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This presentation is a summary of osha study guide 703 “ introduction to osh training

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We become educated in safety in many ways including :

personal experienceFormal classroom trainingOn the job trainingEffective safety education must tell

learners why it is important to use safe procedures and practices

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Natural consequences

Natural consequences are those that naturally occur as a result of what an employee or organization does

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System consequences

System consequences are those actions taken by another person in response to an employee’s choice and behaviours

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Technical safety training

“How to “safety training is actually the most common type of safety education

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General safety instruction

Is usually conducted using the lecture or discussion method

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Purpose of training program

To provide training professionals for effective safety education

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Criterea for accepted practices in safety , Health and environmental training

Program developmentDelivery evaluationProgram management

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Suggested training plan core elements

Training facilityTraining directorInstructorsCourse materialsStudentsRatiosProficiency assessmentCourse certificate Record keepingProgram quality control

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Safety trainer perform many roles

Evaluator Facilitator Counselor Writer Instructors Manager Marketer Media specialist Analyst Program administrator Designer Strategies Task analysis Theoretician Transfer agent

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Guidelines for instructor competency

Certified personDesignatedAuthorizedCompetentQualified

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Purpose of training evaluation

To know the amount of learning achieved by training

Whether an employee’s performance has improved on the job as a result of training

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Evaluate students :ReactionLearningApplicationresult

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Guidelines for evaluating training programs

How training program is managedQuality of training processesThe result of training

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Suggested program quality control criterea

training plan Program management , training director ,

staff and consultants’ training facilities and resources

Quality control and evaluationStudentsInstitutional environment and

administrative support

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