
Applied ways to make your webinar effective and successful

AuthorHariom [email protected]

Understand WebinarAs per Financial Services Commission of Ontario

A webinar is an online event that is hosted by an organization/company and broadcast to a select group of individuals through their computers via the Internet. (A webinar is sometimes also referred to as a “webcast”, “online event” or “web seminar”.


A webinar is a live meeting that takes place over the web. The meeting can be a presentation, discussion, demonstration, or instructional session. Participants can view documents and applications via their computers, while shared audio allows for presentation and discussion.

Why Webinar

Webinars are a great way to demonstrate your expertise and communicate your company’s value to people who really need to know everything before making a purchase.By Steve Toth, AdLuge

Exercise to you

Ask ‘why’ Webinar List down all things which come in your mind Sort them priority wise as per your organization

Increasing Brand Awareness

Webinar for


Relationship Building & Nurturing

Webinar for


Lead Generation

Webinar for


77% Marketers use webinars for lead generation

Marketers say webinar is cost effective


Lead Nurturing

45% Driving Awareness

51% Lead Generation

37% Cross Selling/Up Selling


#1 Lead Nurturing Source for Business, ahead of tele-sales, webinar, events etc.

% of business using webinar for different purposes

Marketers Common Challenges Webinar invitation content quality ineffectiveness to attract Where & how to promote webinar Best time to schedule Registration Vs actual attendees conversion

Platform medium to host webinar


Let’s talk about possible solutions


Marketers accept contents quality to attract audience

Follow below template - Webinar invitation content quality

Webinar topic: (Maximum 20 words)

Think & select a topic which itself give much clarity on what to be covered and great search potential by it audience.

Do start from step back and think about the title from the audience’s viewpoint

Description: (Maximum 150 words)

Start with a brief on your webinar. Use language which audience will related to. Create a compelling reason, which attract larger audience. What challenges do they face and how this webinar will help them to address those. How this webinar will help them to improve their productivity / skills. Summarised the benefits in points, the audience will get after attending.

Who should attend? (Maximum 30 words)

Provide a profile of most relevant audience for the webinar

Marketing tools for webinar registration

80 20Experience

Solution: Where & how to promote webinar


Email, Website and Third-party (eNewswire, content syndication)

Contribute Registration

Email Responsive Website Third-Party

Solution: Where & how to promote webinar

AffiliateSearch Engine Marketing

Banner Ads Social Media Marketing

20%Contribute Registration

Solution: Where & how to promote webinar







20% 23% 21% 18% 13% 2/3%

17% 23% 22% 24% 11% 2%

Best day for webinar emailDay with most registration happen

EMEA Results

Global Results

EMEA Source: on24 Webinar Benchmarks Report 2013

Solution: Where & how to promote webinar

Based on a research and data, the best days of the week to host webinars are Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Why? Because people are catching up on Monday, and they’re ready for the weekend by Thursday.

Solution: Where & how to promote webinar

Registration Vs actual attendees conversion

Exercise to you Ask ‘why’ participants will really attend List down all things which come in your mind Sort them priority wise

#1Make sure to send proper personalised reminders to each registered participants.

Gentle ReminderSolution to increase actual attendees conversion

#2Focus on larger audience.

Solution to increase actual attendees conversion

It has been seen participants need more reviews and testimonials webinar. Customer advocates share content enthusiastically and, most importantly, with the right people.

#3Create a strategy to encourage your customer to advocate your webinar.

Solution to increase actual attendees conversion

#4Keep contents fresh & knowledge focused rather than sales centric.

Solution to increase actual attendees conversion




#5Offer registered participant’s a valued downloadable contents

Solution to increase actual attendees conversion

#5Mention clearly on how and where to register. Check registration link etc.

Large no. of respondents had the biggest trouble to register for their online event.

Solution to increase actual attendees conversion

Platform medium to host webinar

Depending upon your need and budget, few of important features you may consider are…

Customized Registration form for webinar

Ease of navigation and Interface

Customized Branding

Check if you can create Survey & Poll

No. of Attendees

Real time Chat No. of


Check if you can record your webinar

Integration with Marketing Automation and CRM

Generate reports (Registration, attendees, poll, survey, interest, attainable times etc.)

Measure Webinar Simple Success Metrics

RegistrationClick thru ratio

No. of registration

No. of click on registration page



Attendees Performance rate

No. of attendees

No. registrations =



%Increase in average interest rating


%Increase average attentiveness

No. of leads generated


We have discussed

What is Webinar Why Webinar Marketers common challenges & Solutions

Webinar invitation content quality ineffectiveness to attract Where & how to promote webinar Best time to schedule Registration Vs actual attendees conversion Platform medium to host webinar

Webinar Success Matrix

Hope this fast paced presentation helped you to understand the applied ways to make your webinar effective and successful.

If you have any doubts, Please mail me at [email protected] and I’ll try to address all your doubts.

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