Page 1: 005c 英語音樂劇 SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN.docx 的副本




為提高學生學習英語的興趣及對表演藝術之修養,本校將於銀禧校園黑盒劇場演出英語音樂劇 「SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN」。 本劇製作兼備教育性、藝術性及娛樂性,實為一次難得的機會讓各位家長、同學及各界人士分享同學之學習成果,敬請踴躍購票與貴 子弟一同觀賞。詳情如下:

日期 時間 票價

1/10/2021 星期五2/10/2021 星期六

3:00pm-4:30pm 全日制學校學生$50成人(家長丶校友及公眾人士) $100(活動所籌得款項將捐予「天主教郭得勝中學發展基金」)1/10/2021 星期五

2/10/2021 星期六7:30pm-9:00pm

地點:天主教郭得勝中學 銀禧校園 黑盒劇場本校特别於28/9-30/9安排免費優先場供部份初中同學觀賞。

如欲訂票,請於9月17日或以前填妥電子回條。如門票供不應求,將由學校編配。若同學家庭領取「綜合社會保障援助」或「學生資助全費或半費津貼」,均可獲資助是次活動收費。同學可向校務處索取「學生活動資助綜合申請表」申請。(資助只限於學生本人。) 暫時無需付款;待作實獲得分配門票後,派發入場券時才繳費。




Page 2: 005c 英語音樂劇 SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN.docx 的副本


Ref: 21/22-005e10 Sep 2021

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

In order to cultivate students’ appreciation in performing arts and English drama, the Schoolwill perform a musical called “SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN” at the KTS Black Box Theatre. Thisproduction, being educational, artistic as well as entertaining, provides a great opportunity forparents, students and people from all walks of life to witness our effort. Do come and watch!Show dates are as follows:

Date Time1/10/2021 Fri2/10/2021 Sat

3:00pm – 4:30pm

1/10/2021 Fri2/10/2021 Sat

7:30pm – 9:00pm

Venue: Black Box Theatre, Jubilee Campus,Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School

Ticket Prices: $50 (Full-time students)$100 (Parents, alumni and the public)

All the proceeds will be donated to “Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary SchoolDevelopment Fund”.

Special Pre-shows (free-of-charge) will be arranged for some classes.

To order ticket(s), please fill in the e-Reply Slip on or before 17 Sep. If demand exceeds seatavailability, tickets will be assigned by the school. Students receiving CSSA, or half / fullassistance from Student Finance Office (SFO) can enjoy the show free-of-charge. Pleaseobtain the form concerned from the School Office (applicable only to KTS students). Nopayment is necessary until the allocation of tickets is completed.

Yours sincerely,Steven HonPrincipal

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