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What to Expect

This plan is not easy to keep up with and it requires diligence. What will keep you going is knowing you are taking your learned knowledge, and immediately taking activity, and turning learned knowledge into activity knowledge. By doing this you will see your blog gain visitors, links, rankings and great feedback from your new fans. Each day that you finish you will be one step closer to your traffic and financial goals.

Work Social Mastery

Near Instant Results

The Plan is designed to give you near instant results because of the research you will be doing before you even start creating content. You will have a plan of attack that will have you motivated to take action.

Becoming “Social Proof” is one key factor in Google's Panda update. Every day of this 30 day plan, will help you with your overall rankings. Remember this is just the starting point, but this will jump start you to internet business mastery.

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The first week of the 30 day plan will be the set up stage, it is hard, it is tedious but it can't be ignored. Nobody goes to war without a plan; nobody builds an

empire without a blueprint. So lay your foundation correctly, don’t build on

quicksand....let’s get started!

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Day 1: Keyword research

Start off with your foundation of keyword terms you will be going after, don't let this stop you. The first blog I launched I didn't even do keyword research I just did it, needless to say it failed. Although I took action and

learned from it, I wish I had a plan to start with. Until you become a more sophisticated marketer, just be a noob and go through the

process. I will give you a few steps that will get you started therefore at least you will have an ideal of keyword terms you can rank for.

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Step 1:Download a free trail of market samurai and seo power suite

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Step 2:Build a large list of keyword terms for the network marketing industry (or whatever industry you are in) with seo power suite rank tracker module

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Step 3:Choose Google related searches

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Step 4:Put in a root keyword, then when you get result choose select all and hit next. Do this process over & over again until Google runs out of suggestions, then copy keywords to clipboard.

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Step 5:Enter your keywords into market samurai to do keyword researchChoose these settings... (remember this is just for the beginner marketers) 

Choose the keywords with at least 500 monthly searches. Remember if you have a lower searched keyword, you can use that keyword as a combination with another similar keyword phrase

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Make your choices and click the key next to the keyword so we can analyze it closer. We will use a simple 3 rule formula for evaluating these keywords.• Rule 1: On page seo, no more than 1 site with all y's• Rule 2: Page Rank, at least 2 sites with pr3 and below• Rule 3: Back Links Per Page, at least 2 sites below 50

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This keyword fails the 3 rule evaluation

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This keyword passes all 3 rules (Even though it passes all 3 rules I would never pick it because it has to low of a search volume per month, example purposes only)Summary: You are looking for keywords that have high search volume and low competition, using our 3 rule evaluation process. Dig deep because they are out there, new keywords are becoming popular every day.

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Day 2: Buy 2 Domains today (only 1 is needed if you are not in the network marketing industry)

We will start by looking for an aged domain with back links. If you have an aged domain with prior back links built to it, you have a jump start over your competition. You can start with a

constant flow of back links so you can rank in the serps (search engine results page)rapidly.

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1.Go to Godaddy auctions and search for domains with your keywords first, if you don't find any than just search for keywords terms from the industry as a whole. Remember we are searching for a needle in a haystack here, nothing cute and fancy.

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2.Use the search criteria of at least 2 years old

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3. Use a page rank tool or scrape box to look up page rank, if you are using scrape box it is the fake page rank checker add-on.

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4.Use blekko to see if the site has any backlinks, we are using blekko because yahoo site explorer is no longer.

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5.Check the whois domain tool to see if the domain has any drops

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6.Make your pick then Register it whois private, this is key, if you don't register it private you have a chance of losing your page rank on the next pr update.You have now cut time off of your authority goal by getting an aged domain with built in page rank and back links, remember to get two domains because one will be our personal blog and the second will be our mlsp domain.

Note: Godaddy auction could take a few days but don't wait. You can move on to the next day and just point your domain when it becomes available.

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Day 3: Hosting & pointing your domain

Buy hosting for your new blog & install your wordpress blog with the thesis theme. There are many themes out there and one of the top 3 themes, is the thesis do it yourself theme. I am far from a technical guy, but the thesis theme is written in a css code that is cleaner and more seo friendly than any other theme. Remember everything counts, and if a theme will help your seo so you can rank better, than that’s the theme for us. I love using hostgator; they have good customer service and having a hosting company with bad customer service and know live people you can talk to, totally sucks. The slight discount that you receive from these types of hosting companies is not even worth it when you have a problem that comes up and you need help.

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Step 1:After signing up for your hosting account, point your domain to it, you will find your name server information in your cpanal area for your host gator account (pic below).

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Step 2:Click add-on domains

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Step 3:Install your wordpress site

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Step 4:Install your Thesis theme

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Step 5: Install feed burner feedsmith plug-in

(If you don’t know how to install a plug-in just Google "FeedburnerFeedsmith Plug-in Video")

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Sign up for feed burner account

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Claim your feed

(Do a Google search for “best wordpress plug-in” & “Google analytics wordpress” &feedburner tutorial video) I'm not a tech guy remember, I’m just like you, I just know how to search Google well.... Hehehe

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Day 4: The back end system MLM Lead System Pro (this only applies for the network marketing industry, all other industries just move on to day 5, I do suggest you start researching affiliate products for your industry)

Sign up for mlsp and go through the getting started training also sign up for your mlsp domain. This is a onetime $50 hosting set up fee. The reason why you want your own domain is because when you forward domains, you can't build links. We want to emulate what we did earlier and get an aged domain with page rank that we can build links to.

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Step 1:Account Tab

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Step 2:Domain Hosting

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Step 3:Set up all your affiliate programs

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Day 5: Setting up your Social Footprint

Sign up for all the sites in & only wire (exclude Facebook & Twitter from we will use twitter feed to update them), this will take some time so make sure you set aside enough time to completely fill in the profile information. Choose your username wisely; you can use your personal name, your keyword, or your domain name. Once you sign up for your accounts, Start a new spreadsheet in Google docs or Excel to put ALL your RSS feeds & profile links into. Collect them all into one document and begin pinging them with pingler, once they are updated with new content. I like pingler because if you do the monthly subscription you can set it up to track your rss feeds automatically, so any time your profiles or feeds get updated with new content, pingler will automatically ping the serps for you.

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Step 2:Twitter Feed

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Step 3:Sign up for

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Tip: Do not ping feeds that have already been pinged - only when they have new content.

Tip: Use the same profile picture for all the networks you sign up for- I.E Personal Branding

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Day 6: Using Google tools

Set up your Google reader and Google alerts. To be a good blogger you must be in tuned into the blogosphere of your niche. Take all the top leaders in mslp and subscribe to their RSS feed and set alerts for their names and web properties(apply this to any industry or niche, just find the key thought leaders and follow them. One will lead you to the next). Every day you should be making comments on other blogs in your niche. Post a thoughtful, deep, excellent comment soon after you get an alert that a new post has been made on any of the high traffic, important blogs you are watching. Posting a good question that will invite conversation is also acceptable.

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Step 1:

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Step 2:

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Step 3:

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Step 4:I use the Feedly app for Google, it takes all the feeds you signed up for in Google reader and puts them into Feedly. It will display all your feeds in a nice magazine format for easy reading. You can tweak it to your preferences but it is much nicer than reading blog post in Google reader.

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Day 7: Take slight brake

Take this day and rest a little bit, make it an easy work day. Go back over your work you have done for the week and make sure there are no mistakes. Check all your RSS feeds, your social profiles, review and finish anything you haven't completed from week one. Get your keywords that you have chosen and think about the first post you will write because tomorrow we will be blogging.

Note: I have not mentioned anything about blog design, we are going to take an ugly site and make it worthy of designing it later. I would rather you have a ugly blog full of content, comments, and traffic, then a cute blog with no content or traffic. The only thing I do suggest is getting your opt in up and working for your new subscribers.

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Day 8: Let’s go Blogging

Your set up period is over now it’s time to start blogging. From your keyword research that you have done pick the first topic you wish to blog about. From your Google reader and alerts take a look at the format that the leaders are using and copy them. Don't copy the content just copy the format, the structure of their blog post. Do this to your liking, test aligning a picture on the left side or maybe on the right. Remember you want to make a blog post scan-able to the reader for fast reading. So that means short paragraphs, bullet points, bold text, etc... This might be your first blog post ever so just get it done. Don't worry about how it looks or how informative it is, just get a post written and get it published. After it is published buzz your content to all your social profiles in, pingler & only wire & tribepro. (If you have pingler set up to ping automatically that is one less thing to worry about)

Note: Tribe pro is primarily a network marketing tool for all other industries try socialadr

Tip: Use a 9/1 or a 8/2 promotion strategy with and only wire, meaning always promote other peoples content before your own

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Day 9: Directory Submission Day

Submit your site to directories today. I use a tool called sick submitter. It is an automated tool that does all the heavy lifting for you. I do this on a weekly basis because getting links over time helps your blog in the search engines; remember we want a steady consistent flow of back links, aka. Link velocity, not an all at once avalanche. A great free resource I used to use before I started using sick submitter is called easy submits

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Day 10: Article Marketing Day

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Write and submit an article today using the same keyword has your 1st blog post. We will be doing a mass promotion today. 1st write an article that supports the keywords and topic of your 1st blog post. 2nd submit that article to e-zine articles with a link pointing back to your blog post & your mlsp domain. 3 rd take that article and using the best spinner spin it and re-purpose it for a mass submission. 4th Take the new article you have crated in the best spinner and do a mass submission in article demon or article marketing robot. If you have a hard time writing articles I recommend using instant article factory it makes writing articles a breeze. 5th Once the article shows up in e-zine articles(whenever they approve it) make sure to buzz the exact page where your article shows up on, only wire, and tribepro. So we just took one article and promoted your 1st blog post and your mlsp domain, also re-purposed it and did a mass promotion for bulk back-links.

Tip: Make sure you always spin your keywords, article summary, and the resource box as well.Note: I use article demon just because I like the user interface a little better than article marketing robot, but both products are exceptional.

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Day 11: Remote Blogging Day

Sign up for all these remote blog platforms listed below. A remote blogs are a low cost or a free hosted blogging solution. Remote blogs are great to use because they are all usually considered authority sites in Google’s eyes. So if you have a keyword that you are going after, you might rank faster for that keyword by using these authority remote blog sites than using your own self hosted wordpress blog. The key is ranking for a keyword, you don't care where they are coming from, the truth of the matter, having backlinks coming from various places is good for your overall seo picture over time, also it looks more natural and with all the automation tools we use in our business, looking more natural is a plus. The #1 goal here is to build an authority site that ranks well for multiple keywords over time. After you sign up for these sites, write an article from 500-700 words using your keywords. Then use the best spinner to make unique versions of that article and post it to all your remote blogs today.

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Note: Don't spend all your time building up remote blog sites. They are good for link juice but remember they are still not your own sites. Your accounts can be disabled or Google can DE-index your site for any given reason. Your primary goal is to build your own blog up to be an authority site.XangaLiveJournalPosterousWordpressBloggerTumblrMovable TypeDrupalSquarespaceWeeblyText PatternLife TypeTerapadBravenetTripodText PatternInclude your mlsp domain 

Gain followers by posting really cool links you find around yourniche. We come across content all the time that we like but it is nothing we would put on our main site, remote blogs are perfect for posting these types of things. People will start following and recommending you to others on EACH of the microblog communities you belong to just because you post really cool stuff!

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Day 12: Comment Day

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Check out your feedly and see what other bloggers you subscribe to are up to today. Go to the interesting posts and make great comments. The more insightful, the more helpful the better the comment. See if you can make 20-30 blog comments today on different blogs around your niche. When you are asked for your URL in the comments area, choose from your Twitter account, certain posts on your site for deeper links, and your other important social profiles around the web that you pay the most attention to, also your feedburner RSS feed. Always mix up your links when blog commenting so you don't have all your comments just pointing to your main domain! Maybe your Facebook page or better networker blog. It’s all about being social and gaining exposure, you never know why people will tune in, if you are good looking girl or guy, you never know you might get a new subscriber just off your looks, the key is having fun and being social.

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Day 13: Press release day

Press releases are a very effective way of blog promotion. Some people are really good at this and it can work together with some offline efforts you are already involved in. Example: Let’s say your kids play soccer; well your blog can become a sponsor for your kid’s team. This is news worthy information; try to make your press releases semi-news worthy. Let’s take a look at a press release from two angles. One, it’s a back linking strategy and you will build some great backlinks from your submissions. Two your press release could end up going viral if an actual reporter picks it up and finds it really to be news worthy. These are two tools I use for my press release strategy, Duct tape marketing has this really cool free tool to help write your press releases. Once I have that completed I spin it make unique copies with the best spinner and use this fivver gig to submit it.

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Day 14: Directory Submission Day

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The first time we had a directory submission day, we had just two sites to submit. This time we have our blog, plus our mslp site, plus all of our remote blogs. That is why it is so important to keep organized. Over time you might have 100-500 sites you are managing and tracking in the serps with seo power suite, it can grow that fast. Use good keywords, different ones for each site, some repetition is ok but use the best spinner to help you spin titles & descriptions.

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Day 15: Blog Post & Comment Day

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Get in a regular routine of blog posting, take the information you are receiving from forums and other blogs, make a blog post about them, curate some content. Then go back to the forum or blog and leave a link to your blog post, instead of helping one community of people you can reach others by taking the answer to questions outside of that particular community and putting it on your blog.

CommentsCheck Google reader & alerts for blogs you can post comments on today. Post comments, good ones, on at least 5-10 blogs today. More if you can. Check each blog and if the owner is letting people use keywords instead of just names, use a good keyword. For Instance: Where you put your name in the comments section normally. Try using a keyword instead. Deep link back to your main site's posts that are most relevant and don't just link back to main domain unless you don't have a relevant post to link to. Set up a schedule to comment every day for 30 minutes from today onward.

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Day 16: Research Day

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Do research on for any top rated gigs that can help you with directory submissions, link building, and social marketing. I do almost everything myself now, but there are plenty of fivver gigs worth five bucks. Sign up for better networker, if you haven’t already. Better networker is the most popular forum for the network marketing industry right now, start joining in on the conversation. Remember answering question and asking question is how you build your social proof. Ask a question and see how some of the power users answer you. Then model yourself after them and start answering some question from users that you have the answer too. Don't use the forum for spamming your message; use the forum to increase your marketability.

Tip: Look for top rated gigs

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Day 17: Blog Post day

Get in a regular habit of blogging and creating content. This is such a barrier for most people, but you have to conquer it. Remember you have three choices write it yourself, pay for it or curate it. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. With the keyword research you did, on day one, you have subjects to blog about, if you don’t, you didn’t do it right and you might want to do some more keyword research. You can do a riff post of a cool blog post you liked. A riff post is when you write an original title & first paragraph using your keywords, in this paragraph you introduce the post you are riffing & commentate about it. Then you just copy and paste the other persons post with a link back to the author and giving the other author credit for the post. You then write a few paragraphs about your thoughts & insights of the post you riffed.

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Post Example:Step 1: Write intro paragraph

Step 2: Link to real post with author credit

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Step 3 : <blockquote>

Step 4: Write follow up paragraphs

Step 5: Post it, that’s it do more or do less. The point is you are blogging, you are giving your readers some valuable content, they can use. You are also link building, by linking directly to the authors post, and it’s also a form of curating content. This post took 5 minutes, of course I spend more time on content I really care about, but I just wanted to show you how quickly you can blog every day. This is a 10 hour a week strategy; we want you to reach your network marketing goals & dreams, by just committing to 10 hours a week.

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Day 18: Community Day:

Build your social authority! Get into discussions on community sites and other web 2.0 properties like Facebook groups on mlsp find good twitter accounts to follow, make a Google+ account, etc. and make comments on stories and sites that are relevant to your niche. Really get into it and make a lot of relevant, helpful, insightful, but short comments and try to hit everything you can today to improve your social proof on every social site you are a member of. (Showing you are an involved member of the community and not just spamming your own links to game the system.) Use the 90/10 rule, 80-90% of the links you promote should be others, other people in your tribe, other people you follow, etc.

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Day 19: Article submission day

Write and submit an article to e-zine articles, your goal with e-zine articles is to submit 100 articles in 100 days, 1 article a day. Once you have done enough article writing, back link building, forum marketing, and all the things you need to do online, you hit what is called critical mass, you have done so much promotion, your efforts are now growing organically, on its own and no one can stop it. Once your article shows up on the article directories, buzz the exact page where your article shows up with, pingler & only wire & tribe pro or(socialadr) and manually on your other social profiles

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Day 20: Groups DayStart a new group around your blog's main topic or an mlsp group on sites like, Face book, Google+ etc... I don't promote spending allot of time on social networks. They can be a complete waste of time. Do not make it your primary source of leads. Use social networks for buzz traffic to your blog post. Look at it like this; social networks are the big water coolers of the internet. They are the place where everybody hangs out, so you have to go where the users are, but your goal is to get users out of the social networks and onto your blog or mlsp domain. Not the other way around, you could end up spending hours on end just wasting your time. Focus on the most popular sites like, Face book, twitter, and YouTube. Join groups already established on network marketing. Make comments, start off the discussions and invite your friends and followers to the groups you create or join.

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Day 21: Press release & Directory DaySubmit another press release today & Directory Submissions

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Day 22: Seo DayUse today and go back over the content you have submitted, make sure it’s written properly with no clerical mistakes. Check your keyword density and check if it is properly optimized (seo power suite) for your keyword terms you are seeking. See if you are ranking for any terms yet. Do some more research and see if you can make any quick and easy content revisions to rank faster. Also don't forget your daily task.

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Day 23: Video DayTubemogul or traffic Geyser? Tubemogul is a very powerful tool with analytics built in, plus it’s free. On the other hand traffic geyser is an extremely powerful tool and it truly has more to offer has far has video syndication go's. I suggest using Tubemogul until you are ready to take video marketing seriously. When you decide to step your video marketing up, then upgrade to traffic geyser. I'm kind of video shy so this is what I’m doing for my video marketing, I am using software called article video robot. Simply put it takes your articles and blog post and turns them into videos. So if you have a bit of a problem with video like I do, don't let that stop you from producing video content, just re-purpose some of your written content to video, and voila! You are in the video marketing game...

(Although I am shy and reluctant to get on camera, I have a video podcast series in production now; you must overcome your fears to accomplish your goals)

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Day 24: Remote Blogging DayMake new posts to all of your remote blogs today, research good links and cool post from your Google reader. You can do three things for remote blog content.1st you can do a riff post or curate some content (explained earlier in day 17). 2nd You can use an earlier method and create an original article using instant article factory spin it with the best spinner to make enough original copies for your remote blogs. 3rd If you are having trouble coming up with content, use Instant Article Wizard Proto help you produce some content, very, very powerful tool. With content being king online and having to produce so much of it we have two options pay for it or use tools to help us produce it ourselves.

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Day 25: Research dayIt’s Time to go fishing, do you want to be the cool kid that knows about everything that’s going on in your niche. Well in order to be that person you have to be tuned in. Introducing personalized news, pick a few of these sites, the ones you like the best and wait for the news to start rolling in.

Don't forget your daily task

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Day 26: Blog Post DayTake all this research you are doing and start focusing on becoming the thought leader in your niche. Make your content just a little different from everyone else's content. You have a broad over view of your niche, and you can see all the content that is coming in. Take the popular content and make a post about it. If you can't come up with anything, you can do a riff post, nothing wrong with it; at least your blogging and putting good resources in front of your readers. Another option if you are struggling for content is a guest blogger or guest post . If we all use these same communities and build the user base up, we will all benefit.

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Day 27: Article submission & Directory Submission daySubmit a new article at e-zine articles & use your article demon or article marketing robot account to do some mass article promotion. You have a boat load of links to promote by now so just take your pick and promote it. Once your article shows up on the article directories; buzz the exact page where your article shows up with, pingler & only wire & tribepro, manually on your other social profiles

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Day 28: Remote Blog Day

Make new posts to all remote blogs today. Use the technique from before, try to use some new keywords that are low hanging fruit and easy to rank for.

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Day 29: Content Development Plan

A good content strategy when first starting out is 2 original blog post a week, 2 riff post or curated post, 2 batch remote blog post a week to all your platforms, 1 press release a week. So today sit down and make a content creation strategy for yourself for the following weeks. Take what you have learned in these past weeks and build a program for yourself. Remember this is not about anybody else but yourself and your goals. Do what you can but be consistent, think long term over a 12 month period of time. If you create this much content over a 12 month period of time, you will have reached your goals by the end of the year.

Note: Remember I am showing you a plan to do mass submissions, so when I say one press release a week it’s really hundreds using the best spinner

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Day 30: Mass Article Promotion & Directory Submission & Press release Day

It’s time to promote all your blog post that has got indexed. Focus today on doing a few submissions, write new articles for keywords you have not produced content for yet. Submit your Blog, remote blogs, &mlsp domain to directories today. Submit a press release today with the method we learned earlier. This time let the world know how much of a winner you are. Let them know that you have just completed your 30 day social media marketing plan, and you are pumped up. Let them know that you will keep producing the type of content they are looking for and that you are here to stay. Remember the only way to win, is to not quit, be here a year from now and keep working your plan.

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Time to ReflectSo we are at the end of day 30 social media marketing plan, congratulations. You have done what some will never do, but always wish they would do. Look at what we have done in this time we have spent together. You have learned how to do keyword research; you have set your first blog up. You bought a domain with page rank and age to it. You have written multiple blog post and articles, you have submitted press releases about your blog. You have done social marketing, forum marketing, blog commenting. You have done directory submissions and produced videos, I am proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself. Now ask yourself if your whole team just did what you did this month would you be successful as an organization? Now take your activity knowledge and don’t stop, build momentum from these activities, outsource the activities you don’t like, but keep moving. Internet marketing never stops, there is always something to be doing, evaluate your business and keep producing content. In a world of spectators and on lookers, you are just the opposite. You are in the game, not on the side line, set your goals high and keep achieving.

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Thank You!

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