
Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-1 January 2009

Appendix 16A Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-2 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-1 Disposition Codes for Common Public Land Dispositions

DispositionCode Disposition Name Explanation

055 5 year petroleum and naturalgas licence

Licence to drill for oil and natural gas under the surface

006 5 year petroleum and naturalgas lease

Lease to drill for oil and natural gas under the surface

013 Coal Lease Lease to extract coal, both strip mines and underground mines

CNC Consultative notation –company

A CNC notation is used to record the interest of a non-governmentagency with a justified interest in the land and wish to be consultedprior to any commitment or disposition on the land

CNT Consultative notation Indicates a government agency interest. This entry doesn't imposeany land use restriction but indicates that an agency wishes to beconsulted prior to any commitment or disposition of the land

CTL Coniferous timber licence A licence to harvest coniferous trees; no larger than 30,000 ha;usually issued for five years

DRS Disposition Reservation A surface disposition permitting a government agency to use anddevelop public land for a specific purpose

DTL Deciduous timber licence A licence authorizing a quota holder to harvest predominatelydeciduous timber and minor coniferous timber volumes

EZE Easement An agreement between landowner and company; usually for powerlines or buried cable

FMA Forest ManagementAgreement

An agreement between the Government of Alberta and a forestcompany that enables the company to harvest, remove and growtimber from a specified area of land; usually for 20 years.

FRD Forestry road For roads to access logging areas and transport timber

ISP Industrial sample plot A forest industry company has an interest in an area covering apermanent sample/research plot within their Forest ManagementAgreement Area (FMA). These can be trees or soil set aside fortesting purposes.

LOC Licence of occupation Usually for roads, also for launches, erosion control, marshdevelopment, reservoirs

MLL Miscellaneous lease Miscellaneous, such as campgrounds, corrals, water wells,hunting/fishing lodges

MLP Miscellaneous permit

MSL Mineral surface lease Well sites, mining areas, surface extraction activities, and someaccess roads

PIL Pipeline Installation Lease For access and disturbance related to installing pipelines

PLA Pipeline Agreement Pipelines, flow lines, and cathodic protection lines

PNT Protective notation Area selected by the government for protection

REC Recreation lease For recreational activities such as campsites and trails

RRD Registered roadway A developed roadway registered with Alberta Sustainable ResourceDevelopment (ASRD)

TFA Temporary field authorization Issued for either site preparation or additional workspace, in whichcase it must be associated with an approved activity

TPA Trapping area Indication of a trapline agreement

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-3 January 2009

Table 16A-2 Summary of Subsurface and Surface Dispositions within orAdjacent to the Project Site Portion of Land Use LAA

Disposition TypeDisposition

Number Location in 058-08 W6M Disposition Holder

055 5595060117 Sections 10; 15 Talisman Energy Inc.

055 5500110056 Section 14 Maverick Land Consultants

CNC 050001 NE10; SW14; SE15 Milner Power Inc.

CNT – for Death RaceTrail System

050032 NW10 Land and Forest Service - Grande CacheOffice of ASRD

EZE 2646








NE10; SE15; SW15

NW10; SE15; SW15


NW10; SW15

NW10; NE10


NW10; NE10; SE15


ATCO Electric Ltd.

EZE 010083 NW10; NE10; SE15 Savage Alberta Railway Inc.

EZE 780082 SW14; SE15; NE15 Milner Power Inc.

LOC – for access road 011231 SE15 ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd.

LOC – for conveyorROW

010091 SE15; SW15 Milner Power Inc.

LOC – for access road 001712 NW10; SW15 Milner Power Inc.

LOC – for access road 001352 SE15 Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd.

MLL - for stockpile 020048 SE15; SW15 Milner Power Inc.

LOC - for water intake 3526 NW10; NE10 Milner Power Inc.

MLL – for coal mining &processing plant site

040071 NW10; NE10; SE15; SW15 Grande Cache Coal Corporation

MSL – for coal mining 061914 SW14; SE15 Grande Cache Coal Corporation

MSL – for coal mining 072051 SW14; SE15 Grande Cache Coal Corporation

PLA 041050






NW10; NE10; SE15

SE15; SW15



ATCO Gas and Pipelines

RRD 8821492 NW10; SW14; SE15; SW15 Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation

TPA 1723 Section 10 LSD 14; Section 10LSD 15; Section 14 LSD 05

Michael Moberly

TPA 2017 Section 10 LSD 14; Section 10LSD 15; Section 14 LSD 05;Section 15 LSD 02; Section 15LSD 07; Section 15 LSD 08;SW15

Alfred Wanyandie

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-4 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-3 Summary of Active Subsurface/Mineral Agreement Dispositions in the RAA

Locations within RAA Type Agreement Number Description Size(ha)

Name of Holder Expiry Date

Coal Leases

6-08-057: 31N and SE, L3, L5,L6 6-08-058: 6SW, L2

013 1300090001 Coal Lease 608 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Sep. 6, 2015

6-08-057: 10N and SE; 11; 12N;13S and NW; 14; 23S and NW

013 1304090386 Coal Lease 1,216 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 26, 2019

6-08-057: 15; 16N and SE; 20S;21; 22

013 1304090387 Coal Lease 1,088 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 26, 2019

6-08-057: 27; 28; 33 013 1304090388 Coal Lease 768 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 26, 2019

6-07-057: 19N and SE; 30; 31 6-08-057: 25N and SE; 35E; 36 6-08-058: 2SE

013 1306080740 Coal Lease 1,792 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 4, 2021

6-08-057: 19W; 30SW6-09-057: 24N; 25; 26N,SE,L6;34; 35; 36SW

013 1306080741 Coal Lease 1,360 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 4, 2021

6-08-058: 16L3 and L4; 17S andNW; 18; 19L1

013 1300090002 Coal Lease 496 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Sep. 6, 2015

6-08-058: 8E, L14; 9W; 14NW,L15; 15NE; 16SE, L5, L6, L11,L12; 17NE; 20SE, L9, L10; 21;22; 23S, NW, L9, L10; 27SW,L1, L2, L12; 28S, L9-L12

013 1304020416 Coal Lease 1,744 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Feb. 2, 2019

6-08-058: 19L9 and L16; 20L12and L13; 29L4-L6, L11, L12;30L1, L7-L11, L13-L15; 31L3-L5

013 1304020418 Coal Lease 8,720 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Feb. 2, 2019

6-08-058: 15NW, L5, L6; 16NE,L13, L14

013 1304091006 Coal Lease 192 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Sep.1, 2019

6-08-058: NE9 013 1306020563 Coal Lease 64 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Feb. 17, 2021

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-5 January 2009

Table 16A-3 Summary of Active Subsurface/Mineral Agreement Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAA Type Agreement Number Description Size(ha)

Name of Holder Expiry Date

Coal Leases (cont’d)

6-07-057: 6E A13 79214 Application for CoalLease

9,216 Mancal Coal Inc. N/A

6-07-057: 6W; 7 A13 79232 Application for CoalLease

11,840 Mancal Coal Inc. N/A

Petroleum and Natural Gas Leases and Licences

6-08-057: Sections 15N and 22S 006 0607080213 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas lease

256 Stone Petroleums Ltd. Aug. 9, 2012

6-07-057: 18 055 5500110047 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

768 Cavalier Land Ltd. Nov. 2, 2010

6-07-057: 30 055 5500110051 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

256 Cavalier Land Ltd. Nov. 2, 2010

6-07-057: 31

6-07-058: 6

055 5500110053 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

512 Cavalier Land Ltd. Nov. 2, 2010

6-07-058: 31

6-08-058: 36

055 5598050080 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

1,024 ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd. May 14, 2008

6-07-058: 19; 30 055 5599050045 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

2,816 Devon ARL Corporationand Talisman Energy Inc.

May 6, 2009

6-07-058: 7; 18

6-08-058: 13; 24

055 5599100171 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

2,816 Canadian CoastalResources Ltd.

October 21, 2009

6-08-058: 30 006 0601070524 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas lease

256 Meridian Land Services Ltd. Indefinite

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-6 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-3 Summary of Active Subsurface/Mineral Agreement Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAA Type Agreement Number Description Size(ha)

Name of Holder Expiry Date

Petroleum and Natural Gas Leases and Licences (cont’d)

6-08-058: 12; 14 055 5500110056 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

512 Maverick Land Consultants Nov. 2, 2010

6-08-058: 10; 11; 15; 16; 20; 21;29

055 5595060117 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

1,792 Talisman Energy Inc. Indefinite

6-08-058: 23; 25; 26; 27 055 5598100098 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

1,024 Canadian CoastalResources Ltd.

Oct. 15, 2008

6-08-058: 22; 28; 31-35 055 5599100172 5 year foothillspetroleum andnatural gas licence

2,048 ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd. Oct. 21, 2009


Dispositions summarized in this table were retrieved from the Alberta Land Status Automated System on February 19-21, 2008.

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-7 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities - Trapping

6-08-057: 5-05; 5-10 to 5-15; 6-01; 6-02; 6-07; 6-08; SW6; NW6; NE6; 7;8-02 to 8-07; 8-11 to 8-13; 17-04; 18-01; 18-02; 18-07 to 18-10; SW18;NW18; 18-15; 18-16; 19-01; 19-02;19-07 to 19-10; SW19; NW19; 19-15;19-16; 20-13; 20-14; 29-03 to 29-07;29-10 to 29-14; 30; 31; 32-03 to 32-07; NW32; 32-09; 32-10; 32-15; 32-16; 33-13; 33-14;

6-08-058: 5-01; 5-02; 5-07; 5-08;SW5; SE6; SW6;

TPA 2752 Trapping Area 0 Susan Feddema June 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-07-058: 6-16; 7-01; 7-07; 7-08; 7-11; 7-14; NE7; SE18; 18-03 to 18-06;NW18; NE18; SE19; SW19; 19-11 to19-14; NE19; SE30; 30-03 to 30-06;30-11; 30-14; NE30; 31-01; 31-02;31-07 to 31-09;

6-08-058: 13-08 to 13-16; SE24; 24-03; 24-06; 24-9; 24-10; 24-16;

TPA 2135 Trapping Area 0 Bazil Leonard June 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-8 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Trapping (cont’d)

6-07-058: 30-05; 30-12 to 30-14; 31-02 to 31-07; NW31; 31-09; 31-10; 31-15; 31-16;

6-08-058: 4-12 to 4-14; NW5; NE5;NW6; NE6; 7; 8; 9-03 to 9-07; NW9;9-09; 9-10; 9-15; 9-16; 10-12; 10-13;10-14; 10-15; 13-13; 14-05; 14-10 to14-16; 15-02; 15-07; 15-08; SW15;NW15; NE15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21;22; 23; 24-04 to 24-06; 24-10 to 24-16; 25-01; 25-02; 25-07; 25-08;SW25; NW25; NE25; 26; 27; 28; 29;30; SE31; SW31; 31-11 to 31-14;NE31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36;

TPA 2017 Trapping Area 0 Alfred Wanyandie June 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-9 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Trapping (cont’d)

6-08-057: 1; SE2; SW2; NW2; NE2;NW3; NE3; 4; SE5; 5-03 to 5-06; 5-09; 5-10; 5-15; 5-16; 6-01; 8-01; 8-02;8-07; 8-08; 8-11; 8-14; NE8; 9; 10; 11;12; 13; 14; 15; 16; SE17; 17-03 to 17-06; 17-11 to 17-14; NE17; 19-08;SE20; 20-03 to 20-06; 20-11 to 20-14;NE20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28;29-01 to 29-03; 29-07 to 29-10; 29-15; 29-16; 32-01; 32-02; 32-07 to 32-09; SE33; SW33; 33-11 to 33-14;NE33; 34; 35; 36;

6-07-057: 6; 7; 8; 18; 19; 30; 31

6-07-058: SW6; SE6; NW6; 6-09; 6-10; 6-15; 6-16; 7-01; 7-02; 7-07; SW7;7-11 to 7-14; 18-03 to 18-05;

6-08-058: 1; 2; 3; SE4; 4-03 to 4-06;4-09 to 4-12; 4-14 to 4-16; 9-01; 9-02;9-07 to 9-09; SE10; SW10; 10-09 to10-12; 10-14; 10-15; 10-16 ; 11; 12;13-01; 13-02; 13-07 to 13-11; SW13;13-13; 13-14; 14-01 to 14-04; 14-05;14-06 to 14-10; 14-16;

TPA 1723 Trapping Area 0 Michael Moberly June 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-08-058: 30-04 to 30-06; 30-11 to30-15; 31-02 to 31-07; 31-10 to 31-15;

TPA 2011 Trapping Area 0 Syd Tilbury June 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-10 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Forestry and Forestry-related

6-07-058: SW30; NW30; 31;

6-08-058: NW30; SW31; NW31;NE33; NW34; NE34;

FMA 6900016 Forest ManagementAgreement

1,111,574 Weyerhaeuser Ltd. Dec. 31, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 1; 9; 10 to 15; 23; 24; 25;26;

6-07-057: 6; 18; 19; 30;

6-07-058: 7; 19; 31;

CTL E080001 Coniferous TimberLicence

218,893 Foothills ForestProducts

April 30, 2009 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 1; 9; 10 to 15; 23; 24; 25;26;

6-07-057: 6; 18; 19; 30;

6-07-058: 7; 19; 31;

DTL E080001 Deciduous TimberLicence

218,893 Foothills ForestProducts

April 30, 2009 Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NE14; SE23; SW24; MLL 030066 Misc. Lease – forstorage site

2.217 WeyerhaeuserCompany Ltd.

Aug. 12, 2013 Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW24 CRP 030025 0 WeyerhaeuserCompany Ltd.

Oct. 22, 2013 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW15 DRS 050025 DispositionReservation – for 40m by 40 m GrandeMountain Radiofirenet location

0.160 Forest ProtectionDivision – Edson Office

May 16, 2005 Application

6-08-057: SW13 and NW24 (at centreof quarter section)

ISP 990198 Industrial sampleplot – land useapplications must bereferred to Foothills

4.5 Foothills ForestProducts Inc.

Oct. 31, 2014 Approved

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-11 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Forestry and Forestry-related (cont’d)

6-07-057: NE6 and NE19 (at centre ofquarter section)

ISP 990195 Industrial sampleplot – land useapplications must bereferred to Foothills

22.501 Foothills ForestProducts Inc.

Oct. 31, 2014 Approved

6-08-058: NE14; SE15 (just north ofLAA); SE23; SW24;

LOC 001352 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

4.980 WeyerhaeuserCompany Ltd.

Aug. 22, 2025 LOAAmendment

Surface Activities – Grazing and Gardens

6-07-058: 18; 19; SE30; SW30;

6-08-058: SE13; NE13; SE24;

FGL 910003 Forest GrazingLicence – GrazingZone C 159 AUM’s

597.284 Alfred Wanyandie April 30, 2011 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 19-02 MLL 830001 Misc. Lease – forvegetable gardenplots (Eagle RidgeGardens)

2.145 Earl Stewart April 30, 2010 Active/Disposed

Surface Activities – Aggregates, Surface Materials and Minerals

6-08-057: SE11; NE11; 12; MSL 730449 Mineral SurfaceLease - for quarry

232.921 Canadian NationalRailway Company

May 30, 2023 Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW13; SE14; NE14; SME 070177 Surface MaterialExploration

32.300 Klassen BrothersNorthern Ltd.

June 20, 2008 Letter ofauthorizationon Dec. 21,2007

6-08-058: SE23; SW24; SME 070035 Surface MaterialExploration

32.370 Klassen BrothersNorthern Ltd.

Nov. 6, 2007 Letter ofauthorizationon May 7,2007

6-08-058: SW13; NW13; SML 780132 Surface MaterialLease

20.437 Alberta HighwayServices Ltd.

Aug. 29, 2008 Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-12 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Aggregates, Surface Materials and Minerals (cont’d)

6-08-058: SW24; SML 030020 Surface MaterialLease – for sand andgravel

4.603 WeyerhaeuserCompany Ltd.

Oct. 22, 2013 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW5; NE6; SE7; SW8; MLL 870090 Misc. Lease – forother industrial(gravel pit)

5.440 Heyn Construction Ltd. April 28, 2006 App. foramendment onJuly 11, 2006

6-08-057: 4-11; 4-12; 4-13; 4-14; 5-05; NW5;

CNT 820112 ConsultativeNotation – forsurface materialsexploration

0 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Jan. 31, 2010 Approved

6-08-057: SW12; NW12; CNT 960155 ConsultativeNotation – forMetallic andindustrial mineralslease #9496020015,primarily sandstone

127.601 Alberta Energy Feb. 13, 2011 Approved

Surface Activities – Coal Mining and related (e.g. access roads)

6-08-058: NE20; SW28; SE29; MSL 071329 Mineral SurfaceLease - for coalmining

7.140 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Nov. 25, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 26,2007

6-08-057: NW31

6-08-058: SE6; SW6;

MSL 041504 Mineral SurfaceLease - for coalmining

33.700 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

May 26, 2029 LOAAmendment

6-08-058: SW14; NW14; NE14;SE15; SE19; SW19; SW20; NW20;NE20; NE22; SE23; NW23; NE23;NW24; SE26; SW26; SE27; SW27;SE28; SW28; SE29;

MSL 061914 Mineral SurfaceLease - for coalmining

103.520 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

N/A Application –made on May1, 2006

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-13 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Coal Mining and related (e.g. access roads) (cont’d)

6-08-058: SW14; NW14; NE14;SE15; SE23; NE23; NW24; SE26;

MSL 072051 Mineral SurfaceLease - for coalmining

23.430 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Nov. 25, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 26,2007

6-08-058: SE9; NE9; SW10; NW10;NE10; SE15; SW15;

MLL 040071 Misc. Lease – forcoal mining

80.940 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 16, 2029 App. foramendment onJan. 11, 2007

6-08-058: SW16 MLL 060001 Misc. Lease – forstorage site

1.340 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Feb. 12, 2016 Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 13,2006

6-08-058: SE7 MLL 040131 Misc. Lease – fortower site

0.620 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

March 20, 2030 Letter ofauthorizationon March 21,2005

6-07-058: SW7; NW7; SW18; MLL 040067 Misc. Lease – forindustrial

44.390 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 16, 2029 Letter ofauthorizationon Aug. 17,2004

6-07-058: NW7 MLL 000058 Misc. Lease – forcoal mining

6.600 Milner Power Inc. Aug. 15, 2016 Letter ofauthorizationon Aug. 16,2000

6-08-057: SE21 LOC 070957 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.078 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

6-08-057: SE22; SW23; LOC 070954 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.445 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-14 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Coal Mining and related (e.g. access roads) (cont’d)

6-08-057: SE22 LOC 070955 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.111 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

6-08-057: NW22 LOC 070956 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.045 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

6-08-057: NE22 LOC 070963 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.435 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

6-08-057: SW23 LOC 070952 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.285 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2007

6-08-057: NW31

6-08-058: 6; SE7; NE7; SW8; NW8;NE8; SW16; SE17;

LOC 040878 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

45.530 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

May 26, 2029 LOAAmendment

6-08-057: NW14 LOC 070953 Licence ofOccupation – forenvironmentalmonitoring

0.342 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: NW14 LOC 070958 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.107 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: NW14 LOC 070962 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.144 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 12, 2032 Letter ofauthorization

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-15 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Coal Mining and related (e.g. access roads) (cont’d)

6-08-058: SW16; NW16; NE16;SE21; SE22; SW22; NE22; NW23;NE23; SE26; SW26;

LOC 041045 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

30.400 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

June 23, 2029 LOAAmendment

6-08-058: SE19; SW19; SW20;NW20; NE20; NW23; NE23; SE26;SW26; SE27; SW27; SE28; SW28;

LOC 041175 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

63.850 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 16, 2029 LOAAmendment onNov. 21, 2007

6-07-058: SW18

6-08-058: SE13; SW13; SE14;

LOC 041174 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

10.400 Grande Cache CoalCorporation

Aug. 16, 2029 Letter ofauthorizationon Aug. 17,2004

6-08-057: SE10; NW10; NE10; 11;NW12; NE12; 13; 14; 15; NE16; 27;28; NE32; 33; 34; 35; 36;

6-07-058: SW7; NW7;

6-08-058: 1; 2; 3; SE4; SW4; NE4;SE10; SW10; NE10; 11; 12; SE13;SW13; SE14; SW14; SE15;

CNC 050001 ConsultativeNotation – Company

6,992.967 Milner Power Inc. Sep. 30, 2008 Approved

Surface Activities – Industrial and Industrial Facilities

6-08-058: SE15; SW15 (adjacent toand in LAA)

LOC 010091 Licence ofOccupation – forconveyor ROW

0.363 Milner Power Inc. Feb. 6, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 7,2001

6-08-058: NW10; SW15 (adjacent toand in LAA)

LOC 001712 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

2.750 Milner Power Inc. Nov. 1, 2010 Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 2,2000

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-16 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Industrial and Industrial Facilities (cont’d)

6-08-058: SE15; SW15 (in LAA) MLL 020048 Misc. Lease – forstockpile

2.473 Milner Power Inc. June 12, 2027 Letter ofauthorizationon June 13,2002

6-08-058: NW10; NE10 (in LAA) LOC 3526 Licence ofOccupation – forwater intake

0 Milner Power Inc. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) MLL 000102 Misc. Lease – forscale area

0.102 Milner Power Inc. Jan. 6, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 7,2001

6-08-058: SW4; NW4; MLL 3057 Misc. Lease – formillsite

13.030 Precision ForestIndustries Ltd.

May 1, 2014 LOAAmendment

6-08-058: NE9; NW10 (not touchingLAA);

MLL 020049 Misc. Lease – forindustrial storagefacility

0.783 Imperial Oil June 18, 2007 Letter ofauthorizationon June 19,2002

6-08-058: NE9 MLL 040116 Misc. Lease – fornon-industrial

0.150 G & A PetroleumProducts Ltd.

Dec. 7, 2014 Letter ofauthorizationon Dec. 8,2004

6-08-058: NW4; NE4; SE9; NE9;NW10 (not touching LAA);

LOC 5946 Licence ofOccupation

3.391 Precision ForestIndustries

Indefinite LOAAmendment

Surface Activities – Oil, Gas and Pipelines and related (e.g. access roads for oil/gas operations)

6-08-058: NW25 MSL 011717 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsite

1.440 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

July 10, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon July 11,2001

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-17 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Oil, Gas and Pipelines and related (e.g. access roads for oil/gas operations) (cont’d)

6-08-058: SE36; SW36; MSL 011722 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsite

2.401 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

July 5, 2026 LOAAmendment onOct. 18, 2007

6-08-058: SE22; SW22; MSL 051049 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsite

1.625 Talisman Energy Inc. April 24, 2030 Letter ofauthorizationon April 25,2005

6-08-058: SW22 MSL 060734 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsite

1.890 Talisman Energy Inc. March 7, 2031 Letter ofauthorizationon March 8,2006

6-08-058: NE22; SW26; SE27; MSL 061880 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsiteand access road

2.200 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

May 8, 2031 Letter ofauthorizationon May 9,2006

6-08-058: NW23; NE23; MSL 014827 Mineral SurfaceLease - for wellsite

1.440 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

Dec. 19, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon Dec. 20,2001

6-08-058: SE36; NW36; NE36; PLA 043894 Pipeline Agreement 11.510 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Jan. 18,2005

6-08-057: SE4; SW4; NW4; SE5;SW5;

PLA 4099 Pipeline Agreement 2.574 AltaGas Utilities Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW32; NE32;

6-08-058: SE5; SE9; SW9; NE9;NW10 (adjacent to LAA boundary);

PLA 041050 Pipeline Agreement 1.353 Atco Pipelines Indefinite LOAAmendment

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-18 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Oil, Gas and Pipelines and related (e.g. access roads for oil/gas operations) (cont’d)

6-08-057: NW33 PLA 021550 Pipeline Agreement 0.324 Atco Pipelines Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Aug. 30,2002

6-08-057: SW5; NW5; SE7; NE7;SW8; SE18; NE18; SE19; NE19;SW29; NW29; NE29; SE30; SE32;SW33; NW33;

PLA 4171 Pipeline Agreement 18.150 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW5; NE6; SW8; PLA 800802 Pipeline Agreement .263 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-058: SW30; NW30; SW31;NW31; NE31;

6-08-058: NW10 (in LAA); NE10 (inLAA); NW13; NW14; NE14; SE15 (inLAA); NE15; SW24; NW24; NE24;SE25;

PLA 3697 Pipeline Agreement 16.661 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-058: NW30; SE31; SW31;NE31;

6-08-058: NW13; SW14; NW14;NE14; SE15; SW15; NE15; SW24;NW24; NE24; SE25;

PLA 052492 Pipeline Agreement 11.290 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Oct. 19,2005

6-07-058: NE31

6-08-058: NE14; NE24;

PLA 850334 Pipeline Agreement 4.698 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW4; NW4; NE4; SE9;NE9; NW10 (adjacent to LAA);

PLA 4170 Pipeline Agreement 5.714 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-19 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Oil, Gas and Pipelines and related (e.g. access roads for oil/gas operations) (cont’d)

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) PLA 032849 Pipeline Agreement 0.103 Atco Pipelines Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 6,2003

6-08-057: NW29 PLA 860562 Pipeline Agreement 0.251 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10 (adjacent to LAA) PLA 040628 Pipeline Agreement 0.652 Atco Pipelines Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 18,2004

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) PLA 052494 Pipeline Agreement 2.990 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 16,2005

6-07-058: NW31; NE31;

6-08-058: SE36; NE36;

PLA 054848 Pipeline Agreement 7.630 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

Indefinite LOAAmendment

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) PIL 040484 Pipeline InstallationLease

0.014 Atco Pipelines Dec. 7, 2029 Letter ofauthorizationon Dec. 8,2004

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) PIL 050597 Pipeline InstallationLease

0.160 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Nov. 7, 2030 Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 8,2005

6-08-058: NW10 (not in LAA) PIL 337 Pipeline InstallationLease

0.004 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Oct. 2, 2024 Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-20 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Oil, Gas and Pipelines and related (e.g. access roads for oil/gas operations) (cont’d)

6-08-058: SW24 PIL 050571 Pipeline InstallationLease

0.024 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Oct. 26, 2030 Letter ofauthorizationon Oct. 27,2005

6-08-058: SW25; NW25; SE26; LOC 011230 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

4.044 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

July 10, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon July 11,2001

6-08-058: SE15; NW25; NE25; SE36;SW36;

LOC 011231 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

2.767 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

July 5, 2026 LOAAmendment

6-08-058: SE22 LOC 050672 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.017 Talisman Energy Inc. April 24, 2030 Letter ofauthorizationon April 25,2005

6-08-058: NE23; SE26; LOC 013401 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.420 ConocoPhillips CanadaLtd.

Dec. 19, 2026 Letter ofauthorizationon Dec. 20,2001

6-08-057: SE19 LOC 4030 Licence ofOccupation – notdefined

0 Atco Gas and PipelinesLtd.

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Surface Activities – Easements and Power Line related

6-08-057: NW1 EZE 960156 Easement 0.504 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: SW2; SE3; SW3; EZE 940369 Easement 2.705 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE3; SW3; EZE 860178 Easement 0.028 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-21 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Easements and Power Line related (cont’d)

6-08-057: SW3; NW3; EZE 820085 Easement 0.251 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW5; NW5; NE6; SE7;NE7; SE18; NE18; SE19;

EZE 2747 Easement 6.694 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE7; NE18; SE19; NE19; EZE 960165 Easement 1.860 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: SE4; SW4; NW4; NE4 ;SE5; SE9; SW9; NW9; NW15; SE16;SW16; NE16;

EZE 2728 Easement 6.232 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE9; SW9; NW9; NW15;SE16; SW16; NE16;

EZE 960151 Easement 2.860 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: SE12; SW12; EZE 960156 Easement 0.504 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: SE12; SW12; EZE 990073 Easement 0.531 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorization

6-08-057: SE19; NE19; SW29;NW29; NE29; SE30; SE32; SW33;NW33;

EZE 2469 Easement 5.532 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW29; NW29; NE29;SE32;

EZE 2743 Easement 1.764 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW29; NW29; NE29;SE30; SE32; SW32; NE32; SW33;NW33;

EZE 960158 Easement 3.916 Atco Electric Ltd. N/A Letter ofauthorizationon May 10,1996

6-08-057: NW29; SE32; SW32;NE32;

EZE 780026 Easement 0.996 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-22 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Easements and Power Line related (cont’d)

6-07-058: NE31 EZE 020240 Easement 0.987 Atco Electric Ltd. Nov. 21, 2027 Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 22,2002

6-07-058: NE31

6-08-058: NW14; NE14; SE23;SW24; NW24; NE24;

EZE 850019 Easement 7.184 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW6; NE6; SE7; SW7;SW18;

6-08-058: SE13; SW13; SE14;

EZE 960146 Easement 3.384 Atco Electric Ltd. N/A Letter ofauthorizationon May 7,1996

6-07-058: SW30; NW30; SE31;SW31; NE31;

6-08-058: NE10; NW13; SW14;NW14; NE14; SE15; SW15; SW24;NW24; NE24; SE25;

EZE 2646 Easement 42.751 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-058: SW30; NW30; SE31;SW31; NE31;

6-08-058: NE24; SE25;

EZE 800123 Easement 5.550 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-058: NE31

6-08-058: NW24; NE24;

EZE 960168 Easement 0.179 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon July 31,1996

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-23 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Easements and Power Line related (cont’d)

6-08-058: SW4; NW4; NE4; SE9;SW10; NW10 (in LAA); NW14;NE14; SE15 (in LAA); SW15 (inLAA); NE15;

EZE 2468 Easement 7.054 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW4; NW4; EZE 790149 Easement 0.372 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW4; NW4; NE4; SE5;SE9; NE9; NE10 (adjacent to LAA);

EZE 960157 Easement 3.159 Atco Electric Ltd. N/A Letter ofauthorizationon May 10,1996

6-08-058: SE6; SW6; NE6; SE7; NE7;NW8; NE8; NW10; SW15 (adjacentto LAA boundary); SE16; SW16;SE17;

EZE 040203 Easement 18.430 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Sep. 13,2004

6-08-058: SE7 EZE 050008 Easement 0.099 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 2,2005

6-08-058: SE9; NE9; NW10 (not inLAA);

EZE 2833 Easement 1.319 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SE9; NE9; EZE 3277 Easement 0.526 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10; NE10 (adjacent toLAA);

EZE 2748 Easement 0.611 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10 (adjacent to LAAboundary)

EZE 3083 Easement 0.036 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10; NE10; SW14; SE15(adjacent to LAA);

EZE 3134 Easement 0.983 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-24 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Easements and Power Line related (cont’d)

6-08-058: NW10 EZE 000244 Easement 0.180 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW24; NE24; EZE 780085 Easement 6.208 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW10; NE10; SW14; SE15(adjacent to LAA boundary);

EZE 010083 Easement 1.792 Savage Alberta RailwayInc.

N/A Application –made on April2, 2001

6-08-058: SW14; SE15; NE15 (inLAA);

EZE 780082 Easement 0.425 Milner Power Inc. Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW16 EZE 050014 Easement 0.140 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Feb. 16,2005

6-08-057: NW15 MLL 2874 Misc. Lease – fortower site

1.619 Atco Electric Ltd. March 20, 2009 Active/Disposed

6-07-058: NE31 VCE 020038 Vegetation ControlEasement

0.790 Atco Electric Ltd. Indefinite Letter ofauthorizationon Nov. 22,2002

Surface Activities – Recreation and Recreation-related

6-08-057: SW2 REC 000002 Recreation Lease –for public facility

5.130 Town of Grande Cache Sep. 30, 2011 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW2; SE3; SW3; REC 830007 Recreation Lease –for public facility(campground)

26.530 Town of Grande Cache Feb. 2, 2014 App. foramendment onDec. 21, 2006

6-08-057: 3 REC 780012 Recreation Lease –for golf course

109.591 Town of Grande Cache April 17, 2020 Active/Disposed

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-25 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Recreation and Recreation-related (cont’d)

6-08-057: SE12

6-07-057: SW7

REC 850022 Recreation Lease –for public facility(Grande Cache LakeDay UseRecreational Area

9.440 Town of Grande Cache Aug. 15, 2016 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE4; NE4; REC 770024 Recreation Lease –for non-commercialrecreation

22.210 Grande Cache SaddleClub

May 29, 2025 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 29 REC 311 Recreation Lease –for shooting range

6.961 Grande Cache FishGame and Gun


May 7, 2020 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 32-11(SE); 32-11(NE); REC 900008 Recreation Lease –for campsite

8.094 The Boy ScoutsAssociation Property

Society of Alberta

Jan. 31, 2012 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW1; SW12; MLP 810315 MiscellaneousPermit - for horseholding area

12.141 Rocky Mountain RidingAssociation

Dec. 31, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE7; SW8; MLL 880073 Misc. Lease – forhorse holding area

27.800 Malcolm CreekEquestrian Society

July 24, 2009 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE19; NE19; MLL 930033 Misc. Lease – forcommercialrecreational (SmokyRiver Ranch)

10 Bazil Leonard andSusan Feddema

June 9, 2014 Active/Disposed

6-07-057: NW7; SW18; MLL 870142 Misc. Lease – forhorse holding area

6.110 Ray Landry Sep. 28, 2022 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW1; NW1; NE2 LOC 750608 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.736 Town of Grande Cache Oct. 30, 2015 Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-26 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Recreation and Recreation-related (cont’d)

6-08-057: SW3 LOC 830237 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0.635 Town of Grande Cache March 15, 2008 App. foramendmentmade on Dec.21, 2006

6-08-057: NW4 LOC 780390 Licence ofOccupation – foraccess road

0 Town of Grande Cache Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-057: 7-01(SW and NW); 7-02(SE and NE);

LOC 860162 Licence ofOccupation

16.187 Town of Grade Cache Jan. 27, 2011 Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NE28 TFA 072631 Temporary FieldAuthorization –temporary access

0 Wild Blue YonderAdventure Tours

May 16, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW1; NE1; NW2; NE2;SW3; NW3; NE3; 4; NW6; NE6; 7;SE8; NW8; NE8; SE9; SW9; NW9;SE10; SW10; SE11; SW11; SE12;SW12; NW15; 16; SE17; SW17;NW17; SE18; SW18; NW18; SW20;NW20; 22; SW23; NW23; NE23; 25;SE26; SW26; 29; SE32; NW32;NE32; SW33; NW33; SE36; SW36;

6-07-057: NE19; 30;

6-08-058: 4; 5; 6; SE7; NE7; SW8;NW8; NE8; SE9; SW9; NE9; SW10;NW10; NE14; SW16; NW16; NE16;SE17; SE21; SW21; 22; SE23;NW23; NW24; NE24; SW26; SE26;

CNT 050032 ConsultativeNotation – for DeathRace Trail system.No applicationsallowed without priorconsultation withASRD Land andForest office inGrande Cache.Reservation coversthe same landscovered undertemporary fieldauthorizations issuedfor trails in DeathRace course.

0 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache Office of ASRD

Nov. 30, 2011 Approved

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-27 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Recreation and Recreation-related (cont’d)

6-08-057: 3; SE4; SW4; NW4; NE4; CNT 050033 ConsultativeNotation – for hikingtrail system aroundthe Town of GrandeCache

0 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache Office of ASRD

Nov. 30, 2011 Approved

6-08-057: NW13; NW14; NE14;NE15; SE22; SW22; NW22; NE22;SE23; SW23; NW23; NE23; SW24;NW24;

CNT 890171 ConsultativeNotation – possiblerecreation site fordownhill skiing (hasexpired)

366.848 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache Office

July 31, 2004 Approved

Surface Activities – Roadways

6-08-057: SW18; NW18; RDS 810096 Roadway – assumedresponsibility for theBeaverdam roadfrom Mcintyre MinesLtd. From Highway40 (SE18-57-8-W6to the Caw RidgeTurnoff (SW17-59-9-W6)

0 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057:SE6 RDS 870008 Roadway – for HellsGate Road from Hwy40 to Hells GateRecreation Area

0 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE18 RRD 0020660 Registered Roadway 0.076 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SW5; SE5; SW4; NW5;SE6; NE6; SE7; NE7; SE18; NE18;SE19; NE19; NW20;

RRD 7521756 Registered Roadway 94.409 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-28 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Roadways (cont’d)

6-08-058: NW13; NE13; SE14;SW14; NE14;

RRD 7521605 Registered Roadway 13.982 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NW13; NE14; SW24;NW24; NE24; SE25;

RRD 9221601 Registered Roadway 24.925 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: NE9; NW10; SW14; NW14;NE14; SE15; SW15;

RRD 8821492 Registered Roadway 21.720 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NE6 RRD 9925392 Registered Roadway 1.686 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: SE12

6-07-057: SE7; SW7; NE7;

RRD 5222PX Registered Roadway 8.417 MD of Greenview Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW1; SE2; SW2; NE2;SW12; NE12;

6-07-057: NW7; NE7; SE18;

RRD 5340PX Registered Roadway 173.578 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NE19; SW29; RRD 9925391 Registered Roadway 0.409 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW29; SE32; SW32;NE32;

6-08-058: NW4; SE5; NE5; SE9;SW9; NE9;

RRD 9523829 Registered Roadway 24.630 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-07-058: NW30; SE31; SW31;NE31;

6-08-058: SE25; NE25;

RRD 9221468 Registered Roadway 10.037 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-29 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Roadways (cont’d)

6-07-058: SE31; SW31; NE31; RRD 9221543 Registered Roadway 4.710 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-057: NW29; SE32; SW32;NE32;

6-08-058: NW4; SE5; NE5; SE9;SW9; NE9;

RRD 9925390 Registered Roadway 0 Alberta Infrastructureand Transportation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Surface Activities – Protected Areas

6-07-057: 7-07 PNT 070091 Protective Notation –historical resourcessite protection. Nosurface disposition.All new applicationsmust be referred toATPRC and a HRIAmay be required.

0 Alberta Tourism, Parks,Recreation and Culture

N/A Applicationmade onMarch 23,2007

6-08-057: SE13; SW13; NW13;NE13;

PNT 764377 Protective Notation –watercourseprotection, noagriculture or grazing

258.999 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache Office

Indefinite Approved

6-08-057: NE18; 19-01; 19-02; PNT 770061 Protective Notation –recreation potential,no surfacedisposition ordevelopmentallowed. Mcintyre-Joachim RecreationArea

93.078 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache Office

Dec. 31, 2004 Approved

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-30 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Protected Areas (cont’d)

6-08-057: 18-15 PNT 070134 Protective Notation –historical resourcessite protection. Nosurface saledisposition. All newapplications must bereferred to ATPRCand a HRIA may berequired.

Alberta Tourism, Parks,Recreation and Culture

N/A Applicationmade onMarch 23,2007

6-08-058: 19-07 (NE-NW, NE-NE);19-08(NW, NE); 19-06(NW-NW, NW-NE, NE-NW, NE-NE); 19-11; 19-12(SE-SE, SE-NW, SE-NE, NE); 19-13(SE, NE-SE, NE-SW, NE-NE); 19-14; NE19; 20-05(NW-NW, NW-NE);20-11(SW-NW, SW-NE, NW, NE-SW,NE-NW, NE-NE); 20-12(SE-NW, SE-NE, SW, NW, NE); 20-13; 20-14; 29-03(SE-SE, SE-SW, SE-NW, SW, NW-SE); 29-04(SE, SW, NW-SE, NE-SE,NE-SW);

PNT 040108 Protective Notation -Lands containdinosaur tracksitesthat meritdesignation as aProvincial HistoricResource. Alsoidentified as touristopportunity. All newapplications needwritten consent byATPRC. No surfacedisposition.

738.576 Alberta Tourism, Parks,Recreation and Culture

March 31, 2009 Approved onMarch 10,2004

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-31 January 2009

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Protected Areas (cont’d)

6-08-058: 20-11(SE, SW-SE, SW-SW, NE-SE); 20-12 (SE-SE, SE-SW);SE30; SW30;

PNT 040109 Protective Notation -Lands are adjacentto dinosaurtracksites underconsideration fordesignation underHistorical ResourcesAct. Lands possesshigh potential fortracksites. All newapplications needwritten consent byATPRC. No surfacedisposition.

1,246.452 Alberta Tourism, Parks,Recreation and Culture

March 31, 2009 Approved onMarch 10,2004

Surface Activities – Misc. Dispositions

6-08-058: SW13; NW13; CRP 000119 0 Alberta HighwayServices Ltd.

Aug. 30, 2008 Active/Disposed

6-07-058: 31-16(SE) DRS 289 DispositionReservation

0.243 Land and ForestService - Grande

Cache office

Indefinite Approved

6-08-057: SW3; NW3; LOC 771296 Licence ofOccupation - fordrainage andirrigation

0.546 Alberta Social HousingCorporation

Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW24; NW24; NE24; LOC 780688 Licence ofOccupation – forerosion protection

4.180 Canadian NationalRailway Company

Indefinite Active/Disposed

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

January 2009 Page 16A-32 Maxim Power Corp.

Table 16A-4 Summary of Active Surface Activity Dispositions in the RAA (cont’d)

Locations within RAAAct.


Number Description Size(ha)

Name of HolderCurrent Expiry

Date Status/Type

Surface Activities – Misc. Dispositions (cont’d)

6-08-057: SW1; NW1; SE2; SW2; LOC 5793 Licence ofOccupation – forwater courserealignment

2.918 Town of Grande Cache Indefinite Active/Disposed

6-08-058: SW16 MLL 040121 Misc. Lease – fortower site

0.130 MortowerCommunications Inc.

Feb. 17, 2015 Active/Disposed

6-08-057: 2; 3; 4; SE5; SW5; NE5; CNT 050002 ConsultativeNotation - allapplications to bereferred to the Townof Grande Cache forapproval prior toissuing referrals toother agencies

0 Public Lands –Edmonton Office

Jan. 31, 2010 Approved

6-08-058: 5-08 RSP 910010 Refined Spill 1 Public Lands –Edmonton Office

N/A Active/Disposed


Dispositions in bold are either located in the Land Use LAA or located adjacent to or overlapping with the LAA and consist of portions of NW10 (LSD 14); portionsof NE10 (LDS 15); portions of SW15 (LSD 3); portions of SE15 (LSD’s 1, 2, 7, and 8); and portions of SW14 (LSD 5); all within Township 58, Range 8, W6M

Dispositions summarized in this table were retrieved from the Alberta Land Status Automated System on February 19-21, 2008

Proposed HR Milner Expansion Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Appendix 16A: Pubic Land Use Dispositions

Maxim Power Corp. Page 16A-33 January 2009

Table 16A-5 Summary of Surface Dispositions within or Adjacent to theConstruction Crew Work Camp Portion of Land Use LAA

Disposition TypeDisposition

Number Location in 059-07 W6M Disposition Holder

DRS – for sand andgravel removal area

840320 Section 5 LSD 02; Section 5LSD 06; Section 5 LSD 07;Section 5 LSD 08

Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation(expired Feb. 18, 2005)

EZE 2645





SE5; SW5

ATCO Electric Ltd.

FMA 6900016 SE5; SW5 Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd.

LOC – for access road 900518 SE5; SW5 Talisman Energy

LOC – for access road 080402 SW5 ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd.

PLA 3619




SE5; SW5


ATCO Gas and Pipelines

PLA 054848


SE5; SW5

SE5; SW5

ConocoPhillips Canada Ltd.

RRD 0421053 SE5; SW5 Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation

TPA 2017 Section 5 LSD 01; Section 5LSD 02; Section 5 LSD 07;Section 5 LSD 08; SW5

Alfred Wanyandie

TPA 2135 Section 5 LSD 01 Bazil Leonard

The major public land use dispositions that overlap the work camp site are a trapping area agreement

held by Alfred Wanyandie, and a Forest Management Agreement area held by Weyerhaeuser.

There are also several power lines and pipelines running adjacent to or underneath the site.

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