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A2 Media George Joyce

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Film Trailers

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Sound: No music added to the trailer helps to add an element of realism to the horror experience and forces the

audience to focus on the other sounds of the trailer as they are more emphasised . The sounds are exaggerated so that they stand out and are more powerful. The footsteps and heavy

breathing of the firemen furthers the feelings of realism and helps the audience to emerge themselves further into the film. The heavy breathing and loud footsteps have denotations of movement and being out of breath, hints that the people being shown have gone through heavy exercise such as running. However it is not clarified from what they have been running either from or who bringing the fears of the unknown to help set the scene and captivate the audience (on a subconscious level).

Use of sounds such as static and ringing to enforce the captions of text to keep the pace of the trailer and sustain interest. This relies on the audience to make the connections with the every day sound and the images being shown further enhancing the realism of the film trailer.

The slight echo of the footsteps shows the characters isolation and thus adds a sense of desperation as they are deprived of outside help thus enforcing the feeling of being trapped creating a claustrophobic atmosphere and increasing the level of fear through a common one.

The trailer doesn’t use any dialogue, this helps to keep the audience confused but still intrigued. The only sound that is spoken is the scream that the little girl makes when the light focuses on her. The sudden scream makes the audience jump as well as hints that something has gone terribly wrong and children/woman are not exempt from what ever horror as fallen upon the people in the trailer further adding to the fear.

Directly following the scream muffled shouting is heard showing the reaction to the scream. This adds to the realism of the trailer as the audience are reacting similarly to the actors in the trailer. Making the shouting unclear adds fear through using the fear of the unknown. This also helps to add to the mystery of what will happen in the film attracting people to the film to find out what happens to the people shown in the trailer.

REC (2007)

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REC (2007)

The trailer opens up with this shot where there are two ambiguous figures moving towards the tilting camera. The shot uses the lighting to emphasise them. The characters are moving away from the light and into the darkness hinting towards a bad journey as light connotes safety and warmth and darkness connotes fear and the unknown

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REC (2007)

The camera slowly tilts to upright where the two figures are closer to the camera and are shown more clearly however their appearance is still ambiguous thus they hold an air of mysteriousness and keeping the audience unsure and as such intimating them. The two characters appear to be professionals going off of their costumes. The helmets and visors they are wearing dentate heavy and dangerous work thus hinting towards danger in the trailer, and the red in the helmet connotes violence and blood thus further suggesting that there is impending danger.

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REC (2007)

This shot shows the characters to be male and appear distracted by something off screen. The screen goes static and fades to blackness as the strength of the static increases. The static connotes disturbance and denotes that something is wrong thus again hinting that all is not well and the trailer is piling on the tension used to help attract audiences.

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REC (2007)

The static stops and the caption “LAST YEAR EMERGENCY SERVICES RECEIVED OVER 23 MILLION CALLS” fades onto the screen. This makes the cut from the characters to the caption appear continuous and smooth. The caption continues to fade in until the white used in the text becomes brighter and thus using a light against dark contrast so that it is easily read and gains the attention of the audience. After the colour has been made more dominant the caption begins to steadily grow in size thus drawing even more attention to itself. The caption itself is strategically placed in the centre of the screen where audiences tend to focus most of their attentions to and thus being in the audiences centre of focus.

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REC (2007)

The caption soon begins to fade as the static comes into the shot, thus keeping to theme of a disturbance as well adding a sense of familiarity as a result of this the audience is easily abled to follow what information is giving to them and not get confused. The static ends and fades into an action shot where the camera is in the point of view of someone, whilst running a flight of stairs following the charterers before know seen as firemen, thus being a easy way to immediately up the tempo and pile on the tension. This allows the audience to bring their own associations that follow them such as danger however it also add a sense of security as they are sent to rescue people in need, this further supports that something has gone wrong and as a result specialist were called to save them.

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REC (2007)

The trailer repeats the use of the static and fading away to a caption informing the reader. This continues to familiarise the audience with trailer creating a short bond between the audience and the trailer, as a result of this people will be more enticed to watch the movie. The fading in and out of scenes helps to change scene to show different sections of the film that have been selected to ensnare viewers and highlight aspects of the film. In the trailer there are two stories being told the story of the firemen and the story of the captions that link up together to

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REC (2007)


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Sinister (2012)


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Film Posters

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REC (2007) Poster (portrait)

The lighting on the picture is coming down on to the female, thus leaving shadows that cover sections of her body, hiding sections and making her appear ambiguous thus leaving people unsure of her appearance as a result of this people can’t make a certain conclusion of the person displayed thus leaving them in the dark reflecting the image, consequently the poster is engaging with the audience. The picture is a high definition photo of a female who has gone through an unpleasant experience giving her rough exterior thus adding a foreboding element to the poster to help generate hype for the film thus fulfilling the point of the poster. The feminine character’s hair is wet either with sweat thus denotation a heavy exercise hinting that they have either been trying to escape something or capture something, or water that has the denotations of cleansing thus suggesting that the character has been cleansed of their naivety or innocence as a result of their experience and has connotations of life thus having her covered in life could be mean she is being used to represent life and having her appearing rough could be suggesting that life will struggle throughout the film .

Static effect from trailer added to the poster keeps a consistency running throughout , so that the effect becomes a link between their media products. The static denotes a disturbance thus hinting that there is something wrong taking place.

The poster brings emphasis to the directors of the movie, by having their names in bold thus redirecting the audience focus to tertiary focus to help the poster to appeal to fans if his work and use his name to broaden the hype that the film generates.

The caption “EXPERIENCE FEAR” makes a statement about the film and it’s genre which is obviously horror. The caption “EXPERIENCE FEAR” breaks the fourth wall by engaging with people by directly talking to them and telling them what to expect. This also sets up a challenge for the film and build expectations. The way in which the title is displayed, within straight brackets and next to the record symbol mirroring the title of the film by using the universal symbol for record. Thus hinting towards the nature of the film and its handheld camera footage there . The title of the film is written in all capitols so that they stand out and are easily read, this is further reinforced by the colour of the title , white, creating a light on dark contrast to put emphasis on the title.

The poster has added in an Easter egg of a screaming face in the female’s eye, as a result of this the poster will become a topic of conversation thus helping the film to generate hype and spread word of the film. The screaming face has connotations of fear and strong emotions thus hinting towards the genre of the film as well as reinforcing the caption “EXPERICANCE FEAR”.

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Sinister (2012) Poster (Landscape)

The lighting on the picture is on the girl’s back showing she is moving away from the light and into the darkness. Using the connotations of light life, safety and warmth and dark death, danger and cold to send a message to the audience of the poster that the innocent girl is turning from light to dark. Further reinforced by he connotation of a children, innocent and pure and the female connotation of care and warmth. The girl’s face and appearance is not looking at the audience but straight ahead thus adding a sense of unknown about her and making her ambiguous. The character’s attire of pyjamas shows she is not prepared and furthers the helpless image that the poster presents her as, this combines with the fact the she is a young female and the people’s common perception of the gender and age of being unable to take care of themselves and relying on other people e.g. men and parents.

The poster is advertising the fact that the producers have produced two well known supernatural films “Paranormal Activity” and Insidious“ this is used to help broaden the people who will be interested in seeing the movie. The text is in white so that there is a minute contrast between the writing and the greyish background, this is so that the text is readable but is not so prominent that it immediately gains the attention of the people viewing the poster. The location of the text helps to keep the poster cantered and also I a position that is noticeable.

Background appears to decaying shown through the cracking and growing mould hinting towards uncaring and abandoned locations with connotations of loneliness and despair. As well as fitting with the codes and conventions of horror movie settings of uninhibited and desolate places out of the way from civilisation thus out of the way from help. As a result of this people are further led to believe that the characters are helpless to what will happen to them.

By adding a quote on the poster the movie is presenting the information that the movie is “”TERRIFIYING” so that fans of horror movies and other freight enthusiasts will be attracted to watch it. The caption also uses emotive phrases, “TERRIFYING, SCARE,HELL”, that further distinguish this poster to be about a horror movie through the codes and conventions thus helping it to make a distinction of it’s genre whilst also attracting fans of the horror genre.

Gruesome image staring at viewers of the posters helps to connects them to the poster as the picture is interacting with them. The result of this is people will be more inclined to watch something that they already feel a part of. The image is made up of two colours white and black, two colours that are at either end of the colour spectrum, with contrasting connotations of good and evil thus hinting towards the inevitable clash between good and evil that will feature in this movie. The image is has a decaying effect so that it suits the background and general appearance of the poster that is being presented to audiences.

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Sinister (2012) Poster (Landscape)


Broken film wheel hints towards plot of the story, as well as fitting in with the theme of destruction and despair. By having the film reel broken and destroyed foreshadows events in the film in which the characters lives are broken and destroyed as a result of a supernatural being which is also hinted at by the gruesome image in the centre of the poster. The film reel is out of the towards the edge of the centre thus, it is not the most important feature of the poster but more a prop used to help reinforce both the appearance as a spooky, derelict and abandoned setting as well as give a minor hint to the plot of the story.

The title of the film is situated above the most prominent feature of the poster, the gruesome picture , so that the after the attention has drawn towards the picture their attenti9on is refocus on the title of the movie. Thus the title is relying on using a strong image to help bring attention on the poster and the title being just above will inform them of the title of the film in which the image is surly related to. The title’s font sixe is clearly the largest on the poster, this makes the tile both easily readable and draws attention to it. This also helps people who only briefly look at the poster as they will be effortlessly able to recall the title of the film. The title is written entirely in capitol letters, thus again highlighting itself on the poster and making reading and recall easy. There is a clear gap between the letters so that the letters themselves are easily distinguished from each other. The title is written in black thus adding a clear contrast between the light background helping to make the tile is easily readable as well as having connotations of death thus further reinforcing the underlying message of the poster of struggles between light and dark .The spacing in the title also helps to emphasise the effects adding onto them. By adding a shadow effect the title appears more eerie as well as more pronounce thus more appealing to the fans of the horror genre. The tile has also altered so that it appears to being dragged down or pulled into the gruesome picture hinting that the creature in the image is powerful as well making the title appear more unnerving and disturbing to people who view the poster

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Caption “THEIR COMING” anchors the picture above to the poster. The caption is both warning the viewers of a impending threat and enticing them as their interest will be picked by the warning. This also gives information about the type of film “30 Days of Night” is by providing just enough information via a warning to help present the film as a horror. The image above the caption fits it in with the text, as the picture has a group thus representing “THEIR” and by having the people figures ambiguous adds a sense of mystery and presents the “COMING” as they are in the background and appear to be “COMING” towards both the central characters who have armed themselves thus linking the two images together as well coming towards the viewer of the poster.

30 Days of Night (2007) Poster (portrait)

Quote “FAST, BRUTAL AND TOTALLY UNSTOPPABLE” from critic used to help persuade people to view the movie. The location of the quote being in the top left of the portrait poster do that attention is subtly taken away from the centre of the magazine. The quote is in bold and capitals so that it is easily read and stands out against the noir background of the poster by using a light on dark colour contrast.

The poster also provides information of the films previews, thus it is informing viewers of necessary information and fulfilling the essential criteria of a poster which is providing snippets of information so that people are able to identify the film and create interest which is further capitalized on via the colour scheme, pictures etc. the black writing helps to contrast with the bright red background so that is easily readable reinforcing the effect of making the text in capitols.


There is no lighting on the picture so that it mirrors that of the title of the film 30 Days of Night keeping within the theme of light and darkness. Also by having no light on the characters it is telling the viewer that the characters are in a situation of death, despair and misery by the connotations of the grey and black of the picture thus hinting towards the tragic situation the those characters will find themselves in the film. The characters are prepared for what is “COMING” shown through their arming themselves with weapons, gun and axe having connotations of violence and labour, hinting that despite what is happening the characters will keep some power in the film as they are able to defend themselves. This is further reinforced by the characters attention being focused elsewhere and not being on the viewer of the poster, showing the characters dedication and seriousness towards their surviving thus hinting towards the plot of a horror survival film. The image also helps to present the image of a cold, dark and isolated setting where the characters are on their own. The coldness of the poster comes from the colourless grey tint of the pictures having hints of neutral in the fight between the soon to be predator and prey. The coldness is reinforced by the snowy weather and in the pathetic fallacy of showing the extreme cold that is snow. Their isolation is shown through the broadness of the location in the picture and the unobstructed view out into the storm.

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Magazine Cover

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SCARS 2006 – present

Gruesome picture

Gruesome picture

Gruesome picture

Gruesome picture

Gruesome picture

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Website – further promoting the magazine


Film reel, with movies – fits with movie magazine

Things included in magazine - help advertise its goods

Magazine information

Gruesome picture

Website – further promoting the magazine

Main feature of the magazine linking with picture

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Questionnaire Trailer For the following questions please circle your answer. If you change your mind please put a line through your answer and circles another answer.

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Questionnaire Magazine

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Questionnaire Poster

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Questionnaire General

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Character Names

Male Lance Christo Max Court Alan Kone Admah (means bloody and red Hebrew) Acwel/Acwellen (means kill – English) Aliah (means evil, iniquity) Braeden (means from the dark valley) Bran/Brendan (means raven/little raven )

Female Helan prime Azalia (means god has spared Jewish) Adriana/Adrienne (means dark one) Darcy (means dark) Kerri (means dark and mysterious) Svetlana ( means of the light) Rebecca (means to bind/tie)

When planning for my trailer I decided to brainstorm names and separate them into two piles male and female names. Whilst brainstorming names I already envisioned names with either dark or religious meanings to them so they would fit in with the horror genre and the supernatural thus making the names appropriate for the trailer I have to produced. Whilst researching the meanings of different names, I came up with the idea of having words like “alone” and “help me” hidden amongst the names further deepening them as well subconsciously effecting the audience and sticking in their head thus making them more memorable and the trailer more powerful.

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Character Design – Protagonist Name: Alan Cone Age: 18 Gender: MaleEthnicity: Caucasian Religion: N/AOccupation: Student Status: human Personality: serious, braveFeatures Weight Nationality COSTUME COSTUME SIGNIFACANCE

Picture of Protagonist

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Character Design – Antagonist

Name: Alan Cone Age: 18 Gender: MaleEthnicity: Caucasian Religion: N/AOccupation: Student Status: human Personality: serious, braveFeatures Weight Nationality COSTUME COSTUME SIGNIFACANCE

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Target Audience Primary (TAP)


Age:15-25 Holidays•

Sexuality: • Heterosexual• Homosexual • Bisexual Occupation

• students • Assistants • Part timer• Shop workers • Hair dressers • Construction

Lifestyle• Sociable • Outgoing • Hobbies

• Going cinema • Watching films • General thrill seeks

Movies• Horror – The

Ring • Thrillers -


Music• Urban/Indie – The Kooks • Rock – Linkin Park •

Gender: Male/Female/both

Television • Crime – Criminal Minds • Thriller – Supernatural • Drama – • Horror – American Horror

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Target Audience Secondary (SAP)


Age:26 - 35


Sexuality: • Heterosexual• Homosexual • Bisexual






Gender: Male/Female/both

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Poster Basic Plan

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Magazine Basic Plan

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