
Christian Encounter

December 2011

A Publication ofChristian Encounter Ministries

Tending Lives…Training Leaders…

Expressing the love of Phone: 530-268-0877

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“CEM Staff: God’s Perfect Arrangements”by Mike Petrillo

Christian Encounter Ministries has been privileged to add two dynamic staff members. Sharon MacLean began serving at the Women’s Ministry House in February; Nate Boyd became the first Men’s Ministry House Leader in November of 2010. Both houses offer students who have finished the discipleship program of CEM an opportunity to move to a higher level of responsibility, while working and/or going to college in the Grass Valley community. While Nate and Sharon were interns at CEM, their natural leadership abilities were very apparent. Now, as CEM staff, they serve the extended family connected to Christian Encounter Ministries.

Sharon began the ministry of nurturing young women in faith while she herself was still in high school. She led a group of junior high girls in a discipleship group as a 16 year old in Aberdeen, Washington. Her church was extremely active in missions—both at home and abroad—and Sharon was involved in planning and leadership year after year. After graduation from Colorado Christian University, Sharon added another year of discipleship training in California with SOLD OUT, a one-year leadership training program.

Traveling to Asia and Central America on several mission trips confirmed to her the tragic and growing need for serving young women around the globe. God has prepared her and called her to help develop the spiritual strength, positive Christ-like self-image, and practical skills many

young women so desperately need.

Serving with CEM is one expression of Sharon’s deep desire to protect, train, and motivate young women. As we watch the growth in House Ministry residents we can clearly see the impact of Sharon’s life. Next semester, Sharon will expand her sphere of influence to the classroom. She will be teaching a health class at our high school. We can already see how this

opportunity may lead to future open doors for Sharon to serve God in ministry to women. There are women dying for the truth of God’s Word who need the strength of fellowship and support that Godly women can bring in times of crises. We know that Sharon comprehends

the Father’s heart for those who are troubled, and we are convinced He will use her to convey His loving truth to them. We are blessed to be inside the vision God has for her!

Nate was stirred by the call of ministry during a summer as counselor at nearby Wolf Mountain Camp. The next summer, before his junior year at Patrick Henry University, Nate was directing that program. For each of four

seasons, the Wolf Mountain staff worked diligently to prepare the young workers through discipleship during the training phase of the summer ministry. Nate found himself drawn to that aspect of ministry—in depth Bible study and practical application of the Word in the lives of

the campers and his fellow staff members. Nate was also employed by High Sierra Outdoors Schools to develop and present curriculum and to prepare staff for science camps for children.

It was natural, then, when God presented CEM with an opportunity to launch our Men’s Ministry House last year that we sought Nate as the first Men’s House Leader. As that year progressed, Mark Andrews, Director

of Discipleship for CEM, developed a slot for Nate in the internship program as well. Nate now serves as Mark’s Assistant Director. The two recently traveled to a national missionary convention and to two Christian universities to present the opportunities for service as CEM interns. Together, Nate and Mark will be investing their lives into the TL—TL, tending lives, training leaders, that is the center of Christian Encounter Ministries. In the coming year, they hope to update and revamp, where necessary, the discipleship programs for students and interns, expand the training phase of internship, and deepen the connections between staff and interns in the ministry. This is the heart of Nate’s calling: to pass on his faith, to disciple ones who will disciple others, to immerse himself in others’ lives, all for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus.

Together, Sharon and Nate comprise a formidable team—commi�ed, self-sacrificial, faithful, skilled, empowered and called to provide specialized ministry to young women and men. They are perfectly arranged for the CEM staff, sent by the Lord to reach the lost, build up the broken-hearted, and impact the next generation of ministry leaders in God’s Kingdom.

Christian Encounter Ministries is a non-profit, non-denomi-national, residential program helping 16- to 25-year-olds by providing love, spiritual guidance, high school education, counseling, and 24-hour supervision. Internships are offered to qualifying upper-level college students and graduates. CEM is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountibility, and all gifts are tax deductible.

FORMER STUDENT NEWSRebecca (Rock) Friend (1991) is working towards her master’s degree in religious education at Liberty University, has a part-time job at Broadman Baptist Church, and is the busy mother of two and wife of Ma�hew Friend.

Suzanna Rohm (2001) is living near her family and works at Personality Insights in Atlanta, GA. She a�ends Northpoint Church where they recently exceeded their goal of raising $400,000 in one day for other ministries. The church raised 1.4 million dollars that day.

Michelle Alva (2009) is in her third year and is a Resident Assistant at William Jessup University.

Anthony and Nate ba�le for the ball in the annual student vs. staff soccer game.

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Where is the peace on earth?By Marion Parker

Protesters…demonstrators…occupiers…angry people have adamantly made their discontent known in many major cities across the USA. Some have legitimate complaints, others are there for the drama and chaos. This near-anarchy doesn’t fit with the spirit of Christmas! Even in the pagan segments of our culture, the holiday season brings songs of snowfall and sleigh bells, reindeer and Santa Claus, wild office parties and easy credit card spending—all designed to bring the participants happiness and joy. But the cold, hard, truth is that even if we reached the mythical level economic playing field with free college degrees for all, totally free health care, or, as a demonstrator’s placard put it, Everything for Everybody, it wouldn’t make people really happy.

Genuine happiness is a by-product of being understood, known, and loved—sacrificially, perfectly, constantly, thoroughly, and without reservation. No government can provide that. Even the best of families fall short. Social clubs, employers, a single friend or a circle of friends don’t have it to give. So even if Utopia became a reality, mankind would still be discontented, without hope.

But there is great news! The Creator-God of the universe and of all that lies beyond has the capacity, the ability, and the desire to love each one of us in just that perfect manner. The second chapter of Luke says, There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord’…Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.’

The miracle of Christ’s birth was just the beginning. God’s perfect, sacrificial love is available to all who have a gripe. The young people here at CEM have many legitimate complaints. Our mission, with your help, is to assure them that God is up to the task. He offers them true peace and a place in His family.

Peace, good will to men.

This Christmas

Who gets your presents, Uncle Sam or Father God?

Only a fraction of 2011 remains, but what a magnificent end of the year it is—filled with warmth, celebration, gatherings of loved ones, and the giving and receiving of presents!

Gift-giving joys are directly related to the quality of the giver’s relationship with the receiver. Seldom do we joyfully anticipate sending the IRS our yearly “gifts.” On the other hand, much satisfaction is ours as we give to our “Abba” Father through our churches, Christian colleges, or other worthy mission works. All of these gifts are not alike. Some folks can most effectively give money, while others may have stocks, other investments, properties, or material items to offer. Provisions for future needs through estate planning are wise and loving gifts as well.

Here at CEM your gifts make dramatic life changes possible—changes with eternal value! May God bless you now, and for all time!

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. II Corinthians 9:7-8

BlessingsFrozen turkeysLarge deli refrigeratorParty foodChristian videos and cdsCloset organizers, clothing, bed linensCheese, fruits, veggies, treats, ice creamSinger sewing machineSoccer jerseys, gloves, flags, and ballsBasketballs, volleyball net

NeedsFire retardant rug for Women’s House hearthPropane barbeque grillCompact cars7,000-wa� generator for the water pump13 new computers for the schoolShingles for the boys’ dorms3” X 5” note cards, 2-inch 3-ring bindersTen literature books for the school:

“Implications in Literature, Pioneer Level” from Textword Publishers

Hot cocoa and hot cider packetsWool socks

Thanksgiving turkeys arrived at the ranch via motorcycles—thanks to the local Northern California Chap-ter of “Blue Knights,” an organization of (mostly) law-enforcement motorcyclists. It’s good to have “the law” on our side!


The students said…The best thing about Christmas is:

“All the family is together.”“The family gets along.”“Traditions.”“Focusing on the Spirit of Christ, giving love

from the heart.”What I’d like most for Christmas:

“My family to accept me.”“To see my puppies.”“The genuine Spirit of Christmas, which is

Christ.”“A sketch book.”“My animals; to see my puppies.”“I want to feel loved this Christmas.”

Family harmony, traditions, feeling loved, and her puppies make Alexa happy.




Christian Encounter MinistriesPO Box 1022Grass Valley, CA 95945


“Go tell it on the mountain,

Over the hills and everywhere…

That Jesus Christ is born.”

Merry Christmas!From the CEM family

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