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A Quarterly Newsletter Issue 3 Winter 07/08

2008 is here!

Christmas [email protected]

After a two - week vacation, term time is under way at IAS once again. On the last Friday before Christmas, homerooms celebrated with their grade groups before the students and staff went their separate ways. Some stayed in Poland, others set off for various corners of the globe. We sent out roving reporter Divya to ask people about the holiday period. Principal Mark Sanderson spent Christmas with his wife’s family and headed for the Polish mountains for New Year. Amongst his favourite presents were chocolate, clothes and Marmite! (if you don’t know, this is a spread to go on bread or toast!). Vice Principal Steve Johnson went further afield - back to his native U.S. He found plenty of nice gifts in his stocking and tucked into some turkey. His favourite gift was a brand new guitar! School secretary Iwona told us that she were happy to be given “t-shirts, glasses, chocolates, clothes and cosmetics”. Juhi from grade 9 spent the festive period in Zakopane and did a lot of skiing. Over New Year she went to a party in Warsaw which was “very enjoyable.” Pawel (also grade 9) meanwhile, spent New Year’s Eve in Egypt by the beach! Zaira from grade 8 told us that she spent “lots of time sleeping, opening presents, eating and drinking.” This sounds like a fairly typical Christmas! We at IAS TIMES hope all our readers enjoyed the vacation and we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

THE IAS TIMES TEAMLayout & Design: Slim Paul

Supervising Editor: Nick Brown

Lead Writer: Diksha Amarnani,

Roving Reporter: Divya Amarnani.

Thanks to everyone that contributed to

this issue and to Dr. Hussaini for

supporting the project!

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School NewsStudent Council Mr. Johnson organizes the student council. Each class chooses a class president. The vice president of the school council is Kaja Borowko and the president is Alex Pacewicz. We have meetings on Monday and Wednesday during lunch time and we discuss how IAS can be improved or if anyone is experiencing problems such as bullying, racism or anything else. At the council we try to represent the views of our class mates and, through Mr. Johnson, pass on our suggestions to the school administration. Helping the Hospice On Saturday 17th November, Mr. Ceesay and students from grades 10 and 11 worked as bag-packers at a supermarket in Galeria Mokotow. In return, generous members of the public gave voluntarily to a fund for seriously ill children at the Warsaw Volunteer Mission. A grand total of 1170 zl was raised. Those taking part from grade 11 included Tera, Tim, Dominika (Lech), Mahmood, Kaja, Badar and from grade 10: Lukasz, Oliver, Krystian and Emmanuel. Kaja commented that "we were happy to do something for others, especially at this time of year.” Halloween Way back on October 31, IAS held its usual special Halloween day. Lower grades decorated their classrooms and most students got into the spirit by dressing up in a variety of spooky outfits. There were mummies, ghouls, monsters and witches all over the place. Later on, Mr.Sanderson, Mr. Ceesay, Mr. Cichy and Mr. Brown toured the classes to see which class had made the scariest decorations. The big winners were grades 7 and 4: their spine-chilling creations left the judging committee shivering with terror! Amongst the winners for best costume were Artur from grade 6, Noora & Iida and Florentyna from grade 4.

With Divya

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1. Dress appropriately. Wear socks and shoes that breath easily. Ankle or knee braces can help prevent serious injury.

2. Stay in shape. Basketball games last forty minutes and if you want to play a full part you have to be prepared to run back & forth constantly.

3. Leave your ego at the door. Scoring 100 points by yourself may not lead your

team to victory. Play unselfishly and work with your team mates as a unit. 4. Practice as much as possible. You can always improve and the better you are at

both ends of the court, the more valuable you are to your team.

5. Always be a good sport. Play your hardest, but play fair & have fun!

Michael JordanAll time leading points scorer

Lucas Snoey’s Basketball Page

My Top 5 Players

Magic JohnsonLed his team to 5 NBA championships in the 1980s

Wilt ChamberlainThe only player to score 100 points in a game

James WorthyVery powerful and athletic

Larry BirdThe most unselfish superstar of all the time

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Book Reviews

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by JK Rowling. Reviewed by Dong Woo Jae. This book is the seventh and last part of the world-famous Harry Potter series about the only child who survived the spell of Voldemort and has a lightning scar on his head. Of course the main character is Harry himself and the secondary characters Ron, Hermione and Voldemort. The spectacular fight between the Aurors (protagonists) and the Death Eaters (antagonists) is all described in one book! I read it in three days and it was very exciting.In this story, Harry needs help. His scar seems to hurt more and more. Is it the-one-who-shall-not-named's fault? It's Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts and he is tasked to finding the Horcruxes; objects which Voldemort put parts of his soul into to achieve immortality and kill you-know-who. Awesome fights, new spells and Death-eaters everywhere! Who will help Harry? The prophecy says "one shall survive, but the other will die" but who will be the victim? How many clues did Albus Dumbledore leave behind? What will happen between Ron and Hermione? Will Harry survive?The book is very interesting and absorbing. Too bad the Harry Potter series had to end. I rate it 10/10. I won't explain the whole story for you now because it's a book review, not a copy of the book. So, get it yourself or borrow it from a friend! Harry, Ron and Hermione are waiting for you inside the magical pages of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Pope Joan reviewed by Dominika Kaczkowska

When I started asking about the myth of Pope Joan, people usually ask "What?". In Poland this legend is not known and not popular. I really can’t blame anyone for this because how to explain to humans that in this patriarchic institution a woman might have appeared and be in charge of it, in a place where women shouldn’t be? The fate of this woman is described in the historic fiction Pope Joan” written by Donna Woolfolk Cross. It’s fiction, but has some elements of legend and all legends have certain elements of truth. Donna Woolfolk Cross writes the story about woman Joan who had not only enough courage to study in IX century Europe (the Middle Age motto "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands." ), but also to live as man. Under disguise, Joan became a Benedict monk, travelled to Rome and even became... Pope!This book is fiction so there is space for romance, suspense and mystery. The most phenomenal part of the book is the view of the normal life in IX century Europe. The readers can feel free to stand next to Joan when her father, a canon, sentences an old midwife, who “practiced witchcraft”, to escape from her hateful father to study in cathedral school or fight against Emperor Lotar, who wants to rule Rome and Catholic Europe.“Pope Joan” was published first in 1997 but for the next 3 years it was an international bestseller. I enjoyed it because we all love to read or see things which are forbidden, which shouldn’t happen.

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Movie Reviews ORIGINAL FICTION: Seaou by Kasandra Biedul

It was a cold and foggy morning in the Eastern Magoo Sea, and, like everyday, the tribesmen went to catch some fish for breakfast. The tribe, Aui-Iua, was small, less than 100 people. These people lived as a one big family on the island Auma, where they settled many years ago, thinking that they were the only people living on Earth, when one day, they realized they were all wrong, including the leader, Lofai. ''Hush, my brothers, you should be preparing the boats, not talking!'' said Lofai, who even though he was leader, treated everyone as his equal, ''We should not waste time now, because we are already several minutes behind, as I noticed from the sun, our great friend.'' ''Lofai, my brother, if one of us speaks out one more time during this position of the sun on the sky, he will be hanged on that tree behind you,'' said one of the men, looking at Lofai and seeing his approving nod. No one spoke even once, until the second position of the sun in the sky, when all of the boats were ready and put in the water. Ten strong and muscular men from the tribe filed into five boats, each one holding two men, and off they went for fishing. None of them spoke, not even whispering to each other, because they were so experienced of how to behave while being in the middle of the Magoo Sea, fishing. They knew there could be some consequences; either it would be the anger of the sea, which could cause a storm and strong waves, or an argument, which could end up with brothers fighting. They wanted none of this, so they kept quiet. After an hour of paddling with their old, wooden oars, they found the best place for fishing, since they knew the Magoo sea like the back of their hands. They threw the fishing nets in the water, as carefully as a mother holding a baby, and waited for the prey to come. It always took several hours to catch some fish and they usually got bored and wanted to do something that could draw their attention, so the fishing time would pass quickly. They usually stared at the beautiful crystal clean waters of the Magoo Sea, where they could observe schools of fish swimming by their boat. But this day was different from all. ''Lofai, look there! I have seen many things in my life, but I have never seen a dead fish made of wooden sticks, floating!'' said one of the men, surprised. ''My dear brother, I have lived and seen many things, too, but I know what a fish looks like, and I can tell you, this is not a fish...'' said Lofai, with deep curiosity, ''we should see what it is.'' ''I'm also as curious as you are, but don't you think it's too dangerous to go and reach for it?" asked Queff, one of the tribesman, who was known for his great intelligence. ''Queff, I have made my decision, we will go for it at once.'' ''But brother, think twice, before you make this move... It can cost your life!'' said Queff. ''I'm going to do as I already told you and don't intervene anymore... I can risk my life for this adventure. My curiosity is too overwhelming!''

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So they paddled, slowly and carefully, so that you could not hear a sound. They got closer and closer to the ''thing,'' and finally got so close, that it was only a reach of a hand and they could hold it. They stared at it and waited until someone made a move, but since no one did, Lofai, as a leader of Aui-Iua, had to show and teach his brothers bravery. He reached for it so cautiously, but making a quick and sudden move, grabbed it. ''It'' was in his hand now. It wasn't a fish, or a ''thing,'' it was a baby, wrapped around by a blanked and put in the wooden-stick-arrangement. They stared at each other in amazement, not knowing what to say or do. Lofai showed that he was the leader and spoke first. ''Brothers, it's a baby boy, and I can see that he's as healthy as a fish, and one day, will become a great fisherman. I, as leader of Aui-Iua, will keep the baby, raise it, and make him my son. Now, let's just take what we caught and go back home. I need to make sure nothing will happen to my son, it's too dangerous here.'' And as Lofai said that, he looked at Queff and gave him the look, which told him that he should feel ashamed of himself, standing up to the leader, and being wrong.The tribesmen took out the fishing nets and put them in the boat. Then, they all sat in them. When they reached the island, everyone surrounded Lofai, including his wife, who was the first on the island to see her future son. She gave him a name, Seaou, and then kissed his forehead, which in the Aui-Iua meant, ''Welcome to the family.''

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Name:- Michael CeesayNationality:- Naturalized PolishYears in I.A.S- Since the beginning!Favourite movie:- I like Indian movies, especially classics with plenty of action.Favourite colour- BlueFavourite website- I don’t have anyFavourite sport- All friendly gamesWhat do you like about ias? The contribution we make to the increase in international studies.Hobbies - Sport,driving.What kind of student were you in your school? I knew what I wanted. I did all my work and listened and respected all my teachers.What did you want to be in the future? A fighter pilot or something else in the military.

Name- Hana GutovaNationality- CzechYears in ias - 3 yearsAge- 14 years and 6 monthsGrade: 9Favourite movie - SuperbadFavourite colour- Black/dark blueFavourite website- youtube.comFavourite sport- Paintball and snowboardWhat do you like about ias? - I like the students here.Why did you choose ias? Because 3 years ago there were a few Czech peopleWhat’s your idea of a perfect date? A nice guy with a sense of humour and time for romance.Who was your first love? I had my first love in nursery, but that was just because i was bored i guess!

Name:- Zaira ZanabYears in IAS: This year is my third year.Grade- 8.Age-14.Nationality: Pakistani.Favourite movie-''Black Hawk Down”.Favourite colour- violet.Favourite website- sport - football (soccer)Favourite book- The Outsiders.Favourite tv show- One Tree Hill.What do you like about ias? Friends and the environment.What don't you like about ias? The rules, especially the grading system.Why ias? My parents chose it for me.Hobbies - Playing, sleepingWhat do you want to be in the future? A painter.

Name: Katie ZimmermanYears at 1AS: 1Nationality:- AmericanFavourite movie:- Annie HallFavourite colour:- I like all coloursFavourite website:- YoutubeWhat do you like about ias? Its international and the students are good fun. its a great teaching opportunity. Hobby:- Pop-up booksDo you run a club after school on Monday and Wednesday? Yes, I run a museum club and coach the Model United NationsDo you like poland? I love it. I can live here forever.What are your plans for your future? Earn a phd in history of scienceIs this your the first time teaching? No. I have taught before but this is the first time I’ve worked in a high school.Which subjects do you teach? Social studies and English Literature

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8 Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut


- An IB World School

Continuing your education at IAS will keep you on the winning team:

• IAS was the first independent international school in Poland, founded in 1989.

• IAS is accredited by the worldʼs leading education authorities: IBO, NAAS, CITA, MENIS.

• Teacher to student ratio of 1:4.• Dedicated tutors for university guidance.• 100% university placement.• Dedicated staff from a variety of backgrounds, including Britain, America, Poland, France and Canada.

• Programs to enhance student progress, including ESL, PSL, and extra math, history, and science classes.

• A variety of after school clubs provided for all students, meeting every Monday and Wednesday.

• Fully resourced and staffed library, providing students with a choice of 30,000 titles.

• Zero tolerance to drugs and alcohol.• Strong disciplinary policy conducted in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

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