
Lab Questions – Web Designing


Program No: 1

Left Side:


Right Side:


Design a Web Page, Insert an image on to the web page such that image is of height 300 and width 300 pixels. The image should have an ALT text in it.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>Insert an Image</Title><Body><Img Src="IronPillar.jpg" Height=300 Width=300 alt="Picture Is Not Available"></Img></Body></Head></Html>

Program No: 2

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Design a Html page for the following

1. Set an image as a link2. Open a link in a new browser window3. Jump to another part of a document (on the same page)4. How to link to a mail message with CC,BCC and Subject Entries5. Redirect a user to another URL after 5 seconds

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>Image and Mail Message</Title><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5;url="></Head><Body bgColor="Pink"><Center><Font Color="Blue" Size=20>HTML Link Examples </Font></Center><Br>a.Set an Image as a Link <a Href="01_Image.Html"> <Img Src="Coffee Bean.bmp" Height=20 Width=20> </Img> </a><br><br>b.<A Href="01_Image.Html" target="_blank">Open a Link in a New Browser Window</A><br><br>d.<a href="mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=Course Information&body=Send Course Information List">Send e-mail</a><br><br>e.<A Href="">Redirect a User to Link to Next Page in another 5 Seconds</A><br><br>c.<A Href="#Ecom">Course Information Reg - Ecommerce</A><br><br><Font Color="Blue" Size=15><Center>CourSe Information</Center></Font><br><Font Color="Green">Msc First Semester - Subjects</Font><br><br><br>

1. DataStructure - Algorithms<br><br>2. Relational Database Management<br><br>3. Microprocessor<br><br>4. OOPS<br><br><Font Color="Green">Msc Second Semester - Subjects</Font><br><br><br>1. Network - Basics<br><br>2. System Software<br><br>3. Information Coding Technique<br><br>4. Internet Programming<br><br><Font Color="Green">Msc Third Semester - Subjects</Font><br><br><br>1. Web Programming<br><br>2. Visual Basic and VB Script<br><br>3. <A Name="Ecom">E-Commerce / WAP / EJB (Electives)</A><br><br></Body></Html>

Program No: 3

Right Side:

Left Side:

Aim: Create a Web page that holds a bulleted list of the names of your friends. Make sure that the bullers are in plain circle.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>Bullet List Example</Title></Head><Body><Center>My Friends List</Center><br><br><br><br><Ul name="Circle"><Li>Manohar P<Li>Vasudevan R<Li>Namachivayam M<Li>Gunasekaran M<Li>Raja Venkatesh</Ul></Body><Html>

Program No: 4

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Frame which would hold both the web page that was created earlier. The frame should be split row-wise into equal halves.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>FrameSet Example</Title><Head><Frameset rows=50%,*><Frame Src="01_Image.Html"><Frame Src="03_BulletList.Html"><Frameset><Html>

Program No: 5

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Web Page to display the maximum and minimum temperature of 5 cities using table.Program Code:<Html><Head><Title>Table Example</Title></Head><Body><Center>Maximum and Minimum Temperature in the Following Cities<Br><br><Table Border="5"><TR><Td>CityName</Td><Td>MaxTemperature</Td><Td>MinTemperature</Td></TR><TR><Td>Chennai</Td><Td align="Center" >22</Td><Td align="Center" >33</Td></TR><TR><Td>Bangalore</Td><Td align="Center" >17</Td><Td align="Center" >22</Td></TR><TR><Td>Hyderabad</Td><Td align="Center" >20</Td><Td align="Center" >34</Td></TR><TR><Td>Trivandrum</Td><Td align="Center" >22</Td><Td align="Center" >32</Td></TR><TR><Td>NewDelhi</Td><Td align="Center" >15</Td><Td align="Center" >27</Td></TR></Table></Center></Body></Html>


Program No: 1

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Form having two boxes with labels as FirstName and LastName. The User should not be allowed to enter the names directly in the text boxes. The input has to be given in the prompt box and then entered values should be given in the text boes.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>InputBox Example - Using Scripting</Title>

<Script Language="JavaScript">

function cal() { var UsrFNam = prompt("User First Name"); var UsrLNam = prompt("User Last Name"); document.getElementById("text1").value = UsrFNam; document.getElementById("text1").readOnly = true; document.getElementById("text2").value = UsrLNam; document.getElementById("text2").readOnly = true; }



<Body onload="cal()"><Center> Getting the Input From Prompt Box and Display it in a Text Box</Center><br><br>User First Name : <Input type=text name="text1"><br><br>User Last Name : <Input type=text name="text2"></Body>


Program No: 2

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Web Page that has a button in the center of the page. Using mouse events change the Message in the status bar.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>Mouse Events</Title></Head><Script Language="Javascript">

function butClick(){ window.status = ("Button Was Clicked");}

function MousOvr(){ window.status = ("Mouse Over Event was Firing");}

function MousUp(){ window.status = ("Mouse Up Event was Firing");}

function MousDwn(){ window.status = ("Mouse Down Event was Firing");}

function MousRels(){ window.status = ("Mouse Release Event was Firing");}

function MousClk(){ window.status = ("Mouse Click Event was Firing");}

function MousDblClk(){ window.status = ("Mouse Double Click Event was Firing");}

function MousMov(){ window.status = ("Mouse Move Event was Firing");}


<Body onmouseup="MousUp()" onmousedown="MousDwn()" onmouseover="MousOvr()" ondblclick="MousDblClk()" onclick="butClick()" onmousemove="MousMov()"><Center><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><Input type="Button" value="Click Me"></Body></Html>

Program No: 3

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Design a Web page that accepts UserName and Password. Opens a new window when the password corresponds to a particular value is set by the developer.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Tilte>Moving to Next Page - Password Validation</Tilte><Script Language="javascript">

function checkForm() { if(document.getElementById("usr").value == '') { alert("Error: Username should not be empty!"); document.getElementById("usr").focus(); return false; }

if(document.getElementById("pass").value == '') { alert("Error: Password should not be empty!"); document.getElementById("pass").focus(); return false; }

if(document.getElementById("usr").value != document.getElementById("pass").value) { alert("Msgs: UserName and Password is not Matching!"); document.getElementById("usr").focus(); return false; }

if(document.getElementById("usr").value = document.getElementById("pass").value) { alert("Error: You are Eligible to Access this website!"); return true; }



</Head><Body><Form action="01_InputBox.Html" method="post" onSubmit="return checkForm();"><Pre>User Name : <Input type=text name="usr" width=32>

Password : <Input type=password name = "pass" width=32>

<Input type=submit name="btn1"></Pre></Form></Body></Html>

Program No: 4

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Design a Web page that consists of 2 text boxes. When the page is first loaded set the focus to the first textbox. The user should not be allowed to leave the box unless enters a value in it.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>TextBox Validation</Title><script type="text/javascript"> function checkForm() { if(document.getElementById("fname").value == '') { alert("Error: Fname Textbox should not be empty!"); document.getElementById("fname").focus(); return false; } return true; }

function getfocs() { document.getElementById("fname").focus(); }

</script></Head><Body onload="getfocs()"><form method="POST" action="action" onSubmit="return checkForm();"><Pre> FirstName : <input type="text" size="32" name="fname" onblur="return checkForm();">

Last Name : <input type="text" size="32" name="lname">

<input type="submit"></Pre></form></Body></Html>


Program No: 1

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Display the Count Down of the Year Using VBScript

Program Code:


<p>Countdown to year 3000:</p>

<p><script type="text/vbscript">millennium=cdate("1/1/3000 00:00:00")document.write("It is " & DateDiff("m", Now(), millennium) & " months to year 3000!<br />")document.write("It is " & DateDiff("d", Now(), millennium) & " days to year 3000!<br />")document.write("It is " & DateDiff("h", Now(), millennium) & " hours to year 3000!<br />")document.write("It is " & DateDiff("n", Now(), millennium) & " minutes to year 3000!<br />")document.write("It is " & DateDiff("s", Now(), millennium) & " seconds to year 3000!<br />")</script></p>


Program No: 2

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: String Manipulation1) Reverse a String2) Return a specified number of character from a string3) Return a Random number between 0-994) To add a time interval to a date5) To format date and time

Program Code:

<html><body><script type="text/vbscript">

Private Sub RevStr() sometext = "Hello Everyone!" document.write(strReverse(sometext))End Sub

Private Sub SpeStr() sometext="Welcome to our Web Site!!" document.write(Mid(sometext, 9, 2))End Sub

Private Sub Rand() randomize() randomNumber=Int(100 * rnd()) document.write("A random number: <b>" & randomNumber & "</b>")End Sub

Private Sub DatAdd() document.write(DateAdd("d",30,date()))End Sub

Private Sub ForDat() document.write(FormatDateTime(date(),vbgeneraldate)) document.write("<br />") document.write(FormatDateTime(date(),vblongdate)) document.write("<br />") document.write(FormatDateTime(date(),vbshortdate)) document.write("<br />") document.write(FormatDateTime(now(),vblongtime)) document.write("<br />") document.write(FormatDateTime(now(),vbshorttime))End Sub</script>

<Center><H1>String and Date Manipulation Functions</H1></Center><br>

<Pre>Reverse String (String is "Hello Everyone!") <Input Type="Button" Value="Reverse" onclick= "RevStr()"><br><br>Return a Specified a Number of Character From a String "Welcome to our Web Site!!" <Input type="Button" value="Specified" onclick="SpeStr()"><br><br>Random Number between 0 - 99 <Input Type="Button" Value="Random" onclick= "Rand()"><br><br>This example uses <b>DateAdd</b> to calculate a date 30 days from today. <Input Type="Button" Value="DateAdd" onclick= "DatAdd()"><br><br>Syntax for FormatDateTime: FormatDateTime(date,namedformat) <Input Type="Button" Value="FormatDate" onclick= "ForDat()">


Program No: 3

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: To Scroll a message on the status bar of a window.

Program Code:

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Javascripts: Status bar scroll</TITLE><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>

function scrll(seed,looped)


var text1 = "Welcome To Annamalai University Study Center ";var text2 = "Chennai. ";

var msg=text1+text2; var putout = " "; var c = 1;

if (looped > 10) { window.status="<Thanks !>"; }

else if(seed > 100) { seed--; var cmd="scrll(" + seed + "," + looped + ")"; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); } else if(seed <= 100 && seed > 0) { for (c=0 ; c < seed ; c++) { putout+=" "; } putout+=msg.substring(0,100-seed); seed--; var cmd="scrll(" + seed + "," + looped + ")"; window.status=putout; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); }

else if (seed <= 0) { if (-seed < msg.length) { putout+=msg.substring(-seed,msg.length); seed--; var cmd="scrll(" + seed + "," + looped + ")"; window.status=putout; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); // 100 } else { window.status=" "; looped += 1; var cmd = "scrll(100," + looped + ")"; timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,75); // 75 } }}

// -->



// -->


</HEAD><BODY bgColor=#00ffff ><P>The message scrolls in the status bar, that thing at the bottom of the page.</P> </BODY></HTML>


Program No: 1

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Web Page which shows the changes of header dynamically.

Program Code:

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function blinking_header(){if (document.getElementById('blink').style.color=="green")




function stoptimer(){clearTimeout(timer);}</script></head>

<body onload="blinking_header()" onunload="stoptimer()"><Center><h1 id="blink">Annamalai University Study Center</h1></Center> </body>


Program Code: 2

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Create a Web page which explains the use of relative positioning.

Program Code:



<body><h1>Heading A</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p><h1>Heading B</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p><h1>Heading C</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p><h1>Heading D</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p></body>


Program No: 3

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: to Display an alert box to alert the x and y coordinates of the cursor.

Program Code:

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function show_coords(event){x=event.clientX;y=event.clientY;alert("X coords: " + x + ", Y coords: " + y);}</script></head>

<body onmousedown="show_coords(event)"><p>Click in the document. An alert box will alert the x and y coordinates of the cursor.</p></body>


Program No: 4


Right Side:

Aim: Design a Web page to, if the user right click on the document area an alert box should appear instead of short-cut menu.

Program Code:

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function disable(){if (event.button == 2){alert("Sorry no rightclick on this page.");}}

</script></head><body onmousedown="disable()"><p>If You Right Click on this page, You will not have default window settings</p><p>You can see my alert box messages.</p></body></html>

Program No: 5

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Design a Web page to display a Digital Clock.

Program Code:


<script type="text/javascript">function getDigits(){num=new Array("0fdr.gif","1fdr.gif","2fdr.gif","3fdr.gif","4fdr.gif","5fdr.gif","6fdr.gif","7fdr.gif","8fdr.gif","9fdr.gif");time=new Date();hour=time.getHours()if (hour<10)

{document.getElementById('hour1').src=num[0];h2="'" + hour + "'";h2=h2.charAt(1);document.getElementById('hour2').src=num[h2];}

else{h1="'" + hour + "'";h1=h1.charAt(1);document.getElementById('hour1').src=num[h1];h2="'" + hour + "'";h2=h2.charAt(2);document.getElementById('hour2').src=num[h2];}

minute=time.getMinutes();if (minute<10)

{document.getElementById('minute1').src=num[0];m2="'" + minute + "'";m2=m2.charAt(1);document.getElementById('minute2').src=num[m2];}

else{m1="'" + minute + "'";m1=m1.charAt(1);document.getElementById('minute1').src=num[m1];

m2="'" + minute + "'";m2=m2.charAt(2);document.getElementById('minute2').src=num[m2];}

second=time.getSeconds();if (second<10)

{document.getElementById('second1').src=num[0];s2="'" + second + "'";s2=s2.charAt(1);document.getElementById('second2').src=num[s2];}

else{s1="'" + second + "'";s1=s1.charAt(1);document.getElementById('second1').src=num[s1];s2="'" + second + "'";s2=s2.charAt(2);document.getElementById('second2').src=num[s2];}


function showTime(){timer=setTimeout("getDigits()",10);interval=setInterval("getDigits()",1000);}

function stopInterval(){clearTimeout(timer);clearInterval(interval);}

</script></head><body onload="showTime()" onunload="stopInterval()" bgcolor="Gray">

<Pre> Digital Clock: <img id="hour1" /> <img id="hour2" /> <img id="minute1" /> <img id="minute2" /> <img id="second1" /> <img id="second2" /> </Pre></body></html>


Program No: 1


Right Side:

Aim: Create a XML File with an internal DTD

Program Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE note [ <!ELEMENT note (to,from,heading,body)> <!ELEMENT to (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT from (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT heading (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT body (#PCDATA)>]><note> <to>Annamalai University Study Center</to> <from>Sureshkumar S</from> <heading>Change of Address</heading> <body>Kindly Acknowledge this...</body></note>

Program No: 2

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Using NodeList object to display the total number of nodes with request to the root elements of the XML document.

Program Code:

<Html><Head><Title>NodeList Example</Title><Script Language = "javascript">

function NodLst(){ var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.load("book.xml");

var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("book"); document.write("Total Number of Nodes Available in the Given XML File is : "+x.length);}</Script></Head><Body><Center><input type="button" onclick="NodLst()" value="Clickme"></Center></Body></Html>

Program No: 3

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: Insert a text before every child element (using text object) and then display the content on the message box.

Program Code:


<script type="text/javascript">

var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.load("book.xml");

var y=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title");

for(i=0;i<y.length;i++) { var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title")[i].childNodes[0]; x.appendData(" -AddText" + i); alert(; }


Program No: 4

Left Side:


Right Side:

Aim: XML Code for a CD Catalog with TITLE, ARTIST,COUNTRY,COMPANY,PRICE and YEAR as a field names. Then Write the HTML Code to Bind the CD Catalog to a Html Code.

Program Code:

HTML Code:

<html><body><xml id="cdcat" src="catalog.xml"></xml><table border="1" datasrc="#cdcat">


<tbody><tr><td><span datafld="TITLE"></span></td><td><span datafld="ARTIST"></span></td><td><span datafld="COUNTRY"></span></td><td><span datafld="COMPANY"></span></td><td><span datafld="PRICE"></span></td><td><span datafld="YEAR"></span></td></tr></tbody>

<tfoot><tr><th colspan="6">This is My CD Collection</th></tr></tfoot>


XML Code: catalog.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><CATALOG>







<TITLE>Still got the blues</TITLE><ARTIST>Gary Moore</ARTIST><COUNTRY>UK</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Virgin records</COMPANY><PRICE>10.20</PRICE><YEAR>1990</YEAR>




<TITLE>One night only</TITLE>









<TITLE>When a man loves a woman</TITLE><ARTIST>Percy Sledge</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Atlantic</COMPANY><PRICE>8.70</PRICE><YEAR>1987</YEAR>






<TITLE>For the good times</TITLE><ARTIST>Kenny Rogers</ARTIST><COUNTRY>UK</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Mucik Master</COMPANY><PRICE>8.70</PRICE><YEAR>1995</YEAR>




















<TITLE>The dock of the bay</TITLE><ARTIST>Otis Redding</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY>









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