Page 1: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

The children, the mouse and the potion

This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary school created for the event submission for The Cake, The Wolf and The Witch.

Page 2: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

This is a close up of the start of the quest.

Page 3: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary
Page 4: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

This is a close up of the end of the quest.

Page 5: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

For extra homework, the children also wrote a story to accompany the map. These are the best two examples (types up by Miss Harvey, but un-edited)

The children, the witch and the potion

Eight ordinate children, who have the foggiest idea of how to entertain themselves, are silently day dreaming. Meet Zaki, Thomas, Lily, Daisy, Sam, Meadow, Ryleigh and Bryany. They are both bored and filled with imagination. Suddenly, out of the ordinary, appears an ugly witch, with a colossal walt on the tip of her hairy nose. Everyone screamed with a petrified look on their face. Except for a quiet, gentle person, who was Daisy and she reacted with a faint gasp. Everyone, stood silent! Before the witch had come, the witch said “you eight…. Eight creatures have been cursed…Lilly questioned “why…the witch yelled SHOOSH! You will be shrunk and have to go on quest. She exclaimed, “you will be shrunk and have to journey through the bedroom and find a potion. You have five hours.” Then Meadow asked, “what if we don’t do it in five hours?” the witch announced, “if you don’t rink the potion in five hours the curse will become PERMEMNET! “Don’t disappoint me.” She said. Then… POOF, she was gone.

The adventure begins

At that very moment, they turned into tiny little people. With not a clue what they were meant to be doing. Thomas said, “where on earth are we meant to be going?” Just then, a map appeared, gradually floated down and Sam caught it. “I think this is where were meant to be going Sam exclaimed., as he was looking eagerly at the map. The map had a lot of detale on it, which was good because they had no idea where they had to go. Crazily, Sam, without thinking, walked of the bed, bounced of the pillow and landed in a glass of water. So the map wouldn’t get wet, he gave it to the others before walking of but how would he get out?

The rescue

Page 6: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

The good thing was that Sam could keep his head above the water, the bad thing was that Sam couldn’t get out. They had to remember that every seconds counts. Daisy just had an idea! Daisy would go in the glass, somehow climb out and get a piece of string so Sam could climb out. They all did the same thing and eventually came to what looked like a lamp. Using the string, Bryany threw it over her shoulder and climbed up, The first step Bryany took turned out to be a massive OUCH! Everyone quickly turned their heads to look at Bryany. You could definitely see she was in pain, a lot of pain. What was it? How did it happen? When Bryany fell with a big OOF, she screamed so loud she made everyone cover their ears. She said weirely, “it was the light bulb.” They all climbed up the piece of string and cautiously walked around the edges of the light cover. Before jumping down they all said “phew.” What would be the next obstical in their way?

The leap of faith

Suddenly, everyone took a great step back. Ryleigh looked down while Sam looked at the map. “where do we go next then” Ryleigh asked. “That’s bonkaz!” Sam yelled. “we have to jump down and land on that tiny spunge under the bed! “uhhhh….who want’s to go first?” Zaki bravely stepped forward, took a step back and went. “I hope he’s ok” Lily said. In a few seconds, “even if you miss it I will quickly move it. One by one everyone started to jump, jump, jump. Everyone had made it exept for Daisy. She was brave and jumped. She did it. Little did they know what was lurking in the darkness behind them.

The big problem

Everyone was relieved that nobody got injured. Suddenly they heard a loud SQUEEK! Nobody moved. They all slowly turned and relised it was a gigantic mouse. The mouse started to run for them. “What should we do” Meadow said. “Run,” Sam shouted. They ran and they ran they ran to hide in the fluffy rug. Luckily, the mouse had not followed them and had lost intrest. Slowing down, they looked ahed and gazed upon a mighty maze, or in other words, a rug. Everyone started walking towards then into the rug. The maze itself was pretty simple, all you had ti do was go in, out, in, out and so on. Finally, they had made it to the end of the rug. Three hours had already gone. Will they make it or will the spell become permement? “we’d better hurry up.” Sam reminded, “or the spell will become permanent on us.”

The last two obsticals

Page 7: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

Most of them were prety tired so they took a five minute break. After that, they were journeying on. Sam said there were only two obsticals left in their way, which was good. Just then, they stared at a tower of book from Diary of a Wimpy Kid to The BFG. Everyone started to climb up the glorious tower. It took about an hour to climb up so they only had one hour left. From there they jumped into a colossal box of toys, which was where the potion should be. They all helplessly rummaged through the heap of toys for half an hour, but still no luck. Searching for the potion, which should be in there, was tireing. It was only a matter of time before all their lives will be gigantic.

The Great Find

Emidietly, Ryleigh shouted “hey guys, come here.” Ryleigh help up the dark blue-fizzing bottle. One by one they passed it around and suddenly, they began to grow to their normal size. However, if they were big again they wouldn’t move, talk or celebrate because it could create the smaller ones to either fall over or just hurt themselves. After everyone was big again, they all walked to the bed, sat down, and sigh in relief. Also, they where all lucky because they only had five minutes left. “Well that was a memorable adventure “ Daisy softly said. As she said that, she fell in a deep sleep.


By Zaki (Giffards Primary School)

Page 8: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

Story by Thomas (Giffards Primary School)

“OH NO!” exclaimed Zaki. “How are we going to get bigger again?”

“Well don’t just stand there! We need to start moving.”

Demanded Ryleigh. They had to find a way to grow or they’d be shrunk forever.

They strolled down the squeaky mattress. In their journey, they came across a bouncy pillow.

“Shall we jump on it?” questioned Sam.

“If it feels safe to you then of course, but I’m not too sure.” Answered Thomas.

“Go ahead!” Meadow burst out with excitement.

They jumped…



“I can’t swim” screamed Bryany. As she doggy-paddled towards the edge, Daisy asked,” where are we?”

“In my drink of course!” Thomas said as he swallowed some water.

“Can you help me up?” pleaded Sam.

“And me!” begged Zaki.

“I CAN’T SWIM!” screeched Bryany.

Scurrying out of the glass, they all fell onto the burning hot lamp.






Page 9: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

They all shouted at once. As a group, they scrambled off in a hurry so they didn’t have to suffer the blazing hot lamp.

“AAAH!” screamed Ryleigh as they fell.

In less than a second, they were in pitch blackness under the bed. The slats creaked and groaned. Not far away, they could hear something moving behind a race track box that had been left there no purposeful reason.

Thomas went to hide behind a box, meanwhile Zaki hummed peacefully.

“What is it?” Thomas whispered to Ryleigh.

“huh?” she replied.

“You know…That noise…it’s coming behind the box.” Thomas shivered.

Before Ryleigh, or anyone else was able to look, an enormous mouse stood before them.

“THAT!” Thomas shrieked.

“What is ‘THAT’?” replied Sam in confusion.

“A MOUSE!” Thomas screamed. “We always get mice! Last year we got 4!”

“OK, I’m sure everyone wanted to know how many mice you got last year, but we really need to know.” Daisy said rudely… VERY rudely.

“SCRAM, SHOO you thing!” stated Lily.

“I think we should scram and shoo!” whispered Sam as fear built up inside him.

They dashed away in a hurry…

They couldn’t run for long, as they were immediately topped by an enormous rug. They had np time so they sped inside. They had all sp[lit up. They were all lost in the rug maze…


They all shouted. Without thinking, Zaki ran to the end of the carpet. “HEY GUYS… I’m at the end of the carpet!”

“Which end?” shouted Lily

“This one!” Zaki shouted stupidly.

“OK, I’m coming!” exclaimed Sam…

“I’M HERE! Next to the… BED!”

Page 10: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

Sam ran straight back in and collected everyone on his way.

“This way!” Sam said with excitement. After a few hours, Sam heroically brought everyone to the end.

“WHAT’S THAT?” shouted Daisy.

“I never member reading so many books!” Thomas said.

“Your mum could be tidying up your book case.” Questioned Bryany.

“Anyway…How are we going to get up there?” said Lily.

“Climb!” Meadow exploded with happiness. So they clambered up the tower of books.

“Feels more like Rapunzels tower than a book tower!” Thomas said with an enormous yawn.

“Feels as high as the sky!” Lily said, as she stretched her arms.

“we’re only half way and we are do tired!” Bryany yawned.

“I’m probably…3 quarters!” Meadow erupted with joy, not tired at all!

Second after second. Minute after minutes, Hour after hour. They yawned, climbed, YAWNED, climbed for many, many hours.

“How far is it now?” asked Meadow, beginning to feel sleepy.

“For us or for you?” asked Sam.

“ME of course!” she exclaimed, as she began to wake up.

“About 10 centimetres.” Replied Zaki.

“And us?” Thomas replied quite demandingly.

“30 centimetres.” Zaki said as he began to fall asleep.

“You’re not falling asleep are you… ZAKI?” Daisy said in an angry voice.

“of course not!” he demanded as he was awoken by Daisy’s booming voice. Zaki scrambled up, while Lily began to read each name of each book.

“OHHH, Maudie Smith’s The cake The wolf And the witch… OOH, Elen Caldecott’s Spooks and scooters!”

It was late now and Meadow was at the top singing joyfully.” I’m the king of the castle and you’re the dirty rascals!”

Page 11: · Web viewThe children, the mouse and the potion This is the map that the children of Giffards Primary

Everyone had finally got to the top. Now they found a little toy box. Sam declared, “JUMP IN!”

“YAY!” replied Meadow.

“Fine.” Was everyones responses to Sams comment.




“What was that?”

“Where are we?”


“On top of a glass bottle.”

The glass bottle read “drink me and become bigger!”

Minutes later…



“And tired…”

When they slept that night they had the best dreams ever…

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