  • 7/26/2019 1st SUMMATIVE Test -5th Correction 2015-2016


  • 7/26/2019 1st SUMMATIVE Test -5th Correction 2015-2016


    Name:_______________________ Surname:_____________________Form:_____ Class:_____No:______

    Date:____________________________________ Teacher:___________________________________________

    Evaluation:__________________________________ Parents signature:______________________________


    The Alha!et

    ". Listen to the teacher an# ut a tic$ % accor#ing to the

    letters &ou hear.(Ouve a professora e assinala com um as letras que ouvires)

    A ' T E ( ) * C + ,- - - - - / S I L G P 0 1 -

    - - - - -

    Greeting eole

    2. Listen to the teacher an# match the num!ers to theictures.(Ouve a professora e faz corresponder os nmeros com as imagens)

    2 3 4 " 5

    1-Good morning2- Hello - Good !fternoon "- Good evening #- Good


  • 7/26/2019 1st SUMMATIVE Test -5th Correction 2015-2016



    - Hello% &' names osep$* +$ats 'our name,

    - Hi% m ennifer .inclair* +$ats 'our surname,

    - &' surname is &c/o0ell* Ho0 are 'ou ennifer,

    - m ne t$an3s* !nd 'ou,

    - 4ot ver' 0ell* 4ice to meet 'ou*

    - 4ice to meet 'ou too*

    - m 15 'ears old* Ho0 old are 'ou,

    - m 15 too*

    - Good6'e%

    - 7'e%

    ". Comlete 6ith 6or#s 7rom the te8t.

    (8ompleta com informa9:o retirada do te;to)

    9' GI*L4ame< osep$ 4ame< ennifer.urname< &c/o0ell .urname< .inclair!ge< 15 !ge< 15

    2. Ans6er the ;uestions a!out &oursel7.

    (=esponde >s quest?es so6re ti)

    a. +$ats 'our rst name,

    &' rst name is@

    6* +$ats 'our surname,

    &' surname is@

    c* Ho0 are 'ou,m ne A 4ot ver' 0ell*

    d* Ho0 old are 'ou,

    m @ 'ears old*


  • 7/26/2019 1st SUMMATIVE Test -5th Correction 2015-2016


    6* .$e is a teac$er*

    c* He isat sc$ool*

    d* Bou arem' friend*

    e* t isa dog*

    2. Choose the correct ersonal ronoun. (Cscol$e o pronome pessoal


    a* &ar' is a girl* /e = Sheis a student*

    6* Dom is a 6o'* /e = Sheis a student too*

    c* D$e cat is 6lac3* /e = Itis 6ig*

    d* &' name is Eaul* /e = Iam a teac$er*

    e* Bour surname is 8arter* I ='ouare at sc$ool*

    5. Comlete 6ith the num!ers. (8ompleta com os nmeros)

    a* 2 t0o6* F si;c* 15 tend* 1 one

    e* fourteen 1"f* t0ent' 25g* eig$teen 1

    $* ve #i* t$irteen 1* t0elve 12

    D. *ITING

    ". Comlete the #ialogue. (8ompleta o diIlogo)

    osep$< Good morning ennifer*

    ennifer< Good morning osep$* Ho0 are 'ou,

    osep$< m ne t$an3s* !nd 'ou,

    ennifer< m o3* D$is is m' friend Jouise*

    osep$< O$% Hello Jouise* 4ice to meet 'ou*

    Jouise< 4ice to meet 'ou too*

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