
A MOUSE DEER AND ELEPHANT Once upon a time, there was a mouse deer lived in a jungle. The mouse deer was aclever animal. He was also very confident. He neverbe afaird of other animals, although they were big and fierce, because he always cheated them all. One day, he walked around the jungle. Suddenly, he stopped his step. He looked at the sky. It would rain. He was frightened. He ran quickly. He didnt notice that there was a big hole in front of him. He plunged into the hole. OhIm near death ! said the mouse deer. He thought hard now to get out from the hole. He tried to jump, but he couldnt. After long enough waiting and trying, he heard the sound of heavy steps. There was an elephant came. The mouse deer invited the elephant. He told the elephant that the world was going to end. He asked the elephant to look at the sky. The sky was going to col-lapse and fall to ground. The elephant looked at the sky and he was sure, because he never looked at it before. Suddenly, the clouds are moving. The mouse deer said that it was a sign that the sky was going to fall. The elephant was frightened. The mouse deer asked the elephant to get down and safe himself in the safe place. He went down into the hole slowly. The mouse deer said that he would tell the other animals about the news. He asked to sit down.

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