol hla movemt '" " it;-.'..v-!.-(i. ii i- i,.-ii.\.-ii thal he bad no Intentlon lo pn away, idnce be look nothlng with blm and lefl no letter; bal tbat he wa. overtaken by a udda-a iit of (i.-pDiid.-ii.'.v, and tha! be haa elther rommllt-d Miiriii.* ih ____ri.ii.- ln leareh al worh la lhe eountry. lor ...'.!«ti he i- not phyalcally able m,r Btted by bl pre \i,,n- lll-. lll- prlnetple and baWta are eacetlent. 1,1- man nen gentle, m- natare reflned, hlrl.ly --ti-i tlve mid reaerved. II- Imd only :t few dnllnra with blm. It i- not knoarn wh.ther there wai anythlng .-ii hl« peraoo by whlrh t>> IdenUfy blm. ,1f/7. BEW8 STaY AT CKDARVlllE. ni- [XJ-RED HWli IMPHOVIIS " START I >B M W-TORK '!¦' l*AV. OedanrHle, OMo, Ang. 22. Whllelow i:-<l haa been I apendlng the llma qnb-tlj with bla mother al th* ..id bomfl-tead idnee Ihe ra-eepilon tendered Mm on gatniday. Mr. ReM _'i*i hla _1I8 attendid lhe >"'v^ bylerian Chnrch al tbla place i-mnday mornlng. and ocrupied tlh pew la whlrh the father «,f Mr. ReM. :>" eMer ol the ehurch, u-.l to _I1 «lt!. hl- lini- (amlly. After thfl -'-I'v."- «.-ic over md Mr. BeM un* movlng towiuM tba door Ui- memben "' lhe -uiign-gatloii eroaaded areund Mm, aml he ahooh eoch one .* hl- old aeqaalatancfli by tba haad pbmaanl memorle« arere revlved. bunday aflernoon Mr. R-M '!. iu ibe aorlety of b* a '.-<i mothar, whuse ctear ln- tellect l- niive to hIi lhal I, g-ing on, and *.'¦.¦<> nppro r-Btea keenly the luhsreal lu ani Mndl) dauionetrBtlon of cst-Hin nriiiif.-t. toward her >. a. To-day Mr. BeM waa leeUng i-fieabr*, ITom lh Mtlgoe .f lu -t waaah. Irlp allh lu- IntenM heat. Hka injiuvd hand i- kna palnfol and gradaall) Improvlng. Priday and Batnrday he auffrred .ou Mrmblyi bat dM noi parmB hi- ntiti. ti.ti lo lalerfen wllh anj ol lhe amuig-menti for hh entertalnmeat. Thera met* aome rallera «t the hoi.lead flnrlng tli- day, bm tha waa li!iili-*d neighbor. ln tii»* rldnltj of 4*olarvllU! Htui Xenta. Ft. aml Mra. Held will Man lo-rn eveahig f>r New-York by tb- Penn<Tlvanl« Ui due lu thal rltj :.' 4 o'eloek Wedu. dai aflenioni*. riiey arlll dln. _'. noon aith J'.d a K H Boi¦-¦ Xrlilu, .-it.,1 "lll lake -ui>i» r befal- leaVll thfll P_l aith Mra. B. K. Kini.'.. -> .1//.'. QLADBTOXE'8 VlBtT TO 08BOEXE. COROIAT.I.Y BECEIVEB |iv TI1F Ql. E_ Wii Ttll i.i lll.ll Ml MBRRB OF TIIE ROV \i. \Mil.Y. 1 don, Atih-. 22. A-i iiui'i-'i-ity who la tboronghl) f..n ;. ,ir wllh everylhlng thal go*'* v ¦¦ "irt ,in" Mated ln relatlon ... lhe many repflrM ln rirr_lotl__ regardlng Mr. f_ad_1 ne'a *UU Ihe Qfl tfla .»*_ ue..-1-t_.¦ ofllre, lhal there wn nothlng h_w thal ,,. i.i,, ,| '..,! ma* ti llioro.i :l 1\ I-T-. n gml. i,, ibe Queen and lhe other membera of lha royal famlly preaeni il __borne llow-. ,l'1 U.e evenlng ol tbe (ho- uf Mi rl Mr. Olad ' two houia .-..-,¦., ihe ti-rrace with lh. l'rl Wai s. HM Intervtew arlth Her Mfljeet. wa - p rlafly roedlal, a-.-i tbe Queen ln no «:i.- nhoared tbe dl-llke tr blm arhloh l- ronunoiil. attrlbnted to her. When Oir. Utadatoiie reji ie >men ln lhe dra - rn tn h- waa In hlgh aptrlU, and waia tbe Hfe 4 .' mver atl m._ BEIJETEt IT rnr RHSTI T OF l COXRPIBU I. Mr. Byle, pt n< Ipal ol U ¦. Kyle Inafltnb I.. 1, ln.pe.kl_a "f tJ,- troi.ble in hl. -rhool oa Bo aftemoon i_->. told » Trlbuna repor.-r u-t evei.lna ii lh« boy 44 im »«- - ii ¦¦ i '" 'I -'' I di !<¦ i".' ov. i, . |, u-,,- ,-f j'. ii- ¦¦ :¦.-> _._., '¦¦¦-'¦ .''. "f . ba r. -1... .i bi <i u, it m - Kyi. wamed blm loafl llu,-.lt wt,,,. punUhl.ig the ho.. In-t-.t ol fktitt **** ' ,,,. i-l m Kyl. -,'¦¦ that tn - aflali wa* the i r of i .,,,-r .. v oa the parl 11 t*w boy* I ,-'-.¦ t- ti.e i.-' opportanlty. " THF A'/'V .'/'« Ai' ( 01 "'¦ '"'- '' M Re. Bankta laade i..- i .pp .( ''¦" 9e* Y.,r. j. i.l d bt, »t tli- .i ,-r, llx.tlon by .-]..¦ R. id I bl* no I .ml." 1 o be :,.,. irhl.h )-.,- ', ;, .,,:. I- BOI altol lh< t: '-.¦ (,,.'.': i.,-.. |a< .nn....,. .,ir- with ano( * ln thi io.il | . Mr. Ban ..- klndiy l>a ' *'"**" bave waarhed bha --,--. int -.- u* mt him agaln tu- ».'.. «___. '¦, feel thet " «*:¦ .¦- ue* -tlii h- are] baatow u ver 1 r flerl k Bl aod l:--i-n Fl_hei I I rl,- perfom j- of I pail A ptAtiSAXT TttlP rn <R<-,-..,.,- apwrxn*. a party 11 n-.«--..!. . r. ¦< ''¦¦'¦ * ''¦ rearbed lh" cltr 3 '.¦:.- mll '! ll.lt waa l ¦.'' ni tbe l.ivli-4 r ¦..:¦*.. . ¦ ' ar- penter, ot tl . ¦¦ '..'¦ ... ;.|l J.¦;-. v .14 4' -i I iy With -..-k,i-. andei lhe .* Hent ib-pherd '*. . v- I.-ii jr j- ..-..-.' I A I.i, '¦¦ .-¦ Penn.ylvanla, happen-. lag a . --, md i- "i " . "¦. *»_.> vofed tb. '- p ., I. j. | m lh. parl i- i. Rjdflli >t Mr Md Mn H -i'i, Hiiit. aiti*. I- I' -.'--i a»d Mla. ree - M, .:,,! Mi btl D I' :.'.' M Mr* S. s Ptatt, Ml -"I Mr. Willlam W, [.yon, w--t-., a M b .rn.- II. 1 BnrtUi, Ryan ai j. m. ii. ri -.. i KTBhB lililAWs tvii.l' IX I .'. i'.l \.'l v. K4r.- I'.-i-e... iu,,, 44.ut, yaehUng i_> aooa .. i," landed r, ... of Ch -ui. "'.I. i. _i..<u*i.t i,i". fi'-'i. *-J.,;*ii-I i, Batarday, retnraed yeeeniey and "i.* wady t" ** ii.,,ni-.- u.ut I- bad ii .'i- -i. ..,--_. ii..¦!,. Ui appeai BBdei I,,.. . .,,, ,...,¦,--,! ..r .|..hl. -I..-.;,. ..t li. -I- ni. II- Wlll IL,t r.-'nrii t.i !.:.1-4.1 u- t tu^ l«-. ii i-|.. ri--.| lhat .-¦ »..- iiK-;4 0. ii ai.,i bl. - j--ii 4. ii-i prebaMy ..,,, la B-»__i -iu.ii _. r » w..o. Mr. Bellea* a»y< n*t be ba. tw. i,'ji- bath i-'-'i .' ¦ :>. '-*. ____«, ..i.-j ¦'" I ii "-1, ..riiflu. " . -I tt.-ii. by Kiii.i /-"i4. iml bay.i th - b* .- n t 4.-1 I-,-i.lv I/. ilV. ul,r ¦,._:! . i '.. ll--ii. Mr. Btetaon la la temmunleaUan wllh Mm. Jeaie. iiro^i. i- .. |,.| m Bellea rapreaam Bae .»i_- lhal -ti" will I,-- niti'i ,1 la iml- le am'-:. » uini j-ui Ihe rompany wt,i-i> bl. m__.(.r I- forii.ui. ii:- paitn¦ r-blp wltb ber whlrh i>- peii »t ih- eu_ -f ti-i. etrnm bm, 'md.-i tb. awaafl. ,:. ,,f Renry r.. Abbey, e8pl*ad .>:> ten* it, whlte ti..-i ..- .- j.lat li, v Mt. Bell.W_ "tl-n, ui,. l.._i.il-r' la l.ou- 9o*. ThU play vi*- :¦"' » aaeee«a. _-. Btdeed, few UtBifl. in i..iiii'iii bave bean r..r ibe u_t aeaaon. Klne_ n>* >> Mi i>...-rt im- been playlna ji "Tiir Ugata >.r Uom." *' Um ad..'i.i.i lii'-ii. and i-ft lt, 4- h. *aya, ou -.-.. h-avi.. to ,,, .. her.. ii-- doea noi loak nu- alrb n-an and In :.,. rppeara rxacUy lha Buw a. whoa he wa. ltt\ ***** bar_ .1 B4.j_g0i0 to uotrxt rmtxox. fhRadrlphla Anc '_-.- 11 ts anaowaced thal bha i'eimsvi4..i,i;4 Balliiaid iu .1 f-»' __)> wfll hegln lhe ,..,i,i;ni.-i.«'i <-f tli- ArBnghM Unun-h i.f tli- Waa* itiKtou imd ttmtheni it__ii-*__«_. *dx miii-s lonc, rannrna from \v..-iiintii.il t,, Rn<-i4, i.\ araa <>i tha BaMonal oin-t.'i-T nt Ail'uirt.iii. Snnrflffl have -im be-u rorn pleted f i' another braaoh trom w.i ibtngtuu t-> Mounl Vernon, whloh «ni tooa be bullt. .hlll i/i'MV .41 7_i: sT.iu TUEATBB T>,<- _-_>r Tii--i<< ¦- f.-is . fu'l «,t geopla i---. Blgb! lhal Iher. was .,- UUla dlaea__an fr,.iu tka krat, bat th. M4lrt,re, a-paehrily tbe flgp-i i«rt .,f it. gave -ildeac. .t aajaylng aa 11 i.i- flav M Ihe eeaareaUeaal ***% ***** by . goaipany >*t _i_____8-_la iMBty. It M ,»11"'1 "Kiii»ri,.'T-:' .'"1 w;l* wri"'" bj (ou T. Marphy, MIm Batl. l.i'ii,. 't. who p'ayed lhe I. idlng part in lt. aalU mel U'e e«p*lfltlan. ot Um ipeetato.*, wh h, pl .. i,i,iv. had ii". beea ralMd ii.j.uu, i.m-iv blrh. Ther. ".- u greal fleal "' .*."' *'"* ""' "¦""' ** " *** "'" ** " '' Tl,.i.|.,ii4 lu,!'i,|.-l I'lii/.-r ('..ull.-r. H.rrj brlghlon, Rebert MeKalr, .g. C. gwatfare, Hubert Haeketl Thaddeu. Bbla., _____ T. Taaky, i.t.n.. Ma*M_g_l. jaaM. i.u-""''i.. MI*. Oraea Tbarne, Mlaa AaaM Balaaa MIM EUm n.-.J-4..I. ui.ti K«i- B-Woetl .,,. KVICPBB 09 as n nn;. HoH-ftoB, Ua**., a.ik. .-"_ (Speclal). W. s. DahoB, a weB-known aclor, fonnerly <>f Pranri. WUa_n*a com pany, eommltted aulctde t.-/ laklng pohmn ti.i- atter poon. lle mh- apendlng the aummer l-r-. t»:t 1...II 4,||] i,.- remembered for lil. Imper-onatbwi ol Bavennea tn .. r.rriilu!-." H- bad been rehearalng 11 r..l- In i rui-li.-iuiii'' and --tii- if l>i.i> at the Tn-monl Thentr. in lioalon, ln Hanllne Ball'a companj nexl weeB. HIi iiiuiiv- in uiMii, bi* flwa Uf- i- ;i myatery. IX IXTBXXATtOXAt, 00U9JASBCVLt. 9ACE. Roebeattr, B. V.. A,,e. '."_'.-It. ka. I-". dednltrly de. ,.,i,i thal 'h- la.rwall-n.l daable aeall iae« between Han ;.., :ii,,i .ri,,um.r u.tl 11._ 11.n .nd Qaadaur wlll '¦'- P yt unt_r.i ______ 11"' «__- l< ti*-*'- _. .s-i't-ml" r I llulil 1, .Ull 0'(.'41IIOI »1- .<\|.-.t-l| t., J1TI4.- li-I 1.4 W- -ii.-'!:.'" 3"<1 -'> ** ''I'l'lnr Th. ri-- Wlll I..'.'' ¦' ,,,..;. ,,..-- ti,- K-art-M af a 111- m i-,,..i.. wllh uin->- tnru-. Thla will keep Mm aaraaam la vlea r lh. -;< ut,.,-. Maaagflr B_hto--B, ,-f Ua Oata ¦- Beaeh l-i-.. iii-iii CMapaay, '._* »iiru-i teatraea. with lha ******** * tt^. mnmta. Th. nt* wlll b. aader lhe aa-pleee '-r ti,.- Boi h* '¦' v ' '"''' .-_»-_. H/l.ir TIN _V8_B__MrT II ootxo I.iMiii I.-il.e, B. Y, Anc. 22.- Pl*_4d>Ol Hflntfl-fl stiirt-d away aaHy this aaanili-g nn ¦ bnntlng trii>. Ha aia^ aeawapaaled hy llaal.aaul PB_ker, nnd na m«nt g-_lU flfltad u gaMe. Mra. Ha-riBOB aaanl ni«,st of tlie dav l.ei-xovw the e..tt_i»re aml lha HarrHmi rmnp nn the liihe -hore. AtM.nt Thur'Iny the I*re_- aeui will vi n M.loue. where be wiii .-j_. IN THE POLITICAL FIELD. DON M, DICKINSON »0_ TO BE SHELVED. HE xvn.t, N'.r xu.nv xv. xvinr.M'V TO BT.XO HIM :n x.. Bl i xv.i.i. nxmi: x _r «. ..; :- wi. BTAY HERE H1M81 _JT. Doa m. Dicklaaon, >.f Mi.i.u-.n. wko la Chatnaaa nt ti,.- . .mi-....- immiaee ol the Demoeratlc lattonal ommltte Cbalrman <>f tl..- commtttee to have .-imrg.- ,,[ n.- Chlcago boreau and ii" tateat man whom Wlll- i_:n c. Whltnej ba« irltU to gil »'->t ol tka way, waa -,,i-.-lv troubled x, [erday. iu- feH badly beeauae I." reallxed tbal i.i- ronfldeni had been mlaplaced aad -hut hi- dlfrnlty a* Chairman of ih- t'ampalfla '"!n mlttee bad been nrlhleaaly easalled. I'bUI he reod ir in -Tl," Trtbune* yeaterday mornlng Mr. Dtrkla- -,., «id nol .. tl ¦' M- election a- Dhalrman ..f n.. t.mlttee to ehaae th.- Sorthweatera ralnbown __- Intendefl i- ..: bl.al "i lew York uud to n plai .- wbere be w.n'_ n,.t <!" murh mlachlel If l.e tried. IVK'.nalll Mr. Dlcklnaoo baa teB that be xx ,.- n rerring ¦ ravor apoa th" Demoeratle Sflttonal Com t.- ui.,- i;. acorptefl ii." place "f Chalrawn ..f Iba Campaign Comml tee. IVaa l.e i»-t th" only l> ". ral -i .,:,x piominenre who woald lake tba pi.'-' Xn .. -i uf Diuiii i:. lllll xxoii.i take i' and iiroverCleve¬ land and WIMaa < Whitney di..i xv.nr .-:ii"'r aa Mayor Ul'.liiun B. Oraee or Charkfl fl. FBlrcbtld. tl.e ini.-r- iu iii- "antl ii'i".''' "' .x-'n"ii' '.> be WctO. ii,,1 -.xi"i ti,.- management vf tka rampatgn. Mr. ii., i-i-.n sliowed mon after bt election u. tim beud of rt,- Campaign OommKtae thal bta eyea were away trom il..- ki xxii.c- Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Whitney aanl ti make tke Igfct, anfl tbal he waa looking toward tbe :>. ri.n. t.-in Btatea *> tbe place \x iie.o Democratie majorlftaa aroalfl be aecared. Mr. Whlt- n,-v -i.xx iiiiit Mr. Btohln-on woald be ln Wa way a greal d.-iil und BO th.- BCfceflM »f puttlog hlm lu Clllcagu Wllh IWB -l.ix-xx'l p-lili. l.ui I> WatfB him aaa determlaad apoa. Mr. incuiu-"!! fleclflefl yeaterflay thal ha xn-iid nol _nim.Nute Mr. Whitney aafl go Wa t, bnl be wouM rlghl bere In New-Yortl wlth !-¦. l>'".alli :..,u nnl Commlttee ln aplto "f anythlng that Mr. kVhltiiej mi, i.i <i" i> tttt alm -."t "l lhe xxux. lf Ull) ,,<llt 1- lo .'"li" r...... th- m.n i_"in.:it "»f thi- rampalgn be mean* to bave hl- abare "f lt. »'. ,i,h-- t,.-i intenfl lhal Wlllam «'. Wbltaej .m.i Thmmany iiiii ii.i'.i abaorb u nil- Mr. Dlcklnaoo now Intenda appo ii' a ui- il. 10 i'i.- hl- I'I"'-' I" "'" Weat. ln comlng i" thta ."in lu-ii'ii h" ini.-i hav.- Baldered the (ari thal be wa- not the flral De-aocral who -<. rurefl .-¦ mbatltute to take kta pl* aftor he had di ,:i..f |o pertorm a reruln duty. Mr. IM. klnaon burrlefl to the llolfman lloaae reaterflay Immedlately after be learned why II waa thal in hta abaeoee the rampnlm commlttee votcd nnanlmonaly r.. nend hlm IVc.t, aid h.i.l a long con altatlon xxith Adlal f. -:.-..;.-.,, ii,- DemocraU. candldate for 1'lce-lTe.l ,i nt. iie had ii long lalk «iin Mr. Merenaon and r-.1-1 hlm all '.r hl- tmublea. lt ta laid lhal Mr. -i..\..i, ¦.r. -x inn i'Iii/.-.i xvuii hlm, bikI .li-..!--.-l lhe nume "f Uie .uballtute who la to take Mr. Dlrklnaon' )._.,,. in chlcairo. it u hlghly probable thal oiir i.f the Kwlng i-..11.¦ -i. ,,f liloomlngton, xvill be nnmed. I'hvj woud I..- hltihl) -iti fi. ."!'. t'< Ih.IU Mr. Bteven- i.n and » i,;,i,m.ui i»i' "li' n, WJIV MONTANA WIl/I, VOTE FOB IIARRISOX. .1 \ ITOB * ___DE___ BHOWfl xxn xt THE HEMOt I:xt "I Mi: -TX'll IIINK 0PC_.EVEI.A2CD. I'Blted Statea Senator Kandera, of Montana, calle.1 it ihe Bepublican Natlonal beadqnartera yeaterdaj afternoon nnd :ei h long 'imt wlth Chairman Cartor. v-. !.. |.-fi ihe iiiuliiuiiii Senator Kwnflera _M to a rt porter: Mr. cleveland, when he wai Prealdent, xxn-. -.. mi, ,i .,, ., di ii,t in-, i_ lhal .¦!. !¦. lo. ni «. tha N.rihxv. .-, anfl of greol ronseqnence to tbe amterlal i-'iix ,,f Muutuna thal he beeame very unlwpolar. ii bown i,x ibe popularlty whieh ir- delegate In achieved bj a -i*-,-. ii whieh be __afla Bt lhe ,.f (he I.it. i',,n-T"--. whereln he aatlrlied Ihe l..-iii..:;,.!.. Admlnl irullon for Ita abortromlngi xxlti. ,. tbc in itertal lnlere»t_ ol tta Weat Hli ;.- r li, wlfleh -..un-i.-'i llka i ItepnbUcan oiia, wa» Mi um Demo. mia \xir)i enthaalaam 'r'laxx.i- ihoarn al » Conventlon bv fllootana .- hei volea foi lu.le_ for Brealdent, xxn,. wai unknown In Montana, and wlthoul standln^ than tlint ta wua the lub wlth xx h ;,;_. ,i urover li \.-i.in mlg tbe kllled. ,-eland \xn- oomlnated, to ahow their fBrthei h io hlm, th.' x...- ..f Montana waa ...-t for Cockran tor Vlce-Prealdent, \x-r.o \x.i- inellglblr for ta reasona, but thli xxn- neverthele_* tha beat rt -! ,,' «howlng ihelr hoatllit) fo Cirottt ci.-ve land, ind the) voted h-r Mm. ofeoBiaa, avery Damo .,, who la a bllnd partj man artll » .'.'¦ tbe DemocraU. ,, /\ ,.,.. '.,-.. i> ai Mi ¦'. vcl ind auto him >\ ,. -ii. bnl then- i- a targe number .'f ju*t mlnded U.-tu" Montana xx', kn..w >>f Ita ho-tlln. «.f Mr i.-..-:,i..i ... ita We»t, whl.li ln i--!» waa «upplanted (rlendnnc ot Mr. Ilarrtaoii and 1,1- Adinlnh. ,|_ frll lld !'.. l"-U -ll.'XXtl ll. ll ,; oa) ¦. and tta refore l am r.,ni!<l"iii lhal . wlll vote for' llariiaon." ? -ii .IMI.V M. DBPEW CLI'BI IN BBOOKCYM ,. channcej M Bepew Ciub ol the F-ortet .,r lirookljm held an enthnalaiitlc meetlng ln ... ¦ I'nlou av- aad Drlgg- H the pmfldeul nt lhe lub, <>< n jj.-d the 'inr. ici r.itii.w ". Ilanlon rerorfled the din| -. new n..ii,--- '¦. ..¦.. add.d > the i,,!'. aud .i nurotar .,f new propoalUo** recelved .."J .i t., lhe propei commtttee, n.-f.-i*. the in.'.-t Ing udJou ned everal Intreatlng adflrea ea arere mad. ai ,i -. "ix..i xx ith imi-1. apphwine. The regalar meeUng of the < haoocay M. i«-i>-xx I'.iui, of th" Sevenl.1k Ward "f BrooklyB xxj. h_d |.i-t ttbjibt Bl K.xx.i-t. aud Me.-kei.lve. Pranh K.-iian WM ,n the .J-flr Blld AtXgXX* S.nilenniin hBpl i'i,. p-.,-,i Afi. r the u-iuii nmUne ..r bu-ine--- had loe., iran-ttrted, nlno new i..- were i>'a .-1 un lhe ,.,ll inaklug a total "f TT. (Xharloa Morton made tm i-xt-elleiil adii----. A x,,r- .-I iti,n*- xxn* tendered xt,. Morton n "i the meetlng B-Janraefl. \ OBOWIXU TOIUtVIL-H MMinZATIOM. ii,,,. ,f ti,.- tanner n-|ui'.Ji.*ri flrprtntloaa <>f upper Bt* Vork, 'i"- Jaaiea ... BWaa lab ol Vorkillla, wiu moq flauBl a Baad . bbb banner ln lha f*" of lhe Vorkxllle Demoarary. Aboul ..-|,r. iu!ht '.-'.. the elub wlll place Ha rutora acroaa kbfl K_i-i<rn IKmlerard, aod tha loyal BepobBeaaa of the nei. iilr.r ni; fltotHek xxin be Invtted to \">--t M rm erithu_ia<rtio in.-- me_fllttg. ai the Baaetlng »f lk« «-1nh l.-t n gta, al N". i '>-* av'-iiu.' A. B30 xxa.* mhaerlbefl lo tta banner fBnd. Rl hard M. IttlUa, wta pre . d.-d. __b4e «n »raeal aflflnwa hm.i JBbmb f. Davta, the acrrtary, ipcflte of Ike general naeda ..f the elub. Iw.-nlx "ii" ii'-xx nn "ul.. r- \x.-r- Bfltfed I" HM i*'1I- Aaaoeg thoae preaml wera J. B. Ikaea, i'i-rie- M_x<.-, Oeorge .i l.irl-, J-flaa Oompert, Adam Balph, K. Kata, .'. M'M.n iv,v, .1..I111 Bergea, Jamni Oonaan, ._-ii.'st Bolaodl, (lirl XV.rn.-r, ll. nja'nlu (lii.-ll.-f. 1. Aaher <;. V. A. Mend, H. B. Collenbara, M. C.mnall. Hphralm. BronwrtE. O. B. Deacou, Jobn Pardee, Mon Kleln .lo'ii Rori, Jullna (Iraber, I'h Ilip Si'linmn-ker -, Flfe. Altart Sielson, Rlword Pfelfer ui fl ('..! mi*. Th .lub h '1.1 ni" tluit- evcrx Woiidsy - ^_- A Bld IM'HK.XSI I.N IT* MEMBMWniP. Tli- kaaaa-wanataa of the alexanflcr B, K-.n- i..-r flaao ,. n. u!.!,i, »,. beM taal alghl Bl tta i- iflqaartara -' Hn ji) \i!.ii-t waa u Mg txttems arraaaemeata »-i" tini«_.-d r.r piittin- ap - i«rv,- ti mapareo. y ta rraafl of th. bnlMtng wlthla lha aert two weeka. Cam_alflB, aBaeaUi iiri ii,,,!-.- ,-,-um,itr,.. were app tolefl, n- x4..« alaa ;> reo n,iti -. tn i.--i.t allene In grtting th lf aaturallraUon papen ,,,, ... |, ..r-i .. -. m kow r.i xi.r.- anfler th«- n---* rtem, Tha upeeahea, alilch were gf . bigh arfler .f:«_erlt. werr ,; || ,i by lt. M. Coha, Loota frefcH, Ataaaafler 8 Kallacher ..'"i ii"nrx- Blaaxe. Th* BianMiB "t lhe pt Um -Tatl oal «...!i.l-.f. - - -I to el«ti__y lha andlenee. Tba nu'i," .>f wti'ii.ii. McKinley atafl utt wlfl_ apraarlaaa appiauee wben it araa aienlleoefl. Th- clab mll .-..ntiui- ti'- aamea af avei !.', ii--n,i.-r- aafl iin.y aaw a_ra weta atw t-1 taat fllght Th>- rlub i- ¦I prlnrlpally ,,f youot ¦"." "r r,.,.-i.-.¦ i.irth. aafl their .-!,';,....M-,ii tafl eaafldeaa*. ta lhe election "f lhe Rnpubllran rinfllflaira i- BBhaaaflfflL Tka ofltceai aie i- - ..1 l.n.n.rT. preeid^nt; t\t*U IMflell, Bral rtce- prralfleni iootpk llarrta lecond rlce-grealdenl l*i.i r- 1-ni-i ..-¦ -ni- l-.ui.iii Draahln, lieaaawr, _n*» Ki'-hard i.;i.r. tareeaBl iImm. Taa elabiaaaia »r.> aaaa avery .u.i ail ara im,r..l t., \i-ir. ri, m. goroiBBK DBMOCBATB POBM A ( 1.1TB. TSaBoatketfl Demorrati Ib u.i- .ity hava BrganUefl iii.-ti,-.-iv"- int., n eaaaalgn iflab to wori h>r < ;.-v land aad .*i"x.n-'.n. Th.-ir leadein saaer! thal ttare ar« B04M0 Botrthern Dem3crata In the dtj xxi.rer re they rame t.» the Sorth, hava beaa -> fltagBdefl xvitii ihelr party here aa ruled bx TWmtnanv that thei have -i.-iidra-tiy ivfu-.-d .,. v,.ie or "ven to regtater. A few of khem -Mdd.niv rea_l_lng tfcal th.-ir party rannol afford to leBve the amalleai -t .ue aataraed thi- our hli apoa the acheme ,.f trylng to aotioa Into the foM ->m" i.f the 50,000 r-.'-.inl- Accorfllngl) ¦hoal i".' f ibe bbwi born below Maaon .x Dlxoa'_ ni'-r nt, the Beform Clab bul alghl lo or__BBlaB. Colonel *.-.inue! ir. I'a il. piaalflfd, aafl lhe oflkera n- inlmanaly atoctofl tor lhe new orgaalaation warw: c ,i mei wini.im i'. rimmbpraa, preiKaal. Qaptaki ¦flwarfl Owaa, Mcretory; and TfcOBMu a. Vaaaft tr.n-iir.-i-. '11. *r.' WBB BlBO B Bal "f -.ventT -flVfl rtro-praatfleata. Ab Exeentlva Co___aHtae of taraaty xxn etaaaa. lak-eoaimltteea <"i flnance* aafl hrafl UBarlCflB **ili l»- ap^.ltited, and IkB n.-.xv i-luh x»-lll lax- Ir- n-k'Ular BMBttBg pla.e lu tta vlclnlty of MidKin S<iuare. Auions Uio-e pic-cni xxere: C. C. Baldxvln. Dr. Ronrtfl Oreen, i>r. .1. ii. ftokar, n. R. __*_-_. ¦*.>» A. l'rvi.r, J. II. WUktBSOn, Jr, \Y. 9, 0W8Bfl, Pi Tl -lalflai i. B. Ohney, lu-. a. T. Harrlaoa, J. llaatlMna Iin.tr. uoward f-i_mi_.T-. T. o. Youna. ll. B. B rne. y. i). Alexaadar, W. L. Treabolm, Bobort w. Uwatb- in-v. c ... Onfljan, and XV. Bandotpb. A meeMng nl 'th<- exeentiv. committee wlll be be* ;it No. 57 Ltrradway »,t ZM o'eloek tiii- afteraoon. -4>.- YII.i.INI.YS BEPUBUCAN M.U< ..ITY. ii. t;. p/Rflon, li.pi-i ri.-sAi.t itaBT TBIRD PABTT I M-l.t'l Ntl" BEPUBUCAB- _B11__». ll. c. I'lir-t.ns. .,f Bfltaral Bridge, V.*... ih- »-n- known Republican and Pr.e_d.nl "f Bm ll-m-v ci:.y cinb. organMed t.. promalgata Aawrleaa g_4_____B and aecura "the protectJon ol Ajnartflaa maikflffl and Ut. elearaUon Aflterleaii ni-n." mh- Ifl Sfew-T rlc yesterday, al the Everetl 11 bj.. Tn qaaetea aen* rernlog Hi- preaenl pollttofll -dtuaUoa la Ylrgnila Mr. Paraona b-raety replted -Ti- uttuatlon In Vtrglnta t>day 1- one >>f extt-ino doubt, bal lhe ..nidltl,.ii4 are favurable to the Repulill- ran party. Tha m<>.-i Imp-rtanl **** ** addad -le t tu ln IW« State tli- BepabHcana hara aa actual majoritj nf rfltei, n Bepuhnrafl 0_nrl of AppeaM and nn Bxecattva aelri Ifl ii"t wltlioiit. h fl-flB-_H_fla. AU iii- f..nr )adg*-i of th- -iiiMTiii- ci-urt. nre Bepubfleaaa, and Jndge Um**, the -ta_4_onh, aon-tn-law of lohn Min-r lt.tt-. is ;i wonnded i nkm aaUBar nnd one of im- abhwt Jurists in tlil- ronnlry. Gfcarornor MeBIn- nev. while an Intenae gartlaaa. beUevaa ln the fuUire jiiiiil-liiiieiit. ut.d aa-lll tn.t make a mlaa tin.il <-ertlt'.- rat.-." ¦How do yon auka lt onl thal Uie __flBfl._nfl»nfl liave a majority I" -Wii.iieier tli. r.- I-t affflflt electlofl our rotei get in uini are ojuntad. We w-re beatea i" the I'.luln- ronteal by 0,141 rataa. Two yeara later ln a Congsrea-doafll cooteat, our majority waa aboul 21.000. Tw.i >^_r_ latar _*a were beatea hr iijOOO.' -.Um d' \uu geroant fOr theae greal bBbbbbbT" Ui.-v are aB aurface ln_h_Hon<. wa an- weak In Btate i-.-n.-4 nr ln nette ranteata thal aenra the Democratlr auuiafera to deaperat. deeda, nnd the reU uivi-ii.n of thfl voten I- noi much ehangad aad thfl cbange. are toward onr Mde. w- eatlmate that are it>-i in ihe llanrtsnii rnmpalgn from ob.tia_rB.fl at tbe IKill- Hnd purglng »»f reglatera about 11,000 rotea, and j-1 44- ectnaRy canied the btate by *__ amjortty.1' ||.,4v wa- the tliii.l r.nlt Uang-d '" "By a ti-iiii-f-.- in two i-i.iitiii.. after tha uno__*Ml returaa, af IjOOO rotea. fhe c n UM can ¦. * work f'.r ii-. The majority al lha eaatgranta are Democrat.. Tli- majority af Immlgrant*. nre BepubHcnn.. A. devetopmerrl ine- on. it becomai yearly harder to -Hfl- gpflflBh nr tappiaaa rotea: nnd BOW thal lha Thlrd i'.-iriy eomea ln aa i dlnturbtag canae thelr drlfl i- arlth 'i..'' Wli.it nLont poU-taX 'li tiiiililitatl-lis?'' "There l- bo tax reeelpl r-qalred, ns ln Detaware and ..tiier boulliern Btate*, bul dlaqiiaBflcaB ma by eon- rtction for petll lurcenj under tbe law, aow deelared iiii.-.-ti-i'iitioiiai, bave been relled upon greally. It wae ii.it hard to ronvlet a eokired man of ateallng i chlcken nr watermehKi before a DenwcrnB- ma^latrate, who ...nld plv- hlni mi. tluv In |all BBd fnr-v-r dl-fnuii'lil-e Mm. it l- -iii.i thal ln tha tit-t month afier tha paaaaga of tbla law Ihere were 1,000 convlctlona, Tli- li N nf the convlctlona arere --nt ull over lhe Stata mni colored men of the -ntne name wera atruek from lha ll-'-. it i- -uM there were twenty-elght Oeorga Waablngtooi itrack from tha pMUng ll-t- iu lhe dlffen i in i-.,iiu!i-- beeanaa one namwaha of nn Uluatrioua rltlsea eoaM nbt i-n a IM and eonfflflaed to tteaUag a \4at.-i in. 1i.ii.'' "Whal port will Ihe Thlrd party men ptoyt" "They '¦'.iii oecupy lhe attenttoa of tha ___*ooratte party al a very Importanl .ment, They aranl u ttt* ,-i,.'iii.ii and n hlr eonnt, and thelr preaeoee adda to tlie rhnncea ot obtalnlng lt. lf Ihey drow onl] 5,000 Demoeratie rotea, and onr normal rote i- polled, wa .1.ui gtre llnrrtaoa from 10,000 to 13,000 Bm)orlty loo large a vote m be r.mttt.-l «>ut." "What about General Mahone attJtudet" -i fu.i aol a Mend ol tJeneral MahoBe, bnl l have watebed bla conrae throngh Iwo Batlonal rampalgni and h- haa d "..¦ hl* whole duty and ba wlll 4,, it ln Bovember next." - How about aUeged dtvlatona ** 11,.> party i-t iiiii'-.i" wii.-it -ir-rt -in th- Mt* boom _Bve on lhe ro -nlt ." i;\ fortunat. drcumatawea thfl Bral gmil ln«1n ¦.i.i Impnlae "f u cantury datea trom llarrlaon. electlon and the reaetton from Ihfl -i-.il.>n >,f the laal (.>!-". "Do the people tlilnk lhal elther riecttoa BlfO-ted bualneM '' "They know tlmt noi one dollar from ibe North ..r f'oiu Bngland eame In f"r iiiv.-tin-nt after Bo- vember 3. 18M. They beBeve that tt'- return "f proaperity dependa upon the rraloratlon of the ,-mfldence ln th- Iron Intereata Uml ¦ proteetlvfl tiiriir only .uu glve, and thonaanda of n*n who .4,- land. t,i -ii an.l debta to pay, however they mav tinaiiv vote th.Ivea, will . lo lt that the prote. ll'.ii VOte I- falrh ta-1." -v,,ii ipoke of th- ronteal b-fl_B donhttaL Voa .m nou > ipeah with Baaurance." i i,. it.-v- tlmt the twelve -I-. loral aTotea ..f Vlrglnln ..im .i (., th- Bepnbllcnn rolumn, and lf Ihey ,.ltl V- i. derlalv. vote lhal Ihls arlll ,. of the rountry lo Ylrglnla II _.) -'.¦ wlll ,..,.,. .., ,. a nea ern ot dcvelopntenl thnt «ill mnke l.-r na nch iu ti na Republican a- Pennaylvauto. -- ? .- ILLEGATi I'.l r.l.TVl !. II *-!'!! IL YdTKI!-. niB BEBCBUCABS 09 THR XVITK DISTRICT IRE MAKIX.- IH Rl-RXR-T il-t'i-.r MITI ITE TIIE r.vn, The flmtrh- rannaNtae of tlm XVlth \.-iit.lv DUtrlcl Republican Organli-llon mel MM MalH at Bo. 42" Hecond-na/e. w,iu.ru ll-nU-l acted aa chalr man mni _*rank n. Dab «a- aecretary. Bamtaa -f dldatM lor u.e poaBlooa "f i"'l rlerka. ballot Md raparanaon f.*r lhe hMrti t'r- ehsction di 1, -.- eomprWng tha Aa_em».ly DMrtct. w *e ro. Iderrd and referred to the ohalnuM ror dnal t n. The ni'.-. lini*'rtuiit UdBg wa lhe <i - n--i "i ovnr iwdbn-ue HoapMnl. Tlu- _o_pltal hrnra the twrmta w.-iitli etortton dt-trl ' '.. <<¦''**. ***** " "v'"!'v n hima oal .. soiw '"¦'-- * Deron -"- » lf" H ,-,. aBaawd ba '." '. ''¦'' ",!'" ri~ll'M's' .'":" Mlevne ii.-n t..i rovflw Um entlre le rtl nr i..-i".i-i hy Baat Twenty alxth-Mv on the «a_0i and Ba_t Twflnli ,.i£hUial ...I Ihe noeUi. and lt extead. from Hrst-av... to lhe 9**1 Kiv- * **** n-amber of B.mfll. « " het**" »" ,,.,,-iilted fr".i the rlty ln llliitlon. on the Ialand. ln ,,,,. r|W.,. There are alwaya manj ol them In the i..-pH.,l proper. whera Ihey rarry ln dek or Inlnred imm-i.ii- _"in the ambul-nco. and <i" '¦"¦"¦¦ *** J'*" ,r,,, arerequlred of Ihem. x amMl armjr I* employed dire. tiv aud Indlrortly ln Ihe aen'lee ol lhe niorgue. Thelr poverty la noi urgrd agMnal Ihem. bnl IhMr ,...dlilon of hfe baa been auch. and Ihe mlnd* ¦*! many ot them ara io areah. lhal "" 8re iml rapul.le .r vottng lntelU_ently. II la no douhl anfe ,,m, they raal thelr IHegal vot.*. bllndly. abeylng lhe Mimmona whleh ihey know Ihea mn I obey, aa a drove r -.1 irnali wimM ob-y IhMr drl Born. «.f tha t.-i-'Ts ar. "tenday* men «nd are pul ,. vork on th- gronnda while a.*n1ng ihetr ;,.ni...,-,.. un le .- a rammany pollee JuaOce, re-lliut ,... ..-.ul- -pull." Ilberatea Ihem before the punl .- ...., is over. The Bepubllcana of the dtatrtel eharged .....,,- laai nlght tkal theae paupem and u******9 .... wera pul on tha pay-rolU Jual befora elecilon nl ....Mi..:.i ral«. ..-".'** * :' '**r, merely for the purpoae of maUng them "boneal votera. Wllll.iiii ll.nin-i ti "I on Sunday Bnd "¦. Re nubllcan* ln Ihfl !>:>.''< who wouM »cl aa baUot-elerk ',-.i iwii-ilfrli. aa accopllng lo la. II. taro ofhdal* ...., be r-'.Vn:.- of the dletrlet. For four houra he ,.;,,.,v,.,-.,l io get fl-me fla-l'taBC from theclerk. and -u.iKiiiiu- ,,i"i to* t**» '¦'¦""¦- ihey Mnii.-l" Mm flnd ','., -i.-,i him. Uai nlghl lhe glatrtcl eommlttea ap mrinted two partlcutarly rnergctlc membera, T. F. M,i,.-;,., and .flbfl Umram, lo trj ii agaln. The. iveni to lhe hoapttal al once and mada thelr -.t.J'*.'' known Ther dld not i-ecelare .. warm or enthuMasUr .rriromo, and at M one ol Ihe bo-pttal attendanu vl(,f "The onlj B-puWIcana on th-- gromf-a ern ,,', thg Morgi.ver then lo ooMna." Tne two ic-pn', Mnnis wiii try ll flgalii to_«y. »nd the M__rn of ihfl ',-.-.,.i7.iii..ii aroml-B lo make it aa bol for lhe Bfllle- ,V ." -:¦ 1 v.u-rs" thal aome .. Ihem al fcaal _.ll ta pul where ihey ran dotheiHaM -mu* -n-vi-e. v ll ,H r.lslil.N.. BROOKI.T_ BATTERT. .lh,- regular areetdy meeUni -t _w wiut Reld Bat. lery ,-f the Tweniyi-ghth Waid >,f RroaklyB am. i" I i,.t evenlna at tbelf headqu.rter. Ba. Jflfl Bvergl ¦..- ,v« aad aneoded by . large and enthaMaaMe gatharlng. Preiddeal v barteen a rupted tu-.-i.utr. ;md after lhe uaual roatln. bu-l-*»a hnd bem dl_paaed of ai\_-al prafloa. 1,4,11- aan ¦. '. I *4 a nambei ae» __¦_*.. .aroHd. i.',V|i,.' tt. rvenlag the m.ber. M tt* battery n.-s-ut-i iu- pi ildaal wltn gavel, alter whl t. mvenl aiJr,.*. w.r- n*ad. aad -walvad «uh ais-ii appiaaae. Th. bat- irry wmn Ui- nm-t BaartahlBg ona******** la ..- w»pi aad h.i- » mamh-iahlp -f aaaily Ba). A UVBLT CA.MrAl'.N .V)\'. It'l'iK B. J sr.Tin.'iir, a aawagaaaf ama, h.s pubBahad a n.r- rim,n aad BflM magheok f-r u.-- dartag tiu* aaa-Bfllp-. .N,,ni- rXtlflB-ly altty and uppniprm*- v-rs-s h.ve been wru.'ii by hln, I-' Ut iHi|iiil.r .nd wrll-kjiuwu muslt*. and th.* bo*k oufkt to bare a *la* .*_« _>« Uvpublican Mahfli OF rn.tlitES Al.I.ES PFRKrX*. UiB-Uai. Auk. 2J Ppertall. Qharlaa Allen Pcrklne. "x t'nit.ii Btatea Conaul at Barreltaaa, Spuin, and ex- Mlnl-t.-r to l'.'rtupil, flfOppafl fleafl today ttt the home of hl* itater, Mra. Walter Adama. Mr. TYrklna waa the only Ain.Tl.iin who ever innrrled Into tta Boyal fiinilly ol BffBla. II" was tx.rn lu i onnectlcut _lxt| yeara Bfo. lle ... rdueatofl at Aabara, X. Y.. anfl Bl l.trl*. 1'..-Id.-nt OlBBt BBfOlBt-d hlm as Conauf to Iiar.-.-lona, wheia he rrmalnrd durlng the revola. tlon. Then he xxas appolnted t'nlt.-d State. MlnUtaB to 1'orti.Knl. His dlplomutlc Bervtoa aaflafl wlth hla re-dgnaUon from his po-t ut I.tabnn. Beturnlng ta tta I'nited Stules ht- beCBBM u member af the (>pea Baarfl <»f Brafean ln New York, nnd flnnliy a member of tii" BtoCk F.xch.-niK"-. Whll" llvlng ln I.t<t__n Mr. I'.-rhins f.-ii in love wlth Oouataaa fctaiia isabella I'niii.oise, flBBflktar of OoubI IgBBBa (lurowsky anfl I-abella de Ji4iiirtM.il. nn Infiintii of -.paln. Tho coiint.... who aaa a toaortta afleea of Qu.cn iaabeila ii. xxn- bara al Bnnarln aa .'une to, i»*_... Her ma_* rhxg.- ln 1,-70 wns th.- r.--ult of a courtshlp carrled oB ln exlle ln varlous pnrts i.f Kuropc. Ea King !><.i PTBaetoBB nnd ex Queen I-nbclla were gO_U pnr.nl s of the brid". The marrlage day was murte a hi.lnlay. They xxere nnirrl.- under S -|i.. Inl .ll-p.-tis.-iiion from th" _.»*. Their eWct aoe. Alfon.o. xxa- b«irii ln I"!irls, nltieteen yenrs ago, anfl I- now Ivtag nt Mndrld. Tfcs -ccond son. Don Carloe, ls iti u mllltary aafcBBl nt Mndrld, and xxlll enter tha army. When the ( arllst war brolte out Mr. Perklna H..k the slde of Don (arlos. nnd when the latter WWg def.-ated, he wna ohllgri to IflBVfl spain. He wrota for London and I _rt* paper. __*____Bfl Inlmical to tha raaaa of Alf.tn-... nnd when the latter a-canded tha throne, as Alfon. o XII, Mr. Ita ______ name waa pn| on the roll of proscrlb.sl peraone. Mr. I'erklns wenl to I'arls and his xxife t., Mndrld. The latter Micceeflefl ln re-eatabtlablng her retaOona xxltli the Roval faatt*. und lndu.-ed the Klnit to nlhiw ner niisoana to rf* tiu-ri. Hut sho xxn- iii*ultcd nn.I per-.-cilted anfl tii.illv left the rOBBt-T. B.CB then lie has llved Ib tlie l'rilt4*l Mnte-, niahlng -ex-enil hrlef x-1*ltn tO Rurope t" meet his funillv. lle i-urned no Ultle dla- t inrtlon iit th.- eoarta ..r Baiope, At Llsboo King l.oul- eonferred apon hlm two .,rders of kTilirtithood. which h" ware on ht* brea-t nt th" hour of death. Wll Portagnea EngU_l n.'itnrnl Iln__u1-t. *pcakltij. tliieiitly spanl-h, r*", Itallan, F-eaea, "Uenoaa, fxwcdisli aafl elaUxee and frl.-id* er> Inxlufl r.. -.ttend the funeral from hi- lut re.ldi.nie, llfl XV.-.t .'.I'h-t .m naaflBfl. taa I Irl.i- ( ompnu. * Kxlrnrt af Beef. rwiirly rrea Bam f-t «nd sriatine. MARRILD. ..xr.nM'.Pv-wiM,r.Ts-«»n Meaflap, An_.i«t 2_d, 1892. ln S'.-iv-York Clty, Alfcd .UffUatU* Cordner *on of \ »-.-i ii Oardner. aad ICtthanae Tatyr willeu., daugh. \. at \\ .it_.ni Henry wii.k. NoUflea af n_.n.ai_es must r* indoreed witb full name an.l ad.lreas. 1HEI). BALDWIX-in Braafarfl, Oaaa. Aaaaafl 20, John tr. l-'iii,'.-'r,,'i -.-rvtoea ai hi* latn .*>«__. n<e on Tucadey next afl '.' iflO p. in. in i,i r.i.iN-\t RaratoflaBpriaga, Au_.i*t sorn. nenry Fui ral f'l'nn"Iii* lu'te realflenee, M ElflhlfcavB., Brooaiya, ¦i -:.,v afternoon, 2Bfl m*., at A o.i.i.-k. BOWDEX xt 143 xv.-.t cith.t.. Aagaat -Oth, M_.i_ _. widow o' tl," late Roberl ii..wden. Bervlc i, -.(rt m-t.. al 8 (.. fl*. Retatlvea ind friend* lnvlted. Klndlv omlt tl.i«"rs. xn.'iN- xt Elberaa. B. I., »n ABgBflfl Btok J"hn Car- -on ii, the ¦",:> x.-.ir ,,f hl- «c. I! _:;i ,i,-r.. al '¦< >.'. taek. Ii.. rni-nt »t th- eoBvenl-oee >,f famiiy. OLARKE.Al .Xniiv'rji, BelKlam, OB A'n:'i-t 12th, BenJ, li. ciarke, ot Xew-York, tgt 72. Dua noti.f r-in- ral »iii b- Ktxrtn. KARKAXD Kuild nlx-, ai Rllrabeth. X"«-.l-r-er. Aagaafl 2- is- .1.ph H I'.cnii.l. -.ii if the iate .l..«epa m even* i\»i aud, ot (ireenpart, V. Y. n. rio- ..tl. j__ of bta ;.. .. \,,i. .f funeral heieifier. n xnki.v «ni Baaflay veaiag, a»_¦.-( 91 ta th* mthjt* <r i,.i _.'. _r..-. .. ln"f llh.- Mary Dooilaa, *** .1,,,.. llaakev, and molher -f Hi- W* .Mary I*ar*o.ia lliiik^x- ull ,,r -t.i-.n I-'ui"l and N"«-\nrk. Funeral - r\l«--s «t rhe rbep I of tba Moravlaa ' em.-tery, N.M.U'.ii' 'ii Thun-laj tl." 23th, at 2 30 B. ¦. Frlendu xxni take tlie Statea taland ferry at 1 Ao p. m. to ,.,,r,.,-..,-. statlon - R. R.. «Ber rorrtaajafl a__i bt ln att.-iidu.i," leturnlng to th.. .Ity at 4 :1». KA.rKF.TT On Raturday, ahl-'i-i SOih, Harah r.:i/»N-th, d., hter of th" late BWte. XI X|.-.id and wlafle* of Amoa M .*si.-.-tt 'n ri,.- *flth yt* "f h-i :..'.. Ra ,..¦-..- at 1 fri.«d« -^ lnvlted to Bttend r,i- fun'ral s-r. v. -ut .,.-, lat. reald. ir> Eaal l-.'oth-t., ou T.oeday ut o a'cla. k. , A .... s-i-i iiXXTI.I. xt Montelalr. S.ttnnliv Auf.ia( 20. WBL r.ii -.i/ti. i.i.i - '-¦¦¦ wife ,4 .', \of John J -y »*4***X iu the "i-rii i ir ',f h r aa i-. ., .- and f.1 .:-- toaaral aw» \l ... _r N-r lat* realden-e, 24 Monrofl i'i.'"', Hrooklyn. XV.-dn--.tnv. A'i.'.-r 'J*. at 'A t' lOCk. xxxi mill".! a- Ceuter latand, Oyater Bay, _. l-t.JP Sat-r'a'.. Au.'.-i 20th. A'.i-"i*t'.s .'. "Id.-t .nn nl Oi... ,, uid\nnall Welbrlda. In the *7__ year af hto aaa F.n.'-ii rrV,. !,.' latt' re_id. -'-'-I "-.rll"!d I'lor", Ilrook- hi, on Tueaday, ah-.- Sfld *r x p m, Hecfcaaflea .md Trwdera Fx. hnnae.-Tha BMBkapat .':'';^;1;.r^r'.:x'...vl^u;;:';l,!:;a;:,x'i;1,:-,2^ 5 iP ...'. __:.__:« ^^V::-1-_,'.....7,,r%>V_I-i-V«. naMflaaa, BTEPHF.S M. XVUI'.IIT. .*-'>. WOOUWARD At, Denver. Col., on Bunday. Aaflwl SL ,.,r'.- r.ni.',. only r.lid "f Anna .May and nahfc U XX'.jisiwanl. a^' '3 '> " "' ,;* __m i. rterv aa ttm ii»r>m Ruimad. 48 wlnut^ rroul the _H«nd Central Depot. aaw U-i*.t at cntriaca. Ofllee ib Eaat lid-al. MOl'XT BOI_ ci:mf.tf.rt. Offlre. SWr Othave.. cor.er _Bfla_, X. Y. Gpccnil X0tltf9 Paaiaflflra Noii.-e. m, ,u,u i«- read d_Uy by jH hiniiawfl, Bhaaaaa niay ,.'';' -\ ."i1..".'.':.-.. -"""tn *.i ael ta ******** ,-,.:. i r rdlipateh i.) in; paitlc.lu *^"'luw^________i3 /.r\:.''.,.''i:;.i'a:/a:;;^n^i;^:r!.1 U'Vo%gr_i^fa%th^w!2li rofllpfl k***m» w.U doa tJmamm*^ *Bnm* ImmkTU Ittm* mM ba *'^__DxI_SDAY*'a|'| ». ». ttt l'.'.n.i.-. per B. » .**t ,t ..-. xia Oucea-toaru 't'| - »u«l ba dir-.tea :''¦.,.!.. -..i' »x .-. a. for I'.Hl-lum dlre<t off. . X\'..o-i,la."l. xia antwerp (1.'l_-r- m.ixt J .,.-,.. l .'-,. ..v-temland" «' ii » ..'. i*"i.|.l''."»txrr _h_js_s_ "___*_: f__?riSri_j_^^*a^*rf8 <,.r ni«i uer - * Harataia. xi* Haxaaa; all p. m. wdo-meaiTrx »:30 p. m. t.r Kurape. i- r - a. M.;e*tlr. "y,.,, -.,»!,¦ .1 :. P tx. tot < h'.n and JaBBB. |e<r '- from v..i..-ix.-r (letten aaaa ba ___!_____. ad- .'thi rsdaY xr x :vx a. bl for Earapa, per ». ». F. ii-- ,-, k mi Kouthaaipton an'l llamhura; tt. IB. m. -..,; .,¦,._,:! 80 p. bl fer l!".-....._a 1-r-a. *. Ori'.oco: H, Y ., ,. .uppl.-nientary 1 .'" p n fer N_«<an. V 1'., md Kanr'aeo niba i-' * - enhiegea; at p. m. for voHf.iundl.nd i,--' -i--;tii.*¦ r from Monti ¦< -Vrl ni.v \r a a. i". f-r Pranee, BwltiirlBBfl, iwiv Bpaln. I'.. tuaal and Tutkry, i- - *- l.» Hr.'t»...e. ! , il.vre- at 4 SO » ¦>¦ f"r *',T -' ' r I" r ». §. ma "li Bremen tl.tl * ror olher parta <,f Miaaat, xia sll -h ui i.t.m and i4-.il"-'. mn*' '.' iiii".t"(i "i"'. F,.n*"i; . a in for Kurope, per -. - Kt-.jpia, xia Uueanatewi "... ... ... ..... any, Fianre mv,:..- :...,. luly sn»1n. i>.itii_al a-'d !'ii'*.-x- ii,'!-' !i- dlreetefl "p. KtmHa")! al ,n f'rVoUand di '. p-r a ». x-.,;.o-,a. rta tHaa* ' :.. || .¦' "per __.r_oria"). at a. m. fnr Vetherlanil* dlre.t, i--r *. ». Am.l ;daui. xia Hotwr. '.,,,._,,,, ..-.l "wr Ain-t.i.iiii,''; aa11a. . r.r CamiM. lie, Chlnpa* ln':,--" and v..<-ar__i. |_-r a » Y.iii.nri [l"'t"!» f<-r « liim aml ii." I'!-" U,r > t anfl othef Mexlean s_*e* x_ *.'¦ .'''" "¦'1-' D dlrecled "par Vun.url" nt 11 .<. '" f'.- llatvl (iinina mid ( tirupanai r . , |.,in- Xlamlt- ilettefa for Othei V'f... zuela portfl '. ,t f,. i. ,i Trlnldsd, Itilti-h ind l»ut,-__ i.mana ,.,-,.. [/. .lii.-.'-.r "i» P Ina .xiin.rii-"' tt 11 a. m. ,*.ip. i'.I. m.-iita'x 11 i«' a. ii,-- for Forlana I*lanU and lamalra, ... - xil-u letter* 1 i-. n nnd Aux-Cavea, iiaytl. ,, -. in t. ,1 \ '-." at '.' p. in. f..r .N.,rwaj dn.-.t per » .*. II- ka.: ni A |>- B for iruxjllo, per i. a. a i'<-m'i r-.-m .x-iv.li'l.iin-. -|-\[>xv xt t ),. i'i foi .'"-ra Rlca, v-i Llmon. mw . llUianU, '¦¦¦¦¦! N-- ''.":-. ar B:B0 p. m. lor K| i'|,.iie.M!i|ii"'"n. |>er ateauier from Xnrrh Bydney. Xt _'- f.r Chlna and J;i|«n per *. *. (i.x.llr (froai -..in Iriii.l-,, '!<>.. here dally up t/> Aupu«t -31, ,. . jo n m Malla fof the Snclety talandl |ier ship ,- --,, ifrom San Frei laco), rloaa bara <!.-.llv np to . , .-..-, ;,t ,-, SO p. m, Malla f,. the »ax«alian . i.nd, ," - -,':-. .."i 'i"i *.i, h*raaclaca), rin«a b..la'lli i.p .- Auirual » p. a M..H* f.,r x,-f-la Ncxx.Zealand lliwallan. . II md flBBlBBB lal- ,,. . \\ .¦¦¦¦¦ a froa *"" t'-.m-i-" ,-:,,*<. hera f. -..'.>_¦ !.,-r '1'th at B 't. in rar oa arrix-al \ -v Vork "' ¦ ». V.iranla « ti. Iintl.h mxiu fnr '.', |. Mall* for S '.-f.rondtand, hy r»H to .xtonti*-al, ,,, 1 th-",* hv «'.-air.e-. ,!,,-- :.t IhU "'hre (liliv at ."> m. \fnlla f-.r MlO'JeliMi *-x rall to I'. -'.". and th^nr* by ,-i,..'.. . rhl. -, .. dallv *' - ¦'¦.> n ,n. Malla f-xe ,',-. t,v rall to T:ca rt*- »\" xh-r-.-t-v ."."."(aaM* .. \,.,.,- r ii '!.-.¦.¦' ¦- -. . ofllce dalW %t ,. Mall* fn Me nxerland, unteaa apaaulBT ,' ireaaed fr>: fllapaP h br a__aa_er, el wa at thi* ofllee da'ly ' TranawelBe n,-ci-- ar<> fnra-arded tu sni, pranrl*»e ,', h -t"l 'h-' ael '!"'¦. of i-''*'n7 la ,:'.irL*H nn thi> n*e. .",..¦,'.,., ..f their r .-.-r unr rt averland traoslt. to San f .,-!»,,. Mill* froni rh IVi-t . rh ln? on tln.e at ^xn Franelaro ni U> <'¦>'.' "? -nl'lna nf ...amf-r* are dlapiHiefl lhen" rh« -"me da- ._-_,_, _. . fj ,.-,.»rw| mall <-i'-- al ft co p m. pr-\-|r,,i. dx\-. yyr., *.i| i.r..ti-v Ma '- ire ,,i-"i,-d n-i t.he pl»ra af ih f'tji*!' Preneh .i-i-t <; r!>,*n at-aav « *r »he hony ,,. piealnf of BiipnlemenBi y Mill* it t'. P««fnm,e. aaira ..-¦v-lin r,'»'li in'l! <x ltl lll T- I Ml-'Utes nf th" honr af -.allln? of «?eamer. rnRXEMl'B vxv roTT P...-,_ter. paaaaflle* Bew.Yorl B V. tanma tr*th ia_._. J?oiitital Xoticf3. ^A. 1. -P..liti--al Binne.*, Mn_- und PuiUlBa. T*Mm> per'.»l"* I'arad- H.im.-r- t" ll--t x. r'_ hx ll<>IV.R _. ..KAIIXM Artl.U M I'hiuiib, t*>-t. K-t«lill*h.*l 1812. Polltl nl Xpi II i-n-r.. ,- l-..tt-.. i.nlf... pi- »»l ,-a.tilu- n-nt. in i¥i-it vari.'.v .!¦.;.- (nt»ra. kt.: taWaBB prl .-. Political i'i'.,-r :,nd i-'ai'tipui'-i.t Co., (,i x,.-,>_;., a, v._, lUligione Xotic.s. liLAU n_>iN.»*> t" -it ai.i. aapeelally for atakaaa after trutli m.i IBfl atixio.,.. and ..II «ho de»lro 10 l.> ii^li.fnl to -in.. at l,.,n.r almad. <r.>d'* w^ ,,t -alxa'.n-n pialnly ael f«,rth lu :. I".*l" h"nh of eara- MIIV -eli.-t.-d te«la, ,ntlt!ed "The (rlor'.ou* <rn_i>el of tba Bleaaed «.ol" "in i.e _ia<Ux wnt fr-> t- all fora-»rdtn|| latter or i..*ui.-aid «i_n addr«-_ t_ "WELL \v Ism-.R," 4S i-at.-rni.4ter l..w lA>iirton. I.nciand. (Himaelf a ..-eker fnr v.-ir*. *".-klii_ llcht and tl'-dl"_ none. and thera- fora d._»lro.ta to do what he can for otneia in tte mm* * '¦"The ennance of fkr wortta 9pm* llght."-!-. cala, m\

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    Tlir (jn I v COlJMl TO i:\l.Mor.M. THIS WEEK.EMPK,')'! WI I.I.I aM ItfO ((.INT IlKI'.IJl FtT


    B_B_8_-*lg__ LABOU4 IIERE AXD TIIK

    NEW M1BI8TBT- MH. OhUiSTONI¦'..rnr cable to im Tt!inr5F:.7

    mpvriOflt: Ufl. Ba Thf IY.--4M A**********Lontan, Aug. SSC. Tne Qnea, araa lo leave Oaborna

    Weflneafl-l aflerBOoa for Balmorat; bul now lt I* eiprtXtx) thal ber departure wRI be poaiponed to BexlMooflay. The(Dourl uin remaln In Srotland nntll lheniitini'' "f Nfv.-nii.'i and then la lo return to Wlnflaartor n nonth.

    TBE GEBMAB EMPRF-'-.The Oennnn Empcew. who*.*ouehemi,1 ls daily

    ...j.,T..i. ls r-sBUng .-.t lhe marble palace, Pot_d_m,aml I. attended by a .-r:i 11 .--uUnf Novt-i!il..-r. p-rsciiiilli eo___-ted hv the oMIglngMimn K.ii'i.l nnd aMU be away t«'< montha, ao lhatit Ik qulle ..-rt: ln tl :it I .irlliiin. :it I- Hut Ifl B '. 1- flI. tiruaiy.

    RTl v l N IV OMMAXO '. .¦'¦'.¦ QCEENIt Is a l'.n* tlme Mnea tl"- !¦"*** oi lhe Baaral

    ..rvlc hav.- BC-B -" BtBrtJ-d a- l tbe reaalta "f hl'more i.iit obaervattotja Profe-ior HaU aalfl tafla.Umi tta evenlBg of Aagaat i.- xxn*. f.r IMa laiiimi-.nt.| the i.«*i for obaervatlonn durlng the pre enlopposition "f Mnrs. t*'" uir.io-pl.cii" rondltlon betafl i»m:.llcularl) fn\i.iuiili-. l ii a ahflrl llaie, xxhen neaith" meridlBQ, ii." Image ol Mara waa very gaed, amdurlng an axaailBatlon of his rarface Ihroafh the gntiilelenrope tbere appeured ni ti>" north p«i." a xxidc.x.Mti- apot, -imilur ln i ii.-iru, Iar m lhe "ii" bereloi,r.- Men under lulnute examtuatloQ al tbe .-.,iith pole.

    ACcorfllng lo Profeaaor llall'a obaervaiiona, lhe xxiiit.-p t ni tbe Qorth pole of Mara la blntor aafl not *«weii fleflaed a- tta ,>ik- al Ita aoata pole, xet tlieoulliin- of tha fonii'i- _i*>t and It* xv 1.1 U- rolor w, r.di-ini'tly m-i-ii.

    i.n the evenlng of Aagaal n» lhe whlta Bp althe noriti pole wa- agaln fllatiaetly bbbb hy i'i..f.- ,,iliull, and il Iheli .,;,;. i-.-.l to b' bloud. und xxlilliimt BO ili-l,_,-t a- oli tta 1 Hh, -Ull "Iiilte noilr. able.At preaenl the Bew while -;>oi i- partly hiddeij pwlnito the poattton ol T.i" planet. Coatlnned .lo-e oblerraUonH ,,f ti,;- whlte »po| al 11._ north palex»iii Im- made, ln t!,c aaaie mwiner im.l f.n the aam.j"ii-|t .-¦_ xvMiti have governed Ita eBaaalBaUona oiiho \xtut.- -^oi at t'.'- aoutfa pole, Ita theory being lhalir the ni-xxiy dlaeovered wblte apol i- anow, Influencedand niodltl .1 a- lhe otliei ,,i »outfa ap.' appran I.bo, \'nt!.aiii.n >-i flata retotlng to iii" bagth iMurtlau iia.x anfl other Importanl Biattera of^iteret a trvnomci. can be made,

    -- m¦. ..uni-'' at pruitirally niathemutlcal - .1 good deal ulnce lt- ob-ervatloii* hadl.-i-n i_-.un iii .iiiix*. ||. _aM further thal thi- _poll- now aniHller and »harper ln ontlltie and h:,- laken thtappearanct lhal he bm lu 1S77 oi ;. dcpreaalot) ln thiii made

    tour xxith Mme, Mojeaka, MI** «;:.i- agaln inpportedMr. Barrett anfl xx.i- ooce more I.;iii.i.nir.Lt, whloh occured wlrtle t!.-.i t'< atteafl. Beveial xvill offer haaflaoroeprltea t b" eompetofl far. mi-4 I»"lla K..x xniii.i-,--.-iit b i u.i _»M mateh-boi io tiw player tn.-ikin.the uii'-t run-, and Mlaa Anna o'Ke.-I" xxill presenl ..palr ol Uorham lUver braabea to tke fortunata plarcrmaklng lhe moal MU. Tta gama will be .Uirr.-d at8 30 p. Bl. (_9_

    CABIXTI OTTICBBB BETtJBB TO WABBiVGTOX.ffa-Maflloa, ABg. --.- lecietary Ckarlea Foater,

    having returned to Waahlngl m trom hl- vtail to hi...re-umed hla .luri- M Ita Traaaary DepartflMBtt"d.,\.

    Attornej General Mlller li;.- relnrpefl t-. Washlngtooiron hi* born* '" lafllaoa anfl rtflamfld »^ flallant tii.- lieparlmenl ol Ju-tl.e.

    KOTES OT THE STAQE."Tha r.ivnt-.- Reere-ary" win i"-»in a mtok't engage-

    aumt ut the Btanflatd Thealra aa Monfla. ex alng, Aagua.9, Pollowlag -'- ti"- iiani,- ot th.- i.i.ie in th- eaat!I.I..,,. -r,;,x-!-. XXI!:li.,l, I-'ii! I...n'l-. XV. .1. < ,,ll-tllllti"c.F.vclyn Evana, Thonaa DavM, Thonau WtJbtt u IdenUfy blm.

    ,1f/7. BEW8 STaY AT CKDARVlllE.

    ni- [XJ-RED HWli IMPHOVIIS " START I >BM W-TORK '!¦' l*AV.

    OedanrHle, OMo, Ang. 22. Whllelow i:-"eMer ol the ehurch, u-.l to _I1 «lt!. hl- lini- (amlly.After thfl -'-I'v."- «.-ic over md Mr. BeM un* movlngtowiuM tba door Ui- memben "' lhe -uiign-gatloiieroaaded areund Mm, aml he ahooh eoch one .* hl-old aeqaalatancfli by tba haad pbmaanl memorle«arere revlved. bunday aflernoon Mr. R-M '!.iu ibe aorlety of b* a '.-

    .1//.'. QLADBTOXE'8 VlBtT TO 08BOEXE.

    COROIAT.I.Y BECEIVEB |iv TI1F Ql. E_ Wii Ttlli.i lll.ll Ml MBRRB OF TIIE ROV \i. \Mil.Y.

    1 don, Atih-. 22. A-i iiui'i-'i-ity who la tboronghl)f..n ;. ,ir wllh everylhlng thal go*'* v ¦¦ "irt ,in"Mated ln relatlon ... lhe many repflrM ln rirr_lotl__regardlng Mr. f_ad_1 ne'a *UU Ihe Qfl tfla .»*_ue..-1-t_.¦ ofllre, lhal there wn nothlng l» h_w thal,,. i.i,, ,| '..,! :¦ ma* ti llioro.i :l 1\ I-T-. >¦ n gml.i,, ibe Queen and lhe other membera of lha royalfamlly preaeni il __borne llow-. ,l'1 U.e evenlng oltbe (ho- uf Mi rl Mr. Olad ' two houia

    .-..-,¦., ihe ti-rrace with lh. l'rlWai s. HM Intervtew arlth Her Mfljeet. wa - p rlaflyroedlal, a-.-i tbe Queen ln no «:i.- nhoared tbe dl-llketr blm arhloh l- ronunoiil. attrlbnted to her. WhenOir. Utadatoiie reji ie >men ln lhe dra -rn tn h- waa In hlgh aptrlU, and waia tbe Hfe 4 .'mver atl m._BEIJETEt IT rnr RHSTI T OF l COXRPIBU I.Mr. Byle, pt n< Ipal ol U ¦. Kyle Inafltnb

    I.. 1, ln.pe.kl_a "f tJ,- troi.ble in hl. -rhool oa Boaftemoon i_->. told » Trlbuna repor.-r u-t evei.lna iilh« boy 44 im »«- - ii ¦¦ i '" 'I -'' I di ! vofed tb. '- p ., I.

    j. | m lh. parli- i. Rjdflli >t Mr Md Mn H -i'i,Hiiit. aiti*. I- I' -.'--i a»d Mla. ree -M, .:,,! Mi btl D I' :.'.' M '¦Mr* S. s Ptatt, Ml -"I Mr. Willlam W, [.yon, w--t-.,

    a M b .rn.- II. 1 BnrtUi, Ryan aij. m. ii. ri -.. i

    KTBhB lililAWs tvii.l' IX I .'. i'.l \.'l v.

    K4r.- I'.-i-e... iu,,, 44.ut, yaehUng i_> aooa .. i," landedr, ... .¦ of Ch -ui. "'.I. i. _i..bl. m__.(.r I- forii.ui. ii:- paitn¦ r-blp wltb ber whlrhi>- peii »t ih- eu_ -f ti-i. etrnm bm, 'md.-i tb. awaafl.,:. ,,f Renry r.. Abbey, e8pl*ad .>:> ten* it, whlte ti..-i..- .- j.lat li, v Mt. Bell.W_ "tl-n, ui,. l.._i.il-r' la l.ou-9o*. ThU play vi*- :¦"' » aaeee«a. _-. Btdeed, few UtBifl.in i..iiii'iii bave bean r..r ibe u_t aeaaon. Klne_ n>* >> Mii>...-rt im- been playlna ji "Tiir Ugata >.r Uom." *' Umad..'i.i.i lii'-ii. and i-ft lt, 4- h. *aya, ou -.-.. h-avi.. to

    ,,, .. her.. ii-- doea noi loak nu- alrb n-an and In:.,. rppeara rxacUy lha Buw a. whoa he wa. ltt\ *****bar_

    .1 B4.j_g0i0 to uotrxt rmtxox.fhRadrlphla Anc '_-.- 11 ts anaowaced thal bha

    i'eimsvi4..i,i;4 Balliiaid iu .1 f-»' __)> wfll hegln lhe,..,i,i;ni.-i.«'i ,r Tii--iOl Hflntfl-fl

    stiirt-d away aaHy this aaanili-g nn ¦ bnntlng trii>.Ha aia^ aeawapaaled hy llaal.aaul PB_ker, nnd nam«nt g-_lU flfltad u gaMe. Mra. Ha-riBOB aaanlni«,st of tlie dav l.ei-xovw the e..tt_i»re aml lha HarrHmirmnp nn the liihe -hore. AtM.nt Thur'Iny the I*re_-aeui will vi n M.loue. where be wiii .-j_.



    HE xvn.t, N'.r xu.nv xv. xvinr.M'V TO BT.XOHIM :n x.. Bl i xv.i.i. nxmi: x _r «.

    ..; :- wi. BTAY HERE H1M81 _JT.Doa m. Dicklaaon, >.f Mi.i.u-.n. wko la Chatnaaa

    nt ti,.- . .mi-....- immiaee ol the Demoeratlc lattonalommltte Cbalrman f tl..- commtttee to have .-imrg.-

    ,,[ n.- Chlcago boreau and ii" tateat man whom Wlll-i_:n c. Whltnej ba« irltU to gil »'->t ol tka way, waa-,,i-.-lv troubled x, [erday. iu- feH badly beeauae I."reallxed tbal i.i- ronfldeni had been mlaplaced aad-hut hi- dlfrnlty a* Chairman of ih- t'ampalfla '"!nmlttee bad been nrlhleaaly easalled. I'bUI he reodir in -Tl," Trtbune* yeaterday mornlng Mr. Dtrkla--,., «id nol .. tl ¦' M- election a- Dhalrman ..fn.. t.mlttee to ehaae th.- Sorthweatera ralnbown__- Intendefl i- ..: bl.al "i lew York uud to nplai .- wbere be w.n'_ n,.t

    t.- ui.,- i;. acorptefl ii." place "f Chalrawn ..f IbaCampaign Comml tee. IVaa l.e i»-t th" only l> ". ral-i .,:,x piominenre who woald lake tba pi.'-' Xn

    .. -i uf Diuiii i:. lllll xxoii.i take i' and iiroverCleve¬land and WIMaa < Whitney di..i xv.nr .-:ii"'r aaMayor Ul'.liiun B. Oraee or Charkfl fl. FBlrcbtld. tl.eini.-r- iu iii- "antl -¦ ii'i".''' "' .x-'n"ii' '.> be WctO.

    ii,,1 -.xi"i ti,.- management vf tka rampatgn. Mr.ii., i-i-.n sliowed mon after bt election u. tim beudof rt,- Campaign OommKtae thal bta eyea were awaytrom il..- ki xxii.c- Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Whitneyaanl ti make tke Igfct, anfl tbal he waa lookingtoward tbe :>. ri.n. t.-in Btatea *> tbe place \x iie.oDemocratie majorlftaa aroalfl be aecared. Mr. Whlt-n,-v -i.xx iiiiit Mr. Btohln-on woald be ln Wa way a

    greal d.-iil und BO th.- BCfceflM »f puttlog hlm luClllcagu Wllh IWB -l.ix-xx'l p-lili. l.ui I> WatfB himaaa determlaad apoa.

    Mr. incuiu-"!! fleclflefl yeaterflay thal ha xn-iid nol_nim.Nute Mr. Whitney aafl go Wa t, bnl be wouM

    rlghl bere In New-Yortl wlth !-¦. l>'".alli:..,u nnl Commlttee ln aplto "f anythlng that Mr.kVhltiiej mi, i.i ai Mi ¦'. vcl ind auto him >\,. -ii. bnl then- i- a targe number .'f ju*t mlnded U.-tu"

    Montana xx', kn..w >>f Ita ho-tlln. «.f Mri.-..-:,i..i ... ita We»t, whl.li ln i--!» waa «upplanted

    (rlendnnc ot Mr. Ilarrtaoii and 1,1- Adinlnh.,|_ frll lld !'.. l"-U -ll.'XXtl ll. ll

    ,; oa) ¦. and tta refore l am r.,ni! thei,,!'. aud .i nurotar .,f new propoalUo** recelved .."J

    .i t., lhe propei commtttee, n.-f.-i*. the in.'.-tIng udJou ned everal Intreatlng adflrea ea arere mad.ai ,i -. "ix..i xx ith imi-1. apphwine.

    The regalar meeUng of the < haoocay M. i«-i>-xxI'.iui, of th" Sevenl.1k Ward "f BrooklyB xxj. h_d|.i-t ttbjibt Bl K.xx.i-t. aud Me.-kei.lve. PranhK.-iian WM ,n the .J-flr Blld AtXgXX* S.nilenniin hBpli'i,. p-.,-,i Afi. r the u-iuii nmUne ..r bu-ine--- hadloe., iran-ttrted, nlno new i..- were i>'a .-1 un lhe,.,ll inaklug a total "f TT. (Xharloa Morton made tmi-xt-elleiil adii----. A x,,r- .-I iti,n*- xxn* tenderedxt,. Morton n "i the meetlng B-Janraefl.

    \ OBOWIXU TOIUtVIL-H MMinZATIOM.ii,,,. ,f ti,.- tanner n-|ui'.Ji.*ri flrprtntloaa f

    upper Bt* Vork, 'i"- Jaaiea ... BWaa lab olVorkillla, wiu moq flauBl a Baad . bbbbanner ln lha f*" of lhe Vorkxllle Demoarary. Aboul..-|,r. iu!ht '.-'.. the elub wlll place Ha rutora acroaa kbflK_i-if wti'ii.ii. McKinley atafl utt wlfl_ apraarlaaaappiauee wben it araa aienlleoefl.

    Th- clab mll .-..ntiui- ti'- aamea af avei !.', ii--n,i.-r-aafl iin.y aaw a_ra weta atw t-1 taat fllght Th>- rlub i-

    ¦I prlnrlpally ,,f youot ¦"." "r r,.,.-i.-.¦ i.irth. aafltheir .-!,';,....M-,ii tafl eaafldeaa*. ta lhe election "f lheRnpubllran rinfllflaira i- BBhaaaflfflL Tka ofltceai aiei- - ..1 l.n.n.rT. preeid^nt; t\t*U IMflell, Bral rtce-prralfleni iootpk llarrta lecond rlce-grealdenl l*i.i r-1-ni-i ..-¦ -ni- l-.ui.iii Draahln, lieaaawr, _n*» Ki'-hardi.;i.r. tareeaBl iImm. Taa elabiaaaia »r.> aaaa avery

    .u.i ail ara im,r..l t., \i-ir. ri, m.

    goroiBBK DBMOCBATB POBM A ( 1.1TB.TSaBoatketfl Demorrati Ib u.i- .ity hava BrganUefl

    iii.-ti,-.-iv"- int., n eaaaalgn iflab to wori h>r < ;.-vland aad .*i"x.n-'.n. Th.-ir leadein saaer! thal ttarear« B04M0 Botrthern Dem3crata In the dtj xxi.rer

    re they rame t.» the Sorth, hava beaa -> fltagBdeflxvitii ihelr party here aa ruled bx TWmtnanv that theihave -i.-iidra-tiy ivfu-.-d .,. v,.ie or "ven to regtater.A few of khem -Mdd.niv rea_l_lng tfcal th.-ir partyrannol afford to leBve the amalleai -t .ue aataraedthi- our hli apoa the acheme ,.f trylng to aotioa Intothe foM ->m" i.f the 50,000 r-.'-.inl- Accorfllngl)¦hoal i".' f ibe bbwi born below Maaon .x Dlxoa'_

    ni'-r nt, the Beform Clab bul alghl lo or__BBlaB.Colonel *.-.inue! ir. I'a il. piaalflfd, aafl lhe oflkeran- inlmanaly atoctofl tor lhe new orgaalaation warw:c ,i mei wini.im i'. rimmbpraa, preiKaal. Qaptaki¦flwarfl Owaa, Mcretory; and TfcOBMu a. Vaaafttr.n-iir.-i-. '11. *r.' WBB BlBO B Bal "f -.ventT -flVflrtro-praatfleata. Ab Exeentlva Co___aHtae of taraatyxxn etaaaa. lak-eoaimltteea ipeah with Baaurance."

    i i,. it.-v- tlmt the twelve -I-. loral aTotea ..f Vlrglnln..im .i (., th- Bepnbllcnn rolumn, and lf Ihey

    ,.ltl V- i. derlalv. vote lhal Ihls arlll ,.of the rountry lo Ylrglnla II _.) -'.¦ wlll

    ,..,.,. .., ,. a nea ern ot dcvelopntenl thnt «ill mnkel.-r na nch iu ti na Republican a- Pennaylvauto.

    -- ? .-


    IRE MAKIX.- IH Rl-RXR-T il-t'i-.rMITI ITE TIIE r.vn,

    The flmtrh- rannaNtae of tlm XVlth \.-iit.lvDUtrlcl Republican Organli-llon mel MM MalH atBo. 42" Hecond-na/e. w,iu.ru ll-nU-l acted aa chalrman mni _*rank n. Dab «a- aecretary. Bamtaa -f

    dldatM lor u.e poaBlooa "f i"'l rlerka. ballotMd raparanaon f.*r lhe hMrti t'r- ehsction

    di 1, -.- eomprWng tha Aa_em».ly DMrtct. w *e ro.Iderrd and referred to the ohalnuM ror dnal .¦ t n.

    The ni'.-. lini*'rtuiit UdBg wa lhe « UvpublicanMahfli

    OF rn.tlitES Al.I.ES PFRKrX*.UiB-Uai. Auk. 2J Ppertall. Qharlaa Allen Pcrklne.

    "x t'nit.ii Btatea Conaul at Barreltaaa, Spuin, and ex-Mlnl-t.-r to l'.'rtupil, flfOppafl fleafl today ttt the homeof hl* itater, Mra. Walter Adama. Mr. TYrklna waathe only Ain.Tl.iin who ever innrrled Into tta Boyalfiinilly ol BffBla. II" was tx.rn lu i onnectlcut _lxt|yeara Bfo. lle ... rdueatofl at Aabara, X. Y.. anflBl l.trl*. 1'..-Id.-nt OlBBt BBfOlBt-d hlm as Conaufto Iiar.-.-lona, wheia he rrmalnrd durlng the revola.tlon. Then he xxas appolnted t'nlt.-d State. MlnUtaBto 1'orti.Knl. His dlplomutlc Bervtoa aaflafl wlth hlare-dgnaUon from his po-t ut I.tabnn. Beturnlng tatta I'nited Stules ht- beCBBM u member af the (>peaBaarfl Inxlufl r.. -.ttend the funeral fromhi- lut re.ldi.nie, llfl XV.-.t .'.I'h-t .m naaflBfl. taa

    I Irl.i- ( ompnu. * Kxlrnrt af Beef.

    rwiirly rrea Bam f-t «nd sriatine.

    MARRILD...xr.nM'.Pv-wiM,r.Ts-«»n Meaflap, An_.i«t 2_d, 1892.

    ln S'.-iv-York Clty, Alfcd .UffUatU* Cordner *on of\ »-.-i ii Oardner. aad ICtthanae Tatyr willeu., daugh.

    \. at \\ .it_.ni Henry wii.k.NoUflea af n_.n.ai_es must r* indoreed witb

    full name an.l ad.lreas.

    1HEI).BALDWIX-in Braafarfl, Oaaa. Aaaaafl 20, John tr.l-'iii,'.-'r,,'i -.-rvtoea ai hi* latn .*>«__. n " "' ,;*

    __m i. rterv aa ttm ii»r>m Ruimad. 48 wlnut^rroul the _H«nd Central Depot. aaw U-i*.t at cntriaca.Ofllee ib Eaat lid-al.

    MOl'XT BOI_ ci:mf.tf.rt.

    Offlre. SWr Othave.. cor.er _Bfla_, X. Y.

    Gpccnil X0tltf9Paaiaflflra Noii.-e.

    m, ,u,u i«- read d_Uy by jH hiniiawfl, .« Bhaaaaa niay

    ,.'';' -\ ."i1..".'.':.-.. -"""tn *.i ael ta ********,-,.:. i r rdlipateh i.) in; paitlc.lu *^"'luw^________i3/.r\:.''.,.''i:;.i'a:/a:;;^n^i;^:r!.1U'Vo%gr_i^fa%th^w!2li rofllpfl k***m» w.U doatJmamm*^ *Bnm* ImmkTU Ittm* mM ba*'^__DxI_SDAY*'a|'| ». ». ttt l'.'.n.i.-. per B. » .**t,t ..-. xia Oucea-toaru 't'| - »u«l ba dir-.tea:''¦.,.!.. -..i' »x .-. a. for I'.Hl-lum dlre- B for iruxjllo, per i. a.a i'xv xt t ),. i'i foi .'"-ra Rlca, v-i Llmon. mw. llUianU, '¦¦¦¦¦! N-- ''.":-. ar B:B0 p. m. lorK| i'|,.iie.M!i|ii"'"n. |>er ateauier from Xnrrh Bydney.

    Xt _'- f.r Chlna and J;i|«n per *. *. (i.x.llr (froai-..in Iriii.l-,, '!.. here dally up t/> Aupu«t -31,,. . jo n m Malla fof the Snclety talandl |ier ship,- --,, ifrom San Frei laco), rloaa bara

    ,,. . \\ .¦¦¦¦¦ a froa *"" t'-.m-i-" ,-:,,* -t. K-t«lill*h.*l 1812.

    Polltl nl Xpi II i-n-r.. ,- l-..tt-.. i.nlf... pi- »»l ,-a.tilu-n-nt. in i¥i-it vari.'.v .!¦.;.- (nt»ra. kt.: taWaBBprl .-. Political i'i'.,-r :,nd i-'ai'tipui'-i.t Co., (,i x,.-,>_;.,a, v._,

    lUligione Xotic.s.liLAU n_>iN.»*> t" -it ai.i. aapeelally for atakaaa

    after trutli m.i IBfl atixio.,.. and ..II «ho de»lro 10l.> ii^li.fnl to -in.. at l,.,n.r almad. d'* w^,,t -alxa'.n-n pialnly ael f«,rth lu :. I".*l" h"nh of eara-MIIV -eli.-t.-d te«la, ,ntlt!ed "The (rlor'.ou* el of tbaBleaaed «.ol" "in i.e _ia t- all fora-»rdtn||latter or i..*ui.-aid «i_n addr«-_ t_ "WELL \v Ism-.R,"4S i-at.-rni.4ter l..w lA>iirton. I.nciand. (Himaelf a..-eker fnr v.-ir*. *".-klii_ llcht and tl'-dl"_ none. and thera-fora d._»lro.ta to do what he can for otneia in tte mm** '¦"The ennance of fkr wortta 9pm* llght."-!-. cala, m\