
Andrew Goodwin’s Music Video Theory

Who is Andrew Goodwin?

Andrew Goodwin is a Media Theorist who stated that all music videos have these 5 conventions within them:

- Music videos more often than not tend to include a demonstration of typical genre characteristics

- There is often voyeuristic treatment of the female body

- There is a relationship between the music and the visuals

- There are often close-ups of the performers

- There are often external media references to films etc

Examples of Andrew Goodwin's Theory

Music videos more often than not tend to include a demonstration of typical genre characteristics

Cher Lloyds song “Swagger Jagger” is a pop song. Pop songs are conventionally known for there bright party-like colours, this can quite clearly be seen in the screenshot.

There is often voyeuristic treatment of the female body

Nicki Minaj’s song “Anaconda” definitely consists of Andrew Goodwins concept of the female body being treated voyeuristically, this is to reach the male audience as they will be attracted by the sexual nature of the video.

There is a relationship between the music and the visuals

An example of this can be seen in “Mr Probz – Waves” when he says “wave after wave” there are waves on the screen. This creates a relationship between the lyrics and the imagery.

There are often close-ups of the performers

Close-ups of the performers are another convention of music videos according to Andrew Goodwin, this can be seen in the screenshot below of “Hozier – Someone New”

There are often external media references to films etc

In Scouting for Girls Song “I wish I was James Bond” there is quite clearly an external media reference to James Bond. This is usually done to reach a bigger audience or as a parody.

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