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18 April 2012, Malmö

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Pskov Region:Pskov Region:experience and possibilitiesexperience and possibilities

Dmitriy Bystrov,Vice Chairman,State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development, industry and trade

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State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Pskov Region is an exclusive subject of the Russian Federation which borders on three states


with Belarus . . . . . . . 305 kmwith Estonia . . . . . . 254,4 kmwith Latvia . . . . . . . 274,6 kmDISTANCE FROM PSKOV:

to Riga . . . . . . . . 260 kmto Tallinn . . . . . . 350 kmto Vilnius . . . . . . . 400 kmto Minsk . . . . . . . . 450 km

to Helsinki . . . . . . . . . . 700 kmto Warsaw . . . . . . . . . . 850 kmto Stockholm . . . . . . . . 860 kmto Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 kmto Moscow . . . . . . . . . . 689 km


Cross border region

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State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Pskov region is the «starting point» for penetration of foreign business into Russian market:

unique border location near both capitals: Moscow and Saint-Petersburg;

qualified and comparatively cheap labor force;

reserves of land and energy resources;

business-oriented administration

Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020

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State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Priorities of the region:

- tourism development - transport and logistics - agriculture - SME support - ecology solutions - road networking - energy efficiency - health care - education - sport - culture and heritage - youth policy - social sphere

Strategy for socio-economic development till 2020

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- INTERREG III B (6 projects)

- INTERREG III A (17 projects)

- CBSS (Euro Faculty-Pskov project)

- Northern Dimension (NDEP: ЕBRD, «Pure water» project, Pskov)

- «Economic Development Support Programme in the Pskov region» MFA Denmark 2006-2010 (priorities: tourism, food industry)

Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

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Baltic Tangent (logistics)

Innovation Circle (education)

BEN (interregional cooperation)

HINTERLAND (spatial planning)

BEN-EAST (interregional cooperation)

East Wind (wind energy development)

Greenhouse (encouraging SME)






Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

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Programmes and instruments for cooperation:

- CBC ENPI «Estonia-Latvia-Russia» Programme

- Northern dimension (NDEP: ЕBRD, NEFCO)

- Nordic Council of Ministers

Priorities for cooperation

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Page 8: 1 8 April  201 2, Malmö

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Basic criteria for the prioritized regional project:

- to be within the Regional Strategy for socio-economic development of the Pskov region till 2020 and within the priorities of the regional development programmes;

- to include infrastructural part;

- to establish logical partnership;

- to demonstrate prolonged effect

“Estonia – Latvia - Russia” - regional development tool

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State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

1st call results geography







9 municipalities will receive benefits and will host projects

all EE and LV border related territory of the region involved in cooperation

12 projects:

- transport – 1 - tourism and heritage – 3 - ecology – 3 - social sphere – 5


9 projects with infrastructure component:

- transport – 1- tourism and heritage – 3- ecology – 2- social sphere – 3

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Running projectsTourism - “Tour de Latgale & Pskov”

Environment - “Water Management Project of Peipsi, Pihkva, Lämmijärve, Saadjärve and Veskijärve Lakes”

- “Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Lake Peipsi area” (Large Scale Project)

- “Pure water”

Urban development - “Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov: Green Management for UrbanDevelopment & Planning in EE-LV-RU Border Capitals”

Education - “Promoting nature education as efficient mean of awareness raising”

«Green growths»: start-ups in Pskov region

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

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Implemented projectsThe Nordic-Russian Exchange Programme for Local Civil Servants - Pskov Region participants:The City of Pskov Municipality,Krasnogorodsky District,Pytalovo District Municipality

The Emerging Innovation in Northern Europe Programme- Pskov Region partner:Pskov State University


Nordic Council of Ministers

State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

Coming up…

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State Committee of the Pskov regionfor economic development, industry and trade

State Committee of the Pskov region for economic development,

industry and trade

Thank you for your attention!

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