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Slide 2 8 th Grade Science Taxonomy Review Slide 3 A:B: AstronomyTaxonomy C:D: GeologyForensics #1 The science of organizing and naming organisms based on characteristics. Slide 4 B. Taxonomy Slide 5 A:B: AstronomyTaxonomy C:D: ClassificationForensics #2 The arrangement of animals and plants into groups according to their similarities. Slide 6 C. Classification Slide 7 A:B: levels of classificationkingdoms C:D: different speciesNone of these #3 These are the ________ in the taxonomy system. * Domain (Has the MOST species) *Kingdom *Phylum *Class *Order *Family *Genus *Species (Has the LEAST organisms) Slide 8 A. Levels of classification Slide 9 A:B: OrdersDomains C:D: ClassesPhylums #4 *Archaea *Bacteria *Eukaryota These groups are the three _______ of life. *These groups contain the most organisms in Taxonomy Slide 10 B. Domains Slide 11 A:B: Kingdoms Species #5 * Archaebacteria (Prokaryotic) *Eubacteria *Protista (Eukaryotic) *Fungi *Plantae *Animalia These are the six _________ of living things. C:D: Orders Families Slide 12 A. Kingdoms Slide 13 A: B: Archaea Eukarya DomainsKingdomsCharacteristics ArchaeaArchaeabacteria Prokaryotic, extreme environments, asexual reproduction BacteriaEubacteria Prokaryotic, most abundant, sexual reproduction EukaryaProtista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Eukaryotic, multicellular, asexual or sexual reproduction #6 *In this chart, which domain includes multicellular organisms? Slide 14 B. Eukarya Slide 15 A: B: Archaea can live in extreme environments. Bacteria cannot Archaea is Prokaryotic and bacteria is Eukaryotic DomainsKingdomsCharacteristics ArchaeaArchaeabacteria Prokaryotic, extreme environments, asexual reproduction BacteriaEubacteria Prokaryotic, not extreme env., sexual reproduction EukaryaProtista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Eukaryotic, multicellular, asexual or sexual reproduction #7 *In this chart, what is the main difference between Bacteria and Archaea? Slide 16 A. Archaea can live in extreme environments. Bacteria cannot Slide 17 A:B: They both are autotrophs (make their own food) They are both bacteria C:D: They are both from the domain Eukarya (Eukaryotic) All of these #8 Why do organisms like yeast and humans have some genes in common? Yeast cell Human cell Eukaryotic cells (both cells have a nucleus and cell membrane) Slide 18 C. They are both from the domain Eukarya (Eukaryotic) Slide 19 A:B: Cell type Ability to make food C:D: Number of cells in their body All of these #9 How are the 6 Kingdoms grouped? Cell TypeAbility to make food Number of cells in their body Prokaryote or Eukaryote Autotroph or Heterotroph Unicellular or Multicellular Kingdoms Are Grouped By Slide 20 D. All of these Slide 21 A:B: Prokaryote Eukarote C:D: Animaia None of these #10 Cells with no nucleus or cell membrane. *This includes organisms in the Archaea and Bacteria domains. Slide 22 A. Prokaryote Slide 23 A:B: Prokaryote Eukarote C:D: Animaia None of these #11 Cells with a nucleus, cell membrane, and organelles. *This includes organisms in the Eukarya domain. Slide 24 B. Eukaryote Slide 25 A:B: ArchaebacteriaEubacteria C:D: FungiPlantae #12 Which of the 6 Kingdoms contain prokaryotic cells? Prokayotes Slide 26 A.Archaebacteria B.Eubacteria Slide 27 A:B: UnicellularMulticellular C:D: EukaryoticNone of these #13 *Single celled organisms are considered to be ______________. *Include organisms in Archaea and Bacteria domains. Slide 28 A. Unicellular Slide 29 A:B: UnicellularMulticellular C:D: FungiPlantae #14 Organisms with many cells are considered to be ____________. *Include organisms in Eukayra domain. Slide 30 B. Multicellular Slide 31 A:B: flyreproduce #15 Organisms within the SAME species can _________ and produce fertile offspring. C:D: hibernateNone of these Slide 32 B. reproduce Slide 33 A:B: trinomial pentameterbinomial nomenclature C:D: trinomial nomenclatureNone of these #16 A two word naming system for scientific names of species is called ________ _______. GenusSpecies Slide 34 B. binomial nomenclature Slide 35 A:B: organismorder #17 Genus species This is the correct way of writing the scientific name of a/an _________. C:D: speciesNone of these (capitalized)(lower case) Slide 36 A. organism Slide 37 A:B: table of contents dichotomous key C:D: punnet squareNone of these #18 A __________ is used to identify an organism by giving a series of choices that lead to the name. Slide 38 B. Dichotomous key Slide 39 A: B: Certhidea Platyspiza C:D: Geospiza Camarhynchus Using the dichotomous key, identify the name of Bird X #19 Slide 40 B. Platyspiza Slide 41 A: B: Certhidea Platyspiza C:D: Geospiza Camarhynchus Using the dichotomous key, identify the name of Bird Z #20 Slide 42 D. Camarhynchus Slide 43 A:B: class, phylum class, order #21 LIONDEERWOLF KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderCarnivoraArtiodactylaCarnivora FamilyFelidaeCervidaecanidae GenusPantheraOdocoileusCanis SpeciesLeoVirginianusLupus The wolf and the deer belong to the same _________, but to a different________. Slide 44 B. class, order Slide 45 A:B: Special bacteria that fix nitrogen to plants, and animals eating plants By the process of photosynthesis and respiration. #22 *Since plants and animals cannot obtain nitrogen directly from the atmosphere, how do they get nitrogen? Slide 46 A. Special bacteria that fix nitrogen to plants, and animals eating plants Slide 47 A:B: True False #23 Do horseshoe crabs and flies belong to the same phylum? Slide 48 B. False Slide 49 A:B: Crayfish and scorpions Centipedes and millipedes #24 Which are most closely related? Slide 50 B. Centipedes and millipedes Slide 51 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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