  • 8/2/2019 Agile Training, An Innovative Educational Process for Information Technology Educators (Redden Wolcott)


    Agile Training: An Innovative Educational Process for Information

    Technology Educators


    University of Nebraska at Omaha

    Omaha, NE 68182, USA


    Dr. Peter WOLCOTT

    University of Nebraska at Omaha

    Omaha, NE 68182, USA


    Information technology (IT) plays an important role in the

    growth of small businesses. Many businesses unfamiliar with

    technology tools risk being left behind in the so-called digital

    divide, rendering them unable to compete in today's business

    environment. Efforts to train owners of microenterprises often

    employ plan driven training, which emphasizes structure and

    linear learning with pre-defined learning objectives. This has

    been effective to a point, but it is sometimes insufficient to help

    microenterprises to cross the digital divide. This study

    proposes an alternative educational method, known as agile

    training. Agile Training is adapted from the Agile method ofinformation systems development. Agile Training is an iterative

    method, designed to produce a demonstrable set of valuable

    technical skills on a short timetable. This innovative educational

    method adds process and psychological factors to standard plan

    driven training.

    Keywords: Agile methodology, training, education,

    microenterprise, digital divide


    Microenterprises are a significant part of the economy in the

    United States. According to the Association for EnterpriseOpportunity, microenterprises are defined as businesses with

    fewer than five employees [1]. These businesses constitute a

    vital part of a regions economy, providing not only jobs, but

    the innovation and entrepreneurial dynamic that benefit

    communities as a whole [2].

    Businesses unfamiliar with technology tools risk being leftbehind in the digital divide, rendering them unable to compete

    in today's business environment. Discovering more efficient

    processes for keeping microenterprises abreast of technology

    skills and tools will help ensure that more businesses will be

    able to compete in the marketplace, thus sustaining and growing

    local economies.

    Information technology (IT) plays a critical role in the

    development of small businesses by increasing efficiencies,

    providing access to new markets, and fostering the development

    of new products and services. Microenterprises often face great

    challenges in using IT effectively. They may suffer not only

    from a lack of resources and skills, but also the awareness,knowledge, and confidence needed to adopt technology

    successfully [3].

    In the field of technological instruction, plan driven training has

    been effective to a point, but it is sometimes insufficient to help

    microenterprises to cross the digital divide [4]. In this context,

    plan driven training refers to instruction in technology skills,

    with little attention paid to psychological factors [3]. Traditional

    education uses a plan driven approach, documented through a

    course syllabus and training material prepared ahead of time.

    Technical training programs that are part of microenterprise

    development programs typically involve courses or workshops

    with well defined, but previously determined, learningobjectives and pedagogical methods [5]. Even in more

    customized technical assistance, the training process typically

    begins with an interview of the subject, in which the technical

    needs of the subject are taken into account. Information from

    the interview is used to devise a technical instructional plan for

    the subject. Each instructional session is intended to move the

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    subject closer to the overall goal of the plan. This is a linear

    process with prescribed goals that is difficult to adapt to

    changing circumstances. While such training often produces

    positive results, in other cases the impact has been negligible.

    The elements that separate a high impact interaction from a low

    impact interaction are not well understood; however,

    psychological factors may play a role in the impact of the

    interaction [6] [3].

    This paper reports on research in progress to make technicaltraining and assistance more effective in an unconventional

    educational setting, such as that of the microenterprises.

    Through the use of agile training methods, participants will

    overcome the barriers to learning that arise from gaps between

    learning objectives and the prior knowledge, skills, abilities,

    and perceptions [7].


    Agile education extracts principles from the agile software

    development method and adapts those principles for use in

    traditional classroom learning situations.

    The agile development method was devised as an alternative to

    heavyweight, inflexible systems development methods. The

    principles underlying agile development are expressed

    succinctly in the Agile Manifesto [8]. The agile method is

    characterized by adaptive planning, customer collaboration and

    rapid response to changes in the environment. This method has

    been successful in delivering high quality software products,

    particularly in chaotic environments where requirements change

    often. Agile principles have also been adapted for other fields,

    such as project management and education [9].

    The adaptation of agile principles for use in education led to the

    development of the agile education method. It has been used asan alternative to traditional educational methods. Agile

    education has already demonstrated success inside the

    classroom, and is amenable for use in various educational

    situations [10] [11]. Computer Science faculty have used the

    Agile Education principles in courses about the software

    development process, with noted success [12] [10]. Agile

    Education principles have also been used to teach writing and

    communications skills in a University setting [13].


    Agile training is a pedagogical method similar to agile

    education. The principles were taken from the Agile Manifestoand adapted for use outside the classroom.

    Agile training addresses the shortcomings of plan driven

    training. The chart below illustrates the adaptation of agile

    principles for use in unconventional educational settings.

    Further elaboration on the adaptation of the 12 underlying

    principles of the Agile Manifesto may be found in the appendix.

    Principles of the Agile


    Principles Adapted for Use

    in Unconventional

    Educational Settings

    Individuals and

    interactions over processes

    and tools

    Individuals and interactions

    over pre-determined methods

    Working software over



    Demonstrated learning of

    useful IT skills/concepts

    over tutorials

    Customer collaboration

    over contract negotiation

    User collaboration over

    student teacher relationship

    Responding to change over

    following a plan

    Responding to user over

    following a plan


    Agile training addresses the process of the instructional

    interaction. Particular attention is paid to the psychological

    factors of training [6]. The psychological factor measured in

    this paper is so-called mental models.

    Peter Senge's work with the concept of mental models led to

    many advances in the field of organizational theory. Mental

    models are the deeply held internal images of how the world

    works, images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and

    acting [14]. If a business owner has deeply ingrained beliefs

    about both technology and the role the technology plays within

    the business, he/she takes actions based on those beliefs. When

    those beliefs are incorrect, the business owner is unlikely to

    achieve the desired impact.

    Making decisions based on ill-formed mental models about

    technology leaves the typical small business owner mired in

    inefficiency. Attempting to teach individuals with undiscovered

    mental models leaves the teacher mired in inefficiency, as well.

    Consequently, a tool for measuring mental models is used in

    order to create a high impact interaction.


    Action research involves utilizing an iterative method of

    planning, taking action, observing, evaluating (including self-

    evaluation) and critical reflection prior to planning the next

    iteration [15] [16]. Action research asks the researcher to

    execute an observation, orientation, decision, and action loop

    [17]. These four actions take place within each session,

    changing the trajectory of the session/s when necessary. The

    Action Research method is often used in both information

    science research and service learning courses [3]. This method

    is also similar to the agile method itself, as it is developed

    through iterations, and focuses on flexibility over a fixed plan.

    The setting for the application of agile training is a technical

    project undertaken for and with a microenterprise by a team

    a pair of individuals who may be consultants, students in a

    service-learning class, etc. [4]. Each microenterprise identifies

    at least one technical project that needs attention within their

    organization. The team acts both as consultants (using technical

    expertise to guide the project) and educators (using expertise to

    teach technical skills). The duration of a project depends on a

    number of factors, but each project takes on average 6-8

    consulting sessions to complete. A session is a single visit to a

    microenterprise, typically lasting one to two hours. Each

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    session with a microenterprise is counted as an iteration of the

    agile training method. Each session incorporates the cycle of

    observation, orientation, decision, action, and critical reflection.

    Insight gained from each session is then used in subsequent


    Prior to the initial session, an interview is conducted to

    determine the mental models of the participants concerning

    their attitudes/perspectives of technology. Interview questions

    also determine hardware/software availability, and nature oftechnological need.

    A second survey is administered to the participants to collect

    additional data about participants mental models, specifically

    around the four constructs of fear, frustration, confidence and

    empowerment. These four constructs emerged out of multiple

    years of experience with microenterprises. Statements cropped

    up repeatedly, statements such as "I never get this right" or

    "The system just won't let me do anything. Researchers

    noticed that microenterprises with positive impact results also

    tended to make positive statements (reflecting confidence and

    empowerment), and vice versa with negative statements

    (reflecting fear and frustration). A clear understanding ofmental models is essential for effecting change [14]. Each

    microenterprise is given a rating according to measured level of

    each construct.

    The ratings are used as an initial guide for the investigators, in

    order to assess a formal starting point for each

    microenterprise. The approach for each microenterprise differs

    according to the ratings. The four constructs are measured

    informally within each session throughout the training period.

    During the course of each session with a microenterprise,

    special attention is paid to the statements and body language of

    the participants, in order to note changes in perceptions of

    technology. Any general shift toward either positive or negativeconstructs is recorded. Training for each session alters

    according to the perceived levels of positive and negative

    constructs. For example, if the participant is making frustration

    based statements, the instruction pauses while the team attempts

    to determine the reason behind the statements. If the reason

    cannot be determined within the session, the team resumes the

    session and determines post session if/how the course of the

    project should change.

    The first session is a planning session between the team and the

    participants. Given the overview of the technical situation, the

    team and participants identify and prioritize user stories that are

    collated into technical projects which can be done withintime/availability constraints. This project is agreed upon by

    everyone, and broken into smaller project goals/technical

    lessons that are accomplished within each session.

    This approach mirrors the agile development method, which

    collects user stories and prioritizes them in order of project

    importance. It also brings to the table everyone who is

    concerned with the project (stakeholders). The method of

    breaking large technical projects into smaller, more manageable

    pieces serves as a bit of instruction in itself for the

    microenterprise owners. In the future, they will be more

    empowered if this skill is something that they can repeat for


    The remaining sessions focus on the smaller project

    goals/technical lessons that were previously agreed upon.

    Before each session, the team decides on specific technical

    lessons for the session. As the session proceeds, the team

    members use interactive methods to teach each lesson. The

    participants work hands-on with the hardware/software

    whenever possible.

    Impact measurement takes place during each session. Near the

    end of each session, the team determines if a skill has been

    successfully taught by asking the microenterprise owner to

    teach them the skill as if they were a new employee. As an

    alternative, the participant will be given the opportunity to

    perform the evaluation at the beginning of the next session,

    rather than immediately, if that makes the participant more

    comfortable. This evaluation accomplishes several goals. It

    causes the microenterprise owner to assimilate the new

    information before the session breaks. In having the participant

    to try to explain the new information to another person, the

    approach identifies holes in the participant's learning. Theseskills/tools/techniques are measured on a pass/try again basis.

    At the beginning of the next session, the participant is offered a

    second chance at the skills that were not passed.

    After each session has ended, the team meets at a separate

    location to evaluate the impact of the session. A list of technical

    lessons learned is recorded. In addition, critical reflection takes

    place. Critical reflection consists of the team members

    discussing the session, particularly where the participants

    reactions seemed out of the ordinary. The participants

    responses to the session are noted, and further alterations to the

    trajectory of the project are proposed if needed. Patterns that

    produce positive mental models in the participants aredetermined and encouraged. Patterns that produce negative

    mental models are also discovered and minimized. A plan is

    outlined for the next session. The effect of the session is

    determined by shifts in mental models on the part of the

    participants. These are determined both directly and indirectly,

    using participant behavior as the principal measure. The effect

    of the session is also measured by skills demonstrably learned

    on the part of the participants.

    The final session takes the same format, except the team does

    not teach the participant new skills. Rather, they review the

    process for breaking large projects into smaller ones, and unveil

    the result of the project/s. There is also some skill review as aspot check.

    Defining an effective method requires the measurement of

    impact. This paper describes impact in terms of first order

    effects, both in number/quality of skills learned, and shifts in

    the mental models of participants.

    First order effects are defined as effects on the individual. When

    an interaction is complete, how many new skills has the

    participant learned? What can s/he do with technology that they

    could not do before? Has the participant gained any new tools,

    software or otherwise? What is the level of mastery that the

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    participant has been able to attain with the new tool? Was the

    participant able to learn any new techniques during the process

    of the interaction? Have these techniques influenced the

    participants daily work? Finally, has the participant learned

    new options for making progress with problems which had

    previously seemed insurmountable? Are there any new

    alternatives/workarounds available?

    First order effects will be measured in terms of the

    psychological factors/mental models under examination. Hasthe individuals attitude toward technology changed? Has the

    individuals attitude toward themselves using technology

    changed? How have their statements about technology changed

    during the project? Overall, how has their body language


    Plan driven training focuses on the teaching and retention of

    skills. In agile training, skill instruction, process, and

    psychological factors play equally important roles. Adjustment

    of the teaching process will enable the participant to retain more

    information. Affecting psychological factors toward more

    positive mental models will enable the participant to continue to

    make progress on technical skills in the future.


    The following is an illustration of the Agile Training process.

    As previously mentioned, research on Agile Training is

    currently underway at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. A

    number of sessions have been conducted. These sessions are the

    basis for this illustration.

    The owner of a gym (participant) requested assistance with a

    marketing campaign. The team decided to introduce the

    participant to two software programs, Prezi and YouTube. Both

    programs were entirely new to the participant. These programswere chosen for their centrality to his new marketing campaign.

    The skills and concepts for these new programs were taught to

    him within three working sessions. The first session provided

    an introduction to basic tasks in YouTube and Prezi. The

    second session delved into more advanced skills of both

    programs. Between sessions, the participant was asked to use

    the skills to prepare a video and a presentation. During the third

    session, the participant and the team reviewed both presentation

    and video. At the end of each session, the participant was asked

    to role play by teaching the skills back to the team members.

    The participant scored highly on the confidence and

    empowerment constructs in the mental model survey. Thesequalities were observed by the team throughout all three

    sessions. For example, the participant asked many questions

    about video streaming, developed new ideas for using video in

    his business, and expressed that he did not feel as inept with

    technology as he had before. The participant exhibited no

    hesitation in demonstrating knowledge of all of the skills and

    concepts involved in the session. These observations of the

    participants mental model confirmed the path taken during the

    sessions. Had the participant experienced more fear or

    frustration, the team would have needed to revise the training


    At times, the progression of a session changed based on the

    interests of the participant. In one case, as a result of the

    participants interest in producing comedic videos for his

    YouTube channel, the next appointment agenda was changed to

    include a review of a YouTube software product called

    Xtranormal. This product takes text and transforms it into a

    fully animated cartoon.

    One indicator of the success of the sessions is what the

    participant does with the skills after the training session hasfinished. On his own one evening, this participant wished to

    embed a video into a presentation. The video was on his hard

    drive, but Prezi would not allow him to embed the video

    directly into the presentation. He noticed that YouTube videos

    could be inserted into presentations. He uploaded the

    presentation to YouTube and added text, overlays and

    transitions. Then he made the video public and embedded it into

    his presentation. He also set the video to be the featured video,

    ready to play automatically upon visitor arrival to his channel.

    The notable item about the participants experience is that he

    had no knowledge of either YouTube or Prezi before his

    sessions began. Not only did he learn the skills required to workwith both programs, he demonstrated the ability to find

    workarounds in order to overcome obstacles. The entire video

    embedding experience occurred outside of a regular session,

    with no assistance.


    Technological tools are essential for success in todays business

    environment. Plan driven training has been moderately

    successful, yet it yields variable results. Methods must be

    devised to make technological training more effective in

    unconventional educational environments, such as the

    microenterprise. The Informing Science Framework suggeststhat [i]deally, the knowledge skills, and abilities that are being

    learned must be packaged, sequenced, and delivered in response

    to each learners unique needs [6]. The agile training method

    seeks to provide such learning through techniques that

    emphasize highly dynamic and flexible interactions between

    trainers and microenterprise participant; frequent iterations

    involving planning, instruction, practice, evaluation, and critical

    reflection; and close attention to mental models.

    The approach described above is currently being employed in a

    study involving twenty microenterprises in the Nebraska/Iowa


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    I. 12 Underlying Manifesto principles.

    Agile Manifesto


    Agile Training Principles

    Customer satisfaction by

    rapid delivery of useful


    User empowerment by rapid

    learning of useful IT skills/concepts

    Welcome changing

    requirements, even late in


    Welcome changing learning scope,

    anytime in development

    Working software is

    delivered frequently

    (weeks rather than


    Useful IT skills/concepts are learned

    frequently (weeks rather than


    Working software is the

    principal measure of


    Demonstrable IT skills/concepts are

    the principle measure of progress

    Sustainable development,able to maintain a constant


    Sustainable learning, able tomaintain a constant pace

    Close, daily co-operation

    between business people

    and developers

    Close cooperation between user and


    Face-to-face conversation

    is the best form of

    communication (co-


    No Change

    Projects are built around

    motivated individuals,

    who should be trusted

    No Change

    Continuous attention totechnical excellence and

    good design

    Continuous attention to the learningenvironment

    Simplicity No Change

    Self-organizing teams No Change

    Regular adaptation to

    changing circumstances

    No Change

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