Transcript ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 1

HEALTHIER DIETto attract consumers on their journey to a

TIPS4 ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 2

ContentsAttitudes Toward Healthy Living

Finding Motivation

Differing Ideas of Wellness

The Importance of Food Claims

Wellness Tools and Resources

Implications ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 3

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

Commitment is on the decline


2014 44% 43%63% 58% 64% 57%

41% 46% 56%40%


Women Men Over age 45Under age 45 Moms Organic

“I’m firmly committed to a healthy diet”

Q. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about health and wellness? (Strongly/Somewhat agree). ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 4

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

Eating better has barriers

It’s expensive to eat healthy

I would eat healthier if it were more convenient

It’s daunting to try to change everything about my diet

Most food companies don’t make healthy food

Most healthy foods don’t taste very good

I’m so busy, being active and eating healthy often gets put on

the back burner

I don’t know how to prepare a healthy meal

Healthy Eating Barriers








Q. Thinking of potential barriers to eating a healthy diet, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Strongly/Somewhat agree). ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 5

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

Some segments struggle with wellness roadblocks more than others

MillennialsDon’t know how to prepare (155 Index*) Most healthy foods don’t taste good (133) So busy, health on back burner (155)Would eat healthier if more convenient (123)

MomsSo busy, health on back burner (135)Would eat healthier if more convenient (120)

OrganicDon’t know how to prepare (121)Most healthy foods don’t taste good (137)So busy, health on back burner (121)

MenDon’t know how to prepare (129)

Bad CooksDon’t know how to prepare (181)Most companies don’t make healthy food (129)

UrbanDon’t know how to prepare (146)Most healthy foods don’t taste good (121) So busy, health on back burner (122)

Q. Thinking of potential barriers to eating a healthy diet, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Strongly/Somewhat agree). ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 6

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

A little moderation is OK for most

I don’t obsess over my calorie intake, I just

try to eat everything in moderation

67%61+3948+52“I feel guilty when I don’t

eat healthy”

61% 48%

2012 2014 ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 7

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

Fighting the urge to splurge

When I’m celebrating something

When I’m eating out

When I’m on vacation

When I’m stressed out

On the weekend

When I’m with a group

When I’m sad

Splurge Triggers








Q: When are you most likely to “splurge” on food, meaning, when are you most likely to relax your healthy eating habits and treat yourself to a not-so-healthy food item? Please select up to five. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 8

Attitudes Toward Healthy Living

Eating our feelings

The emotional triggers in particular hit some segments harder than others. For example, women tend to splurge in response to negative emotions while men splurge when they’re happy.

Eating our feelings

Millennials (126)Parents (124)Moms (121)

Gen-Xers (121)Midwest (121)

BUSYMoms (134)

Millennials (130)Small city (130)

Women (121)

SADMoms (133 Index)

Midwest (121)Small city (121)

STRESSEDMillennials (146)Organic (132)

Men (130)Parents (130)Urban (127)

HAPPY ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 9

Finding Motivation

Wellness goes well beyond the scale

Wellness Motivators

66% 62% 58% 57% 56% 54%44% 44% 41%


Overall well-being

Preventing illness and


Maintaining a healthy weight

Overall happiness

Physical appearance

Higher energy level

Physical strength

Enjoy being active

Weight loss

Setting a good

example for my kids

Social influence

Q. Which of the following are motivators for living a healthy lifestyle? Please select all that apply. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 10

Finding Motivation

Motivators by segment

Top Motivators (by Segment)

Q. Which of the following are motivators for living a healthy lifestyle? Please select all that apply.

Women• Weight loss (117 Index)• Good example for kids (112)• Physical appearance (111)

Moms• Good example for kids (235)• Physical appearance (117)• Weight loss (114)

Organic• Social influence (136)• Physical strength (122)• Good example for kids (122)• Enjoy being active (121)

Millennials• Social influence (140)• Good example for kids (123)

Boomers• Prevent illness/disease (114) ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 11

Finding Motivation

“Wellness” is not universal

34+25+15+8+7+7+4+AWellness Philosophies

Q. Which of the following do you feel best describes your health and wellness philosophy?

Do It My Way

Moderate Maintenance

I Am Who I Am

The Reformer

Holistic Approach

In It to Win It

Not Right Now






Consumers approach wellness in many different ways. FoodThink explored some common wellness philosophies and the most likely attitudes and motivators for the consumers holding those philosophies. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 12

Finding Motivation

Wellness philosophies (by Segment)Q. Which of the following do you feel best describes your health and wellness philosophy?

The ReformerI frequently diet and seek help managing my health. Sometimes I relapse, but then I jump back on a diet.

Segments: OrganicHigh income ParentsGen-XersWomen

Motivators: Weight loss Social influence Physical appearance Setting good example for kids

Holistic Approach Healthy living is a way of life. My body is a temple, so I exercise regularly and eat healthy, natural foods.

Segments: OrganicGood cooks Pre-Boomers High income

Motivators: Physical strengthEnjoy being active Setting good example for kids Higher energy level

In It to Win It I stay healthy because it’s fun. I play sports and stay active for the social aspect. I enjoy setting goals and looking good.

Segments: HispanicParentsOrganicMenMillennialsHigh income

Motivators: Social influence Enjoy being active Setting good example for kids ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 13

Finding Motivation

Wellness philosophies (by Segment)Q. Which of the following do you feel best describes your health and wellness philosophy?

Moderate Maintenance I just try to maintain my weight and eat a fairly healthy diet.

Segments: Pre-Boomers

Motivators: Maintaining healthy weight Prevent illness and disease

Do It My WayI try to live healthy, but I don’t follow a particular diet. I just do what works for me.

Segments: Pre-Boomers

Motivators: Enjoy being activeOverall well-being ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 14

Finding Motivation

Wellness philosophies (by Segment)Q. Which of the following do you feel best describes your health and wellness philosophy?

Not Right Now Health isn’t really a priority. I occasionally exercise, and at some point, I’ll start eating healthier.

Segments: Single Bad cooksLow income

Motivators: NoneSocial influence

I Am Who I AmI don’t worry about exercise or eating right. I have other things to worry about, so I just try to get through the day.

Segments: Bad cooks Unemployed Men Low income

Motivators: None ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 15

For consumers, freshness matters most

The Importance of Food Claims

Attribute Importance

Q. How important are the following attributes when making food purchasing decisions? (Very/Somewhat important).


High in


ins an

d mine





No tran

s fat



No artifi

cal pr



No add


No anti



No hom


No artifi

cial sw





Low ca






80%64% 63% 63% 63% 58% 58% 58% 57% 57% 55% 54% 51% 48%


Trending Up

Trending Down

Gluten-free +9

Lean -11Fresh -10Low-fat -10No trans fats -8High in vitamins and minerals -8

The order of importance among attributes hasn’t changed from the previous FoodThink study, but the level of importance has. The following indicates the percentage point change from 2012. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 16

Consumers look on-pack for food facts

Wellness Tools and Resources

Q. Which of the following tools and resources do you use to find health-related information and/or help you with your daily wellness efforts? Please select all that apply.

Wellness Tools and Resources

Food packaging Family doctorTV shows MagazinesOther websites

Social media Gym or fitness center

Restaurant menus Mobile apps


Blogs or online forums


Health insurance provider

28% 28% 28% 27% 22%

17% 17% 14% 13% 12% 9% ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 17

Go-to source of health information vary by segment

Wellness Tools and Resources

Q. Which of the following tools and resources do you use to find health-related information and/or help you with your daily wellness efforts? Please select all that apply.

Wellness Resources (by Segment)

Health insurance provider (152 Index*)Mobile apps (121)

Social media (143)Blogs or online forums (137)Magazines (126)Mobile apps (124)

Books (120)Magazines (116)TV shows (112)Social media (112)

Blogs or online forums (158)Health insurance provider (154)Books (154)Social media (151)

Men Moms Good cooks Organic ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 18

Go-to source of health information vary by segment

Wellness Tools and Resources

Q. Which of the following tools and resources do you use to find health-related information and/or help you with your daily wellness efforts? Please select all that apply.

Wellness Resources (by Segment)

Family doctor (148)Food packaging (127)Restaurant menus (125)

Mobile apps (180)Blogs or online forums (177)Social media (176)Gym or fitness center (149)

Mobile apps (124)Gym or fitness center (122)

Pre-Boomers Millennials High income ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 19


Moms, organic consumers and Millennials are heavy users of digital wellness tools and resources. Make your brand part of their wellness arsenal with a mobile app or by pumping up wellness content in your social channels.

Get digital

Consumers use food as a reward and coping mechanism for negative emotions. Provide recipes, products or menu options that look and taste delicious but are still healthy.

Make healthy foods taste goodConsumers are striving for a

moderate middle ground with wellness. Appeal to their healthy sensibilities by avoiding extremes.

Market moderation

Convenience is a significant wellness roadblock for consumers. They’ll embrace, and potentially pay more for, products with on-the-go-friendly packaging and simple steps for preparation.

Show them healthy can be convenient

Moms, organic consumers and Millennials are heavy users of digital wellness tools and resources. Make your brand part of their wellness arsenal with a mobile app or by pumping up wellness content in your social channels.

Get digital

Consumers use food as a reward and coping mechanism for negative emotions. Provide recipes, products or menu options that look and taste delicious but are still healthy.

Make healthy foods taste goodConsumers are striving for a

moderate middle ground with wellness. Appeal to their healthy sensibilities by avoiding extremes.

Market moderation

Convenience is a significant wellness roadblock for consumers. They’ll embrace, and potentially pay more for, products with on-the-go-friendly packaging and simple steps for preparation.

Show them healthy can be convenient

Moms, organic consumers and Millennials are heavy users of digital wellness tools and resources. Make your brand part of their wellness arsenal with a mobile app or by pumping up wellness content in your social channels.

Get digital

Consumers use food as a reward and coping mechanism for negative emotions. Provide recipes, products or menu options that look and taste delicious but are still healthy.

Make healthy foods taste goodConsumers are striving for a

moderate middle ground with wellness. Appeal to their healthy sensibilities by avoiding extremes.

Market moderation

Convenience is a significant wellness roadblock for consumers. They’ll embrace, and potentially pay more for, products with on-the-go-friendly packaging and simple steps for preparation.

Show them healthy can be convenient ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014.

About the study


In early 2014, SHS conducted the latest round of its FoodThink research study monitoring how consumers think about what they eat and America’s relationship with food.

The study was executed among 2,004 consumers across the country via an online email survey (confidence interval of +/-2.19% at a confidence level of 95%). Respondents had to be at least 18 years of age and have joint or primary responsibility for the grocery and food decisions in their household. They came from a mix of demographic backgrounds and regions across the U.S. The study covered a wide range of topics, such as perceptions of food production, cooking trends and changing thoughts about food. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 21

FOR MORE about Sullivan Higdon & Sink’s FoodThink study, please visit ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Motivated Meal Planning,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. ©2015 Sullivan Higdon & Sink. All rights reserved. The data in this report may be reproduced as long as it is cited: “Our Plight to Eat Right,” Sullivan Higdon & Sink FoodThink, 2014. 22

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