Page 1: APPLICATION FORM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATIONS … · 2. DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT Project applicant: Gannabosch Cla y Mine (Pty) Ltd Registration no (if any): 2015/446995/07 Trading


IMPORTANT NOTICE Kindly note that: 1. As from 8 December 2014, this document serves as the application form, and incorporates the requisite documents that are to be

submitted together with the application for the necessary environmental authorisations in terms of the said Acts.

2. This application form is applicable while the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Act of 2008 is in effect, as the form may require amendment should the Act be further amended.

3. Applicants are required to apply for the necessary water use licence and any other authorisations nor licences to the relevant competent authorities as required by the relevant legislation. Upon acceptance of an application for a right or permit in terms of the MPRDA, applicants will be required to provide evidence to the Regional Manager that a water use licence has been applied for.

4. The Regional Manager will respond to the application and provide the reference and correspondence details of the Competent Authority, and in the event that the application for a right or permit is accepted, together with the date by which the relevant environmental reports must be submitted. Notwithstanding anything that may appear to be stated to the contrary in the acceptance letter, the timeframes are in fact aligned and the prescribed timeframes for the submission of documents as regulated by the NEMA regulations must be strictly adhered to.

5. The application must be typed within the spaces provided in the form. The sizes of the spaces provided are not necessarily indicative of the amount of information to be provided. Spaces are provided in tabular format and will extend automatically when each space is filled with typing.

6. The failure to submit complete information as required in this application form may result in the refusal of the application for an

environmental authorisation and consequently of the right or permit applied for. 7. This application must be submitted through the SAMRAD online application system of the Department of Mineral Resources under

“Other documents to upload”.

8. Unless protected by law, all information filled in on this application form will become public information on receipt by the competent authority. Any interested and affected party should and shall be provided with the information contained in this application on request, during any stage of the application process.

9. Please note that an application fee is payable in terms of the National Environmental Management Act and the National Waste

Management Act, which fees must be paid upon lodgement of the application. Should the said application fees not be paid as prescribed the application for a right or permit in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act cannot be considered to have been made in the prescribed manner and the said application for a right or permit will have to be rejected. In this regard the type of applications must be identified in the table below.

Page 2: APPLICATION FORM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATIONS … · 2. DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT Project applicant: Gannabosch Cla y Mine (Pty) Ltd Registration no (if any): 2015/446995/07 Trading



Mark with an X where applicable

NEMA S&EIR application on its own R10 000.00 NEMA BAR application on its own R 2 000.00 NEMWA S&EIR application on its own R10 000.00 NEMWA BAR application on its own R 2 000.00 NEMA S&EIR application combined with NEMWA S&EIR application R 15 000.00 NEMA BAR application combined with NEMWA BAR application R 3 000.00 NEMA S&EIR application combined with NEMWA BAR application R 11 000.00



Project applicant: Gannabosch Clay Mine (Pty) Ltd

Registration no (if any): 2015/446995/07

Trading name (if any): WC30/5/1/2/2/10082MR

Responsible Person, (e.g.

Director, CEO, etc).: Morne Swanepoel

Contact person: Morne Swanepoel

Physical address: Riaan de Jongh Drive Robertson Western Cape 6705

Postal address: P O Box 234 Robertson

Postal code: 6705 Cell: 082 374 6949

Telephone: Fax:

E-mail: [email protected]


EAP: Paul Lee

Professional affiliation/registration:

EAPSA Registered

Contact person (if different from EAP):

Company: Umvoto Africa (Pty) Ltd

Physical address: 8 Beach Road Muizenberg 7945

Postal address: P O Box 61

Postal code: 7950 Cell:


Telephone: 021 - 709 6700 E-mail: [email protected]

If an EAP has not been appointed please ensure that an independent EAP is appointed as stipulated by the NEMA Regulations, prior to the commencement of the process. The declaration of independence and the Curriculum Vitae (indicating the experience with environmental impact assessment and relevant application processes) of the EAP must also be attached as Appendix 1.

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Farm Name: Gannabosch Vlakte 51

Application area (Ha) 14

Magisterial district: Cape Winelands District Municipality, Langeberg Local

Municipality Distance and direction from

nearest town

16 km

21 digit Surveyor General

Code for each farm portion


Locality map Attach a locality map at a scale not smaller than 1:250000 and attach as Appendix 2

Description of the overall


(Indicate Mining Right, Mining

Permit, Prospecting right, Bulk

Sampling, Production Right,

Exploration Right, Reconnaisance

permit, Technical co-operation

permit, Additional listed activity)

Mining Right application for open pit mining of clay in trench

area 637 x 220 m.

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(Please provide copies of Environmental Authorisations obtained for the same property as Appendix 3). (Not applicable) (For an application for authorisation icated. Pleathat involves more than one listed activity that, together, make up one development proposal, all the listed activities pertaining to this application must be indse note that any authorisation that may result from this application will only cover activities specifically applied for).(Attach

a proposed site plan, drawn to a scale acceptable to the competent Authority, showing the location of all the activities to be applied for, as Appendix 4)


(E.g. For prospecting - drill site, site camp, ablution facility, accommodation, equipment storage, sample storage, site office, access route etc…etc…etc E.g. for mining,- excavations, blasting, stockpiles, discard dumps or dams, Loading, hauling and transport, Water supply dams and boreholes, accommodation, offices, ablution, stores, workshops, processing plant, storm water control, berms, roads, pipelines, power lines, conveyors, etc…etc…etc.)

Aerial extent

of the Activity

Ha or m²



(Mark with an X where applicable or affected).




(GNR 544, GNR 545 or GNR 546)




(Indicate whether an authorisation is required in terms of the Waste Management Act).

(Mark with an X )

The decommissioning of any

activity requiring-

A closure certificate in terms if

section 43 of the Mineral and

Petroleum Resources

Development Act, 2002 (Act No.

28 of 2002):

The closure of the mine at the end

of the mines life: ~10-15 years

14 Ha X 983/22

The clearance of an area of 1

hectare or more, but less than 20

hectares of indigenous vegetation,

14 Ha X 983/27

Activity which requires a mining

right as contemplated in section

22 of the Mineral and Petroleum

Resources Development Act,

2002: The abstraction of

shale/brick clay

14 Ha X 984/17

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(Provide details of the public participation process proposed for the application as required by Regulation.

Details of the Public Participation process to be followed.



Mark with an X where



Will the landowner be specifically consulted? X

Will the lawful occupier on the property other than the Landowner be consulted?

Will a tribal authority or host community that may be affected be consulted? Will recipients of land claims in respect of the area be consulted? Will the landowners or lawful occupiers of neighbouring properties been identified?


Will the local municipality be consulted? X

Will the Authority responsible for power lines within 100 metres of the area be consulted?

Will Authorities responsible for public roads or railway lines within 100 metres of the area applied for be consulted?


Will authorities responsible for any other infrastructure within 100 metres of the area applied for be consulted? (Specify)

Will the Provincial Department responsible for the environment be consulted?


Will all of the parties identified above be provided with a description of the proposed mining /prospecting operation as referred above?


Will all the parties identified above be requested in writing to provide information as to how their interests (whether it be socio-economic, cultural, heritage or environmental) will be affected by the proposed mining project?


Other, Specify

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Steps to be taken to notify interested and affected parties(Describe the process to be undertaken

to consult interested and affected parties including public meetings and one on one consultations. NB the affected parties must be specifically consulted regardless of whether or not they attended public meetings. Photographs of notice boards, and copies of advertisements and notices notifying potentially interested and affected parties of the proposed application must be attached as Appendix)


Information to be provided to Interested and Affected Parties.


The site plan.

List of activities to be authorised

Scale and extent of activities to be authorised

Typical impacts of activities to be authorised ( e.g.surface disturbance, dust,

noise, drainage, fly rock etc.)

The duration of the activity.

Sufficient detail of the intended operation to enable them to assess what

impact the activities will have on them or on the use of their land) Other, specify: A Background Information Documents (BID), and supporting

letters will be sent via email and registered letters to all Stakeholders and

IAP’S. Advertisements notices will be placed in regional and local

newspaper to inform the general public of the proposed mining activity and

invite public comment

Information to be required from Interested and Affected Parties.


To provide information on how they consider that the proposed activities will impact on them or their socio-economic conditions

To provide written responses stating their suggestions to mitigate the anticipated impacts of each activity

To provide information on current land uses and their location within the area under consideration

To provide information on the location of environmental features on site to make proposals as to how and to what standard the impacts on site can be remedied. requested to make written proposals

To mitigate the potential impacts on their socio economic conditions to make proposals as to how the potential impacts on their infrastructure can be managed, avoided or remedied).

Other, Specify

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7. Description of the assessment process to be undertaken


Environmental attributes. Describe how the Environmental attributes associated with the development footprint will be determined.

Identification of impacts and risks. (Describe the

process that will be used to identify impacts and risks.

Consideration of the Mine Work Program and understanding of the

biophysical, cultural and socio-economic environment will be used to

identify impacts and risk. Negative and positive impact will be assessed

for the following components:

• Flora

• Fauna

• Water resource and hydrology

• Dust loading

• Noise

• Soils

• Visual and topographic alteration

• Economic effect on influenced persons in neighbourhood

• Lifestyle and cultural effect on influenced persons in


Identification of impacts and risks will be more fully assessed in The

Social and Labour Plan, the Scoping Report and the EMPR. Consideration of alternatives. Describe how

alternatives, and in particular the alternatives to the proposed site layout and possible alternative methods or technology to be applied will be determined.

No planned alternative to proposed mining is envisaged. Should mine

not proceed, current agrarian land use will continue. Proposed site

layout and open pit trenching technique with concurrent rehabilitation

will minimise footprint and impact. Any alternative methodology may

have greater impact. Alternatives may be more fully assessed in

Scoping Report and EMPR Process to assess and rank impacts. Describe the process

to be undertaken to identify, assess and rank the impacts and risks each individual activity.

The identified activities on the mine include: Excavations, stockpiling,

loading, hauling and transport. Each activity (para 5) will be assessed

and ranked in terms of:

• Spatial extent- (local, site specific, regional and cumulative).

• Intensity - (high, medium and low).

• Duration - (short terms, medium term and long term to


Ranking of activities will be provided in the Scoping Report and the

EMPR. Contribution of specialist reports Describe how specialist

reports, if required, will be taken into consideration and inform the impact identification, assessment and remediation process.

Due to the mining techniques proposed as well as well as initial impact

identification, studies of the hydrogeological, botanical and heritage

environments will be the focus of specialist studies.

• Hydrogeological assessment will provide a baseline study of the

geology, hydrology, geochemistry, potential contamination at the

proposed site and the impact of proposed mining operation on the local

aquifer systems and existing groundwater users.

• Botanical assessment will provide a more detailed baseline

assessment regarding specific plant species, their densities and

conservation value.

• Heritage assessment will focus on both the paleontological and

archaeological significance of the area and assess the cumulative

(positive and negative) impacts within and around the proposed mine


Specialist’s contributions will be provided in the EMPR.

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Determination of impact management objectives and outcomes. Describe how

impact management objectives will be determined for each activity to address the potential impact at source, and how the impact management outcomes will be aligned with standards.

The impact both with and without mitigation of each activity will be

rated in accordance with the following set of management objectives and


• Insignificant: Impact is not likely to be substantial and does not

require any mitigatory action.

• Very low: The impact is of little importance, but may require

limited mitigation.

• Low: As in Very Low

• Medium: The impact is of importance and therefore considered

to have a negative impact. Mitigation is required to reduce the negative

impacts to acceptable levels.

• High: The impact is of great importance. Failure to mitigate,

with the objective to reduce the impact to acceptable levels, could render

the entire development option or entire project proposal unacceptable.

Mitigation is therefore essential.

• Very high). As in High

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Please provide proof of submission of applications in Appendix 5. In the event that an authorization in terms of the National Environmental Waste Management Act is required for any of the activities applied for please state so clearly in order for such an authorisation to be considered as part of this application.


For consultation purposes, provide a high level approach to the management of the potential environmental impacts

of each of the activities applied for.

ACTIVITIES (E.g. For prospecting - drill site, site camp, ablution facility, accommodation, equipment storage, sample storage, site office, access route etc…etc…etc E.g. for mining,- excavations, blasting, stockpiles, discard dumps or dams, Loading, hauling and transport, Water supply dams and boreholes, accommodation, offices, ablution, stores, workshops, processing plant, storm water control, berms, roads, pipelines, power lines, conveyors, etc…etc…etc.)

PHASE (of operation in which activity will take place). State; Planning and design, Pre-Construction’ Construction, Operational, Rehabilitation, Closure, Post closure.

SIZE AND SCALE (of Disturbance)

(volumes, tonnages and hectares or m²)

TYPICAL MITIGATION MEASURES (Eg, storm water control, dust control, noise control, access control, rehabilitation etc…., etc….,)

COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS (A description of how each of the recommendations herein will comply with any prescribed environmental management standards or practices that have been identified by Competent Authorities)

Excavations Operational 14 Ha

918 000 m3

Opening of

trench pits

will proceed

in orderly



manner in

limited area





National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act X

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act

National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act


National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act X

National Environmental Management: Waste Act X

National legislation

Mineral Petroleum Development Resources Act X X

National Water Act X

National Heritage Resources Act X

Others: Please specify

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of mine



section to



after mining


moving to

next section


damping on


vegetation to

mitigate for

dust loading

Noise to be

limited to



Signage to



entry and

sign in

procedures to

enter mine



n to be


with closure

of trench


opening of



Stockpiling 0.1 Ha Limited. All


material will

be loaded and


from site


Topsoil and


will be

stocked on

border of

mine in

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Storm water

berms will



from erosion.

Topsoil will

be covered to



and wind loss

Loading hauling and


.05 Ha Excavator

will load

direct from

bucket to

dump truck



removal of

material from

site. There

will be no

stockpiling of


Storm Water control Storm water

and runoff to

be curtailed

and diverted

into natural


Roads Existing road

runs along


boundary of

mine area.

Access roads



boundary into

trench will be

maximum 20

m and road

width will be

< 3 meters

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In the space provided under each heading below, please provide a high level description of the plan for closure and the information that will be provided in the draft EMPr accompanying draft basic assessment report or environmental impact reports going forward. Baseline environment Describe how the baseline environment will be determined with the input of interested and affected parties and due cognizance of the current land uses and or existing biophysical environment

Closure objectives Describe the closure objectives and the extent to which they will be aligned to the baseline environment

Baseline environment:

Field survey work will be undertaken by the consultant group

Umvoto Africa. The field team will be made up of a geologist,

hydrogeologist, and an environmental practitioner. Based on

field survey and desk top research, a Background Information

Document (BID), providing base line an environmental

situational analysis will be prepared. IAP’s and stakeholders will

be provided with the Background Information Document (BID)

and requested to comment and provide input which will be added

to the draft Scoping Report and draft Environmental Impact

Report (EIR). Specialist input pertaining to heritage, botany,

hydrology, noise and air emission may be required and

professionally registered practitioners will be subcontracted as

required. Input from specialist surveys will be included in the

final Scoping Report, EIR and the EMPr.

Closure objectives

To return the excavated area to its former land use, which is

livestock grazing with natural Karoo fynbos vegetation cover and

pre mined drainage.

Rehabilitation Plan Describe the scale and aerial extent of the prospecting or mining listed activities to be authorised, including the anticipated prospecting or mining area at the time of closure, and confirm that a site rehabilitation plan drawn to a suitable scale will be provided in the draft EMPr to be submitted together with the draft EIR or Basic Assessment Report as the case may be.

Extent and area of the rehabilitation area will be approximately

600 x 220 m = 14Ha. The trench is anticipated to be 7 to 9

meters in depth with benched sides and an excavated volume area

of approximately 920 000 m3. Full extent will not be opened

simultaneously but will be strip trenched and refilled over life of

mine. Rehabilitation plans to be conducted concurrently with

mining, each trench area will be refilled with stored overburden

before excavation proceeds to the next trench. Stored topsoil

will be reintroduced and the area profiled to assume pre mining

land slope. Topsoil will contain stored seed bank, which will

lead to natural re-growth and, as required, pioneer grasses may be

introduced in hard to re-vegetate areas. Topsoil may be covered

with chip mulch to aid in storing moisture and maintaining

equitable temperatures. Any mine debris and infrastructure such

as fencing and containers will be removed. Hardened surface

will be ripped and scarified. A three year follow up plan with an

environmental specialist will be scheduled as part of

rehabilitation and mine closure. The Rehabilitation plan will be

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I, Paul Lee , declare that –

General declaration:

I act as the independent environmental practitioner in this application

I will perform the work relating to the application in an objective manner, even if this results in views and findings that are not favourable to the applicant

I declare that there are no circumstances that may compromise my objectivity in performing such work;

I have expertise in conducting environmental impact assessments, including knowledge of the Act, Regulations and any guidelines that have relevance to the proposed activity;

I will comply with the Act, Regulations and all other applicable legislation;

I will take into account, to the extent possible, the matters listed in regulation 8 of the Regulations when preparing the application and any report relating to the application;

I have no, and will not engage in, conflicting interests in the undertaking of the activity;

I undertake to disclose to the applicant and the competent authority all material information in my possession that reasonably has or may have the potential of influencing - any decision to be taken with respect to the application by the competent authority; and - the objectivity of any report, plan or document to be prepared by myself for submission to the competent authority;

I will ensure that information containing all relevant facts in respect of the application is distributed or made available to interested and affected parties and the public and that participation by interested and affected parties is facilitated in such a manner that all interested and affected parties will be provided with a reasonable opportunity to participate and to provide comments on documents that are produced to support the application;

I will ensure that the comments of all interested and affected parties are considered and recorded in reports that are submitted to the competent authority in respect of the application, provided that comments that are made by interested and affected parties in respect of a final report that will be submitted to the competent authority may be attached to the report without further amendment to the report;

I will keep a register of all interested and affected parties that participated in a public participation process; and

I will provide the competent authority with access to all information at my disposal regarding the application, whether such information is favourable to the applicant or not

all the particulars furnished by me in this form are true and correct;

will perform all other obligations as expected from an environmental assessment practitioner in terms of the Regulations; and

I realise that a false declaration is an offence in terms of regulation 71 of the Regulations and is punishable in terms of section 24F of the Act.

Appendix 1:

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Full Name Paul Anthony Lee

Profession Environmental Scientist, Climatologist

Year of Birth 1959

Experience 30 years

Nationality South African (ID No: 590702 5140 089)

LANGUAGES Read Write Speak English Fluent Fluent Fluent Afrikaans Fair Fair Good French Poor Poor Limited TERTIARY EDUCATION 1984 B Sc Hons (Environmental Science/Climatology) University of Cape Town 1983 B Sc (Environmental Science/Climatology) University of Cape Town PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Member Professional Environmental Assessment Practitioner South Africa (EAPSA) Registered SACNASP, Pr Sci Nat 400124/09 Member IAIASA, Membership Number: 2164 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES 2014 Essential Tools and Techniques for Project Management. All About Xpert (Pty) Ltd 2013 Drilling Methods & Techniques in Resource Exploration. Geological Society of South

Africa GSSA Drilling Skills Course. 2013 Introduction to Climate Information Tools. Climate System Analyses Group, CSAG

Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town. 2012 BGIS Biodiversity Graphical Information System Course South African National

Biodiversity Institute, SANBI. OVERVIEW OF EXPERIENCE 2012 - Present Umvoto Africa (Pty) Ltd Senior Environmental Scientist, Climatologist, Well field Technologist 2010 - 2012 Department of Environmental Affairs Senior Meteorological Officer Antarctica South African Weather ServicesTeam

Leader for 50th SANAE Antarctica 2002-2010 Topstones Mining Corporation Director & Environmental Officer 2000-2002 Performance Unlimited CC Trainer facilitator 1990-2000 St Francis Resort Group General manager, 1987-1989 Felix Unite Tourism Group Operational Manager 1978-1983 SA Navy and Safamarine Navigational and Engineering Officer

KEY SKILLS Paul is the Senior Environmental Scientist and Climatologist at Umvoto Africa. He joined Umvoto having returned from an over-wintering year in the Antarctic as the Expedition Leader and Senior Meteorological Officer at the South African Base, working for the Department of Environmental Affairs, and the South African Weather Service. Prior to climatological work in the Antarctica, Paul worked as private environmental consultant and built up 15 years’ experience as an environmental practitioner, managing the Environmental Impact Assessment process and compiling Environmental Management Reports and Basic Assessment Reports. He specialised in the Exploration, Prospecting and Mining Industry. His skills include, preparatory work for developer and miners in the Environmental Authorisation and Application process, Performance Assessments, Quantum of Rehabilitation Analysis, Mine Works Programs and Mine Production Audits. As an Environmental consultant to the industry, he developed extensive experience in the rehabilitation process, specifically in the preparation of rehabilitation programs and as the Ecological Site Officer on developments. He is an accredited professional environmental practitioner with the EAPSA board. GIS and mapping is also part of his experience base.

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Currently at Umvoto, Paul is the Hydro-geological Technician for the Hermanus-Gateway, Stanford-Kouevlakte and Oudtshoorn-Blossoms Well fields. In this capacity he works closely with the Overstrand and Oudtshoorn Municipalities in providing logistical and technical support to the operation. He also heads up the Umvoto Environmental Department, in which his areas of responsibility include the management of ecological field teams for drill sites, monitoring of ecological sites and infrastructure and development of well fields. The Umvoto Environmental Department also manages applications for a range of licenses from the Department of Environment and Planning and the Department of Mineral Resources, He is also project managing a Water Research Council project on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Eastern Cape. In this work he has acted in an advisory capicity to the Chris Hani District Munciplaity in providing guidance and recommendation on climate change mitiation for the rural village of Tsengewe. The project was central to Umvoto Africa’s award on the World Design Capital 2014 program and instructional videos of the outcomes have been featured in the Sundance Institute Short Film Challenge, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Prior to environmental consulting, Paul worked in management training and facilitated and developed programs based on improving performance in teams and workgroups. He is particularly and specifically experienced in the scope of outdoor experiential field and adventure programs. He is currently developing an interactive learning program for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction specifically for use in participatory workshops in rural South Africa.

Owing to his years of experience in the environmental field, climatology, climate change and weather forecasting together with extensive travels to unusual destinations, he is requested to deliver have talks and public lectures. These have included radio and TV, societies and forums and the UCT Summer School program. His ease and comfort with public speaking has aided him in facilitating stakeholder and public participation processes with regard to the EIA and Scoping procedures. He is the Umvoto front man on public presentations and communiqué.


Climatology & Meteorology

2012 - 2014 Research and gathering of climate statistics for Cala / Tsengiwe region of the Eastern Cape over past 100 years and comparative analysis of perceived and actual climate change data

2010 - 2012 Meteorological observation. Senior Meteorological Officer for the South African Weather

Services in the Antarctic. Responsibility for observation, reporting and recording of weather in geographical vicinity of the SANAE Base. Maintenance and repair of sensors and equipment. Quality control of all data.


2012 - 2014 Management and supervision of the on-site monitoring task teams for the Hermanus Gateway, Hemel and Aarde, Kouevlakte and Blossoms well field operations.

2012 - 2014 Hydro-geological technician responsible for the construction, operation/maintenance and logistical/technical support for the Hermanus Gateway, Hemel and Aarde, Kouevlakte and Blossoms well field operations.

Mining Environmental Consulting

2002 - 2010 Environmental mine consulting, including: impact assessment, performance monitoring, closures, rehabilitation & financial budgets. Mining of semi-precious stones in Southern Africa. Planning, researching and exploration of new mines in South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique. Specialisation in silica/quartz/pegmatic minerals used predominantly for the semi-precious stone global jewellery / lapidary markets as well as landscaping and architectural features. ; Trade with international and domestic customers, cost-management, supervision of partners, associates and 30 staff. International sales and marketing.

Training and Facilitation

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2000 - 2002 Specialised in coaching and mentoring corporate work teams by means of programs encompassing the outdoor environment as a teaching medium. Mainly worked in the greater Port Elizabeth metropolis within the motor manufacturing industry.


1990 – 2000 - Conception and implementation of lodges, resorts and bush camps. Constructed lodges accompanied by restaurants, conference centres and sports facilities in six remote locations in the Eastern and Northern Cape. Post- construction management and operations.

COURSES, WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES ATTENDED 2013 Drilling Methods & Techniques in Resource Exploitation> 2013-06-05/06 2013 Climate Systems Analysis introduction to climate information tools > 2013-03-19 2007 Writing and Reviewing EIA’s and EMP’s, IAIA Conference, Oryx Environmental 1993 Practical Accounting & Bookkeeping, Damelin Management College 1992 Business Management Diploma, Damelin Management College REPORTS PROPOSALS REVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS 603 BLOSSOM WELLFIELD 1. Report Primary Eco Survey 2013-11-30 2. Monthly Environmental Control Officer Reports 23 reports to date 2015 July. 3. Supplementary Report 03 on Use of Drill Additives 2013-04-05 4. Supplementary Report 01 on Revegetation of Drill Sites 2013-04-15 5. Supplementary Report 02 on Repairs and widening of access road 2013-05-15 6. Supplementary Report 04 on Rotofoam Discharge 2013-10-25 7. Rehabilitation Report 01 Rehabilitation of Drill Sites and Exploration Camp Sites, on the Deep Artesian

Groundwater Exploration for Oudtshoorn Municipal Supply Project. DAGEOS 2014-02-01. 8. Rehabilitation Report 02 Review of Phase One Rehabilitation. Practicalities of mitigation and

rehabilitation of drilling impact in the Little Karoo. 2014-11-03 9. Borehole Inventory Report 2014-07-01 10. Klip River Monitoring Report for Alien Vegetation Control 2014-10-01 11. Supplementary Report 05 Scope of Work for lower access road to C2 Wellfield 2015-05-08 12. Research Proposal Klip River Alien Clearing and Rehabilitation. Submitted to the WRC as a Funding

Proposal 2015-06-25

605 GATEWAY WELLFIELD 1. Gateway Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports. 24 reports to date Dec 2014. 2. Gateway Wellfield Operation Manual Version 2. 2013-09-02 3. Gateway Wellfield Operaters Training Program. Powerpoint Teaching Presentation. 2014-05-01 4. Overstrand – HermanusHemel and Aarde Wellfield Operation Monthly Report. 1 report to date. 5. Gateway GWP01 Borehole Cleaning Report 2014-06-01. 6. Gateway GWP01 & GWE06 Borehole Cleaning Report 2014-11-01 7. Gateway GWP01 Borehole Cleaning Report 2015-04-16 8. Groundwater Conference Paper: A High Tech Approach to Wellfield Management. 2015-07-15 9. Gateway Ecological Monitoring Reports. 5 Reports to date July 2015 10. Gateway Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports Jan to Mar 2015_Final 11. Gateway Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports Apr to Jun 2015_Final

605 HEMEL AND AARDE WELLFIELD 1. H&A Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports. 8 reports to date Dec 2014. 2. H&A Wellfield Operaters Training Program. Powerpoint Teaching Presentation. 2014-05-01 3. Hemel & Aarde Operations and Maintenance Report Jan to Mar 2015 Final 4. Hemel & Aarde Operations and Maintenance Report Apr to Jun 2015 Final 635 STANFORD WELLFIELD 1. Kouevlakte Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports. 5 reports to date Dec 2014. 2. Stanford Wellfield Operaters Training Program. Powerpoint Teaching Presentation. 2014-05-01

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3. Kouevlakte Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports Jan to Mar 2015 4. Kouevlakte Wellfield Operation & Maintenance Reports Apr to Jun 2015

815 OSHKOSH 1. Mining Work Programme submitted for a mining right application. Elandsfontyn Portion 6/349

Oshkosh Mining Right Application. 2013-07-17 2. Background Information Document submitted for a mining application. Elandsfontyn Portion 6/349

Oshkosh Mining Right Application . 2013-03-2812. 3. Scoping Report submitted for a mining right application. Elandsfontyn Portion 6/349 Oshkosh

Mining Right Application. 2013-01-29 4. SAMREC Mineral Report on Elandsfontyn Portion 6/349 for verification of reserve as required by IDC

2013-10 5.

820 TOPSTONES MINING CORPORATION 1. Feasibility Study: Geophysical Survey Methods for jasper mapping in Griqualand west. 2013-01-28 2. Environmental Management Plan Portion 1 of Farm Van Nels Dam 104 Corpclo 2240cc. 2013-03-14 3. Background Information Document Mining Permit Application Prellex 647cc. 2013-03-22 4. Background Information Document Prospect Right Application Prellex 647cc. 2013-03-01 5. Environmental Management Plan Prospect Right Application Prellex 647cc. 2013-05-24 6. Environmental Management Plan Mining Permit Application Prellex 647cc. 2013-06-19 7. Financial and Technical Report. Mine Premit Appliaction Middelpost no 60, O-Mine. 2013-09-02 8. Environmental Management Plan Mining Permit Application Corpclo 2240cc O-Mine. 2013-12-20 9. Peer Review BAR Portion 1 of Farm Van Nels Dam 104 Corpclo 2240cc. 2015-07-29 804 WRC CC ADAPTATION AND DRR IN TSENGIWE 1. Deliverable 2. Summary Report Workshop 01 held in Tsengiwe Village and Cala (Sakhisizwe Local

Municipality) Final Report. July 2012. Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2012-08-28.

2. Progress Report Final September 2012: Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2012-09-25

3. Deliverable 3 Risk Assessment Methodology. Final Draft. December 2012. Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2012-12-05

4. Deliverable 4 Climate Change Risk Assessment Guidelines. Final Draft. March 2013. Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2013-03-22

5. Deliverable 12 Summary Report on Community Worskhop 02 Held in Tsegiwe Village and Cala (Sakhisizwe Local Municipality. Final Report. June 2013 Climate Change Risk Assessment Guidelines Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2013-06-06

6. Deliverable 13 Monitor and Evaluate Study Progress. Final Report. June 2013 Climate Change Risk Assessment Guidelines Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rural South African Communities: Tsengiwe, Eastern Cape. 2013-07-12

7. Hydro Census Report. Preliminary Report. December 2013. Hydro-Census Upper and Lower Tsengiwe. 2013-11.

607 TABLE MOUNTAIN GROUP AQUIFIER PROJECT 1. TMGA Montoring Feedback Report Jan 2015. 2. TMGA Montoring Feedback Report July 2015. 3. TMGA Situtional Analysis Report July 2015

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Appendix 2

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Appendix 3 Not Applicable, no currently or planned Environmental Authorisations exist on the property

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Appendix 4

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Appendix 5:

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