Page 1: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Assessment of allelic bias in pre-capture platforms for exome sequencing


Back to the future?Denis Bauer | Research Scientist 28 March 2012

Page 2: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Part 1:

My Backgroundand a selection of bioinformatics tools developed in Brisbane in the

Bailey Group and Boden Group

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Page 3: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

My Background



dt Brisb


IMB Institute for Molecular Bioscience

QBI Queensland Brain Institute


Sumoylation Predictor

Timothy Bailey

Mikael Bodén

Fabian Buske

Chikako Ragan

Exon Capture Comparison | [email protected] | Page 3

Page 4: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Bauer, D.C., Buske, F.A., Bailey, T.L., “Dual-functioning transcription factors in the developmental gene network of Drosophila melanogaster”; BMC Bioinformatics 11 (1), 366; PMID: 20594356. Cited: 4

Bauer, D.C., Bailey, T.L., “Optimizing static thermodynamic models of transcriptional regulation.”, Bioinformatics, 2009, 25, 1640-1646. PMID:19398449. Cited: 5

Bauer, D.C., Bailey, T.L., “STREAM: Static Thermodynamic REgulAtory Model of transcription.”, Bioinformatics 2008 24: 2544-2545. PMID:18776194. Cited: 1

Bauer, D.C., Bailey T.L., “Studying the functional conservation of cis-regulatory modules and their transcriptional output.”, BMC Bioinformatics, Apr 29;9(1):220. PMID: 18442418. Cited: 10

StreamQuantitative model of transcriptional regulation

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Fabian A. Buske et al., "Triplexator: Detecting nucleic acid triple helices in genomic and transcriptomic data", Genome Research 2012, accepted

Fabian A. Buske et al., "Potential in vivo roles of nucleic acid triple-helices", RNA biology, 2011, PMID: 21525785

TriplexatorSearch/Design tool nucleic acid triple helices

Sneak P

review ... C

oming soon to

Exon Capture Comparison | [email protected] | Page 5

Page 6: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

NORAHDESKDetecting ncRNA in sequencing data

Ragan, C., Mowry, B.J. and Bauer, D.C. “Hybridization based reconstruction of small non-coding RNA transcripts from deep sequencing data”, NAR, 2012, review received.

Specifically useful for miRNA- and piRNA-clusters that are transcribed together

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Part 2: Back to the future

Exon capture is the economical way for an unbiased genome wide analysis.

However, extensive sample manipulation can introduce biases that we might not be aware of.

Is less sophistication saver? Exon Capture Comparison | [email protected] | Page 7

Page 8: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Economical way of focusing 2GS efforts on the most functionally understood regions. Whole DNA sample Sonicate Pull out fragments corresponding to the sequence of known “exons”

However, with sequencing cost going down the capture reaction becomes the bottleneck. Solution: “Pre-capture pooling” Apply Bait Library to more than one sample

Pre-capture pooling for exome captureThe business side

Clark MJ, et al., Nat Biotechnol. 2011 PMID: 21947028.

Exon Capture Comparison | [email protected] | Page 8

Page 9: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Bait library design NG: empirically optimized AG: overlapping RNA-baites IL: Gapped tiles

What is an “exon” ? Everything that is known to be transcribed/has function … trust companyNow AG: 72Mb

Pre-capture pooling for exome captureThe technical side

Clark MJ, et al., Nat Biotechnol. 2011 PMID: 21947028.

Exon Capture Comparison | [email protected] | Page 9

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Oddities: targeted exons not follow the same length distribution as RefSeq exons

Presentation title | Presenter name | Page 10

Page 11: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Oddities: cont’ Theoretical vs actual capture efficiency of longest exon

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Page 12: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

Potential issue: “Allelic Bias”/ “Allelic imbalance” ?

Sequence hapmap family (4 individuals) with• AG: Post capture

• Ill: Precapture

• NG: Precapture

Pre-capture pooling for exome captureThe potential problem


Het sample 4

Potentially underrepresentedallele

Reference conform + hom bar-coded samples 1-3

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Page 13: Allelic Imbalance for Pre-capture Whole Exome Sequencing

• If Het-variances are not captured reliably in pre-capture the

het/hom ratio would be lower and they would not overlap with DBs

Allelic Bias ?H


om r


known novel

NG: More Hets in postIll: More Hets in pre

Hapmap 1000G



n of



NG: slighly lower overlap Ill: no difference

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... they would have lower coverage

Allelic Bias ?

Asan, Xu Y et al. Genome Biol. 2011 PMID: 21955857



Illumina Nimblegen


SNPs Com Post Pre

Com Post Pre

Com Post Pre

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1. We (and others) did not detect any obvious allelic imbalance, however no one tested samples with really rare alleles (e.g. Low cellularity in cancer)

2. To be on the save side (BACK TO THE FUTURE): we go for post-capture whole-exom-sequencing


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Thank youCMISDenis C. BauerExon Capture Comparisont +61 2 9325 3174e [email protected]


Institute for Molecular Bioscience, UQTimothy Bailey (MEME)

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, UQ

Mikael Bodén (Machine Learning)

Queensland Brain Institute, UQVikki MarshallJoon-Yong An Sam LukowskiChikako Ragan (NorahDesk)

Garvan Institute, UNSWJohn MattickFabian Buske (Triplexator)

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