Page 1: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’



Page 2: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’



5 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Masterclass

1. Print this workbook before the Masterclass so you can take notes as

you listen. You can also download and type directly in the workbook to

save paper.

2. Review the contents of this workbook before the Masterclass so you

know what to expect, and you can best set aside private time before,

during, and after the Masterclass to complete the activities.

3. You can pause the Masterclass video to take notes or fill in the

blanks by clicking on the video screen.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this

session to increase the quality of your coaching and your life.

5. During the Masterclass, use the dedicated space on the right column

to write down ALL interesting new ideas and inspirations you get while

listening - that way you won’t lose the most relevant information to you.

Page 3: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’



Set your intentions before the Masterclass.

2. 4 Levels Secret to breakthrough transformation • Level 1: Emotional • Level 2: Mental • Level 3: Behavioural • Level 4: Spiritual

3. REFLECTION The right question can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right answers.


Read what other people are saying about Christine Hassler.

Page 4: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’


Start with Intention

Write down and set your positive intentions here. What are your intentions for joining this Masterclass? What do you hope to leave with?

Page 5: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’


Follow along the Masterclass and fill in the blanks. You can pause the video to write down your answers or take notes on the right. Click on the video to pause and play. But pay attention, because you cannot rewind! You have all these beliefs, but did you ever ask the question - can you challenge

them or not?

In order for you to change, you need to feel your ____________________, change

_______________ and then work on your ________________.

We are a ___________________ beings, having human experiences.

You can change circumstances. Not just through emotions but with

________________, with compassion.

You have to ____________________________ your emotions, rather than recycle


If people just thought about things differently, or just believed differently but they

never dealt with the emotions then it is hard to change on the behavioural level . If

people don’t have ___________________ connection, they feel lost and unfulfilled

The key is ___________________ transformation. Sometimes it is slower when you

work on different levels, but what’s important is that it lasts.

______________________ approach to transformation is what is required

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Our _______________ creates our feelings. We can’t have emotions without thoughts

so we just need to change our thoughts.

What is the distinction between feelings & emotions

Feeling is a _____________ _______ to a thought

If we start thinking about next week, we can create feeling of anxiety with that


We can create feeling of fear with our thoughts.

Emotion is ____________ in motion

e.g. if a kid gets hit by a parent. That kid is going to feel shame, sadness. As a kid,

you don’t think about being sad. You just react naturally.That is your energy coming

out as emotion.

When we don’t have any authority figure who can listen to us, we suppress the


Important part of growth and healing is to go back to significant life events that

caused big ___________________ to come up and didn’t get released in a healthy


Go back to them with __________________ , ________________ , forgiveness and

release those emotions.

All grown up have emotions that we _________________ or _______________

ourselves from.Then we end up _____________. We end up being irritable with

friends, with family & outside in social settings . It robs us of creativity.

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When we go back release all these emotions, we free up space for

__________________, ____________________, and ______________________ in life.

We know we are triggered when our __________________ to something is bigger

than the ________________ of the event

Working on emotional level:

Identify when that emotion showed up before& try to work on the root cause

How does it show up practically:

Let’s take example of Ashley who has gone through a break-up.

She was feeling hurt & embarrassed.Her boyfriend wasn’t really present for her &

they weren’t going in the same direction.

By working on ________________ level, there is great opportunity for


Relationship wasn’t that bad but her ___________ was really bad.

What does this relationship remind you of ?

We went back to her relationship with her father. Her father worked a lot and he

wasn’t emotionally available for her.

She felt hurt that she never felt accepted, never felt enough.

Looks like Ashley is sad about breakup but it is triggering sadness and grief about

her father.

So we looked at the __________________ of abandonment.

You can have same ________________ but different _____________ situation.

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Most of the thoughts we think are not true.Our _____________ tend to create our

reality.Our ___________ experience is a reflection of our _________________ reality.

Only about 3-5% behaviour is driver by conscious thoughts and about 95% is driven

by unconscious thoughts.So by age of 5 , our mental beliefs are already formed.

Now you may be 40 years old but your programming is not updated

Working on mental level:

Create new patterns of __________

When we look at people’s mental level, we look at:

What are people’s ______________ systems

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What happened in their lives up (usually until age of 12) & what did they make it

mean ?

How do we ____________ these thoughts ?

It’s hard to go from ‘I am not enough’ to ‘I am most amazing’ but we can totally go to

‘I am doing the best I can’ or‘I can be better at this.’

On mental level, we really teach people:

How to __________your brain

How to be ___________ of your thoughts

How to question your thoughts

How to think better thoughts that drive different kind of _____________.

How does it show up practically:

You are a coach working with a male, ambitions client. He is taking steps but he is

not proud of himself and he is very hard on himself. He wants to do more.

If you start having conversation with him about his thinking, you may get to fact that

he doesn’t feel proud of himself.

Through questioning, you can find out that his father was never proud of him.

As a kid he never got approval so as an adult. So he has a neural net of ‘I need to do

more in order to be loved’

You can help him break that down and help him think through.

Going back to Ashley,

Old narrative: I must not be enough.

Breakdown on mental level and help her think new ___________.

‘My father isn’t the only source of love.’ , ‘I am enough the way I am’

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If you work with emotional and mental level, you will have great session. Clients will

understand everything but when they come back for next session, they haven’t done


Behavioural level works best when you have worked on mental n emotional blocks


What stops people from taking action is not lack of motivation but_________________

emotions and _____________ beliefs.

Try to understand what drives __________________. What motivates them

extrinsicallyand _______________________.

Working on behavioural level:

Focus on _______________ motivation vs _________________ from motivation

Thing with ‘away from motivation’ ( away from feeling broke, unhappy) is that it is

exhausting & evokes self-judgment.

Towards motivation - ‘I want to move ___________ love’, I want to move

_____________ health’ etc.

_________________ them toward their vision.

Two things you can do:

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Identify people’s ________________________ strategies - strategies that we use that

are very effective but not very _________________.

Avoidance traps - happens when we spend more time n energy avoiding the things

we don’t want


It is not tied to any religion. All that is required on a spiritual level is to be __________.

To consider the belief that there is something ____________ than us. Universe is a

________________ place. It’s _______ us & not against us.

Look at life as one big _____________.

The reason we come here as humans is to _____________ as a species. Our bodies

haven’t changed that much. What has evolved us as a species over time? - Our


Working on spiritual level:

Change lens to be a ________________ of life.

Everyone in your life is a ___________________ , even the people that hurt us the


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_______________________ is the first law of spirituality.

I __________________ what is happening right now. It doesn’t mean recognition. It

means I am going to stop fighting with reality.

Best way to sum up it is ______________ and ______________ coming together.

When working with clients on spiritual level, what you re offering them is a possibility

for a ____________________. A miracle it is a change in ________________.

You can ask clients: Hey, how would you like a miracle? How would you like to a

create a miracle in life my changing the way you look at it.

That is spirituality in action.

How does it show up practically:

One of Ashleys core wound was not feeling loved by her father. She felt unlovable. So

instead of personifying her dad as god or the love giving figure, we leaned into

unconditional love that spirituality can provide.

‘I am child of God’ When she was able to tap into that, she felt spiritual connection.

It is important to work on all levels because if not done, she will go into another

relationship and repeat the pattern.

If she doesn’t feel that she is enough n loveable, she would still be in pattern of

looking for some other man to love her.

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The right questions can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right answers. So, ask yourself… (Use an extra piece of paper if you need to).

1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’ lives? 2. Reflect on the 4 levels & how those shifted your mindset.

3. How can you contribute more to your family, relationships, yourself, and community if you dived deeper into the 4 levels? 4. What is the one thing you can do right now to show your commitment to become a better coach & bring massive shifts in people’s lives?

THANK YOU for joining Christine Hassler’s Masterclass!

To implement what you learn and start

coaching executives, high-impact people

watch through the end of masterclass.

At the end of the masterclass there will be

special offer to join our Unleashed Quest at an

unbelievably discounted price.

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“With Christine’s help I feel I have not only found self-love and self-acceptance.”

Thanks to Christine’s valuable coaching, I was able to shift some major issues that I had been carrying around for years, and that prevented me from living a happy and fulfilling life. With Christine’s help I feel I have not only found self-love and self-acceptance, but have also been given some tools that will help me to continue to grow. ~ Leen

“Her coaching expertise was consistently above and beyond anything.”

Christine Hassler’s coaching expertise was consistently above and beyond anything I expected. Whether I was working on answering a specific question, or just stuck and looking for guidance, her intuition, business savvy, and creative joy helped to steer and inspire me in extremely helpful directions. She is a godsend!


“I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to work with you as you shine a light for me.”

I am so excited about your course! After Secret Sauce and now one-on-one coaching with you, I am going to get involved with everything you do because every interaction has made such a massive impact on my growth.

Page 15: 4-LEVEL SECRET TO BREAKTHROUGH TRANSFORMATIONS€¦ · 04/01/2020  · 1. Imagine – what would your life look like if you started bringing breakthrough transformations in your clients’

This year has been such a huge year of self-awareness, growth and real transformation and I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to work with you as you shine a light for me on my gifts, my patterns, what I need to heal to be the highest expression of myself and bring that best self forward into the world. ~ Tony

“If you're ready to take a deep dive and see real results manifest in your life, say yes.”

Boy, I am so grateful that I found Christine and her body of work. Everything she says completely resonates with me and I just know I'm in the right place. When I heard about the course I was so excited because I knew it would be a game changer. You see, reading the books and listening to the podcasts are wonderful, but 100% committing to the transformational process and having the courage to do the work are where the magic happens. This course doesn't disappoint — it's the real deal. Say yes to yourself, you're worth it.

~ Kristen

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