  • 7/30/2019 1. Culture-Independent Techniques Applied to Food Industry Water


    Culture-independent techniques applied to food industry watersurveillance A case study

    Jessica Varela Villarreal, Thomas Schwartz, Ursula Obst

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (former: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe), Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG), Microbiology of Natural and Technical Interfaces Department,

    P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

    a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o


    Drinking water

    Food industry




    Real-time PCR

    Culture-independent techniques were used for the detection of pathogenic bacteria in drinking water at

    potentially critical control points along the production lines at a German dairy company and a Spanish dry

    cured ham company. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to describe bacterial

    population shifts indicating biological instability in the drinking water samples. Autochthonous bacteria were

    identified by sequencingthe excisedDGGE DNAbands. More specifically, real-timePCR wasapplied to detecta

    number of pathogenic bacteria, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis,

    Campylobacter jejuni, Enterococcus spp., Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    Dueto thedetectionlimits ofthe real-timePCR method, a specific protocol wasestablishedin order tomeet the

    technical detection requirements and to avoid unwanted polymerase inhibitions. Autochthonous bacterial

    populations were found to be highly stable at most of the sampling points. Only one sampling point exhibited

    population shifts at the German dairy company. Enterococci and P. aeruginosa were detected in some water

    samples from these companies by molecular biology detection methods, but not by conventional culturing

    methods. Some opportunistic bacteria as Enterobactersp.,Acinetobacter, Sphingomonas sp. and non-pathogenic

    Bacillus, were also detected after DNA sequencing of DGGE bands.

    2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Drinking water coming from public suppliers is not sterile, but

    contains a number of autochthonous and mostly harmless bacteria

    (Szewzyk et al., 2000; WHO, 2004a). Drinking water distribution

    systems are an enormous heterogeneous reactor in which the different

    zones behave almost independently, especially regarding the density

    and diversity of bacterial populations (Leclerc, 2003). Pathogenic or

    opportunistic bacteria may enter drinking water facilities under

    irregular operating conditions. In this case, some of these bacteria are

    able to persist and distribute across the production lines at food

    industries (Allen et al., 2004; USEPA, 1992). Besides pathogens, also

    opportunistic bacteria may cause diseases in immunocompromised

    people. In this case, the dose response is an important issue. It will vary

    depending on the pathogen and the host as well as on many other

    factors (Szewzyk et al., 2000; Leclerc et al., 2002). Pathogenic bacteria

    maylose their viabilityand pathogenicity after leavingtheirnatural host

    or enter a physiological state called viable but not culturable (VBNC)

    (Oliver, 2000,2005). VBNC bacteria enter this state in response to oneor

    more natural stresses, i.e. nutrient deprivation, shift in the optimal

    growth temperature, oxygen concentration, elevated osmotic concen-

    trations,and exposure to white light. They maybe reanimated when the

    stress factor that induced this state is removed (Oliver, 2005). Most of

    thepathogenic bacteria arenot expected to stay infectiousin water over

    a long term and some will disappear with time, since they are unable to

    multiply under these conditions. Some species, such as Pseudomonas,Aeromonas, and Mycobacterium avium, however, may even multiply in

    drinking water (Legnani et al., 1999; Grobe et al., 2001; Leclerc et al.,

    2002). It is important to notethat somewaterborne bacteria arecapable

    of multiplyingrapidly whencontained in foodstuff. Thiscan enormously

    increase their inoculum's potential andmake even initially lowand non-

    infectious doses of bacterial pathogens a hazard in food production. If

    pathogens find their optimal growth conditions (e.g., nutrient,

    humidity, and temperature), a proliferation in food and subsequent

    transfer to humans becomes a threat. Drinking water is used in food

    industry for many purposes. It can be in direct contact with foodstuff or

    in indirect contact with the food product during cleaning and rinsing

    processes (Casani and Knochel, 2002). According to the Drinking Water

    Directive 98/83/EC (EU, 1998), water for human consumption should

    fulfil the highest drinking water standards imposed by the local

    authorities. Consequently, public drinking water is controlled by the

    local municipal suppliers, but surveillanceby the suppliers ceases when

    the water enters food production facilities. Various scenarios may

    influence the microbial drinking water quality, e.g. rupture of pipelines,

    water stagnation, pipeline material, etc. Culture-independent methods

    were applied to identify potential water-derived critical points

    International Journal of Food Microbiology 141 (2010) S147S155

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 7247 825148; fax: +49 7247 826858.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Varela Villarreal).

    0168-1605/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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  • 7/30/2019 1. Culture-Independent Techniques Applied to Food Industry Water


    according to the HACCP concept (EU, 2005; FAO/WHO, 2006). Water

    samples taken at different points of the production lines of a German

    dairy companyand a Spanish drycuredham company were subjectedto

    an integral evaluation. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

    (DGGE) technique has been applied in this work to compare the

    autochthonousbacterialpopulationof drinking waterat different points

    at food industriesin order to analysethe stabilityof thewaterwithinthe

    industry. Real-time PCR, and DNA sequencing were used as additional

    tools for the identifi

    cation of Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacteriumavium subsp. paratuberculosis, Campylobacter jejuni, Enterococcus spp,

    Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the

    water samples. Cultivation experiments complemented the DNA-based

    experimental techniques.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Cultivation methods and extraction of genomic DNA

    Genomic DNA was extracted in order to carry out standard curves

    and to determine the detection limits of the real-time PCR assays.

    DNA of L. monocytogenes ATCC 19112 (American Type Culture

    Collection, Rockville, MD.USA) was provided by the Max Rubner

    Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis DSM

    44133 (German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures,

    Braunschweig, Germany) was grown in two different media:

    Middlebrook 7H10 agar (DifcoTM, BD, Le Pont de Claix, France) with

    Middlebrook OADC growth supplement (BBLTM, BD, Maryland, USA)

    and Mycobactine J (Synbiotics Europe, Lyon, France), and Harrold's

    egg yolkagarslants with Mycobactine J and ANV (BD, Le Pontde Claix,

    France) at 37 C for 1 month. C. jejuni DSM 4688 was plated on

    Campylosel agar (bioMrieux, Nrtingen, Germany) and Columbia

    agar (bioMrieux) and incubated at 37 C for 48 h. Enterococcus

    faecium DSM 20477 and Enterococcus faecalis DSM 2981 were plated

    on Chromocult Enterococci agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and

    Slanletz-Bartley agar (Oxoid, Hampshire, England) and incubated at

    37 C for 48 h. E. coli DSM 1103 and P. aeruginosa DSM 1117 were

    grown in tripticase soya broth and nutrient broth at 37 C for 24 h.

    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica DSMZ 9274 was grown in selectiveagar Salmonella (Merck) at 37 C for 48 h. Single colonies of each

    strain were transferred to rich nutrient media, i.e. tripticase soya

    broth, TGA-medium or brain heart infusion. Cells were harvested by

    centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 5 min and supernatant decant off.

    Reference strains were stored in 25% glycerine at 80 C until use.

    Total genomic DNA was purified from each bacterium starting

    with a colony or a cell suspension of the isolate. DNA was purified

    using PrepMan Ultra Sample preparation (Applied Biosystems,

    Darmstadt, Germany) in accordance with the manufacturer's guide-

    lines. Concentration of each purified DNA template was determined

    by spectrophotometry (NanoDrop 1000, peqlab, Erlangen, Germany).

    Genomic DNA aliquots were stored at 20 C until use.

    The number of viable culturable bacteria in the water samples was

    quantified by plating methods. 100 ml water sample was filtered, asindicated by most of the drinking water guidelines, placed on each

    specific agar, and subjected to the required cultivation conditions.

    Enterococci, C. jejuni, and Salmonella sp. were cultured using the same

    agar media as described above. E. coli were grown in two different

    media, Mac Conkey agar (Merck) and Lactose TTC agar (Merck), at

    37 C for 48 h. P. aeruginosa were grown on Cetrimide agar (Merck,

    Darmstadt, Germany) at 37 C for 48 h.

    2.2. Water samples and extraction of total DNA

    Five and six sampling points were selected at the German and

    Spanish food companies, respectively. Thefirst sampling point at both

    companies was the entry of conditioned public drinking water at the

    plants. Downstream sampling points differed from one company to

    another depending on the production processes with drinking water

    (Table 1).

    Planktonic bacteria from water samples were concentrated by

    filtration using 0.2 m mixed cellulose ester membrane filters

    (Whatman, Dassel, Germany). A volume of 2000 ml water from

    each sampling point at the German company was reduced to 1 ml by

    filtration.In this way, the bacterialconcentration in thewater samples

    was increased by a factor of 2000 for the first sampling period. For the

    second sampling period at the German company, the bacterialconcentration of each water sample was increased by a factor of

    10000. The water samples were taken at the same sampling points as

    in the first sampling period. At the Spanish company, 5000 ml water

    was filtered and then resuspended in 1.5 ml water, increasing the

    bacterial concentration of every water sample by a factor of 3700.

    These samples were transported frozen to Germany. The bacteria on

    the filter were resuspended by thorough vortexing in sterile water,

    and the filter was thrown away. Due to the low number of bacteria

    expected in drinking water samples, cells in the suspension were

    disrupted by the commonly used freezingthaw method (Muldrew

    and McGann, 1994) and kept at 20 C until use.

    2.3. Detection of PCR inhibitors and prevention of PCR inhibition

    Due tothefiltrationof the water samplesand to the different origins

    of the water (groundwater and surface water), the presence of PCR

    inhibitors was examined by a PCR efficiency assay. This step was

    required to avoid false negative results. Eubacterial ribosomal primer

    systems targeting 16S rDNA were applied to perform the PCR. Forward

    primers were modified by adding a GC clamp at the 5 end for

    subsequent DGGE analysis. The primer GC27F 5-CAGAGTTT-


    et al., 1993; Emtiazi et al., 2004) and the primer GC341F 5-


    (Green and Minz, 2005) were used to obtain 490 bp and 566 bp PCR

    products, respectively. 25 l PCRfinal reaction mixture contained 2.5 U

    HotStar Taq-DNA polymerase (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), 10 pmol of

    each primer, 10 PCR buffer, 200 mmol/l dNTPs, and 10 l template. A

    GeneAmp PCR System 9700 (Applied Biosystems) was used for theamplification.To controlPCR efficiency, 9 l of each template wasspiked

    with1 l enterococcalDNA (10 ng/l). In parallel,the standard DNAwas

    used exclusively. The temperature profile consisted in a treatment of

    15 min at 95 C, followed by 35 cycles of 0:30 min at 94 C, 0:30 min at

    54 Cand1:30 min at72 C,and afinal stepof 7 minat 72 C. Aliquotsof

    10 l PCR products were subjected to electrophoresis on 1% agarose gel

    to verify their sizes and estimated amounts.

    If PCR inhibitors were present, 0.5 l sterile bovine serum albumin

    (BSA) (Sigma, Munich, Germany) solution (5 mg/ml) was added to

    the PCR reaction mix according to Kreader (1996). In case of stronger

    inhibitions, a polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) (Sigma) treatment of

    the samples was performed according to Sutlovic et al. (2007).

    2.4. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing

    The above described eubacterial ribosomal primer systems

    targeting 16S rDNA were subsequently used for the DGGE analyses.

    Table 1

    Sampling points at food companies.

    Germa n d airy compa ny Spa nish d ry c ur ed ham c omp any

    1. Entry of public conditioned

    drinking water

    1. Entry of public conditioned

    drinking water

    2. Lactic acid tank 2. Hygienic sluice

    3. Portioner 3. Salt wash-off

    4. Hand washbasin 4. Hand washbasin of deboning room

    5. Maturation roo m 5. Hand washbasin of packagin g roo m

    6. Feta packaging

    S148 J. Varela Villarreal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 141 (2010) S147S155

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    10 l of the filtered sample was used as template for the PCR. DGGE

    analysis of PCR products was performed by means of the D-Code-

    System (BioRad Laboratories GmbH, Munich, Germany) using

    polyacrylamide gels containing a 4070% denaturing gradient of

    formamide-urea. DGGE gels were run in 1 TAE buffer (40 mmol/l Tris,

    20 mmol/l acetate, 1 mmol/l EDTA) at 70 V and 60 C for 16 h. The gels

    were stained with SYBR Gold (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany). The

    stained gels were immediately analysed using the Lumi-Imager

    Working Station (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).DGGE fingerprints were scored manually by the presence or

    absence of DNA bands. Pattern similarities were calculated using the

    Dice coefficient Cs=2j(a + b)1, where j is the number of bands

    common to samples A and B, and a and b are the total numbers of

    bands in samples A and B, respectively. This index ranges from 0 (no

    common bands)to 1 (100% similarity of band patterns)(Murrayet al.,

    1996). In all experiments the main entrance point of public drinking

    water at the food company facilities was used as reference for

    population shifts within the downstream drinking water facilities.

    Intensively stained bands were excised from DGGE and the gel slices

    were equilibrated in 15 l sterile water over night at room

    temperature. The DNA extract was re-amplified by PCR and subjected

    to a DGGE again to verify the purity of the PCR re-amplification

    product. PCR products were purified with the ExoSap kit (usb,

    Staufen, Germany), the sequence reaction wasdone with theBigDye

    Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems), and the

    sequence detectionwas accomplished using the ABI Prism 310 genetic

    analyser (Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer's

    protocol. Bacteria identification was achieved by comparing the

    nucleic acid sequences with GenBank sequences using the BLAST

    program (

    2.5. Real-time PCR for specific pathogen detection

    TaqMan primers and FAM/TAMRA probes were provided by Sigma

    Aldrich Chemie (Taufkirchen, Germany) and (Ulm,

    Germany). Sequences are listed in Table 2. Quantitative real-time

    PCR was accomplished by amplifying aliquots of 10 l template in

    25 l reaction volumes containing 300 nM of each primer, 200 nMFAM/TAMRA-labelled probe, and 12.5 l TaqMan Universal Master

    Mix (Applied Biosystems). Duplicates or triplicates of each sample

    were run. Sterile water was used as No Template Control (NTC). The

    temperature profile was standardised for all detection systems and

    comprised 2 min at 50 C, 10 min at 95 C, 45 cycles of 15 s at 95 C

    and 1 min at 60 C. Results were analysed with the ABI Prism 7000

    SDS software 1.1 (Applied Biosystems).

    To determine the sensitivity of the different specific detection

    systems, serial dilutions of the DNA from the reference strains were

    applied. Average Ct valueswere calculatedfromtriplicatesor duplicates.

    The amounts of bacteria used for measuring standard parameters were

    calculated from their genome sizes (Suess et al., 2006). To calculate thefinal amounts of bacteria in the samples, the initial volume of each

    sample was considered. This calculation is based on the assumption of

    the average weight of a base pair (bp) being 650 Da. This means that

    1 mol of a bpweighs650 g and that the molecular weightof any double-

    stranded DNA template can be estimated by multiplying its length (in

    bp) by 650. The inverse of the molecular weight is the number of moles

    of template present in 1 g of material. Using the Avogadro number

    6.0021023 molecules/mol, the number of molecules of the template

    per gram can be calculated as:

    mol=g molecules=mol = molecules=g:

    Finally, the number of bacteria or number of copies of template in

    the sample can be estimated by multiplying by 1109 for conversion

    to ng and then multiplying by the amount of template (in ng). The

    genome sizes are listed in Fogel et al. (1999).

    3. Results

    3.1. Protocol developed for drinking water surveillance

    The strategy developed for the molecular biology detection of

    pathogens in drinking water and subsequent identification of poten-

    tially critical control points at the food companies is shown in Fig. 1.

    Selection of the sampling points together with the person responsible

    for quality control at the food company was of great importance. Water

    samples have to be taken strategically at those points, where the water

    might endanger food hygiene. Due to the low amounts of bacteria

    expected to be present in drinking water, the samples had to besubjected to filtration. During filtration, PCR inhibitors might be

    enriched and subsequently interfere with the PCR methods. When no

    DNA amplification was observed after the eubacterial 16S rDNA PCR

    Table 2

    TaqMan primers and FAM/TAMRA probes used for real-time PCR assays.

    Primers and




    Microorganism Gene Gene function Product size




    hlyQF CATGGCACCACCAGCATCT Listeria monocytogenes hly Hemolysin 64 Rodrguez-Lzaro



    Ecst784F AGAAATTCCAAACGAACTTG Enterococcus sp. 23S rDNA 92 Frahm et al. (1998)


    Pa23F TCCAAGTTTAAGGTGGTAGGCTG Pseudomonas aeruginosa 23S rDNA 93 Volkmann et al. (2007)



    VS1F ATTAGGTCTTAATACTAAAGATCAGCAAGGT Campylobacter jejuni VS Variable sequence 115 This worka



    mycF2 AATGACGGTTACGGAGGTGGT Mycobacterium avium

    subsp paratuberculosis

    IS90 0 Insert ion



    76 Cook and Britt (2007)



    InvA139 F GTGAAATAATCGCCACGTCGGGCAA Salmonella spp. invA Membrane

    spanning protein

    284 Malorny et al. (2001)

    and Hein et al. (2006)InvA141 R TCATCGCACCGTCAAAGGAACC


    ECOuidAF GTGTGATATCTACCCGCTTCGC Escherichia coli uidA Gl ucuronidase 87 Frahm and Obst




    Designed by Dr. H. Volkmann.

    S149J. Varela Villarreal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 141 (2010) S147S155
  • 7/30/2019 1. Culture-Independent Techniques Applied to Food Industry Water


    (Fig. 2, panel A), a PCR efficiency assay was carried out. A known

    quantity of enterococcal genomic DNAwas added to the samples before

    this PCR. An inhibition was indicated clearly by the absence of an

    amplificationproduct (Fig. 2, panel B). PCRinhibitors were notremoved

    from the samples with BSA only (results not shown). When the samples

    were treated with PVPP, weak PCR products were observed ( Fig. 2,

    panel C). To confirm that the intensity of these bands corresponded to a

    low DNA concentration in the samples and not to the presence of PCR

    inhibitors, a PCR effi

    ciency assay was performed again. The bandsobserved after this PCR efficiency assay (Fig. 2, panel D) exhibited the

    same or even higher intensities than the added genomic DNA ( Fig. 2,

    lane P), indicating that no PCR inhibitors were present in the water

    samples after the PVPP treatment.

    3.2. Detection of pathogens using real-time PCR assays

    Real-time PCR assays were developed or optimised to detect

    bacteria in drinking water, which are hygienically relevant to food

    industry. Real-time PCR primers and probes that target specific

    virulence or taxon-specific genes are listed in Table 2. Genomic DNA

    dilutions were used instead of bacterial suspensions for sensitivity

    assays due to the retarded growth of some bacterial species, such as

    M. avium subsp.paratuberculosis. Thesensitivities of the real-timePCR

    assays shown in Table 3 were obtained when the standard curves

    were done, after amplifying genomic DNA serial dilutions of each

    target bacteria. Average Ct values were calculated from triple

    reactions. Considering that the DNA of the samples would be detected

    by real-time PCR in a volume of 10 l template and that the bacteria

    present in this template would be concentrated 10000 times by

    filtration of the original water sample, the detection limits calculated

    Fig. 1. Final protocol used for molecular biology detection of pathogens in drinking water.

    Fig. 2. PCR efficiency assay. Lanes 15 correspond to the Spanish dry cured ham

    company's water sampling points. 10 l of the respective 16S rDNA amplicons was

    separated in 1% agarose gel (amplicon size: 566 bp). Panel A, original water templates;

    panel B, original water templates spiked with enterococcal genomic DNA; panel C,

    original water templates afterPVPP treatment;panel D, original watertemplates spiked

    with enterococcal genomic DNA after PVPP treatment. N: negative template control,

    P: positive control, and M: 100 bp DNA marker.

    S150 J. Varela Villarreal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 141 (2010) S147S155

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    for E. faecium, S. enterica, and P. aeruginosa were similar to those of the

    standard plating methods (1 cell/100 ml). The real-time PCR detec-

    tion limits calculated for C. jejuni, L. monocytogenes, and E. coli were 2

    to 4 cells/100 ml. In the case of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, the

    real-time PCR detection limit was 1090 cell/100 ml.

    The equations of the standard curve of each pathogen given in

    Fig. 3 were estimated by linear regression. These equations were

    used to determine the bacterial concentration present in the water

    samples from their genome sizes, as described previously. High PCR

    efficiencies were obtained for these assays (Fig. 3) The correlation

    coefficients (between 0.9958 and 0.9995) showed a high precision of

    the assays and a strong correlation between template DNA concen-

    trations andCt values. Theseparameters indicatedthat they areuseful

    for quantitative measurements. In the case of M. avium subsp.

    paratuberculosis, the standard curve reflected a high correlation

    coefficient, but the calculated detection limit minimised the applica-

    tion of this assay.

    False-positive results were obtained by real-time PCR using the

    uidA gene targeting E. coli. The commonly used polymerase appeared

    to be a contamination source ofE. coli DNA, because this enzyme was

    expressed as a recombinant protein in E. coli (Shannon et al., 2007).In

    order to avoid this, the real-time PCR used for the detection ofE. coli

    was done with the TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix (Applied

    Biosystems). This kit uses the AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase Ultra

    Pure enzyme that is identicalto theAmpliTaqGold DNAPolymerase,but further purified to reduce bacterial DNA introduced from the host

    organism. The purification process ensures that non-specific, false-

    positive DNA products due to bacterial DNA contamination are

    minimised during PCR (protocol AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase

    Ultra Pure enzyme, Applied Biosystems).

    3.3. German dairy company

    The German dairy company was supplied with conditioned

    groundwater exclusively and no further disinfection was performed

    onsite. Thepipelinesystemwas made of stainlesssteel,hoseswere used

    at sampling points 3 (portioner) and 2 (lactic acid tank), and warm

    water was used at points 2 (lactic acid tank) and 4 (hand washbasin).

    The drinking water at the entrance point met all requirements of theGerman drinking water regulations. None of the indicated pathogenic

    bacteria was detected after filtering 100 ml of each water sample and

    carrying out the plating methods on the specific selective media. In

    somecases, unspecific bacterialgrowthwas observed on agar plates,but

    these colonies were identified as false-positive isolates after sequencing

    of 16S ribosomal DNA.

    No PCR inhibition wasdetected after performing thePCR efficiency

    assay, as already described above. Real-time PCR results of the first

    sampling period are shown in Table 4. The sample from point 2 (lactic

    acid tank), where hoses were involved in the process, was the only

    sample that exhibited positive results for P. aeruginosa and entero-

    cocci after real-time PCR analysis. An average Ct value of 33.21 was

    foundfor P. aeruginosa. By transpolatingthis value to thestandard curve,

    a value of 2.45 fg P. aeruginosa DNA per l was obtained. Knowing that

    one P. aeruginosa bacterial cell DNA weighs 3.99 fg, that 10 l template

    was used for the real-time PCR, and that the bacteria present in the

    sample were concentrated by a factor of 2000 by filtration, the

    calculated number ofP. aeruginosa for this sample was 31 cells/100 ml

    water sample. Enterococci-specific positive signals at this point were

    also detected, but the values were lower as the calculated detection

    limits and reached an average Ct value of 37.91. Noneof theother water

    samples taken at this company exhibited positive real-time PCR results

    for any of the specifi

    c targeted pathogens (Table 4).Some hygienic recommendations, such as a more frequent

    exchange of hoses, were made before the second sampling period.

    During this period, higher volumes were filtered in order to achieve

    detection limits similar to those of the standard plating techniques.

    Monitoring of pathogens during the second sampling period did not

    produce any positive results, no matter whether traditional plating

    methods or culture-independent methods were applied.

    Analysis of the autochthonous bacterial population of water

    samples during the first sampling period (Fig. 4) revealed a total

    number of 9 DGGE DNA bands in the reference sample (Fig. 4, lane 1).

    Each DNA band was assumed to represent one bacteria species. In the

    subsequent samples the number of bands did not differ or increased

    only slightly by 1 to 3 bands when compared to the reference sample.

    Using the above Dice coefficients, only sampling point 6 (feta

    packaging) was found to exhibit a decreased similarity value of 30%.

    All the other points presented high bacterial population similarities

    ranging from 44 to 60%. Consequently, point 6 was considered a

    potentially critical point.

    A total number of 13 bands were sliced from the DGGE gel for

    sequencing. Most of these bacteria were - or -Proteobacteria. None

    of the targeted pathogens were identified by sequencing, but some

    opportunistic bacteria as Sphingomonas and Acinetobacter were

    aligned (Table 5).

    Although one potentially critical point was identified after analysing

    the autochthonous bacterial population, no technical problems or

    irregular operation during food production were encountered during

    the evaluation. When the bacterial populations of the water samples

    during the second sampling period were analysed, the similarity values

    between the different sampling points and the reference point werebetween 53 and 86%. No sampling point presented a similarity value

    below 40%.

    3.4. Spanish dry cured ham company

    The water supplied by theSpanish publicdistribution network was

    chlorine-treated conditioned groundwater having a residual chlorine

    content of 0.4 mg/l. No additional treatmentwas done at thecompany.

    It wasnot possible to apply traditional plating methods due to thelack

    of equipmentat thesampling place.The water samples werefiltered in

    Spain and then transported to Germany, where culture-independent

    methods exclusively were applied for their analysis. Initially, no DNA

    amplification was observed but, as explained above, this changed

    when the samples were treated with PVPP (Fig. 2).Real-time PCR results are shown in Table 4. Some weak positive

    signals became obvious after P. aeruginosa-specific real-time PCR

    analysis. At points 2 (salt wash-off), 3 (hand washbasin of bone

    removal room), and 5 (handwashbasin of packagingroom), average Ct

    values of 38.27, 37.21, and 39.05 were obtained. All these values were

    close to the detectionlimit of the real-timePCR detectionsystem.None

    of the other water samples of this company showed positive real-time

    PCR results for any of the specific targeted pathogens (Table 4).

    A total number of 7 DGGE DNA bands were observed in the

    reference sample (point 1) when the autochthonous bacterial

    population of the water samples was analysed. The downstream

    water samples exhibited 5 to 9 bands. When comparing the bacterial

    populations of the water sample and the incoming water using the

    already described Dice coefficient, no significant difference was found.

    Table 3

    Detection limits of real-time PCR systems.

    Bacteria Target gene Genome size


    Detection limit

    (cell/100 ml)a

    Enterococcus faecium 23S rDNA 555 1

    Salmonella enterica invA 4746 1

    Campylobacter jejuni VS1 765 4

    M. avium subsp paratuberculosis IS900 5838 1090

    Listeria monocytogenes hly 3150 3

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa 23S rDNA 1637 1Escherichia coli uidA 4639 2

    a Detection limits were calculated according to the final protocol.

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    The similarities of the samples with the reference sample were quite

    high. They ranged between 63% and 77%, indicating a biological

    stability of the analysed water samples.

    11 DNAbandswere slicedfrom theDGGE gelfor sequencing. Most of

    thesequenced DNAfragments belonged to the-Proteobacteria subclass

    and were mostly aligned with uncultured bacteria. Non-pathogenic

    Bacillus sp. and some opportunistic bacteria, as Sphingomonas sp.,

    Enterobacter sp., and, Pseudomonas sp. were also identified after

    sequencing the DNA of DGGE bands. Hence, the presence of Pseudomo-

    nas found by the previous real-time PCR was confirmed.

    Although some positive pathogenic bacteria results were seen

    after the use of culture-independent methods, it was not possible to

    distinguish DNA from live or dead cells.

    4. Discussion

    Molecular biology techniques have been used for several years for

    the examination of water for multiple purposes (Frahm et al., 1998;

    Frahm and Obst, 2003; Grobe et al., 2001; Schwartz et al., 1998, 2003).

    The work reported here was focused on the testing and optimisation

    Fig. 3. Real-time PCR standard analysis curves. Serial dilutions of reference strain genomic DNA were used as template. Cycle threshold values (Ct) are plotted against log 10 copies of

    bacterial DNA. Linear regression, PCR efficiency (E) and regression coefficients (R2) for each bacterial detection system are shown. (A) Campylobacter jejuni, (B) Escherichia coli,(C) Enterococcus faecium, (D) Listeria monocytogenes, (E) Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, (F) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and (G) Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. In

    parallel, sterile water was used for NTCs.

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    of culture-independent techniques to analyse the bacterial drinking

    water quality at two food companies. According to theDrinkingWater

    Directive 98/83/EC (EU, 1998) of the European Union, indicator

    microorganisms should be routinely monitored in drinking water in

    order to control microbial water quality of public distribution systems.

    The German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV 2001) and the

    Spanish Drinking Water Guidelines (Real Decreto 140/2003, 2003)

    based on the above EU directive stipulate that no E. coli, enterococci,

    and coliform bacteria should be present in 100 ml drinking water of

    public distribution systems. The standard detection method described

    in these guidelines is the conventional plating on defined media. It is

    commonly accepted that culture-dependent methods do not reflect

    the different physiological states of bacteria that influence their

    culturability (Oliver, 2000). Consequently, culture-independent

    methods were applied as an alternative approach to monitor the

    most important food-borne pathogens in drinking water. DNA

    fingerprinting was used to characterise the autochthonous bacterial

    population of drinking water at the food companies. Nowadays, the

    use of molecular biology methods in routine drinking water

    surveillance is still limited, as these new methods have not yet been

    accepted by the authorities. According to the EU guidelines (EU,

    1998), such methods can be used for the monitoring of indicator

    bacteria only when it can be demonstrated that the results obtained

    are at least as reliable as those produced by the specified methods.

    Hence, the detection limits of the assays play a critical role for

    bacterial quantification in drinking water samples. The detection limits

    of the real-time PCR systems were not always optimal to reach the

    parameters established by the water authorities, especially those

    obtained for the detection of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Inorder to reach detection limits of at least 1 bacterium per 100 ml

    without an additional enrichment step, a protocol with higher sample

    filtration volumes was developed. In the case of M. avium subsp.

    paratuberculosis, even higher bacterial concentration rates should be


    No pathogenic bacteria were cultivated from the water samples

    using standard plating methods. However, some positive results were

    obtained by using culture-independent techniques. This could be due

    to the higher sensitivity of PCR that leads to a greater number of

    Table 4

    Conventional plating and real-time PCR results of water samples of the German dairy company ( first sampling period) and the Spanish dry cured ham company. Duplicates or

    triplicates of each sample were run.

    Sampling point German dairy company Spanish dry cured ham company

    1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5

    Plating methods Negative for all pathogens Not determined

    Real-time PCR

    Enterococcus spp. +a

    Salmonella spp.

    Campylobacter jejuni

    M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis

    Listeria monocytogenes

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa +a +a +a +a

    Escherichia coli

    a Positive results are described in more detail in the text.

    Fig. 4. DGGE DNAfingerprintsof 16SrDNA ampliconsfrom the German dairycompany's

    water samples (first sampling period). Lanes 1 to 6 correspond to the sampling

    points named in Table 1, the numbers on the gel correspond to the sequenced DNA

    bands (see Table 5), andthe numbers at the bottomare the total DNA bands of the lane.

    Table 5

    Identification of bacteria in water samples from the German dairy company (first

    sampling period) after sequencing the DNA bands excised from the DGGE gel shown in

    Fig. 4. Numbers correspond to the respective DNA bands.

    Bacterium Proteobacteria


    Max. ident.




    1. Rhodoferax sp. 100 AY788965.1

    2. Acidovorax 99 DQ153906.1

    3. Uncultured bacteria 99 DQ409991.1

    4. Uncultured bacteria 98 DQ664220.1

    5. Caulobacter crescentis 98 AE005673.1

    6. Aquabacterium 98 EF651436.1

    7. Aquabacterium 99 EF651436.1

    8. Sphingomonas 95 AY026948.1

    9. Acinetobacter 98 EF570077.2

    10. Aquabacterium 88 EF179861.1

    11. Meiothermus 94 AY845055.1

    12. Sphingomonas 99 AY026948.1

    13. Sphingomonas 99 AY026948.1

    S153J. Varela Villarreal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 141 (2010) S147S155

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    positive results in comparison to conventional plating methods,

    which was also described by Sachse and Frey (2003). It is also well-

    known that culture-independent techniques based on the analysis of

    the DNA present in the samples cannot distinguish among viable,

    viable but not culturable (VBNC), injured, and dead cells. VBNC or

    injured bacteria fail to grow on the routine bacteriological media, but

    arealiveand metabolicallyactive (Oliver, 2000). False negative results

    might be obtained when traditional plating methods are used. About

    60 bacterial species have been already described to enter the VBNCstate. Among these are some relevant food-borne pathogens, e.g.

    enterococci, C. jejuni, Salmonella spp., Helicobacter pylori, Klebsiella

    spp., L. monocytogenes, and E. coli (including EHEC) (Oliver, 2005).

    Therefore, the detection of bacteria, including VBNC bacteria, in food

    industry's drinking water is essential to ensure the microbiological

    safety of food. Although positive DNA-based results do not reflect the

    presence of exclusively live bacteria, they give hints of possible

    irregular operations that might support the transfer of pathogen


    New techniques based on the use of propidium monoazide (PMA)

    (Nocker et al., 2007; Rieder et al., 2008), ethidium monoazide

    (Delgado-Viscogliosi et al., 2009) or DNase I (Nogva et al., 2000) are

    available and need to be optimised to distinguish the different

    metabolic states of such bacteria in drinking water. Another critical

    point that should be considered when using molecular biology

    techniques is the possible presence of PCR inhibitors. Organic

    substances like humic acids and other PCR inhibitors are often

    present in surface waters(Wilson, 1997). Such substances were found

    in the water samples taken at the Spanish dry cured ham company.

    The use of PVPP as mentioned by Sutlovic et al. (2007) and Gusbeth

    et al. (2009) successfully removed the PCR inhibitors in this work.

    Characterisation of the bacterialpopulations of watersamples is an

    innovative approach to demonstrate the biological stability of water

    in an industrial process. Previous studies revealed that Dice

    coefficients between 0.40 and 1 (i.e. between 40 and 100% similarity)

    reflected a natural range of population diversity in a drinking water

    distribution system (Emtiazi et al., 2004). Hence, similarities below

    40% are discussed to indicate a population shift in the autochthonous

    bacterial population of drinking water systems. Only one point (fetapackaging) during the German dairy company's first sampling period

    had a lower similarity when compared to the reference point,

    indicating that something was affecting the natural microbiological

    population of water. The similarity values between the different

    sampling points and the reference point observed during the second

    sampling period after implementing the hygienic recommendations

    were high, which demonstrated that the PCR-DGGE method was

    adequate for the evaluation of drinking water bacterial stability in

    food industry.

    The quality of the supplied drinking water is of significant

    importance for a good hygienic practice in downstream process lines.

    Therefore, information from raw water quality is needed in concern of

    potential contaminations with hygienically relevant bacteria (WHO,

    2004b). Groundwater and surface water are frequently conditioned inGermany and many other countries. Usually, groundwater is supposed

    to have a better biological quality than surface water, but some

    waterborne diseases have also been transmitted by contaminated

    groundwater (Craun, 1985; Scandura and Sobsey, 1997; Ritter et al.,

    2002). Data about the drinking water conditioning at the waterworks is

    essential for the estimation of the biological stability of the drinking

    water during its distribution. Disinfection measures are mostly

    important to inactivate microorganisms. Depending on the drinking

    water character, sustainability of the disinfection measure is impaired.

    Chemical (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone) disinfection and UV

    irradiation are the most frequently used disinfection techniques at

    European waterworks. It has been demonstrated that these treatments

    have various disinfection efficiencies (WHO, 2004b). Some hygienically

    relevant bacteria, such as Pseudomonas spp., are well-known to have a

    high capability to survive in chlorinated water and to form biofilms

    (Grobe et al., 2001; Leclerc et al., 2002). It was demonstrated recently

    that a specific DNA dark repair mechanism ofP. aeruginosa was induced

    at UV exposuresof 400 J/m2, which corresponds to theGerman standard

    for UV disinfection (Jungfer et al., 2007).

    Drinking watersuppliers control drinking water production and its

    municipal distribution systems (WHO, 2004a), but not the drinking

    water distributionin food industry.However,it is importantto control

    drinking water facilities in food industry to avoid irregular operations(inadequate pipeline or connection materials, water stagnation,

    softening, pipe corrosion, etc.) that might influence bacterial growth

    or re-growth (WHO, 2004b, 2006, 2008). Furthermore, irregular

    operations may result in an increased biofilm formation. Biofilms are

    potential habitats of all kinds of bacteria, including pathogens(Emtiazi

    et al., 2004; Lehtola et al., 2004; Schwartz et al., 1998, 2003 ) and may

    be responsible for contaminations of bulk water systems. Old pipes in

    combination with increased water hardness values may result in pipe

    incrustations that are also known to support undesired biofilm

    formation (WHO, 2004b, 2006). This might be the reason for the

    presence ofP. aeruginosa at the Spanish company, where the pipelines

    were 20 years old. The useof accessoryfacilities like hoses forcleaning

    processes could be responsible for cross-contaminations during food

    production. Such hoses should be exchanged regularly, especially

    when warm water is used, since warm water systems support the

    growth of hygienically relevant bacteria, such as E. coli, P. aeruginosa,

    Aeromonas sp, Legionella spp.(Legnani et al., 1999; Leclerc et al., 2002).

    Our extended investigations of the two food companies demon-

    strated that they met the drinking water standards. The culture-

    independent techniques used cannot distinguish among viable, viable

    but notculturable,injured,and dead cells. Still,such techniques canbe

    used to identify critical control points in all stages of food production

    where water is involved.


    The authors are grateful for the assistance of Johannes Knoll and

    for the helpful discussions of Christina Jungfer and Jacqueline S.This study was supported by the European Commission within the EU

    6th Framework Program, the PathogenCombat Project, and by

    Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH. L. monocytogenes DNA was

    kindly provided by the Max Rubner Institute, Karlsruhe. Special

    thanks to Jordi Rovira and his team (Burgos University, Burgos, Spain)

    for the assistance in sampling in Spain. Cooperation of the German

    and Spanish food companies is also gratefully acknowledged.


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