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LARP Magnet R&D Program

Steve Gourlay

AARD Sub-Panel at Fermilab

February 15, 2006

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• Introduction

– Program Goals

• R&D Approach/Issues

– Materials– Fabrication

• Program Implementation

– Goals 1 – 3

• Program Management and Organization

– Risk and Risk Management

• Program Overview

– FY06 Tasks and Budget– Program Components– Resource Loaded Schedule

• Summary

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As the LHC nears completion, there is increased interest in future improvement of the accelerator complex

New magnet technology, based on Nb3Sn will be a key element in any upgrade scenario

– Challenging performance parameters• Aperture: > 90 mm

• Gradient: ~200 T/m

– Operating in a high radiation environment

Improved LHC and new technology for future applications

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Magnet Program Goals

Provide options for future upgrades of the LHC Interaction Regions

“Demonstrate by 2009 that Nb3Sn magnets are a viable choice for an LHC IR upgrade”

(Developed in consultation with CERN and LARPAC)

– Focus on major issues: consistency, bore/gradient (field) and length1.

1. Predictable and reproducible performance

SQ and TQ series (1 m, 90 mm aperture, Gnom > 200 T/m, Bcoil > 12 T)

2. Long magnet fabrication

LR and LQ series (4 m, 90 mm aperture, Gnom > 200 T/m, Bcoil > 12 T)

3. High gradient in large aperture

HQ series (1 m, 90 mm aperture, Gnom > 250 T/m, Bcoil > 15 T)

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Target Program (Phase I)

Model Magnets Type Length

(m) Gradient

(T/m) Aperture

(mm) FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09

Series Description TQ Technology Quad Cos-2theta 1 > 200 90 3N + 1R 2N + 1R

LQ Long Quad Cos-2theta 4 > 200 90 1N 1N HQ High Gradient Quad Cos-2theta 1 > 250 90 2N Supporting R&D Type Length

(m) Peak Field

(T) Aperture

(mm) FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09

Series Description SQ Sub-scale block 0.3 10 – 11 110 1N + 1R 1N + 1R 1N + 1R 1N

SR Short Racetrack block 0.3 10 – 12 N/A 1N 1N 1N

LR Long Racetrack block 4 10 - 12 N/A 2N

N = New Magnet R = Revised Magnet using existing coils

Integrated, 3-lab collaboration - BNL, FNAL, LBNL

Phase II – Focused prototype development2009 - 2012

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R&D Approach

The initial program is structured around the issues related to development of a technology base necessary to meet LARP requirements

Program is based on recent progress in the core programs

LARP augments continuing work in core programs with focused development on LARP specific issues

Main areas of focus: Conductor/cable, length scale-up, support structures, fabrication techniques

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Materials R&D

• Development requires constant

monitoring by LARP materials group

– Strand R&D

• Heat treat studies/strand characterization

• Extracted strand studies in support of cable work

– Cable R&D

– Conductor Procurement

• Close ties with DOE Conductor Development Program (CDP)

– CDP has been instrumental in getting LARP started

• Developed and provided high performance material

• Continued R&D (high risk development outside LARP)

Two goals for the Materials group

Provide “workhorse” material for magnet program

Support R&D program for development of future LARP material(augmented with significant core

program support)

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Early focus . . . combine the best of the best from the core programs

Exchange of coil fabrication tasks for TQ’s between FNAL and LBNL

– Improved techniques– Improved documentation

Long Racetrack program

– Technology exchange between LBNL and BNL

• Length scale-up

– Reaction

– Impregnation

– Handling

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Program Implementation

• Design Studies– Provide input on magnet parameters

and lay groundwork for the program – broad range of activities

• Supporting R&D

– Wide range of technical issues related to fabrication and operational parameters

– LR, SQ, SR• Verify analysis models• Performance related issues• Materials development• Support structure development

• Materials Support

– Provide sufficient quantities of well-characterized material

– Support R&D on ultimate material

• Model Magnet R&D

– Integrate input from other three areas to produce magnets with parameters relevant to LARP goals

– TQ, LQ and HQ

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Goal #1 Predictable and Reproducible Performance

• Sub-scale Quadrupoles (SQ)

– Conductor evaluation– Analysis validation

• Technology Quadrupoles (TQ)

– 90 mm aperture– Gradient > 200 T/m– Explore alternate structures

using “identical” conductor– Basis for scale-up







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Goal #2 Long Magnet Fabrication

• Long Racetrack

– Coil fabrication scale-up based on well-understood sub-scale coils

– Explore scale-up of shell-based support structure

• Mirror dipole scale-up via FNAL core program

Followed by . . .

• Long quadrupole (LQ)

– 3.6 m quadrupole based on TQ cross-section

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Goal #3 High Gradient in a Large Aperture

• High Gradient Quadrupole (HQ)

– Explore ultimate performance

• Increase peak field on the coil to ~ 15 T• Precursor to larger aperture

4-layer: G=280-310 T/m

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Program Management and Organization

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LARP Magnet Program Organization

LARP Magnet ProgramS. Gourlay

Design StudiesA. Zlobin

Model Magnet R&DG.L. Sabbi

Supporting R&DG. Ambrosio

MaterialsA. Ghosh

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8

Magnet SteeringCommittee

Test Integration Group




LBNL Representative

BNL Representative

P. Wanderer



Lab representatives oversee tasks/sub-tasks at host laboratory

Magnet Steering Committee (MSC)– Define program, identify tasks and assign task managers

Lab Representatives and L2’s

G. Sabbi, A. Zlobin, A. Ghosh, G. Ambrosio, S. Gourlay, P. Wanderer, M. Lamm

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Program Management

• Advisory and Support Committees

– US Executive committee

– US – CERN committee• Good communication with CERN

liaison (Meetings/letters)

– LARP Advisory Committee

– DOE reviews

– Magnet Steering Committee (MSC)

– Ad hoc reviews (external/internal membership)

• Milestones and branch points

• Gourlay/MSC

– Define program

– Prioritize

– Budget guidance

– Assign tasks to appropriate organization

• Competencies/resources

– Monitor program

• External and internal reviews

• L2’s and task managers assemble tasks to implement program

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Risk and Risk Management

• LARP Magnet Program is very

ambitious, but . . .

– Based on success of core programs– Focus on the goals– Effective use of resources

• Technical

– Materials• Extensive materials evaluation

program• Priority on delivery of “workhorse”


– Parametric studies• Sub-scale magnets for early start

on technical issues• Increase number of tests

• Schedule

– Program planning takes into account some unforeseen delays and difficulties

• Multiple targets• Early schedule for completion• Can recover additional

schedule slip by accepting additional risk

• Reassess budget in mid-FY06– Submit modified proposal

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Program Overview

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FY06 Tasks and BudgetWBS

2 Magnet R&D Gourlay 1543 1787 2320 5650 2.1 Design Studies Zlobin 83 190 105 378 2.1.3 IR Cryogenics2.1.3.2 Inner triplet cryo & heat transfer Rabehl 22 49 712.1.3.3 Radiation heat deposition Mokhov 30 302.1.4 IR Magnets2.1.4.1 HQ conceptual design Sabbi 39 62 1012.1.4.2 LQ conceptual design Ambrosio 13 51 43 1072.1.4.3 IR magnet study Gupta 48 21 692.2 Model Magnet R&D Sabbi 0 1334 1063 2397 2.2.1 Quadrupole2.2.1.1 Technology Quad TQS01 Caspi 92 345 4372.2.1.2 Technology Quad TQC01 Bossert 432 161 5932.2.1.3 Technology Quad TQS02 Caspi 10 203 2132.2.1.4 Technology Quad TQC02 Bossert 502 25 5272.2.1.5 Coil/Structure exchange TQE01 Ferracin 37 50 872.2.1.6 Technology Quad TQS03 Caspi 108 170 2782.2.1.7 Technology Quad TQC03 Bossert 153 109 2622.3 Supporting R&D Ambrosio 1282 67 504 1853 2.3.1 Subscale models2.3.1.2 Small Quad SQ02 fab & test Ferracin 155 155 2.3.2 Long Magnet Development2.3.2.2 Racterack coil fab & test Schmalzle 1262 32 92 13862.3.2.3 Racetrack supporting structure Ferracin 222 2222.3.3 Test integration2.3.3.1 Testing Feher 20 35 35 902.4 Materials Ghosh 178 196 648 1022 2.4.1 Conductor Support2.4.1.1 Strand R&D Barzi 137 169 41 3472.4.1.2 Cable R&D Dietderich 41 27 233 3012.4.1.3 Procurement Ghosh 374 374


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Program Components

Application Predecessors Milestones SR/SQ Conductor evaluation

Fabrication techniques Rad-hard materials Model validation Establish baseline performance

Ongoing as required for program support Design Studies Introduction of new conductors

SQ-02 10/05 SR-01 4/06

TQ Goal #1 - Reproducible performance Fabrication techniques Mechanical structure LQ baseline

SQ – analysis validation Conductor evaluation

First test 5/06 Evaluation Review 8/06 Support Structure 7/07

LR Long coil fabrication issues - reaction - handling - impregnation - Long shell and bladder


Based on well-understood design SR-01

SR-01 Evaluation rev 5/06 LR-01 complete 11/06 LR-02 complete 9/07

LQ Goal #2 – Long magnet fabrication Integration of TQ and LR program Demonstration of long magnet technology with field and aperture

LR-01 TQ’s Design Studies

Coil Design Review 11/06 Mech Design Review 7/07 1st completion target 9/08 2nd completion target 1/09

HQ Goal #3 – High gradient/large aperture Push limit on field (~ 15T) Precursor to larger aperture

SQ/SR TQ’s Design Studies Conductor and Cable R&D

Coil Design Review 11/06 Mech Design Review 7/07 1st completion target 10/08 2nd completion target 2/09

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Resource Loaded Schedule

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The LARP Magnet Program is off to a great start

– An unprecedented challenge for magnet technology

– Meeting that challenge will yield rewards for LHC and future HEP facilities

• Converging rapidly on an efficient and productive collaboration

A strong core program is key to our success

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