
05May 200804 OSHO WORLD

Priests & Politicians

Priests & PoliticiansA



A SilentConspiracy

All your so-called spiritual people are in deep conspiracy

with the politicians. There has always been a conspiracy

between the priest and the politician, a subtle strategy to

dominate people.

Your so-called spiritual persons don't say anything against the

establishment. That does not mean that they are not political -- in fact

they are for the establishment; they are political. They never say

anything against it -- their silence is their support.

In India, we have a saying: Maunam Sammati Lakshanam -- to be

silent is a sign of agreement, not to say anything is to agree.

Karl Marx is perfectly right as far as these so-called spiritual

persons are concerned, that religion has functioned as an opium for

the people. Your so-called religious people have been teaching others

to submit to the establishment, to obey the establishment, to never go

against the established order whatever it is.

I am not a religious person, a spiritual person, in that sense. I am a

rebel. You cannot categorise me with anybody else. And, to me, life is

an organic unity; it cannot be divided, it cannot be split. I will

comment on poetry, and I will comment on politics too, because life

consists of all these dimensions.

The Pope


Adolf Hitler.

Now, this is

what I call

subtle politics.

Blessing Adolf

Hitler is simply

getting into a


getting into a



I am not a religious person, a spiritual person, in that sense. I am a rebel - Osho

'Forget the war in Iraq' - Bush

'Forget the child abuse by priests' - Pope

05May 200804 OSHO WORLD

Priests & Politicians

Priests & PoliticiansA



A SilentConspiracy

All your so-called spiritual people are in deep conspiracy

with the politicians. There has always been a conspiracy

between the priest and the politician, a subtle strategy to

dominate people.

Your so-called spiritual persons don't say anything against the

establishment. That does not mean that they are not political -- in fact

they are for the establishment; they are political. They never say

anything against it -- their silence is their support.

In India, we have a saying: Maunam Sammati Lakshanam -- to be

silent is a sign of agreement, not to say anything is to agree.

Karl Marx is perfectly right as far as these so-called spiritual

persons are concerned, that religion has functioned as an opium for

the people. Your so-called religious people have been teaching others

to submit to the establishment, to obey the establishment, to never go

against the established order whatever it is.

I am not a religious person, a spiritual person, in that sense. I am a

rebel. You cannot categorise me with anybody else. And, to me, life is

an organic unity; it cannot be divided, it cannot be split. I will

comment on poetry, and I will comment on politics too, because life

consists of all these dimensions.

The Pope


Adolf Hitler.

Now, this is

what I call

subtle politics.

Blessing Adolf

Hitler is simply

getting into a


getting into a



I am not a religious person, a spiritual person, in that sense. I am a rebel - Osho

'Forget the war in Iraq' - Bush

'Forget the child abuse by priests' - Pope

0706 OSHO WORLD MAY 2008

I am not a politician, true. But

when I see something going wrong,

I have to make people aware of it. I

have every right to speak on poetry,

although I am not a poet; I have

every right to speak on music,

though I am not a musician. But I

can show my likes and my dislikes,

I can indicate where things are


I am simply a light. And if the

light is there in the room, it lights

everything that is there -- the

furniture, the painting on the wall,

the ceiling, and everything. I am

just a light, a mirror: I will reflect

everything that is happening.

So please forget that old

division. It has really been a

compromise; down the ages, the

politician and the priest have

bargained. This has been the

bargain, that the politician will not

interfere with the priest; he will pay

his respects to the priest, to the

church. And the priest should not

interfere with the politician; he

should pay his respects to the state,

and help people to be obedient to

the state.

I am in no conspiracy, in no

contract, with anybody. I will say

things as I see them, and I don't

care whether you think me spiritual

or not. Who cares? I know perfectly

well that thousands of Indians

will be puzzled, because they think

a spiritual person should not talk

about politics. They really don't


Do you think Krishna did not

talk about politics? He not only

talked about politics -- he

participated. In fact, Arjuna was

trying to escape from the war. It

was Krishna who persuaded him,

convinced him, that it was a war

which had to be fought. Because

when it is a question of evil and

good forces, you have to be with the

good forces.

And you have to be with the

future, because the past is gone and

gone for ever. Forget all about it.

Create the future, forget that which

has been. Don't waste your time

with it: create the future.

And the future has much thrill

in it; a great adventure is awaiting

you. And this country keeps

looking backwards. This country

never looks forwards. Its golden

age has passed; it was once,

thousands of years ago. If your

golden age is in the past, then life is

going to remain a drag, because

you will be falling and falling

farther and farther away from the

golden age.

This is not a right vision of

things. The golden age has to be in

the future; it always has to be

created. Your eyes should look

towards the future. And when you

look towards the future, your

present becomes meaningful,

because then there is a possibility of

great adventure, exploration. Then

the thrill of creativity grips you,

and the soul is created through it.

I am not a spiritual person in the

ordinary sense; I am a class unto

myself. You cannot categorise and

label me with others; I represent

nobody else but myself. What you

call me -- spiritual, religious, or

anything else that you want -- does

not matter. These labels are useless.

I will go on destroying your

labels. I will keep trespassing over

your labels and your boundaries.

That's what I have always been

doing: you try to define me, and I

destroy your definition, because

any and every definition is a

bondage. And I am not here to fulfil

anybody's expectations.

And to me, to divide life is to

create a schizophrenic world.

Politics and poetry and religion and

music and painting -- are all

together. These are all dimensions

of the same life. I accept life in its

totality. Remember, life is an

organic whole, it cannot be divided;

if you divide it, you destroy it.

I believe in totality, I believe in

wholeness. To me, to be whole is to

be holy, and there is no other kind

of holiness. To me, the totality of

life is God. Worship it in every

possible way.

I am not a politician; that is not

my choice. I have far better things

to do. I am not interested in

political power, because to me,

power is never there outside. Power

is something inside you, power is

your inner reality. And to be

powerful over others is ugly,

violent. Be a master of your own

self. That is true power. And a

power that never destroys is

intrinsically creative, and a power

out of which great poetry arises.

Politics is the concern with the

outside, politics is the concern to

change the circumstances. There is

a higher world than politics; that

higher world is of spirituality. It is a

concern not with the circumstances,

ces automatically.

but with the inner space.

Change the inner space of man, and

you will be changing his

circumstances automatically.

But still, people who are trying

to change the outer circumstances

are doing something; it has its own

importance. This is not my interest.

I would not like to go into active

politics, never. I am finished with

all toys, I am not childish. That does

not mean that I cannot comment on

toys. I am not a small child to play

with toys, but if a child is playing

with toys I can comment. I can say,

"Better toys are possible." I can say,

"This toy is dangerous, don't play

with it. This toy can harm you;

don't play with it -- throw it away."

This much I can say.

So I don't become a politician

just because I have commented on

politics. And I will go on

commenting, because I cannot just

be a spectator when millions of

people's lives are going slowly

slowly into darkness, into poverty. I

cannot just be a spectator. I always

wonder -- your so-called spiritual

persons who are just spectators,

what kind of spirituality do they

have? What kind of compassion do

they have? They are cunning

people; they have made secret deals

with the politicians. They keep

quiet, and they always keep people

in such a state that they never

in such a state that they never

become rebellious, that they never

become revolutionaries.

The politicians are always afraid

of the rebels. And my sannyasins

are going to be rebels, total rebels,

against all kinds of nonsense and

stupidity, against all kinds of


My sole concern is religion, my

major concern is religion. But I will

comment on other things too,

because I take life in its totality. I

love life. To me, life means God.

But let me remind you again

that I am not a politician, and I

don't want you to become

politicians. I would like you to be

aware of the whole life as it is. And

a part of it is concerned with

politics; you have to be aware of

that too.

The Pope blessed Adolf Hitler.

Now, this is what I call subtle

politics. Blessing Adolf Hitler is

simply getting into a contract,

getting into a conspiracy.

All politicians are evil. Then

what should be done? Choose the

lesser evil.

I am not going to the masses to

tell them to vote for this or that; I

am not going into any activity. I

have far better things to do: my

energy has to remain involved with

my sannyasins. I am here to create

millions of mystics in sin the world.

That's my sole purpose, and that's

my joy and my celebration.

On the margin I am going to

comment on many things, but those

are all just marginal things. And I

am a spiritual person, not in the

sense that I am against the world; I

am a spiritual person because I

rejoice in the world. The world is

the manifestation of God.

My whole teaching is: Rejoice --

never renounce. Rejoice in the

totality of life, the wholeness of it.

Rejoice, and rejoice again.

It is natural; people have always

thought that spiritual persons have

to remain far away from worldly

affairs. To me, there is no affair

which is worldly; all affairs are the

same, all affairs belong to the one

centre. The ordinary life is also the

extraordinary life. It is only a

question of seeing, right seeing;

then even pebbles on the street are

transformed into diamonds.

I love life in its totality, as it is.

Politics is also part of it. It is not my

concern -- but because it is part of

life, I am going to comment on it.

-Osho, Unio Mystica,

Vol-2, Ch 8.

My whole

teaching is:

Rejoice -- never

renounce. Rejoice

in the totality of

life, the wholeness

of it. Rejoice, and

rejoice again.

"All politicians are evil. Then what should

be done? Choose the lesser evil." - Osho

This has been the

bargain, that the

politician will not

interfere with the

priest; he will pay

his respects to the

priest, to the

church. And the

priest should not

interfere with the

politician; he

should pay his

respects to the state,

and help people to

be obedient to the



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0706 OSHO WORLD MAY 2008

I am not a politician, true. But

when I see something going wrong,

I have to make people aware of it. I

have every right to speak on poetry,

although I am not a poet; I have

every right to speak on music,

though I am not a musician. But I

can show my likes and my dislikes,

I can indicate where things are


I am simply a light. And if the

light is there in the room, it lights

everything that is there -- the

furniture, the painting on the wall,

the ceiling, and everything. I am

just a light, a mirror: I will reflect

everything that is happening.

So please forget that old

division. It has really been a

compromise; down the ages, the

politician and the priest have

bargained. This has been the

bargain, that the politician will not

interfere with the priest; he will pay

his respects to the priest, to the

church. And the priest should not

interfere with the politician; he

should pay his respects to the state,

and help people to be obedient to

the state.

I am in no conspiracy, in no

contract, with anybody. I will say

things as I see them, and I don't

care whether you think me spiritual

or not. Who cares? I know perfectly

well that thousands of Indians

will be puzzled, because they think

a spiritual person should not talk

about politics. They really don't


Do you think Krishna did not

talk about politics? He not only

talked about politics -- he

participated. In fact, Arjuna was

trying to escape from the war. It

was Krishna who persuaded him,

convinced him, that it was a war

which had to be fought. Because

when it is a question of evil and

good forces, you have to be with the

good forces.

And you have to be with the

future, because the past is gone and

gone for ever. Forget all about it.

Create the future, forget that which

has been. Don't waste your time

with it: create the future.

And the future has much thrill

in it; a great adventure is awaiting

you. And this country keeps

looking backwards. This country

never looks forwards. Its golden

age has passed; it was once,

thousands of years ago. If your

golden age is in the past, then life is

going to remain a drag, because

you will be falling and falling

farther and farther away from the

golden age.

This is not a right vision of

things. The golden age has to be in

the future; it always has to be

created. Your eyes should look

towards the future. And when you

look towards the future, your

present becomes meaningful,

because then there is a possibility of

great adventure, exploration. Then

the thrill of creativity grips you,

and the soul is created through it.

I am not a spiritual person in the

ordinary sense; I am a class unto

myself. You cannot categorise and

label me with others; I represent

nobody else but myself. What you

call me -- spiritual, religious, or

anything else that you want -- does

not matter. These labels are useless.

I will go on destroying your

labels. I will keep trespassing over

your labels and your boundaries.

That's what I have always been

doing: you try to define me, and I

destroy your definition, because

any and every definition is a

bondage. And I am not here to fulfil

anybody's expectations.

And to me, to divide life is to

create a schizophrenic world.

Politics and poetry and religion and

music and painting -- are all

together. These are all dimensions

of the same life. I accept life in its

totality. Remember, life is an

organic whole, it cannot be divided;

if you divide it, you destroy it.

I believe in totality, I believe in

wholeness. To me, to be whole is to

be holy, and there is no other kind

of holiness. To me, the totality of

life is God. Worship it in every

possible way.

I am not a politician; that is not

my choice. I have far better things

to do. I am not interested in

political power, because to me,

power is never there outside. Power

is something inside you, power is

your inner reality. And to be

powerful over others is ugly,

violent. Be a master of your own

self. That is true power. And a

power that never destroys is

intrinsically creative, and a power

out of which great poetry arises.

Politics is the concern with the

outside, politics is the concern to

change the circumstances. There is

a higher world than politics; that

higher world is of spirituality. It is a

concern not with the circumstances,

ces automatically.

but with the inner space.

Change the inner space of man, and

you will be changing his

circumstances automatically.

But still, people who are trying

to change the outer circumstances

are doing something; it has its own

importance. This is not my interest.

I would not like to go into active

politics, never. I am finished with

all toys, I am not childish. That does

not mean that I cannot comment on

toys. I am not a small child to play

with toys, but if a child is playing

with toys I can comment. I can say,

"Better toys are possible." I can say,

"This toy is dangerous, don't play

with it. This toy can harm you;

don't play with it -- throw it away."

This much I can say.

So I don't become a politician

just because I have commented on

politics. And I will go on

commenting, because I cannot just

be a spectator when millions of

people's lives are going slowly

slowly into darkness, into poverty. I

cannot just be a spectator. I always

wonder -- your so-called spiritual

persons who are just spectators,

what kind of spirituality do they

have? What kind of compassion do

they have? They are cunning

people; they have made secret deals

with the politicians. They keep

quiet, and they always keep people

in such a state that they never

in such a state that they never

become rebellious, that they never

become revolutionaries.

The politicians are always afraid

of the rebels. And my sannyasins

are going to be rebels, total rebels,

against all kinds of nonsense and

stupidity, against all kinds of


My sole concern is religion, my

major concern is religion. But I will

comment on other things too,

because I take life in its totality. I

love life. To me, life means God.

But let me remind you again

that I am not a politician, and I

don't want you to become

politicians. I would like you to be

aware of the whole life as it is. And

a part of it is concerned with

politics; you have to be aware of

that too.

The Pope blessed Adolf Hitler.

Now, this is what I call subtle

politics. Blessing Adolf Hitler is

simply getting into a contract,

getting into a conspiracy.

All politicians are evil. Then

what should be done? Choose the

lesser evil.

I am not going to the masses to

tell them to vote for this or that; I

am not going into any activity. I

have far better things to do: my

energy has to remain involved with

my sannyasins. I am here to create

millions of mystics in sin the world.

That's my sole purpose, and that's

my joy and my celebration.

On the margin I am going to

comment on many things, but those

are all just marginal things. And I

am a spiritual person, not in the

sense that I am against the world; I

am a spiritual person because I

rejoice in the world. The world is

the manifestation of God.

My whole teaching is: Rejoice --

never renounce. Rejoice in the

totality of life, the wholeness of it.

Rejoice, and rejoice again.

It is natural; people have always

thought that spiritual persons have

to remain far away from worldly

affairs. To me, there is no affair

which is worldly; all affairs are the

same, all affairs belong to the one

centre. The ordinary life is also the

extraordinary life. It is only a

question of seeing, right seeing;

then even pebbles on the street are

transformed into diamonds.

I love life in its totality, as it is.

Politics is also part of it. It is not my

concern -- but because it is part of

life, I am going to comment on it.

-Osho, Unio Mystica,

Vol-2, Ch 8.

My whole

teaching is:

Rejoice -- never

renounce. Rejoice

in the totality of

life, the wholeness

of it. Rejoice, and

rejoice again.

"All politicians are evil. Then what should

be done? Choose the lesser evil." - Osho

This has been the

bargain, that the

politician will not

interfere with the

priest; he will pay

his respects to the

priest, to the

church. And the

priest should not

interfere with the

politician; he

should pay his

respects to the state,

and help people to

be obedient to the



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