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Analysis of my ancillary

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I have used the conventional ‘rule of three’ method when positioning the image, this is to ensure that the audience eye is diverted to the correct place, this being the central image.

I have then put the artist name at the top left, this ensures that once the audience have been attracted to the CD, their attention is diverted to the artist name, it is also in a bigger font than the album name to ensure this.

Finally, when the audience is fully interested, they will read the album name, this album name directly links to the image used. ‘A view from another eye’ relates to the eyes on the hand, rather the usual picture of a person just looking at directly or indirectly into the camera.

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I have chosen to use a white background which is unconventional for most media types, I have used this to make the colours of the main image stand out as they are darker shades of a higher contrast, they therefore project more from the white background.

It also draws your attention to the image, this is also the effect that I wanted as the image used is also rather unconventional due to its abstract nature.

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The image I used is two images combined, I began with a simple image of my model covering her eyes, I then decided to use the eyes from another image over the top. I did this as I think it makes the image more interesting and it will attract the audience to look at the image closer and potentially buy the album.

The eyes are also much bigger than regular eyes, [they have been enlarged] I have done this to make the image seem even stranger and to attract the audience further.

I have also chosen to use strange images because the model used is only a model and not the actual artist, therefore I have decided not to use a straight shot of her face.

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I made the colours highly contrasting, this makes it catch your eye immediately as they are striking, especially against the white background.

I have tried to continue the colour scheme throughout my ancillary work in the CD cover, CD back, and the poster to promote.

I have also used a black box around the CD cover, this is to directly contrast the white background and to make the CD cover seem much bolder.

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I have used two images for the back of my CD, this is to draw your attention to both parts of the text.

On both images I have used the idea of them looking in the direction of the text, this therefore further draws your attention to the information and persuades the audience to read and then buy the CD.

The image I have used on the top left, relates to the colour scheme used in the main image on the cover. The second image used on the bottom right, is the same image that is used on the cover, this further relates the front image to the back, however to differ the image, I chosen not to cover her hands with the eyes of another image, this creates a different picture, and will also convince the audience to purchase the album, by intriguing them on the different yet identical images.

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The colours used are applicable to the colours used on the front of the CD, I have done this to display a colour scheme. I have used these colours as they have connotations of warmth and heat therefore subconsciously making the audience feel better about buying.

I have decided to use black as the font colour as it is easier on the eyes against a white background, it relates to the black box [also featured in the front cover] and also it ensures that there is not too much colour contrast between the images and the text which can potentially be off-putting to the audience.

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I have continued the use of a white background to secure the colour scheme, to make the images stand out, but also to make the text appear easier on the eyes. As well as the reasons the as shown in the first background slide.

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I have decided to split the text in half and place them at separate sides of the CD, I have done this to make the text easier on the eyes and to make the CD look more attracted.

The text has also been separated by the two images looking at it, this therefore relates to the unconventional theme.

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Again I have tried to continue with the colour scheme uses previously in the other ancillary tasks. I have used purple as it is eye-catching and it relates to the warmth I have discussed earlier in the powerpoint.

I have decided to use more black in the poster that I used in the CD cover and back, I have done this to make it look bolder and much more striking but also because a poster needs to draw attention on a large scale, and also may need to stand out against other posters advertising different things, the use of more black against the white and the purple makes it stand out much more.

I have also used a paler colour to create an icon, this relates to the image used but also makes it slightly separate.

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I have used an image that covers lot of space on the poster to draw attention to it, I have also used a different pose and an unconventional angle to make the image look ‘strange’ again relating to the other ancillary tasks.

I have also doubled the layer and added an effect to make it appear like the image has a shadow, I did this to make it look bold, and to make the white appear interesting rather than boring and empty.

I have also created an icon for the poster to directly relate to the CD as the poster’s purpose is to promote the CD. Therefore I have chosen an eye to represent the artist, this relates to the image used on the front cover on the CD which has the eyes on the hands, already a fairly striking image.

I have also used a black banner across the top of the poster, this is to make the audience aware of tour dates and where she is performing, the colour is black to make it bold and relate to the background colours used next to the white and therefore catch your eye. This is also a substitute to the black box used around the CD covers which I have chosen not to use in the poster as it will seem too harsh on the eye and take away the effect of the white background.

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The background of the poster again is white, this directly relates to the other ancillary tasks. The colour also has connotations of fresh, clean, and quite a ‘normal’, ‘conventional’ colour, I therefore hope that this makes a higher contrast between the strange images used and the connotations of the colour of the background.

I have also made the effort to leave lots of white spaces, this is again, another theme that I have continued throughout the tasks. This draws a high amount of attention to the image and text and purposely makes it so there is little else to focus on but those.

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The image has been placed in the very centre of the poster, it is also placed diagonally due to the image but also to focus your attention on it.

The text is then placed in a big font size in the bottom left corner, this is to ensure that once you have been attracted to the poster due to the large image, you will want to find out more which will be the artist and what she is promoting.

The third thing that should hopefully catch the audience eye is the black banner across the top of the poster making the audience aware of the tour dates and the place in which she is performing.

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