Page 1: a H A R N E S, V...tli'tncn riB Bali unjfii, WIW M rt'imtntlini for hnnoBty Hilly nxliiiiit our nlm-h i.r f*«i


The iron Era,3Ji:NJ. 1I.YOGT.


OAcc Cor. UorrU •*">** Warkwull Btrcetn

T K I U U I U P rirrtrtcniPTiow •

," . ' IrtVAliiAiii.T IX Am-ASt'r.

O n o Y e a r , . 7 - - - - - ^ § 2 . 0 0

••'•' i x M o n t h s , - - - - - - - 1 .0D

' i ' h r u u m o n t h * , -» •- - - _ *. . . DO

Itiisincss (Junls.

BELLTICJIJIWIOll-THKI'ItlSCIl'.U.LlSliS..,. OF tffElMteiis TO AKD FHOM;?- Quceii|tji)Yn nml Liverpool.

l iGroat HrlUiu, Ireland, Oertusnj mil 1'raiice

855 per XI.


Liverpool and Queenstowu,H% on iho relloviing StoinuUlp iiiinit: ,

I M M A N , IC" C U N A H D ,

tLiverpool aitd Grcnt Western.

Draft* offEiBilind and Itoial Dank uf IrtUtnl

Hit,"• et, Dover, N . J .

Bnucx Bti., Bonn, N. J., Cor. DlM^wmT^nil Bnucx Bti., Bonn, N. J.•Jf. 1).—PirtlniiUrratttemiiin glvnn to rulttii

•iuldrei»itii;)n.1t«i^and(-litiarau'* hair, lluuihonoJ, sol mill fiPjifnd. 1-Ijrr


\ Foreign and Domestic Tobacco,| YSNU1T niffl C1Q,VH*:, Also, ronntsntW on tmmi,

• y-.»Bri!atr«r!ittr.TrsSfOKIN(tftiiaC'KK\YLSU' •?'••;•> 'VQllKCCQ, l'l»iu lunlfniipy#-• : DllUlt >*'.' M F.KIWUHAUH I'lVF-ft.V ' BUokwoll utrnot, ' Siffti «f tlin Indian'.:• J - l y r _ DOVKlt, M. J^

•nior of Illncknell and HUMOX BU.

DOVI3II, N. J.| ; l . B. ,d©LL£Y,' Proprietor.

Ilorion funl Ciuriagcs to Lot.

#l DQVKU, X. J. ..VrJrary SUbUti' slim:! mil to tho Hotol ''Women" kopt by tlio day, week or munth,



Licefi§ecl Auctioneer,riovKn, N. J.

:aflaloa attetylmlI l.> in ntiy part of tlin rnuntry. ,S i n - ' - i l B collcctionn jirumntlj altemluil to, midunion ctiirgrd only tijion nctual cullev!inns.

i.Gounsellor at Law,AND MASTER IN OIIANCEBY,

^ - ! Office next ilrmr to Uuo. IUdnmU & Ca't More,v 3 | - 3L\CKWBLL^T. , DOVEK.N.J.'\\}y, VTIEIOIIUOUR i t QKITII,

Attorneys & Counsellors at Law,{'.,' Cor. BlnukwoU a m i Huni-ex Bin.j . DOVEK, N. J."-',=• Tioaombfir2trt, 1870. • 1-1 jr• : •'' J . I t . ME IOII HO I ' II. A . V. BMTTH.

CLAW, OFFI OE,: •''inflow IIAI.I. mnr.nixa,I Dover, N.-J.

1 A. ,


8IONEU OF DEEDS,i promptly attoiided to;



Morr[i,noarllla<-kw«Uflt.1 of tooth for J13.M.

Tooth extrooi*'! jwsitivoly without psii», by thor nio of Nitrom Omit , ur Lniif-haiy Gin.


Carriages and SleighsOf R r t t y Dcacrlplloiu

Co* DUfckweliendIJorgonBti, DOVISH, X. J ,W. t i . DIKEXAN, * QEO. 3IOOB,\OIUU(.Particular yttJiitlon p»ld to repairing and

'SegpPs Bank".!TOfibvER, N. J.,

TI10 Union Bank at tho lino of a general Banlinsbuilnon* traumictoil lho Hanio rm an inonrporatriljunk. . Drnftn rm Eilglaiiil nud Irolnnil, PaiuiffotlcknU to .ml from Liverpool and Qiicou.iotni,

A. O. P. SEaUl t , BlNKEB.Peonmbor 21tli, 1B7H. i.iy

I Frank. P. Amadou,I ^ ' Architect


ENGINEER,^ T o w n Surveyor for Dover,

\ OTQcu on Blnckwell Street, near Sussex,, F i n n , Specifications anil Huperintomlcnco of build!„-• Inga nf every clani, . .&*, ' Kmjcyn, Level*, Orailr*, riann, Ac. for publicj£«nu priratolinproTcmcuti. _ 2-lr


Miners and Shippersof Iron Ore.

AddressCl. W. MILLED, Hoc, H. W. (IKOllflR, Hup't.,

30 Urnad St. Now York, ('hunter, Murriit Uo.,




J ) O V K I t , IV. J . ,

Announce* to tlin nuMic that Iin linn received1 hi*Winter alOL-k of a.iudn. nud Invites an ciamlim-(IOH of hi* tijiluiidid srlnutliiii nf

Buffalo and "Wolf Skin

Fancy Lap Robes,Horse Blankets,1

Sleigh Bells, Whips,Bmslies, Combs,

OILS for Lubricating I In rue tin,Oli i tmcutM, L i i i imc i i tH ,

And tufftrtnll tliouo nrliH.fl nradrd hy a poodhorneiiimi in tlio \tw\wr earn oftlint usufurnuloi»t. Hiring 'ooUghtnn unuiiiBlljr

Larye Stock of Horse Blankets,I am nlilc to itgll at ninth

Below the Umial Prices.

ilono neatly, •utmtantlnlly nnd |inim*itly. CullnndeiniiiinuniyiitfiL'L I tfimrantru iitlBfarttuii.

Dorcmhor 24th. 1H70. 1-lyr

Free Passage Tickets

Dover to MorristownAND'RETURN.

Ou and after Aug. Mil, 1871, t % aufisnrilwr willp* j tha i.rim»HC, ovur tliu it.Tt \'.. It. It. fr.miVurtT to MorriHtown and ruturn, nf allultlxunn ufDutur and Ticlnlty who will imniliivsu of liim n•uU uf clothed of mi)- <1<-H(*ri]>tfon.

A iiilotiillil anil nntlntly now ntoclt of lirnily-maJo ClnthinL' ban Junt Iiocn lmt In mr new storeIn tlin <ild Iron Uu.k llutldi»b'i rruntli.'i the i'atkotMorriritown. HAHUKL HAM.

Morrlatuini, Aug. 5,1871. IM-y


13 t TJ Gr Gr I & "I11,MOIIUTSTOMN, N. J.

, Uoftlorhi


Ohemicals,Dye Stiifis,


of nil kimln,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery,

nnd ovcrytliliw tumuli; finutd in a

First Class Drug Store.To tlin Tory rc.poiuilulo tint)* tif componntllnjj

.ml (llipcnclng '

Physicians' Prescriptions-rlnv) {Krsoiiitl ftilcntion will lm Riven, and tlio ut-ma. t mm wlllbo tnhen to limuro tliti



_ Druggist



Art! an I R1IP.II fil'r.T. FOll CIARH.'t rnn



Dry Goods and NotionsComprising tho vory latent StyloH of

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,S H A W L S ,

TIWIiftHXGS & T-AWEfS' WEAREver olTdrcd iu Dover.

Also a flno Awiorlment of

FRESH GROCERIESIn such rariuty an to moot tho wauU of every

Crockery & Glass-wareTho latest doilf;nn and flaust wnrktnnnNhip,

in irull an tin) moru sulifitttutinlnrticlra In tlilx lino.

I haToJiwt oponcil, mill tnvtto tlio cltizonn ofDover to como aucl uiamino my qocHa anil pricoH.

Under tho Inos En.i Qttlca, rarncr uflliackwltanil olorriB Streets, Urtvcr, N. J ,

JOHN F. •WOOD.Ladies' nnrt Cliildrcn's Shoes

cinurrn it™ 11,0 CIIEAPIXT.


New Store!NEW GOODS !

llnviiij; ri!tc]itlj muvotl tu our Liiryu nud Elc-;ant

New Store ltoom,Cor. or Biackwdl and Morris Streets,

Wo nl.iill !,„ ,il,::,s~J to uclniiitc .nirnl.l [imloiii-vii', mm all ntlK-rti tilm limy fuvor lm ;iitli n call,



in tho onmtry. Our Now Aoomu IH'UJK aboutfour time* tlie sixn urtlujnoivo ronntrly itt'oiiiil-'d,unnblcmii tu liui'p a full iisnorti]ii;iit nf oil aiticlintmini'ctcd MIUI uur buHiiiUHH, nnd wlil-'li OOIIHIBIB111 part of

i)ry Goods; & Fancy Ooods,Hncli ag Indlrn' rnnljlottahk- <\n-m K<KH1I, nil varie-ties and f,'radcH; e.ilin.i'a.inutliiiH, Hliootlnpf, tick-i!iK«, Hlitrtintfs, liwdUif-rt, limturv, mlloji thrrnd,nilk niid Liil ^Uivi'^, dn m\ jutd 'rlunk triniiiiln^Pirililii'im, IHUCH, nhnwln, clonkli gii, llunuuli, thrfaJ,

GOODS,ein-h an clotliH, tin»Hiii..-icfi, fmtinoUB, junnff, dcti-<mn, liiu'ii nnU wttonKoo'lc, cdll/iru. rrarulv, mckliui. litu-1:, Hull-, win.I, i.-utt'.<n, fillli nnd ld-1 n\u\i a:V.'<MJ) nml cut ion Imlf 1IO«L*, lilk and liin>ii)ini.ilk«T-uliiuh, Ac., Ac.

BOOTS and SHOES.Udh-a' anilchlMrcn'M liii;li ulifien, L-allcru, bnnUiifi.oiliincrii, nililiiTfl, ke, MPII'H anduuVH1 liunrv anilflnu I'uotn, nhoi'd, sai'LTu nud tilipj" i s .

Groceries nnd Provisions !Teas, ™tlW'u, •tiKara, molnsiuv und BynipK, all;rnikB, Tarkiit-n nn<l ].rlurn. Uiiuicd und d rbdKraikn

1 mi Is,k

-n nml ].rland Itn

d l l d

n. Uurin;,'drtt-u

_ ntrft(;Iy, pnrb,-.. .mniniulnljottlili'in, ilriL-aScef ami bacon,

salt macUwl, coiKiwli, irliiluiUli ami licnini;.A*6o, always on hand, a Choice Article of

Fresh But tor, Cheese nnd EggQ.

Crockery, Cutlery and GlassWare.

& flno DnKtrtnicnt—tnblu and po hot rntlery, tabln

HARDWARE AND EDGE TOOLS.Full KrtM ufCiilii-jutcrs' nn<l otlior mcLliank«

Iron, Sleel, Powder and Fuse.n full tiRHarlim'iit uf Jtcrdinnt Irun nnd Htcol, in

~ and nnn, imitnlilc fur biwisniillm' or minersj silat 1 njiurtiutf suil mining ji'nulor,uml nnfcly

rum-, K»» r>>t>" nml llttinus-, linr;iL- ihiir;! andnaf!)!,MiriHsiilerrt' nnilH nml mitkcH, blnL-kmnlllin' unvilH,


In thin branch of IMUIIIUSI, WO Intendhand n full Hiipply of jurltir HUKP, licdrooin it t»,KofnH, luuiigcB, tA(i-a-ti-ffn, cittimiMi*, (^liftira,roohcru, unBy clinlrit, inircdiiM, fafi'B, wnrdroheii,««Blt-fctimdn, 1-c.Ut.t.i.l.., towel rticb*, Ac.;»l iu,I-'rcniil) Plate and Aniirjrnn Mlrrnrit and Look in !,•-OksHCrt, Hair, i-ottnti, woul nnd wtrmv matt rum.CH and pillmvH; bud tilnnkctn nnd linen, nil IIIIUIB.

A3" (Hir line <if t'Bri'''tH nru well H >lt?i:tci1, midroiiHiHtht «f KIIBIIHII nnd Anii'nnui l!nmud», In-b-rulit, HMIIP nnd llnu, Tailor Muls, '

Mont of in'ir Ktuuk uf f,'miiln hnvn Iwun rnncntlvliiirclmw'd nt the mtui-nt ri;diiin<d I<I1<:CH, anilliavu \m-n yutoctcil front (lie hi-xl hmimx in NewYork, ivUhK"'nt ein>, niiiliThifhwo intend tncli

'TjMluk iiali>tiaii'l^nMll^"riitlM.'MHJliK mir'infiHWe have oiwnitcil tin- HLTVIITB of mimu ynnnti K«n-tli'tncn riB Bali unjfii, WIWM rt'imtntlini for hnnoBty

Hilly nxliiiiit our nlm-h i.r f*«i<iiiFt, nml Inform yon«i iho prh'cs, u'liuthcr yon purdmHu or not.

Mcaio g i n I U R call.WtllTUUIR A IJKB

Miircli lH-ly _

THOMAS" BOLITHO,\Vhi)lctt!ilor.iidttLtnll


]iy the 100 or 1000, or br the Quart, Hulf Cial-luu and tinUmi KnB6, nt lu'si

SALOON,in Ulncltivull Hired, ur ddivcrod.

•io-tf jxmsn , y. J .



MOHHISTOWN, N. J.Tlio Ur f t i l nml Fiucnt «TOGK of

LADIES' PITHSi;vi.c off.-rnl In MurriB Uiiinly. nt ITktB

mi l.nv , 1 llio J . » o a t .

Alaska Sable,Mink,

. Seal,Erminie,


Siberian Squirrel,Riyer Mink.

A Large Anmirtiiiont nf

s Pur Oiipos, Collars &Gloves.

CHILDllEX'8 HCTH in i-ndlom variulj ,

Buffalo & Fancy RobesAnd the InrrrrHt and flnutt Stock nf


GENTS' FURNISHING GOODSEver liefurc ofli<rcd by us.

Call HUOII whilo tho Assortment

A Rare Ohance.VN ••snclltnt Hotol rroporty In offoroil for»alc,

niluntu nt Ktaulmpc, jimt or or tlio Hasncxllni.', '21)0 yds. from tbo Iron Worlis nnd withinthtitdiHtancaofthn denot of tho Dol. Ijick. &Went. 11- It. Tho bnildinc hrtH just Iu-oumpairedttnd lit in a guild d i t i ) k 1 ly f I'ruit T r r

"Vitlo norfi'Dt,l i l

d lit in a RiKid condition—iiknly uf fruit Treeliu lot.

Title norfi'Dt, Tcmm mlly good fur such

...,._ ^ tov low tho iiropcrly fiaii iltu hT calling upon WII.I.tAM 11IH1W.V, a

' Btanbnun. N. J,, orAV. T. LKL'DIIT,

20-tf Dnvor, N. J.

Charles Coit Gokofair,

Dealer in nil khyls of


Alarfiotsasortmcnt of tlio

BEST PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

I'otiBtunlW ou hand, ut

Lebs than Nw York prices,.Ffr nili , or

Sold on Moiitly Installments•tnirruiiomMii ratal.

INSTRUMENTS RENTED,and rout nppltud If piirchniPd;

With thirty yeurs'Conipctrnt to tiint" nml repnir InnlniminilB of

all tnnllud with xntinrarlhiu. til nn limin imlkc.InnLnimpntiiHiilil to riinrohriH, ijnAgut, Tniniwr-nuco OrgniitenttoiiK, cto., at reducod rates j and

CONCERTS GIVENIn tiRiitRt In defraying cipenten nf tlio naiKvcry instnimcot guo ran toed lor flvo yoarn.

Call ut Urn

FRONT STOKE.t'reet, or numl fur IllllBlraU'il Prico

C. C. CokBfalr, Morristown, N. J.


u.iry IufDrniatlnii

Artvei't-Iscments I

OLD Furs Repaired,LAWRENCE & Co.

Mtirrlnlinvn, K. •). 82-tf.


Don't ftirret that vim nilRht 1'OHHIHLY findBOii l iTHISa (VnlrnbVc nnd AtJCElT-

AllLEin our STOCK ofG0OD11, ftt


Elegant' l'nlslcy, Brocllc,Nllson, Long lini'ncli, Bon-itn, (Jiicciisliuiil, Siirntogn,lleverslble Extv«, IleJi;Stripes imd otliiii1 stylcn of


Alaska Mink,River Mink,

Siberian Squirrel,Furs for Children, &c.Dress Goods! Dress Goods!!' SUITINGS, IJYONS POPLINS, SAT-TEENS, EMPltESS CLOTHS, EPINQE-LINES, *c.


Ami ilnn't tlmt ono of t l io^ " Arai>ripnnIllnrk Uro« Ornlu Hillu •' innilil inalm >n ol^'nntI)r,««—lii'n liaiiihJiiiD I'n'wlil-flniurtliliiK Hintwuilcl laHl Ilic riviiiiunt for yunn, nml can tin Umlof llm A|;niiH,


OnciMipou ii tinip^—bi?fnro tbo Tirencutuuiitury wttH ,vcl mil of ita tnouK—when Iwin* iiuito it young m:ui, ftml usud tu be ocli-rk ia ii bluru t»« Uruudwuy, mid UionKlitthiitji isnliiiy nf ir3UU in-r ytsiir wan nome-tliiuy worth liuvin^ ; nml thnt it wus a veryrem[i]1tnl)!o UU-UUUIHIUUCC tlmt IhlinuhlbRthft uii<! to (,'i't it—i>n«i! upun u tiinif, it wiwthe eve ljut onu before Kt. Vnloiitino'H

tlVurmlly sjifiilting, neither tlio eveningbut ono hi'fiiro it, nor tin* iny itsnlf, is ofHfftmicli iuiiirjrtxuvij as to inalco mostpeo-I>1L- piiiKle out tli« isveiiiiiK but ono before!"tlifi day iillottod to fjnotl Ht. Yalentfnp, oftlio year, Anno Domini 1818. Hut therei», connected with thnt i(artioo]ar dntc,Komothing wlik'li iuipn»<is'.>4 it upou mymiml with BO vivid nnrt terrible n (lintiuct-nene, thnt I ili> n»t thuilt I Hlnill forgot itoven when my lnenioiy hai grown a greiitk'iil inoro uiithio tlmn it is ut tlio present.

uincut, though I inn rallicr uu old ninn

On Hits evo but CHID Imforo St. Vnlnn-tine's day (dorks did not limn Ret throughtheir Inihinosn nt S o'clock in tho after-noon) I obUinffil icaTa of ulmeuco fromMr. (Joltoit, who ivus thu Huiiim- jmi-tiiei-in tlio firm, nud went down to tho et

ftli'o ILIIJ tnwlt my ]>luco Oil- Cliostwi*.Tlio next day inndo it« nppenrnnce

bright und curly, nmlot 11 o'clnck, whichwns tho time to Icnvo Jcracy City, I iviwthem iuid dhoBO my jilnceinsiiletiio atiigefor I knew tljut tho joiirnoy would T» nlong mill t«tlloua one. Tlio putty witlriii(•(invrvfiBil but HtLlo, nnd i*(iro nil in rather»low »(nto wlicn wo reached Nownrk.Xliero, two middlc-ngcd Indies, caoortedby two middjft-iiRnil gentlemen, got 'Tlii'.v uomiiiutulT Ullcd Uie inside, for outuiddlR-iigccI lndy sitting down on thoright MICIO of tho slflge, with ono iniddle-nped eonlli'mim, crowiled ftnnther, veryold, geiitlemnn ngnnist my left Bide, whichwas not no ver>* unplGimnnt, ns ho did notpcein to be n dikii^ecnblo old geutlcuiau ;

nd the other muldlo-ngccl gentleman nn<tiniddlo-iigott lady siit down on tho otherido nntl crowded n very pretty young lftily

BRuinst my right side, which wiis verynpi-ueiililo ; fur nho BCCIWMI to lm a very

l t l l d b t h l d d l d

The Reason

KING & JOHNSONAro Imsy vhllo H!)ntitny aro crying "dul l

bujfupu, Hard t l m ^ , " t« . ; lAu-n, hard Union,n^. Iliry nru Blln m l y all Ilieir


GOODSLAST YEAR'S PRICES* Tbo Increase uf Rules in tholr Drrgn (inoJn,

hnn compi'llud thoni to t a r r j a

Larger and greater variety ofStyles than heretofore,

And nro now r.)».lj" witli a

New & Splendid Stock.Ths only IIOUBK in ulli-li Iho

SMALL VK0FIT SYSTEMIs Rtlully adhered tn.

Morristo-wn, N. J.


Fairchild's Double & Tvjist Cas-simcres, Flannels & Yarns,




lciisnntyounplftilv, nud both mlddloaged^nth-inen nnd niiihlle-nged liwllca crowdedwo fiirmciB, on uncli sijp, ngiiinst the

l l r t i l

All vlio (IUHII-O tu puri'limo

Domestics, Flannels, Shawls,Cloakings, Cloth Casssimeras,Under Garments, Gent's Fflr-nishlny Goods, &c,

To call and oxnmlno 11)0 Stock of



House and Sign PainterGlueing, ( j rni t i i i ignml J 'upcr

Imi^liig at d i e I owes* prici'n.niOSI'JX'T ST., HOVlilt, X. J,

,ln,)rfT»l we Blurted, eleven of us. After

renmrkiuK easunlly to ono nnuthor howIiunl a. ruin it hud liptm lust niglit, and onmy own iucidtmtnlly olisutving thnt I hudnever Tritnr-wed a hnrdor one, niid ono.oftho fntiiieru, who wns jmilnhly nbouttwenty-live, but very fnt, sternly demand-ing how old I wns, nnd on my returninganswer thtit I wiw eighteen, and whenevery one had given n littlo lau^li, nnd IImd bliinhcd vci-y much, nnd the youiiRlnily, who wns ubnnt eightnen, too, hadciiught my eyo and blimhi'il still more—after nil this" Imd happened, no furtherobservations were mnda innido tho eonehloi ocva".:l hours. We nil tried to go tohleeii, nnd ;ior.l^ n! nimnld) nnd nomo ofUH could not. I noticed Hint the fr.t fr.r-tnev was the flrnt to gnin hilt object, nnithen the two iniiWln-nfiod gentlemen, andthen tho three remaining l'armera sent upin turn n noisy hymn to the great sloopfioil, StininiLH ; using us an instnimeiit oflirtiiso tho nnsid urmin. wo who sat nt the upper end of tinstjipt! ondpfivori'd to sleep ni Vuin ; and nHfor tho two middle-nped Indifis, Iwn» un-able to toll whether they woio nsle«p oi-not, thoupli I Htrongly suHnected them ofwHtoliniK »ao nnd the youug lady by mo.But thity nocdii'l huvo tloiid ao, toy when-over tho ymmg lndy ojiened her eyes, Iwould Irnn back aguinst the sitlo uf the8t(ig« and eloao mine ; and when I openedjnino ngain, she would leuu back against,the side of tin: ennch nnd cloao hera. Wohud passed i\ loiift whilo in this pleasantliiiiiincM', tliotigh nil tho time it was neciim-pitnied with tho fr^iiiR that tho two mid-dle-aged lnJieii were watching us, whenv,-o nrrivcil at Jlorriatmvn. Having at»p-pud lone; enough to ehaiiRo hureos, andniio ut tlmmiddlc-nscd IIUIIMI mill KCIIUOmen having tf<tt out, wo continuedjourney. At Monrthnm the rust of theparty, with the exception of tho old mnnmid the voting- lady, tho fnt former nudiiyrwlf, left »e.

It hnil grown very durk wheu we rench-.;d the old hotel ut Chester, and it lm:'linen blowing up euld over sinco wo lineleft JEorrialown, so Hint now wo wcro allfour in a tolerably nncomfortnWe eoiuU-tion. Hut a warm Dre nnd n good suppesoon put un in tho best "o£ spirit? URIUHnnd nfU-r ten, the landlord, who wan (ifd-fuccd, jolly man, and two milowenistors, who were tilopping there overm'KUt, joined us who had come in tho stage,and wo all cntheretl round tho gretit oldiirejilaei1, nnd tho ronrinirlofr fire. Whilewo wanned our kimranqiuust tho RIOWIIIRfbunm wo tailed. I linve no dnnbt. Hint(Tcsiiltory sort of fn'.k whieh snch compan-ies usuitllr do, though I remombor verylittln of it. I wan exjieeling thnt my friouilntu whom I had written to meet me, wouldavrivo i'verv miinitc ; nnd ns it begnn tgrow Into I wont to tho dour nnd looki*:out dUMously. I t wft'i rnldm1 now, andthere wits not a star tobesean, nor indeed,anything i-lno ; for it '.vanan inlonsoly d^rltnight. I. fell I «lioulil hitvo to ilia^eup my mind t " remain thero, I^OP was itvery much agaiiint my will thnt I turnI molt tn tho bright flra How i t cameutuint, whether I hud lot in wnqo of thodismal iitfiht hi opening llio door-, whetherit wns the inttling or tho windows, or thoold honno itsolf, or whut it was, 1 do notknow, hut when Ioamabaokamong tlii-m,tho tut ficiqcv was tulliiiff n rilly ghoststorv nlirmt an insttno lover that hadhnnp.himself by tliRKloevea of his true love'sdrrsH, no that; he mif,'ht fancy when ho wiiadying ttmt slio lmtl her aims around hisii'ruli.' We were nil IniiRhhiRovor it, whentlin old mini, who htidriddnn with u* in thnstage, broke forth ilonml.y, exdaimhiK thatit MUS fitl:*e; g-lmatq ware liGVut H1;Qthnt, and that he eouhl toll U3 ft btory thatwoiilil make our blond nun cold.

JSm tones itml gestures wcro nn fierce,that no one, not even tha f;iL yomig fiir-nior, TIIIH nblo to reply to him. Encour-aged by tho silence, he continued :

"OtiB Ht. Valentino's eve, it was likothis, my Hiatnr frl} veiy nick, nnd T wnssniit to this liotcl tq iiumrann I">netorWild-er, (for ha lived hero then). On arriving,I found the door of the inoin hall njar,anil \teinj? used to tho plane, I oiitnralimmodiawly. AVhen X reauhed tho Doe-tor'n door, whioh wiis open, in a room welllighted, T !i.w n mtw-t tnrrihlo einbt.- Intlie cciilro of Uie iinni-taient wuio thrci

men, Btni^ l in^ (lesjiflrntely, j e t makingilmunt no JIIIIHL'. Joliu Stunlov, who wrwihi; Iiimlliml then, van hoKling u

[]rf.n one when (abonnn;foment, in fctr.ttiKi* cir-

T began to tUink thattlw Iiimlliml tlinti, WUH hoKling u l u g e cunistniireR, II]I>UI>. J brffau to tliinktUntt-lmwl tightly nvi'rnmiiu'tihciiduuilniiiiul 'itiiuslit IMMII1I..-!H.I ; llir.t J hiul «pniupfp r t ut lii.i lnnlv, ami nt tho Howe tiuiL* he from my hed uutl lit ihy. Liinp unilur thilheld imuuf tin; mnii'B iirms. "With tho iuflm iw:u ftf an visioji. I Stilt in my

ud fuct, tliu j>n

wliich ho

pocki't, bill, aliv, there van tlic nvmry ofth-; ikiri mnu, Aliw, «Ud I Biy ? I d i d n o tthink so (hen.- Thn touch- nf thnt gold

ithtM-uml KH\\ liia h.'(/a nstcli IiifulutcrHljIcMtrtiKf

. hail n ln m e d u b with . _ _. .cndwivcirijiff to strike tlie man, but for jnmikciiod inf.d•life [i»pu:^ioii»f wlujse ex-

time ho did not Hiiccccd. Nimo t»f iHlcnre I had known ni»l^ It vrun Ui(* Jifta-tbom uttered nn.v ciy, nud ull tliia time iUntil Iliere lunkfiif,' at them, ^cechlcasj•ith terror. I'j-cac-iitl.v tho Doctor isnw

his opi»nrtujiily, inid with tlnoc (iiiickundjiowcrful Mown ho fruotiircd tliu uiifoi-tiinatu wn;tfh'8 hkiill. Tho hody dru!)-liod limp au<) motionIOHH I "* ' ' "

rue, nt wlik-U fiiglit I ma restrain it t ry . Tim try wns nut n loiiduo, but it wits HufUoiciit tu ntai'tk1 tlie

irdci-cr.j. who. hud luen HO intmit with

Rin i .those ynllow pice™, . ion the tubl-j, nn<l in nuiii

f duiid niou und unirdc

I pulled them nil out,d l d tltl inu up-

Ihu TisionHof d u d ou u d .nn-1 pone. And there wi:h my hnnds yetimwi!s!i«'d, with tho touch of Hie victim'sTho hody druj)- imwi!s!i«'d, with tho t

in tho Inndlonl's body i;ti!l I 'jnu me,an unite unable j over his frolJ, Thi

V t l u d iv iu all Ah ! hoi> iu all. Ah ! It,nd lianntiful timy "

" in tlio dimGOTUOUH y'm'.oiiH cr.tunutiff^tttti p;pcei

• • - • • • t

I fiat and {mintedirty ROVcrj'igiiB there' - bright, »nd yelloir,-

nnd, ni they Rlit-it of tho eniifUo:1

119 I s.tfc liters. ho. hud been HO intmit with

their bloody work that they bail uot notic-ed inc. UcfiireIwnnabletocaUont ngniu, .„ .... ,the Doctor liud tri|iped mo up on tUo floor j witl'.n'it noiao, lc?j,nd chuked nit: with n vigor that fluent- liennl—I euv tlios,- br>ht ol>jecis nf my

i i f i t d l i h t l l i l i d i i tha

cei over nnd over—yet.,t tin- eliin't nhoiil<l bo"

u tl >ht j yllii-lyiuf,' n'ld iisc eming tham-

d n;;niu. I h u w nnt why

ith n vigor that fluent l i e n n l Id unjicctlytfriiiiimtiuiiofinycxiNtenuc. delight j

But tho Inuillord inteifored, nnd «nyiii(j Belv.iH ayain und n;;niu. ythat ho llnniyht I was one who could keep j it wan, but m picture i of u ^ o w or relri-a secret, bade my assailant relcaao me. J tuition c ime np b'Tn-.e my mind ; only

"When tliey hml l^r/ned my trrand i ;>hantaiiniof pow.r, of groatue s, ofsnlor-thi'je, one of thi'in took a Uililo from tliu tliti liouscs n>i<l primd c ti:t >H ivi-re t h e "Ic.blu, nud hnviufj innrlu mo ltiw it, theyciiused inu b> swear never to revoul wlmt Ihad soon. I took the oath with much al-

XIieo f.iiily nflumnromi'hil.r..n T I 1m 1»T1 1>mne]it •now, jiii VI -illy r

ncriry, for I I O T in tliuDoittor'uoyu uli^lit ho Biiitfibis vnkv v i y Inw ; anX hirulrigthut inntio 11111 Irumblunthiflcvei-y motion, i tu ua, tvliorn hi'- It:id IIL'KI motionless tlms

I was obliged to assUt lit Kunm?iiliii(j tar, liytliu iutff.ssi' euprfrynml rarnpfltnenHthol..»l.T, bMituut'.ii.slhiY observed to one UvitlnVliii-h he- hml pnurcd t m tb his talc,Biiuthnr, i l l did tlmt I should become u ho anidt wilL nti t-m'pbn^^ vliich tlixilledparticipator J:i thu criiiio nud would not |ITK through nntl throniidi!dnro to belrny llii'in, j " WJmi I have UiM yo1.! n r j Iieen vit>I«

" Tho Doiitor nud I rained tlio dmil man and hnnibl^, nnd liltrly—luil wlmt I hnvoby tho nhoulders while Johu Stanley our- tnMyon i« notliitiB to thut which X am,"nod tbo tixi. Wu weiit tlirough tho long nbmit iu tell." " .hall, through tba dining room, ivheru we Wiilu I «nt tlicrcin my 1i«l room, witlinro Bittinjjuow"—nnd nt this nmiounuo- the gold before my cynt T recalled nil tliu .incut the old mnn looked at iis inhisiierco vnriima ways vt vliioli I hud heard, orway, wliile wo nil fihivcrcd, capgemlly thoyoung lady (who happened to \m wttingnext Iu me), nnd tho two widows, who i'x-claimcd witli one accord, " O h , my stiinjnud gnrtor* I1' nud drow ulosur to tub iiro—"yes , through thm very room,'* vcpcnl-cd tho old inuii, who floumod to \m muchl)lea»cd with the effect of his tulo, "midnut of that door, which opens into n lnrghcloset, which nt thnt lime was alwavskeptlookod, whwowu hml him down. TJ

reail, by which men had -cuttcn greatwealth Hiiddouly. Among of hem, I recall-ed mi account of a mnn who wa* hung, inthe; lime of tlm witch pom cent ion iu NowEnglnnd, for Inuatr Hiiiinused to hnr*levied himself wllh the Evil One. Ah II thought,! would readily do that, if Icould obtain a emrtleient recompense.

" I saw no form before me ; I heard noTOWO i but UH HOOU as I had npuken, I felt

' d Imow it9 will •without_th«landlord Hum lookup llirou limu-dit from i nwd of wovtU. I t HPi-mcdtu Hity, *Wliattlm lloor, mid diKuioHcd R deep, dark look-1 nil! thy conditions?' I annnerod boldly,ing \vt>ll, n ft'\v fiHt bi'low tho mouth of UH tlioiifih it liad ronlly ntond before mowhich wiw percuived A lurgi> shelf or plank,! nud H])okon, 'Give mo' vnultli, mid tartyfilling lip not tfiiito half of it. Tho- well j yrmn of UXo to cnj>iy it, mid I aak nowiia AH unufiiifiily l.irgo ono, na indeed i t ! inoro. 'nv.K;fc have beru, for upsai tho shr-lfL%jtho j " I ]iRdr,a;\ieo!y HIUHIWII Kjnutlchifrivhnnlioclicit"tand the oldmnudroppinlhhivoica'I ft*lt n drowr.iu»HB steal over me, Ingnin •to a whifnvf, "thudoa<.lnudrottiiiRbodien'fionght uiy bod. v.uH aiioti I wns in a Boundof two IUOU. Thoutjh fur advanced in do- j deep, tf hen 1 nwolto tlw next dny, allcomposition, almost uo stt'uch arose from euro or thought of t]\n munlur was K"ui*.thorn, but ii vur.Y neculinr chomicftl odor, But it was not r,n luntf. I n npito of mywhi«h I hnJ noticed whoii the holo WIIH I iwsunmce of Trt*nHu nml ai life, I couldllrat.unclosod, pcrrnilcd tho cntiro room, not ilivost my«t>H of ilie fair of detection.While I wns rocnvenng from tho ulioek An incsiatibln iuflncnce, nnd one thnt Ithnt thia sight occiwionod, tho Doctor 10- 'liiul never felt until tlien, «eemed to bidmarkrtl j . , . . . . , ,^...i. nie nook Haw York. I went In the very

' Come, let in lose no more Uni:, it is flnst yenr my KII<:CC3.I THIS incrcdiblo.._ R-iiit* Into, and I mu«t go to .ace the

" Then, calling niQ to holp tlisiri," Votlfiw placed Lho body on tho two others,for tlio shtilf was nnt.ytiila uuou^U to holdall thi'pe. llnviiig duuiTt^i% D r . . ^Vildcrtook from a client ol tlrn*wcrFid^£jHb'idiin corner nf llio nim-tniout, n lnriOut of tliirf ho emuticd'on tho.thrdo.a quantity of -white, highly lniugcnt• i)i»wlHfder. I t wan tho uamo BmeU thnt I IlaH* noticed whfii tho landlord had flint rniaed 'tlio boards thnt anvoredthu ar i l ' s mouth,nndiu spito of tho hon'oru of tho

nnuio bcgttii t:i bo uotioad, ftud I wna mon-tu^und nfi n inim reruiin to ri'io. #

"But almost c yoar v,*ai gone, nnd ontho ovc Kiivo ono beforo St. Valejilliie'aDay I felt tho name impulso t lp t hodfnru.^1 mu to Kcvv York, mm- nrgiug mo

eturii for 11 vi-sit. Thcro WIIS 110 f.tnf-o

I ]irocnrcd homa t end a carriage. I nrri-'ed homo o:i St. Viil-Jiitine'flEvu.

t wa-i ploamnt—the ronnion with tlio- — •••-; nnd it seemed liko ft ? — "

IIiitdR.mcuiif "

it was impossible.f«r mn ia nvoid itsking j slnpt, thswluit it was for* . mno

" The Doctor infnnneil mo thut it wan n " ' "inixtirre Hint absorbed tho noxioiiH fpmciof tlitf piitrofuctiou and JM> destroyed thaatonch. I t ivm hia on*n invontinu, Ii

in n»fllitj\ il l i t

teas thnna

nttdod, and ho ounsiuerod it a veiy.j in1*- hoiiiortnnt one. And nooitin, I sui>t>OH0, my I fliclook of dismay, ho explnmod thnt ho nml St>-tlin landlord had for ti long tim,"ifegain- ""'ed thoyivntur part of tlicir-subaistr.ncj byproving ujion tho HPU traveler who

*' • iton nt tli ' * '

About midiii^nt i uwiVlio., I was usei\to-tho imjiiLtao now t,und so, ivithoutwniting-to rea»au ^itii myecif, I ujnucvV-'

d droned. Procuringi- hurio from the Rt»Mi\ to.

..lohotcK When I arnTod there. JokojStinley wivt tho only person sti lli ohput.After HIP usual prrrelilipf, I told hjn> i, v/aii,c:miuto nt the- wi'll. liu, 'ui,idv. noobjcclir-UM. but tukiifj< up ft li^ht", ho i\c-conii^nrod mi iiit't tlif c!os?t- Ho raiwodthe btuu'ds, mid hclil i.ha Huht for mo (o

,see. Thcmd k h ! f

lit tha Huht for mo (ootliirg thero pave thof\1 t th t)dark holo of tbo wt»U and the uoiv empty)

Fht'lf.'"DflHiiinsi hiii broil dull, ' 9:iid tho,

gems throitfih tliii v,-:iy of Tnto, T- do, noVlinoiv what I elmll do if it cuncinuoti lona*,'lio nddcit, ' ' '

" I replied notlmic to tins, lmt Bnidthat I wishea to X^OMII Uie^e n UtUc whilenlone. The landlord loakcU & n?o#.dni\Moeins I dun' t Itnpw \vhnt i«, uiy fd'aj!, *i\lontly withdrew. I cat looking nt tho.VDIKthinking wlmt fitrawco fovtuno' i t hpei

; 'Wo Ifirtvo satd he, 'tlwir bottitvi liorctill tho flenh is entirely rottt'd off, andthen wo tl,roir tlipir fikolotons iuto thobottom nf (he well. Wn huve nululu':!tweirtr-threo of them noir,1 ho wcat mi,a» tlionpjh ho v.-cro vory pmtul of it, butdisliked In nlinv.* it, 'nml hnvo di»rueot\ ofthem all in tliw way.' "

"Ilnn-iblp, terrible!" mnrnwmV thathrpe Indies, ivhoso pyos wcrn stead fitstlyfixed upon the drmdful old innn, with nn

dmiration fcnrfnl to witness." J o h n Stnnley," enntinued the nnmitnr,'Imd by this tima olusotl the hole, ami as

I did not enro to ask uny more questions, ^ „_ .... ,_..wo left tho mom, tlw Doctor curorully j liri^i^htinp, and snvling; t-i myself na Ilocking tho door behind him. j Hionpht hovr. wdl the old provorb 'Truth.

" W e roUmicd to tha scene of the tg",,H|Hci hMdon n,t thn buttf-m of thjO ^TCIUdor. There, thu liiudlnrd Imving tufcou'li | mipfltt bo imivrd in thid ease. " 'hnndfnl of gulil frinu ti iihitmoia iikitt I v s l ".How IOJIJT 1-had-been thorp % CAUUotthnt lay on the tnbb, gavn it to inii, say- toll, Jmt proisMit'y. the clonk struck tht(iujT, 'There, that's your rimra. Anil re- hom'.of That singh; snund, ringingmember, if you Iwtmy us uo*.v, you will u;it no IOIIR in tho droary, (inh'mn nilcucn,bo punUhod us Hiyirelv iv* w e ' uf the niijht, &t>rmiiiK to luiiig up, ns it

"As Dr. Wilder nud I iwli hnulc t<. my !,ad »,>t bi;un n.-c.tll<Hl befov^ F-i115.1I Lrtdfjithor'n home-, muny struugi) nnd Wi'ird I cimntpd ovi»r the dt-.ul ninu'ft goltl, thofunci^s p";uipGi ilu'ongli my mind of the hori.'Vfl of 'acne. I rioainmbor, uh,si'ene I hud jitHt wituuHfiud, and ol what how disiinchly, the poiitioi\ tu \vhwl\ Ira^'toii/3 uiy fiiture,c'iurHi\ l-'oi", Htraiiiii1 luil Niiv>U tUwi. And lo ! ai I looked, it_<t it rany. Boom, itiievoruuujluidoiiiiUied {wiis no loa^-ur 11 lvnicmliraiuvj), for them

|« ma to break my oath. JiuUoA; I lw-lbvforc me h.v H i d t ^ l y o£ n trnui. with alieved thnt thoy had spoken the truth, in;nlmwl wmppml tfjrhtly iirtnmd his hcatlinyiuK that I bi?camo ns guilty as they by j mid fil'.wlikr.". And us I looked; » " ^ qicccptine the money, (\t- lp. t W G CMfJioil j itlnwly np and, in a muflLvl vaic.i nnd \\ift\

home, nud hfttfr liaviugpnt up fho horse,: diflionU. utloraace, said, ' Thirty niitcywtI wont to bod. • <////(•.' ' Irnftlied fr.nn Ilia room witli

I h;ul been n. wild boy nil iny lifo, but «iuli lui«tft r* io exfiiiguith tho cundlc.I had novcr bufqre coup\'^L ' i \ any crimp*and now, ivs I lay there, 111 tho darkness,hour after hoiiv, I found iny;elf £117 tl\ollrst tiran tuiublu to »lerjv Urini visionsoEfaiit.TiMfiKhaptw, ani l ' terril^e, ft'infulhadn^H tl\r<jnged iuoun.1 uiy bwl. Turn.i-hitih wftv J woiilil, on my Mdo or on" mytvielt.'wiliiiiiy fncalp tiiowall or to thet v , j q r troom, witli my flyus open or A\n\, tho^otwo hali':dt'u':iyoU Uodici and the still,

hit ' l J l d f i ) thf} m r l d

nn t l i j t l t o t lh J h

g1-eavhoil tho ban n t j a;

where John Btaijl«.v wns, I had pnrf«ctlj*recovered. Saying thut th° wind had cx-tinpui:ihed thc'cinclle, 1 bade him gooiTniglit, r. 'miunted my horse, nud rodojin]'W!v Imnip.

" T h o youre Iiavo'pxnic 1(,v, ono by ono,but 1 ha i l l (l t h ti l l

never resi-tod. the powor thntID to come hero every St.- Yal-

, .. _ _ ., . entiue's Dny. Onoliy 0110 my nld friondiiVhite, nndctined facorriill tlmmqrodread-1 Imv-J died or gnno nw:n. 1'hn doctor anitlill in i t a f i l i n p ^ u o ^ - U u ' T n e o •vhioh I j tli^ old l:mdlm*daro i.moupthe thiD3nth.itmd novor fiGcn—thn ftiea of tho n^mlorrd i wpro ; the hotel I1113 \M\BHW\ into other,

limn—worn always l^eliim my eyes. ' And j limida : lint HOVIT h-ivti T missnd thq nyAt*11 my and th rnwrn i ld (ippoar tliu limp j i»f;, and novor lias tho di*ad man fnili*d tocoriiHo'us i t hung iij tho uruis of John ! stito Uioy«(ira of my lift*—»Ui'u>h ouolrsai'• ' ' ' ' ' -•—" " *•" "ImniTicd. I h m l two'lt^uiUful (•liil-

ilron, and sciiUh inp^luin^tible. 3M> wifqdiverted Tn; ff.r a villuiii who was BITwont enemy. Sha vot:irne;l, ' nnd, ft."- Iloved lnir, I roccivetl hor—iigiiiu nho ha-

A um. My duiinhtpy t^rew up tijiiiliond, beautiful us light, nud n iw

sho i« in tlifl nvi '-IIHIHO tlirough my own

SUiiiley, nnd, again hml again wimld full1111 m ; uutst'it'c dull tliud of l\\u heavyblows. Atl-ist thn stiflfid nit of lho roombcnun,« iiiRipporhtblc ; I lonpcd, from myIfed nnd lighted the hunp, I throw oju-nthe window and lAiuod fur tiut into thocold night. But it wanof nq line. Innnldnot pet rid of the hormr. Thru idouirwith it mum.' thut iude«'rib«blp fcL-iiiif;-

*hrn tho mind vorReafool'nji nf iimert'ly,Unit wo uevei* liavu 1:1


qpiotiti:!]ill,1,* pridoi df t

m!, tu Iicvlii

lllih->t drcnni'iltcnojis. in "nlt'f t<

. My , T A It, tricwl In pnUon mo,

Hf ealth,d

. in r t p r t l i t i V H f my al— tlp%fsil- j Aiitl with it nil has that v;>kv, muffled ii

Page 2: a H A R N E S, V...tli'tncn riB Bali unjfii, WIW M rt'imtntlini for hnnoBty Hilly nxliiiiit our nlm-h i.r f*«i

nd l<ni.l«r, nnmii.rf tin: ivcm ••! n:v life. : \rB.l'i.tHrffr«»vtii^Jc.vl«».ll-.i% until l.v!. ii-rr, -.15'1 M-»»:l livmUiiij,' 1;. f..iv f, t!i-n> 1

f n<i|iro.u-hiiif! r ev i se , m it l.isn'j.l forth j iu c-' ,/".!/• nf/if- '.'" I tli'-ii/.'il i<t »:.-

Tlio uldm^uiiaiMr:!, mid roiut.-sl. 1ii« Tim f:n:t uf illliiiffar tn-JJiUiiK,' «j>). i.x.<itcm.»Jit.. t.i Urn ' K1J.I71 ]"V flip (W i t . As w.J filU'JV--;il *U tiu-L-tli-Ul Wltlli X" 111,-lllllv.TmrrKM, i : wuutt'.l ft ijiuirtcv; rniU-.s lihsii'I;

•£ lliivi-v, Mine llilj urnl 1'ol't Drain, whoilli the I'.ov. (.'ii:i|i!:iin »linll viiil »ii.!i'

i'.oi,ili.~rd rci-.ivc ili.-ii- u]i"lii»li.m» furi nofit--, n:ui LVI lif v I h ' fr.'.-t uf i!!ii,-^ to

i v lit th.'ir n luo,tinf,'s, hut i ;llt.


"(^itmff—I ffol ill* f'H'uc r.f tho ! inpf his sij'j'IWti'm t- C U M ! " eiU-l the «l-l mini. Wo ull. XI I . Oi'oltmwd liiju iut J thf | : i : ^ e k r . ^ ho hn.l, <Vi'im>.l nt

•.•il tlirv hbull 1j-wit l i t lu ' l lcv. t1iai»liiiitu tho Truusui'L'r, win

muL dill'.,11 l o c'ntitloil t-i bfiiollff

•.1 tin1 time i-f juvsout'

.. - * - -

—Tin-frillstlui !•

nit tiufffhuIMi.


•• - v.i 1 iik-- ulic*' in thi' lVcsliytt.t Mi. ]':: i .If.tii, lit a (J'L-I.H-I; IL HI.

•:i !ll.-;!Kt lilt., Rftl'In.f K'UMvd ami fcaurly nr Ji.'V.r.«!..!.. .lc.n. JDili, Join

Li King, a

t;nc]til.Jtr.ii^jj Hi J1JJ ou1 f m l J a v r l l i l L i f tft > r:iis« tlw lxwM*. Tli'»7 ili.l not vii>U. i ] 'niMoir <-f IJWWHH for throe immifas ; fur" O iirV !" Iia M.:!:iim-,1, ' "mi aso ! Tliort;! ilni si>ir.)iia iilVencf, a fme (if hvw dnll:irsia little tiiiif. !I»:K1 WIBI>I'H^.III from 1h<ni-ll(H for *H

OaootthuMi iHvrjii, wLiwB3faniili-irJui>mtlM;f..rthctliir.l • .ir.-iic-.-, n l l w owilli tli» b-ntw, set out t-> rii-1: CHIC. 11',' • five rt<.n.u-,s cml an«in'!isinir from IitMU'iit-t*,»m rrt;wj.\ with a liatfliut, wjiirfi t h e ' fur uix montlis, IM<I in C . I I J R M T ID MIIL>WI'M m;m HAZCA VWX\V, uml in r. f. wmiu- flt« itlc<k« i for the fi.iirlli cllVnco, rx]»ui-i:t<* bo luxl rai.?'.'ii, dis- KIIHI.«.:..«P<lU»oiirwinid.Ti»L'K«zp» IIIL' nioiitli ; 1. YiiJntiDiiuf fTio plp.1',1! 1^: fuliing,c / t l io )OH-J S->r^i'tt.-n wiA\. witlt n slmlf i.t>!h'n« or WJ.siHfneturiiitf iiiiy Uiiul.»( in-HiMrtlwt.ip. Wall* ha rt-niil un r.fti-r | ti.xfciliiij,' ilri»!t.hi ti if i t I T d : 2 r l M i ' b j r r or ruin nlinps or

fthis i?sfrti»!jt HI if in nu'w.-v t> I at- iTt'tid ,nili'itca of mir biviitlil.^'i uMinrctiitiuii, HJP • other tl

Tbft i)l>l i inn si,ir!.i-.l. " S e e l S^c 1! in;.'. HyTii<?ro!" IUJ Vf]J.»iL Vv"u n» In-1 c:n;I, IUpdiiitcil, ftTdl I k»o-.v Oiut I SUM- ii ionil "f , rnt'h otliiT.a (a;:il ivi!]i a IJOJVV j,'n>v&biiivltlfiHi«lttlv 4. monthsni.ii-ntt.'nilnncoftt

mnil Iiw liaai nnS Bli'iuMtTs, ami "C u!l iup«. .»r non-imymrnt fAJ i lil U h i h h b l d X l l t A '

'j bjrr or ruin nlinps, ortr.l>Ii* t»lui'j"s of rosnit.

iis.T.imiti^t. Mich ivs tuinrrcl-, tiiimil-'i-iny, luvriliug tU.t-nifL^tiitiitus of ill-will tuwarils

ect-n I

crilwHlWnnt"with t

i l

iiuMtTs, ami ^C! whi.-h hs biul

**>*»Xll t .

rnt ofAiuu.ios. — Application f.,b * t th Trc-i

iyl l t . Ami'msios. — Applicatiol>er-,Wii uliMl ba ma*- tu tho

t ll C h l i h Uof life.'" r.ji-1 ut t'ic pawn iliMant, ULiut, nr lt!*v. Chnnlain, who, „iWUs.'u iJ iuiw, t l i a o U m m Ji•;:.,(- tin? c:iii4i.I.if.-« ti» fmvo tha nuiiliilmtt'iiis

i««r« l in ti»' trjll. ]nv*rril>o.i in N-i. T i t of H u w rule*, n wlii»l3 mluulo v.v HMsncil, lint we ' report life «nrao t-i tlio Society nt tlwlr

)mr, l i i» .w:j ; ) ' ] <>i n ?iit!i:i!,' b<iily. Wi'1 n-'St m:*trliii{?, t-i 1):» fleet (\i or reject eil by]-MfkfJ nt uaeli t-tii.-vin Wankdiiin.iv, tli.m ' us they shall to; ' fit;but Hlimild itwith n i! )IIJIII-JJI ioipul-w we rmlic-.l' t<- tho nf!»rwmM>afimiiil Unit thu»i(Mulwr»>i rul-


i i is •> e is til

"Thi- "]MY 1 has III.I.-= t lnvin«'y iiltic< il him.• IJ he •.vli't-.i- l'iiiril:iift (if Mtrtiuyth

;Ii • (l.'.-.r )!• ii--.-ii«-l*i» iriiJt I-fir;T.hliiiiH)'iTtlii:w)!vhliiBi.hiu JHer,), „,>, 'i "•'•'• «'i:(Wu-; i-ivcr ;Ii himc»ii t!i-fUicr BUts,re tli!-r.:i-«ji>y firuvcr.I. > Mil' I- ft >H. Urn Lnnl 1.,tli bcrtft t.inr, tl- •.".!• fri.-Hil mi'l irntlH-r,

l llojVll D

$5.00 REWARD.

I OsT, iiite-H'ti. -'ii'i, iii-wr ClicBter, a Wank andJ tan i l ' i c ; su im;J, «Iiito on tliu Iia-aiit,

ptri[» ICFI-11 froiii Hi'.' i'.!"» uliuiit an hull lo^ig. lieifipwfm t-XJif (111)110 ht Hn'irt, Tlio nbo c Ita-

il will lie t'ivi-a for liiw rjrovt>ry.JOU:< CIIAIUIAX,

Clic-iilrr, IVIi. 1, lS7i 7-D

olo, buti I tf> tit? Xiiv. Cli;inliiin nr 1'ivsiilont,wlw. fin.luiK Ili;it nnv'of tlio oiTouo-u aim-

ing, I <;.-i»;fi!va iiJ rcjiih'uu. WJicu w j)^:;it-j.l in K». XH1. of Iliene nile.i hoaworo asaiii 4i«njfe th.1 lire in tliu bcuu i-DinmitU'i1, slmll ve]n>rt tho ofionjercliiiiiiff.r.fyiii,-jrUli i'n? H^jiieilo.vnillt'R, tins: ti> Ib.j Hocioty lo bo i\w*A, RWH^OHHM or

iu tha urn)- of Die fiit.yoiuisfurinor, wli-j was ton nme'.i in n hurry Infeet out liiuiitOf tu iiniioi? tlii'iu,) relic veiliu? ot my b'.in1c:i. •

Haviup relig;]itL?<l tlio cninllt?, proiMurilnnothor iu ciso ul iwiuiV.-nt, mill rc-iainsil!o-ir last c

p y iXV. NoN IlntitnuSfE.—Munilters an

in" tlit-ir IPT'(1E-II<T3 nwy rotnin theirirmliRMbiji in t,'ic Sonicly liy ^unjiljiiig

with th?3Q mle'i; but in riwu of sidtut'sar rtenHi, Hicfiict of iMnlilv, mid dutu ofIO^UOSI or rtoatli, must ho'cu-Hilod to tho

b ' 1'iivish Priu»tIn- ibeivHiman

In this \ff]\. X-iftiAftLTSitUja ili.'grou of, wo reinovcil anil _ -tlio noxitmx gaites, «aJ lmv.-ri>a a !i;;)»t. It XVI.' TJin-urJiEiL — Tlio S^cirty may,xmicbeil U»o wnt^r, but the .Ur!» stirfiicc it thoydccin prfippr, flcmnndnniplcsecuri-gave tin fivujfl of.irlwt ivfts beuontb. Vt> j ty of tlif> Xfonsuror inr tljn fnithful l;oi-)t-iirneiirnil Hc(9Ciivi>liii{?-ir()M, mill Ep:iwliGtl i ing of (him1 niom-ys, IITHI sb:ill n;qnireliimloug J wo. found no iwJv, but wu did dni{? t lw vovm-t the r>S the fun da to tho So-up tbut whic!i; rpiiflim-d the o!d imn'H ' 'faio in falll'!' After we had FulliMved outevery miggcs'.iim, and osbaii'itod over}*eh^iicts tu rccovtif the corjw, ivitiioiitnucposn, we dc":tir.l-Gd a i from ti mtelesM lusk.

< n( njgnnl ftn- tl,,. irctt.n? ttfhost, who grai!,T "howed that micli

cict.v overy ninnfh.XYII. POUTICS.—.Xo woril Khali IIB

apnhcn in tho mootiiifp r.f tho H-mlvtyli:rvi»g referoaco (Hrra-'ll.v or juilii'cctljr topolitic?), at homo or abroad.

XVrrr. C.oou Oitvxu.—All tli^innntlnffs, __ „- , - ,. - -— - „ of the Biwiely nrc to ha earned on ncciir-

talo must ruin liia bttsiness, thoii nntl then?! ilinstitstrict i>jir}ifiiuriitju'.v jirjiicipliss, mid«:IPU of us pmniisod riot to rcvoul what we! niciiilipra ova nsji;'«tt»tl tti" ondiict thoin-hntl even i&fl,*in ftp'to of Unit proniJfiO, ! oeJrr.i tin noiioi;. C'ltri'.tiiii) //I'uileninn.noino jjprttoh'otthu fittn-y bccinuo lmown. XIX. 1'ELICHOUS KsiiiiciSL.1.—MfinbcnAnd wheu ttia hottil w«s turned into ft ! nt-p ^.vprcted to a\titumvh tlio H»Iy SiitTji-(Chool, ntid tho \v:'ll ui-opotiril, many ] incuts, r.t loust that of fouaiioo, on tboyears after, on «<W taste (wliatercr it davii H[f(«iiritwl bv the Ilsv. Cliiiiilniu.might bo) renllixl Uio haU-furffnttcit " " '" * - "r '

' And so, whftii tiny new jittpUctmo into thu. v.choo\, till'tho ._would gather in the fjrciit oU dtiiing-raom,anil, one of them b.iiii£ choacn tiiwjUeamftii,would toll tho etory uf St. Vnleutiao'sTVell.

Rules or the St. Mary's Total Absti-nence and Benevolent Society,

Dover, N. J.I. NAME.—Thin AwnciiiMnn Flinll bu

cnllod the "St. Ularv's Total Abhtincncuntul JJcn«*plo!it;8<icit!ty »f St. Mary's

II. OBJECTS.— ItH olijeeti fihrvll bo, firstMid eliicfly, th^.priwtico tuid encourage-ment of totnl nbatiimccf from intoxicntinif! ,drink ; owl Hcoondtv, thfl dbtnbiition*»>f ! i '" : i c d o L - , ,ri'linf to dick, nnd tbo dl>ccut buritd trf'ilc- timotmciit nf (lie

III. ftos/tXiHTBqiUT& of VC:IM

[yii ainMiiiiat by tltc ilsv. VnXX. ClnxritAb IIOTIJM.—Members inunt

rciustiimitioiisly \tract\co (otnl nbstinoncitbcuisulvca, strive earm'saUy to sprcud tinin-fucipio nmtmx tlwir ucighhoin, \cc\tvutfhnvor tbiiii'tiiiiiriies, cn-ojirmtc on nl_iimpsr acc^iom with tlto Piwtw in tbolinildiiiR mi of reliKicii. bu fiiithful toHoly aiutlipr, i\w Church, mul cspecltu tho Diviuo Siicrificc on tho Loyd's'L..,,—in n word—bo utmleh ot ruAmcty and(fond lichnvior to all nrountl thorn.

XKt. IxaoavoitATios. — Tho Societyhh all he. iucovpoiSitcd, nt n» early tUy,uiulnr the !itwfi of flfmv Jprxey.

XX[I. AMESDiinsTS.—Thpaa mica mayaltered or iiincndeJ by tu'u-tbirds vl

UJH S'-reiety, at nuy rtrjiilfiit « o h i .inciting, mid

IOSST—Tlio Society ahullLis tlia following qunli-

fieationn :1. To bplnjiff to nno of tho Cutholic

Churches of the leivisii.3. To bo not Jiws Mian filglitoou nor

more than forty-live vear* of «go.3, To bo of arjimd budily cniistitntion.1. T-o t:ik(> tha plcilja from thft hands of

tho Bov. UlM]>]ain.f». 'J*ffTiromw'j obrilicuco tu tha rulos

nnd /ill Liwftil'aifictineJiN of thu Kouiel-V.IV. 'OtTiCEiis.—Tho ofCi-n-H of tho So-

cltrtr wtnli IJL- a Pi-owilojit, VJi^-Picsid^ut,SicretJiry nml Troasnivor, who nhidl batiicoteA aiiminUy, bv b:ill.)t, on the of Jiumary', but tbo l'nitoi- of St.JlLirv's O'IIIWII aJiiJl bo p.r-nji'nio .Superin-tendent ntid Clutp'jtiii "^ llm Sncipty, midslinll hstw-tJ/ff-rj&'ht to resida ntaJl jn^Dt-inft1'. J 5 " "

V. ENTHANCR FEE.—Tbe entrance fee oftho Sutfiety shall W two doilnra to bo jmidiniaicdiuU'ly OH Hie iid:ni^io» of tbi>niombcr.

VI." BiJa<i.— The. tiontlilv duc-i of the,S >cicty rfiiill be tifty cants,* to he paid nt(lie rpgnJnr meetings.

VII. ItraKFiTrf.—The benefits of tho

l . ^ o r the 8luU, who have bcou nixmonths tucnihcfK, and have p:ijd all diit'v,live dollnra a wee!:.

2. For tltu, vim hail Ima »ii,luoiith mo:ubara, find had jiniil nil dtiea, ififty dollaw totinivw ftuieral ezpenw-i, «,Idisa of Ili>i[iiicm, iintl a turu-ont of all

BIS mantli incinliers, but htd jwid »)!duc3i ft 5r;iss of Hi'iimcm, uud n tnru-otitof nilthc meiuljei-3, in n.'g.iiifi; to tho fti-bontl.

•i. For the ileccaicil vr'tfa ot a member,• twenty-live doH;ii-Htowaril3bnn;il;liut in

no eace «linU Iwne/lts bo estc«fl*?d vrluai amember's sw-liucas «r dotithbus bcou cona-ctt by liis rfwii niiisccfuriiicf.

VIII . Mir.iTiKus.—The rcsnilnr mfift-ing-iof the Soeiofy shaU ha liehl on t}»>ijurth Sunday of'the month, nt htilf-pastwen o'clock. Sjicciai m^tin-fi inny ha.-ailed nt other times by tha President or• lpcriutciirfcnt I fifteen UCUIIK») fOuUl IK?l-atucdn, sttfOuiant miuibar to t.-:'.iiiixt

IX; 'FISE3.—Tho finoa oE tho Societyt'inll ho iia follows :

1. Twenty-five cents for non-payment'monthly tines.2. Fifty cent-) for nou-nttondnnco nt fn-

•.irnls, on any account except ulckuexi.3. Twpnty-flvo cents for refusing to

,'nic io order iu tnc^tiug'^.4. Twenty-fivo c^nt-i fur leaving the

ooctinga without iiormissiou of tits chair-iin. ' ' '

X. AprncpnrAnosa.—All nmiropn'nticnaf money shnH be mntle uy tuu Society at- ! - regular moctingit, licit in CPJIO of

be His-tho Siiricty; but no

iiriciy iiltiidsiouei Co theP.i-.tur of SI. Mury's Church shall hnvo

ly foi-03 IT valiility.

0:IUKH OP UU3INSSS.1. Prnycr.

3. Treasurer's Ri'i»wt.i. Admission of New Jfcmbcra.5, Oollcctioa of Dues, Tines aud iVsacas-

nienti.. 0. Report of Side Cnmmiitea.7 Appuiutiug of Sick Couimitfce.8. Are any of tho Bmthers Sick ?

(t. Appropriations of lUoncy.10. YioliilkiiH.11. lluport of S;>ocitil Coinniittcos.32. Unfinished busiuess.13. Ko-,v BtisUiciia.11. Prayer.IB v\(tjoiu-umsut.

STILL SOMETHING NEW I .Cull nt Coifllft .V (icurpc'B Drn« Htorc, Dover,n! a-t n s-HMtil.' buttle, rni:it up ciiAnnK, or Dr.OSCHinV;! OKltMVN syilUI*, lately Iniro.

tliicttl in tu (111- emmtry fi-om Ocniinny, fnr novrre<[)f, DiHWiiinplinn, throat oiul latiR diKPasfK—h*hMi.. i-qual in tho wwlil. Ni>vor f«il». Or «fUltlvKN'H AL'GUST I'LOWini- (Vrtain euro f»viV-i.pi.-iMi.-i, IWLT cntnnlntnt, nitd ttiuir tcrriUli; «lf-MtiftiKH. If tak-jn tin illruttcil, threo INWB «futlhcr liicalnivu will relieve nny case. J!f'K(t!i>c

i 7 ' t S i f t i ti:f:(lA;ni>r»

h. M.Pi:l:"(ii-VjiAiint" ttl'iK'aUT*'I'/urvwlitw.'(iliEiCS, l'roi.ristor.'M'iiuillttiry, N. J.

Ijcttftsrejuitiiiiiio iiiicl»iiufil in

Felirunry 1

riiainpi m, lH-nt:fi(.:r.B)li«, MftVRiirelFiU Il.uliirt. 511KM

Morgan, l'ntrickNK'lioti, JnmcHricvtnniOV.

Smith, Ed.fmitli, LousiaHiownV ttiml.

M. (jriwlBcr.l^iiatj

this li.t a

tiijlift ami Colds In i

litra magic.

:t(cnt need tho Tt-easurer nbiill bn nutlior-•«il, on tho certiticKto of the .4ic-!t (him-tUtco, to jmy lawful dues, nnd report thoiTic at the next n-ffiilnr mooting'.XL fiicKNEss.—Thuro sludl bouppfuit-'• by tho I'lusd'tlont ovcry Mouth three..'k Ooramitieus, consisting of thrno Una iii it* aiTvnnccd staftii, lhaii w

ucuibcvs each from tlnircaiicctivetlistrictfi; uR, w j r u t . n r r w ; XJJV IT !

3. D. HOWE'S



Anil all Diseases of tlio

THROAT, CHEST& LUNGS{Tlio ily Sk'ilicina of tho kint! In tlio world.)


il In conucction witU HOWE'S jUtABIAX

TOSIC, It gocB ftirtlier tiwnrJa ciulns Const

iii \ti aiTvnnccd stajjcii, lhaii tar prrpan

For Sale.rilllK filthsTfinr, rh-ilnmi otrvtirhigIrum 1ms*X iin'Fa, wiilUixi'.isuiiriils

Slort1, Slock, Fixtures, &c,TUJi JJE-ST

Business Stand in Dover.

<;. W. KK.VMIDV,rr, X -T., fit. . IlrtI, XdT2.




Dover, N. J.


imccrjiatm TO

The Union IJaiilc nt Dover.veil \wr cent Gold Ilomls of lli^ ll.mnt<m on.lq Central liailwny Comiinny—Hon. Win, L.

f-e, Preulfli-ut—for nnlo nt 00c. ni»l wora-AIntcj-;'»t, Alsn, nurini-tlilrtv Nor hem l'ftdfiobilruail ll.nuh nt par nud nc-cnuil inttrcsl.Circulars and JUI tlcalars furuislifd on Bjri'Hcj

(iou. . .

A. Q. P. K1XSU3, Hanker.


r \il'. Co-nnrin'-Tii'iin licrcti>fon; uxiiitii)}' uiidurtii" firm uauia oTOacv.t Vlnrk ma<Iwso]vwi

iy mutual cuussut l'clt. l»t, 1872.

J. 8. II. CIAItli!

_Dnvpr N' J., FM)', 3r;l, 1 7-0


WANTED,L T Upprr riibrruh, .Uorria Comity, K. J . Ail-L druHi ur apply to

WM. 3IAY,Disl. a « k .

riiiicrnln, N. J. Jan. 27il», '72. fi-if

To lriioiu it mil}- concei JI.

•\T7-U i,nvi> imctriicilnl In piirrlmMnp a IKIRO>V Ht>«;k ofDv.«pn-M,«[ KINGS Invnlii-lil; Poush nt-'un-ily & Liniment. Anv iwrnaiiUUIDI; hh Tvim-iik-a con n]w» ihLID at Uioni(;tilorour

CtOODALE ft VOUOnT,Diiycrr

To Rent or For Sale,TJWDO w f.iiir Bmldbijfs, slliifttcd

Tlio Biiihlia^H nnimtly iorftlud, (ipiKifli»p)i irttmiM- for a niioul stand. Kn<itii

At JTO<H1 cmnlitiou nml pbnf ti H t l Thl IwixwH

nlitioul. ThH Iwi

ifu>rr 1IHSI«C!--H >ir nfrcsltnt tlio Pottsry, nr ofJOHN I \ KEL-XZ1UN.

, N'. ,T., .Tan. C. '72. fl-lip.

Astonishing, yet TRUE




; $2 Per Set,Cull nml look nt t h e m .

The host Apartment of JIINKB cver. offLiictl in ibis City,

House & Lot For Sale,

4 .N'Ert* IKM'Si:, i.7 (JJ- :i0 ff. I, JIF,[ (luisln-iJ.

ttJ«jy::f nitli ,".»nl cullar. Uiio l.ul •UIIIIIUIB m

Thi«j.r;i)..-!tv is v.iiliin flvr l..ifiuttn W.-.1U (ifilii-i'h.Mi.vJii-iiiit. I'rii-.^L-infti .nn-fnif e l

f Oftt

Clif«, Jnu. SOftt. UJ7J. _ fi-(f.

Store Boom to Kent.

OSl: nr tU" 1»:«1 liKatiini in T> ;vi r fur Lii-mrs,Of miy Unrl, xvw inwA'-AUy 1!. IJ. riw-'j

with liiL' ctr.rc.


jfjy1. M. i;, n u nrt^N.jT., Jftn^s/ra. ?i-tr. _

"~"TO~LETJX JunT"ii."li""'11**'*"*lr*iJs- Kiu'llUVi" lliiita'l.l'.:

fur a follies' llrsl-*.'!anH I'unii^liiiij; Mure.-I'liui-o (,i. » [>n 'ii - ^ . ^^ in:\i!IN'fl.

Duvrr, Doc. 2-inI, IH71. 1-tf

DISSOLUTIOM OF CO'-PARTRERSHIP.VTOTICI: is iu;iiKitY HIV]:S, timt nn tliu IHLi > IWJ- nf Jaminr.i-, 1S75, Hi>; l%i-p;ii-lntT.-M])

A. KIMdN',W.H1M0S,

r i lHE f}iilwfril>frTTi.iiia n-wpc-ifiillv i»r>s-m Un:J . imblictlintlic coulinn^rt nt the old'r-t.unl,

Two Howi biAow U. Icijid«li«y &• KOII'K,

Where a full lino nf


Gout's Fimiittliifig Ooods.iVill lio kept niiintMitlv on limi'l, of ttm hl-.-i.t

niyksi ami wiirtitnaiiBliip. Aim.,


ft'Hllie pKiirtpllj- ntt.'iMlixH^, niiil n trial tit my

am BalUi*l t int I can niiarnutw nw ftuli-

lit initially mart'! u* IMII lie f.mud

fn iIicCoiin(yi.f 3iorrf«.

Call nml ai*o mo uuil tt-at my iiru-cs.




Is the Best of all

PUITIKH (Wiring In nnrolitHio KEWIKO 31A-flllSlV-t will !l:»l II tn Uit-ir n.lvanla-o U>

ii^niiil it-ytlio UOMK^TIO buturcj buyinjj aiiyttiir.

It nuis caattT mid makes Ions HOUQ tl aa AIIVIlicr Iwviiij} ii MiiuttJu.

Uac-H linen tlircul or plnco cotton.—TCUKIOHOro canlly innirv;;ctl, being soir-aiyimliEi,', notiinitl in any (,thor.

- « - -.., . . — . . . . „...„„— -JT1II l»^0l l -

- >f iiu>:i1Io bar ICHS liable tu Ln.-aliic.Hli™ Iiuvnut^ H JI-JH rmiinl simUiu.

Dofd unl lircuk lliriiS'li, b^iinso of miperir-roitsioiiri—in U1*^ linlilu to avt out of i.nli.T— !mn>it« l ^ i »u-.uV-r or yarU tfiau iilo.-.tliherl ''1S i^"' " I J L r o« ? "»«•'' »

TIICB? fiscellont Jitia.iiiiifH nm''Hi-cn oat onrijl nml t:i inm-jli it.itructiom free.

HKKiiniiiff ilbattinicd thcrenitli, v-n\t exi-hauiiu,roo of charge, fir »U7 utLor lKinnfactnrct1.Taltn u i .Ini^r'e winl that Hicv are not the

.rut u»tiJ yuu liayo triud oiif.

I'O;! KALE Ul'



DOVER, N". J.AH tfmts of fljwdi- Jfaeliiiio Neoillcs for Hate.


' The Old UOJISO ntjlomc."SUSSEX S T R E E T ,



Boarders by the Day or Wcok.Oltl Country Pnpora recjiilar!}' received.


3tnrl)le and Granite Works,Next .door to THE WON EilA Building,

D0VEI1, X. J.,

C. S. Davison,

Having started mi Es(.iI)IfRlimcn( for tlio |


4 SD nU ltintlfl or JIAItDU", W0IIK, woiilii '' * respsctfully nnliclt tlio publlo patr(inni;R of

.oetdmof. tiio C'unnty, sntraiiltcing to ciro'tlio tuiniitit natiafnctioti ns regards tlio finest~oriiu}M»hii> ruiuiccu, fl»J at nritcs mnslcaaounblc.

Oivo wo a call Iwforo goiay riij?whcre.

C. 8, BAVI50.V.

Next <loor In tlrn Iron Era Ilniiqing.


Sussex St., Dover, N. J.Bonrding by tlio Dnr or VfcdC. Steals til nil

boure. O.vttcro in ow-ry styloCoiifcctlontry, Ac, .

LIVEtt'Y STABLESIii with tlit)H;nno.

Shooting Gallery,

A'l' THE orne]-: o r Tin:

1MX. r.A(K. tc 1VESTKIIX EXPlllNS,


•2 1 J ;" '1 ' • ii ti'ii1 r.uU!i:;-*, "* ?',''•" ';•"•'.' "i t). i^';'i, will Hi'i'l mi thu prmjiimn,i* I ' . j " - ' . - \ - " . , ' ,- itli 'dii JI lihtnfcMrf wliHiwiiil John

S j HP. Casli and his Prices, j^u:'."/^^iY,Vm"<"'0"ul/rfM<**1^"


LAMPS ! L.AMPS.!! j ' ^ i

Annual Winter Closing Sale,

And BSu-iy Sprins Opening


I'M.I. A.\I> WI.NTEll


Early Spring Trade.

Bleached and Brown. Muslins,

White Drawer Muslins, TuckedMuslins and Skirtings, Gil-

bert's Flannels, Ham-burg Embroideries

Jllclmvilson's Unrns mid Slilrt FrontK

S"OTV*J(i Ibo I'ntttfT'tr niaJ;ii)Sf up ilirsp prmils. Our

'"''Miiic'li "(iwiV tlia'u'hUiy tlftvan!!i.'i]CL'!t'CM

Cov. Uroiid ntid West VtxvU St*.

IVuU nml ul vs. Jaeof> II Knincrcr. It...IflL'llUlHUt.

rtVtK mi(tfiitt"iii'<i. Amlitor fn (lio nkivc<t}X. t-tuisf, by virtii" ..f nn t , .nl i r nf lut;- mult-"'"'KJat'V'/.r Ki'V JL""I..=vl'.>»'th-u' 2<i'lh ilV<if No-

lini-. A. I)., 1471, will H..I1 nt 1'ulili/Anction,.Ui-'a L'liil-Jil Kwji-s H-il.-J, in (lir; IViwn cf

IOi'iJAlr, (lio 12th tto.y of 1'V'bnitirj*,A. I)., IS**.*, at 'J n'ul')i:!i In Hit' attti-nunn, tlii! f«l-l.min;; Jitai lvinw, i i t a ^ c d fiywrttin of a writof iitUK-Umtiit in siiid csiuap, tn-wit;

All tin' rii'li', liH" n:u} jijlrnr t ol llio fsfd.T:\(.n)i ]J. IVIIIHTI.T. in anil to ull those tlirun lots,

lyiiiK nml bti'.iii in tlio Tdiviisliij) nf lioslmry,Cium'.y nf Jldrns r.iul (JUtJ ut w Jcrsry, dc-

" cd ,-IH iolfoii'H :. __'st I.'it. Ih'^iniiiiiu- til n iVail nail treo, t lu

Illiliriiini Tuttlo, rcL-ordeil in tho Kni'voMir (hm-al'H IHlk-u nt Anbdv, in ]Ina!t B 4 ,Mi ( j5H:nut [11 B l « l f i | . tliirfv-nin.) i t t^nvs wont, eight

aUnian nml Avty-U»v,i >li>U; Uwut.v I-l] JSHUOI,

;iitv-r-i\ rtmiii!« ami fltty lii'ihw ; tlicncc [-ijitli, fllty-i;ts (U-p[ri'i'!i ami tliirlv iiiiimtcB v

. lvochainii: tlionw [.",) ii'mtli', wv.-iitv-l „.

tl.-i.TP"H nml tiiirlv tniiml-s wust, tlitrtccti cliaiminurti'JHliiyliiiUj [7]H'.intli,fit}lit drKrccri wunt,Bisrlwias mid tun 1J»I;K; [HI wiuili, fjrty-fimriVerwepaitt, loiirtluiup; \'A mirtlt. i klitv tip.•frcoi-d essf, ton chuhiH niiil lifiv-avv YmiiHt' IIUJajiitlt, tlity-lwi. il-Kivre van!. t-\\'iity.t\vo clinfiin;••*] ii'irtli. f..rt\ a.-srtch niiil lliirty miiititcm - •

.•d uti.l wxly-uKl.t

i-ourrts Bimtb. firty >l.;^l'l's wi ; l , illstnut Sixty'••'- from a j thw win-re n snmlt l.rwfc, liimivii l»y

llii'iu'o LU ii'-rtit, ri^riiv-llvo ili'LTL'tM rust, citflifLliaina iiiid illiy linhn; "thtiicu 0 1 utirlli, Ihlrij-L'iKlit(lfKn.rnr.mItliirtyminn( forty-tini-hohiti:*t|icni:t) (:>] mirth, iilno ilot,'roi!tt iVLni,thrc * ehitns nvil iru Vintix lo iljocJi'vonlli lin» ofi)7 57-HW ni-rra rcttimcd tu l^r.l Stirling Uh-nee4} Bii-Jlli, tliirty-tiiae i k w . - s nml n half west,!.'M i-h:,]u-. nml rft\tv links to tin- ••Ifveiitli•nn.iT «if Htiiil Imi't; tlu^inc [.">] north, Ufly-lhtvel-.*i,'rpt-« v.-j»st. twi-utv-tivn ritnfiis io thu tenth•(.nurof thuramo; tbotieo [tl] south, Mpvonty-nine clejirfoa wi«t. utio cliaiu n-id tliirtv Hnba t;>llmifiva- [71 smith, tlil-iv-thr.-o iWrcca caM,uiKhtccn cliauiH mid s^virilty t inlu; thence [b]ii'iitlti, tn"0»tjf-tiro<lcf,iVfl irtst, flvo cJiflidfi nmlllftv ImiiH ti> tii1* ii -ico at t)Cgiiiuiii£f, coniaiiiliiir

rt-Juty-lhrcc and 1)3-101) OCICH, more or lew.Tliinl Lot. Adjoins tlit> ftforegnirt trnot on the

citKt plilti, bogniin^ on a cnurao north thirty-ctglitami n half ilufireos cant, live ciiains nnd i>(oli(y' '-,* from the Hut-ond ronmr nf a tract of 1» 15(-

urTCH. Frtm-uc'l toXamca Pjjrkt'p the etL ihvol Jimo, 17MS, nnd rwonkil in Uot,li K H, iiano 178nnilfruin tli'.'iiw rtiiiiiiiit,' [1] unrth. thirtv-uii-diMill n linlf •icgr.-m (1.«L, tfilrfy-uvon ehntiw nml--•nty links; tlumin [2] north,'ulno iloBrco»

nv.' f, tir^j chaini/ nut] iJiiftv-Hv/> JIJI];R ; thi}jtc& mnnrtli, tMrtynlun and a h'nir lU-KrWii Mvt fourI'linitmiiiidiifiv linUri; thunco [4] Ronth twclvoiwm-s oast, live. cliuiiiH ami k-u Ifnltft: thonca5] ncjiltli. Bisty-savtn ilc^rucH IVCKI, flvo chnitia ;

thvnco jfijtii-omidfl linl/dffrrecH nv>t, ainolwHul llnkn; thrnce [7] »nutli, Mitv-aen-nul a linlf ili'srccN wtat, twi-iuy-twci chuliM and

,:i links to tin* place «f l*Bimiiiis, containim;tivtiity and 7C-10U ceres «f luinl, iniiru or k-sa.


Xov.2 .>»,, ]S7i. A U i m O r -



Provisions,HE innkliig tills brunch of

Trade 11 Specialty.

Strict attention paid to having

BUTTERConstantly on Hand.


i.i: PIKHSON,cliircp of

ft,,tw T,-,!, M ^ / U ™ ^ ^ 4C, r.a-.i . 'choice S w e e e t C I D E RA M )

GLASS- W A RE, ipuro Cider VINEGAR, 1 1 , (

I ' n n c v Vn>- M P'ul C I U ^ F : cf r l l siylcK, n n u n U'^ \

O. A.

f^t. ItHOOK, N. J .

j .'•' • > <Vn1er in iill Idiida of


|Blackwell Street.! ^J^V^^*

S odieine*1

D. A. DERRY'S,1'iirc amlhislily rciwm 1

T E A S ! TEAS I<1'renii, ami Uio i-hni



Ami tilt l.iiili of

Pure Confectionery J E S S E Q.DOTY'S•«• SEW , .

P . A. PERRY'S . Book and'Music Store,Look Here!

TIIL- (Jrcatf-ni 1'iciorj- of the Day

THE WJLSO.V SlllITTLKSewing "Machines,

TII12 BJMT I A" TJ1K WO3ILD.Lud from (J.1 to J2-, cli.ujxr thon miy othui-

AHEAI)C"OF*ALL.Fur firav-lioity, ilin-ahilltv nml ho.-mty it».y ninn.l

unrivnllcil. l\>t Ktiti'lilnf, hctnminp, tuck-Ilir*, Winif;, q»iliina, fimliiiL,', himHuff,

AU psrlka in want of » i,-onfl nJiulilo (Irat-dimn•tk-stilcli 3(nt-htno nro rrfprrtrtillT invltril U}ill nml cxamlud llu-HL'vsccltfTit MnchinfB nt )(.

n . UIQBOt; varttttv Bturc, UtackwcllMtreet,Uovcr,

_.,l;u un rlfnlur's won! Hint tl icy are nnl ahtnii(W')lie-HJ\I iiwJIikw.s, IJIIJ ca)J and (TniJiifiji

vincL'ii that tLiy nru ]»*t what thuy nro claiincilto be.

MncliEvery ?.„..

for live ycp.r' • • Itotructlf

nthly Installment a.l i ki liiiif wnrnintrd and kupt in r

«. fr«i r.f fliiirsc. Thurouph we. Thiiroupli MUIii froc of clmrjjj.

At R. D. CHAHE'l? Vnrit'ty Store, Bhuliuil! SI.llnvcr, Sew Jtrnpy,

•jiSMit ft"' 3I»n-« t-'ijuatj*.fiend f.,r Circular nml 1'riccs.

Artdrccn V. O. llox, 38S. •Needles and fixture enimtnutlv mi hnutf


Mr. w. 11. MCDONALD


rJ/i-xfiiyiiicanoxf provntl, anil Trill tot »l i t ' M


fin-i! r.1-jcQilieofs nro DOIT offered i t -



Fur Store, ;<'riIorl»t:uMOoue tfjo Itilanco <tt laj STOCK j;--

o: reiia, 1 »il olfcr them ot tlio onjio.1 Colt ; ' '

(3-enuins Mink Sets, . ...Eivci-Mink, •:''.

Fitoh, . •, .-Siberian. ScLiiirrel,

Ooney, &c.Hi not Iii! ,., l»J,o »,lv»niaso of Ilil U

i l

You cm KlVr. }I0NEY by mnklnB yoo^py-"rhnHj iijw for UID next Suion. \t.U :



fi-cla coufldvnl in _ „ .., _. itirc*»jsr;ictiun, lulitR nil (tie Inlcai | m .

pronmnttii in ihu nrt nud n iohco of ])catliilrv1a nbfo to iimeti tuoth from ono to an nitiris iwtnt very low prices .ami no clmrjjo mmln fur iom-

trcatca Kith tUo lttiiiMt "i^ni.10 Ttoth' S r i " t SiTithutit pain hy the UBO uf ultroUa osido ROB ami

Viill hut of touth, l i p , , s r a n d i n m t t 0 ] 1 ) ] l 0 l a t ( i ( ( t

iid BUver fifty uata to ouo dollar. " " ' ' ' '

I liavo tnUoilitre I shall

W. II. .>!,flwer, Dec. 30,

tol.tiodimcultyinj7nllii)ffsnitiilJl0r0oniBHMrtmcHta nt thu Stielilo Hoiian.

anlil I Kin Ki'cjittj an o/lJeo"

•, Dentist.

Hat & Cap Department^1'IID follonijig nro (lio prcachl le&dlng i t j j q | i i ;

The iloliilHjr jfE,it, * ' - - - ' -Central P a r k , .fey

liniiidwny, . , ,5tli Avonnc, • So

Gi-nnd Ifuko Alexis,Tourist, I


•Lladies'& 6en# '


SKA.TI3STG- G A P S .ViitiimB RtylPB or '


Boys' Hats and Caps 'or every description.


esr Wmn: Hlimrs ma»Io to ord«r fa __^stylo ilcnirtd, nmT warranted to fit.



Page 3: a H A R N E S, V...tli'tncn riB Bali unjfii, WIW M rt'imtntlini for hnnoBty Hilly nxliiiiit our nlm-h i.r f*«i


X SATURDAY, Veh. JJ, lH7ii


& ,Wo regret to announce the dccciutcof John i'i TnnvljriJlpe, EKi[,t wliicli took

» placo at Us Into ybaiclcnco yiMlertky after-. noon» alter n.lpug imil yuin'.in IHHCRM.

' :vMt. TrowlirMfjc iv:ia well known to ourcitizen?%aviti(j heen identified n-itli tlte

. . publiointori'tits ol BimOolpli tuwimhipformany je&rs. )Io wns a man of strong iu-togrityplcburiigterund Iiml tlio respect

' aud cojiililoiieo of nil who knew him.

JBSP^Troo MflUioiltHt Hcrvicci will lielield inOPrnH[iL'pt Struct Hull tn-miirnnv us

i ^ ' e v . J. 'X. Jamen of Now YorkQo'rlock A. M.

ictiiiiig at linlfjmtit £! u'v\n<-\<*aiia Dunning, Hii|iriiiitoml-tloucQ Minion, K. Y-, will-iirittt 7 1\ JL Dr.

of New Ygrlt, will *JQ prcscut at tholuring next week.

At tho f\rnt rogukr meeting of St.Total Abstinence mul Iknurulout

'.?; Society ol tltis place Ina6 Hmuliiy cvoniiig,'^ . ibo following olHoura wove elected : Jim,f Jb-Eiley, Pica,; Olins. Bums, "Vies, Pres.;?; Patrick JVMuguiru, Sau.j ltnv. I1. MufJnv-| " t l i j , Troas.

ft The Oointitntlcm antl By-LiwH or lliinflorgatuzatioii will lw found in imotlicr| jo-jliunn. I t already nunilttirs about sixtyf f: members.

I'"'.' J 9^ 'A t ft recent meeting «f the ¥• M.p"Oi Ai^fthiH town tlio following oflluers

; WIHTRIIworo,pWtuil for llio• SflffijSfPreH. ; A. E., Vk-B Prca. ;

*„ "W. H,VThi)mpfion, Ssc. ; L. O. Bienvorlh.V Traas^ A jugular mooting of .Ua AHsociii-' tiou will bo ltcM'tioxt Tin!3»lu,y evening ufI ; wliioh it ia dcsirublo that every member,*' milo ftQtl femilo, nhnsiklbopi-Gsimt. Gora-

lnUtoea irill bo nitpointcd nntl other 1;

[{(;l houlm aud iKip

iil, ami Mr. Ma

don't hurry

nly I. If ..


ul getin J>**vCounty (sent muvrd lo lliiiir city Hi«y willllliiUlio I'oui.lfofl'oiiOriun to rnnu>n(l

,iti, iu the RinH«r. NED.

J.'KOJI IlllliiKM.V.Tlic*Sunday Su!n»"' of Hiljommreeeivndgift from Ihdr Hniiarintvudunt, Vr.

IJcacli, ol tlio MimplifliH KcricBofQucationlnivo jTuven lo bo n valu-

able present Thin book iFia grniledBRrioHI to tlio younger nn -well us inoro cd-

viuici!il cliuutus. I t in divided iuto four

hTii«lca, llio fourth being tlio Liblo CIBBSica or yrnile. Eaoli grartu ia uccainna-d wilh n Tuotslicr'a Mnnitnl, which wewj-fiai vnluo lo Ihc tcnclior. Tlio aeries'Dinnascd of one hundrod la3«Hrj on the

life of Chribt, bugtutus witii tha birth ofJolniaad ojuulndiug with tho jirumiuo ufthu seem!;! e-Hiring ot OUmt. Tiieao ]oi-

uru full natl a.wjhx Thoy avo ao-t.iuied witii a GJipol Treasury, and Hof the IIi>'»y Liml, ssliowing tlio trnvela

uf UarisCTlnil tlio pluoej of lit)birth, niiii-

e olihm. iroi-acRCIrccI.-y.

It wan my gmkl fortuiic to bu present at* atneort auil vtiiiMtitvi Jobt ftitimluy

istry, (loulb, nufth

We bnlieveyIhey are what every Huudiiy Seliool nccdnmil win cheerfully recommeud thorn.Our ndiool IIUH also boon proaontwl with ocry valunhlo library, the gift of tho HU-

jjeriiitcndont purl tbt; fnonds ami pimmtaif Llio cbililreii. Our BuncriutoucU-utitm"IIH fiiiiiily Imvfl spared uo labor m- pniui

ID mukc flic HCUOOI one of tho best mid itill compare favorably for miiabera, bo-y

Jinvior cud attention with any tlicounty, puriiig tho jmst year ono hun-

niul fifty dollar* >nv3 baou Byent fortho bcuclit of tlic school, our su[ieriiitcnd-rtit nud hia fnmily Riving two-thirda of thowliolu amount. Wo consider ourfjelIiij;li1y favorediu posaeifniiig such a ttu-pnrintoudont, nud (•arncstly pray that

ineBa of importance tinuijiicloO, Thouiein-i( j° l1 "ill upmo life lifts for many yenihen at tholioard otDiruelomnrcrcquviit-ltllllt ! t e 1mV C"K»S° »' tho work of teach-

1 ' "" day evening. ing Iho youthful minds of and leading

il Irntii' t I iei11 t o Clirwt.

hen at' od to meet on Mo

to Win. fj.Tlio fire

Hi*. Bunch Ins complotod his home,mil it ia U-JW occujiiiid by Mnws. Van

over about 0 acres* mid, ".vcklo of Dover, and Timby of Itoclinwny,With • t°. w'hoiu wo give n cordial and hearty

ids thu I welcoino, Mr. J, T» Strong, UIQ schoolof tho tfuehi'i" of U]']ipr HilioniiahftB hcon piny-

"IKJV'WIUL liln employers. By

iit nocn tho buildingWli iw tho Ittiil HOUTC, belonging to

tr, S, S. Pultuor nt FmnUyn mid moil niV •'-'a. irngou inalier'n shop, took fire friua tliu' l yhntwilhgrvntdiftleiiliyv/nsbAvcil

tho lieln ol tho neighbors.

That ocrntio gcuitiR Goo. FrancisSJtftiu, Bijnpostjilby many to bo iufi"'fill deliver his BQOth loeturo, (not a matter<f mora coujcctui'D,) in MorrialtMvn noxt

KPriday night. Many will hear him willrnfc delight. Gnorgo lms a. romurliiiijlimtatitlu'for'-liny lik liu oiutlation, nml

t j yaud theology down to 'wome ud

-tVpryjuisca to bo a rich cslubi-diUJ ^ > ^ f omtorioal Bkill nnd flno crudiUon.

W /lecture commences at luilf ]i|.dfi<l wili probably.continue [ill nJmust

•*The% following rosolntionsitedby Boeknwuy.Div. B. of T.Ko.

riijlit It . . .ml3 tlio <ljnr-I l i ro t l i iT and

ny t» tiin

io reaiJOiiso to a notico given to the'"." lodontliofSftmuolM. Dim-

a'luonibcr of tho order, nnd n c*iti-of Rookaway :

^^..jiciiBU/Tho vobo of fJoi\ has hernlinnri] in, "atp PlvlRinn and linn I'nllfil owt of inn' mituki[•••tmx tho labor* atoarlh to JK-aVi-JJ, (bi'ivfor,-,'{.y 'TlB30i*VBi>,jriiBl whitn v,'o bow in liumblo IIH1>-^':idluion tu tlio will of Him wlin • ' ' ' " ; *

rolgn, wo roc*U with nincum gra' aatflrs nnil,(KiiifIiiut otoiir (krunm«l

:-3Wl]lo nu-ilitlcs i r lil« hoart, nml tliiath1»iit»i*nillMhilgv tbolntjiocf i]iocliiif,'biin iu

^ - Uuam-Vtn, Hint wo <lo«ily Rvnip-itliizf with II' l>ora!WP<Huid nlriAL-n fnmily, nml L'Diimicnil lliu:

to tlio GoiorallciiiiHubtion, wlsouoKroco in nu' flciont fur cvurv tima »f lieml.

t •'•' IliTSoLTEa, That n copr of tlio nboro bo suit to"-'J|io fiimilyiiiia tlio Comity J'aiwrH.

, Thoro has been qnito nn escitoment inour toirn for two veelp i>ast about nghost. Thdsa who havo seen it aiy it is

l l I dil bl i tgfemale g

yI can readily bcliovc it to

bo of tha^persuimlon, for wo have no ac-count, in tlib.Biblo, of foinalo fliigols—thej'nil fioom to be of tho masculine gomkr.

: However, tbo appcarauco lina alarincdmn of of'our iuhubitanta so*mnch thatey oro afrnid to venturo out of doors

ealtor dark, and BOHIO will not go from one'S!,[iuotlHr without company. I do"not l^liorp in gliostosses, bat I do tliiuli

t b f i h bt t l iiif tbofo is such wo ought to lmvo a visita-tion. jHiWJghost," which fonnorly livedJiero in tliA fl^ii, was grently trmililed bylior DOighbora, njitl now it ia just andproper*tliiifeili'ty ahouW stifliir tlto cntiw-quonooa of &\o. ill troatment they bestowedupon her, ancL'iii fact if J were ouo of themI woultHeol niraid that souit) o»« wouldjiay ma^ayisi^thatl should much moretlrond. to B60 thtin i gliust.

; Bomo ot bur people much star tied]asb Sunclay^OToniuR by hearing tlio ericaof a lady on^'tho canal who tbongbi tomako & short eat in Una direction, and•who broke Uirongh tlio ice, Slie van i-ca-cuodT- Idtf not know whether ehoeaughS

1 a ooltl with lior (Inciting or not.

Ono night not long ftineo sorao pcrs'oii| . tried tQ>ritortUorcsMe«cuofMr. Edivard

Thomag. JIi-s, '1'. nnd nnothor laily weretho only iierBouH present and they saythat tho individual had oil a yellow cout.Ho did not snccccil in gt'ttingin nud whathis intentions wcro it is impoasibto to say,and as thtwo uro aovernl gentleinon in tliiatuTi'u Umt|p:car yollow cont it is impossi-ble tp,eay'jcvhicli ono of tiiem it •was.

A tc'iim Jjjolongiiig to Mr. J. Hnneo got|.;mva^'froni'tlioir driver on Jlomlay near

' * JflV'Callou'a and van through Porta'iit full Bpceil, hringiiig up againstQleo of Orain, Hnti:o & Oo'a lumbar

wiolishiag ovo side of

means lio managed to get in liisiiossossioiiBows money belonging to tha district withvliiish ho til)3condoil leaving hi3 board billmiiiiiitl. Tho lnat ncoounts thny havo- ofhim, ha was «n tho oars boau-1 for Now-lu-ri, ilu v/.xs nil oxOblleitu ttaolier, utitl agentleman iu appcnrniico, but lio lovedtho intoxicating howl, hoiico he was deadto hoiiusty nud aoH respect.

Port Morris in Another Light.Mr. Editor : Don't you think tlint yonr

correspondent " J. IV' VH "D. J." occa-sionally labors under 1), T's, orBoinething

1 dovilitih," in his constant tiradenguiiiHt innocent and good people ? As adisinterested party I con testifly thatPatrick Clfirko does not iutoml lioopiny abeer snlooti nt Port llorrin, but on thocontrary ha bought Dm Grinder iffopertyfor a rcsidmice and to bo uenr bin ivorlt,ns tho l>cl. Lnclt. & West. It. It. Co. hovo

i fit to plnco him in im onny positionon Recount of his misfoi'tuno in Imving uleg broken on tho rnad. He mfends byitriut ftttoiif iuii to bis duties nud hy keep-ing ft few brtimlers- to mixVo nn honest andscipcctablb living. Mrs. Clarko isahigh-miutted, respectably conhnetcd and honestwoman, and I kumv sho will not penuithour or uuy othur intoxicatiug liquor to boHold in her house. Thou again, why thiHnbiujo ot Moa-singcr Si Kiug ? . They nronimp]y there, kmtying a regular owd fnJlyliconscd inn or tavern, nnd if a few weak-minded men •will persist iu portingdruuk,and, in consoquenco esi)030 tliciUHDlvo-i onthe l-ftilroad track aud attonipt to- olwtructtho iron home t\s ho is passing to and fro,I should liko to know why the odium islaid at their door ? I haVu known those

mo innocent working moo, ill whom J.D, is BO much interested, to go three orfour miles for ft "wo dlirftpo'thccmther"and got "stono blind drunk" before tboyoven renehed tlio door of M. & K. Andfor a plnce like Port Morrif TVO do notknow two moil bolter qiuiHBcd to !hotel thmi Messiiigei- & Kiug. "NVo mustgive pi-nine to whom prniso is duo, (whichia & good motto for J, D.) I nm a Btrongadvocate of " local option"—no ann feel;a stronger interest in teiupcmuco fchimwysolf, hut I do not aeo tho point of J . 1).

i trying to dmiuigo the public interestsof Port Morris ; ho should bo armed withiigli authority from tho Governor of tho

State with -which to bmiisli all those manfrom tho works—thoso who havo not sta-tility lot tho crilloraloriohoiort

tlioy got hooked, then he might do' Eomo-thiug to beuoilt hi3 frieuda-*


A Great nuisance.Mn. EDITOII :—Your readers may ining-

ino ua giving vent to all tho hard word*117 in giving expression to ont-foelinga, and thereby savo much

valuable npneo. Uut wo respectfully urgetpon the mayor and oommou council

duty of enforcing Iho ordinance againsteicTonching upon Bidownlks • and tUrccts ;.nd if tho present law in not strong enough

will nut tho Oommou Council, out of uhcerjity, give tho ponplo DHO that is sufficient-ly strong nnd eeo ILut it is not hourly do-

Mr. "Wm. Audoraon will open a newsI office and yankoo notion &torc in tliia place; uoxtwook, when our titiscus will be ublo

fvuuiiiffsivfunudt'i'the nuspirp.s of theAT. E. Himdny Si-liiKil for iho hotiMit othe Bttiim. I innt.), iiity it w;is n uotnplet'juaisutm ; there was uotiiiug iluii'jr j^louiir

uui cheerful prngnunitie, »ud handsomtilyuarriod nut umlrr tlm iniiiinKcuiPiit uf HiA. CmigiiiHlMr. It. Puwwl, who UaBO Avull Ii.)w tuft-nt ii]) nn.cxliibitiuu of tlii'kind. Tlm cntiiitninmr.ut contiiHtcd olHingiHR.'recilatiom imd iliu!oguc;i.

Wucun((>H!iriurili9apiwiutiaput in nlifnriiiff tho tak'ntcd Mias H. E. P., mhuai'il HIIO was the ffivorito fijipakor ouCliiintinft;;!ii(,'lit. However, Mian JOHioHull performed her jiart in a most eredit-ablo innimcr, imd litllo Kntio Cmig peiformed her jmrt worthy of uno older iyatrx and Julia Cornelia* in aho deserrin3 of great credit. Altogether ib unflflue afliiir. Thi*y wero aftbiated by tliML Hope BLUSH Hand with uituoot tbciifluent HctcctiuiiH,. Thinl'iiiid in tciiuud ttuonein iho euiinty. We niuccr«Iy ho]:it will BODH ho our privilege to uttciinnothcr BUCII ontoitainiuout, for theyBervi

ist:d until itbcuomiwhen Iho city fatli.

era will look after tli'j intcrcsls of the]»l;ico BH youi'd do in Uovcr.


Morris County Courts-Thn i>!iiin urJiiiiuu Vi*. Thu aiivlumlns 1>'II-B II

preHH'l^( uc'i'l!|X\va.rf i-'cHi!;"ti!U-'V'o113J"j»^ny\tr'\]IVH"nVtiVli hif|1f'-"liJVin*r"11"llfnwin^ ftiive li'itlr^liencli aMi'. Tlic nrKtHiicnt'i uf dilli'riiiit ciiuiimnvr« wuiHii'luil HntnnliivurtiTiiiwii, mul tlio eour

miilri WH of tin; tliUVrout ruiiiiVcl veru ulilo nmcsliiurslivc of tin- t!ii»i'. On .MoutUy tlio notirilulli-w-oil ItHdiapiu tu llio jury ncniuriUK atiant

i'Hl''«-!iHi'if'i"'i|lii-tl\vi(li| "^(""Wt (l|rtfni'nrof°tho

i'.ii";n of thu court wni) 'iku«"]y r"nnv!l"il.U^11ioir.jiu'l.riiis lnrm- thin linn bcon m;ni '•r of ivsim. Tins vorilic! of tlis JuryIIIUIIC'IHK'IICH Jiwt, nmifjiviTS groat i

tultio •• -•

tokoi'plloeknwayti1111 iuc;>rponiU.'d tow



mi ntiio

tit l

nm fur t i t r k H fniAt !))i' Hoi" of ihujil.jj

!it> criminal nm'n.Thu llrrit awa \nm tho

Klii'luidiit i-har^tn!,' tlmiluvlui ivith lliu riiiloil i i

iu tlic court took ii]i

VP. Ptiviil Lash, nu.'tiilunt wilh be-iniTraitlj;ButI)tmvjl

lVnlt..rIli'iT,'iii'.lii*lfiH.ii1lnrc«iiy-i)]cad gullly\Jtclit larcpry, wan ttiH'J fit) nn.J.wwls.

onsfliiTltiickaway lowiialiin-iifoiiif not guilty.Su]«on Jwliiinii, imlic!t;'il lornfuiull uiiU Imt-

>rv, rctmnt'.-U IIIM |)!.-n»rnut guilty anil iikai

J)Jxm ViLiiUnlai, mill Jitlmfi Onliorn, tmlt'clcilforriut, rolrautL-d tUclr plo^ uf nut Knilly itnd

•Tolin Mu'dbnil, iuAiutail f>r aittntilt nnd Ijattrry,•ptrnctorl IIIH tilua tif tint gniltvnnd nlrailti ciiilly

K.hvavd Klucnx, imlictud fur kcopnifi a ilixurtlurlyltoum, retraattil hla vhautnot niiiity anilplmHuilty. Fined (30 nmUmlB.

Tlio trial of Grimier, for imp-dor, wilprohnhly not como on this Term, as it iiunderstood there nre witnefises for tho

into who ctiiiiot ho 2>rocui'ocl iu time.Thu next civil enso tried was that

lonroo Tlmvell VH. Henry W. (Jraue.Thia action grew out of n diBputo as tt.tlio price of mtao timber saved by llr.Howcll nt Jiis mill. Tlio jury tendereia vcrdiut foi1 $212.-31, mom than doubletho amount ndiuittcd lo ho duo hy Mr.Cniiii'.

Tho cnao of Ocorgo E..Bahbitt againstJohn Hurdy Stnnburrougli, in on as wogo to prctw. of oxlrn

printed tm thu iln


PIIC.1I UOtKAV.AV.Ton mnat not utipiioao because tiaa lit—

tlo town ia not incoqionitcd thnt wo nronot ni» to tho times. Oii tlio contmvy n 0aro up nnd doing, nml tha interests of tlioplaco iH keonly looked after by many cn-

W h iy

»risiDff eititucns. Wo haTo&

nni-vonarics, concerts, lectures,- &c, ot an in-

i iug eharncter as viillll Y

structive and gaaiwuiy of larger growlli. YoItuov: wo were lutuJy honored by th<i pvca-

jrdlnnry exmillutiec, elegantlymo niiuattlnlfil nml llnluliod pslil tu Ktuol on;,'rAv!uu, no benutifvotukil. Tho lilumry cmiti/nla tnp.iuyiuT; portrait, and intoro*tlio of thogrunlciit thinlusravt thanL ,

llorlwrt SitenL-cr-ruHoivod by tho awmid lusini-ntjilt uf thu uurinl, "Tho lUunnttce nf a p'Kir'ming Man," whijli ^nm'B in Intonut; tho cun-Imliiiii cliftjitcr ol tiiollrBlitf llio "L^niu ls o"IcwiTorKuy ;"aprolly 1'itoni, "The Soft No," "uelr.itoil. 'I'llvit followit in HUCCCHMOTI, tlirco JICi|i-,i)4o orlickj* From tim'o niilnblo nwa, viz'Tlw HiiiLoriu MoinoricH of tlm Ardi of TUna it

IcwWostrrjlfc....,!(Iitnr, CIT.UII,KH W. JAJ.WIIO IICOIIB HI Intruding

Hoi* to any body in the Htato. (Mr. Jn>* IIOB Kon<to MidiiRnn tojoiiiliiafinitly, ami will uontrlbuttrcciihrly 1<> TJtocIiur'H Xiwizino, tlio only piihli-Cfttionbmvlll write fur. J un. JIMEIIIJ.COLEU.INwho h»H no" on enviable ouiiuimco nn n writerr>i_ponnlur HCIOHCO tn tlicuo iiaftt'B. (in tlio "WantonUcstrucUiiu of F(iri>r.ta ;irO(iteliine Narwlmln, il-liiHtrnUtl. "Tho'I'hontro in Hp.tnnilfc" by tliolato l>r.'si«l'mt llwsluy. Dr. W. Elmer lian a Tnl-nnhfa coiiliitmlfoa to tho Haalth Department, on"nvgiuiiicTreatuipiit iif Binn 11 lNis1;" "Dnllceof Exociilors nnd AiltiilniNtrRlont," l)y JuflRO]{PRI1. Ill llio OLlucitioniil l)o'[urtmont un iulut-

srt of t h o " State Teachers' Institute,"

,'H of Ifiuno Cnmforti, (illii^ratod); protcRtBnat "HniiRinR" ins-n nntl wmn-n; tiijlis

wntch meotintf j timsoat* hit* rrndcrs with n

tni HI tli, nud dositi Ui> witii IJook NotlncH,,....,tv of "llorxl Humor," Ai>. AllujjulUorltecrlicr'flfsjiliuuiitiriilfl-.ul valiiniilo Magazine,

" "-h our towlcrs ivill rto well tu DiiliRcrlho /K.-,__..(1»3.00 to J . A, Ilceolicr, Tronton, S. .T-, »ir.4gctllfoi -" ' ' " -

T U E BuiiiAi* OF BoTta .—The fctatcnionfcIn vuriwtis ueivnpnjwrs copied from tliat

relinVilo" and enterprising nhuot, iho N".Y. ITerahf, in lereronco to tho funeral ser-vicen of Butts, did not' cojvoy a correctversion r.f the Ineta. I t Beems that tliobody was tnkon to Eoontmi by tlio under-taker. Eleven o'clock on tho fullowiijgtiny was the hour ibtcd /or tire burial nor-vieo. Tho gnivo viia dug, o«ti, it bciugrery cold, tho friends of tlm deceased f»ng-I'ested tlie propriebvof taking tho boityinto tho church. Nobody opposed tliat•otn-KG ; for, idlhorigii.the ofll«era of thojhurch migTit uuL hrfify rolished llio pro-ceeding, no refusal wna lniulo, ami a i>ro-ceasiim having b^ing fowntd, llicSov. T.IVI. Mnylian, pustiir o£ tho church, w :ntnlieaii o£ tho'coi-pse, ns in nther fmicrnlnomccs, rcjid a chapter and led iu prnyer.The reverend gmitlemnn then aunouueedtlint Iho formal funeral ECirviccs would beheld ucst Si_..» would h.Siegfried.

COS"* Last Suturday a tcrriblu necidonttook plaoa at tlio Allen Jlint.1, almut threQluUes fruni tliis cilj*. A uiiinher of menworn at work vhen it commenced earing.All escaped, cxcepVono man who vmn hnr-icd beneath UiouHiinds cf tons of dohria.An effort is 1

.1111 IlllllTlU fcUl * JUL- IHIIUU UDnrtny \fock, nntl (lint thoHer->c proachod by tlio l lov. Br .

uiti-lo to recover Qio




Different Grades at Different

Prices.Sold us Cheap us at tlicNvw Yorli

Wliolenule IIOUSCHJ

JiV Till!

Barrel or Oar Load.Wthi Saur h from HIL- -nw! eelohmln] nuiH h

JIlL-hiBftii.iBiiiwayHkniil »>» liuml fn-Hl, g ,and tho iniality ulirnys »B nprfsrntcd. Tht>most BniiuriorliraniliiflK well as the lowest 1>ratiiliI^III tm liml.

Idfalwitli tho manufacturci-H nt Iliclr Milia,nml not with New Yurh IKIIIHUM. The Hour(lirt-ct to my WaruhoiiBo wllliout going tYorli, ond ix twiH.iqiifiitly liad nt 11M 1 j.ric

Muri'hmitn nnd nlliorn tliroii(;lirmt tills sor country will find it to lln-ir advonln^o io dralmih mi1, an I can nsaai-c tlicin « Imtkr arifdttho nijuvo lirnmi u( Il-mr, nt lus» tspuimu ththey cnt. jtrouuro it In Now York.



Richard Pearce,MUUSOII'B


OnlcM for Tuning and Repairing of fltnoForlcs, Organs, Mclodcaun, at.J otlier kinds ofMuilcul Instruments, in New Jersey and Ncir-Yurk Clly promptly dttonded lo. Plimoa keptin Tone by tlic year nt tils Eultow.

Mnsical Instrnraonts Bonght&SoM,

Piano Fortes, Organs & MelodeoM,

F r o m IS Uollurf to 1MIO Dollkr*.

EScnd far a Circular and Prlcss:Addrcea,

W. S. WBIf lHT " " PQTKIl, if. J.

For Sale,A Tn-fi-horNo HnrinK Wi>K«n linwly painted. Tor

,alu ch"Dii. liiinuirti nl tlio Ktnvo Kluru or•U J \V TAYLOIl, ni Hlnnlm

Old NewspapersTor Hnlo nt thlu Oftk'R nt Gil da. p«liimdrod.

ORAM, HAN0E & CO.P O R T O1=t.J&JML, 3STs ff.


CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE,Mining Materials of all Muds.


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.„ ALSO, DEALER IK

L TJ 3VE 33 S3 3Ft A N D COJK.XL..

STOVBST ^STOVES! 1Great Reduction in Prices at the Now Tin Storo at Port dram.

]Iftvln|;Jiist njcolvuiln!nrgOHf(ic](i]ftil(ivcn (i LMITV tl ULW prrjT.rcd io tell nt

All t inil . of llio vc-rj inlcHl ipjiln of

Cooking Stoves, Pnrlor imA llwitins Stores, nnnges, &c.

Tinware, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,•r.-mA.T* i t s , TH-OXTG-HS, tftio*

A very Hue umutincnt of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &c.And ii Tnvfefy ofof fior ariielea imttnlly Itopf in a ircll Buppltal Tin Store.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGNtmlly iloiio and piumptty nttcmlpa fo. We gtutnintoc io (;ivo fintiiifa-tlan:

FALL. Special Attention. WINTER



1 AT HE WSON'S,Jor. Tan Houten & 146,148,150 & 152 Mainrst.

The Stock is the largest and most varied inkind and quality n the STATE of


DRESS DEPARTMENTS,Mourning Goods, Silks, Shawls, Cloaks,


Domestics, Wollens, Table Linens and BlanketsWILL EESIAIN AT LA31' SEASONS PEICES.


Tlio Dross and Cloak Making- Department"Will continue uudcr tlic enccossrid miiiingoiuout ot

Miss II- S

i l l goods »olil a£ uniform l>icK>, nuil limrkca in l>Mu flguics, trom ivliidx ihcto nil

1 E o KTO

N Ti*—V S Transfer Coneb will convoy iiossciigiiia to auj fconl tho Dopob tooraon'", uud for oil trains nu J}. L. £ W. K. H.

KEW .TEKSEY JUDLAXD RAILWAY5«-orr r « MnL OM Etiuils lov Mlc, Interest nml Frbwippl l>»™Uc in flola. rriie5c. unj iiOL'tuctl interest.




D R E S S G O O D S ,lilack and Colored Alpacas,

^ From 2G CcutH up j

Pnrimiiittiis, very wide,At 371 CcntH pur yard J cliuice colors.

Empress Cloths and Merinos,Very Cheap.

Ladies' Vests and Drawers,Men's Under Wear,

A L L A T R E D U C E D P R I C E S .In fact, w..-onV'rgrc[itluducotiic:i(4 to CA«1I CiiHtonior* tn our Wliolc.alo tiae nt QoO&M,

Dry Goods,Groceries,


Carpets,Oil Cloths.

Iron and Steel for Mining Purposes, and Jessup's Axe Steel,• Powder, Safely Fuse, Ac?



fOfl TUB . ,


Han tlic LnrgcMt anil Most Extensive Stock of

Foreign and Domestic Dry GoodsCOLORED DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS.


Cloths, Cassimeres, Worsted Plaids, Delaines..

Shawls, Flannels and Worsted Goods.A LAHdE AND EXTENSIVE ASSOBtSIENT OF



White and Grey Blankets,OIL CLOTHS AND DOOR MATS,




. Cannot be Excelled in DOVER..

Lister's and Allcntown GrounaBouo SupcrphosptlAift. pfLime, Clovcv aud. Timothy Soed, Iilni(!t

Cement nnd Piaster, &c. ;Tho LaiHes miJ a^ntlumeii will ploMO bear Iu ulinO. Ulftt It.. J". nobctU"


"Tbovriy bust lo tUo Woclflr i and sn»ael\il to


SCISSORS AND RAZORS,Klfts">t of FiiJfib ntid Kern of ililfiB.

' 6iio mo i tell, I am Donna Iu SEtX Hit EEK) m O I T r ffim nnj-ollior homo In l ie oitr-

Blackwell-street, Dover, N. J .

E. Hairhouse & Bro.,

Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry— AND—

X> ^7V _^- R . DEIAlways on liaud, a I'ine Assortment Ql



And Jewelry of Every DescriptionlRepairihg'-Executed with Neatness


Cun.BorKivui-L 4 Sl-utiu\STBKETH. UOIEII, N'. J .

Page 4: a H A R N E S, V...tli'tncn riB Bali unjfii, WIW M rt'imtntlini for hnnoBty Hilly nxliiiiit our nlm-h i.r f*«i


ix'. Manufacturer or

Wholosalo and Retail;

'lospcd Stri't-t, Dover, N. J

(.'unnlniitty un hantl tlio largcil and pviri'it

S T O C K O F L A R Du «f fnn

t Pounds to 100 Pounds,nt Whnh'Hiih' uml llutnil. AW, a larjto quantity


I'ork J>y (lie Barrel,ol M-.lVVU!tKriUn:R, wan-antoil

•-!OI> l ' m n u l s l u Hie l l n r r e l .


I'iclilcil anil inolicil Hums,In ijiiaiititirnln Hiiil piuchnarr*, JO-f

For Sale Olieap,V PIANO. PnVo $M. £ « .

i|ilir.< nt J>u:v'ii Miiiuu Hturo, UHTIT.


Sole A^e'iit for Dover,

Ricd's: Cplojjrateil

M!NCErMEAT!The Best in tho Market!

Ii of li t

BestjSelectecl BEEFAnd tUo

J~-i . ? / r*.v "

Choicest. New Fruits !Thin Hfibralwl Mlncc-Mcat han l ira)

tlinrnUKlily tried liy uoiiie oflliu bunt fnmilira In

«•--•• r f ' ; tills City,

Pronounced Excellent!TRY IT ! !



, If. J.

T. P^Skelleiiaer, - • Prop'r

TriindVnTiil thn ytuMk' |{i>»orally. Hint ho linn veryism'.-li onl i r -^1 ami grvtsLly bn£twcil . wknbvriirI.LIO1VU ftH ti lU

Con, ULACKWUI. AXI> Susses an,

D O V B R , ivr ar.,





B SO HO and OT E

- S - S ,Carpets,


Mining MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,




FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.UacctnborSl, 1B70: 1-ljr

George Feder,Merchant

Tailor,in r u , Hxnrri , ncxl tioor io TVliIUock &



ll.iijiwt fl.iisliMiHtwWngliliiHtorowiiJi

W I N T E R GOODS,Wlilrl


Superiori ty of Material ,

Y.wv KTuro iilTiiri'tl.

T i l l ; CJ-SJLISIlltATKl)

E. C. BURT'SLadies, Misses and Children's

SHOES,Warrant.-ii nliv.iyn to lit. ure to In- found lu

lliis Shue in thu {.Ti'atei.1 l.rofiihkmtil' iityK-H "tit! iii'MaiirL'nii'iitfl,

lu-iipcr tli.Hi at any otlu-r Storein .tlni-rli CHiiiii].

Rubber Boots & ShoesA u . U v r r r m u r . n tliu line fotni tW niont

li"l>uhr Mniniluuliirur*.



Ki'xt ID Wunliillgtult IJ.iU Uuililill

_ Morristown, N.

Mrs. A. BeemerFashionable

Fancy GoodsKi'lt doi»r to I[[iii1tmi8i!'n Jcwolrv fiUirii,

Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J

n-id iiiTihw prnpurerl inr rnckn Ti«iTliun

Iiiii'nnriinminurri'nnrlfoelioaUliiHuiiciiiialodiKtuollnnt NtnlilfH »ro at Incljod to tlio prom ftp Il llratelnsn h imou t s ni-n kepi Mr hire

T .

i i" mmt (ujjpjrpf.niiy ot iiorcitalilinlnaont in tho

Rlmiitci In Ritiwtpd upon thn most etc vat oilj,-..und in Morris count: , and enn writtently an *>

Ktuollnnt NtnlilfH »ro at Incljod to tlio picul llra-telnsn him-outs ni-n kepi Mr hire.

T . P - B&BLLESl S J 1


Machine nnil I r o n Company,


•Manufacturers of

lllcnm Engine*, Boltcrn ami nil of Ji-'.iincry. :.

Oils [ilpo cut nnH fltlwl to ordor.

Iron and Brass Castings

(>f iiU doHcriptinns furnished promptly,

l'wtivutnr attention given id

i •-* . . - • . . .


W O R K .

Buio M-voufaclurcrB or UUTSON'fj

Patent Car-Pushers

UOVJ3U, i \ . J . ,

Han couslnutly nn linm! fi fine Rtork of

Cloths and Cassimeres,if tbo most fanliiotmljlo HIVICK, nntl clotho or nil

gruUte of lnatLiiiila.

Cut uml Mode to Order.and « gooil flt iTArrniiled,

Bcircfy-Mado Clothing,cftt (iiiBiilitlt'n, or nil BIVIPH UUH prices, fnmi

ivlilcli cau l>o uciccUnl ,

SUITS FOR MEN,Boys and Children,

Genllemens' Furnishing Goods,ofovory tlascription,


JBiTMy priced O N tlio Imvpst, mul I .l.rfy oonipotiilun-fn (he nmh0 kucl BBIO of in.r IJOOIIH.

CEO. ri:i>i:u.Jlocombcr Sltli, 1S70.

M. & I. Searing,ACARPENTERS,

and BUILDERS,Ih.AruVr.i.1. ST. ,

DOVISH, X. ,T.PUuRanil Rirfflflcatidos for Imlldingii, Contracts

taVnn ami luatcrlnlH fiiniinlK'il.

Jobbing in General.DM»infx!f 3Uli 1H70.. ] . i T r ,


inli^T ^K'fiflur^ in noiiMniifj lior frrnirl mill tlirI'nl.ii.-ll.ut HI-CIIHH tliuWi;e«t ntur-It nnil IIU.H

Ji-lr tis-n-.-rttni'iil i'f Milliiwrv mid FaitIs to bo found in D..VOI-. tlio nn'iut licaiitirul

Fail and Winter Styles

H A T SA full liu" nr

Feathers & Flowers,Sash Ribbon and Bows

of tin' Intcht fitvloo, nml n fiuu un^flrtmoiit ut

Ohlgnons, Switches,Braids and "Roils

Also, n Brent vnriuty aT

Zephyr Goods,nml the uatinl vnrlcly of

Ladies' Furnishing GoodsWith tlin !<rst innturfal (inrt innat romp*tent aniKlnntK, niiil n limj- <-siit>iit)in-*> in llm bnninencflotit-r >>ursrlvt'H Tnllv i>rqnvi;il in inert Hirttiaiiilaof ottr iiati-ou»Vn>»il>H,v t\nt\ r-ntisfueto

c~~~c co o o


Scrauton and Loliigc a .&. L ,

At (In. l.nwi'sl Marki't IMicc.IVIiolcsiiIo mid EC ot nil.AH KizraCiinstiiuHr oiiUnml.

• ,A!»o,

Heal Estate Agent.J ^ anlcrr, icfdvcil »t m.v oftlci' oil

Black-well Street,UOVKll, N. J .



2O Building LotsInr partli'itkn inquire ,1 tbi, n.>l

Asr.vjrot ..

A. BEEMER.Dnvcr. Oi-I. C. lfl?l.





Dover, N. J.

Orders for Sawing and PlaningI'rarjiitl.r circiitcd.

W. 0." D0N0GHUE.fc'ooli, Stationery and

NEWS DEALER,Cnr. ninnlnrcll mid Sussex streets, uppo-

aito t l io MuiiKioii l lut isd, Dover , N . J .Cniwinnllv on lnud rtnily ami weekly inner•

niulull of lUo iradiiiK Monthly 3laKaKliii4t srntjy ninil ti> nny j art «rtlio Uni(cilHtafcHnilOHUTBliy mnil iirnmpt).' uttctidL-il to,

SuhscriiitimiB iv>f<i>li-cil liy tho wcclt or mnntli.TIftvltij* a larf^u nml woll HrK'ntoil stuck i.! Mclio i[><>1(R, llliiiik iUii.i'u, nml Jiiim.-u!uiiooiiH 1»I1J1(CH-

t'oitijiriiiiiii; Xdto IIOI'AI un]i, I'.ill Cup, 1'diil Unit,Initial tuiit Vrcneli in Oclnro. wmilil n«pcftfullrciillyimruhciitinntnttio fu-t tluil 1 mil soiling

him DlnukB t.f I.'IP lutcst Kow Jcrwyform in grciil viirit't.^. •

'Music &Oliis?.c«lIns( ruiiicntsA Specialty.

P. H. Hoffman,Morcllant Tailor,

Morristown, N. J.

GARMENTS OF ALL KINDSinfitio mi in tlio

BEST MANNER1)11(1 most

Fiisliionablo Styles,

Itciisoiinblc Prices.A liiruu utoyk nf

Jlotlis and Oassimeres,uiiMlnntl.T <ni linn<l, wli ,rli lvlil \K rciiill.-d I.y tl

ynnl VITV rhi'uii, mid c„t for tiiutiu vhu ivitli fr.of dmi-yV. Alvu,

Hhi r ix , C o l l u i x , TU-fl, ( ; i o v o ^ S M ^

pen<1 era , I'lidci-.shii'lft,

Drawers, &c.

P. H. Hoffman.SrurriBtowii, Jnn. 1.170. fi-lvr

F R E S H F R U I T S ,

Oranges, Lemons,Figs,

Apples, Raisias,CITI1ON,

1'iire CuiircrlioimrltH, Kntn of nil Mmlr, lllr.lHccil, clmii'u UrauilA Hi-tjnre, rainOr Mn<lliiuv«,I'illH mid r instc r», u t


Dr. H. B. eHAMBUE,

Apothecary,Ulckeraon Street,

Opposite It. II. Depot

OIT..-rH for KMO a well m-lrc-liil uinrli o r




And Fancy Articles

Hardwire, Stoves, &c.


S T O V E and T I NT O R E ,

Next iloor to tin' Po:tt Otlioc where uiuyUu fo-.uiil

BASHES,Hot Air Furnaces,


COOKING "STO YES,ot nil 1:1ml* nml d.^iTinlii.tia; uk> a Ursc nB«url-

llll'Slt llf


Tin Itoufiiit;, I'uvt'H, TrongliH,

[HiI up, and j'rtiiiluK iirnUiiltitlH [lromi'llv iittciul-i)(l tu ; also, a npl( iwliil tituu); nf

Lamps Lanterns & Lamp Fixturesitntitlynn liiind. lu nivtovrT.vlliiiiKfdiuul i nn

As Cheap as the Cheapest,v.i' tU'fv fiiiuintitloii cither in work or prlccii.

Sl.ATlXCi A Hl»l-:c:iAI/rY,nil timv |HT|i:m-.l lo slnl B liinrw.irtililiiiulB In thecst lntiiLur, tt llm wln'i-i-Ht imtii:>;.

Petei* Many.Dover, Jim. 7.1S71. n-ly

Stoves. Stoves.THE 6T,r> STANI".>,

UNION HALL HIDINGOpjiutltu tlio ToBt Oflleo, Duvcr,

Hot Air Ftimaoes,if Ilir Inlt'Hl nml 1110M iuiprnvnl Htylot, fnrtrnmii ' ImMii* mill iirivntn luilldinpN. A lar^u DH


STOVES, RANGESAf. Al«u n vui-Wf of

Eating House,THOS. IIOMTIIO - - I'miirltlor,

p u r w u Dtniai, Botun.

Oysters and Clamsin ivii'y Btylo,

I t n w , S l i i n i l , I ' l ict lBliOBo""!"1

Ojn •« Ii? «III;1I.Bnlo .i>r n-lull, l ' ;^"^"

-' 'the Dover"Woklto're" lIVHNESS MIKINGjffi Si',,.";:..":. i> rAuiiisiiMiA'f


"""Hoi-seBlailkets,lluffnli*- RO)I«H, Wolf ltoDcs .

Fox Robes,

n i rvnc.ll n v 1 6IIV 1 MUCKS TO KI-IT TUB TIMES.

Guns and'Ievolvers, jTrwiUs, t'-anict iings.Vullsc*Metallic I'urtHiifjrii, shot, llcut P]iurlii)K 1'tmiU-i'* \ Hi t'llOlM, t \ ( ' .

HID..'.-, Cilrry-Onnlm, ( W I I B , ninl IloriOAH Kinil« of l i i i i ' i m m c • Kuiivi!.. ;-!I«IIII;VH, ('1

Physicians' PrescriptionsCarefully cnmiiotmtlrtl nt nil hours.

Sweedish LeechesCunstMitly on hniiil.







I.I'.Ani:HB. nml nil kimlR or JnlibJnj; in my Iiout' In tlio liral nmiiiFr mill nt tlio .Imrtc.i nIlirp. liveliest in-ii'iii jinia ulil lrmi.

Cii|ij|..r lend inia in-wtiT tnkai in uxLlialiL.Q figumla. h

M-iEXAKDEE WIUUTON.lln-P'iltll, 1M71I. l_ljT i

T IE li

Hardware StoreVoorliocs Brothers,


Hardware, Iron & Steel

MELODIONSAt Less than NEW Y03K Pries.

B O O K - B I N D I N G

llnli-iB rti-uivi-a ftir iMiiiiiR 1'isimB, Ornn.m nmlMclniliiHiH. tiiul nmniriHK MiiHicul Instriuiifi-tR.—

pi-iforincd 1»- a rclluLK* aiul ««[<fiu,iutrt

1. LINDSLEY & SON,Dcnlcrs in *

House Furnishingmid

Builders' .Hardware.i woiilil iinrtleulnrlj: cnll nttontion to our ox-

tumivo jtock of

Mechanics' Tools,nhlcli aro fully iriirriiiilc.1 to Iw tlio licnt.

CHEAV l 'o i t C A S H :

ll.-ii-lnri>ll Hlreet, norri-, X. .T. nOtf



COAL,Housed Serened and Delivered

At tlie Shortest JVoticc,

In quatititicii to nuit imrcbaucrii. .URI>,

Soft Conl for Blacksmiths,it tlio lowest eauli prico; anil niAoafacturcr of

common and front

Tiro Brick and Clay constantly en linnd, at

M. SIGIEB'S YAK I),O* llr.nnrs ST.', Sr.iR I1AII.HOAI>:

nlicr21,1570 l-iir

Builders' Hardware,IIECIIAKICS' TOOL!



M o r r i s t o w n , N. J.A ooniiihte htm:li of

Woollen Ware uml

Housekeeping Goods.

O E X J S S ,

r-nil JtmiufacliircrB 'Ai-tidcn Konornlly,

Wine, Cement, Plaster,Buno Doul, BniHrl'linapliRliiorLlmc, «ml nil

\ltar^ K. Viiiii-liri-N, .IKIIIDH n ., Dt'i>. 2ltli, 1870. i-iyr

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental


DncoiUTirn FAixn UANOISO, A C ,

rccaonaltlo tcmia,

COK. SLicKwru. ASII SISBRCX fiinci^fl,

I.">OVJi>H,N.tT.sUmkr Oco. r.Miard.i ft Cu.'n Store,

^ccnni icr 21tli. 1S70. •- \AyT

!ii:Ai'i'ui;t'Ami.(M dimr 1'. tlio Maiistmi Hi.lih], UIITIT.N.

J . W . S A M M I S >

ZO t J BI? O S S E ! 3F8.

C i t y M a r k e t ,


Cuiutnntly «n iinnd, nml dnlivcrcd

imy jiiu-t uf tliu i-ity,

PILES H M K ATS,Cornell mul I'iri,!,.,! :,[,.»|fi, l'rusli 1'iitli HillItiiula <>r VoK<:tnl'l*;ii • » f ' t i r BiaH.ui.Ainu, nllliiiulflitr -

POULTRY.Oraci'si iimillry tlurlnj; Hie i'


Seven IUMISOUK "Wliy

wHjj(-intnuts"(ijMJSi:, KWI-U-KY RPAVITiixjmu i-'ui-rr, J'OI;MH:II, IVJ'IFI-- jnis-i•siNt.MNK, UAIJLK, iii(uisi>i, AND IAM

I'll [ST.—It la coniiinsoil of tho inniit PIMill 1'KNf.TltATISU ll.lllidM lilioivn ill rlicilll

\ml iiihfrt by nn lu t i r ' - k IKMV \mmm.Til]111). —'J'IICIIH.? nft'lii- iMUvciriiluiiLlnni*'

thiff H,| !r«|u.|,U [„ t.. . l t iw ' i t fiHvii In tl.lh l.fliriii Mdll.-inul Ol , uhii-h lultrlcatts tlio joi

i i i o S i r F 1 " ' 1 " "1""fi'i>awlii'i|t"l|li"»*i'*y °|"1 ilfOLi|!Tll._71»iM JTcdlriiinl Oil ix need fcr

of our niiimnk xli«iil<l Ui ftiln-icnturi If wo umlliitvn them truvol « i th rigidity ami i-wa.Finn l i t In vcrv MO»11IIIIK In HH nt-lion v Itnm in- 1ill«tir tl'ir niiiiiiaf Illiu most <.f 11re.t lint" liniments ot Iho ilny.HIXTJI—Not ono (iron of tltictnro nf m e n

nr rt'il pi|»jwr fan Ito [niiiiil lu HH omni-iRitluifor WH(mliiHint IHlluiniciit .mi lmi<QiH'titi>wlihburtiH r.nd liliHtoi-H tlio nnlinnl until the IIHIHCIi n linnl mill <lricil nlmoxt to n rriHii.

HEVKSTlI.-K»Bry lwtllu k VVAIUIAKTO);lvo noml intisfiu-tioii or rour nnnmv will lieflimldll. Thlrt HlHHVH IMUH-IllHtvulV fll.Lt lllO VIirinlors littvo rull vinilliliiiiiw hi tiits lurrarati .mill nrtivDH fur ili.)n;.vtnt1i tii.iu Hint (I. L H. Hllm (lent Uiiiiiiont In tlio n-Ki-M for liorsrw.

Holtl liy nil 1>riiKKlnU, nii.l liy22y t»)(JI(AI.BA VOUOIIT, Uovt r /S .


..,.[1 IVnllltTDllsttli'.A-nil f-: llm-Utvi-ll'ii Triiliiinn ni^j ra t im. OH*

! si,il\>i:..-'.i for Unnii'Hn. Awnin^riitinilo to order

Chas. SVlcFarlan,

Heal Estate




Liverpool & London & GlobeInsurance Co.

iiMnrnnco, Liverpool.

Fraiitlin - PIiilMlcliililii.

Hudson - - Jersey City..

lc'M - - - Neivark.



l nlw clt-nli r in Ore, Oro T.HIIIIH, Iron, Owl, A-,



Oyster HouseitESTAUHANT,

FBEI). DONALDSOJf, Prop'iWurrrn street, opiwsilo tlio Hopol,

m IIOVKR.N.,7, 'Tim Htilhcrilicr liaa rouentl? filtoil up t.


A T I N G H O U S E.rli liaM liocu ncoiU <1 in • Dijvrr for n long umD

anil m m informs llm traveling public Hutlie U fully prepnrcd to funiinh t,

Bill of Fare


Every GonTenienoe

"Sl'ffiiSi'J™ot " lc °>'P''"''"|'il»''""i'i"i


-T. T_i. Cur t i sMnnufiiclnrcr nf


Home - Colmnbus, Ohio.-

ilciictlt'Lifc, Kotvark

Choice Lots in Dover,f'ir Fiilo cheap, alas Bcveral

Houses nnd Lots, •Almi, n VP17 lino I ,


75 Acres of Land,Near Rnccnsunna.

The New Empi re - ' '

lot An, G,is &. Bahc-nnrn-

i"g Oooldii!!; Stove,THE BEST BAKING STOVE

IN THE WOULD 1. ii I*irj;f AfiMii'linpiit of other Stylo§nf Cook>i«S Sl'.vi.*, ltaiiRCH, ra r lo r Sloven, Ac.,

:0R SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, n i l iu in i tork of ,.

Cutlery,MVVoiiki,, Cniiper, r in ln ami Jop«nnod

TINWAIU3.f)jl CinIK ('flrpctH, Ijnmiin, VtiMn nnd Otli,."'. r 0 ? 0 " ; ' Mliiura, l'lntfH Anlral Oil (non-ox*

lv\l^It IN COAT...

;, Pliuu^ing inul JoW^ I!. 1111UEN ,V HON, ltoclownr, K. Z.

>anu'g Scales at innnufao


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