

• Have your notebook and something to write with.

The journey begins• After petitioning King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain for

several years they finally agreed to finance Christopher Columbus's voyage.

• Columbus's ships would set sail on August 3 1492 and reach the Bahamas on October 12, 1492.

• Columbus would encounter the Taino in the Bahamas but Columbus was not interested in Taino culture instead Columbus would look for gold, exotic plants, and animals.

• Columbus would make three journeys to the Americas during his lifetime and he would die believing that he had reached Asia.

Impact of Columbus's voyage

• The voyages of Christopher Columbus would change the way Europeans thought of the world and their place in it.

• Columbus's discovery also created conflict between European countries who wanted to claim the newly discovered land for themselves.

• In an effort to keep the peace between European countries Pope Alexander VI would create the line of demarcation which divided the Atlantic Ocean between Spain and Portugal later on the line of demarcation would be moved by the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Other explorers sail to the Americas

• Amerigo Vespucci led a Spanish fleet to the coast of present-day South America he was one of the first explorers to believe that it was not Asia but in fact a "New World".

• Later on German mapmakers would label the continent America in honor of Amerigo Vespucci eventually Europeans would start using the names North and South America.

• Nunez de Balboa would be the first European explorer to see the Pacific Ocean.

• Ferdinand Magellan would be the first Explorer to launch an expedition that would successfully circumnavigate the globe in all the journey was 40,000 miles only 18 members of the original crew not including Magellan would complete the entire journey.

Other explorers sail to the Americas 2

• European explorers would discover many new plants such as corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa.

• European explorers would introduce cattle, horses, and pigs to the Americas.

• Europeans would also inadvertently introduce many new deadly diseases to the Americas the Native Americans had no natural resistance to European disease and often died as a result of exposure to them.

• Over time the trading pattern known as the Columbian exchange would eventually include the exchange of raw materials, manufactured products, and slaves


• Have your notebook and something to write with.

The birth of Jesus

• Christians believe that God and not Joseph was Jesus's father.

• Jesus began to travel and spread his teachings around the age of 30

• The stories of Jesus and his teachings and actions from this time make up the beginning of the New Testament

The crucifixion

• Jesus’s teachings would challenge the authority of political and religious leaders. This would eventually lead to Jesus being arrested.

• Shortly after his arrest the Romans would execute Jesus by crucifying him.

The resurrection

• Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead and vanished from his tomb three days after he was crucified.

• Christians also believe that Jesus then appeared to his disciples and stayed with them for 40 days before rising up into heaven.

• Christians believe that the resurrection was a sign that Jesus was the Messiah and the son of God.


• Many people became Jesus’s followers after they saw him preform miracles such as healing the sick.


• Jesus taught people through parables which are stories that teach lessons about how people should live.

• Parables explain complicated ideas in ways that most people could understand.

Jesus's message

• Much of Jesus's message was rooted in older Jewish traditions.

• Jesus expected his followers to love all people not just friends and family.

• Another important theme in Jesus's teachings was salvation or the rescue of people from sin.

• Over the many centuries after Jesus lived, people have interpreted his teachings in many different ways this has caused for many different denominations of Christianity to develop.

The apostles

• The apostles were 12 men who were very close followers of Jesus and were frequently sent to spread his teachings and they would continue to do so after Jesus's resurrection.

• The apostle Peter would become the leader of the group after Jesus's resurrection many people look to Peter as the first leader in the Catholic Church.


• The most important person in the spread of Christianity after Jesus's death was Paul.

• After his conversion Paul would travel all throughout the Roman Empire spreading Christianity.


• Christians would often be persecuted because they refused to worship Roman gods and many Christian leaders including Peter and Paul were killed for their efforts in spreading Christian teachings.

• Although most Roman emperors would let Christians worship as they pleased a few feared that Christians could cause unrest in the Empire and banned the religion.

Acceptance of Christianity

• Emperor Constantine would convert to Christianity and repeal laws that prohibited the practice of Christianity.

• 60 years later another Emperor would ban all non-Christian religions and Christianity would eventually spread from Rome all around the world.


• Have your notebook and something to write with.

Understanding weather and climate

• The main difference between weather and climate is that weather is short-term and climate is long-term.

• If you were talking about whether you might say today is sunny but tomorrow it might rain.

• If you are talking about the climate you might say the summer here is usually hot and muggy.

Sun and location

• Different areas of the earth receive different amounts of sunlight because of the Earth's tilt, movement, and shape.

Wind and water

• Heat from the sun moves across the earth surface by heating up wind and water that move throughout the earth.

Global winds

• Although you cannot feel it air has weight cold air is heavier and sinks while warm air is lighter and rises.

• Wind is created by the cooling or heating of air which causes it to rise or fall.

Global winds

• The rising and sinking of the air is what creates the world's prevailing wind patterns

• The Earth's rotation causes the prevailing winds to curve East or West rather than flowing directly north or south.

• Winds arriving from an Arctic region will bring cold air while winds arriving from places closer to the equator will bring warm air.

Ocean currents

• Water temperatures affect air temperatures near them.

• Like wind the ocean moves heat around the earth.

Large bodies of water

• Because water heats and cools slower than land areas that are next to large bodies of water normally have a mild climate.

Wind, water, and storms

• Most storms occur when two air masses collide.

• Fronts can produce rain or snow as well as severe weather.

• Thunderstorms and blizzards can produce tornadoes.

• The largest and most destructive storms are called hurricanes

• Hurricanes can have winds that reach up to 155 mph


• The reason why many mountains have snow on top of them is because the temperature decreases as elevation increases.

• Mountains create wet and dry areas the reason for this is that when clouds carrying rain collide with mountains they are pushed higher which causes the temperature decrease and makes them release their moisture on one side of the mountain so one side of the mountain will be green and the other side of the mountain less so this is called a rain shadow.

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