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CONTENTSCONTENTSPage 3 Editor’s Welcome & Contents

Page 4 - 5 Bisi & Bilal Article

Page 6 Yemzi Photography

Page 7 Poet’s Corner

Page 8 - 9 Pastor Steve Perkins Interview

Page 10 Frances Williams

Page 11 Lets Talk With Pastor Jancie

Page 12 Article 1

Page 13 Areatha Mogagabe

Page 14 Monthly Word

Page 15 Article 2

Page 16 - 17 Tom Strudwick

Page 20 - 21 Catch up With Rev Grandison

Page 22 - 23 Miss Sierra Leona Uk Article (Culture & Fashion)

Page 24 - 25 Arise Adverts / Latest Brands

Page 26 Up Coming Events


Page 18 - 19 Esther Jacob Article

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In this hectic life, we all need a little peace, a little quiet, and a little beauty. Combining heartfelt stories from some of our writers in this issue we explore the beauty of God’s love as a haven of calm contemplation amidst the chaos.

This uplifting issue includes moving stories of cultivating friendship, waiting on God, choosing joy, staying connected, and how God’s love transforms and elevates our lives without us even knowing it.

Being a Christian publication, we are always looking to reach out to non believ-ers; those who are unsure about their faith and to fellow believers of Christ.

Aren’t you blessed to know that the powerful God of all Creation, the God who mad you, faithfully loves you each and every day? On those days when you feel less than lovable (maybe you had an argument with your loved one, or fell out with somebody you work or go to school with), remember that God’s love is faithful and abundant. It’s not based on your performance but solely upon his grace. Feel his warm embrace and know that you are completely loved by him. There’s nothing you can do to lose that love!

God has a way of showing that he loves us by providing comfort regardless of what we have done. Never mind your past, God will always love you and provides a constant platform for you to seek him and he will never turn his back on him. God’s love is what keeps us going and his sufficient grace is what has allowed us to live the lives we live.

As young people at times we feel unloved, especially when things aren’t go-ing our way; we feel lonely and this may cause insecurities; on the other hand what we must remember is that God loves us unconditionally. This has to be remembered so that whenever we feel down and sad, we know that although men and women may fail us, God’s love never will.

So as we talk about in depth the beauty of God’s love, the Arise magazine team would like to remind you that the beauty of God’s love is so special that we cannot even comprehend it at times.

Key Scripture: Deuteronomy 7:7-9

The Lord did not choose you and lavish his love on you because you were larger or greater than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! It was simply because the Lord loves you, and because he was keeping the oath he had sworn to your ancestors. That is why the Lord rescued you with such amazing power from your slavery under Pharaoh in Egypt. Understand, there-fore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and constantly loves those who love him and obey his commands.

David Wurie



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ForwardMoving go


Mr and miss Nigeria

This article is taken from an interview with Bisi and Bilal which explores their faith and walk with Christ. Both individuals explain how they have built a relationship with God and the way they per-ceive the beauty of God. Not only are they prestigious winners of a talent show but also devoted Christians with positive views especially to empower the youth of today.


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you do things that aren’t acceptable in the Christian walk or things of the world that aren’t Godly.

How do you demonstrate God’s love on a regular basis?

Bilal – By helping people, whatever I can do to help people out is what I

will do to the best of my ability. God loves everyone and a little thing you can do to demonstrate that is to just help them out.

As a beauty pageant winner what difficulties did you face preparing

for the competition?

Bisi – Beauty pageants are not easy! You don’t just smile and pose. You have to

go to rehearsal after rehearsal which is something I definitely had to adjust to. I had to make sure I was on time, attending all the rehearsals and still smiling even when my cheeks were hurting! You need to maintain your posture and know how to speak eloquently. It’s really hard but in the end it’s all worthwhile. If you do want to be a pageant winner go for it!

Plans for the future?

Bisi – I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. I’m studying psychol-ogy at the moment so hopefully after my degree I’ll get a doc-torate and then become a clinical psychologist. One day I plan to have my own clinic specifically for child development and then I would like to start my own charity so I can help people because when you help people you are helping yourself. It’s the best thing you can do because if you’re more able than others and you have something to offer them you never know

how you can benefit them.

As the winner of Mr Nigeria UK 2014 some may see you as a role model, what quali-

ties do you need to be a good role model?

Bilal – The major thing is to be yourself, if you keep that up things will work out for you. I’ve just fin-ished my masters at UCL and I would encourage others to get

their education as young as we are, we might not realise the importance

of education especially when looking for jobs and into future career plans.

Tell us something about you that nobody knows?

Bisi – People might look at me and think that I’m so confident but actually, sometimes I underestimate my own ability and I am a little insecure about what I am truly capable of, but by others around me who encourage me I’ve stopped do-ing this.

Bilal – Mine is quite similar to Bisi, when we do things others might dis-courage us but we need to go for what-ever we put our minds to. Even if your parents or friends think you can’t they may be wrong. My mum wasn’t too sure about me tak-ing part in this competition but I thought that if I started it I’d have to see it through. So with God I’m grateful that He’s given me the ability to push myself.

How is your walk with Christ and how did you become a Chris-tian?

Bisi – My mum is a Christian so I was born into the church. At the moment my walk is under construction. I’m getting to know myself, God and how I should be in regards to my relationship with Him.

Describe the beauty of God’s love?

Bilal – God is just amazing, His love is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. When I look at where I am today, if not for God, I wonder how I would have been able to do my mas-ters and be who I am today, Mr Nigeria UK 2014. His love is uncountable. So for everybody who doesn’t know God yet, even though it may be hard, take the time to know Him.

What makes God’s love special?

Bisi – God’s love is so special that you can’t even comprehend it, even if I gave so many examples of what God has done for me it still wouldn’t be enough to express how special His love is.

What are the day to day challenges as a Christian?

Bilal – Being around people that might try and make you do things that aren’t acceptable in the Chris-

Some of the Arise Team met up with Mr & Miss Nigeria UK 2014 to get to know them, their journeys with God and their experiences

throug out the competition.Bisi is 21, she studies Psychology at Coventry University and she

is currently Miss Nigeria UK. Bilal is 25 and he has just finished his

Master’s degree and at present Mr Nigeria UK.

Mr &


s N





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written By : Shantel Cherebin

I can hear the voice of the Father saying:Your heart is a jewel given to the King.

You sacrificed yourself and worship the Lord as you singThank you for giving to me with in-tegrity and Love.

Thank you for laying everything on my royal and precious tableYou believed in me as your Father that I can do ANYTHING and I Am ABLE.

You have opened up your hearts and allowed me to feed into your what needs to be done.

You have persevered running this race and I can’t wait to welcome you into my Kingdom.

Thank you my child for opening your heart to let me inYou allowed me to make changes as my Holy Spirit works within.

Thank you for YOU! And you are not changing for the enemyOne day you will behold my face and you will dance and walk in liberty.

Thank you for obeying my words, I will create new desires as you reach for me everydayDon’t cease on me as I love to see you seek my purity as you are knell-ing down to pray.

Thank you my faithful servant from your Father in Heaven who will never leave you as I have been there from the beginning.


As for God his way is perfect, the word of the Lord proves true He is the shield, to all who take refuge in you.

In my distress He heard my cryFrom His temple, the Lord the Most HighDescended from heaven, he sent arrows to scatter my enemy.

God, the great deliverer saved me from calamityMy fear was great and foes were too strong for me.

His statues I have not set asideYou repay righteousness and those who are pure in your sight.You save the humble and those that bless your nameWho else but God that surrounds me with strengthAnd makes my way without blame

Lord our lives are never out of Your gazeYour love has no limits and it delivers us from shameYou are our Father God worthy of all praise.

Inspired by Psalm 18

written By : Kirstin Lewis


Love From God

To You


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Steve Perkins; Chief Executive of British Occupational Hygiene So-ciety (BOHS) talks to us about his walk with Christ and how he per-ceives the beauty of God’s love.

Steve is also a Pastor and has been so for the past 7 years. He gives us an insight of how his walk with Christ evolved despite being

in a challenging profession.

Being the Chief Executive of a charity that makes a dis-tinct and valuable contribution to preventing ill health and the only professional society representing qualified occu-pational hygienists in the UK, must involve immense pres-sure - Nonetheless, Steve says he is able to withstand the pressures of his role and it’s complexity that it comes with

due to God’s unconditional towards him.

Steve started to discover that his passion to worship and serve God as a Christian grew. With his wife, they built up a solid relationship with not only themselves but by keeping Jesus at the centre of it all. Early on in their marriage they moved from the Methodist church to an Anglican church seeing as his father was the minister of the Methodist church in which they attended. In his new church he built a very strong relationship with the Vicars and he learnt so much from them. Initially, along with his wife, he ran the kids work, which ages from 7-11; so from the beginning working with young people, helping them grow and mature, has been in Steve’s heart.

After attending Ishmael’s youth conference (A well known charismatic youth worker within the UK) Steve and his wife gained so much information. They first encountered the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they helped the young people of their church prophesy and gain gifts from God. He ex-pressed that “kids are straight forward, they don’t know about doubt” as he explained when he use to witness the youth pray for each other.

After Graduating from Oxford University, studying Physics Steve managed to find himself working at the prestige car company Rolls-Royce where he undertook many different roles such as: Noise Technologist, Company Duct Acoustics, IT Business Control-ler, and Business Improvement Manager. Steve grew up in church and has pretty much been a believer and follower of Christ all of his life. Seeing as a majority of his work at Rolls-Royce was working on the theatrical side of things, involving himself and his brain he found himself quite isolated. Nonetheless he started to find himself working with people and he began running programmes and test programmes, so he was always integrating with others. During that period, Steve ran youth groups, evangelism programmes, pastoral groups and training;

he called them “useful preparation”.

“My daughters grew up learning that if you follow Jesus he provides you to do what you are called to do, which is a fantastic les-son for them.”


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Keeping up with Steve Perkins

QUESTION TIMESteve started to discover that his passion to wor-ship and serve God as a Christian grew. With his wife, they built up a solid relationship with not only themselves but by keeping Jesus at the centre of it all. Early on in their marriage they moved from the Methodist church to an Anglican church seeing as his father was the minister of the Methodist church in which they attended. In his new church he built a very strong relationship with the Vicars and he learnt so much from them. Initially, along with his wife, he ran the kids work, which ages from 7-11; so from the beginning working with young people, helping them grow and mature, has been in Steve’s heart.

After attending Ishmael’s youth conference (A well known charismatic youth worker within the UK) Steve and his wife gained so much information. They first encountered the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they helped the young people of their church prophesy and gain gifts from God. He ex-pressed that “kids are straight forward, they don’t know about doubt” as he explained when he use to witness the youth pray for each other.

Steve then went on to Bible College and described his experience as life changing and an eye-opener. Rolls-Royce fortunately gave him a career break as Steve, his wife Sue and his family moved to Scotland for a year so that he could attend Bible College. He was blessed to know that his church managed to collect a love offer-ing for him to cover his fees for Bible College; as he needed a staggering £14,000 to study. Due to God’s grace, the church managed to raise a whopping £20,000 in order to support him and his family in his year of studying.

Steve then went on to explain that it wasn’t a bible study that you went to gain the title of being a minister, it was a place of worship where you learnt key concepts and common values as a Christian. Steve and his wife Sue both took the course and passed which as a result gave them the title as an ordained minister. On the back of this, the sense of calling to be a self employed full time Pastor was pretty much imminent in his life. This was something that Steve said he couldn’t ignore or reject. So the church in which he Pastured on a regional basis grew from around 350 members to 750, this was due to God’s love and intervention in his ministerial work.

Steve believes that if you are in a leadership posi-tion, you must always have pre-succors on stand-by, “I say have two, and see what takes place” stated Steve as he talked about the importance of leaders having others in training so that they can learn the key values of leadership in order to help prepare them for greater things.

Steve has always felt that it’s important to spread the word of God. Wherever he is, he always tries to speak God’s good work. He feels that it is important to share to others the goodness of God’s love and the beauty of it. God has managed to pour out his love upon Steve and his family continuously and Steve feels that the least he can do is to inform others the many blessings God pro-vides us with.

Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows?

“They taught us so much and I think through all for that, our passion and de-sire for God was growing”.

“My daughters grew up learning that if you follow Jesus he provides you to do what you are called to do, which is a fantastic les-son for them.”

“First of all, that’s hard when you have a memory as bad as mine; there are a lot of things I don’t know. Well, a lot of people know that I don’t like football; I make mention of that but what many people don’t know is that I use to captain my school football team. When I was 11 I use to play centre half and I was actually a Nott County FC sup-porter and use to go and watch them right back when I was a kid.”


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When you look back at your career choices, have they led you to

where you want to be today? If not, what are you doing to ensure

that you get a chance to live your best life? Sometimes it takes a

traumatic event to force you to reconsider where you are. Some-

times it just takes a few wrong words from your manager or spotting

the perfect job advert to make you realise that you are in the wrong

place and pursuing the wrong dreams. As we go through life, our

priorities and values continu-

ously undergo a shift and when

these become unaligned to what

we are doing, we feel bored,

un-stimulated and without di-

rection. At that point, we are so

disillusioned and lethargic that

we fail to see the beauty in the

world around us. That is when it

is time to focus anew on iden-

tifying your changed priorities

and developing new goals. The

starting point to finding your way

to your best life is to take stock

of where you are, what you have achieved, what matters to you and,

perhaps most crucially, what is no longer important to you. Being

able to ask – and answer – these tough questions will help you sift

out what matters and to make a plan that works for you. There is no

guarantee that you’ll get it right first time and you may have to keep

researching and re-writing your life plan until it feels right to you. Just

as in the Biblical parable of the talents when the master gave talents

to each of his servants, God has given all of us a unique set of skills

and aptitudes. The chances are that if you do not feel you are living

your best life, it’s because you are not developing and using these

wonderful gifts. Life can be more enriching, more fulfilling and more

beautiful if we put in the work to identify and use our talents in the

service of others, so that we can, like the good and faithful servants

in the parable, use our abilities to reap what we sow. The beauty

of God is present in our

lives and all around us and

we have been given the

opportunity to live talented

lives, constrained only by

the limits that we place

on ourselves. But we do

not have all the time in

the world to develop and

use our talents as none of

us knows what each new

year will bring.

The only certainty is that if

you are not living the life

you want and you choose

not to act, you will simply continue to dream about what

your best life could have been while it passes you by. To

paraphrase the late John Lennon, ‘life is what happens

while you are busy making no plans.’


Frances Mensah Williams is the Editor of ReConnect Africa ( and the author of ‘I Want to Work in… Africa: How to Move Your Career to the World’s Most Exciting Continent’ ( and ‘Everyday Heroes – Learning from the Careers of Successful Black Professionals’ (

Is this your Best Life?

Life can be beautiful if you choose to make it so by

using your God-given talents says Frances Mensah



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About Pastor Jancie

She has been the Pastor at the New Testament Church of God Roch-ester for over ten years. She is married and the mother of three chil-dren. Born and raised in the Midlands but now lives in London- where she did her studies Pastor Jancie now works in I.T at Southbank Uni-


Fun facts: She supports Liverpool FC, plays the keyboard and she loves sign language which she has done a course in; up to level 2.

I think it was the way I was raised, my parents were the same. We were taught that what you put out is what you receive and what your children will receive.

You’re described as a very loving woman, why do you think that is?

Sometimes we look for the big wow things but it can be the little things that can show that God really loves us, for example remind-ing us about something that would just make our days just that little bit smoother. God shows his love in so many different ways, yes in big ways too but I also appreciate the little things that he does in my life.

How is God’s love presented in our day to day lives?

When you have a personal tragedy it is very hard for you to show love but thankfully I was receiving it at the time.

What do you think about the beauty of God’s love?

God’s love is so immerse! The fact that even before I was born God had already shown me love and He had a plan to show love to the whole world (John 3:16) is the biggest demonstration of love (John 15:13). He is love and it blows my mind that despite my flaws he loves me as I am.

How and when do we apply love in relationships?

In relationships it’s about respect and recognising that we are all equal in God’s sight. As long as God is the head of the relationship everything should work out.

How has God kept your marriage in such a strong and unified way?

I and my husband will have been together for 25 years next year and we just started off as really good friends. We had a lot in common and it blossomed from there. What kept us together was prayer, the fact that we didn’t lose our friendship and of course the romance. We also tried our best to spend quality time together.

What’s so beautiful about Christian marriages and relationships?

Although vows are used in both Christian and non-Christian mar-riage ceremonies it is beautiful to actually invite God, the trinity, into the marriage (which is the only time you should have a third party in the marriage). When two individuals come together in all their differences God cements them together and because of God and being believers you will abide to the word. That means praying together and not letting the sun go down on your anger. God is that extra kind of glue that brings people together.

What is the most challenging thing you’ve had to overcome as a female minister?

Perceptions, I don’t look and behave how some people may believe a Pastor should so many already have prejudge-ments about how I may be. The best advice I had was from my mum and it was to be myself. So I didn’t find any difficul-ties in overcoming this. It was important for me to be myself and represent Christ. That’s my advice to anyone who wants to go into ministry, be you. As long as you’re true to yourself

Pastor Jancie JohnsonNTCG Rochester Church

When was the toughest time you had to showcase love to the Church?

As a Christian how and when do we apply God’s Love?All the time! God’s love doesn’t care about age, race or any of those things and as human beings we can tend to flock to people that we like but God wants us to show love to people whether we like them or not. It could just be a smile, a hello or just taking the time to talk to someone.


Honesty, Trust, Integrity and Transparency. You need to walk the walk, talk the talk and truly mean what you say. You can’t be one way on the outside and another way to an audience. All these qualities are impor-tant when being look at as a role model. People need to see the real you, even when you have highs and lows let people see what God has brought you through.

What qualities do you need to be a good role model?


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The word “love” today is used so lightly that it’s so easy to forget the meaning. I’m not talking about the love between couples, friends or even family, I’m talking about the love God has for us as the love that he has for us surpasses the love that we share amongst ourselves. We constantly hear sayings like “Jesus died because He loves us” or “God is love” but are we realising the significance of this love?

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

This particular scripture is one that most of us have probably been familiar with for a very long time and I find it to be a great expression of God’s love. Regardless of however many times we fall short of what God expects from us, He forgives us and His love remains patient and consistent as if we have never done wrong. “It always protects”, God is always looking out for us, He sends His angels to be with us daily and it’s out of the unconditional love He has for us that we are able to see each day.

God’s love is beyond measurable and we see this throughout the Bible. For instance, when God promised Abraham countless children, He used the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky as a metaphor. These are both things that we cannot count nor tally ourselves. His love for us is a love that will not ever hold back. His love is the full package; it gives everything. It is out of the love He has for us that He sacrificed his very own Son at the cross. The perfect eternal love of the triune God is evident in His only Son, who was sin free, whom bore all of our sins for us. This is unquantifiable, immeasurable love.

God’s love for us goes further than even time itself. It stretched all the way from forever, forward to the cross, and will continue into our eternal future. God’s love is everlasting, it is described as “steadfast” and “stable”. There is no greater love for you than this and God wants you to know that His love goes much deeper than our capacity to comprehend. It doesn’t change depending on how we feel about our-selves, how others feel about us, how much money we earn or how many followers we have on twitter; these things make no difference to the love that God has for us.

I just wanted to leave this message with the readers: No matter what trials and tribulations you endure or when you feel lost and alone, you can seek comfort in God’s love. Accept that you have sinned. Ask for forgiveness, for we are hu-man and experiences are lessons to be learned and the teachings of the Lord are those that can guide us through our struggles, as we are unconditionally loved.


written By : Johannah Wallace


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written By : ©Areatha Mogagabe

Sitting there waiting for the word to envelop us,

To reach out and touch,

Came here looking for an answer without a ques-tion,

Are we asking a little too much?

Just like the lost sheep that we are,

Waiting to be herded in,

The world is becoming a totally desperate place,

And so were trying to hide from all the sin.

Looking for a sanctuary,

A place where we feel we belong,

But yet there’s so much that were missing here,

Why does it feel a little wrong?

Have people got caught up with fakery?

Has deception infiltrated the church doors?

It shouldn’t be an issue for a true believer,

It’s not other people we came here for.

Although we share our space with others

We are here by and for the grace of God,

Not for peoples judgement or to judge them,

But because of our hope and faith in the Lord.

Into Gods House

Gods ArmyWe are shapen in iniquity,And born in sin,Yes that’s all of us people,Look at the mess we are in,As we all look around, and think of things that, have been done,Well don’t look to far, coz I’m talking to you son;And yes let’s not f o r g e t daughter,As we once stood in front of a congrega-tion,And had our old selves dipped in water.As we took a pledge to serve the lord Jesus Christ,And yes it’s hard, but try as we might,Coz, with his might, we can try,- To be as perfect as we can;Though, yes we are only human,But whose; man are we serving,The king of kings, who is so magnificently deserv-

ing.Who died on the cross and had nails in his hands and a crown of thorns on his head,So that we no longer have only condemnation,But can seek forgiveness instead,So that when we make our

mistakes, we can fall to our k n e e s , A n d cry out LORD JESUS CHRIST, I AM SORRY, I AM SO-RRY,But repent-ance is no fickle thing,

not a game of I’m saved so it’s ok,No we are held by our words, so talk in truth and mind what you say,We are soldiers in Gods army,So as we put our spiritual armour on,May our hearts be true and our minds right,And our lips be full of joyful song.

We are soldiers in Gods army


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With Valentine’s day first approaching and the ‘love’ theme being ever so present all around us we can’t help but think about what love means to us. Not just our family, spouses and friends but just the whole concept of love. For me I always look at and think about one of the greatest poems about love that I can think of (1 Corinthi-ans 13). It lets us know basically we could have the various things in life but if we don’t have love then we have nothing! Now for some of us such as myself that don’t have spouses or partners this may seem very scary as what is mainly put out there in the media and today’s world is that you need a significant other in order to feel love or to feel like somebody loves you. But there are different types of love and these can come from different types of people in your life. I can testify and tell you that the greatest love story for me is the one that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son for us (John 3:16), for you and for me!“He loved me first then Jesus loved me back” is a song lyric by Gospel Singer Michelle Jane. Now I had to listen to this a couple of times to actually get what she meant by this as I am not musi-cally gifted however this did not stop me from singing along. But when you actually look into the song and dissect what she is saying we will see that this is quite a powerful lyric. It’s basically saying that we have get a double portion of God’s love even before we start to accept and love Him back. He loves us first even before we are born, created in His image wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalms 139:14).Now there are many different stories out there that demon-strate different types of love. From romantic comedies to poetry or just watching an ad-vert. Nonetheless, if we look at the book of Ruth we see that although Ruth and Naomi were not blood related, Ruth refused to leave her mother-in-law and showed her love by staying with her just when she needed her the most. Also when she remarried she still did not forget her even though life was good for her. David and Jonathan also had a great relationship with each other, despite not being related. In fact their friendship was very close so close that when Jonathon’s father King Saul wanted to kill David Jonathan spoke so highly of David that at one point he caused him to change his mind (1 Samuel 19:1-7). After that, when he knew

his father’s intentions again he warned David and helped him. Jesus also calls us his friends and reminds us of what greater friendship than one who lays down his life for his friends (John 15:13-15). The concept that no matter what happens in our life; no mat-ter what we go through there is a Father in heaven that loves

us is hard for some of us to grasp. Especially when things are going wrong, or we never seem to get things right, or simply we are just alone when everybody else seems to be ‘loved up’, or their families seem to be perfect. However let me put it to you in this way, God loved us first; he created us; we are his workmanship

and then Jesus loved us right back when he went to that cross regardless of your situation, regardless of whether you are a Christian, regardless of your family background, regardless of your history. He did it just for all of us. Lastly the only way you will know God’s love for us, for you and for me is by building a relationship with Him. I can tell you about it and encourage you however God wants you to know for yourself. That is how you get to know a person and that is how you will get to know God’s love for us!

the only way you will know God’s love for us, for you and for me is by building a relationship

with Him.

Natalie Casey

God’sLove ForUs

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ohn 3:16 says, ‘For God so loved the world he gave his only son, that who-ever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life’. The Bible is

saying that God’s love is everlasting for-ever and that it is the most important to us as God’s love as it is the most powerful thing to exist.

In Proverbs it says, Love is patient, Love is kind. God’s love is something that will always remain eternal and everlasting as it should dwell in every action that you partake and whatever situation you may be. This verse is emphasising on how love should be presented in doing moral actions. God’s love was some-thing that not meant to be abused, so therefore show patience and kindness to others. This links to Jesus saying ‘Love thy neighbour’ as he says to act kindly to


The question that we should ask our-

selves is how God’s love to being put into action today? Due to the issues that are going on around the world, such as Is-lamic State or the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria, people abuse the use of God’s love in the actions seen by the world. The

beheading by ISIS and kidnappings by Boko Haram with radicalised individuals trying to justify their action is not spread-ing God’s love. It defies it.

Spreading God’s love around the world would be to giving to other when they most need help such as charity, both do-mestic and international, but also show-ing love to others such as praying for oth-ers who may be in need of prayer.

The love of God is simply ensuring how to preach the gospel across others who may not have the knowledge of God’s goodness when he blesses those who wait upon him.

Unwrapping the Beauty of God’s Love

written By : Shantel Cherebin



written By : Ella Alalade

Lets unwrap this unconditional love that means so much to GodFather your sweet definition of love is beautifully stated in 1 Corinthians 13 4-84 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.Heavenly Father,You open our hearts to the word presenting what love isYour love causes us to see your mercyA heart that is graceful and pureYou wash away our sins, taking away every single shameYou teach us how love simply worded in1 Peter 4:8‘And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.’We cry out to you and you humbly respond when we call out your nameYour love seizes darkness in our lives hiding us from harm You make us see things spiritually alerting us like an alarm

Your love is evident in us, our heart beats with your love You allow us to taste your goodness and feed on what is aboveYour love takes an extra mile, on a journey for us to bless mankind Nothing on this earth can separate us from the love of Godand not embracing this phrase ‘love is blind’1 John 4:8‘He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.Now we’ve unwrapped some of the beauty of God’s love and embrace our heartsFather please Lord keep us protected and never allow us to depart.Make your presence be within us and to dance in the lightShine on us with your word so your grace will be burning bright.Psalm 18:1I will love You, O LORD, my strength

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“Love’, according to The Beatles ‘is all you need’; whether it’s the unconditional love between a mother and her son, the platonic love between friends or the romantic adoration we all do crave - it really is all we need. But how do you love someone you cannot see, hear or even be sure to exist? 21-year-old student Jasmine Wing has kissed, and tells me about her relationship with the Almighty. Jasmine moved from Cambridgeshire to East London in September 2012 to study Journalism. After almost a year of studying and exploring the wide new world, she settled into a relationship- but not

as you and i may imagine. She found God and, as she tells me, He found her. During the time I’ve known her I’ve seen that, despite adversity her faith never waivers, even on the mean streets of East London. Wanting a better understanding of her faith, I asked her to describe the nature of her relationship with God, she told me:‘He is my creator. I like to think of it like the story of Frankenstein: he created something he intended to be amazing. The doctor loved his project of making this creature - but Frankenstein actually turned out to be a monster, because he did not know his creator; he was lost. Without the knowledge of the creator, you are lost - that is how Christians would describe non-believers.’

Despite likening atheists to monsters, Jasmine’s analogy is an interesting one; but she goes on to tell me more about the relationship with her creator:

‘Just like a father; I talk to him, I share everything with him but i still want to know more about him. He knows everything there is to know about me but i still don’t know him. That’s why i go to Church, to study the word’.

‘So’ I started, ‘would you liken God’s love to that you’d receive from your father?’

‘Although we call him ‘father’ he has so many roles! He protects and comforts you like a father would, but he gives you the strength you may expect from a friend and gives you the guidance you may expect from a teacher or leader.’

I consider myself to be Agnostic; that is to say I neither believe, nor disbelieve in God, I just haven’t come to a conclusion yet. Jasmine has however, so I asked her if it is easy it is to dedi-cate oneself to one’s God:

‘No, it’s not easy because our flesh wants the opposite of what your spirit wants. Paul the Apostle speaks of how our spirit and our flesh are at war with one another. I think people underestimate the journey that i am on because it is like training your body not to do all the things it wants to do. People ask me ‘why don’t you drink’ - it’s because I don’t want to lose the control I have over my body.

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‘No, it’s not easy because our flesh wants the opposite of what your spirit wants. Paul the Apostle speaks of how our spirit and our flesh are at war with one another. I think people underestimate the journey that i am on because it is like training your body not to do all the things it wants to do. People ask me ‘why don’t you drink’ - it’s because I don’t want to lose the control I have over my body.

I have always considered her to be a very strong and independent young woman, always with something to say and is more than willing to stand up and defend her rights as a woman and as a human being. So it surprised me to hear what she said next:

‘When God found me, I was not in the state I’m in now. I suffered really badly with anxiety and depression in my first year of university. Without Him, I would not be in the state I’m in now.’

I then asked if she takes credit for her strength, to which she responded:

‘The pride in me is screaming to say yes- we all want to take credit for our best features but no, I can’t.’










What I find most fascinating about Jasmine is that at the age of 19 when many girls are drinking, sleeping around and, in some instances, becoming mothers: she did the opposite. Instead of letting her inhibitions run wild, instead of abusing the newfound lack of supervision, she sought out the supervision of an all-seeing entity. One that would judge her only by her sins: ‘ have to constantly be diligent in your efforts to do what God would want you to do, to glorify him. It’s much easier to talk about not committing a sin than it is to not actually sin. There are times i feel guilty, be-cause I sin or even think about sinning - but it is so easy to look at someone and think ‘he’s fit’ without realising you’ve just had lustful thoughts and have thereby sinned.’ Studying journalism I thought, could at times contradict her system of belief, with journalists being perceived as devious and uncaring.

written By : Tom Strudwick

‘I actually think my relationship with God has helped my studies- he has given me incredible wisdom and strength to keep going. After a while, your mind gets tired, but God helped me to fight through it and keep going. But my faith HAS been affected by the worldliness of the course, at times forcing me to put my faith aside. I believe that this is what God wants me to

do- not for myself but for his Glory.’

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1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “(4) Love is Patient, Love is Kind; Love does envy,

Love does not boast; Love is not arrogant, (5) Love is not rude. Love

does not insist on its own way; Love is not irritable or resentful, (6)

Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth, (7)

Love bears all things, Love believes all things, Love hopes all things,

Love endures all things, (8) Love never ends.

If I may ask, what is love to you? Do you live your life in doubt?

Thinking that God may have second thoughts about you? Or is pride

getting in the way? Sometimes in life, you have flashbacks of certain

things you did in the past that you know displeased God. Maybe you

are struggling with it at this present moment. It can be hard to accept

God’s forgiveness, so you isolate yourself from others and wallow in

self-pity. But did you know that before you think of doing something

that is totally against God, His love is still available to you and is ever

ready to lift you up and wrap you in His arms?

I know you may not feel the greatest right now. You may have tried to cover up your tracks; maybe you have tried to find love in the wrong places. Remember, God’s beauty soothes our busy and anxious hearts. It is very easy to get trapped into those types of situations and temptations, only ending up feeling even more isolated than you initially

were. In today’s society, so many women are trying to ‘find love’ online, clubbing and other social events, not realising that they are all uniquely valued and PRECIOUS in the eyes of the Lord. In John 3:16 it says “For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”. What does this powerful scrip-ture mean to you? Is it something that you learn a few Sundays and forget about it for the rest of the week? It speaks volumes to me in the sense that his love is revealed through His Son Jesus Christ. Because of God, Christ humbled himself to come down from Heaven and take our place on the Cross. The humiliation, the whippings, the mockings; God did not allow you to endure through any of that because of His love towards you and I.

From start to finish, in all kinds of ways, God’s Word encourages and challenges us to love other people. God desires us to love everyone around us, not just enjoy His love only. It is the exam-ple Jesus set for us throughout His life and ministry on Earth.Let me tell you something, the love that a man may try to offer you; whether it’s money, pleasure, or materialistic things cannot be compared to the depth of love God has for you. Because a man can judge you in a minute, but God will forgive you in a second! There is a difference. Man = Unfulfilled promises, God = Fulfilled promises. Do not get yourself caught up in the word’s definition of love that you miss the opportunity of experiencing the beauty of God’s true love towards you. Your flaws, your past mistakes, your embarrassing moments, your painful situations all have a purpose. There is purpose in your pain. God can step in

and show you His mercy because of the love He has for you. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks to the heart. Isn’t it a good feeling knowing that no matter what has happened, there is someone who is bigger than all your prob-lems, constantly looking over you day and night, ensuring that you are safe, through His love. There is no better love than this!

I am sure you are aware of Valentine’s Day approaching next week Saturday? Have you got anything planned? If not, why not use that day to spend quality time with your Heavenly Father, and really get to know who He is, to have a humble heart and to thank Him for all He has done for you; to express your love and gratitude towards Him? Yes you may feel left out because you don’t have a partner, but it is vital to remember that before any man can ac-cept a woman, He should first of all seek God for His permission.

This is God Himself clearly expressing His love to you. The beau-ty of God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL! It is not based on perfor-mance; it isn’t based on how well you pray or how intimate you are with Him. He loves us all, and that is something to be happy about. Yeah, sure you may not have been loved enough by your mother; your father may have mistreated you, your siblings may have hurt you, even your friends or lover may have left you, but it does not mean that you should give up on loving God and loving others. God’s love is shown through other people too, so have that in mind!

To my knowledge, waking up every morning is the evidence of

written By : Esther Jacob


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the beauty of God’s love. It’s the fact that I can wake up, brush my own teeth, take my own bath, put on my own clothes, do my make-up and hair, leave my house every day and come home safely. That is enough proof that my God loves me. Some of us may not have the strength to wake up strong, but for those that do; you have every right to thank Him. Nobody had to come into your room to wake you up, it was only by His Grace, His undeserved fa-vour, His unconditional love.

Some of us may not even real-ise the love that God gives us every blessed day. LIFE itself is a gift that no man can give. It is something that should not be taken for granted. The beauty of God’s love is ex-pressed all around the world. Yes we hear so many sad stories of people losing their lives, Christians being killed because of their belief, peo-ple losing jobs due to redun-dancies, not being able to have children. Yes these

are all painful situations which only last for a sea-son, but Gods love still ex-ists despite these problems. It can be tempting to blame God and question why He did not show up when all hell is breaking loose. The pain of crying to a God who you ‘assume’ isn’t listening to you can be dangerous, because your feelings can push you to question the Almighty, which is not respectful towards Him. Notwithstanding that God isn’t listening, but your Faith might be weak which there-fore delays your prayers be-ing answered. Remember, without Faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

We must realise that God constantly lavishes His love on us, not because we have achieved any great status or we are the most efficient or ef-fective in the world. He loves us because we are His chil-dren, adopted into His family through Faith in Christ. The

Bible says He is Faithful to keep His covenant of non-stop love toward us. This is the true beauty of God’s love. The love that God wants to have with you is through having personal intimacy (a relationship). God desires to hear from you. He wants you to openly express your heart out to Him. Although He knows the beginning to the end, He still wants you to tell Him your problems. It does not surprise Him what you may be facing right now. He just wants you to be at rest and assured of His love towards you. For He knows the plans that He has for you, plans to pros-per you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future; (Jeremiah 29:11).

If you are struggling to under-stand the depth of Gods love, see 1 John 4:8 which states that “Whoever does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE”. He never gives up on us, so choose to live with the same attitude.Believe in the power of Love to change and transform you into a better person. God’s love will never give up on you. Even when you are trying your best to change, His love is al-ways available because He is

Hebrews 11:6Jeremiah 29:11

Let this be a reminder to you every day that God’s love is long-lasting; it will never fade away, it will never run dry, it will never give up. This is indeed the beauty of God’s Love. So today, let God into your heart and experience the love He has for you. It will not disappoint!

When you feel unloved or think you are unloved. Know that al-mighty God loves you. God is a God of love. Leah was not Jacob’s choice of marriage, so she was unloved by Jacob. But God still loves her. Yes she wasn’t sup-posed to be with Jacob, but God still loves her. God didn’t love her less because she wasn’t loved by the descendant of Abraham (Ja-cob). God still loves you when you are not loved by people who are supposed to love you or people who you feel are important to you. No matter where you’ve got your-self to God still loves you. When you look at how specially designed God has created you, understand that you are loved. God created you but gave you control over yourself. He cares about every part of you, every tear that you shed; he wants to do something about it. God doesn’t want to throw a pity party with you. He wants to help you leave the pity party and throw a loving party for you. No matter what state you may be in right now almighty God loves you.

The bible says when the Lord saw that Leah was un-loved, He opened her womb. God doesn’t just see what you are going through and turn a blind eye. Just like Leah He has seen when you are unloved and wants you to know that He loves you and will do something about your situation.


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ev Grandison was born in London England; he is an ordained Bishop and Senior Pastor for the Chrisma Christian Centre, New Testament Church of God in Woolwich along with his wife, Sonia who heads up the Praise & Worship and Women’s ministry, their daughter Samara and son Zephan.

As pastor at Chrisma since December 2003, he has seen The Holy Spirit’s power at work in the ministry bringing healing to God’s people and the membership growing numerically and spiritually. The ministry is blessed to have a strong line up of anointed committed and capable men and women from diverse cultures, who are at the heart of driving forward the vision.

He and the team at Chrisma are passionate about reaching the community through their monthly feeding programme. He also has a heart to raise up likeminded leaders through Chrisma’s 7 month Mentor Leadership Programme (MLP).

Bishop Grandison serves as a member of the National Executive


R1. As a Pastor, you are constantly

showing love to your brethren, when would you say was the toughest time you had to showcase your love to the people of your church?Well if you know the folks at Chrisma, you’ll realise that loving them isn’t dif-ficult at all. Just watching the brethren love each other makes you just “wan-na” join in. But honestly there have been times when loving certain types of people has been difficult. One would think that loving those who hurt you would be the most difficult to love but this couldn’t be further from the truth. My difficulty is loving those who seek to be divisive, sow discord with the ulti-mate aim of breaking up the fellowship and bringing harm to the body. In these instances it is more important to me to confront and expel than to cover it up with a “faux fellowship”

2. You are described as a very passionate man of God, why would you say that is?

Lol, I guess people would say I remind them of Jeremiah the weeping prophet. I love peo-ple, plain and simple. I find myself broken by the brokenness of others. For me there are no half measures it’s all or nothing. I’m pas-sionate about people being all they can be through the Holy Spirit

3.The theme is “The beauty of God’s love” what’s your perception on the theme?

It’s great theme. The beauty about God’s love is that it loves despite the ugly messy difficult situations and in the end brings beauty. It was the beauty of God’s love that brought us back and keeps us joined to each other.

Rev Grandisonwith


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Tell us something about yourself that nobody else


f I told you my “one thing” that nobody else knows about me, I wouldn’t have any more secretsI

9.What qualities do you think you must in-corporate to be a good role model?

In no particular order, The first quality that comes to mind is authenticity. Being yourself is crucial to leading people. Secondly integ-rity, people must be able to trust who you are and what you say. Thirdly I’d say you must have courage, without it, you’re not able to stand up for what you believe and say.

5.As a Christian when do we apply God’s love? And when do we apply

Love to those in relationships with?A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. (Proverbs 71:71 NIV). We should always be motivat-ed by love because never fails.

8. Not only are you a Pastor, but you are also considered and seen as a role model for young men out there, aspiring

to do the work of God within his Kingdom, what has been the most challenging things you’ve had to overcome being minis-ter?

To be quite honest I’m still overcoming, every day presents a new challenge. Pride and power are the two big ones

I’ve had to constantly deal with, learning to be selfless, not thinking less of myself but thinking of myself less. Alongside these two I’ve also had to deal with my own insecurities and self esteem issues. What can I say, I’m a work in progress.

7. What is so beautiful about a Christian mar-riage? Two individuals that both love God and

live in a way to pleasing in the sight of the lord.Well I think you just answered your own question; two people in love, pleasing God. It’s always encourag-ing to know that the person you’ve chosen to sub-mit to and trust, is also submitted to your Heavenly Father God and trusts in Him. 2 Cor 6:14,15 warns against unequally yoking ourselves to those who don’t believe and the importance of agreement. In my own marriage we’ve experienced times when we disagree but in essence we still agree by virtue of

our faith and love for God.

4.How is God’s love presented in our day to day life?

My absolute favourite phrase is: “It is pos-sible to give without loving but it is impos-sible to love without giving” Love moves us to demonstrations of sincere kindness. It is what moves us towards meaningful ministry.

6.) How has God’s love kept your marriage together in such a strong and unified way?

Where do I start. The fact that I’m married to most beauti-ful and gifted woman on the planet does go a long way

lol. However love has made it possible to always overlook the hurt feelings and get past the difficult patches. The sacrifices that we’ve made for each other and our two children Samara and Zephan have also been possible because of the uncon-ditional unselfish love of God



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Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015 is a highly antici-pated pageant competition, which this year has earned itself real credit and recognition. It’s organisers and planning team have really gone that extra mile to promote the show and help gain the acknowledgment it truly needs.

I was fortunate enough to bring a few of my edi-torial and design team down to one of their re-hearsals and having seen the effort and dedica-tion from the candidates, I can see that there is going to be stiff competition on the night. The candidates are all extremely talented and have their own special gifts and to me there isn’t that one clear winner that a majority of these talent shows normally have.

Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015



Miss Sierra Leone

This article showcases the good work NUSL are doing for the community of Sierra Leonians. The event allows young aspiring successful women to showcase their talents and help make improvements for their country. As a fashion and culture page this article is set to make all viewers aware of the good work young people within society are doing to enhance the lives of those in Sierra Leone.


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We managed to ask the contestants what was their perception of God’s love, and Yazmin Karim answered “the beauty of

God’s love is that he loves you no matter what; you could struggle but as long as you are strong and believe in God, nothing else


What is brilliant to see is that a group of young Sierra Leonians have come together as one and decided to put on a show that will of course entertain all at-

tendees. The contestants also play a huge role in the hype of the show. I believe that their skills, talents, attributes and desire to make the show work is what will

inevitably allow the show to reach its full potential because of the way that they are desperate to succeed and extremely engaged in the work that they are doing. They

are doing this to better themselves but most importantly better the country that they are from. This is such a delight to see and I am extremely proud to see such positive

minded Sierra Leonians.

On the night of the actually pageant show there will be guest appearances from well known Sierra Leonians; music; guest artists; guest speakers and of course the acts them-

selves showcasing why they should be Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015.

There are 11 contestants this year all aged 18-24 and they are all talented, passionate and hardworking individuals. The 11 contestants consist of: Fatmata Kabia, Elizabeth Hanson,

Martha Kumba Foyoh, Rosetta Kanu, Simche Williams, Yazmin Karim, Fashwa Luke, Feima Ndoeka, Kade Kamara, Muna Kamara and Marjorie Kargbo. Amongst them are singers, danc-

ers, entrepreneurs, university graduates, students and most of all inspiring young women show-casing positivity within our community.

As a whole, there is a positive vibe within the Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015 camp. As the show edges even closer, candidates are going through the realisation that it could be actually them wearing that crown on the night and having the responsibility of repre-senting their country on a international level. I believe the standards have been met by the Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015 team and that what they are producing is certainly the first of many great things to come – cliché as it may sound, but after seeing the good work behind the scenes I’m expecting big things.

I must say at first my impressions on the show were a little halted because I didn’t know what to expect and had no idea of what was going to happen in the show. Nonethe-less after seeing such hard work and dedica-tion by both the contestants and organisers I feel that the show is going to be a huge success.

Whilst interviewing the candidates the ques-tion “Who thinks they have what it takes to be Miss Sierra Leone UK 2015? “ was asked and believe it or not all candidates believed they had the credentials of being the winner on the night – we shall see.



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Event: Surgery

Guest Speaker: Jeronne RudderWhen: Friday 20th March 2015

Address: Gateway Christ Church263 Barry Road

Time: 7:30 Start


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Event: Surgery

Guest Speaker: Jeronne RudderWhen: Friday 20th March 2015

Address: Gateway Christ Church263 Barry Road

Time: 7:30 Start





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