Page 1: The Lecturer:  Hu Cui-e  In Qingyuan  Nov. 26, 2009

The Lecturer: Hu Cui-e In Qingyuan Nov. 26, 2009

Page 2: The Lecturer:  Hu Cui-e  In Qingyuan  Nov. 26, 2009
Page 3: The Lecturer:  Hu Cui-e  In Qingyuan  Nov. 26, 2009

Lesson 1Festivals

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Objectives■ To use pictures to help understand new words and to use the dictionary to check meanings.■ To read a text quickly to find specific information.■ To practice the Present Simple Passive, Present Continuous Passive, Past Simple Passive, Present Perfect Passive and Past Continuous Passive.

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1. A word test.2. Ex.5 on page79, Ex.3 on page80 and Ex.2 on pa

ge81.3. Words about seasons

and months.

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Step 1 – Before you start – Preparations

for Reading

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springWomen’s Day

the Qingming Festival

May Daysummer

the Dragon Boat Festival

Children’s Day

the birthday of the Party

the birthday of the army

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Teacher’s Day

National Day

Mid-Autumn Day/

the Mid-Autumn



New Year’s Day

the Spring Festival

the Lantern Festival

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Step 2: Listening and first reading

Listen to the text and tell if the following sentences

are true or false.

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1.The mid-autumn Festival is celebrated by the peo

ple all over the world.

2.Traditional moom cakes are made with fruit, coff

ee, chocalate and icecream.

3.Nowadays people from different cultures have als

o taken part in dragon boat races and enjoyed the f


4.Nowadays lanterns are only lit by candles and de

corated with pictures of birds, animals and flowers.





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Step 3: Read the text again and choose t

he right answer.

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1.The dragon Boat Festival falls in ______.

A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

2.The lantern Festival marks ______.

A. the end of the Chinese celebrations of the Chinese new yea

r B. the beginning of the hottest of the year

C. the coming of spring D. the coming of autumn

3.In which Chinese festival a race is also taken part in by foreig

n people?

A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. the Lantern Festival

C. the Dragon Boat Festival D. the Spring Festival

4.The text is probably extracted from_______.

A.the medical magazine B.the ad column C. the culture column





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Step 4 – Careful Reading

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Read the text again and fill in

the table with the information

you read from the texts.

Ex.3 (p.36)

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date/ month

Typicalactivity or food







moon cakes

meet in the evening and watch the moon


August 15th


or October

a special


for family


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the fifteenth of the first month of the lunar calendar

sweet dumplings

mark the end of the Chinese New Year celebration

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the Dragon Boat Festival

the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar


dragon boat races

mark the beginning of the hottest season of the year

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Step 5 –Reading aloud

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Find the following in the text and translate them into Chinese:

1. the Mid-Autumn Festival 2. is celebrated 3. on this day 4. is said to be 5. watch the moon 6. a special occasion 7. all kinds of 8. are made with 9. nowadays 10. different kinds of 11. including 12. fall on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month 13. mark the end of 14. were lit to celebrate 15. the power of light over darkness 16. was destroyed 17. burn down 18. was fooled 19. thousands of 20. in the past 21. decorate… with… 22. in many shapes and sizes 23. north-eastern part of China 24. mark the beginning of 25. in the old days 26. in recent years 27. take part in 28. enjoy the fun 29. sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves

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Step 4 – Language


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1.celebrate vt. 庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会;典礼。 hold a celebration 举行庆祝会 in celebration of 为庆祝……They will hold a party _________ their victory.We’ll hold a _________ ______________his return from the space.

to celebratecelebration in celebration of

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2.graduation n. 毕业,毕业典礼 after graduation 毕业之后 graduate (from) 从……毕业 vi. 毕业,获 得学位 n. 大学毕业生1.He_______ in physics ______ Cambridge University.2.I’d like to study law at Beijing University after ____________________________.3.The young man __________ a Harvard _________. (据说)

graduated from

graduation/ graduating from high school

is said to be


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3.festval n. 节日,喜庆日, ( 一般指中国的传统农历计算的节日,如the Spring Festival; the Mid-AutumnFestival day 指国际上通行的按公历计算的节日,如 :May Day, Army Day ,Children’s Day

4.It is said that sb./sth… 据说1 )据说他是法国人。He is said to be from France.It is said that he is from France.2) 据说他在写一本新小说。It is said that he is writing a new novel.=He is said to be writing a new novel.

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5. traditional adj. 传统的,惯例的,沿袭的_________ Chinese medicine 中药

tradition n. 传统,惯例The young should keep the fine_________of plain living and hard work.



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6. including prep. /included adj. 1)Ten people, ________ two women, were killed in the accident. 2)Five students failed in the examination, Li Ping _______/_______ Li Ping. 3) 人人都得去看医生,包括你。


included including

Everyone has to see the doctor, you included/ including you.

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7.serve (1) vt./vi. 服务;1)She served the family as a cook for 15 years. 2)He has served in the army for 3 years.

(2)vt. 端上(饭菜),送上(食物饮料);1)Breakfast is served until 9a.m.2)Meals can be served to you in your room.3)Why aren’t you out there serving the guests?

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8.decorate vt.. 装饰 decorate…with 为……做室内装修;1. 她用鲜花装饰她的房间。

2. 装修这间房子要华多少钱?She decorated her room with flowers.

How much will it cost to decorate the house?

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9.take part in 参加(活动,考试,比赛等) / join (sb.) in sth./doing sth. /attend a meeting/class party /celebration/ reception/ college/church1. 下周我们将要参加考试。

2. 有 20 个运动员参加了比赛。We’ll ___________ the exam next week.

Twenty athletes ___________ the competition.

3. Will you _______us _____ the game?4. I’m sure you’ll all _______ me ______ thanking today’ speaker.5. I have an important meeting to __________.

take part in

took part in

join injoin in


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10. dozen 和 hundred, thousand, million,… 一样,当表示好几十用 dozens of ; 当前面有表示具体数量的词或有 many ,several ,a few, 等词修饰时, dozen 不用复数形式。如: 1.We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach. (很多很多) 2.There are several dozen books on the table. 3.20 人在大火中丧生。 Two dozen people lost their lives in the big fire.

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1. 如今月饼的种类很多,有水果的,咖啡的 巧克力的,甚至有冰激凌月饼。Nowadays there are many different

Kinds of moon cakes including fruit, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes.

2. 图书馆里的书种类很多,有中文的,英语的,甚至有德语的。There are many kinds of books in the library , including Chinese, English, and even German books.

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3. 传统月饼是用豆馅做的。

4. 有很多月饼是水果做的。

Traditional moon cakes are usuallymade with bean paste.

There are many cakes made with fruit.

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4. 点灯笼是为了颂扬光明驱赶黑暗的力量。

5. 桌子上有一支点燃的蜡烛。

Lanterns were lit to celebrate the power of the light over darkness.

There is a lighted candle on the table.

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由于端午节是在初夏,它标志着一年最热季节的开始。As the Dragon Boat Festival is in early summer ,it marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.

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Step 6 – Grammar

The Passive (I)

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Ex.5 Look at the first sentence in each

group and complete the second

sentence with the correct verb forms.

2. Exercises on P.37

1. Grammar rules on Page 93.

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Step 7– Vocabulary

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Do exercise 10 and exercises on page78-79.

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